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CAM #1 Images
Hi-Res: StarDestroyer, Robot Arm, Kodak, Jinx.
Low-res:  Gorilla, PencilGraph, Ninja, Porsche, Tiga, raytrace, Yoda,
Medium Res: Saber
HAM: Checker, Glass Orbs, Wood Machine, Room, Face.

CAM #2 Utilités Diverses
C-Squared, Triclops, MandFXP, Cosmo, Star10, Klock, MenuEd, Psound,
Oing, Sproing!, YaBoing, Zoing, Zoomlens, Sizzlers.

CAM #3 Utilités Diverses
Rubik, StarTerm 3.0, DosPlus, Dazzle, DirUtil, PopCLI, DPSlide,

CAM #4 Utilite graphiques
MacPaint Viewer, ST-v-Amiga anim, Star anim, DPaintX - source, VAX -

CAM #5 Images
Middle-ages CAM tribute.

CAM #6 Utilite graphiques
APaint - a paint package written in AmigaBasic.  Source included.

CAM #7 Utilite diverses
DiskMapper, MCat, SetTime, Temacs, vt100, xicon, Reboot, SetFont 2.0,
AMCat, HamEditor, RsIClock, Xlisp, Cle, See, Browser, a-copier,
RunBack, DiskCat, Lace, Amt1.

CAM #8 Fontes, Utilite diverses
Fonts:  comodore, def, frby, gene.  <misc> apple, bold, computer, lcd,
mystyle, roring20, russiian, script, solid, square, western <silly>
chewy, pitviper, snake <old> arab, drelbs, dungeon, necroman <future>
ab, ab2, crystal, eagleday, fort, nhawk, platinum, rca, riversnd,
spectre.  All from an Atari 800 machine.
Utils:  MouseClock, Echo, Gadget_Editor, 3dStars, raw2ilbm,
Colour_Bars, Popcolours.
Games:  Reversi, 3dbreakout, Clue

CAM #9 Images, Animations
Images:  Anenomae 3, Breakthrough 2, Cubola 2, Geoscape, Landscape 2,
         Reflecting Balls.
Aegis Animations:  Juggler, Rain.

CAM #10 Jeux AmigaBasic
Klondike, Canfield, Millebornes, Othello, Monopoly, Backgammon,

CAM #11 Utilités diverses
Video:  TimeCodeWindow, EditDecisionListProcessor,
VDraw.  IFF encode/decode sources.  ToolWrapper.  WBRun.  Mondrian.
Node Driver.  Tree.  Documentation for commands.

CAM #12 Images Classiques
Renoir:  Etude, The Ball, Girl&Cat, Sleeping, Dancer.
Caillebotte: Soldier, Sculls, Paris St.
Cezanne: Head, DanceClass, StillLife.
Seurat: Sunday, Ship.
Monet: TrainStation, Luncheon, Sunflowers, Promenade.
Signac: Windmill.
Cassat: Children.
Degas: Cabaret.
Zandomeneg: Portrait.
Manet: The Railroad.

CAM #13 Utilités de Programmation
BitCalc <Programmer's calculator>, FishDemo <animation> with source,
MacPaint viewer, Asm68k assembler, BLITZ text viewer, NewZAP
file/sector editor, ST Emulator, TEK 4010 emulator

CAM #14 Demonstrations commerciales
Marble Madness demo, Instant Music demo.

CAM #15 Utiltés diverses
FScape Plus <Fractal landscape generator>, Tracer <example of a simple
raytracer>, Missile, StoneAge, StarChart

CAM#16 Demonstrations commerciales
Bard's Tale demo, C A O 3d.

CAM #17a&b Audio
Don't Lose Your Head.

CAM #18 Utilités de Programmation
SmallTalk parser. Unix port - Sources and examples included.

CAM #19 Utilite diverses
ATerm, City Desk demo, Ing!, PANL midi patcher, MakeSounds, IconMaker,
FilePrint, AmigaMonitor, RSLClock, FileMap, Video frametime counter.

CAM #20 Images
Avion, Mirror, Femme, Football, FractalMountain, Marble, PH.rouge,
Planets & Destroyers, Toucan, Vogue.

CAM #21 Utilite diverses
3d wireframe object editor, Robot Arm, VT100 emulator <v2.4>, MandFX-P
3.0 demo, Calender, Frac, DBW_Render tracing package.

CAM #22 Utilite Domestiques
Demonstration of TVText - a titling package.

CAM #23 Jeux
Shanghai game, Sierra Space Quest 1, First Steps

CAM #24 Utilite diverses et domestiques
Video:  Edit Decision List Processor, Timecode Continuity Tester,
Timecode window display, Video pattern generator.
Life 3d v1.1, Bouncer, DropShadow <screen hack>, HandShake <terminal
emulator>, NewZap <disk/file editor>, Perfect Sound sample editor,
TimeTeller, DX Voice Filer.

CAM #25 Programmes AmigaBasic
Amiga Calender <database>, Cribbage, 136Colours, Artillery, Address!,
Blackjack, Chain Reaction, FlightSim, GoMoku, HyperTyper, Lander, Laser
Strike, Money, Quadri, Slot, Spell-It, StateCaps, Synthesizer,
Tic-Tac-Toe, try3d, VSide, WorldMap.

CAM #26 Utilite diverses
Screen hacks:  Melt, Ping, Robotroff, Tilt.
X-Spell, C-Mark, HP10C <Hewlett-Packard emulator>, MCAD <drawing
program>, LOGO <turtle language>, UEdit 2.0, BlitzFonts, Flipper
<Reversi clone>, DirUtil v2.4, CubeRote.

CAM #27 Images
Brassai, Dunes, Monument-Valley, Moonrise over Hernandez, Mormon
temple, Trembles, Yosemite.  Also, Japanesque stills.

CAM #28 Jeux et utilites diverses
Larn 12.00, AmiGazer, Stone_Age, Insanity_Flight_Demo.

CAM #29 Utilite diverses
AmiBUG <monitor / disassembler>, BlitLab 1.1 <blitter editor>, Era
<date/time utility>, XPLOR <Execbase disgnostics>, Free <device usage>,
Icontype, JOBS <quick cli commands>, Lightning Logger <disk
cataloguer>, MouseOff, Mouse, MoonMouse <input monitors/hacks>,
PrinterDriverGenerator, StructureBrowser, UtiliDir, VSprites.

CAM #30 Utilite diverses
DME <editor>, DTERM <vt100 emulation>, FilterPic <image processor>,
Flip <screen hack>, Hockey <card game>, Life3d v1.2, Ogre <combat game,
Unix port>, Magic PersonalDatamanager, Marauder <screen hack>, ROT <3d
editor>, Sizzlers <eye-candy>.

CAM #31 Images
Avion, CD-I, Chat, Douroucouli, Fonderie, Harlequin, Hibou, Newave1,
Perroquet, Poisson, Spock.

CAM #32 Langages
Draco - a ready-to-go systems programming language, loosely based on C
and Pascal, available for CP/M and Amiga.  Includes examples, header &
link libraries, full programming editor, and more.

CAM #33 Icones
Huge icon collection, of over 300 images.  Text, programs, games,
graphics - all are here.

CAM #34 Images
Africa, Calao, Gibbon, Newave 2, Newave 3, Poisson 4, SDI, Splash!,

CAM #35 Animation
"Diversion Island Video Presents", "The 4th".  Aegis player & scripts -
AegisAni, Arazok, Truckin'.

CAM #36 Programmes AmigaBasic
Blackjack, Piano

CAM #37 Utilite diverses
AutoPoint <mouse utility>, ChangeZZ <busy pointer replacement>, Claz
2.0 <IFF to postscript output>, ConMan 0.98b <console replacement>,
DU2.1 <directory util>, Empire <simulation game>, FileReq
<filerequester>, FuncKey <keymap editor>, IFFGif, ShowGIF, Slideshow,
UEdit 2.2 <editor>, WBLace.

CAM #38 Utilite diverses
AMIC PD Term, BCubic <3d surfaces>, Bezier, DiskX <low-level trackdisk
monitor>, DropShadow, DU-VI <Directoru util>, FileRequesterDemo,
HardCopy, LPem <screen hack>, MacGag <screenhack>, MeltILBM <viewer>,
NGI 1.2 <gfx utility>, Behrens' Puzzle <game>, SC <terrain generator>,
ShortCut <CLI util>, SiliCON <CLI enhancer>, UShow <viewer>.

CAM #39 Images
Attack, Bilbo, Bilbo2, Caught, Crash, Crystal, Ferry, Garion, Goblin,
Pharoh, Pirate, Sherpa, Smaug, Smaug2, Sportster, Starship, Trolls,
Venture, Warlock, Wizard.

CAM #40 Utilite diverses
AmigaUtil 0.98 <dir util>, Calendar, CygnusEd 1.1 Demo, Cube3D, Cycles
<Tron clone>, DirMaster <disk cataloger>, Garden, HAMPoly, Keylock
<password protection>, Loans, MazeMan <game>, Munching Squares 2,
Rocky, Snap, Target <hack>, Viacom <screen hack>, TURF, WbDualPf.

CAM #41 Musique
Sonix scores:
Asia, Backfight-GCC, Catch Him, Chor, Drp., Earth, Easy, Golem, Heavy
on the Woodway, High Frequence, Like a Bird, Lost in Space, Mixture,
No-one to help, Nothing, Sphere, Stay home, Strings, The sign of the
Death, Theme from Amiga, Time ago, Tonight, Trance, True, Very
Interesting, Welcome, Wolf of desert, Wonderful Smiling.

CAM #42 Utilités de Programmation
A68k assembler, Cross-assembler, DropShadow_Sources, Era 1.5
<date/time/calender util>, GOMF <error handler>, PopCLI 3
<screenblanker & hotcli>, PrinterDriverGenerator 2.3

CAM #43 Utilite diverses et Animations
Spinner!  <demo>, ShowAnim and VideoScape animations:  Hot Air, Red
Baron.  Juggy, MakeText, IFFDump, Mandala, TPag.

CAM #44 Animations
TBAG 3d, Sigraph, World, Peanuts 1,2,3.

CAM #45 Animations
El Gato, Marylin, Pyramide, Camera, Sunglass.

CAM #46 Utilite graphiques
ARender - an unrestricted shareware Raytraching package with full
documentation and example files.

CAM #47 Jeux
Bandit <slot machine simulator>, Hanoi <Tower of Hanoi solver>, Lens
<screen magnifyer>, Maze, Mercenaire, Peg-It <Mastermind clone>, Sand
<screen hack>, Simon Says <memory game>, SpiroDraw, WBLander.

CAM #48 Musique
Deluxe Music Construction Set music files:
Opus 68, Hungarian Dance 5, Bach, Pathetique, Pictures Exhibition,
Scheherazade, Big Elephant Walk, Toccata, Minute Waltz, Brahms, Tocatta
& Fugue, Alleluia, Allegret, Invention 14, Fugue C Major, Minuet,
Prelude E flat, Bolero, Overture, Pachelbel, Chopin, Gigue E flat, Bach
Cantate 2, Gigue Fugue.
Plus, LSIN - DMCS file information.

CAM #49 Utilite diverses
3d-Plot, DEMOlition <screen hack>, ColourCube, RtCubes, PointerOff,
Joke, SkyChase, MandelVroom <fractal generator>, 3dwee, CB, Lacer,
ATV3d <terrain generator>, Fractals, Fractal, Shiva <Life clone>, CAMM
<Computer-aided molecular modelling, with examples>, ACalc, RainBench
<screen hack>.
Eye-candy:  Kaleidoscop, Nart, Dazzle, NewDazzle, Blobs, Flux

CAM #50 Images
Crystal Space, E-Space, Moebius Guru, Jedi Scene, Lion, Macgirl,
Marais, Meistro, Noid, Ondine, Regard, Rocker, Still Life, Trinity.

CAM #51 Utilite diverses
AMIC, Mcad_v1.2.5, MED, Showprint_II

CAM #52 Images
16 Hand Draw pictures:  Amazingcover, Apple.pic, Balconys.pic,
Bathroom.pic, Bear, Bedroom.pic, City.pic, Crash, Ear, Face1.pic,
Fantasia, News3, Preview, Probe, Studio.pic, Walker.

CAM #53 Utilite diverses
Blur, DirUtil Deluxe, Egraph, Esuom, HackBench, Help, Hyperbase,
PlaceWindow, Purty, Sample, Scat!, Scrub, Strobe, WarpText, Wave!

CAM #54 Animations

CAM #55 Images
13 Mathematically generated pictures:  Arrow, Beach, Hermes3, Jewels,
Madonna, Mcontour, Opening, Pebbles, Rock, Violin, Vitrescence,
Volcano, Warped, Water.

CAM #56 Utilite diverses
Access!, Chess_Clock, Clirun, Four, Gauge, Icon+ed, Kalah, Labeler,
Mach, MandelVroom, Newzap, ScreenShift, Sec, SimpAnim, Talker, TTT

CAM #57 Animations
Berserk, Goes, Lmv

CAM #58 Programmes AmigaBasic
3D, Almazar, A-Maze, Amortize, Checkers, Classics, Collage, CrissCross,
Enigma, Equation, Fractalmountain, Grids, IFFtoPAT, LabelPrint,
LurkleyManor, MailTalk, MasterMind, MathGraphic, Pyramid, Solitare,
Space, Stars, StarTrek, WallPaper, Wheel of Fortune

CAM #59 Animations
Balls, Merlin3D, Spinner2

CAM #60 Animations
Chip, Head, Lander, Scher4

CAM #61 Images
12 Hand Draw pictures:  AmigaWorld, Baldeagle, DiskGlass, Greenslade,
Jimmy, Legends, Match, Model, Modes, Myray.ilbm, Strawberry,

CAM #62 Utilite Domestiques
MFF_demo, ProWrite_demo, Scheme

CAM #63 Utilite Domestiques
FontAssign, GraphicDump, Lions20, PostScript

CAM #64 Utilite diverses
3d_Obj_Ed, All4096, AmigaPlot, AmiGazer, Antialias, AudioMaster, DGCS,
DiskMan, J-Clock, LineDrawer, MSE

CAM #65 Animations
Marble.anim, MultiScope, Spindle

CAM #66 Utilite diverses
Arp, Filetype, Finish, MidiDev, MidiUtil, No_KlickStart, Overscan,
SumKick, TCB, Ttasks, Zterm

CAM #67 Utilite diverses
Access, Ani_Pointers, Car, Control, Drw, Snipit, SpriteMasterII,
Wizard, Wordwright

CAM #68 Images
13 misc pictures:  ATAT, Dragon, Ducklings, Ferrari, ImLate, Jackson,
Jumbodog, Liquid_Light, Photo_2, Photo_4, Terra-Firma, Torso1.pic,

CAM #69 Animations
f-15, kahnankas, rocker

CAM #70 Utilités diverses
fix, Spiral, Squeek, Synthia Demo, Tracker, ud

CAM #71 Jeux
checkers, FlySnuffer, Gypsy, hockey, Lissajoo.BAS

CAM #72 Animations
Bflight, HBHill, StarRun

CAM #73 Utilités diverses
Arp, cd0, CommandRequester, FileIO, postprint, pw2demo, XText

CAM #74 Utilités diverses
AssignDevice, Com_Exchange, CShell, DirMastr, Exec, MonIDCMP,
SPOOL-QUE, SpTil, VCheck1.0, WindowKeys

CAM #75 Animations
Nemesis, TheCity

CAM #76 Animations
Marketroid, Ssachiko2, Trex.SPACE

CAM #77 Langages
Assembler, Logo, Postscript

CAM #78 Images
7 Fantasy pics:  Blue_dragon, Defender_Ad, Dragons_hoard, Hatchling,
Lord_and_lady, Pisces, Raise_devil.

CAM #79 Utilités diverses
2balls, AMOEBA, ArkDemo, Gravity, Moose, movie, orbits, SpiroGraph

CAM #80 Utilités diverses
Access_jr!, AMIC, BrushIcon, Icon2Brush, iconize, MFFimport, NAG, Pak,
QuickFlix, recolor, RSLClock14, UG, UtilMaster

CAM #81 Animations

CAM #82 Images photographiques
17 Ham lo-res Digital pictures:  JungleFever, Natassia, NeWave10,
NeWave11, NeWave12, NeWave13, NeWave14, NeWave15, NeWave16, NeWave17,
NeWave18, NeWave19, NeWave20, NeWave21, NeWave22, Pierrot1, Pierrot2.

CAM #83 Utilités Diverses
HandShake, IFFmirrors, Keep, MasterWeave, morse, PrefChange, QDC, twm,
Walk, wb1, wb8

CAM #84a&b Animations
roll, rotamigaCAM

#85 Utilités Diverses
Bankn, Lit, sec, UEdit

CAM #86a&b Newtek DemoReel 1

CAM #87 Animations & Musique
Flyby, Machine, Thriller

CAM #88 Animations
Birds, Faug, Movie

CAM #89 Langages
Icon, Prolog, XLisp_2.0

CAM #90 Utilités Diverses
Amicron, DiskWipe, DME_v1.28, EHBarGph, keep_v1.1, Mach1.2, pmate, QB,
rwkwik, vcheck1.2, virusoff, VisiCalc, WCat, YourMoney

CAM #91 Images Ray tracing
10 ray trace pics:  AmiApple, CrystalBall, EmeraldCity, Rings, runner,
SPIDR2, swinger2, thinker, uni, WHIM.

CAM #92 Utilités Diverses
68KDis, ASDG, Bob_to_C, Click, ColorFull, CP\M, JayCalc, Make, pkax,

CAM #93 Utilités Graphiques
C-Light, Chaos, MandelZoom, Hilbert, Video

CAM #94 Jeux
Daleks, Grav.095, Interceptor Demo, SB, ZZZ

CAM #95 Animations
7 Aegis Animator Animations:  Ballet, Dream2, Finger, Infinite,
Shuttle, SnapShot, Soccer.

CAM #96 Images
21 misc pictures:
aero2, Airbrush.HAM, Auburn33.pic, baby.1, bluep.iff, cottage, desert2,
fantasy_rider, flpjksofa, garden, lookout, master, mouse, pic9, quest,
Roland, script, SexyRobot, SPY-III, The.Dragon, Virus.pic.

CAM #97 Jeux
APONG, clouds.run, FreeIcon, fspots, InvaderCraft, leach, vac

CAM #98 Télécommunication
Access_.28, CoComm_4.0, EMIT, HandShake_1.60, postb.c, quickb.c,

CAM #99 Images
15 animals digitized pictures:
coccinelle,Fennec2, Gorille, grenouille, grenouille2, iiwi, lions,
Masai_bird, papillon1, papillon2, singe1, singe2, Taon_du_boeuf,
tiger.hi, uakari.

CAM #100 Utilités graphiques
CHAOS-KIT, dropcloth, FramSet, IfsDraw, Intro, morecolors, mot,
PALETTA, Planete, stars68

CAM #101a&b Animations
BThrows, Hyper, pmm, TELLSTAR-ONE

CAM #102 Jeux
Asteriods, Black Box, FERARI, FPEdit, GalacticWorm, rickboth,

CAM #103 Utilités diverses
AmigaCron, Browser, ColRequest, DME_1.29, IntDevExpl, FileInjector,
fixtext, Mach_1.6, PrettyPrint, screenx, Select, SetPri, Spawn, taskx,
undelete, WBDepth, ww

CAM #104 Utilités diverses
BlitzFonts, DbWiz, DirMaster, DU-HERMES, Help!, LU, Muncho, NAG_1.2,
textreader, VCheck1.9, wIconify, wp-ps2

CAM #105 Images
11 misc pictures
Aegis, BackStage, BubbleVista, door2, Gramps.pic, lightbulb, Mickey,
Nazgul, Only_Amiga, Shadows, teapot, Author, NoCycle

CAM #106a&b Animations
FIST2, Head, Henry, LorMovie, rock.

CAM #107a&b Musique & instruments
Empire.smus, T.V.A (1).smus, T.V.A (2).smus, T.V.A (4).smus,
T.v.A (5).smus, T.v.A (6).smus, T.v.A (7).smus, T.v.A(10).smus

CAM #108 Utilités diverses
CoPilot, chaos, Fragments, hdlns, Labyrinthe, Life, mazes, r2d2,
Sports_Text, virusx

CAM #109 Langages
A68k, PD_C

CAM #110 Animations
Boing3D, Flight, Guitar, Jet, Weird_Bird

CAM #111 Images 3d
11 PageRender 3d pictures:
box, bugeye, Color_ring, elbows, eye, helicoils, links, redfern,
serpents, silver_rings, tubes.

CAM #112 Utilités diverses
ArpFileRequest, BModem, bootback, CALCULA, ConMan_v1.1, Director_Midi,
D_F_C, Files, IT1Demo, Match, multiview2.0, NGI1.3, ptrdata, Tabs,

CAM #113 Jeux
BattleMech, bullrun, Cryed, Descender, HEARTS

CAM #114 Images
21 Nagel pictures:
KRISTEN, nagel-120, Nagel-51, Nagel-70, Nagel-Duran, nagel-shades,
nagel14, nagel15, nagel16, nagel17, nagel18, nagel2, nagel3, nagel4,
no.1, no.2, no.3, no.4, no.5, rio, vampyre1.

CAM #115 Icones
BwsIcons, ClipArt1.hires, ClipArt2.hires, Couleurs, Fahrion, Fonts.pic,
IconPg, JecIcons, MacFontCvrt, MusicIcon

CAM #116 Langages
AdventureSys, PILOT, SmallTalk, ToolKit1, Web

CAM #117 Animations
Bubbles, GhostPool

CAM #118 Utilités diverses
Bell, bformat, big, defdisk, MathPaint, MemoPad, MouseUtil, MR, nw,
PhoneMate_3.027, print, Read&Print, Rez.3, SCalc, showlocks, SIMPLICA,

CAM #119 Images
12 misc Pictures:
airbrush, Alien_Fires, BetterTimes.HAM, car, conan, Crystal,
CubeMaster, dragonfly, gallery, tamiya, The-Ultimate-Sandbox,

CAM #120 Utilités diverses
AnimBalls, BattleShip, delux, Muncho2, RJProSuite, SpeechToy, Wave

CAM #121 Animations
Car, Thundercat

CAM #122 Utilités de Programmation

CAM #123a&b Animations

CAM #124 Utilités de Télécommunication
Access_1.3, Amic_.59E, VLT, Zoo_1.41

CAM #125 Utilités diverses
Apaches, GemFont, ListI, Menucure, MenuText, NTT, PhotonSlide,
Tablature, View WKeys_2.33, Worm

CAM #126a&b Animations
Relativity, SSachiko3, Tunnel

CAM #127 Utilités de Programmation
Anim, browsersrc, copper, C_Robots, DragSample, Midi_1.5

CAM #128 Images
24 misc Pictures:
aeg.race, amiba, ASTROBOY, castle, Deer, Diver, engine, FootBall,
Honda, Lotus, marlow, newwave5, P-51, Pepsi, sailboat, saucer_attack,
Shuttle, Slayer, SpaceShuttle, Thetimemachine, Titan, WoodWitch, WYWH,

CAM #129a&b Animations
Pulse, VROT

CAM #130 Animations
Glass, Robot, Teapot

CAM #131 Utilités diverses
AddIcon, amigatalk, BRUSH2ICON, calc3.0, flipbits, FORMULA!, LACE,
makeanim, PopFuncs, Print&Spooler, ProwriteFileConverter, RepString,
rowboat.pic, turbo, WNote

CAM #132 Jeux

CAM #133 Animations
Skeleton, WTAJ

CAM #134 Images
13 pictures (Drawing & Rendering):
ArchWay, Beetle, C.Rose, ExCar, Formula, Jabberwock, Moebius,
mousetrap, NewWorld, PS2.Hi, Ranger, saturn, SilverLogo3.

CAM #135 Animations
Satellite, Stairs

CAM #136 Jeux
AirFoil, FPower, LUSCHER, Orbit3D, Wheel

CAM #137 Utilités diverses
Backer, ConfigLib, DrawLib, dropcloth, filefind, ixecute, MachII,
MergeMem, ObjectLib Perim, PlotLib, scheme, s_plot, Virtual_Screen

CAM #138 Utilités diverses
A.S.G, Blanker, Colors, Cycle, DMouse_1.06, Iff_Archiver, LDebugDemo,
M4, V_Gad

CAM #139 Images
8 pictures (Photo & drawning):
hamburger, LWest_Frog, malang, mandrill_hamhii, Ostfriesland, robot,
Tsechu, Wuppertal.

CAM #140 Animations
frog_movie, HurricaneJulia

CAM #141 Utilités diverses
3DPlot, betterspeech, bootune, C64_Emulator, CONTOURA, GPrint, QLENS,
Storage, Uedit_v2.3, YourMoney_v.04

CAM #142 Utilités de Télécommunication
DNet, MakeARC, NoBorderII, Pack-it, VLT_v3.598, Zoo_v2.0

CAM #143a&b Animations
Dolphin, Dock, Hand, OS2

CAM #144 Utilités diverses
asr, avi, control, crypt, DiskZap, DO, Eps&Stp, flirp, Gadgets_Forth,
Guru, LCrypt, Leach_v1.3, MM2, prttest, SDX, VScreen_Src, WB_Rexx

CAM #145 Utilités diverses
BonsaiConstructionSet, HP_II, lav, life, lotto, NoNukes!, picovs1,
PostCard, prtdev, QuickRif, Snip_v1.2, SonixPeek, TableCloth, xPopCLI,

CAM #146a&b Animations
Mars-Flight, TCRCAM

#147 Illustrations
10 Pictures from Japanese best illustrators:
Chien_Fantastique, Espadrilles, Goureau_Shading, Guide_To_West-Africa,
Japon_Historique, Napoleon's_Nose, Omega_Olympic_Chronograph,
Platypus_Prehistoricus, Robot_Surf, TrekCrew.

CAM #148 Utilités diverses
AsciiTable, benchquake, ClipIt, HAMGIF, Guardian_v1.2, Install_II,
jumpbench, Mackie_v1.1, MouseZoom, nextscreen, Planes_v1.1, remap,
SetFont_v2.0, ShoWiz, SpudClock, trails, UmUtility_v.11,

#149 Télécommunication
ArcV, booz, ColorTerm, dearc, Meshugena_v1.0, Pack-it, Shar,
SimpleTerm_v1.0, UuEnCode&DeCode, VLT_v3.626, WARP_v1.1Z

CAM #150 Jeux

CAM #151a&b Animations
AMIGA, DogsWorld, PageFlipperAnimation, Uss1701

CAM #152 Utilites diverses
byter, check, Console, DMouse_v1.09, Eliza, Fade_src, IncRev,
LinkUnTmpRas, perl, SID, Startups, TWin, UnobtrusiveAnalogClock, XBoot

CAM #153 Animations
LAMP, Teapot, Temple

CAM #154 Images (Photo)
13 Photographic Pictures:
Afrique, Aigrette, asie, ATuVuLaGrenouille, Cheval,
FarmerAtWorkTuscanyALomeo, RiceTerracePhilippinesHSund, route2.

CAM #155a&b Illustrations
13 Pictures from Japanese best illustrators:
Fujii girl, Happy birthday Amiga, Kasugai, Kodama girl II, Marilyn,
Oiseau, Poissons, Saito Sunglasses, The lion game, The santaroga
barrier, The tar-aiym krang, Thorns, Wandering world.

CAM #156 Utilités diverses
MicroGnuEmacs_v2.0, QuickRayTrace

CAM #157 Utilités de Télécommunication
Access_v1.4, Arc_Src, Cal, Cocomm_v5.0

CAM #158 Animations
Bowl, CanKnockahs-2, Dinosaurs, spiral

CAM #159 Utilités Graphiques
Diamond_DEMO, Hermit, ICONLAB, julia, pointer animator, Vid3DFix

CAM #160 Utilités de Programmation
am-pc, asctiny, BCPL, CMS, CrossReference, Extract_Fonts, Fragit,
gwPRINT, HandyIcon, less, ScreenX_v2.2, silobj.doc,
StructureBrowser_v1.3, TextED

CAM #161 Utilités domestiques
CheckMemo, MemoPad, RIM-5

CAM #162 Fontes
Cram_Fonts, FontFixer, FontRepair, MAC_Fonts, Misc_Fonts, ren, Swirl,
Toing, WhichFnt

CAM #163a&b Animations
Probe, RGB

CAM #164 Utilités de Programmation
Arch, Dme_Arexx, Example_ARexx, Flist_etc, IPC, Make_Arexx,
McC_v1.3_ARexx, RefMacro_ARexx, SpeechToy, startrek.rexx,
TXedToSpeechToy, TXed_ARexx, VariableInterface, WB_ARexx_v1.1

CAM #165 ClipArt,Icones & Pointeurs
21 Bitmap cliparts:
2 Archit, 2 Border, 2 Electro, 13 misc, 2 Ornament.
Misc Icons from:
AMUC, Baker's, BarbaraCramer, FunIcons, JeffWhite, PeterCherna, PoLin,
SomeIcons, ThomasAtkinson, TomWhite.
37 Misc & 2 animated pointers

CAM #166 Utilités domestiques
8pus, ATI, ClickDos, demorun, DiskSalv_v1.3, eq, Float, MachII_v2.4c,
NewZAP_v3.18, Play8SVX, QuickView, Shell_v2.10, ShowAnim_v5.3,
showfont, ShowPrint_II, UD, XiconII

CAM #167 Jeux
Player, Puzzle, SpiteAndMalice, SysReqst, Tiles, Trix, YahZee!

CAM #168a&b Animations

CAM #169 Utilités domestiques
Amigadex, Clerk_v3.0, GPrint_v2.03, LabelBaseV1, ListMakerV4.2,
Printer, QuadPrint, Spaces, VirusX_v2.0

CAM #170a&b Animations
Army, klingon, Toys

CAM #171 Utilités de Programmation
BTree, DME_v1.30, SupLib, PW_v2.5.demo, travail

CAM #172 Éducation

CAM #173 Jeux
Billiards, Diplomacy, EscapeFromJovi, MasterBrain_v1.0

CAM #174 Utilités graphiques
AmigaPlot_v1.3a, BezSurf, EW_v1.1, Friends, mazemaster, NewScreen,
peel, SlideShowConstructionSet, SSS, VideoVedi

CAM #175 Images Ray Trace
13 Ray Trace pictures:
ArchTrace, Bfast, Bike, Eye1, harmony, LiteHse, MTV1, PoolTbl, Snack,
SpaceStation, Toys, VASE3, Wraps.

CAM #176a&b Animations
Launch, Stamp_Collector, Whale

CAM #177 Utilités diverses
BlockBuster, Button, Conman_v1.3, Deemu_v1.0, DRes_v1.3, FasText_v3.0,
IffLib_v15.3, Neuron, Newton_v1.0, Surveyor, Xoper_v1.2

CAM #178a&b Animations
batcave, Drive, FabbyBappy, focus, Jessica, MMade, Pkin, raisin,
Satellites, Savanna, sneezeAM

#179 Jeux et Hack
AmyChess, Bubbles, ClipLines, Drunken_Mouse, EgyptianRun_v1.1,
ElPointer, Fast_Amigo, HAMWaves, ibm3, wanderer

CAM #180 Utilités domestiques
AutoIconOpen, Files_v1.2, Ledger_v1.0, Spectrogram, Storage_v3.0,
SuperView_v2.0, TalkVoice, TES, typewriter

CAM #181 Utilités de Télécommunication
Backup_v2.01, BaudBandit, DARC, DemoTerm, HandShake_v2.12a, Ticker,

CAM #182 Utilités de Programmation
APE, ARexxCron, Calls, CDecl_v2.4, CShell_v3.0a, Ls_v2.1, PathDev,

CAM #183a&b Animation
Grid, Gymnast, MagazineWars, Walk3

CAM #184 Utilités domestiques
Amigantt_v2.01, bdiff, DiskPerfa, Edimap, ELCC_v3.3, FastDisk_v1.5,
LaserWriterFilter, PubCat_v1.4, pyro, Storage, WBLace_v3.0

CAM #185a&b Animations
Drip, Gymnast, Pirate, Spiral Tower

CAM #186 Images Ray Trace
10 Ray Trace pictures:
ant, Apple7.pic, Camera.pic, Dice.pic, HotDog, MtnMist.pic, PLean,
tspic.3, Violin.pic, WBench.pic.

CAM #187 Jeux
AmigaMaze, ashley, chess, DMF_v2.5, Sorry, Tetrix, The Musician 3CAM

#188 Fontes
28 Bitmap fonts:
athens, bevhills, billings, cairo, canterbury, claywilson, crypt,
cupertino, demographics, dream, fantaste, geneva, helvetica, hlvnarrow,
icon, images, joeclemcoll, kawasaki, lambda, mazeltov, melrose, mobile,
moseisley, newcenturysch, optima, optioblque, oxford, palatino.

CAM #189a&b Animations
Explore, Gumball, NotAgain, rad1, thatsall

CAM #190 Images Ray Trace
12 Ray Trace pictures:
AllCaps, Column2, Combo, Graphis, Jet1, Jet2, Lamp, OddRoom, Sampl4,
sample1, Sample2, sts3D.HAM.

CAM #191 Utilités diverses
ARequester, Less_v1.3, MidiLibrary_v2.0, Move_v2.4, MungeII,

CAM #192 Utilités domestiques
AlphaStat, DiskSalv_v1.32, GfxMem_vA.6, HandyIcons->1.3, Ruler_v3.0,
SetFont_v2.5, Snip_v1.3, StockChart_v2.01, UltraPaint, wrap, Zippy_v2.5

CAM #193a&b Animations
Luxo_test5, STS, XmasCard

CAM #194 Fontes
31 Bitmap fonts:
art_nouveau, billings, boise, boxy, calligraphy, camelot, chicago,
ChicMath, hollywood, kimdeitch, la, lasvegas, london, mobile, monaco,
montreal, newyork, optibold, plymouth, rhosembold, rome, saigon,
sanfrancisc, spain, stuttgart, sydney, times, tinytalic, toyland1,
venice, vines.

CAM #195 Animations (director)
CaveHunt, Myth.2, Sample, TOM

CAM #196 Utilités de Programmation
APP, DMake_v1.0, Exception_v0.6, Forth

CAM #197 Jeux
KING, NetHack_v2.3e, stud, Tertis

CAM #198 Utilités diverses
ColorText, DiskStorageTiny_v1.0, DSD, fg, Flip, hamgif_v2.5, JAsk_v1.0,
JDisk_v1.0, LabelBase_v2.0, makenifty, MsDos_v.1, NoBorderII,
QuickLens_v2.03, rollback_v1.1, Shuffler, split, Stamp, TSnip_v1.4a,

CAM #199 Utilités diverses
AutoMount, Dirk_v0.01, DmfSrc_v2.5, GimmeLib, KickToys, LWP_v1.02,
maxcli, Null, TInfo, Val

CAM #200 Images 3d
10 Pictures 3d:
Doors+Window, Dunes, LampPost, OptiksCopy, RedRm, Skeleton, stpauls1,
TedTurnerWine, WoodLnd, X-29.1.

CAM #201 Télécommunication
AzComm_v1.0, Backup, ClockDJ_v3.01, CPUspeed, DCron_v1.05, mash,
SendMorse, Split, Symetry, telechess, timer, Warp_v2.0

CAM #202 Audio & MIDI
FFT, MidiRouter_v0.1, MidiToolBox, RGS, SoundScape

CAM #203
Browser_v1.6, dplaz, Iconizer, Library, Mach_v2.5, MFF_PLUS_Demo,
PrintSpool, SetRequesterText, SmartIcon, TaskControl, WP_Util

CAM #204 Utilités diverses
ProCalc, Recursive_Mandel, WheelChairSim, Wicon

CAM #205 Images 3d
8 Pictures 3d:
Award, Balloons1, Balloons2, Balloons4, Clas, IFLogo, Paint, SLogo.

CAM #206 Utilités Programmation
C-Functions, Drive, Find, Flist_v1.2, Grab_Pointer, mklib, Munge_v2.0,
RamDev, RemLib, SetCPU_v1.4

CAM #207 Jeux
BackGammon, Bounce, Evo, GeoTime, Nakamoto, PatEdit, PopInfo, RADLED,
Smus3.6a, Tiles_v2.0, YaBoingII

CAM #208 Objets 3d
InterFont_Sample, apple7.scene, church.scene, LBrick_obj.scene,
LOPS2_scene.scene, LOPS_scene.scene, OHIO_obj.scene,
PeaceSignObj.scene, Sink.scene, SuperS_obj.scene, Terrain1.silver,
Terrain2.silver, Waves, XObj

CAM #209 Fonts
pkfonts, TeXF

CAM #210 Images (dessins)
19 Pictures:
BLUE SHARK, brain4, Corsair, dolores, dragoncastle, drwfac, Encounter,
farmers, FLINTSTONE, FROG.LO, GOLF PLAYER, Lamborg, num, patterns,
pianokeys8, Roger, sharp, Space Ranger, taxi.

CAM #211 Utilités diverses
Blk, DiskPerf, ECPM, MemFlush, Paste, Pcopy, Spiff

CAM #212 Jeux
FiveInLine, Go64, HackLite, Zerg

CAM #213a&b Langages
A68k_v2.4, Flex, LogRexx, Scheme, Sed, Sozobon-C, XCad_DBase_Format

CAM #214a&b Animations
Fast_Flight_2, fontanim, ripples, RRH, RVb DEMO

CAM #215 Utilités Programmation
AmyLoad, DiffDir_v1.0, ExecDis, FixFD, FTS, GlueMaker_v1.0, NRO,

CAM #216 Utilités Programmation
choose, EdLib_v1.0, Guru, Iconify, IFFLib, KADevs, Mackie_v1.13,
Magus!, PdMake, RexxArpLib_v2.1, SysCheck, Tail, UnDelete

CAM #217a&b Fonts
9 Bitmap fonts:
Amslan, ClipArt1, ClipArt2, Icon, SEN-BE, SEN-BES, SEN-E, SEN-ES,
ShowFont_v3.3, TEX_demo

CAM #218 Animations
Coke, PresentingAMUC

CAM #219 Images 3d
11 Pictures 3d:
CX-1.image, escher2.pic, FutureCar.image, Glass&Chrome.image,
Klingons!.image, Pixar.image, SkyChess.image, Smart_Bee.image,
StarBattle.image, THE GREEN TOWER, TheBoings!.image.

CAM #220 Jeux
Capitals, CelestialMechanical_v1.0, LateNight Chess, Lineart, metro,
RistiNolla, Shm, Solitaire!, Tunnel

CAM #221 Langages

CAM #222 Animations

CAM #223 Utilités diverses
AsciiToPostScriptII, Backer_v1.8, ClickRead_v2.1,
DiskStorageDeluxe_v1.20, Exp, IffToPostScript, IconMaster,
LabelBase_v3.0, PostScriptDriver_v0.9, RalphTools_v1.0, Shell_v3.02a

CAM #224a&b Langages
a4th, SimCPM_v2.3, Siod, ZapMap_v1.3

CAM #225 Télécommunication
Amiga-FtTerm, AmigaZmodem, archie, BtoA_v5.2, compress, Demo_Alex,
DirARC, JrComm_v.91

CAM #226a&b Images (Photos)
16 Digiview Pictures:
Amiga 3000, balicoco, CF, Danseuses Kand, Elephanteaux, Fruit_RBrown,
Girl_MSwitzer, Guru meditation, Jidai_Matsuri, Leopard, Phare de
Talaimannar, Phra Achana, Pirogues, Tennis_SCDean, Torii Miyajima,

CAM #227 Jeux
CircuitWar_v1.11, CosmoII, Jeopard, world, Zerg_v1.0, zonx

CAM #228a&b Animations

CAM #229
Calc_v1.01, DFC_II, DiskSalv_v1.40, Elements, free, Furnish,
Plot_v4.1s, smear2, Tapestry_v1.0, UtilityManager_v1.1, watcher, WBKal,
WBSound, WorkJerk, XObj_v1.1

CAM #230 Utilités Programmation
AbortCommand, ArexxFunctionHost, BindNames, ConsoleMessageMonitor,
DMake_v1.0(Release), FileIO_II, FileMap, IffLib_v16.1, PopCli_IV, proc,
QuickMenu, SimpleRequest, SPY, Xoper_v1.3

CAM #231 Utilités graphiques
Brownian, Capture, Display, Dither3, Dither4, Dither8, PlotXY, terrain,

CAM #232 Jeux

CAM #233 Hardware
2kqfan.doc, AdjustClock, DigiDroid, Eprommer, LucasProject, Midi,
Sound_Digitizers, Trakball.modif.txt, TurboMouse

CAM #234 Objets 3d
HABall2.scene, Hastings_Object
12 objects in GEO format:
AH64Body, AH64Rotor, AratiBuilding, AratiLot, Graveyard, HauntedHouse,
Iceberg1, Iceberg2, LeftTurnSign, Pumpkin, RightTurnSign, StopSign
Sculpt_3d_fonts, spider.scene, Tardis_Object< TieFighter
XObj is a handy utility to convert 3D objects from VideoScape 3D file
format or Sculpt 3D file format into Turbo Silver object files.  Binary
only, author:  Phil Camp

CAM #235 Images 3d
8 images 3d:
Dragonpic, DRAIN, House1, House2.ILBM, Metro, Pict.Spheres, SINK,

CAM #236 Éducation

CAM #237a&b Animations
BigBen, fishtank, WaterBlock

CAM #238 Fonts
51 bitmap fonts:
akashi, Alexandra, apl, bauhaus, bombay_, boxie, broadway,
chicago_by_night, courier, creamy, crooked, cursive, cyril12, cyrillic,
dali, Decenders, foot10, genoa, greek-18, greek.B, Hollow, hood_river,
ice, kish, latvian, legend, math, math-greek, math1, moscow_, music,
new_athens, new_york, nymath, Ottawa, park_avenue, princeton, salamis,
sanskrit24, Silicon_Valley, Sparta, spokane, Square_Serif, Star_Trek,
stiletto, tadpole, tintangel, toronto, walla_walla, yakima, zurich.

CAM #239 Télécommunication
DNET V2.00

CAM #240 Utilités de Programmation
Arp_v1.3, CC, FixIntuition, IntegratedCCompilerEnv, PickPacket_v1.0,
PopMenu, Tee_v1.0, Xoper13Asm

CAM #241 Jeux
15, AmigaMessageCenter_v1.0, CardORama_v1.0, Cobra, concen, dad,
DumbBell, GO, Gold, Kchess, pz, towers, VideoPoker

CAM #242 Audio & MIDI
DgPlay_v0.9, DiskPlay, GenericLIBrarian, GPlayer_v0.0, MIDI->SMUS,
MidiFileRecorder, NutCracker, Sam_v1.0, Spectrogram_v2.0

CAM #243 Utilités graphiques
Cloud, GIFfy2, QuickRayTrace_v1.5, Scriptor, TruncANIM, WipeDemo_v2.0

CAM #244 Utilités domestiques
DietAid_v3.1, EasyBanker_v1.0, FoodConverter, GfxLabels_v1.0,
Iconmerger, KeyClick, Loan1.4, Textra, TinyLoan, TitlePage

CAM #245 Utilités graphiques
EW_v1.4, FastGro_v1.0, Fun_Paint, gaudy, GifToILBM, GIFfy2, graf,
IFF2Geo, Play, PlayBeep, PointerBeGone, rgbc, Scriptor_v1.2, Scroll,
Showiz_v2.0, tbar, UShow_v2.0, watcher2

CAM #246a&b Animations
Doctor_A, GlassPyramid, RadioII, spigot, WEEEEEEE!

CAM #247 Utilités diverses
CustomServiceDBMS, IAmSpooler_v1.3, Image_Ed_v1.8, MultiCalc_v1.01, pd,
Plans_v1.0, PowerPaker_v2.2a, QED_v1.0_beta_0.15, xPopshell

CAM #248 Jeux
Amazing, Chess_v2.0, Connect_4, GeoCycle, MouseTrap, SimCityDemo

CAM #249 Télécommunication
Ami3270, AtredesDemo_v1.1, BrBox_v1.0, ModemDaemon, Net, UnSit_v0.9,
UnZip_v1.2, VLT_v4.036

CAM #250a&b Animations

CAM #251 Images
15 Hand drawing pictures:
48ford, AMIGA2000, AmigaTrek, Amiga_Artist, Bengal.ham, Humphrey, Kick,
King, MicroKid, MrSulu, Papillon, QueenSpades, SeaShTL, Spuds, Thai

CAM #252a&b Images & Animation
9 images fantastiques:
Interlace, Lady.Otway, North.Light, Serpent, The.End, The.Tower, Title,
Treasure, VIKING, Charon

CAM #253a&b Musique SMUS & Exécutable
Antares, Cambodia, EasyWinners, GrapeVine, HR4EchoRemix, LetMusicPlay,
NewCannon, OhYeah, RainBow, Var1.

CAM #254a&b Langages

CAM #255 Utilités Domestiques
AllocMaster_v1.17, DivideZero, ExtractFont_v1.2, free, Freeze, Isam,
Maze, mq, Pretty_v3.0, RexxArpLib_v2.2, Scanner_v1.0, SetCPU_v1.5,
Shell_v3.03a, SystemInfoDisplay_v2.0

CAM #256 Utilités Domestiques
CassetteLabel, CreditBook, FloppyLR, flush, fonz, GhostScript_v1.2,
QMouse_v1.6, SimGen, Workbench_Control, XAD_v1.0

CAM #257 Jeux
AdvancedLaserChess, Jumble, MouseBounce, Number_Fumbler,
SDrum_v1.00Beta, SeaHavenDemo

CAM #258 Images Ray Trace
8 RayTrace pictures:
AmiAD.oshl, COURTYARD, creation, Ghost.Sword, glass&ball, Grecian,
Nitelite, woodland2.

CAM #259a&b Animations
Clerk-Kent, Column, CongaMan, TOOmuch3D

CAM #260 Utilités Graphiques
backdrop, BarsnTone, Bezier, DPS_v1.1, DropGFX_v1.0, HamBench_v1.0,
HERMiT_v1.2, IconToPointer, Plasma, PLT_v1.2, Scenery, ShAkEr,
SteelPulse, TitleGen_v1.6, Truchet

CAM #261a&b Musique SMUS & Instruments
MidnightConfessions, Pump_Up, PurpleHaze, Rock, Sunrise, Take-On-Me,
TubularBell, WindBeneath.

CAM #262 Utilités Programmation
ACResLib_v1.1, ArpDoc_v1.3, BlitLab_v1.4, ciatimer, FastPort,
IffLibrary_v1.3, RexxMathLib_v1.0>1.3, SpriteWizard_v1.0

CAM #263a&b Utilités Graphiques
Mandelbrot!_v1.0, MandelVroom_v2.0, Mandel_v1.3_rev#180

CAM #264a&b Utilités Domestiques
butils, ISpell, RomanConvert, Stevie, Uemacs_v3.10, UnixUtil

CAM #265a&b Animations
AmigaWave, station, x29_W

CAM #266 Utilités Diverses
BinComp, ClockDJ_v4.03, German, JazzBench_v.8, MemPri_v1.0,
RunBack_v4.0, SetKey_v2.0, UserMenu

CAM #267 Jeux
Paccer, PetersQuest, Steinschlag_v1.5

CAM #268a&b Animations
ILBM, movearm, watch

CAM #269 Utilités Graphiques
hpgl2ps, MelaniePaint_v.60, ShamView, XIP

CAM #270 Utilités Domestiques

CAM #271a&b Animations
AmiLogo, AsteroidField, FLARE

CAM #272 Utilités Télécommunication
DirARC, Net_v0718, VLT_v4.065, XProtocol, xprquickb, XprZmodemLibrary_v1.0

CAM #273 Jeux
Antepenult_v1.0, BallyII_plus, BioMorph_v1.0, BioRythum_v2.0, Mischief,
SlotCarsDemo, TeleGo

CAM #274 Utilités Diverses
ASDGrecovRAMdisk_v7-14-89, Bind_v1.1, DiskHandler, ETime_v1.02,
Flush_II, KeymapEd_v1.02, NazCron_v1.0, RunBack_v5.0,
ScreenShareLibrary, Scripit_v1.0, SimGen_Src

CAM #275a&b Animations
Applecus, Circles, IT, MODELOR, metronome, movie_v2.0

CAM #276 Utilités Domestiques
Az_v1.40, Clerk_v3.4, horloge, InfoChange_v1.0, LoadFL, Mkddir,
Most_v1.26, ND_Kate, Pref, PrepHelper, QED_v1.0_beta_0.19, SmallMore,

CAM #277 Utilités Programmation
DisassembleLibrary, Fragit_v2.0, GetSend, mb, PathMasterFileSelector,
PatternLibrary, TestRH

CAM #278 Utilités Programmation
File_v1.0, GnuSed, ls_v3.1, Password_v1.21p, Patch_v0.91,
RegexLibrary_v1.0, UuSharUtil

CAM #279 Utilités Graphiques
Bricks, CredScroll, HR136, MiniMiga

CAM #280 Jeux
LasVegasCraps, 31, arcadevolleyball, monopoly

CAM #281 BitMap Fonts
Atali_Font, ChromeFont, Fancy_Caps_Font, angle, artdeco, balloon,
Berlin, Confuser, Favourite, gatsby, Georgia, nine, orient, saloon,
seven, Shades, Taliesin, Thin, Woodstock.
RobCFonts, ShowFont_v4.0

CAM #282a&b Animations
BusyBee, Frog, Train

CAM #283 Utilités Programmation
AmigaLibHost_v0.9, C_Interpreter, DMouse_v1.20, MemWatchLibrary_src,
Park, ReSource_v3.01_Demo, RunBack_v6.0, Scripit_v1.01

CAM #284 Utilités Graphiques
AmigaPlot_v2.0, DkbTrace_v1.1, Tessalator_v1.0

CAM #285ab Musique SMUS & Executable
14 Pieces de musique, Exécutable ou SMUS(incluant instruments):
Breaker, CantchyaSay, e-k-g, FlyOfTheBumble, Human Hey-Mix,
Living_Daylights, MarvinRap, PipeLine1, RamblinMan, SundayMorning,
Temptation, PipeLine1, WalkOfLife, WaynePacePiano.

CAM #286 Utilités Graphiques
DFrame, glow, ImageLab_v2.2, Malrm, PxlScope, Sham_v3.0,
TalkerHack_v2.5, Vibra_v1.0, View_v1.7

CAM #287 Utilités Diverses
AT1-LSim_v1.0, FedUp_v2.1, Incr_v1.01, Interview_v3.1, LogicLab,
MenuPal_vA.1, MoveSys, NewLook, SpeakerTools_v1.01, TY_v1.3, WSM, XIV

CAM #288 Jeux
AmiGo_v1.0, Crystal, Tiles_v2.1

CAM #289 Utilités Domestiques
Resource_v3.20, Uedit_v2.5a

CAM #290 Utilités Éducation
Ct_v2.2, Heart3d

CAM #291 Utilités Programmation
ArexxInterfaceLibrary_v.8, CcLib_v1.2, DTM_Host, ReportHost,
RexxFunctionHostPack_v1.2, ScreenShareLibrary_v1.2, Scripit_v1.20

CAM #292 Utilités Télécommunication
Lharc_v.31, MasterTerm_v.41, NComm_v1.8, ParNet, TinyTerm, WarpUtil,

CAM #293a&b Illustrations Autos & Avions
13 reproduction des maitres Japonais de l'illustration ayant pour thème
les tranports:
Car2_SaburoNoguchi, Car2_YasuhiroKawakami, Car3_SaburoNoguchi,
Car_FujineYano, Car_HidemiMatsumoto, Car_HideoHatsugai,
Car_SaburoNoguchi, Car_YasuhiroKawakami, illus1_YasuoEhira,
Moto2_YasuhiroKawakami, Moto_FujineYano, Moto_YasuhiroKawakami.
5 scanned pictures with an Eikonix 1435 35mm slide scanner hooked up to
a Sun Microsystems workstation.  The images were scanned originally at
the full resolution of the scanner, 4096x2800 pixels at 36-bits per
pixel.  Converted to HAM-mode high-res by Jonathan Hue.

CAM #294 Utilités diverses
Bag_v1.0, CacheCard_v1.0, CC_Utils, copdis_v0.0a, DiskSalv_v1.42,
GVP_SCSI_Util, iffar_v1.4, Mach_v2.6, Parasite_v.04, PowerPacker_v2.3a,
SuperInfo, ss, TurboFile

CAM #295 Utilités Graphiques
3D_Look, BlitDemons_v1.0, Clean_v1.01, Display_v3.29, DrawMap,
LabelPrint_v2.5, Morph, OxSound_v1.01, Sketcher, SuperView3.0

CAM #296 Utilités Domestiques
AmiGantt_v3.0, Backup_v2.04, DDir, DST_v1.05, HeadClean_v2.0, MrPrint,
MuchMore_v1.8, NeuralLabDemo, PCopy_v2.0, popwin, WeatherGraph

CAM #297a&b Images Raytraces
anamorph, Curl.image, Gallery, Glass_Cube.image, HiTech,
Oval(solid_model), Sphere(R_trace), Sphere(solid_model), Stone(trace),
STONES(solid_model), roman, spilled, Urn, Winelite
MENZIES©.pics:  Fe_O.1, Fe_O.2, Fe_O.3, Fe_O.4, Fe_O.5

CAM #298 Utilités diverses
AskTask, BigBench, ChartMaster, Check4Mem, CLI-Colors, ClockDJ_v4.07,
CustReq, FileReq, flip, PopInfo_v3.1, PowerPacker_v2.3b, PPrefs,
ScreenManager, SystemTestUtility_v4.1

CAM #299 Utilités diverses
FastMemControler_v1.2, Fenster_v1.0, FileFind_v1.5, FontWide, FullView,
hed, keymac, MegaWB, MMU_Mon_v1.0, muchmore_v2.5, PopUpMenu,
Snap_v1.32, TextDisplay_v1.51, Xoper_v2.0

CAM #300 Utilités de Télécommunication
LHarc_v1.0, PkaZip_v0.91, VLT_v4.226_&_Jr, xprzmodem.library_v2.0

CAM #301 Utilités domestiques
AIndex, ASimplex_v1.5, hyperhelp, MRBackup_v3.3d

CAM #302 Utilités de Programmation
Arp_Prog_v1.3, dme_v1.36, ILBMLib

CAM #303 Langages
AssemTools, Icon_v7.5

CAM #304 Utilités Graphiques
Mandelbrot_v1.1, Pyth, Slicer_v1.0, TurMite

CAM #305 Jeux divers
BallyIII, Dominoes!, Emporos, Flipper_Plus, H-Ball, MirrorWars, Mosaic,
Paranoids_v1.0, Quattro, RevComp_v1.2, YATC

CAM #306 Utilités Éducation
ForestFire_v1.2, Gravity-Well, Orbit_v1.2, RPSC, SpeakerTools_v1.1,

CAM #307 Utilités de Télécommunication
Getty_UUCico_v1.00_Beta, NetHandler_src, VT100_v2.9

CAM #308 Utilités Émulation

AFilter_II, Brik_v2.0, CrossDos_Demo, IBM.script, Man_v1.2, MR_Man,
pcdump, PC_Patch_II, treewalk, Use_A000

CAM #309 Utilités Graphiques

CAM #310 Utilités de Programmation
ANice_Day_in_The_Maze, ColumnSet, debug_v2.10, DevKit_v1.2,
Equates_1.3, FMS, Icon2c_v1.0, LCX.TXT, PDAux,
rexxserdev.library_v1.08, Rexx_4th, SGFF

CAM #311 Utilités diverses
Automata, HAMmmm2, Morph_21oct, NetWork, Snap!Plus, SoundConvert_v1.1,
Wipedemo_v4.0, XColor_v1.2, XHair, zow

CAM #312 Émulation

CAM #313a&b Animations
FractalMovie, FractalSlides, Klide

CAM #314 Utiltés graphiques
ANIMCreationTools, Apyro, IFF_Cr_v2.0, MakeShape, msizer, RGB_exchange,
RSL_3D_Look, stars, TMP_to_DP, View_v1.8, WatchMan, Zhow_v1.1

CAM #315a&b Animations

CAM #316 Utilités domestiques
DF, EtaleFileReader, frag, Liner_v1.32, LookFor_v1.0, NewZap_v3.20,
Show_Disk, Video_Librarian, WB_Res_v1.1

CAM #317a&b Utilités de Programmation
RCS, SKSH_v1.2

CAM #318 Musique DMCS
32 Deluxe Music Construction Set classic pieces:
1812Overture, adagio, Bach, Berceuse, Berserk, BMinuets, BPrelude,
Etud.op10-12, Etud.op25-11, Etud.op25-12, Etude.op10-1, Etude.op10-5,
Etude.op25-1, Etude.op25-2, Etude.op25-9, fugue.jsb, Gloria5, HAllegro,
HGigue1, HoraStaccato, messiah12, moon.dmcs, op.post.Emaj,
op.post.Emin, Prel.op28-16, Prelude_II, RhapsodyInBlue, ronde,
Tocc+Fugue, Waltz.op42, Waltz.op64-1, Waltz.op64-2.

CAM #319a&b NewTek Demo Reel #3

CAM #320 Utilités Éducation
Alert, DiskSpeed_v2.0, DumpDiff, Elements_v1.2, HPIIc, MakeIcon,
PLT_v1.3, WBAssign

CAM #321 Utilités domestiques
Calendar, GraphX, MultiSelect, NazCron_v1.02, RoadRoute, VBR, WBShadow,
With, WorldDataBank

CAM #322 Utilités de Musique
MED_v1.2, STReplay

CAM #323 Utilités de Télécommunication
dnet_v2.13, Remote

CAM #324 Utilités de programmation
A68K_v2.6, AmigaLibraryManager_v1.0, ArexxInterfaceLibrary_v1.0,
BLITTER.c, ColorReq, CPrint_v1.3, FarPrint_v1.3, Gone,
rexxserdev.library_v2.00, slide, Sweep, TAPRiSKA

CAM #325 Utilités diverses
ARTM, ATOF_v1.0, DiffDir_v1.1, FastDisk_II, FileIt, gcd, IconTools,
keys, LabelPrint_v3.0, MouseClock, OSK


It's been more than three years since I originally wrote Xicon (July
1986), and until last year it was essentially the only program to
provide a means of running a CLI command script from an icon.  With
Commodore's own IconX, it finally has some competition.  The previous
version of Xicon -- 2.01 -- has a number of features that are missing
from IconX, but, equally well, IconX has a couple of very useful
options that I had always wanted in Xicon but never could figure out a
neat way to do.  Spurred on by the example placed in front of me, I
finally got my act together and put the missing features in.  Xicon 2.5
does everything IconX does, and still has all its old features
(including one or two -- like LOCDIR -- that are a bit redundant now).
Binary only, Author:  Pete Goodeve

CAM #326 Utilités de programmation
ARPTools, DateRequester, IntegrtedCComplerEnv_v1.4, KFFT_v1.1,
MRARPFile, requester.library_v1.3, screenclip_v1.0, Txt2Exe

CAM #327 Jeux
FRENZY, JAR, MarbleSlide

CAM #328 Utilités Éducation
AirFoil_II, Graph, ScopeCalc_v1.0, Stackup_v2.0

CAM #329 Utilités graphiques
MultiPlot, Show_v2.0, SlideMaster_v0.1

CAM #330 Utilités domestiques
BankNote, Cal-Pal, MicroCosm_v1.3, PennyWise

CAM #331 Utilités de Télécommunication
File_Collector_v1.04, Lhwarp_v1.11, pkazip_v1.0, select,

CAM #332 Utilités de programmation
AmigaAsmPreprocessor_v0.2, bind_v1.2, DAsm_v2.12, IPC_nov89

CAM #333 Jeux


Lotto is designed to replace your user group's old shoebox full of
membership numbers and names and add some pizzaz to the process of
drawing for doorprizes at club meetings.  Includes source.  Author:
Mike Groshart


A game based on a popular type of word skill puzzle contest generally
sponsored by newspapers.  Binary only.  Author:  Mike Savin, Gladstone


Translation to C of a Rubiks Cube solver program originally written in
Basic by John Murphy.  Includes versions to do an "unwrapped" 2D
solution, and a more visual 3D solution.  Version 0.0, includes source.
Author:  Roger Uzun


You try to remember and mimic the sound/color sequence played by the
computer.  Each time you get it right, another sound/color is added to
the sequence.  Great practice in case you ever find yourself in a
"Close Encounters of the Third Kind" experience.  Binary only.  Author:
Peter Handel


FallThru is a relatively simple game to play, but you must plan your
moves to get the lowest score.  The game starts with eight numbered
horizontal bars in the center of the screen.  Each bar has four holes,
randomly spaced.  On the top of the bars are eight purple markers that
you make FALLTHRU the holes in the bars.  You first specify which of
the bars you want moved, pressing return after making your selection.
You are then asked for a direction, left or right.  Press the `L' or
the `R' key, then a RETURN.  Lastly, you are prompted for how many
times you want that bar to move in the direction specified.  You may
input a number from one to nine.  If you feel that you would like to
change your mind, type a zero and the prompt will go back to asking for
which bar to move.  After hitting a number from one to nine and a
RETURN, the bar will move.  If a marker passes over a hole, it will
drop in.  You must get all eight markers to drop past the eighth bar in
the least amount of moves.  You will then get a chance to try to beat
your lowest score, or better yet, have a friend to try.  Binary only,
author:  Stafford White

CAM #334 Utilités graphiques


This program replaces the DumpToIFF post processor for the DKBTrace
program.  The old version worked perfectly well, but it created a
different palette for each picture.  If you are trying to make an
animation, however, most animation making programs don't support
different palettes on each frame.  Include source, author:  David Buck


Fontconverter utility for Sculpt.  Binary only, author:  James Rice


IFSOUT graphically displays iterated function systems and allows the
user to interactively create the affine functions that define such
systems.  An IFS can represent complex pictures very compactly.  Simple
IFSs can describe an infinite number of different and interesting
fractal displays.  Some of these pictures are remenisent of plants,
ferns, bushes, trees, snails, shells, sunsets and other natural
objects, plus a number of other interesting patterns.  Included with
the program are a number of displays that the author and others have
discovered.  These are in a directory named coors.  The demo-version
does not have the ability to save functions, it also stores its
transforms in binary form.  Binary only, author:  Glen Fullmer


This program will convert Photon Paint 2.0 ANIM files so that they can
be run with the Director.  Currently the Director is unable to deal
with ANIMs that have imbedded CMAP chunks which allow for the palette
to change during the ANIM.  Provided that the ANIM does not actually
require a changing colormap, this utility can be used to strip out the
otherwise unnecessary CMAP chunks containing the frame-by-frame
colormap information.  Binary only, author:  Unknown


This program draws 3-D graphs either as wire frames or colored solids
with hidden lines eliminated.  It requires a minimum of 512K of memory.
This is a shareware program by George Trepal.

CAM #335 Utilités diverses


A simple alarm clock program with a very alarming "ring", particularly
if you hook it up to your stereo and turn up the volume.  Includes
source.  Author:  Brian Neal


'expansion'prints a single screen of date for each item that was
autoconfigured.  Note we are concerned primarily with Board Size, Board
Address, er_Manufacturer, er_InitDiagVec, and er_Product.  For most
autoboot devices, the Board Size is 64K bytes and is located in the
0EXXXXXH expansion area (at least with 1.2 & 1.3.  Include c source,
author:  Gregory B.  Tibbs


Fortune will ramdomly display a 'fortune' selected from the fortunes
file (supplied).  The 'fortunes' file is easily modified or added to by
the user, using any text editor.  Fortune provides color and speech by
user option.  Version 2.04c, includes source.  Author:  George Kerber


This little hack will make you think you have mice scurrying around in
the back of your computer.  Includes source.  Author:  Mark Schretlen


Swaps the functions of the left and right mouse buttons so that Lefties
can use the mouse with their left hands.  Includes source.  Author:
Rob Eisenhuth


A small assembly utility which shows you the current position of the
mouse pointer.  Can be "jumped" to operate on any screen.  Includes
source in assembly.  Author:  Jonathan Potter


Yes, another name and address program for the Amiga.  I guess there are
some things you just can't have enough of, and name and address
programs must be one of those things.  Binary only, author:  Griff


NewLook changes the design of Workbench gadgets.  It streamlines the
look of the screen.  Double-click the program icon and the change is
automatically made.  This version of NewLook contains seven different
styles.  Binary only, author:  David N.  Junod


The OHelp program is designed to be able to retrieve information on the
CLI commands, and pretty much anything else the user wants to keep a
file of help data covering.  Include c source, author:  John Wiederhirn


This is a program which increases the flexibility of the AmigaDOS
system.  The basic idea is to replace the old standard assignments with
new which can read from a several different (i.e.  a path) of
directories.  This operation is totaly transparent to the user and to
normal programs.  Binary only, author:  Anders Lindgren


A small program that makes it possible for you to use pop-up-menus with
any program that uses standard intuition menus.  Version 2.42, includes
source.  Author:  Martin Adrian


A custom PRT:  driver which offers easy single sheet support as well as
limited data spooling.  Version 1.1, includes source.  Author:  Olaf


A very small file view program (only 3K) written in assembly language,
but with most of the features of its larger cousins.  Version 1.1,
shareware, binary only.  Author:  Lyman Epp


ReplaceGadgets changes the system gadgets of your Amiga.  Every window
or screen in the system will be updated, and the programs called
subsequently will use the new shapes.  Beware of the fact that
SIMPLE_REFRESH windows will get updated with a move, SMART_REFRESH
windows with a size, and SUPER_BITMAP windows (or SMART_REFRESH windows
without sizing features) will never get updated.  Include c source,
author:  Sebastiano Vigna


A screen blanker that replaces your display with a randomly chosen
animated starfield.  Version 1.00, includes source in Modula-2.
Author:  Chris Bailey


Switcher's job is to provide you with a list of the current screens
existing on the system and then allow you to select which screen you
want to switch to.  Binary only, author:  Khalid Aldoseri


The talking keyboard program (TalKey) will speak any keys and or words
that the user types while operating in a CLI window.  Binary only,
author:  Unknown


WC calculate the WindChill factor of temperature.  Binary only, author:
Charles Conlow

CAM #336 Utilités diverses


A ksh-like shell for the Amiga.  Some of its features include command
substitution, shell functions with parameters, aliases, local
variables, local functions, local aliases, powerful control structures
and tests, emacs style line editing and history functions, I/O
redirection, pipes, large variety of built-in commands, Unix style
wildcards, Unix style filename conventions, filename completion, and
coexistence with scripts from other shells.  Very well documented.
Version 1.0, binary only.  Author:  Steve Koren


Back and UnBack are a pair of raw utility programs that I wrote to make
using Matt Dillon's BackUp/Restore program safer and faster to use.
These programs essentially replace the AmigaDos Copy command when
saving (and restoring) the large backup files to floppy disk.  Include
c source, author:  Stephen Vermeulen


This little utility is for the express purpose of taking a large TEXT
file and breaking it up into smaller, more manageable files.  There are
a couple of limitations.  One is memory (of course).  The other is that
the newly created files are output to the -current directory-.  I
usually use this by placing 'bu' in my C:  directory, the file that
need to be broken up goes on a disk in DF1:  and then I CD to RAM:  to
do the actual process.  Include c source, author:  Brian Jackson


Assembly code example of locating and listing information about all
mounted devices.  Includes source.  Author:  Fabrice Lienhardt


This program allows one to easily compute the elapsed time needed to
execute any command or series of commands.  Binary only, author:  Ned


A console handler with command line editing and function key support.
GMC provides extended command line editing, function key assignment in
four levels, extended command line history, online help for functions
in the handler, and an iconify function.  Version 4.0, binary only.
Author:  Gotz Muller


A small program which disables Intuition's AutoRequest function.  In
particular, this prevents AmigaDOS from putting up system requesters,
which is useful if you are operating your Amiga remotely and can't use
the mouse to click CANCEL.  Unlike similar utilities which affect only
a single CLI, KillReq disables ALL requesters.  This is version 1.0 and
includes C source.  Author:  Eddy Carroll


A versatile cli/macro-key initiator based on POPCLI with a unique
method of "screen-blanking".  I won't say more, just try it!  This is
version 1.4, an update to version 1.3.  Includes fixes to work with
latest WShell and the new 'never' keyword.  Includes source.  Author:
Tomas Rokicki


SF searches for files or directories into any AmigaDOS legal device.
The searching is done starting from the device's root directory and
going down into its subdirectories.  The searching process also look
for items into archive files generated by various compressing tools.
Archive files ending with a .ARC, .LHZ, .ZIP and .ZOO extension are
currently supported.  To use this program, you need ARP.library 1.3
(rev.  39.1) or higher in your LIBS:  directory.  Binary only, author:
Andrea Suatoni


Split is a utility to allow large files to be split up into a group of
smaller files.  The main use for Split is in the area of
telecommunications.  The names of the output files are the same as the
input file except for a period and a letter appended to the end of the
input file name.  The SIZE of the output files is 10000-100000 bytes.
To re-assemble the files, use the AmigaDOS function, Join.  (Note:
Split writes to the current directory, but it can read from a different
disk and/or directory.) Binary only, author:  Ray D.  Ward

CAM #337 Utilités diverses


A program which can operate on windows owned by another program, to
close them, change their size, refresh gadgets, move the window to the
background, etc.  This is version 2.0, an update to version 1.0.
Includes source.  Author:  Roger Fischlin


A file editor like NewZap or FedUp, which allows you to manipulate
bytes of a file.  You may also change the file size or execute a patch.
Version 1.11, includes source.  Author:  Roger Fischlin


Helper is a small utility to ease the transition to using the CLI, or
even to speed up certain functions if you're a CLI pro.  Helper allows
you to define up te 12 help keys which are available to your CLI
window.  Along with the ability to set up any command to execute at the
touch of a button, you may also specify that a file requester (ala ARP
(AmigaDOS Replacement Project) to select any file parameters required
by a command.  Include source in Modula, author:  Mike Cargal


This is the second version of my minimal text reader, that reads text
files and nothing more.  It is a few bytes shorter.  Some bugs have
been fixed.  It lost a few peculiarities (no copper listnow) but it
gained a few additional features.  (i) the cursor indicates the
location in the text and allows you to directly jump anywhere you want
to go, instead of flipping pages.  (ii) more color features.  The text
is displayed in a 4-color window opened in a custom screen.  The
background is in color 1 and the text is normally printed in color 2,
except for the lines beginning with codes 3] or 4], which are printed
in color 3 or 4 respectively.  Can be useful for highlighting titles,
as shown above; this is commonly used throughout JUMPDISK.  Binary
only, author:  Charles VASSALLO


MakeFastMem is a little program that changes a chunk of ChipRAM to
FastRAM.  At least the OS is fooled to believe that.  The reason for
doing this is because some people (programmers) believes that they MUST
ask for FastRAM, and believe that the user always has that.  That is
really stupid, and has caused problems for a number of people with 1 Mb
ChipRAM for example.  Include source in assembler, author:  Erik


This program clears the position info of any of your icons to allow
WorkBench to pick a reasonable place for the icon again.  Useful for
disk and drawer icons where Snapshot rewrites the icon and the window
information.  Written in Modula-2, another demo for M2Amiga, showing
the simplicity of programming with this Modula-2 compiler.  Author:
Markus.  Schaub


Patch2090 will fix the problems that the CBM 2090 and 2090A controllers
have when heavy DMA activity is present, i.e.  when the display is
hi-res, and 4-bit planes (16 colors) while reading from Fast Filing
System (FFS) paritions.  This problem is very evident with SCSI drives.
Binary only, author:  Khalid Aldoseri


This is a little utility I whipped together for my own use, but I
figured that maybe other people would have a use for it as well, so
here it is.  What it does is take two sorted input files and return
those lines that are identical in both files, not counting case (i.e.
both strings are converted to upper case before comparison).  Include c
source, author:  Daniel Zenchelsky


The program SILENCE will run as its own task and prevent the floppy
drives from clicking if there are no disks present.  This is done by
halting the trackdisk.device task associated with the drive when the
DOS file system has detected a lack of a disk.  Disks are detected by
examining the disk change status.  This status is altered only when the
heads are stepped.  Since stepping clicks the heads, there must be a
quieter way.  Fortunately, it is possible, on most floppy drives, to
step towards smaller track numbers when at track 0.  This will change
the latch but will not physically move the heads since the disk knows
not to step out of bounds.  In theory, this works.  Binary only,
author:  Edward Lappin


This program was written to slow down the Amiga.  The original purpose
of this program was to permit mentally handicapped users to play games
that multi-task properly.  Include source in Modula, author:  Robert


An information display system you can use to quickly and easily display
text files (and sections of text files) with the press of a button.
Version 1.51, shareware, binary only.  Author:  Paul Thomas Miller


WBscript lets you place scripts into project icons.  When you
double-click the icon, the script is executed from a console device
(CLI) of your choice which has a current directory of the icon's
location, or a directory named in the project icon.  In this way, when
you write your scripts, you do not even have to supply path names to
files and the script will still always find them.  Binary only, author:
Howard Harrison


Very comprehensive program to monitor and control system activity.
Monitor cpu, memory usage, ports, interrupts, devices.  Close windows,
screens, show loaded fonts or last Guru code number.  Clean up memory,
flush unused libraries, devices, fonts.  etc.  and a whole bunch more!
Spawns its own process.  A very handy background task to have loaded.
This is version 2.2, an update to version 2.0.  Changes include mostly
bug fixes and some minor enhancements.  Assembly source included.
Author:  Werner Gunther

CAM #338 Musique
14 self-playing music pieces:
Commando, CrystalHammer, Deadlock, Echoing, Fusiad, Music-001,
Music-003, Music-006, Music-007, Music-012, Samba, spacetravelling,
UnitA, wow.  Warning some pieces are 2.0 incompatible.

CAM #339 Utilités de programmation


This library represents an attempt to provide the Amiga community with
a high speed, easy to use 3d display library for C programmers.  The
library uses the transformation matrix method, which is the fastest
method I know to do 3d transformations while still providing relatively
intuitive rotations.  Integer arithmetic is used for speed.
Additionally, the data is stored in a format that will make it easy to
optimize the code in assembly language.  I wrote the code for Aztec C,
but I haven't converted anything to assembly language yet, so the
current version should work with Lattice as well.  I haven't tested it,
but I don't believe I did anything that is compiler dependent.  The
library provides what I consider relatively high speed 3d displays.  It
can rotate and draw roughly 500 lines/second.  Once I've converted the
rotation code to optimized assembly, I expect the time required for the
calculation portion of the display to be reduced by at least a factor
of 4.  With the Amiga's graphics coprocessor, filled polygons can be
drawn almost (perhaps 70-80%) as fast as the lines.  Since a number of
the parameters used in the library are application specific, the
'library' is actually a C source file that you include in your program.
This is done primarily for speed.  If some of the parameters were
variables rather than #defines, the library would run significantly
slower.  The code is relatively small, and it seems unlikely that more
than one 3d application would be active at one time, so C source seems
to me to be a reasonable way to go.  If anyone has a better idea for
future versions, I'd love to hear it.  Author:  Steven Ludtke


One of the series of ROBBS (Rexx Object Building Block System) modules
by Larry Phillips.  DispMod is a display module that only understands
ARexx messages.  It allows, under program control, the display of text
and the acceptance of keyboard data.  Version 0.11, includes source.
Author:  Larry Phillips


A general purpose file requester, which was designed to be easy to use
and fast, with a built-in ARexx port allowing you to use it from ARexx
scripts or applications with ARexx ports.  Version 1.0, binary only.
Author:  Jeffrey D.  Wahaus


'kd_freq.library' is a standard Amiga library that has three functions:
FReq(), Path() and PatMatch().  FReq() calls my file requester (FR) so
that any program can use it.  The FR is totally reentrant, and you can
have multiple programs calling it simultaenously.  Path() simply
returns the full path to a file or directory.  PatMatch() implements
AmigaDOS style wildcard pattern matching.  Binary only, author:  Khalid


Modula-2 object code to Exec loadable library procedure.  Include
Modula source, Author:  Tim Coffey


The dissidents file requester library.  This is version 1.5, Binary
only.  Author:  Jeff Glatt, Dissidents Software


A library and support programs that enable applications to open up
windows on other applications' custom screens.  For example, your
editor may want to open a window on your terminal emulator's screen so
you can compose a message while still being able to see the contents of
the terminal's screen.  Both applications must cooperate for the screen
sharing to work.  Version 1.21, includes source for interface portions.
Author:  Willy Langeveld


Tthe first module implemented as part of ROBBS (Rexx Object Building
Block System); SerMod, the serial module.  Full source code will not be
presented, but will be available on a Transactor disk.  We will look at
some of the code that illustrates the principles of the ARexx interface
to this module, and show complete syntax for the commands it will
recognize.  Author:  Larry Phillips


Included here is an Amiga disk library of XSpecs functions, named
xspecs.library (what else).  Any programmer using a language which is
able to access Amiga libraries now has availalble 24 different XSpecs
functions which allow easy initialization of an XSpecs three
dimensional view and easy drawing and sprite movement within this view.
XSpecs library does all the hard work of vertical blank programming and
of three dimensional projection into left eye and right eye views which
are then switched in synchronization with the XSpecs lenses.
XSpecs.library is freely distributable in the public domain.  Included
here is version 0.  If there is enough interest, future versions will
be developed to add additional functions and fix any bugs (what bugs).
Binary only, author:  Richard Horne


Some programs currently available make use of the following condition
in most Amiga computers:  *0 == 0L This dependence should be
interpreted as a BUG.  If a program, or a piece of hardware happens to
put a non-zero value into location zero, odd things may begin to occur
inside programs depending on this anomoly.  Noticed symptoms include:
- drastic slowing of program execution - improper execution of minor
areas of a program - major inabilities to function properly.  Binary
only, author:  John D.  Gerlach, Jr.

CAM #340 Utilités de télécommunication


APB is a modem dialer and phone book.  The program will work with any
modem as a modem configuration editing and re-initializing screen is
provided.  The phone book is a handy way to store large amounts of
numbers and dial them individually or in succession.  The phone book
also allows for manual entry of phone numbers to dial, it iconifies yet
allows you to control the modem while in shrunk mode as well as
monitoring the modem for any incoming signals (like a ring) when you
are not dialing a number.  The Concert Dial feature re-dials a busy
number as fast as your modem allows, continuing to re-dial until a busy
signal is no longer recieved.  APB also has a limited format print-out
capability to give you a paper printout of your phone book.  Binary
only, author:  Jeff Hoag


This is the the source and executable for FTEK.  FTEK is very similar
to FTERM but it also has TEK4014 emulation in it.  Of course FTEK is
mainly hacked on original code from FTERM and the tek module from "tek"
which is a VT100 hack to include 4014 stuff (by my professor no less!).


JMODEM File Transfer Protocol, Amiga Version 1.0 Based on original
implementation version 1.20 by Richard B.  Johnson for IBM PC
compatibles.  Amiga port made by Kenneth Osterberg, released into
public domain June 10, 1989.  Include c source.


Lharc is an archive program such as Arc and Zoo.  It can store several
files in one archive in a compressed form which is generally more
efficent than that used by Arc and Zoo.  It also supplies all of the
archive handling capabilities that an archive program should have.  In
particular it is able to store an entire directory tree with one single
command.  This enables you, for example, to store an entire floppy-disk
with a single command creating an archive which is usually shorter than
those prodeced by Warp or even LhWarp (see the -r switch).  Another
important feature of Lharc is its ability to preserve the file
attributes (see the -a switch) Its only weakness is compression speed:
Zoo 2.0, for example, is faster, but if compression efficency is more
important for you than compression time you'll surely appreciate this
progam.  (anyway decompression is much faster than compression).
Binary only, author:  Paolo Zibetti


A program which will read tracks directly from your floppy disk,
compress them using adaptive huffman encoding, and output them to a
file.  The resulting file can be used by lhwarp to reconstruct an image
of the original disk.  This is version 1.21, an update to version 1.20.
Binary only.  Author:  Jonathan Forbes


Lightning Dial!  is a program that I wrote to help a friend win one of
those radio call-in contests.  The purpose of the program is to quickly
dial a phone number and wait just long enough for you to hear if the
phone is busy or if it rings.  In the case that it is busy, the program
will hang up and re-dial.  If the phone rings, it is your
responsibility to first pick up the reciever of the phone (you do have
one don't you?) and then click on the HOLD gadget to stop the program
from re-dialing.  You can then talk to the person (the D.J.) on the
other end and hopefully win the contest.  Include c source, author:
David R.  Stromberger.


This article by H.Okumura explains various algorithms of Data
Compression.  The article, originally uploaded in his workshop, is
posted here with his permission.  Also includes three C programs
illustrating lzari, lzss and lzhuf methods uploaded with permission of
their authors.  These are the compression schemes currently being
investigated by Japanese hobbiest programmers.  -Kenjirou Okubo.  There
are five files in this package:  readme package summary compress.txt
the compression paper by Haruhiko Okumura lzari.c C source for lzari
compression, by Haruhiko Okumura lzhuf.c C source for lzhuf
compression, by Haruyasu Yoshizaki, comments translated into English by
Haruhiko Okumura lzss.c C source for lzss compression by Haruhiko


PKAZip is the PKWare ZIP tool for the Amiga.  PKWare's MS-DOS product
line includes:

PKZIP     - The FAST data compressor!
PKUNZIP   - The FAST data decompressor!
PKZFIND   - A tool to locate files in directories or ZIP files!
STUPENDOS - A directory utility which provides access to MS-DOS files as well
            as ZIP files!

PKAZip is all of these tools and more!  It provides the Amiga user with
a fully-Intuitionized tool written specifically for the Amiga.  PKAZip
provides COMPLETE support for the Amiga's file system while retaining
compatibility with PKWare's PKZIP and PKUNZIP tools.  PKAZip provides
functions to create, examine, extract, test, modify, display and print
files which are in the ZIP compressed format.  PKAZip provides
additional functions which support ZIP creation and extraction.  It
provides full support for recursive copy and delete to allow you to
copy or delete any or all files in one or more directories and
subdirectories.  PKAZip will create directories as needed to support
the copy operation and ZIP file creation.  Binary only, author:  Dennis


undo is a simple shell for arc, zoo, and lharc.  If you use undo you
will not have to remember which archive format the file was in.
Include c source, author:  Jamie C.  Mueller


An Amiga shared library which provides Kermit file transfer capability
to any XPR-compatible communications program.  Supports version 2.0 of
the XPR Protocol specification.  Version 1.5, includes source.  Author:
Marco Papa, Stephen Walton


The XprQuickB shared library supports an external file transfer
protocol (XPR) for Amiga programs such as VLT and A-Talk III.  It
supports the Quick B protocol developed and used by CompuServe
Incorporated as an enhancement of their B protocol.  Generally, Quick B
protocol file transfers are significantly faster than transfers with
older protocols.  Includes source.  Author:  The Software Distillery

CAM #341a&b Amiga UUCP


An implementation of uucp for the Amiga, including mail and news.  This
is Matt's version for the Amiga, based on William Loftus's Amiga UUCP
0.40 release with news code from his 0.60 release, and months of work
by Matt to make fixes and add enhancements.  This is version 1.03D, an
update to version 1.00.  Includes source.  Author:  Various, major
enhancements by Matt Dillon

CAM #342a&b Utilités programmation


Here it is:  a Unix "cc"-like driver for Lattice C 5.X!  I wrote this
program because I got fed up with Lattice's "lc" driver program,
especially when trying to convert makefiles (for MicroEMACS) to use lc
instead of the universal "cc" type driver.  NOTE:  "tmskludge" is GONE!
The program now requires Arp.library to run, but you should all have
Arp anyway.  It should be available almost anywhere.  Besides the
removal of tmskludge, new improvements include easier configurability
(?), slightly more Unix-like syntax, base-relative code support, and
more!  The cc program is now "pure" so that it may be made resident.
Binary only, author:  Tyger Mohrtech Software


This is a copy of the Decus cpp, ported to the Amiga.  This cpp is more
powerful and complete than either of the built in cpp's in Manx or
Lattice C.  Includes source.  Author:  Martin Minow, Olaf Seibert


Shell provides a convient AmigaDos alternative command interface.  All
its commands are internal and thus does not rely on the c:  commands
for any functionality.  Major features include:

 -command line editing
 -shell & Amigados search path support
 -simple history
 -redirection of any command
 -variables & variable handling (embedded variables)
 -file name expansion via conventional wild carding ('?', '*' and
 -conditionals (if/else ect..)
 -source files  (w/ gotos and labels)
 -many built in commands to speed things up

Include c source, authors: Carlo Borreo & Cesare Dieni


The grep program from the GNU project.  Replaces grep fgrep, egrep, and
bmgrep.  Currently does not expand Amiga style wildcards, so if you
wish to scan multiple files you will need to use it with a shell that
does this for you.  This is version 1.5, an update to version 1.3.
Includes source.  Author:  Many (see README file)


Ancient Chinese fortune telling program.  Yin yang of one's destiny on
any subject.  The ancient technique uses yarrow sticks.  Americanized
version uses coins.  This version uses a random number generator of my
own design.  It kind of defeats the use of this program if you use it
every day but it's up to you.  Think about a problem or situation you
want to determine the out-come to and use this program to see the
pre-destiny for that problem.  Include c source, author:  Christopher
Paul Scott.


Public domain make from mod.sources, Volume 7, number 91.  It has been
cleaned up, Manx'ified, and some new features added, by Steve Walton.
Includes source.  Author:  "caret@fairlight.OZ


Two independent ports of the very useful Unix utility "patch", which
applies context diffs to text files to automatically update them.
Includes source.  Author:  Larry Wall


You wanted to delete a couple of files, and one tiny extra space crept
in.  The result -- "delete t:  #?", was devastating.  A week's work is
gone.  That's where rm comes in.  Instead of immediately deleting the
files, they will be moved to some trash directory.  When you are sure
everything is OK (after some minutes when everything has settled), you
can empty it (at my place this automatically happens once a day --
files older than 24 hours are then erased).  Include assembler sources,
author:  Martin J.  Laubach


This is a port of Berkeley Yacc for the Amiga.  This Yacc has been made
as compatible as possible with the AT&T Yacc, and is completely public
domain.  Note that it is NOT the so-called Decus Yacc, which is/was
simply a repackaging of the proprietary AT&T Yacc.  Amiga version 1.0a,
includes source.  Author:  Bob Corbett, Amiga port by Eric Green

CAM #343a&b Éducation


This Distant Suns Demo can be run as an automated demo if you run Xit
ds_play or as an interactive demo by double clicking ds_demo.  This
should be installed on a stripped down workbench or on a hard disk.
Requires 1mb to operate.  This is a fully functional copy of Distant
Suns locked into the year 1988.  Author:  Virtual Reality Laboratories,


Very nice interactive display of the the Periodic Table of Elements.
Can display a large amount of pertinent data about a selected element
along with a good deal of general and miscellaneous info.  Author:
Paul Thomas Miller


"FishTank" is a program that simulates an aquarium.It was written
entirely in object-oriented JForth (version 2.0).  The intent of the
program is to provide a visually pleasing and relatively accurate
simulation of tropical fish in a home aquarium.  While the behavior of
tropical fish is very much more complex than the behavior displayed by
my simulated fish, their survival characteristics are at least similar.
"FishTank" could be used as a humane way of testing out various
combinations of fish and water conditions by those planning (or just
daydreaming about) a real aquarium.  This program makes extensive use
of the Amiga's animation system.  The screen is a double-buffered
HAM-mode screen, and the fish are all "AnimObs".  Although I probably
do not use the AnimObs to their fullest advantage, they do work in a
reliable and consistent manner.  Binary only, author:  Harriet Lurie


OrbitX is a program that lets you explore the behavior of orbiting
objects.  It can be used simply to watch the delicate motion of the
objects, or to generate drawings which can be saved for use with other
Amiga programs.  This document will explain some of the theory behind
what is going on when you run orbitX, as well as serve as a general
guide to using the program.  Binary only, author:  Harriet Lurie


The USA states capitals educational game quiz graphics Cando stack.
The default game setup is ONE player, STUDY mode with MAP on.  Change
the setup through the titlebar menu or use the listed keyboard
equivilents.  While in STUDY mode, the player will see the correct
answer if he makes a mistake.  In TEST mode, he does not.  The map is a
visual scoreboard.  Each player can see which states he has "conquered"
by entering the correct capital.  Player One's states are red, Player
Two's are green.  The game moves more quickly with the map off.  This
game is part of an educational package under development by Artistic
Solutions.  Shareware

CAM #344a&b Utilités graphiques


Amiga Plot is a three dimesional mathematical function plotter.  It
takes a function, derived by the user, parses it into a partially
compiled form and then calculates coordinates to be placed in the xyz
system.  AmigaPlot use hidden line removal based on a principle known
as the painters algorithm.  Each time AmigaPlot goes to the screen it
places a filled polygon.  Starting from the most distant part of the
plot it is constantly placing filled polygons in front of other
polygons there by covering the hidden portions of the plot.  Many
aspects of the plot are user variable so that almost any combination of
rotations, perspectives, and parameters for any function can produce
infinite results.  AmigaPlot is not intended for statistical analysis
and the precision of the plot or its scale are not guaranteed.  The use
of color in the plot can produce very pleasing effects especially when
a feathered pallet is used.  The idea of AmigaPlot is to provide an
artistic approach to the sometimes dry subjects of Analytical Geometry
and Trigonometry.  Binary only, author:  Joe Martin


LaTeX Picture Editor is a graphical editor for producing "pictures" for
the LaTeX system, which may be imported by LaTeX.  You can draw boxes,
dashed boxes, lines, vectors, circles, boxes with centered text, and
plain text.  Binary only.  Author:  Joerg Geissler


lptops converts normal text files into PostScript for printing on the
Apple LaserWriter, or any other PostScript-compatible printing device.
It supports selection of a variety of fonts at arbitrary point sizes,
margin specification, portrait and landscape page orientation,
automatic page numbering, page outlining, and multi-column printing.
It can also handle overstruck text used by many document formatters for
underlining.  Include c source, author:  Allan Hetzel


A library of C functions useful for scientific plotting on the Amiga.
The library is Lattice C compatible.  Contour plotting, three
dimensional plotting, axis redefinition, log-log plotting and multiple
subpages are a few of Plplot's features.  The plots can be displayed on
a monitor or sent to a graphics file for subsequent printing.  This is
version 2.6, and update to version 1.00.  This version includes a
greatly improved intuition interface, preferences support for hardcopy,
several new device drivers, and the capability of adding additional
device drivers easily.  Includes source.  Author:  Tony Richardson


PLT:  is a file-handler that emulates a plotter by accepting HP-GL
commands, creating a raster image, and then dumping it to any
Preferences supported graphics printer.  The current resolution set
with preferences is used, allowing PLT:  to make full use of a
printer's capability.  PLT:  accepts virtually all of the standard
HP-GL commands, including scaling and text.  The commands that were not
implemented are those which are generally contained in an extended
graphics cartridge, such as:  circles, arcs, filled regions, etc.
Version 1.3a includes new features and bug fix, binary only, authors:
Rich Champeaux & Jim Miller


"Post" is a software based PostScript interpreter, presently running on
the Amiga.  The source code (not include in this distribution) is
written in C, and should be fairly portable to other machines.  It
supports the full Adobe language, with only minor variations.  Author:
Adrian Aylward

CAM #345 Utilités diverses


CmdSweep executes a given command in every subdirectory under the
specified starting directory including the starting directory.  It can
also be used to execute the command for every matching file encountered
in the directory tree.  If the current directory is the desired
starting directory, then it may be specified by coding the argument as
"".  Includes source.  Author:  Bill DuPree


DEdit is a Disk Editor that will edit sectors on any disk device that
uses 512 byte sectors I've used it with my Floppy drives, RAD:, and my
hard drive using the FastFileSystem.  Binary only, author:  Mike Ruble


Searches a directory and its subdirectories for the pattern.  Binary
only, author:  Cedric BEUST


A program to scan through all files in a given volume or directory,
looking for project icons and changing their default tools according to
instructions given in a script file.  Version 1.2, includes source.
Author:  Lars Clausen


IconJ significantly enhances the IconX program, and is 100% compatible.
It allows scripts to be executed by double-clicking the script's icon.
Abilities include joining the script with the icon file itself, or
calling it from any directory or disk, executing either AmigaDOS or
ARexx scripts, outputing to any file or device, running interactive
scripts and scripts that contain conditionals, and creating relative
console windows.  Includes a utility called AtatJ which attaches or
detaches a script to/from an icon file.  Version 1.0, includes source
in JForth.  Author:  Rich Franzen


A utility that helps you make and display your own help files for
commands.  Disk space usage is minimized by using PowerPacker to crunch
the help files.  Version 1.2, binary only.  Author:  Jorrit Tyberghein


A tool for clipping text or graphics from the screen, using the
clipboard device.  Snap finds out character coordinates automatically,
handles different fonts, keymaps, accented characters, and more.
Version 1.4, an update to version 1.3.  Includes source.  Author:
Mikael Karlsson


Two utilities that deal with disk tracks.  TCopy copies one or more
tracks from one disk to another, and is useful for copying part of a
floppy disk into RAD:  during bootup.  TFile creates a dummy file which
"marks" a specified range of tracks, preventing AmigaDOS from using
them and allowing them to be used for raw trackdisk data.  Includes C
source.  Author:  Eddy Carroll


CAM #346 Utilités graphiques


Generates bezier surfaces of revolution.  Will produce some amazing
pictures of wineglasses, doorknobs, or other objects one could turn on
a lathe.  Includes the capacity to map IFF image files onto any surface
that it can draw.  This is version 2.0, an update to version 1.0.
Changes include support for data file formats that can be translated to
input files for various 3D modeling programs, an increase in the number
of grey shades available, and the capability of modifying the endpoints
of segments.  Source included.  Author:  Eric Davies


This Amiga program converts GIF files to IFF files (using HAM if
required).  It takes a while to run (typically 3 minutes) but produces
HAM images with few colour errors.  It is also useful for showing full
PAL pictures when used in conjunction with PAL-capable IFF viewers.
Include c source, author:  Ken C.M.  Lau


A program that renders three-dimensional images of blowups of the
Mandelbrot set.  Includes several example images.  Version 1.1,
shareware, binary only.  Author:  Mathias Ortmann


A very versatile program to display IFF ILBM files.  Features realtime
unpacking scroll, smart analysis of any IFF file, total control over
display modes, simple slideshow processing, pattern matching, and a
dozen other options.  Only 14K.  This is version 1.0, and adds SHAM,
double buffering, faster decompression, color cycling, TeXdocs, startup
files for easy customizing, and complete WorkBench support through
ToolTypes and Style icons.  Binary only.  Author:  Sebastiano Vigna

CAM #347a&b Images Ray Trace


This image uses a wide selection of Silver's features.  Author:  James
M.  Shook


Turbo Silver picture of ball on a staircase.  Author:  James M.  Shook


A Ray-traced still called "COLUMNS©", Greek temple columns.  Software:
TurboSilver_SV.  Author:  Stephen Menzies


Sculpt Ray trace picture of a combat of Q-tips vs Scorpion.  Author:
R.  Forcier


A mask modeled and rendered in Impulse's TurboSilver_SV (Solid model
mode with 3D wood texture).  Author:  Stephen Menzies


HOLE IN THE WALL was raytraced with Turbo Silver features a Medieval
land as seen through a gaping hole in a massive brick wall.  This
picture has a great Fantasy Land look to it.  Author:  Richard Nichol


Nuclear Mystical Portrait of Salvador Dali, appearing over the Calm of
Port Ligot, among his Elements".  Software:  Turbo Silver.  Author:
Louis Markoya


Sculpt Ray trace picture of stylized bug on a stylized flower.  Author:
R.  Forcier


Literain on a pond, in a close-up view with some rock.  Software:
TurboSilver_SV (in solid model mode:28min w/ GVP 030/882).  Author:
Stephen Menzies


Sculpt Ray trace picture of stylized crab looking on a mirror ball.
Author:  R.  Forcier


Another surrealistic Dali oriented picture.  Software:  Turbo Silver.
Author:  Louis Markoya


Sculpt Ray trace picture of stylized crab and stilized scorpion on a
checkerboard.  Author:  R.  Forcier


Sculpt Ray trace picture of a glass sphere ceramic object on a
checkerboard.  Author:  R.  Forcier


Louis Markoya psychedelic autoportrait.  Software:  Turbo Silver.
Author:  Louis Markoya


This IFF painting is from an Animation sequence-in-progress and
represent an excellent example of Turbo Silver's powerful reflection
and refraction options.  The single object is surrounded by six
"mirrors" and reflected to infinity.  Each painting takes approx three
hours to create on an A2000 with GVP 030 card at 30 Mhz.  Escher.BLDG
object from Antic's Architectural Design object disk.  Converted to
TurboSilver object via InterChange by Syndesis.  Author:  John Rauh


The image was inspired by a well-known high-speed photograph of a
splash of milk taken by the pioneering scientific photographer Harold
Edgerton.  The original photograph was taken in a small fraction of a
second...the ray-trace took a bit longer.  Software:  Turbo Silver.
Author:  James M.  Shook


Study with flies and rhinoceros horns for "Hommage a Dali".  Software:
Turbo Silver.  Author:  Louis Markoya


The separate 3D elements in this scene were created in Sculpt 3D and
converted to Silver format with InterChange from Syndesis.  Several IFF
texture maps were used to create the textures on the objects in the
scene.  In addition, Silver's built-in 'disturbed' texture was used for
the tubular object.  The parameters for the texture were arrived at
through trial and error.  I also adjusted the object's filter settings
to make it semi-transparent.  The objects have a high specular value
with a low hardness setting.  This produces soft, diffused highlights.
Two light sources with ambient light were used.  The main light source
was slightly yellow and the second light source (creating the
highlights in the lower left) was given a bluish cast.  Author:  James
M.  Shook

CAM #348 Jeux divers


This is BootBlockChampionIII, a very nicely done program that allows
you to load, save, and analyze any bootblock.  This is version 3.21, an
update to version 3.1.  New features include checks for five different
LAMER viruses and some other enhancements.  Binary only.  Author:
Roger Fischlin


Have the Amiga play IFF audio sample files when events occur.
Chatterbox allows one to load and play sounds on the occurence of
several detectable events, such as disk insertion and deletion, calling
the DisplayBeep function, a time interval elapsing, preferences
chaging, activation and deactivation of Chatterbox's window, and
eventually, other events as well.  In order that it not eat up your
precious "chip" RAM, chatterbox uses your "fast" RAM (if you have any)
to cache the loaded sounds, only copying them to chip RAM when it's to
play them.  There are a maximum of 32 sounds that may be defined for
each type of event that Chatterbox can play sounds for, although hard
disk users may have many more sounds triggered by timer events (more on
this later).  Include c source, author:Karl Lehenbauer


Obsess-O-Matic is a real-time puzzle game like Tetrix where the object
is to fit the falling pieces together to form complete horizontal rows.
Features such as burning, exploding, and invisible pieces enhance game
play.  Other features such as a puzzle piece editor are included in the
version available directly from the author.  This is version 1.0,
shareware, binary only.  Author:  Wayne Phillips


Another program in the long tradition of screen hacks.  This one zeroes
in on your mouse pointer.  Binary only.  Author:  Lars Clausen


A "Soko-Ban" like shareware game, submitted by the author.  Includes
both English and German versions, a level editor, and digitized sounds.
This is version 1.1, binary only.  Author:  Tobias Eckert


Another program in the long tradition of screen hacks for the amiga.
Watch the snow fall, get blown around by the wind, and collect in
realistic heaps.  Includes source.  Author:  Lars Clausen

CAM #349 Jeux


A simple game of but it low and sell it high based on the stock market.
You have one year to make your fortune and you can buy and sell as many
times as you want.  The game ends 1.  At the end of the year.  2.  When
some one makes a billion dollars.  There is also a save game option
that lets you pick up where you left off.  Authors:  JERRY ADDLESTON


A game similar to Shanghai or Mahjong.  The goal is to remove all parts
of the pile, the so called Dragon, step by step.  This dragon is
composed of 120 different game pieces.  You can always find four pieces
displaying the same picture or chin ese symbols.  Binary only.  Author:
Dirk Hoffmann


A war game similiar in concept to the board game Risk.  You are the
lord of an entire world, destined to rule the galaxy.  Some worlds are
virgin fruits, ready for you to colonize.Some worlds have natives who
do not wish to accept your rule, these you must conquer for they will
yield more valuable resources.  As you claim the galaxy you will find,
you are not the only one extending your dominion.  This is a two-player
game.  Be prepared to defend yourself and take what is yours!  Author:
W.  Michael Bryant


Yet another Yathzee Game.  Authors:  Bill Mullen & Mike Monastero


Plays the classical reversi game on an 8 x 8 square field.  Version2.0,
an update to version 1.2.  Includes source in assembly language.
Author:  Marc Fischlin


Trivia Game.  The object is to get as many points as possible in 5
questions.  Before each question, you are given the category and then
you must choose to bet 1/4, 1/2 or all of your points.  Authors:  Bill
Mullen & Mike Monastero

CAM #350 Utilités domestiques


A "Dumb Clock" utility that displays the date and time in the Workbench
screen title bar.  Uses only about 2 percent of the CPU time and about
10Kb of memory.  Includes source.  Author:  Olaf Barthel


DEdit is a Disk Editor that will edit sectors on any disk device that
uses 512 byte sectors, Floppy drives, RAD:, and hard drive using the
FastFileSystem.  Author:  Mike Ruble


A disk speed testing program specifically designed to give the most
accurate results of the true disk performance of the disk under test.
Automatically updates and maintains an ASCII database of disk results
for tested disks.  This is version 3.0, an update to version 2.0, with
some source code cleanups and stress tests for CPU and DMA.  Includes
source in C.  Author:  Michael Sinz


This program is an icon editor.  You can load icons by clicking from
the workbench, or from a directory listing.  EAch icon is shown in its
selected and unselected state, and various editing tools are available.
Binary only.  Author:John Scheib


Allows easy calculation of future values of investment.  Enter the
beginning investment value, annual percentage rate, annual deposit
amount, and number of years, to compute the future value.Version 2.0,
includes source.  Author:  Joel Swank


This program is designed to be used by Amiga Computer Clubs It allows
the user to:

    1. Add, Modify, and Delete Member related information
    2. Search for Member Information
    3. Sort by Last Name, Expiration Date, Model, or Zip Code
    4. Print a variety of reports for club use
    5. Print Mailing Labels for Current Members.

Binary only. Author:Lorraine Crawford


A hard disk backup utility that does a file by file copy to standard
AmigaDOS floppy disks.  Includes an intuition interface and file
compression.  This is version 3.4, an update to version 3.3e.  Binary
only.  Author:Mark Rinfret


This is Version 1.06 of the SpreadSheet called WebSpread.  The program
is compiled in BASIC and is a update to a previous version distributed
on a 1987 JumpDisk.  Binary only.  Author:Brad Webb


'SmallCal' is a little program that opens a small window on the
WorkBench screen and displays the calendar for the current month.
Using the arrow gadgets or the boxes labeled "MO:" and "YR", the
calendar can be changed to any month and year.  Executable from CLI
only.  Binary only.  Author:Griff Jackson

CAM #351 Utilités programmation


A machine code monitor/debugger program for the Amiga which is
re-entrant and can be made resident.  This is version 1.24, binary
only.  Author:  Timo Rossi


This program concatenates files specified on the command line and
writes the result to standard output, which can then be redirected.
Unlike the cat distributed with Aztec C, even the brand new 5.0
release, this cat calls scdir so it can do wildcard expansion.
includes source.  Author:  Karl Lehenbauer


Split 1.3 autodoc files into individual subroutine files.  One file is
created for each subroutine.  The file name is created by appending
".doc" to the subroutine name.  This allows me to define an alias to
view any subroutine man page.  includes source.  Author:  Joel Swank


A File Access Manager for the Amiga that allows multiple ARexx programs
to access a buffered version of a directory in a consistent and
serialized manner.  It buffers all the names, dates, sizes and so on,
for quick access.  This is version 1.1 and includes source.  Author:
Darren New


Update to iff.library (V1.6).  Now supports Aztec C V5.0.  100%
compatible with V1.4 and below.  Example programs included with source.
Binary only.  Author:  Robert W.  Albrecht


Yet another IFF ILBM to C converter.  Two unique features are the
ability to generate comments representing the actual image, and the
planepick computation.  This is version 0.30 and includes source.
Author:  Gauthier Groult and Jean Michel Forgeas


This program will move your supervisor state stack pointer to FAST RAM.
It speeds up some applications for me.  Using SetCPU, vbr, and this
program will essentially move all that can be moved from slow mem to 32
bit FAST mem when you use an accelerator board.  includes source.
Author:  Roger Uzun


ontrap and related functions for Lattice C 5.04 This archive contains a
compiler enhancement package that allows for a user defined trap
(exception) hander to help avoid the GURU in the case of 'illegal
instruction', 'address error', and the other MC68000 exceptions.  This
archive is an update to the previous releases.  Author:  John Pope


ProcCheck (PROCEDURE CHECK) is a PRE-COMPILE utility which scans
through Modula 2 source code and attempts to pick out all the
procedures that have been referenced.  It then builds tables of:

 1) Undeclared Procedures
 2) Unused Procedures
 3) Standard Identifiers Internal proceduresand IMPORTed procedures

includes source. Author: David Czaya


Documentation and interface library for an IFF FORM "SAMP", 16-bit
sampled sound file format.  This format allows more than one waveform
per octave, and the lengths of different waveforms do not have to be
factors of 2.  Includes a utility to convert 8SVX files to SAMP format.
Version 1.0, binary only.  Author:  Jeff Glatt


Very comprehensive program to monitor and control system activity.
Monitor cpu, memory usage, ports, interrupts, devices.  Close windows,
screens, show loaded fonts or last Guru code number.  Clean up memory,
flush unused libraries, devices, fonts.  etc.  and a whole bunch more!
Spawns its own process.  A very handy background task to have
loaded.This is version 2.2, an update to version 2.0 .  Changes include
mostly bug fixes and some minor enhancements.  Assembly source only.
Author:  Werner Gunther

CAM #352 Fractales et mandelbrot


A program to compute mandelbrots via the Continous Potential Method, as
described in the book "The Science of Fractal Images" by H.  O.
Pietgen and D.  Saupe.  It is used to make 3-dimensional pictures of
the mandelbrot set.  This is a batch mode type program so several
images can be generated, one after the other, without any human
interaction.  Includes source.  Author:  Lars Clausen


A program to compute mandelbrots via the Distance Estimator Method, as
described in the book "The Science of Fractal Images" by H.  O.
Pietgen and D.  Saupe.  It is used to make high resolution
black-and-white images.  This is a batch mode type program so several
images can be generated, one after the other, without any human
interaction.  Includes source.  Author:  Lars Clausen


An Iterated Function System viewer which graphically displays iterated
function systems and allows the user to interactively create the affine
functions that define such systems.  An IFS can represent complex
pictures very compactly.  Simple IFSs can describe an infinite number
of different and interesting fractal displays.  Includes a number of
displays that the author and others have discovered.  Version 1.4,
includes source in C.  Author:  Glen Fullmer

CAM #353 Utilités graphiques


This is AMGIF, version 2.0, an IFF to GIF encoder for the Amiga.  It
will convert all standard Amiga graphics modes, including Ham, and
Extra-Halfbrite.  Binary only Author:  Steve Bennett


DirectAction is an animator program for the AMiga.  It has no
ray-tracing or 3-D capabilities, but you can create animations much as
a professional would do, editing one frame at a time (single cell
animation.) Each frame can have up to 100 objects, and each object can
be one of up to 500 shapes.  Binary only Author:  Peter Englebrite


A program for drawing representations of the Earth's surface.  Can
generate flat maps, mercator maps, globe views and orbital views.  This
is version 2.0, an update to version 1.0.  Enhancements include
dropshadows, user text entry and placement, improved event processing
and better looking mouse pointers.  Includes source.  Author:  Bryan


New Version 1.5 of GIF to RGB!!  This contains Mark Podlipec's GIF to
TMP program, and Jeff Lobb's TMP to RGB program, which gives the
capability of converting from GIF images to Digiview RGB format.  This
one doesn't require you to issue a STACK command!


A fractal generator using the Diffusion Limited Aggregation algorithm,
as described in the book "The Beauty of Fractal Images".  This is
version 2.1 and includes source.  Author:  Lars Clausen


Turbo 1.1 and TurboF 1.1 Turbo Silver updated modules for
RGBExchange1.0 fixed a bug and added support of Severe Overscan to this
module.  Targa v1.1 replacement conversion module for RGBExchange 1.0.
major bugs fixed in this module.  Binary only Author:  Troy Barlow


This is a very small IFF viewer.  It can show any IFF picture, and can
do color cycling.  Just click the left mouse button to move to the next
picture.  by Ralph Ciper.

CAM #354 Utilités diverses


A program which uses a hotkey to chop a displayed screen down to a
temporary maximum of 4 planes in lo-res or 2 planes in hi-res, allowing
the processor full speed access to chip memory.  Only the displayed
screen is affected, the program painting the screen continues to work
with the full color palette.  Unchoping the screen puts everything back
to normal.  Version 1.0, binary only.  Author:  Nico Francois


A program which can operate on windows owned by another program, to
close them, change their size, refresh gadgets, move the window to the
background, etc.  This is version 2.1, an update to version 2.0.
Includes source.  Author:  Roger Fischlin


Garbage Man (referred to as GMan) is a short utility designed to make
hard disk management easier by reducing clutter.  What it does is
search for multiple copies of the same file on a disk, reporting any
duplicate files found and what sub-directories the duplicates are in.
Binary only Author:  Erik C.  Quackenbush


A very small library which replaces the mathtrans.library distributed
by Commodore-Amiga, for those who own an MC68881/82 floating point
unit.  Calculation speed of some functions is increased up to 15 times.
Version1.1, includes source.  Author:  Heiner Huckstadt


An Amiga file system handler that handles MSDOS formatted diskettes.
You can use files on such disks in almost exactly the same way as you
An Amiga file system handler that handles MSDOS formatted diskettes.
You can use files on such disks in almost exactly the same way as you
use files on native AmigaDOS disks.  This is a fully functional,
read/write version, that supports 8, 9, or 10 sector disks of 80
tracks, and should also work on 40 track drives and hard disks with 12
or 16 bit FAT of any dimension the FAT allows.  Includes source.
Author:  Olaf Seibert


Another "more" like utility.  This one reads text files that have been
crunched with PowerPacker, thus saving space at the slight expense of
some time to uncrunch the text.  Version 1.3, binary only Author:  Nico


Version 1.0 of ShowCards was designed to examine all devices on the
expansion bus and return information that will allow you to setup a
cardrom list used with SetCPU V1.5 written by Dave Haynie.  By Bob


This shareware program, submitted by the author, is an Intuition
objects iconifier.  Version 2.0 is still limited to iconifying windows,
which is still very handy.  It adds a new "iconify gadget" to each
window, that when clicked on, iconifies the window into an icon in the
ram:  disk.  This is version 2.0, an update to version 1.0.  Includes
source.  Author:  Gauthier Groult


A trackdisk patch which removes all known bugs and patches the
trackdisk task to allow various enhancements, such as reading good
sectors from partially bad tracks, write verification, write protect
simulation, and turning off clicking.  Version 1.0, includes source in
C and assembler.  Author:  Dirk Reisig


XSize is a small utility that gives you X-Windows style window sizing.
Includes source.  Author:  Mikael Karlsson

CAM #355 utilités d'impression


A text processor with graphics capabilities.  Version 1.00, binary
only.  Author:  Michael Wust


This new echo command should be almost totally compatible with the
AmigaDOS echo command which this replaces.  This means that you can
replace your current version of echo (AmigaDOS or ARP) with this echo
and all of your batch/script files will work okay with only a few
exceptions.  If you are using the FIRST and LEN option for the AmigaD
echo command, my echo does not support this.  Includes source Author:
George Kerber.


With this program, you can save documents from XCad, Superplan, or
other programs that support HPGL to disk or to RAM:, and then print
them on your laser printer using this program.  Version 1.2, works with
more programs than earlier versions.  binary only Author:  Rudolf


IPP is a printer utility that causes your Preferences printer, using
your settings, to print long files on both sides of the paper.  You can
set the page length, the offsets, etc.  in the program.  Saves paper,
makes thinner notebooks.  Author:Jeff Hoag.


Formats a single column of input into multiple side by side columns.
Includes source.  Author:  Joel Swank


Counts and displays the number of form feeds in a file, along with the
length of the longest line.  Version 1.0, includes source.Author:  Joel


This is the Feb 12, 1990 update to POST, a postscript interpreter
written by Adrian Aylward of the United Kingdom (England).  It is a
version of the postscript language that works on the Amiga.  No fonts
are built in - they must be downloaded.  Output can be to screen,
printer, or file.  This version has support for big, scrollab windows,
a menu handler, Workbench startup, and has fixed an aspect ratio in the
iff files.


Prints a sample of each font from the fonts:  directory.  Draws one
line of each font on a custom hires screen, which can be printed.
Version 1.3, includes source.  Author:  Joel Swank


PrintFonts will print out a list of all the fonts in your FONTS:
directory, with each font's name being printed in the font itself.
This is meant to give you something that you can use as a sort of quick
reference guide to your fonts, i.e.  you look at the printout to get an
idea of what font(s) you're interested in for a particular task, then
you use something like ShowFont includes source.  Author:  Dave


Prints return address labels 3-up on single-wide 3.5 inch by 7/16/ inch
label stock.  Can print up to 5 lines per label Version 1.1, includes
source Author:  Joel Swank


Tiny Print 1.0 allows you to set your printer to Very Condensed print
mode.  This is a update of the 1988 Version.  Author:  Tony Solomon


XTools runs any CLI program with your favorite options from the
Workbench.  Smaller and friendlier than IconX.  No text editor needed.
By Michel Laliberte.

CAM #356 Jeux


A cute little program, like "muncho", which plays digitized sound
samples when you insert or remove a floppy disk.  Samples are saved as
IFF sound files.  Version 1.0, binary only.  Author:  Nico Francois


Another version of Tomas's Life game.  Includes a torus option, an
option to perform calculations with the processor rather than the
blitter, and more.  This is version 5.0, and is about 15% faster.
Includes source.  Author:  Tomas Rokicki


Some small sound and screen hacks.  Includes source in C.  Author:
Jorrit Tyberghein


You must guide a lunar lander to ferry cargo from an orbiting space
station to bases on the surface of the moon.  You get cargo and fuel
for the lander by docking with the space station.  The goal is to
complete all the assigned cargo deliveries, and to destroy as few
landers as possible in doing so.  Binary only.  Author:  Jim Barber


This is a great little train simulation.  It lets you lay out all the
tracks, and coordinate two trains moving around on the screen!  It even
has realistic train sound!  This program has the ability to load and
save all your favorite track layouts.  Binary only.  Author:  Dennis


This CanDo deck will drill you on a set of words in Russian - which you
enter by clicking on the correct characters in a cyrillic keyboard
(on-screen).  You can have as many sets of words as you like, with a
default of 20 words per list.  Author:  Thomas Campbell

CAM #357 Utilités de programmation


This is a great little program that will intercept a guru, and let you
know what program crashed!  It will give you information about which
task and program crashed and the reason you guru-ed.  All in all, a
very very handy utility!  Author:  Martin Laubach.


This little program that continuously displays the amount of free fast
and chip memory, along with the total.  It also displays the largest
free block of each kind of memory, so you can keep an eye on
fragmentation.  included the source, Author:  Dave Schreiber


Three rexx utilities, adapted from other's code.  Author:  Steven D.

 RExxRun:  - calls Arp file requestor so you can select an executable
 or script (script bit must be set) and run it.
 RExxPrint:  - print files.  If no file is supplied, then Arp file
 requestor pops up and you can select file for printing.  You can
 change the program used for printing by altering RExxPrint.rexx to
 your liking.
 RExxHelp:  - like RExxPrint, calls the Arp file requestor so you can
 choose files for display.  Uses your favorite text reader, which you
 can change in RExxHelp.rexx.  When run RExxHelp defaults to a dir
 called DOCS:  or DH1:, if DOCS:  doesn't exist.  You can change these
 defaults as well.


A shared library which implements extensions to the Amiga operating
system and graphical environment.  Includes several example programs
that make use of the library, including building a nifty file requester
from the library's user interface routines.  Version 1.15, binary only.
Source available from author.  Author:  Gauthier Groult


A program that helps you assemble programs on a boot disk and start
them in a user friendly way.  Version 2.5, binary only.  Author:  Nico


Some miscellaneous programming utilities and examples.  Includes source
in assembly code.  Author:  Jorrit Tyberghein


A utility that forcibly removes screens and windows from your system.
Useful to get rid of zombie screens or windows that have been left
around by aborted or buggy programs.  This is version 2.3 and includes
source.  Author:  Lars Clausen


A skeleton workbench application that makes writing workbench programs
easier.  Provides routines for main, initialization and termination,
gadget and menu handling, argument processing, help window, about
requester, etc.  Version 1, includes source.  Author:  Joel Swank

CAM #358a&b: SlideShow Illustrations

19 illustrations, 320x400 HAM, includes Mostra (no doc):

apocalypsenow, CardGameAtLaTour, DivingHelmet, Einstein_C.Consani,
Elephant_WNelson, Fish_DMann, KingLear, MistOfAvalon, Boat_B&MKlimt,
Flag_BShaw, FootPrint_JCiss, Ouakari_CZacharow, R.Giusti,
RayTrace_Ella, Rolleiflex_SCF ,Sega, Swan_MMontgomery,Violin_IGomez,

CAM #359a &b: Objets 3D

Amiga 1000 à l'échelle et en détails, Format Videoscape texte et Turbo
Silver V3.0

CAM #360a&b: Fonts


Eight postscript fonts.  They were originally released as shareware
postscript fonts for the MacIntosh.  Now, they have been converted to
work on the AMiga, and the author says that he uses them with POST10 by
Francis X.  "Butch" Mahoney, Jr.


A collection of 4-Color Colorfonts that have been released as freely
distributable from a previous commercial product.  In order to use
these fonts you need to run the Colortext program included in the
WorkBench 1.3 Release.  Author:MARLIN GREENE


This is a 70 point Gray Chrome Color font.  You will need colortext
from your workbench disk to use this font.  Iff picture of this and
other fonts available.


This is a font composed of hand symbols used by the deaf.  It is a
large 32 point font.  I thought it might make an interesting font.  Try
it, you might like it.


Quasar 8 & 11:  clean, large Topaz replacement fonts.  International
and control characters included.  Works well on interlaced screens By
Peter Kaminski


An improved, and probably the last, SetFont utility.  This was done
long ago, but apparently never got posted.  It's much like SetFont
V2.5, only it tries to be more sensible about loading fonts from disk
that are already in memory.  This one has source and binary -Dave


ShowFont is a great utility to view fonts you have in your FONTS:
directory.  It's really a must for people that have a LOT of fonts!
Includes source to the program (in C).  Author:  Arthur Johnson Jr.


A whole bunch of new fonts from Robin LaPasha.  Version 1.0.  Author:
Robin LaPasha

CAM #361a&b: Éducation Programmation


A complete C manual for the Amiga which describes how to open and work
with screens, windows, graphics, gadgets, requesters, alerts, menus,
IDCMP, sprites, etc.  The manual consists of more than 200 pages in 11
chapters, together with more than 70 fully executable examples with
source code.  When unpacked, the manual and examples nearly fill up
three standard Amiga floppies.  This is version 1.00 and includes
source for all examples.  Author:  Anders Bjerin

CAM #362a&b: Amiga UUCP version 1.05D

AmigaUUCP_ v1.05D

An implementation of uucp for the Amiga, including mail and news.  This
is Matt's version for the Amiga, based on William Loftus's Amiga UUCP
0.40 release with news code from his 0.60 rel ease, and months of work
by Matt to make fixes and add enhancements.  This is version 1.05D.
Includes source Author:  Various, major enhancements by Matt Dillon
1.04D Getty now works with utilities that open the serial.device in
exclusive mode (by SetFunction()ing the serial device's open vector).
bug in dmail fixed (if new mail arrives while you are in dmail you
could loose the new mail).  1.05D ENV:USER enviroment variable now
works in DMail to overide default UserName in Config.  DMail also
sticks your signature at the end of the file instead of at the
beginning.  Config entries now exist to overide default directories for
standard places.  If the particular config entry does not exist the
assigns are used (UULIB:, UUSPOOL:, etc..) ..  you can even get rid of
the UULIB:  assign in which case the Config file should be placed in S:
as S:UUConfig .  Config entries now exist to specify the location of
library programs such as Sendmail, Uuxqt, etc...  If a given Config
entry does not exist the program is assumed to be in the current path.
The new GIO.C now supports a window size of up to 7 ala Jack J.  Rouse.
Other GIO problems fixed (I hope) Greg's changes to the NEWS code in
place.  dynamic sizing of mail fields fixed (loosly incorporating
Greg's changes to said programs).  I have added a POST and REPLY
command to ANEWS.  You can also POST to a newsgroup that doesn't exist
(or is all read) by using 'anews -p newsgroup' from the command line.
Source code has been rearranged a little.  Various limits have been

CAM #363 JEUX:


A two-dimensional full screen scrolling racing game with realistic four
channel stereo sound and overscan, for either NTSC or PAL Amigas.  The
goal is to guide your car around one of ten selected tracks.  Each
track has its individual high score list.  Version 2.0, binary only.
Author:  Anders Bjerin


"Warning" nasty screen hack from "Sick Amiga Soft".  Includes source in
Modula-II.  Author:  Jorg Sixt


A shoot'em up game which runs just fine in a multitasking environment.
At last you can enjoy a satisfying megablast while you are writing a
boring essay.  Shoot anything that moves, and if it doesn't move, shoot
it anyway.  This is version 1.00, binary only.  Author:  Anders Bjerin


A game built on the addictive game PONGO but with several added
features.  You have been assigned the demanding task of cleaning
viruses from your SYSOP's hard disk.  To kill a virus, you simply kick
a disk at it.  There are fifty different levels, and on each level, the
speed will increase and the viruses will be smarter and start to hunt
you.  Version 2.10, binary only.  Author:  Anders Bjerin


This is another very simple version of the famouse TRON-game, also
called CYCLE.  The reason for its simplicity is that I've got only a
demo-version of the M2-compiler and this damned thing only works with
small codes.  But neverthe less it's neat,small and you can have a lot
of fun with it.  You control the game with the keyboard:  Includes
source in Modula-II.  Author:  Jorg Sixt


Screen hack from "Sick Amiga Soft".  Includes source in Modula-II.
Author:  Jorg Sixt

CAM #364a&b Langages:


C compiler for the Amiga.  This is a tantilizing preview to what will
eventually be a commercial product.  Only executable code for the
compiler binaries has been distributed and the eventual product, when
it comes out, will NOT be freely distributable.  The library code is
provided as is and is essentially in the public domain.  The library
code in the final product will probably not be pd.  Author:  Matthew


A freely redistributable, self compiling, Pascal compiler for the
Amiga.  The only major feature of Pascal that is not implemented is
sets.  This is version 1.1c.  It is much enhanced and about four times
faster.  Includes the compiler source and example programs.  Author:
Patrick Quaid

CAM #365 Utilités:


ARTM (Amiga Real Time Monitor) displays and controls system activity
such as tasks, windows, libraries, devices, resources, ports,
residents, interrupts, vectors, memory, mounts, assigns, fonts and
hardware.  Includes both a PAL and an NTSC version.  This is version
1.0.  Binary only.  Author:  Dietmar Jansen and F.  J.  Mertens


Batchman A program that allows the user to execute CLI programs and
batch files simply by clicking on a gadget.  It can be used as the
center of a turnkey system, where the user simply clicks on gadgets to
launch applications.  Version 1.1, includes source in Modula-II.
Author:  Michal Todorovic


This is a CLI utility for those who are working with the Amiga's
clipboard device.  It's sole purpose in life is to dump the current
contents of the clipboard to stdout or by redirection to a pipe or a
file.  Useful for testing and interfacing with programs that do not
support the clipboard.  Source included.  Author:  Stephen Vermeulen.


A program that installs a patch for OpenWindow to check the NewWindow
structure.  If the title matches a specific string, the height will be
forced to 45 pixels.  This helps to reduce chip memory usage for
programs that open overly large windows and then seldom use them.
Includes source.  Author:  Jorrit Tyberghein, Nico Francois, P.


An intuition based programmers tool to convert integers between
decimal, hexadecimal, and binary.  Very small.  Version 1.1, includes
source in assembly code.  Author:  Michael Djavidan


An small iconifiable intuition program that shows the amount of free
space available on all mounted disk devices, botdevices, both
numerically and graphically.  Version 1.0, shareware, binary only.
Author:  Dieter Kuntz


A little InputEvent hack, activated via the HELP key.  Originally meant
to provide a unique method of giving the user help (you don't have to
put that help stuff into your own program).  Now also contains a color
requester and a small notepad.  Version 1.01, includes source.  Author:
Michael Balzer


This program converts an icon to an IFF picture (brush) file.  It
handles both single and alternate image (animated) icons.  This is
version 1.10 which adds a colour palette , binary only.  Author:
Stephen Vermeulen.


A small, simple and comfortable file encoder/decoder.  Version 1.0,
includes source.  Author:  Michael Balzer


Change workbench object colors includes source AUTHOR:John A.


A "more" replacement program that reads normal ascii text files as well
as files crunched with PowerPacker.  The crunched files can result in
consider disk space savings.  Version 1.5, binary only.  Author:  Nico


Another InputEvent hack, giving you a toggling right mouse button.
Version 1.0, includes source.  Author:  Michael Balzer


RWBClock is another clock program for the Amiga.  While it is true that
there are MANY clock programs floating around for the Amiga, this one
is different.  In reality, I wrote it as the basis for another program
I plan on releasing shortly.  binary only Author:Richard W.  Bowers


ShowCards is a utility which examines each plug in card on the
expansion bus and displays information which _may_ be of use in
building a CardROM list for use with Dave Haynie's SetCPU 1.5.
Although ShowCards displays information for each card in the format
required for a CardROM list, the address space of expansion memory
boards is added to the system free memory list and I can see no
advantage in the use of CardROM entrys for these expansion memory
cards.  binary only Author:Bob Wilcox 1.32 * Denise Chip detected 1.31
* Bug Fix - ROM Size was truncated in earlier versions 1.3 * Recognizes
CPU * Recognizes FPU * Recognizes Video Mode

     * Identifies 32-bit address space for recognized cards
     * Identifies cards which have a relocated ROM image
1.2  * Changed method of calculation of ROM size
     * Displays total memory added to Free List by autoconfig cards
     * Displays Agnus size * Tests for presence of slow memory at


This is an enhanced version of Snap 1.3, submitted by Steve Vermeulen,
which adds the ability to save clipped graphics as IFF FORM ILBM's to
the clipboard, so they can be imported to other programs that
understand IFF and the clipboard.  Includes C source.  Author:  Mikael
Karlsson, enhancements by Steve Vermeulen

CAM #366 Jeux:


A interstellar multiplayer game of War and Peace, Includes C source.
Author:Carl Edman


CourtRoom simulation game, in this demo version You will always get
case no.  14


An implementation of the game Mastermind.  In this game you must try to
guess a color combination which the amiga sets via a random generator.
There are 6 colors which can be set in any combination.  Includes
source.  Author:  Dietmar Jansen


A PD clone of the popular Tetris type games.  Written completely in
assembly code.  Very fast and responsive.  Includes full source.
Author:  Andy Hook

CAM #367 Utilités Télécommunication


ArcLead - a general purpose archive front end utility.  Include c
source, author:  Richard Lawrence


Mailchk is a mail client/server for Dnet.  This new version features
limited speech capabilities and a reply facility.  Note that Mailchk no
longer requires the Unix Mail program.  Include c source, author:
Stephane Laroche


Set your clock by the National Bureau of Standards.  This program got
its inspiration from a program named "nbstime", written by Warren
Tucker.  The time conversion code is partly Warren's.  I thought it
would be nice to have a similar capability on the Amiga.  In keeping
with the "small and simple is better" philosophy, I didn't load it up
with all of the serial I/O stuff.  MRNBSTime gets its time value from
an external file (standard input or filename parameter).  One would
normally invoke MRNBSTime from a terminal emulator script (as my
example illustrates) or from an ARexx program which has access to a
serial I/O resource (e.g.  Larry Phillips' SerMod package).  In fact, I
was so into the spirit of cooperating tasks that MRNBSTime calls the
Amiga's Date command to set the new system date.  Include c source,
author:  Mark Rinfret


A communications program based on Comm version 1.34, by DJ James, with
lots of very nice enhancements.  Also includes several auxiliary
programs such as AddCall, CallInfo, GenList, PbConvert, and ReadMail.
This is version 1.9, an update to version 1.8.  Binary only.  Author:
DJ James, Daniel Bloch, Torkel Lodberg, et al.


NETCLOCK sets the clock on one Amiga from the clock on a second Amiga.
This is handy if you have a stripped-down Amiga 1000 with no built-in
clock hooked up via DNET with another Amiga, over the phone or via null
modem.  NETCLOCK uses Matt Dillon's DNET networking package.  Follow
the directions that come with DNET to establish the connection.  Binary
only, author:  Doug Walker


NETKEYS solves a problem that I encountered when I bought my Amiga
2000.  Naturally, I kept my A1000 around; therefore, I became a
two-Amiga Amigoid.  Unfortunately, I discovered it was a pain to switch
keyboards and mice to get from one to the other Amiga.  The solution to
this is NETKEYS.  NETKEYS installs itself in the input event chain
(AHEAD of Intuition) and, on demand, intercepts all keystrokes and
mouse events and ships them off to the other machine.  NETKEYS uses
Matt Dillon's DNET networking package.  To use NETKEYS effectively, you
will have to have the two machines sitting next to each other, so you
should connect them with a simple null modem cable and use the
following command to start DNET on both machines Include c source,
author:  Doug Walker


Parnet allow a one-way network file system to be established via the
parallel ports of two Amigas.  A special cable is required to connect
the parallel ports.  Once connected, the NET:  file system behaves just
like a disk device, allowing copies, reads, writes and so forth.  It
works with the workbench.  Binary only, author:  Doug Walker and John


Maybe a better name would have been CliBBS, but I started with
SerServer and so it will stay.  It is a personal (with the lack of a
better word) BBS program.  It gives the user a full CLI with
restrictions setup by the sysop.  I don't like the word BBS in this
case, because, any program that offers a CLI to strangers, can be a lot
of trouble.  I wrote the program so that I can log on to my computer
from work and do all of the things that I do from home in a CLI.  I do
not recommend that you let any Tom, Dick or Harry in to use this
program.  You will end up with formatted hard drives and sleepless
nights.  It has three user levels, and full Zmodem UP/DOWNLOAD.  It
could be a very useful program for a few friends and your self to use,
when working on a common project.  A place to share files.  It offers
limited message sending and receiving.  Binary only, author:  Michael
R.  Mossman


The intent of this program is to simplify modem configuration and
provide the ability to quickly reconfigure different options and
different modems.  Binary only, author:  Michael Evenmo

CAM #368 Pointers Icons & Clip Art


This is a group of animated pointers made with Deluxe Paint III and
Pointer Animator.  The Pointers in this file are as follows:

 clown :  a clown fish, gold :  logo for my amiga club, link :  logo
 for a friend/his last name, lnose:  long nose butterfly fish, sash :
 inspired by our cat "sasha", sasha:first cat i did, st :enterprise

Author: Bob McKain


2 sets of drawers icon Drawer1 is a group of drawers icons merged to
form a desk.  (dos_v1.3) Drawer2 is a group of 25 drawers icons with
surprise inside.


Here's a selection of icons, chosen from those I've created for various
public domain, user group, and disk magazine projects.  They were all
made using Amiga paint software and public domain icon-making tools.
Author:  Brad Schenck


11 Iff b/w Hi-res pictures of clip art converted from MacPaint:  BUGS1,
BUGS2, drafting, Hairdres, Haloween, jazzy, medical0, medical02,
medical03, Sports1, ThnksGvn


Hires picture of NEXT looking icons were designed Mikael Karlsson

CAM #369a&b Utilités Audio


ConvSS2SMF will take a SoundScape file and convert to a Standard MIDI
file, which can be read by Bars&Pipes MuFFy accessory.  On default, the
program will delete all tracks that are muted, and all events that are
not enabled in soundscape.  These can be disabled by using the switches
NOMUTE and NOFILTER, respectively.  Binary only, author:  Brian


Two examples of functions that you can link with your own code to
produce a short musical "beep" or a sound that is similar to striking a
drum.  Includes source.  Author:  Dieter Bruns


A music editor much like SoundTracker.  A song consists of up to 50
blocks of music, which can be played in any order.  Editing features
include cut/paste/copy tracks or blocks, changing the vibrato, tempo,
crescendo, and note volume.  Other features include switching of the
low-pass-filter on or off on a per song basis, and a cute little
animated pointer of a guy doing "jumping jacks" in time to the music!
This is version 2.00, an update to version 1.12.  Now includes full
source.  Author:  Teijo Kinnunen


midi_in - replacement MIDI port input handler for midi.library.  This
is an alpha release of my alternate MIDI input port handler for Bill
Barton's MIDI library.  The advantage of midi_in over the MidiIn input
port handler that comes with the library is that midi_in incurs far
fewer data overruns and missed bytes.  Binary only, author:  Karl


n2a converts NeXT sound files into 8SVX IFF files.  NeXT sound files
come in many different flavors; n2a groks only the LINEAR_16 format,
which is the one that most PD sound files seem to be using.  NeXT
recording applications use the MULAW_8 format.  You can convert from
this format to LINEAR_16 with the sndconvert application on the
NeXT.Include c source, author:  Kriton Kyrimis


A working copy of the Perfect Sound software with save and record
disabled.  Author:  Anthony J.  Wood


A program to do a spectrogram of a sampled sound file.  This is a graph
with time on one axis, frequency on the other and the sound intensity
at each point determining the pixel color.  With source in C, including
FFT routine.  This is version 1.1.  Author:  Daniel T.  Johnson


This program converts a digitized sound sample from the Macintosh
computer into a digitized sound sample for the Amiga computer, and
vice-versa.  It will consequently (without meaning to) convert Atari ST
sounds in the same way.  Include c source, author:  Greg Dunlap


SuperEcho does something I've never seen another program do:  given an
audio input to the left channel of an audio digitizer in the parallel
port, SuperEcho will perform a variety of LIVE special effects on that
signal, including echos and pitch changes without speed changes!
Binary only, author:  Kevin Kelm


WaveMaker is intended to give beginning music and physics students a
"hands on" feel for how complex waves are made by adding a harmonic
series of sine waves.  A fundamental and up to seven harmonics are
available.  The resulting waveform can be displayed on the screen or
played on the audio device using the keyboard like a piano.  A game
mode is also provided.  Version 1.1, includes source.  Author:  Thomas

CAM #370a&b Jeux


Drip is an arcade style game with 15 floors (levels).  You must move
along the pipes of each floor and rust them to advance to the next
level.  Every 3 floors completed will entitle you to a bonus round
where extra drips can be won.  An extra drip will also be awarded for
every 10,000 points.  Binary only.  Author:  Art Skiles


Forty thieves is a truly addictive solitaire, similar to ShangHai.
Like most solitaires, the object of the game is to clear the board of
cards.  Binary only.  Author:  Binary only.  Author:


Simple card game, no doc included, author unknown


A simple, yet addictive game in which you must get the snake (you) off
of the screen.  There are, however, some rough spots and some obstacles
that may need to be overcome.  An excellent example of a game that is
as system friendly as possible.  Includes source.  Author:  Michael

CAM #371 Utilités Domestiques


Reminder program for your startup-sequence.  Badger will open a window
and display any important events that are 'due'.  Badger will not
bother you if there is nothing to report.  Events are entered via menu
and prompts.  Binary only, shareware.  Author:  George Kerber


Cassette tape label printer.  Includes source in GFA Basic.  Author:
Thorsten Ludwig


Checkbook accounting program.  Include source in basic, Author:  Sam


disSecretary is a program which allows you to organize data items
(comprised of ascii text) into a "file cabinet" environment.  Such
applications include:

 1). Maintaining a disk catalog
 2). Keeping track of club memberships (especially with SIGs)
 3). Organizing checks, bills, and receipts
 4). Cataloging compact disc, magazine, and video tape collections

Binary only, Author:  Dissidents


This is an icon editor which can create and modify icons up to 640x200
pixels in size (also dual render).  It can set stack size, position of
icon (also free-floating), default tool, 10 tool types and control over
opened window.  It can also generate the C source code behind the icon
for program inclusion.  Version 1.0, binary only, source available from
author.  Author:  Peter Kiem


MagMan is a Magazine Article Manager.  This program was originally
called MAGGREP, since it grew out of my experimentation with the GREP
utility.  I've change the name for purely aesthetic reasons.  Include c
source, author:  Mike Budahn

CAM #372 Utilités diverses


AZ est un EDITEUR DE TEXTES, ce qui veut dire que toute l'information
contenue dans les fichiers qu'il crée est constituée de caractères,
imprimables ou non.  Contrairement à un traitement de textes, AZ
n'ajoute pas à l'enregistrement de commandes codées qui, soustraites du
texte à la lecture, sont interprétées pour modifier l'affichage ou
l'impression (formatage, justification, changement de police de
caractères dans le texte...).  Moyennant quoi :

 - les 256 caractères de la table de caractères (keymap) active peuvent
 être enregistrés, soit en les entrant au clavier, soit par le biais de
 la commande menu "Tools/Insert Hex" ou de son équivalent clavier
 <Amiga> <H>.

 - les textes produits par AZ peuvent être directement soumis à un
 interpréteur, un compilateur ou un assembleur.

A nice little text editor that is fast, simple to use, and very
Amiga'ized.  This is version 1.50, an update to version 1.40, with lots
of new features, bug fixes, and other improvements.  Binary only.
Author:  Jean-Michel Forgeas


The function of this program is to provide short-hand definitions
(called `MacroKeys' or `Macro Initiators') that the user can define
that will automatically type in a series of key strokes (called
`Macros'), just as if they had been typed in manually.  There are two
main functions involved in the creation and use of Macros/MacroKeys.
The first is the actual ability to intercept and handle the
`MacroInitiator' key stroke combinations that actuate the `Macros'.
The second is the means to define the the `Macros' and assign the Macro
Initiator key stroke combinations that will cause them to be sent.  In
my Macro program, two programs are used to perform these two discrete
functions.  The `KEYS' program is the program that intercepts and
handles the `MacroInitiator' key stroke combinations.  And the EdKeys
program is the program that provides the means to define the the
`Macros' and assign the Macro Initiator key stroke combinations to
them.  Binary only, author:  E.J.  Lippert II


NewZAP is a multi-purpose file sector editing utility.  If you've ever
had the need to alter just a few bytes within a file, examine its
binary and ASCII representations, or search for key sequences of digits
or characters, NewZAP will make your hacking life a little bit easier.
It does what text editors were not meant to do; precise
position-oriented object modifications.  NewZAP will run from CLI or
Workbench under 1.1 or 1.2 KickStart with or without FAST RAM.  Binary
only, author:  Dallas J.  Hodgson


This small program makes it possible for You to use popupmenues with
every program that uses standard intuition menues.  The popupmenues
works just like the standard pull-down menues for both the user
(multiple selections, checkmarks, commandkeys) and the programmer
(MENUPICK and MENUVERIFY).  All intuition menu-flags (COMMSEQ, HIGHBOX,
MENUTOGGLE ...) are fully supported.  Include c source, author:  Martin

CAM #373 Utilités Projets (Hardware)


Convert DAsm assembler output to Motorolla S-Record format so that it
can be downloaded to an EVB (Evaluation Board).  Include c source,
author:  Salim Alam


This is a small printed circuit board cad package.  It consists of
three programs:  an autorouter, a board viewer, and a board printer.
The PCBView program has been intuition-ized.  There are 2 versions of
the previewer.  One is called 'PCBView', just like the original, and
the other one is called 'PCBltV', which standa for 'PCBlitterView'.
The new previewer uses a new set of bitmap images or the board, which
are stored in a more condensed form than the old program, even though
it's less portable now.  The old previewer used WritePixel() to draw
the whole screen!  The new previewer uses the Blitter ( BltPattern() ),
and is about 8 times faster.  The demo PCB, which took 15 seconds to
draw at maximum size using the old previewer, now takes 2 seconds with
the new previer.  All the files related to the old viewer are in the
'old' subdirectory in this archive file.  Notice that PCBPrint.c is
also there, since I didn't port it yet.  The autorouter now supports
routing of single sided boards.  just add the '-s' switch when running
PCBRoute.  This is good for simple circuits, since double sided boards
are much more difficult to manufacture for hobbyists, and not always
there is a need for one.  Include c source, author:  Randy Nevin


A simulator for register-transfer-nets.  Register-transfer-nets are
used to descripe hardware systems.  A register-transfer-net can be
compared with a digital circuit.  Its devices are divided into three

 - Registers, with an inner state (sequential logic systems)
 - Combinatorial cicuits, without an inner state
 - bundles of leads, for the connections between devices

For the simulation of a register-transfer-net, a list of all devices
and connections (called VLI) must exist.  This happens by a call of the
devices which are used.  The connections are made with the names of the
bundles of leads of the in- and out- puts of the devices.  Every
lead-name represents a 16-bit-wide bundle.  Because the devices must be
sequenzialised by force, which work parallel in reality, the resulting
model system can be very susceptible for hazards and races.  So it's
better to used only hazard- and race-free circuits.  Binary only,
author:  Goetz Mueller


Demo version of SpeakerSim 2.0, a loudspeaker CAD program.  Simulates
vented (Thiele-Small) and closed box systems.  Also simulates 1st, 2nd,
and 3rd order high and low pass filters.  Binary only.  Author:


Cross converts between Motorola/Intel/Tektronix ASCII-hex files.  These
files are typically used for down-line-loading into EPROMS, or for
transmission where binary files cause chaos.  Handles S1, S2, S3, INTEL
(inc USBA records), Tektronix (inc extended).  Source included.
Author:  Gary Duncan.

CAM #374a&b Utilités graphiques


This library represents an attempt to provide the Amiga community with
a high speed, easy to use 3d display library for C programmers.  The
library uses the transformation matrix method, which is the fastest
method I know of doing 3d transformations while still providing
relatively intuitive rotations.  Integer arithmetic is used for speed.
Additionally, the data is stored in a format that will make it easy to
optimize the code in assembly language.  I wrote the code for Aztec C
(5.0), but I haven't converted anything to assembly language yet, so
the current version should work with Lattice as well.  Author:  Steven


DEMONSTRATION version of 3-D Master, a three-dimensional object
editing, modeling and ray-tracing program for the Amiga computer.
Binary only, author:  Martin F.  Staley


This program will add a free form ASCII chunk to a IFF picture file.
The purpose for this chunk is so that the Author of the picture can put
his or her name, what the picture was made with, a name for the
picture, or anything else that they want.  Binary only, author:  David


A program to convert IFF pictures to an executable.  It can handle
NTSC/PAL, interlace and overscan.  Version 1.0, binary only.  Author:
Pieter van Leuven


MPath works by tracing the paths created by points on the complex plane
as a squaring function is applied to them.  In detail, given a point on
the complex plane a + bi (where a is a number on the real axis and b is
a number on the imaginary axis) if you square this number you get
another complex number [ (a + bi) * (a + bi) = a^c = a^ - b^2 and d =
2ab ] which represents another point in the complex plane.  Now numbers
being what they are, you might suspect that there is a relationship
between the locations of the two points and in fact there is.  It is
not intuitively obvious however since it turns out that distance of the
first point from the second depends on where you start in the complex
plane.  And if you continue the squaring process and plot the resulting
points strange patterns begin to emerge which look like swirling
galaxies or spiral whirls.  Some points tend to shoot off quickly into
infinity whereas others tend to spiral back in to some central point.
The first screen in MPath shows a picture of the Mandelbrot set which
is essentially a plot of the stability of points subjected to this
squaring process.  Points inside the set are very stable; points
outside the set are very unstable.  Another fun TOY FOR YOUR AMIGA from
Peterson Enterprises!


A "show" program for normal IFF ILBM files or ILBM files crunched with
PowerPacker.  The decrunching is done automatically as the file is
read.  Version 1.0, binary only.  Author:  Nico Francois


A program that draws sine roses.  Implements an algorithm given in the
article "A Rose is a Rose ..." by Peter M.  Maurer in American
Mathematical Monthly, Vol 94, No.  7, 1987, p 631.  A sine rose is a
graph of the polar equation "r = sin(n*d)" for various values of n and
d.  Author:  Carmen Artino


A program designed for freelance, corporate, and broadcast television.
It loads and displays IFF images of any resolution interchangeably from
a list file or as inputted directly (I.E.  random access).  The user
may easily skip forward or backward one or more pictures in the list.
A "generic" display is always just a few seconds away.  The program can
be used "on air" with no concern that a pull down menu will suddenly
appear in the viewable area.  It also provides for a precise cue for
changing windows or screens.  While the main purpose is to load "news
windows" of 1/4 screen size, StillStore can also handle full-sized and
overscanned images.  Also includes slide show modes and a screen
positioning feature.  Stillstore is written in the Director language
from the Right Answers Group.  Version 1.2, binary only, source
available from authors.  Author:  R.  J.  (Dick) Bourne and Richard


This shareware program loads in IFF images and creates charted patterns
from them for use in counted cross-stitch and other forms of
needlework.  It requires one megabyte of memory to run, and works best
with a good high-resolution printer for printing the patterns.  The
Stitchery was written with The Director the Projector is included.
Version 1.21.  Author:  Bradley W.  Schenck


A shared library of "turtle" functions for drawing in a RastPort.
Includes source in assembly and C.  Author:  Thomas Albers

CAM #375 Utilités Programmation


Seven ARexx listings.  bootck.rexx Checks floppies for viruses and
saves a irregular block checkboot.rexx This function is one I use in my
automatic checking and moving when I unwarp a new file.  All these
functions combined allow me to just type fixdisk (drive) and it will
check for a good boot block and modify the startup-sequence.  In
essence, it tells if the disk is bootable.  If it doesn't have a
startup-sequence, it asks if you want to de-install the disk.  It will
also verify that the boot block is a standard 1.2/1.3 boot block, and
if not, gives the opportunity to save the questionable block and
install a 1.2/1.3 boot block.  This function also calls another
function which gets the actual name of the disk.  It only calls this
function if you elect to save the non-standard bootblock for further
study.  irtree.rexx - lists all files in a directory, including
subdirectories.  gdname.rexx....Gets name of disk getdiskname.rexx This
ARexx function gets the actual name of a disk.  I use this along with
my fixdisk program to automatically check a new unwarped disk for
viruses, move ARP material to the volume, check and modify the
startup-sequence on that disk and numerous other things.  The main
reason I need the actual name of the disk is that I save all
non-standard boot blocks, just in case I run across a new virus or
something else of interest.  Since some disknames have a space in them,
I put quotes around the name to allow the real name to be saved.  I
have a special directory to save all my non-standard boot blocks in,
and after I'm sure the ware runs with a standard boot block, I can
delete the non-standard block after looking at it.  kvirq.rexx - Checks
all executablefiles in a directory, including subdirectories.  for the
IRQ virus, using KV from VirusX yes_no.rexx This routine gets user
keyboard input, but only returns yes or no Author:Ron Shaw


ARPTools is a group of small utility programs requiring ARP, the
AmigaDOS Resource Project v1.3 (*1) (the ASH shell with Conman(*2) is
not necessary but best suited to take full advantage of all the
programs' possibilities).  ARPTools contains both original programs by
Fabio Rossetti and both reworked and/or enhanced versions of other PD
programs.  See the IMPORTANT file for details.  ARPTools programs have
been created to address some deficiencies of the ARP CLI environment,
especially to exploit the potential offerred by the non-named pipes
facility of the ASH shell, but also to improve scripts and hard disk
management.  See the .man files in this distribution for the
documentation of every ARPTools program.  Every docs file in ARPTools
assumes knowldege of ARP v1.3 Source docs also assume ARP programming
knowldege.  Full source is provided for all ARPTools programs:  to
recompile the source files Lattice C 5.0x (*3) is required, along with
the ARP programmer's include and object files.

 Asn - Perform logical device and environment var assigns from a list
 Cwin - Resize the CLI window
 DeTab - Convert TABs into blanks.
 EnTab - Replace blanks with TABs whenever possible.
 For - Use wildcards with commands not supporting them.
 Head - Display the first lines of a file.
 L - Display files and directories in columns.
 Mr - Pager for piped files.
 Sf - Search files in volumes or directories.
 String - Display ASCII strings in a file.
 Tail - Display the last lines of a file.
 Tee - Create a T junction in a pipe.
 TReq - Toggle AmigaDOS requesters on and off
 Trunc - CR-LF conversion and simple formatting.
 Wc - Text statistics


Ok all you assembler gurus out there.  This program's for you.  CITAS
takes an ILBM file and converts it to assembler source for use in your
own programs.  If you're familiar with NGI, CITAS does basically the
same thing, only without the gadgets, and the output is assembly source
instead of 'C'.  It also has a few nice features that NGI doesn't have.
Binary only, author:  John Enright


This program is an answer to a lazy mans prayer.  I hate to right disk
labels every time I have to back up my hard disks.  Some of the
partitions already take about 15 disks to do it.  So I began by
writting a simple program to create disk labels for my backups.  It was
nice, but it still required that I write the information after each
header on the label.  Now, with the final version of this procedure,
all I have to do is type in the drive or partition name, the number of
disks in the backup set, which series of backups it is(I am a little
paranoid, so I have two sets of backups I alternate), and the date the
backup was done, which is usually the default system date that is
supplied in the requester.  This program uses arexx, and the rexxarplib
v2.1.  Author:  Tom Pennington


This is a very simple tool to be used together with DClock.  The
purpose of DoRevision is to supply an easy way to keep track of changes
and updates inside of 'C' program source codes.  In fact it creates
revision headers quite similar to the ones to be 'admired' at the top
of every Amiga 'C' header file.  This tools is used internally at MXM
to help us to get 'through' each other's source codes.  Include c
source, author:  Olaf 'Olsen' Barthel of MXM


The files in this PACKAGE are all related to the Black Belt Systems
HAM-E device.  The '.c' files and 'my.lib' provide all a developer
needs to completely understand how the HAM-E device is handled in
either it's REG mode or it's HAM-E mode.  It shows how to use the
"magic cookie" and how to create palettes.  It also shows how to handle
interlace screens.  The source code here is released to the public
domain; we want you to use any part of it either directly or as an
example for generating your own code.  Compile and Link details are in
hame.c at the top of the file.  You'll find the C code commented well
enough so that you can follow most anything in there that is worth
following.  No fancy techniques were used so that even beginning
programmers would be able to understand what we are working for.
Author:  Ben Williams, Black Belt Systems - April 19th, 1990


This set of modules constitutes a storage manager with garbage
collection for Modula-2 programs.  It is written in TDI Modula-2 for
the Amiga, but should be easily portable to other implementations and
architectures.  It uses *INCREMENTAL* garbage collection.  Most garbage
collectors create and destroy items willy-nilly until storage is
exhausted.  Then they hold up all other processing while they copy all
the in-use items down to one end of the storage space, thus freeing up
the rest of the space for more items.  In incremental garbage
collection, a few items are copied every time a New() or Dispose() is
done.  This results in overhead which in total is larger than that of
stop-and-copy methods, but which never causes the system to halt while
collection is done.  This is far more suitable for programs which
require real-time response or close to it.  Also, most storage managers
begin with a statically sized storage space and allocate from that.
This requires the user to guess before running a program that uses
storage management how much storage is going to be needed.  Guess too
small, and the program aborts.  Guess too large, and storage is wasted;
other programs can't get space to run in.  This storage manager frees
the user from these considerations, and is a good system citizen in the
bargain; it allocates storage in blocks of 1K granularity from the
operating system, and suballocates from these.  Whenever a block
becomes unused, the manager returns it to the system.  Author:  Daniel
B.  Hankins


Enables access to RAWKEY events via Intuition.  Author :  Peter Graham
Evans.  Translation into Modula-2 of a program in the C language by
Fabbian G.  Dufoe


This nifty little program will provide you with a complete listing of
all C functions contained within specified files.  Include c source,
author:  Jeff Bevis


This program takes two arguments, AMIGA.LIB, and an OUTPUT FILE, and
systematically converts all references to the variables below from
ABSOLUTE to A4-RELATIVE (Using Lattice's DATA-REL16 relocation info and
symbol extensions).  It converts absolute move's into an A4 relative
move and a nop to take up the extra word which is now no longer used.
Include c source.


Modula-2 make utility.  M2Make will scan your M2 source code, checking
for date synchronization of all files that your program IMPORT's.
M2Make will then report which files need to be re-compiled, and can
optionally re-compile them for you.  Include Modula-2 source, author:
Tim Coffey


This package was written primarily because of _one_ missing element in
ARP:  FGets.  ARGH!  ARPFFFT!  It extends ARP by adding buffering to
the basic file type (FileHandle) and defining a new type, named
ARPFileHandle (hope this is OK with the ARP guys).  Also, I've used the
convention of embedding ARP (vs.  Arp in MicroSmith's stuff) in all
type and function names to (hopefully) avoid naming collisions.
Include c source, author:  Mark Rinfret

CAM #376 Utilités Impression


ABFD program moves an Amiga font to a HP LaserJet PLUS compatable
printer.  Fonts are transfered as is, thus the actual printer font will
be considerably smaller on the laser printer.  For example:  Topaz/11
is only 2.64 points and 37.5 CPI, and a 12 point printer font is 50
dots high.  For best results, use Amiga fonts over 30 points in size.
Binary only, author:  Ralph Ciper


DGplot, or "darn good plot" is a program which turns your Amiga
computer and parallel port dot matrix printer into an extremely high
resolution Hewlett-Packard ® pen plotter.  This makes your printer a
suitable (and economical) hard copy device for computer aided design
programs, some spreadsheet programs, and data graphing programs.  You
will probably be amazed when you see the resolution that your dot
matrix printer really has.  DGplot output in FINAL quality will look
much better than a screen dump.  Binary only, author:  John Robertson


This program is for people who have single sheet printers and don't own
an automatic sheet feeder.  It will pause the printing of a file after
each page to allow you to feed a new sheet into place.  I personally
own a VERY cheap Daisy Wheel printer, hence the DW in the program name,
but this program will be of use to anyone in the same position.  It may
also be of use to laser printer owners who wish to print both sides of
the paper, allowing them to catch the last page and manually re-feed
the sheet the other way up (Yes I know this is not really the way to do
this, alternate pages and all that, but it will work).  Include C
source, Author:  John Raybould


EnveloPrinter is a program designed to do one thing only:  allow use of
your Amiga-compatible printer in printing envelopes.  It allows a large
degree of customization, and use of the special styles of your printer
in an easy-to-use way.  Among its features:

 Automatic home-address default and load
 Easy-to-use mouse and menu interface
 Support of any Amiga printer supported via Preferences
 Custom screen and window to reduce Workbench clutter
 Custom envelope widths in INCHES, not characters
 Full margin centering and error-checking
 Independent style preferences for home and send addresses
 Takes only about 50K of memory while running
 Entry of next address allowable during print process
 Requesters help identify errors or problems

Binary only, author: Chris Papademetrious


"EPS2EPSI", EPS converts Encapsulated PostScript files into
Encapsulated Postscript Interchange files.  This means, it adds a
simple bitmap representation of the postscript file so that the
programs which allow ESP to be imported can easily show what is being
included.  It was written so that I could take EPS files that I have or
created with Professional Draw and import them into FRAME Maker, a UNIX
based Electronic Publishing System.  Of course the output files can be
used with any package that can import EPSI files.  This program
requires Adrian Aylward's post v1.1 library.  Include C source, Author:
Chris Nicotra


Yet another fractal program!  Yes, but this time it plots the
Mandelbrot set at up to 300 dpi on a LaserJet or DeskJet printer.
Thats 3000 x 2400 dots!  It can also do it at 75, 100, and 150 dpi.
Binary only, author:  Alex Takessian


Font covversion program.  Convert portrait soft fonts for HP LaserJet
compatible laser printers to landscape format.  The program works
through Intuition or through CLI; the format through CLI is:

 [path]portolan [path][portrait font file] [path][new landscape]

All C-code module source is provided except MicroSmiths getfile.o
requester.  Author:  Thomas Lynch


SuperPlot is a completely new plotting program which introduces
capabilities previously unavailable on any computer, at any price.
Some of the features are:

- Completely intuition driven, with a consistent and predictable user
- Reads free formatted ASCII files.
- Plots an unlimited number of lines, having an unlimited number of
  X's and an unlimited number of Y's.
- Ability to use X and Y values from separate files.
- Change the colors, line types, and point types at any time.
- Zoom in on a section of data, and the axes will be re-scaled to
  reflect the zoomed scaling (unlike a CAD program).
- Interactively operate on multiple data sets (multiple data sets are
  not merely overlaid), from multiple source files.
- Powerful and user friendly control over the appearance of the graph
  including axes, scaling, grid lines, tic mark intervals, number
  formats, etc.
- CAD like labeling abilities.  Make labels at any angle, in any
  color, in one of four sizes.  Place them where you want them with
  the mouse.  Labels are exactly "What you see is what you get".
- Plotter support for almost any plotter on the market via the
  configuration file. Included "DGplot" program plots any HPGL file
  on any printer, and thus will plot output from SuperPlot (or any
  CAD program).
- Support for up to 15 colors.
- Save plot configurations for jobs where plots look the same, and
  only the data changes.

Binary only, author: John Robertson

CAM #377a&b ROM Kernel Reference Companion


A two disk set of material created by Commodore for use with the 1.3
revison of the Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual, Libraries and
Devices, published by Addison-Wesley.  Almost 300 files, including C
source code examples and executables, have been packed into two lharc
archives, one for each disk of the two disk set.  These examples are
not public domain, but may be used and distributed under the conditions
specified in the copyrights.  Author:  Commodore Business Machines,

CAM #378 Utilités diverses


Console Buffer is for CLI users who would like to have a history and/or
hardcopy (either file or device) of their console input and output.  It
works with both CLI and shell windows.  Console I/O is saved in a
buffer, the size of which is set by the user.  The default buffer size
is 100 lines.  Binary only, author:  William J.  Fritz


cVBR is a small tool that will move the exception vector table of the
CPU somewhere else than it's supposed to be.  Include source in
assembler.  Author:  Martin J.  Laubach


Yet another text editor!  That's right, but with a few twists.  This
editor was written because the programmers at dissidents needed a good,
basic text editor with numerous features, and it had to be a SMALL
program to fit easily on a development disk.  Besides handling source
code for products like Midi Sample Wrench and SpeakerSim (there's the
plug!), the editor needed features useful for writing magazine articles
and such.  (In fact, Jim is using it to write his Op Amp text book
because of this editor's ability to handle large files well).  Binary
only, author:  Jeff Glatt


DiskInfo is a utility (actually two utilities in one) designed for use
from the CLI or in your startup-sequence.  It will not run directly
from the WorkBench.  DiskInfo's main purpose is to display what floppy
drives (3.5") are mounted, and how many free-blocks remain on each one.
The second function of DiskInfo is to make it easier to use FFS-floppy
disks with WorkBench 1.3.  It does this by indicating when a FFS-floppy
is in a drive, and performing a DiskChange on that drive when disks are
swapped.  However, you do not need to use FFS-floppies in order to use
DiskInfo.  Binary only, author:  Stan Ziel


Extract, is a program to help you decode text from encrypted (or
non-encrypted) binary files.  Binary only, author:  The Mad Scientist


FastMemEmulator Patcht die AllocMem()-Routine so, daß keine explizite
Anforderung von FastMem mehr möglich ist, wenn nicht gleichzeitig das
MEMF_LARGEST-Bit gesetzt ist.  Bei bereits installiertem Patch wird
dieser entfernt.  Include source in Asm 68k, author:  Holger Lubitz



Useful for creating a floppy-like partition on your harddisk (so you
can diskcopy to a floppy) WITHOUT actually having to create a special
partition for it.  Useful for testing new filesystems and such.  Up to
32 Units, OFS or FFS selectable via Mountlist.  THIS IS NOT A RAM DISK.
Operation will be necessarily slower than your HD, but that isn't the
point behind using the device!  Advantages over RAD / Other ram disks
...  doesn't use RAM.  Designed for hard disk users.  By putting the
'partition' file on the hard disk, it sticks around and you don't loose
the data you wrote to it, so mounting it again after reboot or power up
yields whatever was there before.  The fmsdisk.device simulates a
trackdisk.device for fixed media via a DOS file (one file per unit).
Simply setup your Mountlist, mount the simulated trackdisk, and format,
and you are off.  This has particular advantages for those hard disk
users who make lots of distributions, like me.  I can create a
simulated partition using fmsdisk.device that uses exactly the same
parameters as my favorite floppy device (and run the appropriate file
system, in this case the OFS).  After formatting, I can copy the
distribution onto the simulated partition and then DiskCopy it to the
floppy.  This also has advantages to people fooling around with writing
their own file systems, as the disk file used may be examined at any
time through normal programs while the 'filesystem' is running.
Include C source.


Replacement for LOADWB ENDCLI >nil:.  Include c source, author:  Oliver


IncrCtr increments an ARP environment variable by one.  ARP v39+ is
required.  This program is desired to be used is AShell scripts, but
may work under other shells that use ARP or Manx environment variables.
Binary only.


This is a developer's tool which establishes and maintains maximums for
available CHIP and FAST memory.  It provides a controlled way to create
low memory situations for testing.  Include c source, author:  Mark R.


MemGuard III checks the first 100 longwords, in particular location
$00000004, for random trashing.  Discovering any change an Alert comes
up giving you the choice to leave the vectors as they are or to restore
their original contents.  Unlike other tools of this kind MemGuard III
does not run as task, but rather links itself to the level 3 IRQ,
checking the vectors each frame.  Therefore virtually no processing
time is wasted, no extra memory is used (very little actually, but
below 1000 bytes - the original MemWatch II needed about 4000 bytes
while running) and the checking takes place even while task-switching
is forbidden.  Furthermore most actions overriding the vector table are
discovered almost instantly.  Binary only, author:  Ralf Thanner


MemMometer - A program hacked from Tom Rokicki's WFrags more or less...
(in fact, a heck of a lot) in the style of Peter Da Silva's "Gauge."
The program opens a narrow window with the same dimensions as the disk
capacity gadget found in the top-level workbench window for a floppy
volume.  The sizing gadget is like the one in Gauge; to resize the
window, just click the left mouse button over the "E".  The "F" is the
program title in this rather short manifestation of an Amiga Intuition
window drag bar.  V1.0 - Distributed to Peter Da Silva and Tom Rokicki,
sent to Fred Fish but was evidently not put on a Fish Disk.  Problems
with this version of the program were that it used the Delay(Arrgh)
function for timing, and that it had an unrestricted menu selection for
Slow-Fast memory and Fast memory base that, with non-existent memory,
would result in a crash without prior warning.  Also, the codes for
one, two, or three columns were separate, so it was issued as three
independently compiled programs.

V1.1 - Not Distributed.  Delay() function replaced by VBLANK timer code
that was earlier submitted to Usenet by Andy Finkel.  (Although Andy is
a member of the CBM Amiga programmer team, the use of his codes in
MemMometer do not in any way constitute an approval of the program on
his part, of course.)

V2.0 - Not Distributed.  A Menu item was added for setting MemMometer's
running priority.  A Requester was added to inform the user that
Slow-Fast memory selections in Warps mode must be physically correct to
avoid a system-fatal Guru 4 illegal instruction exception trap (or
worse), see the documentation for details.

V2.1 - Some changes to the 8 color workbench color table to improve the
ability to recognize 0xffffffff checksums and to better conform with
CBM Workbench colors, and some corrections to inaccuracies in the
documentation.  Because it was possible to reach the (ahem) forbidden
processor read-toggle type addresses through selecting severely
maligned Fast memory base values, a call to the requester was
additionally inserted for the Fast memory base menu.  The requester was
also fixed to open with a link to the MemMometer window (titled "F")
rather than to an underlying dummy window (titled "Mem Mometer").
While it renders the title a trifle obscure, it limits the resource
request to one requester-sized window rather than two.


a wildcard using, recursive, FIND utility.  Binary only, author:  Greg


"sm" (previously referred to as "SetMouse") is an AmigaDOS executable
which sends Intuition a message that mouse EVENTS can be found at
either one of the Amiga's two mouse/game ports.  Binary only, author:
Charles Conlow


Set workbench screen depth.  Include c source, author:  Oliver Wagner

CAM #379a&b: Langages


P2C is a tool for translating Pascal programs into C.  It handles the
following Pascal dialects:  HP Pascal, Turbo/UCSD Pascal, DEC VAX
Pascal, Oregon Software Pascal/2, Macintosh Programmer's Workshop
Pascal, Sun/Berkeley Pascal.  Modula-2 syntax is also supported.  Most
reasonable Pascal programs are converted into fully functional C which
will compile and run with no further modifications.  This is version
1.13 and includes source.  Author:  Dave Gillespie, Amiga port by G.
R.  (Fred) Walter

CAM #380: PostScript (emulateur et fontes)


"Post" is a software based PostScript interpreter, presently running on
the Amiga.  The source code is written in C, and should be fairly
portable to other machines.  It supports the full Adobe language, with
only minor variations.  version 1.1 include C sources, Author:Adrian

PS_Fonts 1

13 PostScript fonts converted from MacIntosh:  Canaith, ClassicaItalic,
ClassicaRoman, Cuneifont, Faustus, Gordon, MacHumaine, ParkHaven,
Princeton, SansSerif, Style, Thomas, ToulouseLautrec

CAM #381: Jeux divers


Race horse simulator,binary only, Author:  Pierre A du Parte


Screen hack, warning really bounce workbench screen, binary only,


Bunny is a graphic puzzle published in the May 1990 issue of JUMPDISK,
It is the basis for a contest with a postmark closing date of August
31, 1990.  JUMPDISK will award a total of $500 (U.S.  funds) in the
form of $100 each to the five entrants who submit best solutions to the
puzzle.  All entrants who complete the puzzle will receive one public
domain disk of JUMPDISK's choice.  author:  David M.  Cole


A game based on computer programming.  Unlike arcade type games which
require human input controlling some object, all strategy in CRobots is
condensed into a C language program that you design and write, to
control a robot whose mission is to seek out, track, and destroy other
robots, each running different programs.  All robots are equally
equipped, and up to four may compete at once.  Version 2.3w, binary
only, source available from author.  Author:  Tom Poindexter, Amiga
version by David Wright


This program solves Rubik's cube.  To solve a cube, paint it to look
like your scrambled cube then use the SV command.  The program will
respond with a series of instructions that, when followed correctly,
will restore your cube to the pristine (unscrambled) state.  Binary
only, author:  Atto-Tech Software


'The Enigma Device' is an Amiga game of Cryptograms.  It challenge
players to decipher short messages encoded using a simple-substitution
cipher.  Binary only Author:  Gaylan Wallis


Rabid Gerbils are trying to take over the Amiga and it's your job to
stop them - dead in their feet!  In GerbGame your job is to kill those
evil rabid gerbils.  You start out with 20 bullets, on level one.  You
must score 50 points or more to advance to the next level.  There are a
total of six levels that you must complete.  And at the end of each
level you must have so many points to advance to the next.  Binary
only, author:  Charles Massey


Star display screen hack, assembler sources available from author,
Author:  Mark Everingham


ATC is a program that simulates an air traffic regional control center.
You are the controller, and you direct the planes (up to 8 at a time)
to the airport.  You control the planes' heading, altitude and speed.
You receive points for directing the planes correctly to the airport.
You also have to contend with planes departing from the same airport,
and you have to make sure that the planes do not collide with each
other.  You also have only a limited amount of time to get the plane to
the airport.  You receive fewer points for a late flight, and if a
flight is very late, it will run out of fuel and crash.  All program
input is done with the left mouse button.  Binary only, author:  Griff


Simple board game Binary only, Author:  Mark E.  Whitehead

CAM #382: Utilités Télécommunication


In combination with ConMan 1.3's CNX:  MountList entry, ConZap enables
you to use an Amiga Shell (or better yet, an ARP 1.3 AShell) on a
remote ANSI or VT100-compatible terminal or computer connected to the
Amiga's serial port.  Obtaining a text editor that is useful on such a
terminal can be difficult; however, the MicroEMACS from Fred Fish Disk
#61 can be patched to work.  ConZap also allows you to prevent AmigaDOS
requesters from appearing on the Amiga and stopping all work at the
terminal.  Include forth sources, author:  Warren Block


An ARexx "Dialing Directory" for use with VT100.  This program allows
the user to save up to 20 frequently used phone numbers.  The program
will dial the phone number, at the request of the user.  Each number
has 7 fields associated with it.  Author:  David W.  Lowrey


Lhwarp is a program which will read tracks directly from your floppy
disk (or any other device), compress them, and output them to a file.
Binary only, Author:  Jonathan Forbes

 V1.30: Removed track corrupting bug. Other devices supported. Output
 file length included within output file.

 V1.31: Removed bug which prevented Lhwarp from uncompressing files
 produced by earlier versions. Memory leak corrected. Removed bug
 involving output track data being longer than input track data.

 V1.40: Incredible speed increases all around. Compression 25% faster,
 decompression 60% faster (freezing.) Asynchrous disk i/o. Tracks now
 stored if they cannot be compressed. Corrected bug causing viewing
 to crash. Added "no prompts" option.


Microterm is a little terminal program that I wrote while learning to
use the serial.device and the console.device.  It is a particularly
"unfeatured" terminal program, it does not even have an ASCII capture
mode...  I thought it would be useful as an example of how to talk to
the serial and console devices and so I have placed this code in the
public domain.  Include C sources, author:  Stephen Vermeulen


This is version 1.2 of the Skyterm Skypix-compatible term program.  It
has many changes and enhancements, most of which are invisible until
you call an Atredes board.  The same docs that were supplied for the
Atredes Demo Term 1.1 will apply here.  The enhancements include
corrections in the handling of certain ANSI commands that were
mishandled before.  Binary only, author:  Michael Cox


Soft Span BBS program.  Intuitive, command-line based menu system with
message bases, up/down loads, file credit system, extensive help
system, etc.  This is shareware version 1.0, binary only, lattice C
source code available from the author.  Author:  Mark Wolfskehl


Interrupt-driven Serial I/O Testbed.  This code directly accesses the
hardware and achieves very high baud rates without errors.  This code
should be legal if the serial device is first opened and exclusive
access is granted.  Speeds of over 1 30k baud between a stock,
nofastmem 500 and a 25mhz GVP 68030 have been achieved.  The '030 Amiga
can go much faster; it can read at least 223,720 baud.  The 500 poops
out at 132,575 baud.  Writing fast is no problem, reading eats up some
bandwidth, and is thus the bottleneck.  Polled I/O (yuk) can yield
faster rates.  These baud rates were accomplished with a direct 2,3,7
wire, 50 foot shielded cable.  Max baud rates may vary depending on
cable and hardware configurations.  Sources only.  Author:  John


TPTCron is a utility which executes AmigaDos tasks at regularly
scheduled times.  TPTCron is capable of executing periodic events -
tasks which must be executed at specific time intervals.  It is also
capable of executing one-shot tasks, scheduled through the use of an
external command called CronEvent.  These one-shot events can be
scheduled "on-the-fly" once TPTCron has been started up.  Binary only,
author:  Mike Oliphant

UnShar_v1.3 0m

Unshar is a utility which extracts files from the ubiquitous Unix shar
archives.  It has the following advantages over existing unshar

 - Small and fast
 - Handles many cat and sed formats
 - Allows extraction of subdirectories
 - Understands ./file type filenames
 - Understands file continuation with >>
 - Sorts file list by Subject: line
 - Exits cleanly with CTRL-C

Include C sources, author: Eddy Carroll


Disk cruncher Binary only.  Author:  Unknow (Pseudonym)


Zippy is a program designed to extract files from a .ZIP format
archive.  Binary only.  Author:David Godshall


U.S.Robotics HST/DUAL modem configuration utility.  Binary only.
Author:  Mike Thomas and Doug Keller

CAM #383: Utilités éducation


A program to calculate and display the gears of a multispeed bicycle.
Works for bicycles with 3 to 21 gear combinations.  Version 1.1,
includes source.  Author:  Joel Swank


A complete grade and absence/tardy management system for teachers.
Highly flexible, you may add/drop students at any time, enter tests out
of sequence, and enter absences for a test grade (when a student missed
a test) and later add the score.  GRADEBOOK comes with several reports
that summarize student scores, absences, tardies as well as give
individual test results.  For speed and ease of use, most operations
are accomplished with the mouse and buttons on the screen.  Binary
only, author:  Bob Hunter


Some programs for playing with Neuronal Nets using Hopfield and Hamming
algorithms.  Binary only.  Author:  Uwe Schaefer


A program to determine the position of the Sun., Mer., Ven., Mars, Jup,
Sat & Ura.  Include C sources, author:  F.T.  Mendenhall

CAM #384: Utilités divers


This command will allow you to place scripts in the directory indicated
and by adding it to the end of your startup sequence you will never
have to edit your startup-sequence again!  To install a program on your
system that requires a script executed, just place the script in the
AutoScript directory!.  Binary only, author:  Tony Preston


Clear clock memory, include sources, author:  Andrew Kopp


Console Buffer is for CLI users who would like to have a history and/or
hardcopy (either file or device) of their console input and output.  It
works with both CLI and shell windows.  Console I/O is saved in a
buffer, the size of which is set by the user.  The default buffer size
is 100 lines.  Binary only, author:  William J.  Fritz


Yet another type program.  Include Asm sources, author:  Bill Nelson


You could put a disk into a drive and automatically it would run the
software on that disk.  binary only Author:  John Bolton


Fastjet is a graphics compresser for the Hewlett-Packard Deskjet.
Binary only, author:  Charles Tyson


FlashDisk!  is a floppy disk optimizer for all models of the Amiga
computer.  It is NOT a cache -- it merely reorganizes the information
on the disk to make directories and loading more efficient.  The
changes are permanent and will usually increase the loading speed of
directories between 3 and 5 times -- increase depends on how badly the
original disk was fragmented.  In addition, loading time of large
programs is often reduced.  The resulting disk is still an AmigaDOS
disk and is 100% compatible!  Binary only, author:  Curtis J.  Palmer


gwPrint is a ShareWare utility for printing text files.  It offers a
wide selection of adjustable features for controlling paging, headers,
trailers, margins, and various print styles and sizes.  The headers and
trailers are themselves configurable and may include a title, date and
page numbering.  Binary only, author:Gaylan Wallis


Small program patch a bug in the way that Kickstart 1.2 or 1.3 handle a
mix of lace and non-lace screens which causes the system to lock up.
Includes sources, author:  Robert Salesas & Martin Taillefer


Yes, this is yet another clock program, but the idea behind this one is
that the clock looks like an icon on the screen.  Includes sources,
author:  Michael Sinz


Ptype print a source program with line numbers and page headings.  Type
a letter or a documentation file.  Convert tabs in a file to spaces.
Print many copies such as postcards.  Includes sources, author:  Bob


RAMSpeed tests memory speed (RunTime and MHz outputs) for each memory
region in your Amiga system (provided there is room to run the test
program).  RAMSpeed also provides CPU and FPU (if present) MHz ratings
within an accuracy of +/-3%.  Includes sources, author:  Al Aburto


An ARexx based graphic shell substitute for CLI.Author:  Steven D.


Patch 2091 problem with programs like TurboSilver.  Includes sources,
author:  Brett Casebolt


Validate is a program I whipped up for individuals who ask how to force
a disk to be validated.  Binary only, author:  Darren New

CAM #385: Amiga UUCP_v1.06d

An implementation of uucp for the Amiga, including mail, news and
dnews.  This is Matt's version 1.06d for the Amiga, based on William
Loftus's Amiga UUCP 0.40 release with news code from his 0.60 release,
and months of work by Matt Dillon to make fixes and add enhancements.
Includes source.  Author:  Various, major enhancements by Matt Dillon

CAM #386a & b: Objets 3d


Ademo part of a mannequin script motion in sculpt format.  Author:  Tom


Wood block globe in Videoscape & Turbo Silver format.  Author:  Jean


2 objects in TurboSilver format:  face.silver, trooper.silver


Sculpt version of Amiga 1000 from CAM 359, click icon for unarc in RAM:
Author:  Jean Pepin


17 objects in sculpt format.  Author:  various

CAM #387a & b: Langages programmation


Amiga XLISP Version 2.1 (c) David Betz Amiga port by Glyn Thomas
Gowing.  Include partial C source (amiga specific routines).


A 3-pass BASIC Compiler for BASIC programs written in AmigaBASIC, does
not yet support all of the BASIC commands but is able to compile
itself.  This is version 1.0, includes source.  Author:  Jurgen Forster


Tom Rokicki's version of MicroGnuEmacs (mg) with ARexx support and also
a revision of that version by John W.  Lockhart.  These may be useful
for new ARexx owners who want to send messages to editors.  The
following is from Tom Rokicki's original README file:

 "This is a version of mg with an ARexx port. Actually, there have
  been three major changes:

 * Macros can now be bound to keys, and multiple macros can exist.
 * The startup file format has changed, to allow the above to be done
   during startup.
 * An ARexx port has been added.

All of these changes are interdependent.  I haven't added them to the
source in a very clean way; there are no new #define's to turn the
ARexx port on or off.  In addition, there are some things missing.
Nonetheless, because of the dem and I have seen for this, I am
releasing it until I finish similar modifications to mg2a (which
probably won't be for some time.) Also, the stuff may not compile with
Lattice any more.


DICE, Dillon's C complr (u need amiga.lib & includes)

DICE, Dillon's Integrated C Enviroment is a complete C compilation
system except for the Amiga includes and Amiga.lib which you need to
get from C.A.T.S.  All stages are present, from editor to linker, all
written by me.  This should be considered shareware.

CAM #388: Jeux


"Blackjack Lab" is the ultimate in casino blackjack simulations.
Features include:  1 - 7 players, 1 - 50 decks, ability to change
rules, card count tracking, computer control of hands, hint option,
basic strategy tables and modification, tracking of play stats (casino
wins/losses, # of hands played, etc.), hypertext help facility,
practice mode, user prefs, digitized sound, animation, hard disk
install, demo mode.  Binary only, author:  Dan Cogliano


A fun card game for one or two players on an Amiga.  Binary only,
author:  Paul DeWolf


4 programs from Fractal Programming in C by Roger T.  Stevens,
Intuition-ized by Bill Rapoza, binary only.


This game was based on David Addison's ABASIC game, Klondike.  It has
been greatly changed by John Everett, so that he feels it is now a new
game.  Binary only.


Useful utility for memory-peeking, ripping Soundtracker songs...  It
can display Hi/Lo Res.  , change modulo of the screen-display, search
for soundtracker songs, play them......  Binary only, author:  Dobrica

CAM #389: Utilités édition & traitement de textes.


DME is an editor designed mainly for programmers.  Although it is not a
word processor, it does include many word processing features such as
Word-Wrap and automatic paragraph formatting.  V1.40 GAMMA INTERMEDIATE

 - No longer configurable with 'config' program. Now saves window
   dimensions, color selection, and most window modes (insert, margin,
   etc...) to S:dme.config, restoring automatically when any new window
   is brought up.
 - Can no longer specify window dimensions on command line or via
   workbench, sorry!
 - Fixed bug in ARP requester ... wasn't saving D2/D3/A6. Also fixed
   but in Lattice asm... apparently if the __MERGED section in
   afilereq.asm is first lattice asm generates a 0 byte bss section
 - This is an Experimental intermediate version (executable compiled
   w/ my compiler and may not compile cleanly under Lattice or Aztec)


A word processor for the Amiga, with both German and English versions.
TextPlus enables you to write letters, books, programs etc.  in a very
easy and comfortable way.  Version 2.0, binary only.  Author:  Martin


TEXTRA, a very user-friendly text editor.  TEXTRA makes no claim at
being the most powerful editor around, or the fastest, smallest or
any-OTHER-est.  Just pretty easy to use, that's the goal.  And free.
Binary only author:  Mike Haas


View80 is a fast and comfortable ASCII files reading program.  It
allows you to visualize 80 columns texts and to use the scrollbar at
same time.  View80 is entirely written in C language, except for a
little routine for the screen writing, that, from the version 1.1, has
been rewritten in assembly language in order to obtain the maximum
speed.  So, 3 different scroll-modes are available:  SMOOTH-Scroll with
gradual appearing of the lines, FAST-Scroll rapid but fluent, and
TURBO-Scroll that gives you the fastest speed, obtained by not
refreshing the scroll-bar which is positioned only when you release the
keys.  Binary only, author:  Federico Giannici

CAM #390: Utilités de programmation.


The iff.library is an easy to use Amiga library which gives you some
powerful routines to deal with IFF files, especially ILBM files
(pictures).  It was fully written in Assembler and is only 2.6 KBytes
long.  It can handle any IFF files, including DPaint pictures with
stencil, HAM and halfbrite pictures, ANIM files (with a trick), SoundFX
instruments, and all other IFF files which are not nested.  Binary only


Example fully working library for Aztec C.  Author:  Matthew Dillon.


An example Amiga shared library compiled with Aztec 'C' 5.0.  This
library contains basic support functions employed by programs such as
KeyMacro or PrintHandler.  In short:  mxm.library is the standard MXM
system support library.  Version 34.14, includes source.  Author:  Olaf


Req.library adds user-friendliness to the Amiga's user interface.
While all that intuition offers the programmer is a boring, inflexible,
slow, painful requester, req.library allows fast & user-friendly
requesters.  Notice I said 'requesters', as they include a text
requester (who's size is automatically figured from the body of text
within), a colour requester (intelligent enough to correctly size it's
palette according to the depth of the screen), string and int
requesters, and a file requester!!!  Not to mention numerous gadget
creation routines, and a real-time scroll routine.  The nice thing
about the gadget creation routines, is that they create fully
re-entrant gadgets, so if you wish to run a routine over and over (for,
say, a multi-window program), you may feel free.  All you do is pass a
buffer (the sizes required are defined in reqbase.i and reqbase.h) and
they will fill it in.  Binary only, author:  Bruce Dawson and Colin Fox


This is a shared library package to simplify the ARexx host
creation/management procedure.  Rexx-message parsing is also included
making it possible to control ARexx from programs such as AmigaBASIC
(can you imagine AmigaBASIC controlling AmigaTeX?).  This is version
34.12 which has been recompiled and made a lot shorter using Aztec 'C'
5.0, an update to version 1.6.  Includes source.  Author:  Olaf Barthel


An IFF sampled sound format designed for professional music use.  It
can be used for 16-bit samples, multiple waveforms, etc.  Includes a
SAMP reader/writer shared library, interface routines, and programming
examples.  Also includes a program to convert 8SVX to SAMP.  Author:
Dissidents Software

CAM #391: Utilités domestique.


This is the 7th mailing of the AmigaUsers Compendium List.  The idea of
this list is to provide a database of users with a common background of
the Amiga.  Having your name on the list shows others your interests on
the Amiga and the possibility of being able to help others out.  The
current list now has 128 names.  Include source, author:  Trevor


A port of the UN*X fortune program and associated utilities.  Source
code and over 3300 fortunes included., Version 2.0 runs from 120 to
290% faster and the ability to add/change color to the lines of the
displayed fortunes.  Author:  George Kerber.


IsToday compares [day] with the system clock's "Day of Week" and sets
the CLI return code as follows:  no match - 0 (Ok) match - 5 (WARN)
error -20 (FAIL) Includes sources BM & M2 Modula, author:  David Czaya

MetConv Metric

Conversion program.  Binary only, author:  Glenn S.  Kauffman


A hard disk backup utility that does a file by file copy to standard
AmigaDOS floppy disks.  Includes an intuition interface and file
compression.  This is version 4.0b, an update to version 3.4.  Include
new look (NEXT), new status window, multi floppy support, New Filter
Files, Compression, Buffer Size Gadget Binary only, Author:  Mark


A custom PRT:  driver which offers easy single sheet support as well as
limited data spooling.  Version 1.6, an almost entirely rewritten
update to version 1.1.  Includes source in 'C'.  Author:  Olaf Barthel


Revision of trip planner program to find "best road route" between any
two points of travel.  The user is encouraged to customize files CITIES
and ROADS to suit travel interests This is version 1.5, an update to
the original version, and makes provision for very large city menus and
itineraries.  You might like to use files (Mayes/Delzer).  Also
includes RoadScan, a checker for RoadRoute files (CITIES and ROADS).
Very large files may contain goofs (cities with no roads, the same road
entered twice, etc.), or oddities (direct road not as fast as
multipoint).  These are pointed out, together with areas where users
might wish to make economies in the data base.  Includes source in C.
Author:  Jim Butterfield


This program contains a database of files telling important historical
events for each day of the year.  It can be placed in your startup
sequence and will give you the important dates on the current day
whenever you boot your Amiga, or it can display them upon command.  The
database can be edited to include events important to you.  Binary
only, author:  Jon Radoff


This utility gives you all useful information it can obtain from the
file.  WHATIS recognizes IFF files, object files and executables
(hunks), Aztec object files, crunched data files (with the
PowerPacker), archives like ZOO, ARC and ArcFiles (my own archiver),
UUEncoded files, .info files, Lattice PGTB files and Warp files (disk
warper).  In addition it will print all system information for this
file.  If you specify a device or directory instead of a file, you get
more system information.  If WHATIS doesn't recognize your file, it
will check if the file could be ASCII.  Binary only, author:  J.

CAM #392: Utilités diverses


Small utility contain nofastmem, display boot contain, boot from any
diskdrive, boot block check, copy disk, install, memory virus killer.
Binary only, author:  MEIKEL


A disk compression/disk compression package which was written to be
fast and easy to use.  Includes an Arp and an Intuition interface.
Includes source in 'C'.  Author:  Olaf Barthel


Tex convertion program, Includes C source, Author:  Chris


A keyboard macro program, configurable via a text file, that also
supports hotkey program execution.  You can map up to eight functions
to each key, including keys such as cursor keys, the return key, etc.
Version 1.4, an update to version 1.0, which fixes the bugs in version
1.0.  Includes source in 'C'.  Author:  Olaf Barthel


MemGuard is a MemWatch like program which has been rewritten in
assembly language for maximum speed and efficiency.  Unlike MemWatch,
MemGuard does not run as task in a dummy loop but rather as a low-level
interrupt routine which is capable of trapping memory trashing even
before exec might know of it and even while task switching is
forbidden.  Version IIIa, an update to version III, binary only.
Author:  Ralf Thanner


MyMenu-, MenuRunner-like custom menu program, EXTREMELY useful.  This
is a ShareWare Demo of MenuMaster, a custom menu program that allows
you to create a custom menus to run any program(s) you like.  Its
advantages are its size (under 6K), its memory usage (about 14K),
flexibility (MANY options, configuration script commands), and instant
access to all those programs on your hard drive!  It is compatible with
2.0, with a version forthcoming that utilitizes 2.0 to its FULLEST,
including the file requester and the new interface look.  Despite this
being a shareware demo, it is fully functional except for a useable
item limit.  Items above 14 will display, but will not run anything.
If you have a hard drive, you OWE it to yourself to try this one!
Binary only, author:  C.Papademetrious


NoClick version 3.5 - stops drive clicking on 68000/010/020/030 cpu


Scans a disk and dates each directory according to the most recent item
contained within (not including .info files).  Ideal for use after a
COPY ALL CLONE, where the directories are CREATED rather than copied
and thus lose their date information.  Includes source in assembler.
Author:  Jim Butterfield


This simply program start a cli style command in is own window, Include
C source Author:  Federico Noferi


This Is A Small Program To Keep Track Of Amiga Usage <At Least When The
Machine Is Used> It Is run in Your Startup-sequence.  Binary only,
Author:  Derec Butler


A Trackdisk patch which removes all known bugs, and one unknown so far,
and patches the Trackdisk task to allow various enhancements, such as
reading good sectors from partially bad tracks, write verification,
write protect simulation, auto motor off, auto update and turning off
clicking.  Other features are MFM-upate and I/O by non-chip buffers.
This is version 1.3, an update of version 1.0.  Includes source in C
and assembler.  Author:  Dirk Reisig


A small tool to speed up blitter operations by up to 60%.  Author give
no tech explanation about that.Version 1.0, binary only.  Author:  Ralf

CAM #393a&b: Jeux


games demonstration of Shoot-Em-Up Construction Kit's


games demonstration of Shoot-Em-Up Construction Kit's


games demonstration of Shoot-Em-Up Construction Kit's"


games demonstration of Shoot-Em-Up Construction Kit's


A game like the commercial game 'Pipe dream' (Pipe mania).  Needs a
joystick and PAL display.  High scores are saved to disk.  Version 1.0,
includes source.  Author:  Andre Wichmann.


These are four utilities that make it easier to create "sprites" and
"backgrounds" for "Shoot'Em Up Construction Kit" (published by Accolade
on their Advantage label).  Although SEUCK is a very powerful program
to let your create your own arcade games it's graphics editor is very
basic.  These utilities let you create sprite (.SPR) and background
(.BGD) files with Deluxe Paint or other paint programs.  Binary only.
Author:  Brian Conrad

CAM #394a&b: Utilités MIDI


This is a freely redistributable demo of an editor/librarian for the
DW8000 and EX8000 KORG synthesizers.  This program is available from
Synthetic.  Binary only, Author:  Synthetic Reality Software


An editor for the Kawai K1(m) synthesizer with two auxiliary programs
for managing sound dumps.  This is version 1.00, shareware, includes
source.  Author:  Michael Balzer


A Voice (Tone) Editor for the Yamaha 4 Operator series synthesizers.
Binary only, source available from author.  Author:  Chuck Brand


An algorithmic composition program that improvises music over a MIDI
interface connected to the serial port.  A MIDI interface and
synthesizer are needed.  The music does not have a strong pulse, and
does not repeat motifs or melodies, but can be very pretty.  Version
1.0 with source in C, and sample data files.  Author:  Thomas E.


This is a Shareware ($25) programmer and librarian for the Yamaha FB01
synthesizer.  The FB01 is a pretty neat FM synthesizer that has no way
of being programmed without a computer (no panel access to the
parameters), and no way of saving patches (no RAM card or cassette
interface), but then it's only $300.  Binary only, author:  Atto-Tech


This is a customized version of CZL, my Instrument Librarian for CZ
synthesizers.  This one is specifically customized for the CZ-230S
model.  It includes all the intuition interface of CZL v1.0 plus access
to all 100 instruments of the CZ-230S.  ARC includes sample config
files, documentation, and the program itself.  Instrument files on many
BBS's are compatible.  Binary only, author:  Steve Anderson


CZL is an instrument librarian for the Casio CZ synthesizers.  It
provides the capability to load, store, delete, and modify, voice
parameters from the Amiga screen.  Shareware, Binary only, author:
Steve Anderson


MIDI only Jukebox player for smus files 16 track polyphonic.  Includes
25 songs Programmable, with up to 1000 songs in jukebox.  Binary only,
author:  John L.  Moulton


This program convert Samples of Roland S-220/S-10/MKS-100 to "8SVX" IFF
8-Bit Sampled Voice.  Binary only.  Author:  Dieter Bruns

CAM #395: Utilités graphique.


An interim solution to Anim-5 incompatability problems.  Identifies the
origin of an Anim-5 file and modifies it to facilitate easy exchange
between AniMagic, Videoscape, Animation Station, DPaint III, Animation:
Editor(v1.11), The Director, SA4D, Movie2.0, Photon Paint 2.0 and Cel
Animator.  Fully intuitionalized interface, full ARexx support
including a "Find ARexx" option if you start ARexx after running
ABridge.  This is version 1.0, shareware, binary only.  Author:  Ron
Tarrant, Mythra-mations Animation and Software


Some utility for convert Adobe .AFM files to PPage .metric.  Binary
only, author:  Gordon Fecyk


A program that renders three-dimensional images of blowups of the
Mandelbrot set.  Includes several example images.  This is version 2.0,
an update to version 1.1.  Shareware, binary only.  Author:  Mathias


Mostra a Universal IFF Viewer, version 1.02 is only fix bug bug in ARP
bindings.  Binary only, author:  Sebastiano Vigna


Opens a borderless WorkBench window in which is contained a ruler for
the purpose of aligning or constraining text; the default ruler is 30
characters with an 8 pixel scale and is intended to help prevent
entering too-long filenames.  Includes C source, Author:  Chad Netzer


The purpose of this program is to convert a TMP file to a RGB file that
Digi-View 4 will read.  What this allows you to do is take any GIF and
convert it to any resolution you like, while preserving the image.
Binary only, author:  Jeff Lobb Version 1.5:  You don't need to change
the STACK size!  Fixed a File Length Bug.  Version 1.7:  Changed the
CLI Output.  It now runs faster!

CAM #396:Utilités domestique


A Shareware outliner program.  Version 2.00 of 'Liner now supports
multiple lines per number and two-way ARexx port.  Include C source,
Author:  Dave Schreiber


Version 3.00.06 of AmiGantt project management software with many bug
fixes from 3.00.00.  Binary only, author:  Donald R.  Tolson Version
3.00.04 -- January 5, 1990

 This version, which includes version 3.00.03 (not officially released)
 fixes a number of problems with the screen refresh of the Pert and
 Resource Windows.  Now, they redraw themselves properly when they are
 resized.  The page numbers are now properly incremented when there is
 more than one page of the Task Listing.  A problem with the Task Window
 display was causing the Title line (which) shows the Task #) to 'colour
 cycle' has been corrected.  Since there are major problems with the
 Open() function in arp 1.3 conflicting with the DOS Open(), I've
 changed the program to notify the user that they have not properly
 installed ARP 1.3 and then abort.

Version 3.00.05 -- January 21, 1990

 A bug which would cause the program to go into 'hyperspace' when a task
 was accidently included as its own dependency, has been corrected.
 AmiGantt will now ignore this entry.


An Amiga file system handler that handles MSDOS formatted diskettes.
Version "1.30" (Release 1 patch 3).  You can use files on such disks in
almost exactly the same way as you use files on native AmigaDOS disks.
This is a fully functional, read/write version, that supports 8, 9, or
10 sector disks of 80 tracks, and should also work on 40 track drives
and hard disks with 12 or 16 bit FAT of any dimension the FAT allows.
Update to version "1.5" (Release 1).  Includes source.  Author:  Olaf

CAM #397: Utilités Programmation


This program is based on the GetAutoDoc command written by Peter Cherna
for his DevKit.  ADLookUp and its index generator ADBuildIndex.
Includes C source, author:  Christoper A.  Wichura


An Arp package fixed to work with the 5.0 release of the Aztec 'C'
compiler.  The original Manx support files were incomplete, contained
bugs preventing them from working properly and had the wrong linker
format.  Includes source.  Author:  Olaf Barthel


FD convert program based on Carolyn (CBM) Scheppner's program
"ConvertFD written completely in Assembler, Binary only, author:


IntuiFace is a simple programmer's usility that lets you design screens
and windows, and then it creates the defined system structures.  It
only makes the structures themselves, and does not make the support
code needed to make a program.  Binary only, author:  Iain Bryson


A link library, for use with Lattice C, providing a few functions to
handle DOS packet postage.  Includes source.  Author:  Oliver Wagner


This is the stand-alone version of a pattern matching routine I wrote,
originally for DiskSalv.  It matches the full 1.3 AmigaDOS pattern
language, not just the #?  metacharacters handled by some of the
pattern routines included with the various compilers on the market.
And the actual pattern functions, CompilePattern() and MatchPattern(),
compile to under 2k of object code.  Author:  Dave Haynie


PPB is a Full-Featured Paint Program and Image Editor.  Originally
designed for my gadget programming needs, it is well suited for
creating clip art and other graphics.  For artists, you have the choice
of painting in 4 different resolutions, with upto 32 color choices.
For programmers, there are 3 choices of languages supported for
creating source code, plus the ability for saving images as RAW data.
Binary only, author:  THOMAS C.  DEVEAU


SetCPU V1.6 by Dave Haynie.  CPU ID, cache control, MMU tool.  This is
the latest SetCPU program, which modified cache parameters, identifies
the CPU, FPU, and MMU in your system, and creates 32 bit ROM
translations via MMU in MMU-equipped systems.  This program is fully
public domain, and includes all the Manx 3.6a source code as well as
executable an documentation.


AMIGA DEVICE DRIVER GUIDE author:  Markus Wandel


dynamem() is the multidimensional analogue to malloc().  dynamem
allocates a <number_dimensions> dimensional array, whose dimensions are
stored in a list starting at <dimensions>.  Each array element is of
size <element_size>.  <pointer> is a pointer with <number_dimensions>
levels of indirection to the memory area, on exiting the procedure this
will point to the beginning of the array.  author:  Kevin Northover

CAM #398: Jeux


An 8SVX stereo sound file editor written in assembly language for speed
and minimum size.  Version V.8, binary only Author:  Howard Dortch,
Mike Coriell, Matt Gerald


A lottery picker program.  Binary only, author:  Thomas C.  DeVeau


Another screen hack.  Makes red drops of slime flow down your screen.
Version 1.1, includes source in C.  Author:  Guido Wegener


This CANDO stack is a tetris clone game.  Binary only, Author:  Mr.  Ed


Another solitaire card game, Binary only, author:  Kendal L.  Huber


Another game about the lightcycle race sequence in the science fiction
computer film "Tron".  One or two players and other options.  Written
in GFA-BASIC and then compiled.  Version 1.1, binary only.  Author:
Dirk Hasse


WellTrix game well leisure sounds WellTrix is a game similar to
WellTris, in which pieces are moved around the sides of a well and drop
to the bottom.  Filled rows or columns are deleted, as in Tetris.  Not
quite 3D, more like 2.5D.  This version has many user-specifiable
options, but currently, they can only be specified when run from
WorkBench (the CLI interface is, er, minimal).  Some sample sounds are
included, but they are not required for the game (an internal default
takes over).  WellTrix is FreeWare, written by gmill, to whom email
comments may be left (no complaints, I hope).  Binary only, author:
Gary W.  Milliorn


A Solitaire Game This game is a variation on solitaire Very
challenging!  Binary only, author:  Doug McIntyre

CAM #399a&b: Utilités graphiques


An Amiga port of the Fuzzy PixMap image manipulation library.  This
package allows manipulation and conversion of a variety of color and
B&W image formats.  Supported formats include Sun rasterfiles, GIF,IFF,
PCX, PBM bitmaps, "face" files, and FBM files.  Also has input
converters for raw images, like DigiView files, and output converters
for PostScript and Diablo graphics.  Besides doing format conversion,
some of the other image manipulation operations supported include
rectangular extraction, density and contrast changes, rotation,
quantization, halftone grayscaling, edge sharpening, and histograms.
Version 0.9, binary only.  Author:  Michael Mauldin; Amiga port by Kenn


Image conversion tools for many different formats.  This file contains
8 tools which does content independent manipulations on any of the of
the other uploaded file formats.  Example tools in this upload are,
crop a portable anymap concatenate portable anymaps, enlarge a portable
anymap, past a rectangle into a portable anymap.  Binary only.  Author:
Jef Poskanzer


Image converstion tools for many different formats.  This file contains
19 tools to convert bitmap images.  Some tools allow both reading and
writting of the formats.  Example tools in this upload are, Sun Icon
files, Sun Raster Files X10 bitmap file, X11 bitmap file.  Binary only,
Author:  Jef Poskanzer


Image converstion tools for many different formats.  This file contains
7 tools to convert grayscale images.  Some tools allow both reading and
writting of the formats.  Example tools in this upload are, raw
grayscale bytes, Encapsulated PostScript, PostScript "Image" Data.
Binary only, Author:  Jef Poskanzer


Image conversion tools for many different formats.  This file contains
10 tools to convert color images.  Some tools allow both reading and
writting of the formats.  Example tools in this upload are, color Sun
raster file, GIF, Amiga IFF ILBM, color X10 window dump file, color X11
window dump file.  Binary only, Author:  Jef Poskanzer

CAM #400: Animations

Juggette Anim

This animation of a female juggler is a takeoff on the famous Juggler
we have all seen.  Can be viewed with Dpaint III an showanim included.
Author:  Eric Schwartz

Juggler Demo 2

This animation tells a story - boy juggler meets girl juggler - and
you'll have to watch it to see the rest!  Music and other appropriate
sound files, too.  This is a really neat animation.  Author:  Eric


This animation was done with Deluxe Paint III, AudioMaster, and
MovieSetter.  Both art and sound are great!  Author:  John Lullie

Stealthy Maneuver

This is an "AEROTOON" cartoon by Eric Schwartz.  (AEROTOONs feature
airplanes as their subjects).  Use the Gold Disk player program
"MOVIEPLAYER, included, to view.


This is an "Aerotoon" called "The Swiss F-16 in Combat" by Eric
Schwartz.  I won't tell you much about this because it would ruin the
surprise, but I will tell you that it's a very amusing short cartoon.
You'll really like this!!  (And it's a fun way to show off your Amiga!)
Use the program "MoviePlayer" included to watch this animation.

The Big Sneeze

This cute anim is entitled "The Big Sneeze", and was done by Eric

CAM #401: Utilités Télécommunication


JR-Comm 1.0 evaluation archive.  Also contains JR-Edit 1.0, the
external phonebook editor & TFL(tm) import utility.  Binary only,
Author:  John P.  Radigan


Lharc is an archive program such as Arc and Zoo.  It can store several
files in one archive in a compressed form which is generally more
efficent than that used by Arc and Zoo.  It also supplies all of the
archive handling capabilities that an archive program should have.  In
particular it is able to store an entire directory tree with one single
command.  This enables you, for example, to store an entire floppy-disk
with a single command creating an archive which is usually shorter than
those prodeced by Warp or even LhWarp (see the -r switch).  Another
important feature of Lharc is its ability to preserve the file
attributes (see the -a switch) and filenotes (i.e.  the comments that
AmigaDOS can associate to each file).  Its only weakness is compression
speed:  Zoo 2.0, for example, is faster, but if compression efficency
is more important for you than compression time you'll surely
appreciate this progam.  ( anyway decompression is much faster than

 -Version 1.20 29-jun-1990

  -Faster! With respect to version 1.10, Lharc is now 15% faster in
   and an amazing 35% faster in decompression.
  -The program is now 'pure', i.e. it can be made resident just like
   the AmigaDOS commands found in the C directory. (A 'must' for floppy
  -Lharc now stores file comments (i.e. filenotes) as well and still
   retains full compatibility with previous versions and with MSDOS
   (thanks to Stefan Boberg for suggesting how to do that!). You can
   turn off this feature with the new switch '-f'. Please note that
   there is now a difference between the 'l' and 'v' commands: 'l'
   will show the archive contents but won't show any comments that may
   be contained in the archive, while 'v' will show them, too.
  -You can now store your favourite switch configuration in the
   environment variable 'LHARC' so that you don't have to type the
   switches every time.
  -User selectable I/O buffer size. The new '-b' switch lets you choose
   yourself the size of I/O buffers. Increasing the I/O buffer size can
   considerably speed up some operations (especially with hard-disks).
  -No more useless directory scannigs when wildcards are not used to
   specify files to be archived.
  -Increased to 64 the maximum number of arguments that may be present
   in the command line (this should satisfy those using shells that
   perform wildcard expansion on the command line) Moreover, the
   command line parsing is now more intelligent and will no more
   misunderstand a mispelled command line.
  -Those who are low on memory may appreciate the fact that now Lharc
   saves 24K of memory while decompressing with respect to version
   1.10. In spite of the new features added, the program is also 7K
   shorter! -Now correctly adds the .LZH extension even if there is a
   period in thePATH name of the archive.
  -Other minor bugs removed.

Binary only, Author: Paolo Zibetti


With LHarca, you can create or extract LHARC files using the mouse, and
from the Workbench rather than from the CLI.  No memorizing of syntax -
but you will need to read the docs (included) to know how to run the
program.  Binary only, Author:  Stefan Boberg


This is the fastest LHARC utility around.  Johnathan Forbes took
previous versions of LHARC and improved on their speed considerably.
Even though this is beta, it is very stable.  If you use LHARC, you
should be using LZ!  Binary only.


This program can unzip .zip files.  Version 1.25 has fixed some bugs in
the previous release.  Binary only, Author:  David Godshall


Zoo is used to create and maintain collections of files in compressed
form.  It uses a Lempel-Ziv compression algorithm that gives space
savings in the range of 20% to 80% depending on the type of file data.
Zoo can store and selectively extract multiple generations of the same
file.  Data can be recovered from damaged archives by skipping the
damaged portion and locating undamaged data with the help of fiz(1).- A
bug was fixed that had caused the first generation of a file to
sometimes unexpectedly show up in archive listings.

  version 2.01 - A bug was fixed that had sometimes made it impossible
  to selectively extract a file by specifying its name, even though all
  files could be extracted from the archive by not specifying any
  filenames. This occurred when a file had been archived on a
  longer-filename system (e.g. AmigaDOS) and extraction was attempted
  on a shorter-filename system (e.g. MS-DOS).
- A bug was fixed that had caused an update of an archive to not always
  add all newer files.
- A bug in the date routine was fixed that caused extracted files' and
  zoo archives' datestamps to be off by one day in the Amiga version.
- An interaction between the Manx scdir() function and the FFS was
- AmigaDOS file attributes defined as of AmigaDOS 1.3 are now saved
  and restored.
- The Amiga version is compatable with the Arp resident command (ares)
  and uses less memory under shells that support the Arp resident header.

Binary only, Author: Rahul Dhesi

CAM #402: Utilités diverses


Lets you add items to the "Tools" menu in WB2.0 (source included).
Reads S:ToolsList and adds the items there to the Tools menu.  Great
for calling up oft-used programs.  Author:  Steve Tibbett


This is "AntiFlicker" a program to help stop the flicker on your screen
while your Amiga is in Interlace mode.  This program was by Nicolas
Benezan.  The English translation was done by Steve Pietrowicz, and
extra usage notes were done by Steve Kapplin.  Includes modula source.


Version 4 of DFC corrects an error in the very recent version 3 update.
This file contains DFC4, FFormat, source to both.  This is an excellent
file copier or disk formatter.  It can use up to four floppy drives at
a time, can store an entire disk in memory if you have enough, and can
make up to four copies at a time.  Includes C source, Author:  Thomas


Check for installed Amiga chips.  Include C source.  Author:  Jeff Rush


These programs are two tools for managing icons under the Workbench,
namely ReplaceTool and FloatIcon.  ReplaceTool lets you change the
icontype easily; FloatIcon lets the icon be placed automatically by the
system after it has been snapshotted to a particular position.  Include
Forth source, Author:  Richard Mazzarisi


Release 2 of the ultimate in file requesters.  Features include:  total
keyboard control, a fast file finder, hide/show wildcards, pointer
sensitive help, help screen, automatically replaces the FRs in ARP, CED
Pro 2, and Workbench 2.0, hotkey FR call up and keyinjector, that WB
2.0 'look', directory print, multiple select, create directory,
different font support, and LOTS more!  Includes user/programming docs,
examples & includes(Manx/Lattice).  Author:  Khalid Aldoseri.


A MUST have for 3000 owners!  Lets you go from 2.0 to 1.32 and
vice-versa without having to turn the machine off!  Source included,
this installs under the 2.0 Tools menu (neat) or can be used under the
CLI.  Thank me by writing some other great PD stuff the help with the
3000 and I will be very happy!  Both executables and source are
supplied.  Author:  Joachim Bremer


Finally!  You can use this utility to attach ALL IFF files used by your
CanDo Deck to the bound Deck.  This program does everything in one
step:  binds your Deck and attaches all of the IFF files that you
choose to it.  Author:  Eddie Churchill, INOVAtronics, Inc.


With this program working, your menus will pop up at the mouse pointer,
rather than in the menu bar.  V.  3.4 works better than 3.2, now shows
all its files in XOper, checks for presence of screen and window
(preventing problems with earlier versions), shows all menu and
sub-menu items even if overlapping other menus, resumes after intuition
lockups, and is less than 7K now.  Binary only, Author:  Martin Adrian.


Protect-O-Matic (PM) is a Utility program for setting the protection
bits of files from WorkBench.  When you run it, a requester appears,
lists the files in the current directory, and you just click on the
bits you want set.  Binary only, Author:  Nick Fiorello


This utility will replace any type of string in any type of file with
another string of any type.  Completely re-written, now uses ARP, ^C
break added, line parsing improvement, now can be made resident, can
now execute multiple lines (FROM text file) in one command.  Can
convert file with only linefeeds to a file with linefeed+carriage
returns easily.  A lot of file conversion uses.  Binary only, Author:
Luciano Bertato


This tiny program sets the NOCLICK flag in trackdisk.device to enable
the new noclick built-in but not activated feature in trackdisk v36.
Include C sources, Author:  Marc Boucher


You know that your screen is just temporarily blanked with this one,
because it keeps a constantly moving pattern of stars onscreen while
the Amiga is not in use.  You can set it to blank the screen after the
amount of time you specify.  Binary only, Author:  Brian Neal.


This program toggles the bit that controls whether asterisk wildcards
are allowed or not with the AmigaDOS CLI commands.  Running it once
will enable *'s, running it again will disable it.  This program may
break in later OS releases!  Use at own risk...  Include C source,
Author:  W.G.J.  Langeveld, Use only under AmigaDOS 2.0!!


SweepMem cleans up fragmented memory.  Runs from WorkBench and Shell
This program appeared on a recent JumpDisk, which said they believed it
was written by a European programmer.  Binary only

CAM #403: Utilités graphiques


Brainstorm was written by Russell Caslis as part of a final project of
his Computer Science AP class.  Brainstorm is a 3D IFF Animation and
Display System.  Author indicates that IFF Bitmaps can be used the
program is not limited to just 3D applications.  Binary only.


These programs plot the Lorenz and Pickover strange attractors.  These
are both complex 3D objects.  You can control orientation and color
selection.  These programs plot the Lorenz and Pickover strange
attractors.  These are both 3D objects.  You can control orientation
and color selection.  Programs will use 68881 if installed.  Plus...
if you have X-Specs 3D glasses, you can plot these figures in actual
3D.  Must be seen to be apprdciated.  Binary only, Author Michael Weib


HamLab is an interactive program which converts images from foreign
file formats to Amiga HAM mode pictures.  The HAM pictures can be
displayed (and panned on a "virtual screen" if necessary) and saved in
IFF format.  Provides for GIF, Atari ST Spectrum 512, and MTV ray
tracer files.  Uses 24-bit RGB for calculations.  Binary only,
Author:J.  E.  Hanway


A few new files (121) for use with Glen Fuller's excelent program
IFSout Some are new, some are modified, and most are converted from the
IBM Prog Fdesign.  See future uploads for the conversion programs.
Author:  Bruce D.  Kives


This file will print out text files or lists of things on a Postscript
printer without having to first load the files into a word
processor/DTP program that supports Postscript.  It can read the files
from disk and send them directory to a Postscript printer that has the
Courier font.  Binary only, Author:  Bertrand Gros of Switzerland


That's it.  This program can convert bi-level, 4-bit greyscale, and
8-bit greyscale images from TIFF to IFF.  Binary only, Author:  Doug


Another IFF-Show utility with lot of good things in it.  Some really
new.  Like SHAM, change the palette every scan-line but allows for
interlaced pictures.  Builds copper list to do the job.  Does not use
the 68000.  Full IFF compatible, overscan with centering, all
resolution, and color modes of the Amiga are implemented (and even some
better mode) like BEAM.  Source code included with IFF files modified
to read BEAM chunks in ILBM FORM.  Really improves color capabilities
of the Amiga.  DYNAMIC RES.  Does not hog the Amiga.  Done with copper.
Real 4096 colors.  Author:  Diego Perini


Another show program, this one can zoom an support lot of format.

1.1  Added ESC, timeout and (almost) blank screen during picture
     switches on demand from Matt Dillon, plus changed the option
1.1b Fixed a problem concerning "double" masks and hires in pictures
     with too many colors due to too much overscan. (Poor Amy gets
     upset when you ask her to show a HIRES HAM)

1.2 Added SPACE as an alternative to ESC, the loop mode and DEL to
    terminate a slideshow on request from Jamie Zawinski
    <teak.Berkeley.EDU!jwz>. The reason for this version being some
    1.5K bigger isn't that a lot of code was added but that I upgraded
    to Aztec 5.0 - compiling with 3.6a makes it just ~100 bytes bigger
    than 1.1b, but we're better safe than sorry, right?

Binary only, Author: Jonas Petersson

CAM #404: Utilités télécommunication


This is tar for the Amiga, fully compatible with UNIX tar, plus some
Amiga enhancements, such as preservation of all mode bits, comments,
and timestamp down to ticks.  This is based on John Gilmore's public
domain tar.  Includes C sources, Author:  Jonathan Hue


VLT version 4.824, with graphics.  The major new feature of this
release is a complete rewrite of the script language.  The command set
was rationalized in many places, extended and generalized.  All
commands are now available at all times, multiple commands can be put
on the same line, all commands are available from ARexx with error
reporting, you can wait on multiple strings at the same time, multiple
scripts can be run at the same time, one can extract complete
information about everything from ARexx, there is a tracing facility,
you can intercept all keystrokes to an ARexx script and thus reprogram
their actions, and a lot more.  You can also run VLT in "batch" mode
(without windows or screens).  There are also a lot of other changes,
mostly in the VT100 section.  Not much changed in the graphics section.
The major change there is that you can now display graphics in the same
window as the text.  You can even set up colors and masks such that
graphics and text don't interfere.  VLT has been tested and changed to
work completely and correctly with AmigaDOS release 2.0:  it even has
the "3D" look in all requesters and gadgets.  On the other hand, it
doesn't yet use many of the new functions that are available under 2.0.
This means primarily that VLT still needs arp.library and
screenshare.library, so don't throw those away!  Since the changes are
again major, they are all documented in the doc file VLT4p824.doc.  As
mentioned there, a new printed manual is being worked on and should be
available by end of august.  Binary only, Author:  Willy Langeveld


This is an XPR 2.0 implementation of the XMODEM protocol.  based on
bmodem:  the BIX modem program by David Betz, BYTE Magazine/BIX
(Modified substantially by W.G.J.  Langeveld for use in VLT).  Include
C sources, Author:  Marc Boucher

CAM #405: Utilités émulation


Correction to AMYXFER (v1.0) for annoying (nonfatal) bugs in display.
AMYXFER is a pair of utilities to simplify?  transfer between the AMIGA
and the bridgeboard.  It is a shell driver for AREAD and AWRITE.
Binary only, Author:  Greg Browne


This is an Apple II+ emulator written in C on a Prime 9950 supermini
running the PRIMOS Rev 21 operating system.  It was written by mr
Torbjorn Tjellden.  Source only (2 versions).


CBMIBM is an easy to use interface for MSDOS and the JANUS Utilities
supplied to Commodore-Amiga BridgeBoard users by Commodore-Amiga INC.
This program is a simple interface for these Utilities, it is NOT a
replacement for them...  Demo version, binary only, Author:  Matthew


Extremely fast file conversion program (text only!).  Use to make
AmigaDOS text files readable by MS DOS.  Launch from CLI.  Compiled
with Lattice C.  A 'must have' utility for Sysops who distribute text
files to IBM and compatible users o f their BBS.  Binary only, Author:
W.C.  Bowling


This program is meant as a general-purpose informational tool for
working with the Amiga Bridgecard.  Includes C source, Author:  Jeff


This program is a simple experiment in trying to use the new Janus 2.x
software to read/write the memory in a PC Bridgecard.  Include C
source, Author:  Jeff Rush


A cross-assembler for the Z8-Basic controller.  Binary only, Author:
Bob Bush

CAM #406: Langages


APP is a preprocessor for the 68000 assembler that comes with Aztec C
for the Amiga.  It will probably work with other 68000 assemblers.  It
works fine with 68020/68030 instructions, too.  It can easily be
adapted to other proces sor architectures as well.  Version 2.0,
released 4/28/90, incorporated changes by Brett Bourbin (Selgus
Limited) involving input/output file handling and added the dbra
looping construct.  Karl made a backwards-compatible version of the new
i/o file handling, converted to ANSI C, spruced up the docs, etc.
Include C source, Author:  Karl Lehenbauer


OPS5c is a compiler for the expert system language OPS5.  The compiler
takes OPS5 source code as input and creates a C source code file to be
compiled to create an executable.  Arbitrary C code may be linked with
the executable and executed as a result of firing rules.  The system's
strong point is its speed and as a result it sometimes has large
executables and large memory requirements.  At least 1 Meg.  of memory
is suggested.  Binaries only for compiler and run-time library.
Version 1.08a.  Requires a C compiler.  Authors:  Bernie J.  Lofaso,
Jr, Dan Miranker and Arun Chandra


Dillon's Integrated C Enviroment.  A C frontend, pre- processor, C
compiler, assembler, linker, and support libraries.  Also includes the
editor, dme.  Features include ANSI compatibility, many code
optimizations, and autoinit routines (user routines called during
startup before main is called).

 VERS = Release Version
 DES = bug fixed / feature designator
 XB - major bug fixed in main compiler
 (use of routine in question could have caused a crash)
 B - minor bug fixed in main compiler
 F - feature added
 O - optimization added
 ADD - feature added or fixed that is standard C but was not
 previously implemented or working.
 XBL - major bug fixed to library
 BL - minor bug fixed to library
 FL - feature added to library
 OL - optimization added to library
 XBA - major bug fixed in support program (i.e. not DCC or sub
 BA - minor bug fixed in support program
 FA - feature added to support program (or new support program)
 OA - optimization added to support program
 COMMENT = comment or bug, feature


 ADD prototypeing works properly now.
 BL gets would not return last line of file if last line did not
 terminate with a newline.
 BL fgets would not return last line of file if last line did not
 terminate with a newline. Also, fgets did not return a pointer to
 the base of the passed buffer for valid lines
 B compiler used to allow unbalanced parenthesis... this has been
 fixed. i.e. return(10; reports an error as it should.
 B bugs in the preprocessor fixed having to do with macro recursion


 XBL strftime() did not \0 terminate the buffer in all cases
 BA libtos() would not modify PotgoBase into the small-data model
 B DC1 would generate lea An,An which is an illegal instruction.
 This is caught and reported by DAS.
 B DC1 would generate a move.0 (caught by assembler) when passing
 an argument to a prototyped function using the array declaration form
 instead of a pointer form, i.e. foo(char buf[], int y, ...);
 O MULS/MULU optimizations added (long = short * short)
 O ptr - ptr operation: ASR now used when possible instead of a long
 F linker now supports qualified hunks (e.g. CHIP ram hunks, etc...)
 ADD partially implemented # (string-ize) and ## (token pasting)
 operators in preprocessor. Fixed a macro bug in preprocessor (that
 used to generate an error message).
 BL [s/f]scanf() improperly included %*<spec> objects in the returned
 count. This has been fixed.
 O More small optimizations added that now result in at least a 2-3%
 improvement in code size. Amoung other things, moveq+swap used to
 load large integer values when possible and clr.l -(sp) is used
 instead of pea 0.W. XB WORKBENCH SUPPORT FIXED. Previously the exit
 code would return the workbench message and then proceed to make
 additional calls that could break the Forbid(), thus causing the
 workbench to unload the segment before the code has completed
 execution. _WBMsg, if non-NULL, is now returned just after a Forbid()
 and just before the final register restore/rts of the program.

2.03 Internal Intermediate Version

shareware, binary only. Author: Matthew Dillon

CAM #407a & b: Animations


Animation cartoon type created with Sculpt4djr & Deluxe Paint III,
Author:  Eric Schwartz


Animation cartoon type, Author:  Eric Schwartz

Stealthy Maneuver II

Animation cartoon type, Author:  Eric Schwartz

CAM #408: Utilités divers


AutoCLI is written in assembler, was written to work with 2.0, and is
said to have fewer problems than does PopCLI, but it does a similar
job.  Author:  Nic Wilson


Have you ever wanted to grab a really nice picture from a game or
program for a slideshow, but you just couldn't do it?  CHIPRIP comes to
the rescue!  CHIPRIP will let you scan through memory looking for
pictures, even after you've rebooted your machine!binary only, Author:
Pseudonym " Wildman"


ClickEx is a simple program that allows you prompt a user to select one
of several items from a Script, and execute a command based on the
selection.  Version 1.0 Binary only Author:  David Corbin , Software


A program for allocating dead tracks on AmigaDos [OFS] floppys.
Include C sources, author:  Tim MacKenzie


A small CLI utility that will return a slightly more verbose
description of a DOS error code than that returned by the System.  Can
save a trip to the manual for vague or unfamiliar error codes.  Version
2.0, includes source in assembly.  Author:  Robert Lang


Executive creates lists of ALL your files and directories, sorts them
VERY fast, helps you LOCATE particular files, and lets you EXECUTE
command templates on selected files.  Executive can COMPARE several
similar directories or disks to find duplicate or changed files; a
common task with hard disks.  Executive can CATALOG (and print) the
contents of your disks.  Shareware 20$, binary only, author:  John B.


With this program it is said that, if you have the 1M Agnus, you can
run the program and switch between PAL and NTSC screens when you wish.
The program is written in assembler, and source is included.  Author:
Ed Mackey


A program which can operate on windows owned by another program, to
close them, change their size, refresh gadgets, move the window to the
background, etc.  This is version 2.2, an update to version 2.1.
Includes source in assembly.  Author:  Roger Fischlin


A floppy disk formatting program, written by Olaf 'Olsen' Barthel of
MXM.  Binary only.


KeymapEd lets you make your own set of keyboard macros which should
work with all programs that follow the rules.  Each key can be
qualified with the alternate, shift alternate, control, and Amiga keys
to make up to 8 sets of macros for each key.  This program makes it
easier to do that.  Author:  Tim Friest - version 1.1i, binary only.


KeyMenu lets you pull down a program's menu bars from the keyboard,
making it fast to look up the keyboard shortcuts without taking your
hands off the keys.  Binary only.  Author:  Ranier Salamon


Makexe is a utility to create small programs and info files to allow
the execution of script files from both workbench and cli.  Written in
assembler, very small.  Binary only, Author:  William J.  Brownson


Version 1.1 of Mem-Handler.  Updated to work better with AmigaDos 2.x.
Allows memory to be accessed like a file.  Can also be used in place of
NULL:.  Binary only, Author:  Michael Mounier


With MSizer, you can use the ALT key and the mouse pointed at any
corner of a window, and can resize it.  Neat new ability, no?  Binary
only, Author:  Khaled Mardam-Bey


MyMenu is a program to allow you to create your own menus in the
WorkBench to run your own commands.  This can save the hassle of
opening up lots of drawers to get to the command you want.  MyMenu will
allow you to execute both CLI and WorkBench programs, and is configured
with a normal text file.  Include C sources, Original author:  Darin
Johnson , Modifications:  John Baker


NewLoadWB opens Workbench in a window (like WB1.4/2.0) instead of on
the workbench screen.  NewLoadWB needs the old LoadWB command to work.
It is Include sources in assembler, compiled with DevPack ver 2.08.
Author:  A Svensson


Rexxinput lets a arexx program generate input events.  Author:  Michael
B.  Brashier


ShowCARDs expansion bus probe.  ShowCARDs is a utility which is useful
for identifying the Auto-Config cards installed on an Amiga without
having to go under the hood.  Presently, ShowCARDs identifies
approximately 3 dozen expansion cards by manuafacturer and product
name.  ShowCARDs displays information which _may_ be of use in building
a CardROMList for use with Dave Haynie's SetCPU.  Binary only, Author:
Robert Wilcox


Blank your screen the Star Trek way This version of StarBlanker fixes
all known bugs.  The program is now smaller, uses an environment
variable to hold the timeout, and should be much more reliable than
version 1.0.  This version has been tested under 2.0 and it works fine.
There aren't any new blank modes (yet), but you may now blank the
screen at will by pressing a hotkey.  Binary only, Author:  Chris


2.0 only screen blanker using Commodities, AppShell, and OverScan.
w/Source Looking very similar to Leo Schwab's "Stars" from Fish 33,
this program will blank the screen in an entertaining way (and you
won't accidently leave your monitor on over night!).  The low res
blanker uses 16 levels of grey to fade stars in, the hi res version
uses larger pixels as well (4 color) which is easier to see when not
*right* infront of the monitor.  Binary only, Author:  Randy Spencer


You can create Workbench menus with this program by writing a simple
script, after which SuperMenu will be able to launch the programs when
you select the program from the menu.  Binary only.  Author:  Douglas


Makes all AUTOCONFIG (TM) devices to disappear on reboot.  Idea from
1.3 Hardware Reference Manual p.  219 and DaveH (Thanks!).  * Allows
you to reboot your Amiga without memory expansion and hard disk.  This
program works with 1.2 and 1.3 KS.  If you have A2620/A2630, you can
reboot your Amiga on 68000 mode and then with this program, you will
get an unexpanded Amiga (so you can then run some badly written
software).  Include assembler sources, author:  Ismo Suihko

CAM #409a&b: Animations


Animation cartoon type, Author:  Eric Schwartz


Animation cartoon type, Author:  Eric Schwartz


Animation cartoon type, Author:  Eric Schwartz

Soviet Soft Landing

Animation cartoon type, Author:  Eric Schwartz

Stealth Bomber

Animation cartoon type, Author:  Eric Schwartz

Stealth Flyby

Animation cartoon type, Author:  Eric Schwartz

CAM #410: Utilités Télécommunications


Intuition interface for several of the more popular archiving utilities
such as ARC, ZOO, LHARC and PAK.  Includes an "Auto-Pad" function that
will automatically add some morsels for the modem.  Version 1.5,
includes assembly source.  Author:  Robert Lang


This is version 1.21 of LHARC, This has minor changes over v.1.20, a
few bugs fixed.

 -Read-from-location-zero bug eliminated: now Lharc works even if
  memory location zero (which usually contains a 0) as been altered.
 -Now Lharc cretes archives with the correct name even if the part of
  the path name referring to the device contains a period.
 -It as been reported that Lharc 1.20 sometimes crashed while reading
  corrupted archives: I could not reproduce the problem, but it should
  be fixed in this version Binary only, author: Paolo Zibetti.


FAST Lharc extractor AND compressor by the author of LHUNARC.  This
program is a replacement for LHarc, and seems to be stable so far.
Compression speed is faster than LHARC and decompression is faster than
LHARC.  Requires arp.library.  Binary only, author:  Jonathan Forbes


This is version 2.4 of the Software Distillery's NET:  file system for
the parallel port.  Using a custom cable, you can use NET:  to access
files on the remote machine as if they were local.  New features in 2.4
include workbench 2.0 support, two-way filesystem access, performance
improvements, and numerous bug fixes.  Uses Matt Dillon's
parnet.device.  Written by Doug Walker, based on sample file system
code by John Toebes.


THis is the DNET version of the Software Distillery's NET:  file system
for two Amigas.  It requires Matt Dillon's DNET interprocess
communications package.  You can access files on the other Amiga as if
they were on a local floppy or hard drive.  Written by Doug Walker,
based on sample filesystem code by John Toebes.  A Software Distillery


UUCICO UPDATE, SHOULD FIX MOST BUGS inc/A3000 crashing.  V1.061D.
Author:  Matt Dillon.


Another UUdecode program.  uuD is a slight variation on one of the
examples found on the Draco Sys disk.  I did a tiny rewrite to it.
Works like a charm.  Binary only.  Author:  James Cates


join and decode tool for Usenet binary postings.  This tool is aimed at
Amigoids who have their machines tied into Usenet.  It simplifies the
process of joining and decoding multi-part binary postings.  UUJoin
current recognizes comp.binaries.amiga, comp.binaries.ibm.pc and
comp.binaries.mac encoded files and has command-line options for
handling each.  Amiga and PC archives are joined and uudecoded.  Mac
archives are just stripped and joined as <archive>.hex.  An ancillary
program, xbin, not written by me, will de-binhex mac archives for you.
UUJoin also has a command line option for removing the original segment
files once a successful merge/decode is performed.  This archive
includes full source.  Author:  Mark R.  Rinfret


A VT220 terminal emulator that is close to the real VT220 terminal in
both supported facilities and user interface.  Designed primarily for
connection to VAX/VMS, it should work with any host computer with VT220
terminal support.  Supports file transferring for ASCII files by means
of DCL commands.  Version 2.4, includes source.  Author:  Tuomo


XprTransmit is an Cli-based command that allows you to easily access to
any Xpr Library without having to worry about call-back-function et
cetera.  It is able to access every "serial.device"-like exec-device.
Only little documentation.  Version 1.0, binary only.  Author:  Andreas

CAM #411a & b: Utilités domestiques


This program is to search a data file for a pattern and then display
the name, address and phone number for that person.  Binary only,
author:  Simon Raybould


A program that allows you to easily print labels for your disks.  This
is version 3.5, an update to version 3.0.  Shareware, binary only
(source available from author).  Author:  Andreas Krebs


Mortgage calculator with all the trimmings.  Calculate payments, rate,
period, balance, and principal.  Sends results to printer.  Binary
only:  Author:  Michel Laliberté


Keymap for Northgate OmniKey Ultra keyboard on the Amiga.  Also
includes assembly source, handy for creating your own keymaps.  Author:
pseudonym "BaudMan"


Stock market charting program for performing technical analysis.
High/low/ close/volume graphs--6 months or 2 1/2 years.  Draw trend
lines.  Moving averages.  Put-Call ratio graphs.  Advance-decline
lines.  Semi-automatic data entry.  Stock market charting program for
performing technical analysis.  Binary only, author:  David A.  Wizda


A word processor for the Amiga, English versions only.  TextPlus
enables you to write letters, books, programs etc.  in a very easy and
comfortable way.  Version 2.2, include C sources, Author:  Martin
Steppler V2.2E 06.08.1990 - The old file-requester has been replaced by

 - The block-opearations mark, copy, delete, and delete mark can now
   directly be executed with the mouse. (--> III)
 - The keymap has almost entirely changed. Now you can delete single
   words, or skip them, move blocks to the left or right etc...
 - Iconfy
 - Backup-mode for saving files from overwriting them.
 - Some new gadgets. Just have a look at the right border! Wow, 8-)
 - Smaller enhancements (e.g. the main window now starts 1 pixel lower
   than before. So you can easily switch back to the WB-screen.)
 - TextPlus creates an own process. You no longer need to type 'run
   TextPlus' to start it the background.

V2.1E 01.05.1990

 - TP opens an own screen.
 - A mouse-click now positions the cursor.
 - Blocks are now formatted correctly. (When encountering spaces while
   formatting TP doens't get confused anymore.)
 - 2 bugs of the load-loop have been eliminated
 - Command sequence in letters are no longer handled as regular
 - The suffix ".txp" needn't to be typed anymore, in order to load a
   letter correctly.
 - Busy-wait-loop deleted. (How did it get in my program 8-( ?)


This loan payment calculator can be operated entirely from Workbench.
The only thing you have to type is the numbers involved in the loan to
be studied.  It does not include escrow, insurance, etc., but works
only on the loan - and reports total amount to be paid in both
principal and \interest for the life of the loan.  Binary only, Author:


DME is an editor designed mainly for programmers.  Although it is not a
word processor, it does include many word processing features such as
Word-Wrap and automatic paragraph formatting.  Include C sources,
author:  Matt Dillon V1.42

 - keyboard macro routines accept foreign characters (> ascii code
 - bug fix to $variable stuff when 'variable' does not exist
 - bug fix to split
 - bug fix to join
 - COL command enhanced (now w/ +col and -col for relative movement)
 - new special vars: $margin, $modified, $currentline
 - cosmetic changes to arp requester


 - Recompiled with fixes and new DICE version


Very nice intuition-based general purpose print utility that prints
text with a variety of options.  Prints several graphic formats with
yet more options.  Print any part of a picture, print screens and
windows, save screens and windows as IFF files, modify color palettes,
change printing parameters and lots more!  Version 1.2, binary only,
shareware.  Author:  Andreas Krebs


SPrint 2.0 is a small utility (approximately 10k) that will allow you
to do all of those fancy things you always wanted to with your printer
without having to enter cryptic control sequences no matter which
program you're using to print with!  No, SPrint isn't going to turn
Word Perfect into a WYSIWYG word processor, but it will save you lots
of hassle while printing out your Read_Me files from the CLI or
printing source code with your favorite text editor.  Binary only,
author:  Jonathan Horne


Uedit for Workbench 2.0 and 1.3x is a completely configurable editor
that has been available for the amiga since 1985.  C like command
language, ARexx, Key- Help, HyperText, 3 button mouse support, can
emulate any other editor, customiz-able menus, multiple files, split
screens, selectable fonts and many other powerful features.  Uedit is
also available for MS-DOS.  Shareware binary only, author:  Rick Stiles

CAM #412: Jeux cartes & sreen hacks


Bounce is a simple game requiring only split-second timing and a little
luck.  A window opens with some GEMs on it and your playing piece
(technically known as your LITTLE GUY or LITTLE GAL, aka LG) bouncing
back and forth across the window.  The object is to make your LG pick
up the GEMs.  Binary only, Author:  Todd Lewis


Screen hack, Multiply crabs eating yor Workbench screen, include C
sources, author:  Anthony Thyssen


A nice Cribbage Game written by Michael Sinz.  Binary only.


Euchre is a card game where you have a computer partner and play
against two other computer partners.  You are able to set the play
levels of the computer partner/competitor.  This should be included in
any gamers collection.  Binary only, author:  Bob Hruska


Yep, another Mandelbrot program.  Binary only, author:  Nico Francois


A small WorkBench window program, wherein you try to cross a minefield
of specifiable size.  It shows you how many mines are immediately next
to each cell, and with a little logic, you can (ususally) get to the
destination.  The program uses the WorkBench colors and attempts to
manage them so as to present things in a 3D appearance (without any
help from 2.0).  I'd appreciate feedback if my methods have been
futile, but it does seem to work on my mostly-greyscale WB, on the
default WB, and a few others I've tried.  Binary only, author:  Gary W.


This is a Droids-type game wherein you move a spaceman around on the
screen while trying to get the Mars mutants to crash into each other
and die.  Other mutants will be killed when they run into the
radioactive heap left behind - but all is not rosy for your spaceman
either!  Have a look.  Binary only.  Author:  M.  Whitehead.


Slot is a Connect-4 type of a game.  Binary only, author:  Jeff Shi


"Spades" is a program written to play the card game Spades.  It may be
run from the CLI or the Workbench.  This is a one player version of
Spades -- you play one hand, and the computer plays your partner and
two opponents.  C source included.  Author:  Greg Stelmack


Screen hack, Spiders eating yor Workbench screen, include C sources,
author:  Anthony Thyssen


This is an ARexx program that displays a thought at random from the
enclosed Thought.data files.  In order to use this program you must
have ARexx.  You will probably also need a hard drive as there are now
three "Thought" files which total over 250,000 bytes.  AUTHOR:  Bill

CAM #413a & b: Utilités graphiques


Converts IFF images into Sculpt 4D object format.  Works with any IFF
image, including HAM & Extra Halfbrite.  Convert brushes in full color,
with optional wrap, to 3D shapes.  Also includes optimization routine.
Version 1.00, shareware, binary only.  Author:  Bruce Thomson


This ray tracing program was intended to be commercial, but the author
has recently decided to make it freely distributable.  Binary only,
author:  Ronald A.  Peterson


IFFMaster is a Utility program that saves IFF and Raw Format Pictures
Also saves the pallete as binary or source file.  Save sprites in 4 or
16 color.  Binary only, author:  Unknow


This program will convert Macintosh PostScript type 1 and 3 fonts to
the IBM PostScript type 1 and 3 format.  Version 2.0 of PageStream can
use IBM PostScript type 1 fonts but not the type 3 fonts.  Binary only,
author:  Gary Knight


Niff -- IFF Chunk Dump Utility Niff will allow you to dump any IFF
file.  The chunks that Niff understands will be dumped as named fields.
The chunks that it dosen't understand, or is inherently binary (such as
BODY chunks) will be dumped as HEX- Ascii.  Niff is useful as an aid to
debugging IFF files, or for probing into unknown IFF formats.  Runs
totally from the CLI.  Binary only, author:  F.  Mitchell


A smooth scrolling text displayer, useful for creating video titles,
slide show intros, etc.  Includes source.  Author:  Martin Round


version 2.01 of the DKBTrace ray tracing program.  This is ray tracer
is amoung the very best available.  It does IFF picture mapping,
marble, wood, water, fog textures and much more!  It even includes a
program to convert Sculpt- 3D objects to DKB format.  Include C
sources, Author:  David K.  Buck

CAM #414a & b: Images ray tracing & dessins Slideshow

20 pictures - Raytracing and hand drawing:  bryce castle, DETECTIVE,
Dirk, elcap2, FractalLand, norman, Pitch, roger, stymie, sunset,
alphatst, DICE, MandelMonument, StillLife, twodice4f, Ziggurat,
Lanterns, Marble, Still_Life.

CAM #415a & b: Animations


Animation created with a detailed model of the Enterprise from
Star-Trek, the Next Generation.  The model was digitized with Digi-View
Gold, painted with Digi- Paint, then animated with DeluxePaintI II.
It's in overscan mode and uses halfbright, Author:  Greg Heifner


Animation cartoon type, Author:  Eric Schwartz

At the Movies

Animation cartoon type, Author:  Eric Schwartz


Animation cartoon type, Author:  Eric Schwartz

CAM #416: Jeux de stratégies


Powerful programmable wargame simulator.  The Energion Battle System is
a scenario creation and playing system for wargamers or role-playing
gamers to use in adjudicating or simulating complex combat situations.
It uses a system of user-configurable modules to allow detailed
construction of military units which may be played by the human players
against each other or with any number of forces played by the computer.
It supports second by second or minute by minute combat, up to 32
forces or "sides," AREXX (tm) script language, and up to 32 terrain
types defined and represented by colors in an IFF picture file used as
a map.  It also supports creation of global maps and reprjection of one
type of map onto another.  EBS requires a 1 megabyte Amiga with about
650KB free to run.  Binary only, author:  Henry E.  Neufeld


Strategic, "RISK" style game for up to four players.  Based in the
ancient times of Rome, Athens, Alexandria and Carthago.  Binary only,
shareware ($10), with C source available from the author.  Version
1.50E.  Author:  Roland Richter

CAM #417: Jeux divers


Astrology program demo, in this free version only the top menu item on
each menu works.  The rest of the menu items are the interpretation.
The "graphic > ram allows you to screen grab the chart to the RAM disk
as "natal.pic" and print with a color printer or use "shownatal" to
look at, Binary only, author:  Phil Moore.


A small WorkBench "Master-Mind" type game.  Includes source.  Author:
Ekke Verheul


Very nice implementation of the sliding-block-puzzle concept.  Good
graphics and the ability to create your own puzzles using an IFF ILBM
file and a text file.  Includes source and several sample puzzles.
Version 1.0.  Author:  Martin Round


This is a neat little strategy game that can be played in a very small
window on your workbench - neat time passer while you wait for
something else to happen!  It has some of the flavor of chess or
checkers, is small, plays the game quickly.  You can play against the
computer or against a friend.  Binary only.  Author:  Alan Smith.


Another 3D Rubik's cube solver Version 1.0, includes source.  Author:
Martin Round


This game has no fancy graphics, but it is a very challenging one.  You
are playing against the taxman, who has ALL the advantages (don't they
always?), but you can defeat him if you are sufficiently sharp!  This
game involves numbers and factors, and is based on mathematical
strategy.  Binary only.  Author:  Jurgen Forster

The Turn

An interesting board game with the simplicity of checkers yet requiring
the "move- lookahead" of a good chess player.  Binary only.  Author:
Peter Handel


A three-dimensional "four-in-a-row" version of TicTacToe, human against
computer.  Version 1.2, binary only.  Author:  Ron Charlton

CAM #418: Utilités programmation


Berkeley Yacc is an LALR(1) parser generator.  Berkeley Yacc has been
made as compatible as possible with AT&T Yacc.  Berkeley Yacc can
accept any input specification that conforms to the AT&T Yacc
documentation.  Specifications that take advantage of undocumented
features of AT&T Yacc will probably be rejected.


CTOH -- A C-language parser, and header file generator (Rev 1.02) The
CTOH utility was written to eliminate the need for maintaining seperate
header files for each of your C sources.  In the past it has been
neccessary to keep seperate track of all of your function prototypes in
a C header file.  When the C source code was modified, and the header
file was forgotten strange and difficult to find bugs were introduced.
The CTOH utility was written to automate the process of creating a
header file so that there would be no need to update the files by hand.
Program source code which conforms to the new ANSI standards is
automatically converted into noncode- generating prototypes and
external declarations.  Preprocessor commands are generally left alone
or deleted.  Pre-ANSI function declarations are not handled correctly.
Author:  Kevin Smathers


Specs.  for the IFF-DR2D structured drawing file format supported by
ProVector(TM), Saxon Publisher(TM), as well as Soft Logik, and other
developers.  The file now contains supplemental information on the
formerly private PPRF chunk.  This chunk contains project-specific
information such as units, portrait/landscape, grid size, page size,
etc.  and is not "critical" to understanding a DR2D file.


Display Amiga Load File plus overlays!  This is a ARexx script which
displays information about the format of executables.  Author:  Mikael


GadgetSelect() - This is a gadget mutualexclude routine.  Test prog and
full source is included.  Was written for the Lattice 5.04 compiler by
Thomas C.  DeVeau.


A set of functions for general graphics operations such as boxes/lines,
blitting, and opening/closing the libraries.  It is used by both of the
PopMenu and ListWindow test programs.  Includes source.  Author:  Paul
Thomas Miller


Gives simple initialization, handling, and freeing of Macintosh-like
"list- windows." These are user-sizeable windows with a scrollable list
of text strings, optionally sortable.  The list can be scrolled with a
scroll-bar, up and down arrows, arrow keys, or a SHIFT+key combination
which searches for the first occurance of the specified key.  Source
and a sample program included.  Author:  Paul Thomas Miller.


MenuC is a Menu Compiler.  It will take a VERY SIMPLE ascii file and
create those very finger intensive MENU, ITEM (SUBITEM) and intuitext
structures needed to create a complete working menu.  Version 0.7 has
some bug fixes and now produces output files in either 'C' or
Assembler.  By Bruce Mackey.


Muff is a program which will automatically compile and link a list of
file names that are given on a command line for Lattice C programs.  If
you're sick and tired of using those command line options and compiling
using seperate phases in the compiler, get this program!  Shareware by
George Belicka and Hyperion Systems.


Odin.library provides yet another way of interprocess-communication and
multitasking support for the Amiga.  The functions are inspired by
Linda, an add-on language for C and other languages, which provides a
simple and powerful support for IPC.  Binary only, AUTHOR:  Peter


rexxarplib.library version 2.5.  This release has a few enhancements
and bug fixes, some documentation corrections, and some stuff related
to AmigaDOS 2.0.  New function:  ShowTitle.  The Area...  functions are
now quite different.  For an example, see areatest.rexx.  Binary only,
author:  W.G.J.  Langeveld


Here is a modified version of the Manx scdir() function.  This version
buffers the entire directory list rather than rescanning the directory
each time the function is called.  I find the speedup very worthwhile.
Author unknown


Triangle solver, Include C sources, Author:  D Lester


<WOODWARD> observes every action taken by the monitored program and
reports back to you, J.  Edgar Hoover, the name of each file opened and
whether it is opened for reading or for writing.  And it is smaller and
easier to use than a cheap handgun purchased in memory of Jodie
Foster!.  Include C sources, author:  Tom Rokicki

CAM #419a&b: Utilités similaires Unix


This package is mainly aimed at people who wish to port screen based
UN*X applications to the Amiga.  I have written a brief documentation
file but I assume that such people have access to full curses
documentation.  Author :  Simon John Raybould


Version 2.3 of Flexx, flex is a tool for generating scanners:  programs
which recognized lexical patterns in text.  flex reads the given input
files, or its standard input if no file names are given, for a
description of a scanner to generate.  The description is in the form
of pairs of regular expressions and C code, called rules.  flex
generates as output a C source file, lex.yy.c, which defines a routine
yylex().  This file is compiled and linked with the -lfl library to
produce an executable.  When the executable is run, it analyzes its
input for occurrences of the regular expressions.  Whenever it finds
one, it executes the corresponding C code.  Includes C sources, author
:Vern Paxson


A port of GNU AWK (pattern scanning and processing language) Beta
release 2.10 to the Amiga.  Includes complete source.  Author:Robert L.
Pyron GrepWild Modification of GNU EGREP to allow wildcards in file
names on command line.  Based on GREP (Get Regular expression), which
is required if you want to make further modifications or examine the
source.  Includes executable, doc file, and Lattice diff file.  Author:
Robert L.  Pyron


Here is mkproto, a program for generating prototype declarations for
all functions appearing in a C source file.  The input C code may be
either K&R or ANSI C (i.e.  it's OK if the functions are defined using
prototypes).  Unlike some of the sed-based scripts floating around, it
correctly handles prototype promotion (e.g.  the prototype for 'int
foo() char x;...' is 'int foo(int x)').  Also, it should work OK on
just about any computer, not just Unix-based ones (it's been tested
under minix, Unix, and TOS).  Includes C sources, Author:  Eric R.


This is version 1.1 of Pax, a public domain archiving utility.  Pax is
an archiving utility that reads and writes tar and cpio formats, both
the traditional ones and the extended formats specified in IEEE 1003.1.
It handles multi-volume archives and automatically determines the
format of an archive while reading it.  Three user interfaces are
supported:  tar, cpio, and pax.  The pax interface was designed by IEEE
1003.2 as a compromise in the chronic controversy over which of tar or
cpio is best.  Binary only, Author:  Mark H.  Colburn


The following implementation of termlib is hereby placed in the public
domain.  It's not fancy, it doesn't inlcude terminfo, but it's small
and clean and is useful for porting termlib-based programs like Elvis
to other platforms.  I originally wrote it for CP/M under the BDS C
compiler so it makes few assumptions about the environment.  Author:
Peter da Silva

CAM #420: Utilités programmation


This is the source for a sample Exec device driver.  It started with
Commodore's driver and I then trimmed it to a more basic form and then
filled it with every caveat and explanation I could find.  Its value is
as a teaching tool, with lots of discussion on what is going on in the
code at various points.  It also fixes a 3-4 bugs in the original
driver.  Author:  Jeff Rush (Tau Productions)


By using this tool you can set location zero to a 'problem' value
before testing your code - this will hopefully make the release of
programs with such 'mistakes' less common.  Include asm sources,
Author:  J Davis


An enhanced version of "gi".  It now looks for the GRAB marker, in the
brush file, instead of assuming that it is at a specific place, sets up
the PlanePick value in the Image structure, and deletes any unused bit
planes to save memory and disk space.  Includes source.  Author:  Mike
Farren, enhancements by Chuck Brand


Faster floating point for JForth Professional.  Speeds up the FFP math
access routines quite a bit, and also fixes a bug or two.  Author:
Jerry Kallaus


Well here's the latest incarnation of MakeC, the program that lets you
easily create C source from IFF pictures, brushes, etc., without a lot
of headaches, hassles, or coordinate typing.  There are a lot of
changes since the last version.  Usage instructions and documentation
from version 1.9 still apply (included below).  Changes since version

 Bug Fixes (Ack!):
 Color palette decoding routine was wrong. Somehow it still managed to
 come out close enough that I never really noticed. At any rate, colors
 are now displayed properly.
 Problem with the top portion of the picture being displayed being
 hidden behind the screen's title bar has been repaired.
 Problem with filename generation has been repaired. Thanks to Mike
 Seinz for pointing out and repairing this one.


 MakeC now supports direct display and manipulation of full overscan
 Scrolling is still supported for larger-than-screen images.
 MakeC's save/close/cancel window has been reworked to give it a look
 that is more at home under WorkBench 2.0. It now features simulated
 three-dimensional buttons that "push into" the screen when hit.
 MakeC's output now supports the "chip" keyword to force data into chip
 memory under some compilers. Check your compiler's documentation to
 see if you can use this or not. The feature can be turned on or off
 from the command line.

Include C sources, Author: Robert Kesterson

Note:  This program will NOT work properly under WorkBench 1.3


Some "plug-compatible" replacements for the Lattice C functions
memcpy(), memcmp(), and memset().  Unlike the Lattice functions that
deal with data one-byte at a time, these versions deal with longword
chunks, which can improve performance of Amigas equipped with a 68020
or 68030.  Includes source in assembly.  Author:  Robert Broughton


Adds a dummy name to every 'NoName' port in public ports list Little
prg to patch unnamed ports, developped to use ENFORCER and WShell.
Includes asm sources, Author:  Christian Schneider


The main intention of this library is to provide easier and more
elaborate support for multitasking in the Amiga.  The functions were
inspired by Linda, an extension-language to C and other languages ,
which provides a simple yet efficient multitasking/multiprocessing API.
UPDATE for Release 2.  A few bugs in Release 1 has been fixed, and
seven new functions are added to support waiting for envelopes with a
timeout, and for putting envelopes to message-ports.  Two functions
(namely CopyOut() and OutEmptyEnvelope()) have changed returntype, so
it's now possible to check for memory allocation failure.  The examples
have been extended with philosophers.c, the famous dining philosophers
program suggested by Dijkstra, and with draw.c a program that
dynamically can create or destroy tasks for handling IDCMP messages and
drawing graphics in multiple windows.  Unfortunately my examples won't
compile "as is" with PDC3.33 anymore, due to the difficulty of running
PDC in only 1 MB, as well as other problems with this compiler.  The
gluecode should still work with PDC and Lattice, though.  Finally, I
would like to thank the creators of the following programs without
which this library would not exist:  GOMF, MetaScope (The Debugger) and
A68K Binary only, AUTHOR:  Peter Ørbæk


A set of functions for the setting up, drawing, and handling of pop-up
menus that are affixed to windows.  Clicking on the menu box area will
open up the full menu, with the list of menu items inside.  Source and
a sample program included.  Author:  Paul Thomas Miller


Data sharing function host for ARexx (clipboard, environment, temporary
files).  This ARexx function host's goal in life is to provide several
data sharing techniques to the language.  This first pass provides
clipboard read/write/query environment variable get/set/delete, and
temporary files.  This is not a final version, more features are
planned.  It seems to be bug free after about three weeks of testing...
This library will operate under 1.3 or 2.0 (it requires
iffparse.library which operates under both also).  Author:  David N.


Scans through an IFF file, identifying the elements.  Faster than
standard utility IFFCheck since it uses Seek, but does not do
IFFCheck's detailed format checking.  Intended for use as a "template"
from which programmers can code their specific application.  For
example, an expanded version has been used to extract instrument data
from music files.  Includes source in assembler.  Author:  Jim


An example and link library on how to do simple ARexx port in your
application.  Follows the new "standards" that are being developed for
the Amiga.  SimpleRexx source by Michael Sinz


SnoopDos monitors calls to several well-known AmigaDOS functions,
including Open(), Lock(), Execute(), LoadSeg(), CurrentDir() and
DeleteFile().  Whenever a program calls one of these functions, a
message is displayed giving the parameters it used (i.e.  the filename
and filemode).  This is particularly useful for seeing what libraries,
devices, fonts and environment variables a program is trying to access,
as well as discovering what special startup files it expects to have
handy.  As an added bonus, SnoopDos works fine under Workbench 2.0.
Full source code in C & assembly is included.  Author:  Eddy Carroll


MMU protection tool.  Protects areas of illegal memory from
reads/writes.  Enforcer requires an MMU not otherwise in use.  With
very little system overhead, it sets up a page table marking non-memory
and low memory as illegal.  Violation reports are sent to the serial
port (modem loopback works).  Author:  Bryce Nesbitt


transparent DrawImage and blitter routines.  This set of routines
provides the programmer with a DrawImage that is capable of doing
transparent images.  Also contains the blitter magic to do transp.
blits, like brushes in a paint package.  Complete C source.  Author:
David N.  Junod


WinForm is a program designed to make it easy to make text-input
screens, directing the user of the software to the correct blank for
input, etc.  With this program, you can lay out your window with any
text editor, save it as an ASCII file, and WinForm will create code
making the prompts and blanks just as you laid them out.  Includes
Csources, Author:  Larry ?

CAM #421: Utilités disque


This is a SCSI tape drive handler, complete with source, but it claims
to be only a first effort - not a complete does-everything model.  It
can format a tape, store data on it, and restore, using Amiga TAR,
AREXX, etc.  It has been tested with the 2091, 2090A, and Supra drives,
and has worked with all of those.Include C sources,Author:  Robert


Deksid version 1.10.  Deksid is a disk and file HEX.  editor.  This
editor is probably the easiest to use and has the most readable 6*8
font.  Binary only, Author:  Christian Warren


A CLI-based hard-disk backup/restore utility.  Features incremental
backups by archive bit status, by datestamp, or command-line query.
Incremental backups can be appended to an existing backup set.
Includes source.  Author:  Oliver Enseling


A file editor like NewZap or FedUp, which allows you to manipulate
bytes of a file.  You may also change the file size or execute a patch.
Version 1.20, includes source in assembly.  Author:  Roger Fischlin


This disk-salvage program has an intuition interface that makes it
extremely easy to use - a good thing, since there are no docs!  It will
list the devices you actually have, and you choose one to examine.  The
disk will be read, and possible lost programs will be presented.  You
select the one to recover.  Easy!  Author:  Franz-Josef Reichert

CAM #422a&b: Music (soundtracker)


IntuiTracker is an attempt to bring the music-world of the popular
Soundtracker/Noisetracker programs, to the common amiga-user.  IT's
purpose is to play music of your choice in a multitasking- friendly
manner.  This gives you the opportunity to listen to your favourite
Amiga 8-bit-digital-stereo-music-trax while you do other things, like
programming, writing, painting, downloading or whatever you do with
your amiga.  Binary only, author:  Jan-Ivar Bruarøy

18 soundtracker modules:

airborne rabbit, consummation, echoing, fairlight, imponert.3
magneticfields iv, necronomicon, stories never end2, technostyle(z),
Walkman3, Cyber, hallucinations, jarre, prelude, Raggtime, rhythm
master, steam, trainbeat2

CAM #423: Jeux Graphiques


This program simulates the cellular automaton model presented by P.
Bak, C.  Tang, and K.  Wiesenfeld (Phys.  Rev.  Lett.  59, 381 (1987);
Phys.  Rev.  A38, 364 (1988)) to illustrate self organized criticality.
Each site carries a positive integer representing the local slope of ;a
sandpile.  If the slope exceeds 3, the site is unstable and on updating
it drops by 4, adding one to each of his neighbors.  Sand is lost only
at the edges.  Any state will relax to stability ;through such sand
loss.  Includes asm sources, author:  Mike Creutz


Version 2.4 of the Ansi editor Binary only Author:  P-E Raue


FurLess - a fun graphics and sound demo program, by Wesley Howe.
Includes asm sources.


Prism is an ANSI graphics animators for the Amiga.  No, Prism does not
make high resolution pictures, it makes those neat animated screens
that you see over the modem.  The reason why I call it an ANSI animator
instead of an ANSI editor is because this program was designed to make
animated screens and not simple colour title screens.  Include C
sources, Author:  Colin Vernon


Now you can create spectacular 3D views for X-Specs 3D glasses from any
Sculpt3D object or scene file.  Scene3DX renders Sculpt3D ojects using
scan line polygon shading.  Save the finished view as an IFF ILBM file.
Viewer included.  Binary only, Author:  Richard Horne


The idea of Sleepy is to allow anyone to create a new "sleepy" pointer.
Binary only, Author:  Mark Smiddy


TalkerII is the sequel to a display hack I did over a year and a half
ago.  This version, however, is designed to work with a Workbench 2.0
640 X 400 (lace) display.  It opens a window on the workbench, and
displays a small face which will speak a text file or a sentence.  Can
also be used as a primitive screen blanker.  Includes Manx 5.0a C
sourcecode.  Author:  Jim Williams

CAM #424: Utilités divers


Bootmenu - a program to allow graphical, interactive selection of
NTSC/PALscreen modes and the enabling/disabling of hard-disks on every
reboot.  Also acts as a partial replacement for CBM's setpatch program.
Includes source code in Assembler.  Version 1.0 (first release).
Author - John Davis


This program lets you keep a diary in a directory.  Binary only,


This program that I wrote really quick lets you keep a diary in a
directory..  each file is a different day, but you can add on to it
during the day..  Spin off of DIARYV which only allowed one entry per
day (unless you changed the extension) FreeWare Include C sources,
author unknow.


Another threshhold-mouse-accelerating, screen-to-back, window to-front,
mouse- blanking, screen-blanking, auto-window activating,
low-memory-warning, auto-window sizing, configuration-saveable clock!
Version 1.0, includes source.  Author:  Oliver Enseling


The program identifies and gives information about a variety of file
types.  These currently include GIF files and IFF files.  Includes C
sources, author:  Lloyd Eldred


Iconize those IFF pics.  This will work with WorkBench hacks for more
than 2 bitplanes, but more importantly this makes the 8 or 16 color
WorkBench supported by 2.0 THE mode to use for viewing IFFs.  This is
version .90 and is presented for gamma testing.  Binary only, author:
Rick Tillery


program to control curser and menus with joystick.w/source.  Author:
Paul DePetrillo


An IFF ILBM reader that accepts overscanned pictures, allows you to
scroll around in the bitmap if the picture is larger than the current
display, works on both PAL and NTSC machines, supports color cycling
using interrupt code, and supports printing of image portions.  Version
1.11, includes source Author:  Olaf Barthel


MachIII is a mouse/keyboard enhancer utility.  Within it, you have a
macro recorder, screen blanker and title bar clock.  There are many
mouse features including an accelerator, SunMouse, mouse blanker, and
window/screen arranger.  There are to many features to list here, but
the documentation describes each completely.  Binary only, author:
Brian Moats


"PhoneWord" takes a full or partial telephone number and attempts to
create a word from the various "alphabedigit" combinations.  "Unjumble"
may useful in solving the Sunday morning newspaper "Scramble".
Includes source.  Author:  Ron Charlton


An assembly program to replace xicon, IconX and similar utilities.
Unique in the fact that it uses a WorkBench "Tool" icon instead of a
"Project" icon.  This allows workbench startup of programs that could
ordinarily only be started by the CLI.  Version 1.1, includes assembly
source Author:  Kjell Cederfeldt


A program which enhances your computers security by making it
complicated enough that users without your password will get
discouraged trying to boot and use your system.  This should keep out
most casual or nontechnical users.  Version 1.42p, binary only Author:
George Kerber

CAM #425: Utilités domestique


FontManager will present you with a requester that lists all of the
fonts in your current fonts:  directory.  You can select any font and
it will show you a sample in your choice of plain, bold, italicised,
etc., and will also let you choose other Fonts:  directories as well.
Really nice program.  Who can remember ALL those fonts!!  Author:
Robert Salesas


Database for names and addresses, full intuition interface.
Dynamically allocated, with configurable script startup file.
Iconifies to titlebar icon.  Search, sort, insert, delete, full file
requesters.  Uses modem to control dialing of multiple phone numbers.
Binary only, shareware, with source available from author.  Author:
David Plummer


Entirely keyboard driven mortgage utility.  Although similiar programs
exist, this one is unique in that it is designed to track 'Open'
mortgages that allow any size payment to be made at any time as well as
providing an amortization table for fixed mortgages with monthly,
semi-monthly, bi-weekly and weekly payment schedules.  Version 1.2,
binary only.  Author:  Robert Bromley


IFF Print program, Multitasks very Well!  This program was created by
one of my customers, he intended it for his own use but I encouraged
him to distribute it as it works well.  View and or Print IFF pictures
of any supported resolution and palette.  Author:  Larry Smith


This program will provide a form in which you supply the information
needed for a good, short resume.  It will then take that info and save
it to disk, or will print out the resume for you.  A number of options
are offered.  It is very simple to use.


Simple but useable spreadsheet program.  I wrote this originally many
years ago (1983?  not sure) for PDP-11.  I ported it to the Amiga a few
years back, and have been using it occasionally since.  I did add a
fair Intuition-ized interface that could use some improvement but still
it acts better than a lot of ports I've seen.  Binary only, author:
Richard Krehbiel


An intuition-based address book that allows saving of data in normal or
password- encoded form.  Version 1.0, includes partial source,
(password encoding routines not included) Author:  Heinzelmann


This software is designed to drive the X-10 CP290 home control
interface.  The devices come from Radio Shack and are supplied with
software to run on an IBM or clone; this software runs it from an
Amiga.  The device attaches to the serial port and works through house
wiring to control all kinds of home appliances, etc.  Author:  Ned

CAM #426: Utilités divers


This is a small tool that can improve the performance of certain A3000
configurations by turning on Instruction Cache in Chip-Memory.
Furthermore, it allows you to make use of an additional 200kB of Fast
Memory when running under Kickstart 1.3.  Binary only, author:


With this file, you can move things to any of 9 clipboards, move them
from the clipboard into a file, do this at a specified time, or on a
specified signal.  Source is included - so it should be most helpful on
this little-used part of our OS.  Author:  David Junod.


DT, a floppy disk test program by Maurizio Loreti.  Tests the integrity
of the data on floppy disks, and reads the files to be sure they are
okay.  Includes C sources, author:  Maurizio Loreti


InstallNewAlert replaces the old "alert.hook" and Alert() function with
a "Guru" that tells you the error in english and the task that failed.
The Alert() function is identical to the one in V2.0 of the O?S except
that it calls my alert.hook instead of the ROM version.  Binary only,
Author:  Brian Grontowski


This a text reader.  YET ANOTHER???  Yes, but *they* don't have ARexx,
customizable configuration, unlimited windows, adaptive menus (?), wild
fonts/size/colors, simple IFF FTXT and ANSI parsing, wordwrapping, etc.
etc.  Binary only, author:  Sebastiano Vigna


A small utility for monitoring the Amiga's memory usage.  Unique
snapshot facility allows you to store the current numbers, launch a
program, see how much memory it requires, end the program, and see if
it returns all the memory.  Version 2.1, binary only.  Author:  Gaylan


NewSys Version 2.00 Allows you to automatically re-Assign your system
drive/drawer from either Workbench or CLI.  Useful for complicated
Startup- Sequences that re-assigns the system drive, or for floppy user
to set-up a new system disk without having to reboot.  Requires
AmigaDOS 2.0 for full functionality.  (a 1.3 version is also included,
but is not as intelligent as the 2.0 version).  Binary only, author:
Fred Mitchell


QuickSort, a program that allows you to use a quicksort function from
ARexx.  By Marvin Weinstein


Screen Color Modifier.  A palette program that allows the
changing/saving/loading of a screen's colors.  Includes a separate
loader program that can be used in batch files to set a screen's colors
to predefined values after a program has been launched.  Version 1.0,
binary only.  Author:  Jean-Marc Nogier


SigTune is a useful little utility which combines the concept of the
SIGnature and the program for TUNE into one.  It allows you to insert a
randomly-selected quote or other phrase into your .signature for each
post.  Includes C sources, author:  Ben Scott


This will let you have multi startup-sequences that you can choose from
at boot up.  ( up to ten(10)).  Binary only, authors:  Weston Fryatt &
Paul Davis


A shareware file-viewer that displays all types of IFF files with many
features like:  Workbench support, all display modes, auto overscan,
color cycle (CRNG, CCRT), AmigaBasic ACBM files, first cell in and ANIM
file, Type 5 animations and more.  Written in assembly, pure code for
residency under 1.3.  Version 3.0, binary only.  Author:  David Grothe


A program which reports interesting information about the configuration
of your machine, including some speed comparisons with other
configurations, versions of the OS software, etc.  Version 1.4, binary
only.  Author:  Nic Wilson


TextCalc version 1.0 copyright 1990 by John A.  Samuels TextCalc allows
you to load any text file and do addition, subtraction, multiplication
and division on ANY numbers in the text.  It's all Intuition-driven.
Just click on the numbers with your left and right mouse buttons to
include the numbers in your calculations.  Real easy and useful.
Simple tutorial is included.  Binary only, author:  John A.  Samuels


TMONTH makes it easy to execute any program(s) the first time you boot
your Amiga each month.  Either enter the program name to execute once a
month as an argument to tmonth or use IF WARN in your startup-sequence.
Great for cleaning up files or running ATOMCLOCK.  Binary only, author:
George Kerber


A program that allows easy transfer of data between DOS, memory and
trackdisk.device.  DOS means the data contained within a file, memory
means the data contained anywhere within the memory map and
trackdisk.device means data stored on a disk not accessable with DOS
(eg.  bootblocks special loader disks etc.).  The transfer of data
between these three areas is not normally easy or convenient.  TrackDos
was written to overcome this.  Binary only.  Author:  Nic Wilson


Udate is a replacement for the AmigaDOS date command, containing many
options similiar to the UNIX date command.  Udate will allow you to set
the date and time via prompts or directly from the command line, will
display any part of the date or time using the options in any color
desired,and will also make an automatic adjustment of your system clock
for Daylight Savings Time so your computer will be one less clock you
will ever have to set twice a year for DST.  This version is slightly
smaller and works correctly with the 68030 Version 1.14c, binary only.
Author:  George Kerber


MapIcon:  This will remap the white and black pens to conform with the
new V2.0 standard.  This does not mean I agree that CBM should have
changed the arrangement of the perfectly fine order of the white and
black pens.  But this should make things look better anyway...  If the
icons are not 4 color icons, they will be after running MapIcon.  Also,
only names that have the ".info" extension will work with MapIcon.  To
create a script file, use...  ClkPointer:  This little hack makes the
Workbench's Wait-Clock's Hand spin.  It works as of workbench.library
version 36.2062.  It may not work with future versions of the
Workbench...  That's what hacks are for!  Binary only, author:  unknown


ZKick is a KickStart 2.0 kickfile loader, similar to KickIt by Bryce
Nesbitt, but with several advantages.  First of all, ZKick will work in
ANY Amiga with a ram board at $200000, no matter which slot it's in.
Second, when ZKick loads KickStart, it survives a reboot!  When you hit
CTRL-AMIGA-AMIGA, you are placed back in KickStart 2.0.  This feature
can be disabled with the "-die" option.  Includes sources, author:
Daniel Zenchelsky

CAM #427: Utilités Télécommunication


FAST Lharc extractor AND compressor by the author of LHUNARC.  This
program is a replacement for LHarc, and seems to be stable so far.
Compression speed is faster than LHARC and decompression is faster than
LHARC.  Binary only, author:  Jonathan Forbes


Phone-Line-Watcher.  For users of Hayes compatible modems Monitors the
serial port and records all incoming calls.  Current version only
allows remote user to receive a predetermined message, login, and leave
a reply.  Possible updates will allow them access to AmigaDos.  Version
1.1, binary only.  Author:  Christian Fries


Small telecomm program with arexx support and Xpr protocol, Include C
sources, author:  Paul DePetrillo


VLT_FKeys is a simple function key editor that works with Willy
Langeveld's VLT communication program (v4.824 or greater).  It allows
you to interactively edit 50 of VLT's function key definitions (Normal,
Shift, Control, Alternate, and User).  Author:  Michael Scott Velez


Version 2.3 of Select, an ARexx dialing macro for VLT.


VLT version 4.846, with graphics.  This is mainly a bug-fix update, but
there are one or two new features.  This version no longer comes with
the old documentation files that previous versions came with.  This is
because there is a new manual available, see the notice in the docs
directory.  The only documentation files are about things not covered
in the manual.  Binary only, author:  Willy Langeveld


Autodialer for Vlt, author:  Dan Sugalski

CAM #428: Utilités Audio


CBT is an 8SVX digitized sound editor.  If you don't understand
digitized sound there are plenty of books on the subject, but I think
you can gat a grasp of the representation just from playing with this
program.  CBT has all the Amiga Intuition features that should make it
very intuitive to use.  Binary only, author:  Thomas Carlyle


Here are two MT32 patch editors and some patches for your abuse.  Also,
included is BankSender, a CLI program for sending groups of patches and
assigning presets.  Its arguments are the names of the patches you want
sent to the MT32.  Binary only, author:  Jeff Harrington


MidiPlay is essentially a graphic oriented shell for Bill Barton's
"playmf" utility for his PD MIDI Library.  It meets the need of a
general purpose player for Standard MIDI Format (SMF) type 0 files.  It
is not intended to be used "live" because in this version external MIDI
start and control is not included.  It IS hoped that this will be used
in the same way that people use SMUS players on the Amiga or SID
players on the C64, and that now people may have a MIDI player that is
relatively easy to use.  There are lots of MIDI instruments out there
that are both powerful and inexpensive, and lots of music to be heard.
Programmed by John Rappold with CanDo


Playmaster runs from CLI or Workbench.  It will attempt to load up to
36 sounds if passed on the commandline.  "PlayMaster sound1 sound2
sound3 etc" You may build an icon for PlayMaster and put a
soundfilename on each tooltype line.  Either just the full:path/name of
your sound file, or "X=Full:path/name" where X is a number or letter.
Either list may contain one or more entries nameing ascii files with
one IFF sound filename on each line.  Again use the full:path/name.
Once started, filename will appear next to buttons.  Push the
appropriate key or click the gadget to play the sound.  Click the
gadget while holding right-amiga key to open file requester for loading
new sound to that button.  If a given button has been loaded before,
file req will open to that directory.  If not, file req will open to
the last directory it used.  On the FIRST open to an unloaded button,
filreq opens to current dir of Playmaster.  Playmaster only DEMANDS
chip mem to play a sound.  When loading sounds, it requests MEMF_PUBLIC
which will return fast ram if it's available.  Sound is moved to chip
ram for playing.  You may now specify the smallest and or largest size
sound to be loaded into memory.  Anything smaller than "smallest" or
larger than "largest" is read directly from disk.  Not bad if disk is a
hard drive.  Sounds longer than 25K or so can be interupted by floppy
drive read speed.  (Or lack thereof).  Sounds not loaded into memory,
but located by PlayMaster will be listed in RED next to their gadget.
Binary only, author:  John Scheib


This little utility will play SoundMon modules in the background.  It
takes the form of a CLI command by Xag of The Culprits.


randsam is a program that plays random soundsamples at random times,
with random volume, random cycles, and a bit random period.  Randsam
consists of two programs which are QUITRAND and RANDSAM.  Include
source, author:  Steven Lagerweij.


Samplescanner is a program that grab sounds from disks that are not DOS
disks.  Include source, author:  Steven Lagerweij.


Wondersound is an additive harmonic instrument design tool with a
separate envelope design window and 16 relative harmonic strength and
phase angle controls.  The top gadgets in the main window control the
harmonic strengths; the bottom gadgets, the phase angles.  Binary only,
author:  Jeffrey Harrington

CAM #429 Jeux


It's a clone of Arkanoid, sort of.  BUT, before you start groaning and
moaning about how many cheap-o clones of Arkanoid there are in the PD
already, let me tell you that this is NOT a cheap-o version.  Why?
Er...  Um...  Well, YOU play it, and YOU'LL find out for yourself!
Include assembler source, author:  Ed Mackey


This game was inspired by the need for an affordable Amiga action game!
This game was made with the Shoot-em-up construction set.  Author:
Aidan Palmer


The goal of the game Tricky is to remove all stones of one level with a
ball.  Only three Stones may be left in order to reach the next level.
Include an editor for design you own levels or change existing ones.
Binary only.  Author:  Peter Händel

CAM #430: Utilités Télécommunication


"Arn" (AMIGA Reads News) is a program that allows you to read and write
a lot of news-articles and keeps track of what you already have read or
not.  It is designed for the USENET and follows the rules given by RFC
1036 (Standard for Interchange of USENET Messages).  It doesn't use the
mouse, because I think it is better to use the keyboard all the time
when the task is to read and write many words.  To switch always from
keyboard to mouse (e.g.  paging via mouse, writing a follow-up with the
keyboard) is not rational (IMHO).  Binary only.  Author:  Roland Bless


Compress reduces the size of the named files using adaptive Lempel-Ziv
coding.  Whenever possible, each file is replaced by one with the
extension .Z, while keeping the same owner-ship modes, access and
modification times.  If no files are specified, the standard input is
compressed to the standard output.  Compressed files can be restored to
their original form using uncompress or zcat.  Compress version 4.0

 o compress() speedup (10-50%) by changing division hash to xor
 o decompress() speedup (5-10%)
 o Memory requirements reduced (3-30%)
 o Stack requirements reduced to less than 4kb
 o Removed 'Big+Fast' compress code (FBITS) because of compress
 o Portability mods for Z8000 and PC/XT (but not zeus 3.2)
 o Default to 'quiet' mode
 o Unification of 'force' flags
 o Manual page overhaul
 o Portability enhancement for M_XENIX
 o Removed text on #else and #endif
 o Added "-V" switch to print version and options
 o Added #defines for SIGNED_COMPARE_SLOW
 o Added Makefile and "usermem" program
 o Removed all floating point computations
 o New programs:
   compressdir - compress all files on a directory
   uncompressdir - uncompress all files on a directory
   zcmp - cmp compressed files
   zdiff - diff compressed files
   btoa - convert binary to ascii for mailing
   atob - convert ascii to binary with checksum
   tarmail - tar, compress, btoa, and mail files
   untarmail - restore "tarmail" files

Includes C sources, author: Unknown


Dfilter is a little utility that makes using FTP easier.  You can
specify a date range and dfilter extracts from a directory listing only
those files that have a date stamp which falls into that range.  You
can also filter out unwanted co lumns.  Includes C sources, author:
Panu Hassi


An intuition interface that handles the important functions of
creating, inserting, extracting and listing files for three popular
archiving utilities:  ARC, ZOO and LHARC.  Version 1.00, binary only,
shareware.  Author:  Matthias Zepf


PAWS is a terminal emulation program for Commodore Amigas.  It runs on
all models (A500/A1000/A2000/A2500 - and we have no reason to believe
it shouldn't run on the A3000) It was written by Dr Ken J.  Mighell,
who is (at time of writing this) a Post Doc at Mount Stromlo
Observatory, Canberra, Australia.  The PAWS executable is freely
distributable.  The PAWS source and PAWS-Language documentation is
available for (some quantity of money)- binary only.  Author:  Markus


Phone-Line-Watcher.  For users of Hayes compatible modems.  Monitors
the serial port and records all incoming calls.  Allows a remote user
to login, receive and leave a message, and transfer files via Zmodem in
either direction.  Two level DOS access, Disabled DOS-requestors and
more.  Greatly enhanced version of initial release.  Version 2.8,
binary only.  Author:  Christian Fries


Soft Span BBS program.  Intuitive, command-line based menu system with
message bases, uploads, downloads, file credit system, extensive help
system, etc.  Version 1.1, includes bug fixes and some enhancements.
Binary only.  Author:  Mark Wolfskehl


UnDo2 is a modified version of the original UnDo by author unknown to
make life a little bit easier to extract/view all the different types
of archives with one command.  I added a configuration file and two
switches to View or Extract files.  UnDo2 will automatically identify a
Arc, Zoo, Lzh, Zip, Wrp, Lhw, Zap, or any other future archive and
execute the proper program to view or extract files.  If a archive has
a improper extension, UnDo2 will rename it to the correct one.  Binary
only.  Author:  Michael Horgan

CAM #431: Jeux et Éducation


AnswerMe!  is a quiz game written in CanDo.  Author:  Denis Blondeau


A programmer's aid for creating card image data that can be used in any
card game that uses the standard 52 card deck.  This is version 2.1, an
update to version 1.0.  Contains bug fixes and support for AmigaBasic.
Binary only.  Author:  Terry Gintz


Chineese astrology program, Binary only, author:  Andy Patrizio


A clock dragged by an animated plane.  Binary only, author:  Markus


Another screen hack, specifically for A500/A2000 owners.  I don't want
to spoil any surprises but reportedly causes some machines to crash.
Binary only.  Author:  Tony Solomon, Paul Fortin


Demo version of Poker solitaire game.  Binary only, author:  UnSane


This command picks randomly from a number of items in a text file and
then outputs its choice to another file that you specify.  One
suggestion for using Randpic is to place it in your startup-sequence to
customize boot up.  It could, perhaps, choose from multiple `say'
commands to make startup friendlier, but use your imagination.  Binary
only, Author:  J.  L.  Holmes


Version 13 of spellmaster !  this version includes an editor that lets
you change the word list if you wish!  also more words have been added.
Binary only, author:  David Browder


A small WorkBench sliding block puzzle to keep your mind and fingers
busy while your compiler is busy crunching away on your highly secret,
hard earned source code that you hopefully remembered to unscramble
first!  Features se lectable size from 4x4 to 7x7 and European, Hindi
or Arabic numerals .Includes source.  Author:  Lorenz Wiest

CAM #432a&b: Utilités programmation


Both a linktime version and a shared library of Joystick routines
featuring a technique which proves to be extremely fast on 68010 or
higher processors, and still faster than most of the other routines on
standard processors.  Includes source for library in Assembler and the
demonstration program in C.  Author:  Oliver Wagner


A shared, runtime library to aid in the development of programs that
need to decrunch files crunched with Power-Packer.  Version 34.1
(release 1.1), binary only.  Author:  Nico François


A runtime, reentrant library designed to make it easier for programmers
to use powerful, easy to use requesters, for communicating with users.
Includes such functions as a color requester, file requester, message
display requester and ma ny functions to make the creation of gadgets
for your own custom requesters easier.  Binary only.  Author:  Colin
Fox and Bruce Dawson


RexxArpLib.library version 2.52.  This release was necessary to fix
problems with AmigaDOS 2.0 shared screens.  Binary only, autho:  W.G.J.


A shared library for the Amiga.  Contains some mathematical (evaluation
of strings) and Intuition (menus, requester) functions.  Version 2.06,
includes source.  Author:  Rudiger Dreier.


An implementation of the standard C runtime library, with a few extra
goodies thrown in.  Supports a large number of functions including
stream I/O, low-level I/O, string, memory, linked list, sorting, time,
process control and more.  Version 3.0, includes source and several
utility programs.  Author:  Robert W.  Albrecht


Ez.lib is a link time library which provides numerous calls to access
many Intuition features without the normal hassle.  There are single
line calls to open any type of screen, window, or boolean gadget.
Author:  Dominic Giampaolo

CAM #433: Émutation


This program emulates a Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48-kbyte Z80-based
computer on any Amiga computer.  IMPORTANT:  You need to already own a
Spectrum to be able to use this program.  This is because I am not
taking the risk of distributing the Spectrum ROM code.  Binary only,
author:  Peter McGavin


A comprehensive emulator/utility package to assist Commodore 64 users
in upgrading to the Amiga.  According to the author, this package
compares to or surpasses the commercially available packages of the
same nature.  Many of the utilities require a hardware interface that
allow the Amiga to access C64 peripherals such as disk drives and
printers.  The hardware interface is free with a shareware donation to
the author.  Version 1.01n, support 680x0, binary only.  Author:  Cliff
Dugan, QuesTronix


This is the latest object and docs for a99 and loader, the ti-99/4a
cross assembler and loader.  This version handles long names via the
style of the GenASM assembler/loader package.  Binary only, author:
A.L.  Beard

CAM #434: Éducation


DPFFT includes the ability to plot a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of
the data, customized amplitude and phase spectrum, prewhitening
capability, and a Welch window for spectral smoothing.  Version 2.2,
binary only.  Author:  A.  A.  Walma


Very nice interactive display of the the Periodic Table of Elements.
Includes general row and column information, plus a test mode where the
program asks specific questions about the selected element or
row/column.  This is version 2.3, an update to version 2.0.  Binary
only, shareware.  Author:  Paul Thomas Miller


Solar system graphic information.  Binary only, author:  Richard L.
Anderson Jr.


An experimental programming language based on Lisp and LOGO.  It is
versatile, highly interactive, organizes programs as collections of
procedures, and includes lists as first-class data objects.  Version
1.00, binary only.  Author:  Gary Teachout


Mechanical Design Engrs Utility.  Binary only, author:  W.C.  Bowling

CAM #435a&b: Musique soundtracker


The XTracker Module Player V3.0.  Binary only, Author:  Jim G.

15 sountracker modules:

acidbat2, BackPopped, dt-dm, soundmachine, hitsquad, kefrens.tune.1,
kefrens.tune.2, let's swing it, lifestyle.rules.1, little china,
Bridge2, Fletch, Luna- Waves, masqrade, namewasbad, occ-san-geen.

CAM #436a&b: PostScript


Version 1.3 of popular postscript interpreter.  Include C sources,
author:  Adrian Aylward
 V1.3 27-Oct-90
 LaserJet driver added.
 Interface fixes: Menus no longer ghost after startup file error and
 restart, pause status is now retained over a restart, printer
 preferences page size is now handled correctly, no longer crashes
 if arp.library is missing.
 Bugs fixed: IBM binary eexec sections beginning with white space,
 funny characters in error message command names, hints with stems of
 negative width, font character cache sizing, tune baseline alignment
 and flex, eexec lines ending in CR (not CRLF), aload packed arrays,
 zero length charstrings, font character cache hash chains.

4 Adobe type 1 fonts:

Courier Helvetica NewCenturySchlbk-Bold Times-Bold.

CAM #437a&b: Fractals & Mandelbrot


A Fractal generator that generates many different types of fractals
based on the iteration of complex-valued formulas.  The program can
generate the Mandelbrot and Julia sets, as well as the sets of more
unusual formulas such as lambda*COS(Z) and Newton-R.  Version 2.1,
includes source and some sample creations.  Author:  Ronnie Johansson.


A Mandelbrot Animation program that allows you to easily generate
series of lo- res/16-color pictures.  Features full mouse and/or
keyboard operation, zooms, auto- save, high (cheat) speed, iconization,
etc.  The generated pictures all remember their positions and settings
so they can be re-loaded.  Version 1.1, binary only.  Author:  Ekke


A program that renders three-dimensional images of blowups of the
Mandelbrot set.  Includes several example images.  This is version 2.1.
The most significant enhancement for this version is that is is two to
three times faster due to inclusion of a specially tuned fixed point
arithmetic package.  Shareware, binary only.  Author:  Mathias Ortmann


This is a fully functional implementation of the MandFXP program.
Binary only, author:Bruce Dawson and Steve Larocque


An extended version of the 0L-system (string rewriting) described in
The Science of Fractal Images (edited by Pietgen and Saupe).  The basic
algorithm has been expanded and modified extensively, and looping
commands similiar to those found in other Turtle graphics systems
(Logo, etc) have been added.  Support for three- dimensional drawing,
with perspective, is also included.  Version 1.0, binary only.  Author:
Terry Gintz


There are quite a few Mandelbrot programs for Amiga, perhaps to the
extent that I should have named my program "yamb" instead of "mandel".
(Yet Another MandelBrot).  Include ASM sources, author:  Hannu Helminen

CAM #438a&b: Musique soundtracker

16 SoundTracker modules:

7, approach, arcane, azied revolution, blue.monday, Bridge, low
altitude, piano plinker, bourbon street ii, chicago song,
complications, daisy chain, dirt, disco-groove, dots, exctasy.

CAM #439: Utilités Programmation


DCMD is utility that monitors a CLI's console IO and copies it to a
user specified file.  The console IO is unaffected by this monitoring.
Include C sources, author:  Matthew Dillon


Translates C include files into assembler include files.  Useful for
programmers that use both C and assembler code in the same program.
Helps to keep the structure definitions consistent.  Version 1.1,
shareware, binary only.  Author:  Goetz Mueller


A program to "disassemble" any given AmigaDOS hunk file, which includes
executables, linker libraries, linker object files, overlayed files,
etc.  Written as an exercise by the author to learn a few things about
AmigaDOS hunk structures.  Includes source.  Author:  Olaf Barthel


Intuition based utility that creates C source code for screen, window,
border and text structures.  IntuitionEd can also write the code for
several functions required for the opening and closing of these
structures.  The code c an then be compiled by either Manx and Lattice.
Shareware donation to the author will receive an enhanced version
capable of writing gadget structures as well Version 1.0, binary only,
several samples included.  Author:  Niels Thorwirth


Three different C routines to add various borders inside of windows.
Includes source and a demo.  Author:  Thom Robertson


A resident startup module for Aztec C.  Version 1.0, includes source.
Author:  Olaf ' Olsen' Barthel


This is a ARexx function library that allows you toopen windows/screens
from an ARexx script, attach menus, gadgets, (file) requesters, load
and save ILBM picture files, auto-requesters, print text and graphic
dumps, and completely interact with the user in an intuition
environment.  Adds all of those Amiga features that ARexx lacks.
Author:  Jeff Glatt, Dissidents Software


A shared library that can be easily used by any C or assembly
programmer to add an ARexx interface to his programs.  Handles all of
the messy details including message creation/deletion and error
handling.  Author:  Jeff Glatt, Dissidents Software


A program that tracks calls to AmigaDOS and Exec functions, reporting
them to the screen, along with their calling parameters and the
results.  Version 1.0, includes source.  Author:  Federico Giannici

CAM #440: Utilités divers


CLI utility that allows you to directly append one or more files to
another without having to use the roundabout methods necessary with the
AmigaDOS "join" command.  Version 1.0, includes source.  Author:
Oliver Enseling


Replace Arp file requester by REQ, includes C sources, author:  Nick!


CheckDate is a simple program that checks for a file in your "S:"
directory that corresponds to the current date.  Binary only, author:
Michael Jaecks


A utility that lets you grab colors from a screen and save them as an
executable file.  Version 1.0, includes source in assembler.  Author:
Preben Nielsen


A DEVice RENamer, originally designed to allow the renaming of an
external drive on an A2000 (always recognized as DF2:) to be DF1:
However, works with any mounted device such as RAD:  RAM:  RAW:  CON:
etc, as long as the original and renamed version have the same
character length.  Version 1.5, includes source.  Author:  Stefan


FixDisk is a program to recover as much as possible from a defective
disk.  I don't claim it is better than Diskdoctor or DiskSalv, but it
has some features the others don't have:  It can recover damaged
(unreadable) tracks.  It h as functions to check file integrity, to
check the directory structure and functions to undelete, copy or show
(even defective) files and fix corrupted directory pointers.  A damaged
file structure can be recovered copying the data file by file to
another disk (a la DiskSalv) or can be fixed in place (like
Diskdoctor).  Everything can be selected with an intuition interface,
so users can determine what action should be take place.  Now the bad
news:  The program does not keep track of loose blocks, those files
without a file header, as DiskSalv does.  It doesn't process partitions
> 48Mb.  Binary only, author:  Werner Guenther


Allows you to quickly and easily switch between various screens.  Can
close screens, pull them up, and activate windows.  Has the unique
feature of sorting screens in a way that all title bars are visible at
one time.  This is version 2.0, binary only.  Author:  Lars Eggert


A faster and more user friendly floppy disk formatter that is also an
example of how to format Amiga file systems in general and get AmigaDOS
to accept them.  Formatting without verify takes about 50 seconds, with
verify takes about 100 seconds.  Version 2.7, includes source.  Author:
Olaf Barthel


Remove unused hunk from program, Binary only, author:  Arthur Hagen


A small utility that allows you to remove libraries that aren't used
any more.  Version 1.0, includes source in assembly.  Author:  Roger


A package to protect filing devices from being accidentally formatted.
Can be used with any filing device and file system.  Version 1.0,
includes source.  Author:  Olaf Barthel


A program that changes the system gadgets in all the screens and
windows.  Version 1.0, includes source in assembler.  Author:  Preben


NoDelete is a program that intercepts the DeleteFile()-Call of
dos.library.  It allows the declaration of certain file name extensions
to only intercept deletion of files having these extensions and not
bother about the rest.  Includes C sources, author:  HooverSoft Inc.


An editor to change the pattern in the windows drag bar and save the
pattern as an executable file with an icon looking like the pattern.
Version 1.0, includes source in assembler.  Author:  Preben Nielsen


An intuition based disk copier for AmigaDOS disks featuring high speed
diskcopy with write verify, data recovery from damaged tracks, full
multitasking compatibility, and a user friendly interface.  This is
version 2.11, an update to versi on 2.0 , with new data recovery
routines and some minor bug fixes.  Binary only.  Author:  Dirk Reisig


Rebooting protection until disk activities finish, Binary only, author:
Marty Flickinger


This program, SCSI_lister, will try to use the SCSI direct command to
scan the SCSI bus and print out the identity of each connected device.
It will automatically try to find the name of your controller's device.
Include C sources, author:  Marty Flickinger

SM Small

utility to center the display.  Recoded version of "ScreenShift" by
Anson Mah, only half the size.  Includes source.  Author:  Anson Mah,
Lattice V5.04 recoding by Oliver Wagner


A wonderful program that changed the dull pattern of the windows.
Binary only, includes examples and editor, author:  Phil Dietz


Two Text speed up programs like FastFonts.  Allows replacement of the
Topaz-80 font from both CLI and WorkBench.  Includes a program to
measure to speed of Text speed up programs.  Version 1.0, includes
source in assembler Author:  Preben Nielsen


Zoom!  is an Assembly-Code program that replaces PopCLI, QuickMouse,
and a screen-controlling program all in 1.5K!

CAM #441 Utilités divers


Battmem is an editor for the battery backed RAM in the Amiga 3000.
Battmem requires AmigaDOS 2.0 and an Amiga 3000.  Currently there are
four items that can be changed, SCSI controller ID, Synchronous SCSI,
SCSI Timeout, and SCSI luns.  Binary only, author:  Doug Keller


This is a small tool that can improve the performance of certain A3000
configurations by turning on Instruction Cache in Chip-Memory.
Furthermore, it allows you to make use of an additional 200kB of Fast
Memory when running under Kickstart 1.3.  It is rather hacky and will
probably not work on future releases of the A3000 Operating System.  To
prevent crashes, a number of checks are done.  Binary only, author:

V1.12 (1990-10-07):  3rd effort to get rid of -RESET & -NC crashs.


YAIH (Yet Another Input Handler)...  nahh, like DMouse better...
Include C sources, author:  Matthew Dillon

 V1.24 -Partial fix of mouse-streaking problem (not harmful) when
 mouse is blanked it sometimes streaks instead of blanks due to DMA
 being turned off at just the wrong time.
 V1.22 -Fixed (I hope) mouse pointer blanking, should work under 1.3
 and 2.0
 V1.21 -Added -f option


Another intuition based file encryptor to enable you to scramble your
highly secret, hard earned source code and prevent your co-workers from
taking credit for it!  Includes (unscrambled) source.  Author:  Lorenz


A console handler with command line editing and function key support.
GMC provides extended command line editing, function key assignment in
four levels, extended command line history, online help for functions
in the handler, and an iconify function.  Also includes an output
buffer (dump to printer and window), filename completer, script
function, undo function, prompt beeper, pathname in window title, close
gadget for KS 2.0, etc.  This is version 9.6, an update to version 9.2.
Shareware, binary only Author:  Goetz Mueller


Pipes for Power People.  A pipe-like DOS device that passes data
immediately rather than waiting until a buffer is full.  It also allows
multiple writers to a single channel, maintained connections, and piped
connections to a Shell.  Binary only.  Author:  Pete Goodeve


Kickdate saves and retrieves the current system date stamp to the first
sector of the kickstart disk.  This is handy for A1000 users with
autobooting hard drives, since it can save the system time across
system resets and power cycles.  Include C sources, author:  Joe Porkka


Replacement for the AmigaDOS SORT command.  Pure bit set and may be
made resident.  Features COLSTART and FIELDS parameters and sorts in
either ascending/descending order.  Also sorts with or without case
sensitivity.  Binary only.  Author:  Les Leist


A comprehensive String-Search/Pattern-Match Utility for both text files
and directories.  A powerful command line syntax allows automatic file
editing, construction of command scripts, and so on.  Example Shell
scripts are included.  Binary only (a much enhanced version of the
original ).  Author:  Pete Goodeve


A fast-access menu system configurable via a script file that allows
the user run selected programs.  Version 2.0, binary only.  Author:
Stefan Mvrnhag


Two programs that give A500/A2000 owners with the new ECS1Mb Agnus
installed the ability to boot into either a NTSC or PAL environment.
*Very* useful for both NTSC and PAL owners alike.  Version 1.1,
includes assembly source.  Author:  Nico François


This small program allows you to change the bits in the Amiga 3000's
battery backed up memory that control some parameters of the embedded
SCSI host adaptor.  Binary only, author:  Martin A.  Blatter


A program to bring the Guru back into Kickstart 2.0, for those who will
miss it, (well sorta anyway!).  Version 1.0, binary only Author:  Nico


A simple program that continuously monitors and displays the current
track for each floppy disk.  Includes source.  Author:  Olaf Barthel

CAM #442: Jeu


A nicely done Sokoban like game for the Amiga.  Features include sound
effects, two or three dimensional graphics, 100 levels (50 of which can
be customized with the built-in editor), undo of up to 1000 preceding
steps, transparent copying of data files to ram:  for reduced load
times, both English and German versions, and more.  Version 1.00,
binary only.  Author:  Hartmut Stein and Michael Berling

CAM #443:Utilités fonts & impression


A freely redistributable printing utility for the Amiga.  Major
features are full Intuition interface, preview function, page
selection, margins setup, line numbering, and more.  This is version
2.62, binary only, French and English versions.  Author:  Denis


DJ will output files to a HP Deskjet+ printer connected to the PAR:
device.  It prints 2 pages side-by-side by putting the printer into
tiny print landscape mode.  Each page has a header which include file
modification time (or current time if redirected input), file name and
page #.  Include C sources, author:  Jeff Kunzelman.


a 28 points fonts.


a 8 points fonts topaz replacement.


8 & 9 points fonts topaz replacement.


A printer font conversion program to convert standard Amiga fonts into
a form suitable for downloading to a printer that supports user defined
printer fonts.  Version 1.0, includes source.  Author:  Olaf 'Olsen'


Double the height or width of an Amiga font.  Include C sources,
author:  Ephraim Cohen grammar_v1.5 This program checks for:  Repeated
words.  Split infinitives.  Sentences beginning with AND or BUT.
Sentences ending with prepositions.  Use of the word VERY.  Use of the
word THAT (with -t option).  Possible use of LIKE instead of AS.
Double negatives.  Some types of wordiness.  Improper pronoun use.
Include C sources, author:  Rudolph P.  Sarna


Japanese Fonts, a Hiragana font and a Katakana font.  The fonts are
proportionally spaced and are listed as 24 pixels high, but that
includes some spacing between lines.  Author:  Michael J.  Roth


A shareware utility that allows you to print listings or other text
files on Postscript printers, with header, page numbers, and
multicolumn pages.  Can print in portrait or landscape orientation.
Version 9004 has a new user interface with gadgets instead of cli
parameters., binary only.  Author:  Bertrand Gros


Pcl2english was designed to help debug and understand printouts that
use the Hewlett Packard Printer Control Language (PCL).  For example,
when pcl2english encounters the "escape sequence" for setting the
margins, it will print out the escape sequence that was used and a
brief English translation of what it means.  Include C sources, author:
Allen Norskog


Very simple command line utility to send escape sequences to the
printer to change print styles.  Specifically tested a NEC P6 Plus, but
it should work with many printers.  Included source should make it easy
to add/modify escape sequences.  Author:  Dario de Judicibus


Very nice intuition based general purpose print utility that prints
text with a variety of options.  Prints several graphic formats with
yet more options.  Print any part of a picture, print screens and
windows, save screens and windows as IFF files, modify color palettes,
change printing parameters and lots more!  This is version 1.25, an
update to version 1.2.  Shareware, binary only.  Author:  Andreas Krebs


Useful command-line "tab-to-space" and "space-to-tab" expansion
utility.  Several command-line options to specify size/settings and the
ability to protect material enclosed by delimiters (quotes, brackets,
carats, etc.) from expansion.  Version 1.03, binary only.  Author:
Paul Klink

CAM #444: Jeux divers


AmigaQ is a game of skill.  You can run it from its icon or from the
CLI (run AmigaQ).  It multitasks nicely, goes away when told, and is
quite well-behaved.  It is also fun.  You are to jump one peg over
another, one at a time, in such a way that there is only one peg left
on the board after your last permissible move.  Quite challenging.
Author:  Thomas Paul Schultz


This program will take your birthdate as an input, read the current
date from the system clock, and plot (or print out) your biorhythm
charts for the next month.  The interface is very good, Binary only,
author:  Peter Heinrich.


This is a crossword puzzle game.  It puts a crossword puzzle on the
screen with the clues for 'across' and 'down' for the words on which
your cursor currently lies.  Several puzzles are included, and there
are instructions for making more puzzles of your own.  Author:  Mike
Epting.  MoniDie A cute little "screen hack".  Be sure to turn up the
sound.  Binary only, source available from author.  Author:  David


'Running' is a classical maze and puzzle game.  You run around in a
maze and try to catch the ghosts or spiders.  Of course do not forget
to collect some bonus points.  'Running' requires both speed of
reaction and logic thinking.  In fact, you can play this game with two
aims in mind.  One is to collect as many bonuses as you can.  This is
called 'The struggle for the highscore'.  The other aim is simply to
solve each level.  Work in PAL only, Author:Jorrit Tyberghein


Three workbench games ( crackout, jet, micropac ) that can be frozen
while you are not playing, take up little processor time, multitask
nicely.  One is a "shoot the enemy planes" game, one is a pacman type,
and the third is a breakout type.  All take up only part of the
workbench.  Author:  Thom Robertson


This is a solitaire game that is a little different from the others
I've seen.  The cards are laid out in a windmill pattern, with rules
that fit the pattern.  The docs are to be read after loading the game.
Select HELP from the menu to read the docs.  Author:  Doug McIntyre


Maze style arcade game, c source code available from author, Author:
Hobie Orris

CAM #445: Utilités domestique


A freely redistributable help utility for the Amiga.  Allows you to
have permanent help on any subject you want.  Major feature is
automatic searching of the word on which you clicked.  Includes a 50 Kb
help file (French only) on all Intuition and Dos function calls.  This
is version 3.10, binary only, French and English versions.  Author:


A beta release of version 4.0 of AmiGantt - project management program.
This new release contains support for colour, ARexx, percentage use of
resources, and a whole bunch of other 'stuff'.  You need arp.library
installed in the lib:  directory to use this (until WB2.0 comes out for
the 1000 and 2000!!) I haven't tried this on 2.0, so would appreciate
comments back either way.  SHAREWARE


LabelBase is a mini database program.  It will also print out your
records in label format, so it is useful for doing mailing lists (like
for Xmas)!  You should have AT LEAST 512K to use this..  since the
records you enter are kept in RAM until you save the file to the disk.
This makes the program very quick!  You can create files that will hold
up to 3,000 records, but, of course, this depends on the amount of RAM
you have.  binary only, Author:  Laura M.  Young


Trip planner program to find "best road route" between any two points
of travel.  Features include the user customization of CITIES and ROADS
files to suit travel interests and provision for very large city menus
and itineraries.  Also includes RoadScan, a checker for RoadRoute files
(CITIES and ROADS).  Very large files may contain goofs (cities with no
roads, the same road entered twice, etc.), or oddities (direct road not
as fast as multipoint).  These are pointed out, together with areas
where users might wish to make economies in the data base.  Version
1.6, an update to version 1.5, contain eropean roads, includes source.
Author:  Jim Butterfield


This program will show you the time in 60 geographical locations around
the world.  The times can be displayed 30 at once or individually.
Times for all locations are automatically calulated from the system
time in your computer.  Runs from workbench icon or shell.  Multitasks
extremely well.  Check it out!  Binary only, author:  Frank A.
Baffoni, M.  D.

CAM #446: Utilités programmation


AVLSort was written to remedy several defects of the ARP Sort command.
AVLSort places each line of text in an AVL tree, which has reasonable
worst-case performance, even for large files.  I have not made speed
comparisons with AmigaDos Sort or with ARP Sort.  This program can
handle large files, up to available memory.  There is no arbitrary
limit on the number of lines in the file (I have seen a report that ARP
Sort is limited to 32767 lines).  The order of otherwise identical
lines does not change in the output file.  This can happen in ARP Sort
when using the COLSTART and WIDTH switches.  If you omit the From
argument from Sort, it reads from its standard input, which allows it
to be used in pipelines.  Include C sources, author:  Mark E.  Mallett
of Zinn Computer Company.


An Arp package fixed to work with the 5.0 release of the Aztec 'C'
compiler.  The original Manx support files were incomplete, contained
bugs, and had the wrong linker format.  This is an update version,
fixing a couple of bugs and adding some new useful features.  Includes
source.  Author:  Olaf Barthel


External Function Process.  Allows execution of any library function
from simple tasks even if these functions require a process
environment.  For experienced programmers only because there isn't any
documentation written yet but only an example.  ExtFuncProc is used by
GMC.  It runs under KS 2.0.  Binary only.  Author:  Goetz Mueller


Merge is a utility for all you programmers out there that want to
integrate data files with your executables.  Merge even lets you chose
to put the data into chip memory.  Binary only.  Author:  Kevin Kelm


Argument parser routines utility port from UNIX Author:  Eric Allman's
modifications by Peter da Silva


sources which produce two versions of a "popen/pclose" pair for
AmigaDos.  The first, "popen.c" is implemented using the ARP AsyncRun()
function and seems to run fine under either AmigaDos 1.3.2 or AmigaDos
2.0.2.  The second, "popen2.c" is implemented using the new AmigaDos
2.0 CreateNewProc() and System() functions and works ONLY on AmigaDos
2.0.2.  Both versions use the standard AmigaDos PIPE:  device and use
the process ID to ensure that the pipe name is unique.  Also included
is a program to link with either popen version for testing purposes and
a couple of **real** simple programs to execute through the pipe to
test the functionallity.  Author:  Rick Schaeffer


Sample C program showing how to control a mouse connected to the second
mouse/joystick port.  Executable creates a second mouse pointer that is
controlled by a mouse plugged into port 2.  Version 1.0, includes
source.  Author:  Olaf Barthel


A small print spooling shared library that provides an easy way to
print graphics and text for any application.  It can print ascii text
of any length or dump any part or all of a rastport.  Takes care of
opening the printer.device and manages its own resources.  Version 0.1,
binary only, with source code examples.  Author:  Jeff Glatt,
Dissidents Software


Req.library adds user-friendliness to the Amiga's user interface.
While Intuition does supply requesters, they have certain limitations
and are awkward to set up.  We designed ours to be quick and easy to
set up, as well as adding features.  The text requester has PRINTF
style formatting built in!  There is a colour requester, a very
powerful file requester, a string requester (allowing the user to enter
a line of text), and an integer requester (allowing the user to enter
an integer number).  There are also low-level support routines, such as
routines to create any of the Amiga's gadgets, as well as a real-time
scroll routine.  The nice thing about the gadget creation routines, is
that they allow you to c Changes from req 2.4 to req 2.5

  - It was pointed out to me that Showoffreq.c and reqglue.asm haven't
    been updated in a while, so  here they are, updated.
  - This version includes updates for both Lattice reqglue and Aztec
    reqglue. There are 4 reqglues -lreqgluenb.o
  - for old Lattice or for Lattice compatable executables. the nb is
    for No Base relative addressing lreqglue.o
  - for new Lattice. areqglue.o
  - old 3.6x Aztec areqglue50d.o
  - New 5.0d Aztec
  - I've also included the .fd file with this release, so if you wish
    to produce a pragma file (or the equivalent), it's now easier.

Changes from req 2.3 to req 2.4

  - Since Commodore saw fit to use our FileRequester name for their
    structure, I have to change it to 'struct ReqFileRequester{};'
  - And just to forstall any further problems, I changed ScrollStruct
    to ReqScrollStruct.

Changes from req 2.2 to req 2.3

  - It was found that the definition of ReqBase was as a *Library, not
    as a *ReqLib, which would  preclude getting to the various handy
    pointers. This was fixed.
  - Tune-ups have been made to the reqbase.? include files.

Authors: C.W. Fox and Bruce Dawson.


A module that can be linked with any Intuition based program to provide
a standard file requestor similar to the one in AmigaDOS 2.0.  Even if
you use the standard requestor under 2.0, it is useful to have one
available for use if you need to run on pre-2.0 systems.  Includes
source.  Author:  Jeff Lydiatt and Peter da Silva

CAM #447: Utilités diverses


AddTools is a utility for Workbench 2.0, and is completely useless
under 1.3.It adds items to the "Tools" menu, and when these items are
selected,it runs the program that you have attached to it.  It also has
the capability to pass arguments to the commands - it gives the spawned
program a CLI-style environment.  Author:  Steve Tibbett


AppIcon isn't the most creative name for this program, but it is meant
to demonstrate a use for the new AppIcon under 2.0.  What AppIcon does
is it opens an icon on the workbench, with the image contained in the
file printicon.info.  Whenever an icon is dropped on the opened icon
that file will be printed, or more specifically, opied to prt:.
Includes source.  Author:  Ethan Solamita


Border changes the border of the workbench screen from color 0 to
black.  On some multisync monitors that have a black border this may
make the workbench look better.  Border requires AmigaDOS 2.0 and a
Super denise.  Include C source, author:  Doug Keller and Mike Thomas


A shell style, command-line calculator.  Calc does not have a fancy
keypad display as many other calculator programs do.  Instead, it is
capable of taking its input from a file, the keyboard, or a command
line and outputting its results to a file or the screen.  It can also
apply a single equation to all of the values stored in a file (or
files).  It handles all common mathematical expressions, can optionally
predefine physical constants and store variables.  Version 2.0, binary
only.  Author:  Bill Dimm


A "Dumb Clock" utility that displays the date and time in the Workbench
screen title bar.  Includes an ARexx interface.  This is version 1.29,
an update to version 1.27.  Includes source.  Author:  Olaf Barthel


Icon Doctor Version 1.0, written by Ray Lambert allows you to edit
various icons.  Program will import icon images from IFF Brushes or
other icons and will export icon images as IFF brushes.  Program will
also generate 'C' Source Code for icons.  Binary only


HandyHelp is a a very small directory utility with only the necessary
features.  It doesn't take too much memory so you can have it on your
WorkBench all the time.  Binary only Author:  Jarto Tarpio


This program will make an icon of your IFF picture that looks as much
like the picture as possible.  This is version .935, an update to the
version posted here some weeks ago.  It will work with either 2.0 or
1.3, lets you select a palette of colors for the icons, and you decide
on the size of the icon.  Author:  Rick Tillery


An icon editor which can create and modify icons up to 640x200 pixels
in size (also dual render).  It can set stack size, position of icon
(also free-floating), default tool, 10 tool types and control over
opened window.  It can also generate the C source code behind the icon
for program inclusion.  Now reads/writes IFF files and handles 4 or 8
colour icons.  Version 2.0, source available from author.  Author:
Peter Kiem


With ToolManager you can add your own programs to the Tools menuq of
the 2.0 Workbench.  The name of the programs can be given at startup
(CLI or Workbench parameters) or in a configuration file.  Furthermore
the user can drop a Tool or Project icon on the program's icon to add a
tool to the list.  For 2.0 users ONLY.

CAM #448a&b: Utilités gestion de données.


Citation_Base is a collection of ARexx macros and support files
designed to automate the creation and maintenance of bibliographic
citation databases for use in professional or technical writing.  Two
versions of the macros are included:  one set works with Software
Visions' MicroFiche Filer Plus and the second set works with stand
alone text files.  Both sets of macros include the ability to
rearrange/reformat the stock (standard) citations into virtually any
journal bibliographic format.  Instructions are included to guide the
user in creating bibliographic templates for journals not already
included in the Citation_Base package.  See CB_v1.1_update.doc file for
detailed information regarding the new features.  Author:  Michael J.


Descision Plus (TM) is a fourth genaration database language (4GL)
written in 'C' using 'B-tree' indexes for database files.It is NOT
relational but simple joins can be accomplished in the report
generator.  It is VERY fast to the point where disk access is the
limiting factor This language has been in use commercially for about 7
years in North America and about 1 year longer in the U.K, where it
originated.  Author:  Decision Tree (TM)


Amiga Intuition Based Benchmarks V2.01 written by Lamonte Koop allows
you to run the following test, Dhrystone, Sieve, Matrix, Savage, Sort
and Writepixel.  Program will display results on a bar graph.


A software package that allows you to create and display a disk-based
magazine.  The magazine produced is of a similar format to that of a
traditional paper magazine.  You can combine text and graphics on a
single page, branch to different sections by clicking on icons and play
sound and music.  Features a full intuition driven interface.  Version
1.0, shareware, binary only.  Author:  Mark Gladding.


spellmaster1.4 upgrade to spellmaster 1.3.  see file for more inf
complete doc included.  Binary only, author:  Dave Browder

CAM #449a&b: Utilités Scientifiques


A 2D plotting program built around the PLPLOT plotting library.  Its
principle advantage is that it supports a variety of graphics devices.
By default, output is sent to a window on the Amiga's screen.  Through
command line options, the graph can be sent to any preferences printer
with graphics capability, stored as an IFF file, stored in HPGL format,
stored in Aegis Draw format, or stored as an Encapsulated Postscript
File.  A variety of line styles and colors are available.  Includes
source.  Author:  Frederick R.  Bartram and Anthony M.  Richardson


Three Dimensional Molecular Modeling.  Binary only, author:  Wil Kwok
Plot_v5.1 A 3-D function plotting program with provisions for
coordinate translation on both axes, parametric equations, and
standardized notation of the pow function (x^y -- which now works as
specified.).  This is version 5.1, an update to version 4.1, with some
enhancements and bug fixes.  Binary only.  Author:  Terry Gintz


A two-dimensional mathematical function plotting program.  Includes
both PAL and NTSC versions.  Version 3.71, includes source.  Author:
Rudiger Dreier


Solves systems of linear equations.  Includes both PAL and NTSC
versions.  Version 1.00, includes source.  Author:  Rudiger Dreier


An intuitive data plotting program featuring flexible input options,
arbitrary text addition, automatic scaling, zoom and slide with
clipping at boundaries, a range of output file formats and publication
quality printed output.  Workbench printers are supported via
transparent use of the PLT:  device.  This is version XLNc.  Includes
many new features, a nicer user interface, and low memory options
allowing it to be used in half megabyte machines.  Includes source.
Authors:  Alan Baxter, Tim Mooney, Rich Champeaux, Jim Miller

CAM #450a&b: Utilités graphiques mathématique.


Upgraded version of Amiga Plot written by Joe Martin.  APlot is a 3D
mathmatical function plotter.  Aplot was written to allow the user a
artistic approach to Analytical Geometry and Trigonometry.  Program
updated to work with AmigaDos 2.0.


Graphs formulas based on 4-D complex number planes.  ZPlot currently
supports the Mandelbrot set, Julia sets, and Phoenix curves, with over
500 mapping variations.  The math functions supported include sin(z),
sinh(z), z^z, e^z, z^n, sqrt(z), cos(z), cosh(z), tan(z), tanh(z),
log(z), ln(z) and n^z.  Version 1.3d, binary only Author:  Terry Gintz


Graphs linear functions in two dimensions, similiar to a Mandelbrot
plot.  You start with a linear function like 10sin(x**2+y**2) and CPlot
treats each point on the screen as an X-Y coordinate, color-scaling it
according to its magnitude for a preset range of inputs.  Includes some
very nice sample creations.  Version 1.0, binary only.  Author:  Terry


Investigate the realm of fractals and allow your imagination to run
wild.  Virtually an unlimited number of these self-similar curves can
be created with FractalLab.  Includes several interesting samples.
Version 1.0, binary only Author:  Terry Gintz


With this program, which uses the Julia set for plotting, you can make
plots that can be loaded into an animation program and create
animations of the plots.  Include C sources, author:  Mike Danielsen

CAM #451: Utilités manipulation de textes.


An ECHO replacement which allows many escape sequences for colors, text
styles, cursor positioning, system variables, and much more.  Has PURE
bit set and can be made resident.  Version 3.40, includes source.
Author:  Dario de Judicibus


The program identifies and gives information about a variety of file
types.  These currently include GIF files and IFF files.  includes
source.  Author:  Lloyd B.  Eldred & Fredrick R Homan


This is a very fast and versatile utility for locating files on a disk,
particularly a hard disk.  It allows wild cards, setting of paths, and
many other features.  Author:  Ray Lambert


Display how much free space (bytes or blocks) you have on any or all of
your mounted disk volumes.  Runs from CLI only.  Based on "Free" by Tom
Smyth, but totally rewritten and enhanced.  Version 1.01, includes
source.  Author:  Daniel Jay Barrett


Another program like "more", "less", "pg", etc.  This one uses its own
screen to show the text using a slow scroll.  Includes built-in help,
commands to search for text, and commands to print the text.  Works
with PAL or NTSC, in normal or overscan modes.  Supports 4 color text
in bold, italic, underlined, or inverse fonts.  Version 2.7, this is an
update to version 2.5.  Includes source in Oberon and assembly code.
Author:  Fridtjof Siebert


Extended version of MuchMore V2.7.  Displays texts that have been
packed with PowerPacker.  Version 2.7, includes source in Oberon and
assembly code.  Author:  Fridtjof Siebert


A "more" replacement program that reads normal ascii text files as well
as files crunched with PowerPacker.  The crunched files can result in
considerable disk space savings.  Version 1.7, binary only.  Author:
Nico François


A "print" program that will print normal ascii files or files crunched
with PowerPacker.  Several nice features such as page headers and
numbers, adjustable tab sizes, page info taken from preferences and
more.  Version 1.1, binary only.  Author:  Nico François


QED is a fast, and easy-to-use text-editor suitable for a variety of
text editing purposes.  Unlike other programs of this type, QED is not
meant strictly for programmers.  QED also offers a variety of text
formatting tools, and can be configured to behave in a variety of ways.
The beginner can start using QED immediately, however underneath the
easy to use interface lies a powerful command mode language, ARexx
interfacing, macro capabilities, keyboard definitions, and much more.
binary only.  Author:  Darren M.  Greenwald


File search utility.  Default searching starts from the root directory
of the specified device and descends down into its subdirectories.
Searching includes looking into archive files generated by various
compression utilities.  Archive files ending with a .ARC, .LHZ, .ZIP
and .ZOO are currently supported.  Lots of command line options.
Requires ARP 1.3 (rev.  39.1).  Version 2.0, binary only, shareware.
Author:  Andrea Suatoni


This is a small, simple text viewer that is very handy to have around
for reading doc files, readme, etc.  Author:  Timm Martin


This program will take very large files and break them up into smaller
units that can be handled by file readers, word processors, etc., more
easily.  Author:  Tod Deveau


SType is a utility to type a file.  It is not very powerful but it has
one feature that is missing in the standard AmigaDOS type.  You can
type from a given line to another given line.  Include C sources.
Author:  Jorrit Tyberghein

CAM #452: Utilités graphiques.


A program that will convert CompuServe GIF image files into IFF SHAM
and 24bit ILBMs.  It offers a number of extra options like dithering,
horizontal and vertical flip, as well as automatic border removal.
Requires KickStart version 2.0 or greater to run.  Version 2.104,
includes source.  Author:  Christopher Wichura


Intuition based image data generator and animator.  Includes source.
Author:  Phlip


You all know what TDDD stands for:  3DTextual TDDD is a file format
that I have devised that contains all Data Description.  TDDD files
describe both cells and objects, and are based on the IFF file
specification.  If you had the ability to read and write these files
manually or under the control of another program, you could experiment
with lotsl of graphics techniques and then have Turbo Silver 3.0 or SV
(or Imagine, hopefully soon) render the stills and animations for you!
(almost all..  keep reading) of the information within the TDDD file,
but is in a straight-ASCII text format.  These TTDDD files can be
edited with any text editor or can be created by a program written in
any language that can output ASCII text (C, ARexx, BASIC, etc.).  The
flexibility that this allows is extraordinary!  The programs I have
created to handle TTDDD files are called "ReadTDDD" and "WriteTDDD".
The former creates a TTDDD file from a TDDD file, and the latter does
the reverse.  Both programs are simply filters; i.e.  they read one
format and write the other.  Binary only, author:  Glenn M.  Lewis


This product is a severely limited _SHAREWARE_ version of our
commercial package, Title Page.  IT IS NOT TITLE PAGE!!!!  (Just TO get
things straight!) Although it can't do any of the fancy effects or
controlled embossed backgrounds that the commercial package can, you
will find that Title Page Jr.  is a very capable titler with many of
the features that other commercial titlers have.  Author:  Robert

CAM #453a&b: Jeux ( Shoot-Em-Up Construction Kit )


In this game you are the Batman, battling against the Joker and his men
to save Gotham City (what else?).  You get so many points for shooting
down one of the Joker's helicopters, so many per car, etc.  Author:
Steve Winkler.


Drive Wars is arcade-style shoot'em up where you must fly into the disk
drives of other computers to remove the deadly computer virus in each.
Iraqi computer specialists planted the virus disks and chips in these
units to destroy your system.  Author:  Joe Angell


Space game, played with joystick.  This game was built with the
Shoot-em-up=Construction Set by Rob Massey of England.


The premise of Viper:  Your home world is being invaded!  You alone
must attempt to destroy the invasion force.  You must first navigate
through an asteroid field while scout ships from the Alien force try to
pulverize you.  Then, you must defeat the enemy ships and find your way
home.  Author:Steve Winkler


This game was made with the Shoot-em-up construction set.  It pits a
person armed only with an umbrella against a hurricane-force wind, with
the person trying to fend off the dangerous things the wind blows
towards him, while collecting the good things.  Author:  Harvey

CAM #454: Utilités programmation.


This is V1.0 of APS (Aztec_C Power Steering), it fixes all known bugs
in V0.9 and it also supports Manx C V5.0d.  This one should work on any
system, unlike V0.9 Sorry for the error on V0.9 which prevented proper
operation on other systems than mine.  Include CANDO sources, author:
Sylvain Duford


(Data INterface) The idea for this library came from Windows 3.0 and
Mac System 7.0.  These two operating systems have the capability to
share data between two or more programs.  I don't know how they
implemented this feature, so I suspect my implementation will be quite
different.  With this library you can create an object and let other
programs link to this object.  For example, you could write an editor
that has the capability to store text in a DinObject.  A DTP program
supporting the din.library can then show this text in a DTP specific
way.  When you change the text in the editor, the text will
automatically be adjusted in the DTP program.  You can also link
graphical objects.  For example, a brush in a drawing program can be an
object used by the DTP program.  When you change the brush, it will
also change in the DTP program.  Author:  J.Tyberghein


Exector is a program designed to locate and display some of the system
structures that the operating system on the Amiga maintains and uses
(specifically, the Exec structures).  If you are learning to program on
the Amiga or are interested in how it works and how it keeps track of
everything (like tasks and memory and devic and a lot more), then
Exector could be a valuable educational aid.  Binary only, author:
Doug McLean

fsi FSI has three purposes in life:

  1) To aid beginning AmigaDOS users in learning and understanding
     how the Amiga's filing system works;
  2) to allow experienced users to explore the devices in their
     system, revealing information for debugging or informational
     uses; and
  3) to aid programmers in learing and understanding how they can
     `smartly' interface their programs with AmigaDOS.

Include C sources, Author: Ray Lambert


GadgetSelect Allows the automatic toggling of a list of gadgets.Include
C sources, Author:  Thomas C.  DeVeau


A simple tool to turn any Workbench icon file into 'C' sourcecode,
similar to the program of the same name by Carolyn Scheppner on fish
number 56.  This version has an arp interface and offers support for
Kickstart 2.0 icons.  Version 1.2, includes source.  Author:  Olaf
Barthel Iff2Source_v1.0 This utility converts IFF ILBM or ANIM files to
C or machine language source.  You can of course use this source in
your own programs (with the intuition function DrawImage).  Requires
AmigaDOS 2.0 or later.  Binary only Author:  J.Tyberghein


This is a shared library package to simplify the ARexx host
creation/management procedure.  Rexx-message parsing is also included
making it possible to control ARexx from programs such as AmigaBASIC
(can you imagine AmigaBASIC controlling AmigaTeX?).  This is version
36.14, an update to version 34.12.  Differences include a few bug fixes
and new functions.  Includes source.  Author:  Olaf Barthel


Use ShowGadgets to see how many gadgets there are in a window.  Include
C sources, Author:  J.Tyberghein


This very simple utility lists some common exec structures.  You can
list all tasks, libraries, devices, resources, interrupts and ports
with SLIST.  Binary only Author:  J.Tyberghein StackWatch This is a
little utility that monitors the stack usage of any process or task
dynamically, reporting about 15 times per second.  It will give you
some useful information on setting stack sizes to make optimum use of
your system.  By James Locker.

CAM #455: Utilités diverses


In the docs for this file, Leo will tell you why BPD is better than any
of the other programs for booting NTSC machines into PAL mode.  ANyway,
it will do just that for you.  Useful for programmers who want to test
their material for European screens, or for other who want to use PAL
software in the U.S.  Author:  Leo Schwab


This program will open a new CLI on any screen - even those not usually
available to this feature.  It can be used in connection with POPCli or
other such programs (I tested it with Dmouse), and will pop the CLI
onto any screen from which you give the hot-key command.  Ever wish you
had a CLI on your Whap!  main screen?  It does it!  Author:  Ray


This is a disk catalogger utility written by Ross MacGregor.  It allows
catalogging by either disk or directory, allows searches by word,
character, etc with case sensitivity as an option.  Include C sources.


A cute screen blanker that bounces a transparent rectangle around on
the screen, like a theater spotlight, with configurable options which
include size and whether or not you want the rectangle to change size.
Version 2.0, includes source.  Author:  K.  Mardam-Bey


MyShell allows you to open shell on a display of any size, it checks
for your screen width and height and calculates the leftedge, topedge,
width, and height for your shell.  includes C source.  Author:  Mike
Thomas and Doug Keller


Parameterable Menu.  ParM allows you to build menus to run programs in
either the CLI or WorkBench environment.  ParM can have it's own little
window, or attach menus to the CLI window you are running it from.
Version 1.1, includes source.  Author:  Sylvain Rougier, Pierre


A little calender program which lets you look through years and months
using the arrow-keys.  Version 1.0, includes source in assembler.
Author:  Preben Nielsen


An intuition based disk copier for AmigaDOS disks featuring high speed
diskcopy with write verify, data recovery from damaged tracks, full
multitasking compatibility, and a user friendly interface.  This is
version 2.12, an update to version 2.11, with new data recovery
routines and some bug fixes.  Binary only.  Author:  Dirk Reisig


A "show" program for normal IFF ILBM files or ILBM files crunched with
PowerPacker.  The decrunching is done automatically as the file is
read.  Version 1.2, update to version on disk number 334, binary only.
Author:  Nico François


This utility manages public screens.  You can open, cloe, list, ....
public screens in any form you wish.  NOrmally, the "Workbench" public
screen is the default one, but with this utility you can make another
public screen and make it default.  All programs you execute will get
their window on this new screen instead of on the workbench screen.
Requires AmigaDOS 2.0or higher.  Author:  J.  Tyberghein


These three utilites (MakeHelp, Help and ArcFiles) allow you to make
your own help-files.  When this is done you simply type 'Help xxxxxxxx'
and there comes your information !  REQUIRES WB 2.0!  Author:  J.


A utility to remap icons to be exchanged between Kickstart 2.0 and
Kickstart 1.2/1.3 Workbench environments.  The iconimages are remapped
to reflect the different colour palette used by the Workbench releases.
Version 1.0, includes source.Author:  Olaf Barthel


Recoverable (and bootable) Ram Disk.  This program is a recoverable ram
disk.  Yes, another one!  The difference between this and other PD disk
is that it supports up to 32 units and can be auto-booted in Kickstart
1.3.  The extra units allow you to mount one bootable device (which
must be a normal DOS unit) and another unit for your work which can use
the FastFileSystem.  You might even mount a third unit for fast disk
copies, if you have the memory.This ram disk differs from RAD:  in that
unused sectors are deleted from memory, therefore, you won't be tying
up valuable memory with empty junk.  This ram disk may be formatted,
copied to, or used just like a normal disk drive.  Your LED light will
flash on and off as ram disk activity occurs.  Binary only, author:
Bob Dayley and The Other Guys


ScreenX is one of the very best screen grabber/printer/manipulators.
It can push screens to front or back, print them, save them as an IFF
file, and can also tell you the time and the amount of free memory you
have.  When not active, it resides in a tiny window in the title bar.
Updated version works with 2.0, where it has added features.  Author:
Steve Tibbett Star_Blanker_II This is similar to the StarBlanker
program that has been around for a while, but it has some bugs removed,
and this version works ONLY under 2.0


This program changes the port and the device used by the internal
input.device to control the Mouse-Pointer.  Include C sources, Author:
Henning Schmiedehausen


This utility gives you all useful information it can obtain from a
file.  WHATIS recognizes IFF files, object files and executables
(hunks), Aztec object files, crunched data files (with the
PowerPacker), archives like ZOO, ARC and ArcFiles (my own archiver),
UUEncoded files, .info files, Lattice PGTB files, Warp files (disk
warper), WordPerfect files and macros, MaxiPlan files, font header
files, crunched command files (with the PowerPacker and some other
crunchers), LHarc files, PowerWindows files, ReSource files, sonix
samples, the Preferences file (system-configuration), DBase III files,
PCX files, GIF files, TIFF files, Sun raster files, PVSD files (used by
PowerVisor), some Microsoft PC files, Turbo Pascal unit files and PC
library files.  In addition it will print all information for this
file.  If you specify a device or directory instead of a file, you get
more system information.  If WHATIS doesn't recognize your file, it
will check if the file could be ASCII.  Binary only, author:  J.


Window manager utility, If you want to use this utility you must have
AmigaDOS 2.0 included C source code Author:  J.Tyberghein Wreq Replace
"pop-up" requestors with line-oriented requesters (similar to those
found in an MS-DOS environment) that can be easily handled from the
keyboard.  If there is no interactive console for the process, the
requester won't appear.  Includes assembly source.  Author:  Tuomo

CAM #456a&b: Animations


Vapor Paint Animation example from author J Henry H Lowengard.


Junior version of Juggler by Eric Schwartz.

Korean Conflict

New Aerotoon from Eric Schwartz.


The Electric Palette Gary Dominguez DeluxePaint III animation very nice
perspective manipulation.  Pixelworks Gary Dominguez animation new
vision fo fireworks.

CAM #457a&b: Objets 3d (Imagine)

Thirty 3-D objects in Impulse's IMAGINE format (TDDD).  These were
mostly converted from freely distributable objects from DEC's object
archive.  Author:  Steve Worley

CAM #458: Utilités diverses


Amiga Intuition Based Benchmarks V2.01 written by Lamonte Koop allows
you to run the following test, Dhrystone, Sieve, Matrix, Savage, Sort
and Writepixel.  Program will display results on a bar graph


This program will open a low-memory 2-bit-plane screen for your CLI
windows, even though you are using a 2.0 workbench with 8 or 16 colors.
Saves memory - opens on top of your regular workbench but can be moved.
Author:  Robert Kesterson


A glorified ASK command for your startup-sequence.  It generates a
requester with the specified text, positive and negative gadgets
(either of which can be the default), and an optional timeout value.
This is version 4, binary only.  Author:  Jonathan Potter


Useful for creating a floppy-like partition on your harddisk (so you
can diskcopy to a floppy) WITHOUT actually having to create a special
partition for it.  Useful for testing new filesystems and such Up to 32
Units, OFS or FFS selectable via Mountlist THIS IS NOT A RAM DISK.
Operation will be necessarily slower than your HD, but that isn't the
point behind using the device!  Advantages over RAD / Other ram disks
...  doesn't use RAM.  Designed for hard disk users.  By putting the
'partition' file on the hard disk, it sticks around and you don't loose
the data you wrote to it, so mounting it again after reboot or power up
yields whatever was there before.  The fmsdisk.device simulates a
trackdisk.device for fixed media via a DOS file (one file per unit).
Simply setup your Mountlist, mount the simulated trackdisk, and format,
and you are off.  This has particular advantages for those hard disk
users who make lots ofdistributions, like me.  I can create a simulated
partition using fmsdisk.device that uses exactly the same parameters as
my favorite floppy device (and run the appropriate file system, in this
case the OFS).  After formatting, I can copy the distribution onto the
simulated partition and then DiskCopy it to the floppy.  This also has
advantages to people fooling around with writing their own file
systems, as the disk file used may be examined at any time through
normal programs while the 'filesystem' is running.  3.0 Seek()'s are
done offset from the current position, giving great speed increases
over previous versions.  Re-compiled with Lattice v5.05, making code
less than half the size of previous versions.


This program was written to use on club disks, so that CLI commands
could be executed by clicking on the gadget - or even without clicking
on the gadget after a given time period.  Author:  Michael A.  Vaerten


An icon editor that allows you to draw and edit images up to 150 by 90,
in up to 16 colors.  Allows freehand drawing, empty or filled
rectangles, ellipses, triangles, lines curves, and polygons, copy, flip
about x or y axis, stretching and condensing, flood fill and
complement, text with selection and loading of font style, undo,
magnified and normal sized images, and two active drawing screens at
once.  This is version 2.4, an update to version 2.2 .  Shareware,
binary only, source available from author.  Author:  Jonathan Potter


KCD makes a list of your harddisks subdirectories, which is read every
time you call KCD.  This structure is shown in a window and you only
have to click on this directory you want to change to.  You can scroll
the list by moving the mouse to the first or last line.  KCD generates
a pathname, which can be used for several actions.


Copies the system's stack from Chip RAM to Fast RAM.  Written by
Christoper A.  Wichura Version 1.1 modified by J.  Edward Hanway (jeh)
- 4/18/90 - Frees the 6K of chip memory used by the original SSP.  -
Treats memory outside of 24-bit address space as FAST RAM.  - User
Supervisor() instead of SuperState()/UserState() so it can (and should)
be run ahead of SetPatch 1.34.


A software keyboard, which allows you to type using the mouse.  Can be
made to send keystrokes to any window, and can be iconified.  This is
version 1.2, Binary only.  Author:  Jonathan Potter


A public screen manager for AmigaDOS 2.0.  Lets you open, manipulate,
and close public screens, set the global public screen bits, and
provides a good example of using GadTools and ReadArgs.  Includes
source.  Author:  Steve Tibbett


SetMouse V1.0 places the mouse pointer at coordinates x,y.  PD
Utilities by David Czaya


Tapestry is a little utility for attaching a pretty picture (or ugly if
you prefer) to your normal workbench display.  Any 1 bitplane (2 color)
IFF picture can be loaded, though you may want to use one which has
roughly the same dimenstions and pixel aspect ratio as your Workbench
screen.  Author:  Joe Hitchens


With ToolManager you can add your own programs to the Tools menu of the
2.0 Workbench.  The name of the programs can be given at startup (CLI
or Workbench parameters) or in a configuration file.  Furthermore the
user can drop a Tool or Project icon on the program's icon to add a
tool to the list.  1.1 Release version (01.01.1991)

    Icons can be dropped on the status window
    Status window contains a list of all tool names
    Tools can be removed from the list


This file cruncher, decruncher is said to make smaller and faster files
than other similar programs.  Each program is optimized as it is
crunched, for faster loading.  Nice intuition-type interface.  Authors:
Peter Struijk and Albert J.  Brouwer of the Netherlands


UpTime should be run as part of your startup sequence with the SET
option.  This will create a global environment variable with the time
the system was booted.  Running UpTime with no arguements will then
read this variable and print out the time the system booted.  Useful
for people who leave their system on for great lengths of time and
would like to have an easy way to tell how long it has been up.
Written by Christopher A.  Wichura


All you 2090 owners ....  ever get _really_ annoyed with that forced
OldFileSystem DH0 partition?  It's bad enough that you hvae to waste
400k of disk space with the OFS partition, but what is really
inconvenient is that you can't cancel the device ( <assign dh0:
remove> sends you off to meet the guru ), and therefore means you can't
assign DH0:  to be the FFS partition.  Author:  John Davis

CAM #459: Utilités Télécommunication


Anymail was created as a replacement for the Amiga UUCP mail notifier,
Inform.  Anymail will notify you by bringing the workbench screen
upfront and opening a window with the author and subject of all your
waiting mail.  You can easily click on the window to view your mail in
your favorite mail reader or close the window, to read it later.
Author:  Chris Hind Genly


DISK-Masher is a utility that allows users to compress and archive
entire floppy disks.  Offers four different types of compression,
extended virus checking of boot blocks, and data encryption.  Requires
at least 512K of memory.  This is version 1.02, binary only.  Author:
SDS Software


Start up dnet in the normal fasion.  After a connection has been made
any program that allows you to select your seral devie can be used to
make another dnet connection.  The unit number that you use should be
the dnet channel number that you want to use (i.e.  use 8195 for an
fterm type connection).  Author:  Karl Hakimian


JollySoft News is an Intuition-based news reader for AmigaUUCP.
Specifically, JollySoft News works with versions 1.03d through 1.06d of
AmigaUUCP written by Matthew Dillon, et al.  It may work with other
versions or other UUCP implimentations, but I haven't checked.  It is
designed to take the place of dnews, the news reader provided in the
AmigaUUCP distribution.  Author:  Roger Holmstedt


NiftyTerm is an h19/VT102/VT52 emulator for the Amiga.  It was
originally designed to be used with DNet, but it has been expanded so
that it may be used as a normal terminal emulator.  Niftyterm was
designed to be a good emulation of these terminals, as well as being
fairly small and fast.  Version 1.0, binary only, source available from
authors.  Author:  Christopher Newman, Todd Williamson


Phone-Line-Watcher.  For users of Hayes compatible modems.  Monitors
the serial port and records all incoming calls.  Allows a remote user
to login, receive and leave a message, and transfer files via Zmodem in
either direction.  Two level DOS access, disabled DOS requestors and
more.  This is version 3.0, an update to version 2.8 .  New features
include the ability to define external programs as menu options that
can be executed by the remote user.  Shareware, binary only.  Author:
Christian Fries


This program is designed to monitor three status lines (DTR, CTS, CD)
on a serial port.  In the event that any status line has changed, an
event is sent to an ARexx task which will decide what to do with the
event.  By:  Ned Kelly


Maybe a better name would have been CliBBS, but I started with
SerServer and so it will stay.  It is a personal (with the lack of a
better word) BBS program.  It gives the user a full CLI with
restrictions setup by the sysop.  I don't like the word BBS in this
case, because, any program that offers a CLI to strangers, can be a lot
of trouble.  I wrote the program so that I can log on to my computer
from work and do all of the things that I do from home in a CLI.  I do
not recommend that you let any Tom, Dick or Harry in to use this
program.  You will end up with formatted hard drives and sleepless
nights.  It has three user levels, and full Zmodem UP/DOWNLOAD.  It
could be a very useful program for a few friends and your self to use,
when working on a common project.  A place to share files.  It offers
limited message sending and receiving.  Author:  Michael R.  Mossman.


This program was written for someone who wanted to leave his modem
off-hook while he processed messages.  It sends commands through the
serial-device (you can choose which port) that makes your modem give a
busy signal to callers while you are working on the board.  Author:
David Lebel


This program, if ARC, ZOO, LHARC, and ZIP are in your path, will unpack
files compressed with any of those utilities using a Workbench
interface.  This is an update to an older version.


XPRGate is a programme used for transfering files over the modem using
the XPR standard for external file transfer libraries.  It provides the
frontend and all the necessary I/O routines to use the XPR libraries.
XPRGate is intended primarily for use with TransAmiga BBS, but maybe of
interest to other people too.  Author:  Timothy J.  Aston.

CAM #460: Utilités Graphiques


3DPlot allows the user to plot a 3D function of the type Z=F(X,Y).  The
user has control over rotation, scaling, position, screen resolution,
colors, etc.  The program is controlled through an input window and
pull-down menus.  Include C sources, author:  Randy Finch


This little utility was written as the request of another BBS caller
who wanted to be able to view IBM .PCX type graphic files on his Amiga.
He uploaded the source to an IBM .PCX viewer which I used to determine
the format of PCX files in order to be able to write this.  I was going
to write a PCX viewer, but decided it would be better to be able to
convert PCX files to IFF so more could be done with them then just
viewing Include C sources, author:  David Godshall


Converts QRT 24bit image files (put out by DKBTrace and QRT) into C=
Amiga IFF 24 ILBM file without byterun compression.  Works with any
resolution QRT/DKB file.  Include C sources, author:  Viet Ho


FLCLQ color quantizer which converts 24 bit true color images into 256,
or less, color images.  Uses a fairly sophisticated algorithm, mixing
median-cut, popularity, and a custom algorithm.  Includes a version for
Amiga's with a math coprocessor.  Version 1.0, shareware, binary only.
Author:  Christophe Labouisse and Frederic Louguet


A program to wrap a Sculpt-Animate 4D image around a sphere or
cylinder.  You can even use reliefed surfaces to construct planetary
objects or other textured shapes.  Version 1.32, shareware, binary
only.  Author:  Martin Koistinen

CAM #461: Utilités Audio


Since AGMSPlaySound doesn't load the whole sample into memory, you can
play samples longer than your memory size (up to 2 gigabytes).  It also
leaves lots of memory free for other uses (such as running several
other AGMSPlaySounds simultaneously, for quadraphonic sound :-).
Unlike some other sound playing programs, AGMSPlaySound can play from
floppy disk without annoying pauses.  It achieves this performance by
processing the IFF file headers and locating the sound data before
starting to play.  It also opens all the files before playing so that
no time is wasted during playback.


This version allows the user to enter an alarm message, which will be
displayed when the alarm sounds.  If no message is entered, then the
default message "No Message Specified At This Time" will be displayed
during alarm function.  The capability to display messages becomes
particularly useful when running multiple copies of this program
simultaneously.  Each clock can then be set to alarm at a different
time and display a different message!  The major limiting factor to how
many copies of the program can be run is the amount of RAM in your
system.  Author:  Frank A.  Baffoni, M.D


This program can create effect on sound sample, Include Basic sources,
author:  Robert Slater


A Kawai K4 editor (apparently some kind of midi based music
synthesizer).  Version 1.0, shareware, binary only.  Author:  Jan


Listen is a program designed to play any disk file as a sound sample,
through the Amiga's audio hardware.  This version can be compiled with
the SAS V51.0 C Compiler or the Manx Aztec 5.0b C Compiler.  Source is
provided.  Unlike earlier versions, this one will play samples longer
than 128K.  Include C sources, author:  Erik C.  Quackenbush


The ripper rips the following music formats:

    FUTURE COMPOSER V 1.0 - V 1.4
    Noisetracker V1.0 - V2.0
    Soundtracker all versions?
    Soundmon V2.0

At first you will see that the menu has changed alot!!  We have also
used parameters this time, this makes it a lot easier to work with.
All instrument rippers will be much more pleased with this version,
because you can play and save single instruments.  A type command has
also been inserted, it makes it easy to print out Menus etc..  Now can
the ripper also rip FUTURE COMPOSER V 1.4 modules + that the search
routine is speeded up.  We have also removed TFMX modules because we
don't have any playroutine for it.(If you have, then please send it to
us!) Some bugs has been removed (As the disk search routine for


play-X is a utility designed to play Music-X performance files that use
the Amiga's internal voices as output.  Such a performance must have
been saved with Amiga samples.  This version of Play-X only understands
two types of Music-X events:  notes and instantaneous tempo changes.
copyright 1990 MicroIllusions, Inc.


A versatile sound playing utility, that will play any file, with user
definable volume and speed.  Will also play files randomly from a list.
Binary only.  Author:  Jonathan Potter


Basically the program chops the SYSEX information from each of the
files and joins the actual patch data into one big file.  Author:  Greg


WonderSound 1.6 is an additive synthesizer which saves sound files as 5
octave 8SVX IFF instruments.  New clipping and non-linear distortion
algorithms allow for the creation of intense sounds, quicker.  General
code optimizations speed up the sound formation processes.  Version
1.6, binary only.  Author:  Jeffrey Harrington

CAM #462a&b: Utilités Domestiques


Checkbook Accountant V0.9 written by Jeffrey R.  Almasol is intended to
be a companion to your regular hand written checkbook register.
Checkbook Accountant will help you balance your account, tracking bank
transactions and recording budget transactions.


A database program which includes a phone dialer, speech output, a
simple screen editor for making and modifying the database definitions,
a screen print function, form letter printing, sorting, searching, and
two small sample databases.  Version 1.1, binary only, source available
from author.  Author:  J.  Dale Holt


This is the absolute best bowling secretary's program ever!  Written by
Allen Maroney, and named Silicon Secretary, this is version 1.3.  I
have used Silicone Secretary for three years now with great success and
this last version is a dream.  Allen has it set up to do absolutely
everything a league secretary could dream of, and then some!  It's
worth the DL time.  Use it and send Allen the registration fee.  Frank


A shareware outliner whose function is to create outlines for notes or
export to other programs.  'Liner can save an outline as ASCII text,
and is clipboard compatible.  Enhancements over the previous version
include support for ARexx, Workbench, overscanned screens, more than
one line of text per outline number, a preferences file, and
search/replace.  Version 2.11, Includes C source.  Author:  Dave


GENEALOGY ON DISPLAY This was a fairly easy port from the MS-DOS
version of the program.  It was ported because there was nothing for
the Amiga that handled such a specialized database and at the request
of friends and family.

CAM #463: Utilités Programmation


Version 1.3e of ConMan, a replacement console handler.  Changes include
support for simple-refresh cut/paste consoles under AmigaDOS 2.0 and
improved window sizing.  Works under both 1.3 and 2.0.


a number of modules of C source code for dealing with time, date, leap
years, number of days between times, etc.  Source only.


FIFO.LIBRARY is a general fifo library implementation with the
following features:

    * named fifos
    * support for writing to a fifo from a hardware exception
    * multiple readers on a fifo supported, each get the same data
    * efficient reading (no buffer copies on read)
    * automatic or manual (via message passing) flow control

FIFO:  is like PIPE:  but is based on fifo.library rather than its own
implementation.  Full master/slave support exists.  Since FIFO:  uses
fifo.library, programs that require non- blocking IO capability can
access one side of a FIFO:  connection via the fifo.library instead of
FIFO:  author:  Matthew Dillon


"IP:" is a handler that may be mounted in your system like any other
AmigaDOS device, to provide you with both standard "pipe" type
facilities and a number of features not available elsewhere.  In
particular, as a pipe, but unlike other pipes available for the Amiga,
it has "unbuffered pass-through"; in other words when a writer process
sends a packet it is immediately available to the reader.  (The manual
description of the 1.3 pipe claims that it also does this, but in fact
it does not -- the reader gets no data until either the buffer is full
or the writer closes its end of the pipe.) This feature makes it
possible for processes to actually interact via these pipes:  sending a
command line, for example.  will get an immediate response from the
recipient.  MANI This is a command that lets you "clone" the data being
piped into one 'IP:' device channel, and distribute it in parallel to
several other channels.  When invoked from the command line, it drops
immediately into the background to run (no need for a 'RUN' command),
handling data packets as they are supplied until it is terminated --
usually by the source channel being closed, although this may be
inhibited if you so desire (in which case it will need a specific QUIT
message to terminate).  Author:  Pete Goodeve


MenuC NOW HAS GADGET SUPPORT.  MenuC is a Menu/Gadget Compiler.  It
will take a VERY SIMPLE ascii file and create those finger intensive
IntuiText structures needed for a complete working menu and/or gadget.
MenuC creates 'C' and ' ASM' source files.  Gadgets created will have
the WB2.0 raised look.


Implementation and Definition modules for the Amiga's Graphics,
Intuition, and Math libraries, to be used with the Modula 2 compiler.
Includes a source example of using the modules.  Binary only for the
rest of the distribution.  Author:  Jonas Green


Mungwall munges memory and watches for illegal FreeMem's Mungwall is
especially useful in combination with Enforcer.


A shared library to make life easy for people who wish to write
programs that support PowerPacker.  Loading crunched files from C or
assembly is made fast, short and easy.  This is version 34.2, an update
to version 34.1, and fixes a relatively serious bug.  Library binary
only, source examples included.  Author:  Nico François


An enhanced version of the interface to req.library for Aztec C 5.0.
Includes source in assembly.  Author:  Pierre Carrette.



CAM #464a&b: Utilités manipulation de textes


Prints labels for 3.5" disks, primarily for PD library disks.  Label
data files can be loaded into memory so labels for special disks are
available without having to type anything in or without having to wait
for AmigaDOS to read in the full directory.  Version 2.3e, shareware,
binary only.  Author:  Jan Geissler


This is a nice little text editor which you can run from either the CLI
or the workbench.  Many features, including small size, easy to use,
quick to learn.  V.1.09, Dec.  15, 1990.  Author:  Mike Haas


This was written for making subtitles for Japanese animations, but it
also makes a very nice little titling program for other kinds of work
Especially suited for making subtitles for any kind of foreign language
anims, etc.  Version .71.


DJ_FILT is a filter program for DeskJet printers.  You can insert
DJ_FILT commands in a text file and DJ_FILT will translate these into
DeskJet control codes to change fonts, pitch, point size, line spacing,
italics, etc.  Includes docs and samples.  FreeWare, uploaded by the
author.  Suggestions welcome.  Steve Anderson


Version 1.1 of DJ_Print, a print utility for DeskJet Printers.
Intuition based, gives control over font, pitch, margins, etc., and
provides a requester to pick the file to print.  This version corrects
a bug and adds several new features including command line controls and
personal profiles.  Free, uploaded by the author.  Steve Anderson


A text viewer that uses gadgets at the bottom of the screen (thus can
display text 80 columns wide), opens up to the full height of the
Workbench screen, has fast scrolling, and can work with files
compressed by PowerPacker.  Also shows IFF pictures.  This is version
2.02, an update to version 1.1 , binary only.  Author:  Jonathan Potter


This is a complete rewrite of the original HPGL2PS which I uploaded in
June 1989.  The first program worked fine with HPGL-files generated by
Xcad but would not understand some of the HPGL commands generated by
other programs such as for example Superplan.  Now it will convert
those files into Postscript as well.  You should set the plotter
selection in Xcad, Draw2000, or Superplan to HP7475A and send the
plotter commands into a file in rad:  or ram:.  You can then print such
files directly on a Laserprinter using HPGL2PS.  Author:  Rudolf Werner
LQFONTS A collections of fonts which were converted from AMIGA format
to EPSON LQ PRINTER format.  Both archives also contain an AREXX script
for easily testing individual fonts.

CAM #465: Utilités diverses


Allows you to add several non-autoconfig memory boards at once,
optionally specifying priority and memory chunk name.  This is version
2.03, binary only.  Author:  Jonathan Potter


Utility to turn off the 68020/68030 instruction and data caches upon
rebooting.  This improves chances of old programs (especially games)
working on Amigas with one of these processors (e.g.  the A3000).
Version 1.0, includes source in assembly.  Author:  Nico François


Allows you to check from a batch file for a specified amount of memory
with certain attributes.  If the requirements are not met, a WARN
returncode is generated.  This is version 3, Binary only.  Author:
Jonathan Potter


Two programs to put clocks on the WB screen.  The executables are small
(2Kb) and take little processor time (1.5%) to run.  Version 1.4.  Both
programs require ARP.  Source in C is included.  Author:  Stuart


Front Analog Clock.  This clock program always stays at the very front
of the display.  Binary only.  Author:  Jonathan Potter


JoyMouse allows you to use a joystick in port 2 as a mouse.  Author:
Jonathan Potter


On the next, you see the exact window you want as you drag it around,
instead of the outline box so familiar on the amiga.  With our hack,
you can now have the same window dragging as on the NeXT, but with a
few additions:  The windows move much faster, you can see through them,
and they continue to multitask as they move around!!!


A very short program that alternately turns on and off the DOS
requesters.  Useful for bulletin boards or other systems that may be
unattended for long periods of time.  Includes source in assembly.
Author:  Jonathan Potter


Parameterable Menu.  ParM allows you to build menus to run whatever
program you have on a disk.  ParM can run programs either in workbench
or CLI mode.  This is an alternative to MyMenu which can run only when
WorkBench is loaded.  ParM can have it's own little window, or can
attach menus to the CLI window you are running it from.  This is
version 2.5r, an update to version 1.1 Includes source.  Author:
Sylvain Rougier and Pierre Carrette


A small utility which "pops open" to give you information about the
status of your devices and memory.  This is version 4.0, an update to
version 3.0.  Binary only.  Author:  Jonathan Potter


An anim player for normal IFF ANIM opt 5 (DPaint III,...) files or ANIM
files crunched with PowerPacker.  The decrunching is done automatically
as the file is read.  Features many command line options, palette
change during animation, full overscan PAL/NTSC support and yet it is
only 7K.  Compatible with AmigaOS 2.0.  Some new 2.0 features (ASL
requester) supported.  Version 1.0, binary only.  Author:  Nico


A Palette replacement program that does a lot more in only 3K.  Can
save and load color files, and update preferences.  Includes source in
C.  Author:  Pierre Carrette


A variant on the "rename" command that instead swaps the names of two
files.  Binary only.  Author:  Jonathan Potter


TMONTH allows your computer to execute any command or series of
commands the first time it's booted each month.  TMONTH is useful to
run ATOMCLOCK to dial the Washington DC Naval Observatory once a month.
TMONTH can be used to do anything once per month.This is a bug fix to a
previous upload, old versions couldn't handle going from month 12 to 1.
Utils A group of small utility programs requiring ARP.  "Du" displays
the disk space used by a directory, "Head" displays the first lines of
a file and "Cookie" displays a humorous message.  All executables are
very small (less than one disk block each).  Assembly source is
included.  Author:  Stuart Mitchell


A utility to patch AmigaOS 2.0 to bring back the little gauge in the
left border of disk windows, showing the ratio of available space on
the disk.  Version 1.0, binary only.  Author:  Jean-Michel Forgeas


(Window To Front) is a little hack which brings a window to the front
when double-clicked.  Includes source.  Author:  Thomas Albers


A very nice looking calculator written in JForth by Mike Haas.  There
is a option on the menu that allows the calculator to be setup for
either a Amiga 500/2000 or 1000 models.


Daten-Transfer Sun 4 Sparc to Amiga, include sources in Modula 2,
authors:  Viel Spass, Jochen Frevert

CAM #466 Utilités programmation


Twelve examples demonstrating the use of Charlie Gibbs A68K assembler.
Over a quarter megabyte of assembly source code.  Author:  E.  Lenz


An Arp interface package fixed to work with Aztec `C' version 5.0.
This is version 1.9, an update version, and includes a number of bug
fixes and a couple of new features (such as
vsprintf/vfprintf/vprintf-like Arp routines and fixes for Kickstart
2.0).  Includes source in `C' and assembly language.  Author:  Olaf
'Olsen' Barthel


Various source modules for Benchmark Modula-2.  Includes ColorReq, an
interface to the Dissidents color.library; IFFLib, an interface to
Christian Webers iff.library; and ARP, an interface to ARP V1.3.
Author:  Sascha Wildner

CAM #467 Utilités domestique


Demo version of a shareware genealogy database program.  PAL version
has been distributed in Australia and England for some time.This NTSC
demo version is complete except that it is limited to 600 persons/300
marriages, does not support a text-editor or display pictures, does not
have color requester.  1M RAM required; printer helpful.  Version 3.10.
Author:  Mike Simpson


Banner Version 1.2 is a shareware program that allows you to print
those large Banners for Parties, special occations ect.  Banner uses
your Amiga Fonts and will automaticlly select the largest point size
and expand it to the full page width.  The Banner program can print in
either color or greyscale mode.


Cyrillic (Russian) 12-point font.  Author:  Elaine and Timm Martin


A little program that uses the exec SetFunction call to play a sound
sample of your choice whenever a program calls the Intuition
DisplayBeep routine.  Includes source and instructions on how to
install your own sounds.  Author:  Jan van den Baard


An excellent PostScript interpreter for the Amiga which implements the
full Adobe language.  Supports type 1 and type 3 fonts, screen output,
file output, and printer output.  Requires Arp library V39+ and ConMan
V1.3+.  This is version 1.4, an update to version 1.3 Includes source
in C.  Author:  Adrian Aylward


A simple typing tutor program which measures your typing speed and
adjusts the level of difficulty accordingly.  Shareware, binary only.
Author:  William Jordan

CAM #468 Utilités diverses


A 'PopCLI' type replacement that works with WorkBench 2.0.  Also fixes
the problem with PopCLI crashing the machine if used on a PAL Amiga to
open a CLI window with a vertical size greater than 200 lines.  Other
features include an optional Function-key press with the qualifier to
execute an S:script file.  Version 1.88, and update to version 1.6
,with more enhancements.  Binary only.  Author:  Nic Wilson


A simple program which opens an Arp filerequester and writes the result
to an environment variable.  Very useful if used in batchfiles.
Version 1.1, source code in Oberon.  Author:  Christoph Teuber


This program is the one used by Fred Fish to make the CRC lists of all
the programs on his disks.  It will do CRC checksums of all programs on
a disk or in a directory.


This program will do the same thing as SETCLOCK RESET for a clock that
the system can no longer find, but it claims to also be able to cure
runaway clocks.  The doc file tells how to open your A2000 and move a
jumper for clocks that were erroneously set to run on European systems.
(Please be aware that opening your computer can void your warranty!)


A tiny pure command which fixes problems with CLI's not created by
other CLI processes.  A new CLI or Shell created by such programs as
PopCLI or DMouse gets no path and no current directory.  FixCLI very
quickly and efficiently gives a path to a CLI that does not have one
(it looks for other processes that have valid paths) and sets the
current directory as specified if none is already set.  Put it in your
S:Shell-Startup script.  Includes source.  Author:  Paul Kienitz.


"Floppy Disk Optimizer" Changes made to RELEASE 3:  The 'Loading'
optimization no longer sends your drive into strange loops and drops
files.  Although the directories under this option are slower, it
works!  This release works with single drives this way, you can
optimize that funny drive (5.25"?  3.5" HD?) without having a second
available.  If anyone has problems with FlashDisk!  working on their
drives, LET ME KNOW!!  It has been tested thoroughly on the 5.25" 440K
drive and should work with ANY trackdisk device mounted in the DF0:
DF3:  positions.  There are now Quick Keys associated with the gadgets.
The corresponding key is bracketed in the name of the gadget.  (ie
[F]ormat uses the key 'F').  Return is equivalent to the 'GO!' and
'STOP!' gadget.  ESCape is abort/close like the close gadget and ^C.
ShareWare, author:  Curtis J.  Palmer


HEX Version 1.0 by Nicola Salmoria allows you to edit files which are
in memory.  HEX should not be confused with programs such as NEWZAP
that are sector editors.  Author claims that HEX has one of the fastest
screen scrolls of any file editor.  If you download this file be sure
to checkout the program icon.


A keyboard macro program, configurable via a text file, that also
supports hotkey program execution.  You can map up to eight functions
to each key, including keys such as cursor keys, the return key, etc.
Version 1.8, an update to version 1.6.  Includes source.  Author:  Olaf
'Olsen' Barthel


MakeFastMem is a little program that changes a chunk of ChipRAM to
FastRAM.  At least the OS is fooled to believe that.  The reason for
doing this is because some people (programmers) believs that they MUST
ask for FastRAM, and believe that the user always has that.  That is
really stupid, and has caused problems for a number of people with 1 Mb
ChipRAM for example.  Include Assembler source, author:  Erik Lundevall


With MMB, users of 3 button mice under WB 2.0 can use the middle mouse
button as a shift key to do multiple selects.  Binary only.  Author:
Garry Glendown


A very compact version of the popular utility for starting a CLI
process in the background, without preventing the CLI window from
closing.  This version is pure and only 468 bytes long.  Requires the
NULL:  device, which is included.  Using NULL:  makes it more flexible
and robust than older RunBacks.  Can optionally delay up to nine
seconds after starting the command.  Includes source in assembly.
Author:  Paul Kienitz.


A floppy drive cleaning program which automatically detects which drive
has a cleaner diskette in it.  Spins it for thirty seconds while moving
the heads around.  Pure.  Includes source.  Author:  Paul Kienitz.


SetMouse V1.1 will move the mouse pointer to any position and
optionally "select" the left mouse button which can trigger gadgets all
from the CLI or a script file.  SetMouse can enhance Arrex scripts with
it's ability to select gadgets.  AmigaDOS V2.0 compatible.  Usage:
SetMouse [x] [y] [wait]


A program that allows you to test the current settings of the RAMSEY
ram controller chip on an Amiga 3000 under Kickstart 1.3 or 2.0, and
change them if you wish.  Useful for hardware debugging to control
static column mode, burst mode, or change the refresh rate.  Version
1.02, binary only.  Author:  Nic Wilson


With ToolManager you can add your own programs to the tools menu of the
2.0 Workbench.  Requires Workbench 2.0.  Version 1.2, includes source.
New features since 1.1:  Status window changed to a no-GZZ & simple
refresh type (this should save some bytes) Status window remembers its
last position New status window gadget "Save Configuration":  saves the
actual tool list in the configuration file Small bugs removed in the
ListView gadget handling Name of the icon hard-wired to "ToolManager"
Author:  Stefan B.


A CLI command which will wait until the user presses any key.  Useful
for batch files, to pause until any key is struck.  Version 1.00,
includes source in assembly.  Author:  Roger Fischlin

CAM #469 Utilités diverses


The Amiga Real Time Monitor shows all tasks, devices, interrupts,
fonts, ports, memory, assigns, hardware, etc., that are working in your
Amiga.  It permits the manipulation of many of these, as well, such as
removing a task or a window.  Authors:Dietmar Jansen & F.J.  Mertens


This clock has many features, including an AREXX port.  A file of
sample AREXX macros is included, to show you how to send your own
commands to the clock via AREXX.  This program can also speed up or
blank your mouse, bring windows to front, cycle screens.  This version
has a new WindowtoFront patch, and has some bugs fixed that were
affecting the use of CED, in particular.  Author:  David Jenkins


Disk Format and Copy program.  A nice, general purpose, disk formatter
and copier.  This is version 5, an update to the version 4.  Includes
source.  Author:  Tom Rokicki and Sebastiano Vigna


A mouse pointer accelerator, similar to Matt Dillon's DMouse.  Includes
a screen blanker and "hot keys".  This is version 1.01.  Includes
source in assembly.  Author:  Roger Fischlin


A console handler with command line editing and function key support.
GMC provides extended command line editing, function key assignment in
four levels, extended command line history, online help for functions
in the handler, and an iconify function.  Also includes an output
buffer (dump to printer and window), filename completer, script
function, undo function, prompt beeper, pathname in window title, close
gadget for KS 2.0, etc.  This is version 9.8, an update to version 9.6.
Shareware, binary only.  V9.8:  - If the filename completer expands the
command line to a filename, a blank will be added.  - Two new functions
for the function keys:  SHIFT_WIN:  Window to fore/background
SHIFT_SCR:  Screen to fore/background - A (any) workbench window will
be activated, if the MINWINDOW function is executed or the GMC window
or its screen is shift in the background.  - It will be checked that
there is no mixing of a SetGMC version for KS 2.0 and a GMC version for
KS 1.2/3 and vice versa.  V9.7:  - Now it exists a special version
GMC-Handler_2.0 for KS 2.0.  This version isn't executable under KS <
2.0.  If features are described that reflect to KS 2.0, these features
may not exist in KS 1.3/3.  - Under KS 2.0 the filename completer now
searches through also logical directories.  Not searched through are
NONBINDING and LATEBINDING directories (assign ...  path/defer).  - A
DisplayBeep is generated after all directory entries are checked.
Under KS 2.0 after a multi-assign directory the filename is only reset.
After all entries of all directories the DisplayBeep is generated.  -
After the command recall reaches the end of the command history list,
there will be also a DisplayBeep.  - Now GMC supports also the
following title flags:  AUTO, NOCLOSE, SMART, INACTIVE, BACKDROP,
NOBORDER, NOSIZE, NODRAG, NODEPTH.  There is no information about the
WAIT flag, the SIMPLE flag actually supports no snip function.  - Three
new function for KS 2.0 that can be assigned to func- tion keys:
ZIPWINDOW:  replace for ICONIFY, equivalent to click on the ZIP gadget.
MINWINDOW:  brings the window to its minimal size on the position
specified by SetGMC.  MAXWINDOW:  brings the window to the size and
position speci- fied by SetGMC.  - GMC-Handler_2.0 has also its own
SetGMC_2.0.  The only diffe- rence is the syntax of the XY command:  XY
<x> <y> <x> <y> <w> <h> The first x-y pair gives the position for
MINWINDOW, the second for MAXWINDOW.  The w-h pair gives the size for
MAXWINDOW.  Values that exceed the upper bound cause this bound.  - The
GMC-Handler_2.0 has SIMPLE_REFRESH as the default refresh type.  To get
a window like in KS 1.2/4, the title flag SMART must be added.  - The
NEWSIZE function will be ignored together with SIMPLE_ REFESH windows.
- While a script file is opened, it isn't possible to display older
parts of the display buffer.  - There are several packet type that
aren't supported yet, as the Console-Handler from SK 2.0 does, because
the needed information is not available at the moment.  As these
packets aren't very important, this deficit isn't serious.  Author:
Goetz Mueller


A program that allows easy transfer of data between DOS, memory and
trackdisk.device.  DOS means the data contained within a file, memory
means the data contained anywhere within the memory map and
trackdisk.device means data stored on a disk not accessable with DOS
(eg.  bootblocks special loader disks etc.).  The transfer of data
between these three areas is not normally easy or convenient.  TrackDos
was written to overcome this.  This is version 1.04, an update version.
Binary only.  Author:  Nic Wilson

CAM #470 Utilités musique


A set of three original songs written and composed using the freely
distributable MED v2.10 music editor.  These songs do not require a
separate player program because it is actually compiled in with the
song.  WB2.0 compatible.  Binary only.  Author:  Brian C.  Berg


A music editor much like SoundTracker.  A song consists of up to 50
blocks of music, which can be played in any order.  Editing features
include cut/paste/copy tracks or blocks, changing the vibrato, tempo,
crescendo, and note volume.  Other features include switching of the
low-pass-filter on or off on a per song basis, and a cute little
animated pointer of a guy doing "jumping jacks" in time to the music!
This is version 2.13, an update to version 2.00.  Binary only.
(Include 2.0 patched version.) Author:  Teijo Kinnunen


The author of this AREXX program preferred the music made by MED and
SoundTracker to that made by DMCS, and wanted to use their files to
play with AMigaVision.  With this program, he can.  Author:Dominic

CAM #471 Utilités graphique


Geometric primitive in perspective mouse oriented paint program,
include Hi_Soft Basic source, author:  Jim Charlsen


This is "convert", a program that reads various image formats and
writes "vanilla" 24 bit IFF (no "CLUT" chunks or other esoterica).  It
can read ASDG's 24 bit IFF, any std IFF file, Dynamic HiRes, SHAM,
ARZ0, ARZ1, AHAM, Sculpt raw RGB, GIF, QRT, DKB, 1/2 bright,
Digi+Photon paint HAM, Targa, HAM-E reg mode, HAM-E ham mode, RGB8, and
RGBN.  It can scale images up or down as well.  This is free support
software for our HAM-E product.  v1r6 - Fixed bug causing crashes if
memory allocation failed - Intergerized scaling for approximately 7x
speed improvement v1r5 - Fixed bug in loading 24 bit files that
appeared in v1r4 - Added load of IBM (yech!) Dpaint "LBM" files - Added
load of IBM DPaint non-LBM files (recent DPaint versions) - Added
"shuffle" features to convert from and to X-Spex compatible 3-d
interleaved images v1r4 - Added support for 18 bit IFF "ScanLab" files
- Added Support for Black Belt paint UPB8 (UnPackedBrush-8) brushes
v1r3 - Added HAM-E ham and reg mode single and multi field loaders v1r2
- Added ability to read one type of targa file ("Opticks" generated)
v1r1 - Fixed bug in loading RGB8 and RGN files in v1r0 - Added scaling
options (-px, -py, -%x, -%y) Binary only, author:  Pete Patterson


A simple but pretty demo of some rolling copper bars.  Author:
Jonathan Potter


This program allows you to easily create your own custom copper lists
for the Workbench screen.  Author:  Jonathan Potter


GIFMachine is a program that converts pictures stored in the CompuServe
GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) format into IFF SHAM format.  This is
version 2.104, an update to version 2.96.  It fixes a bug in the
StripBorder() routine which could cause the system to crash (it
actually appears to be more a bug in SAS 5.10's conditional code
creation).  I also reduced the amount of static memory declared by 1k.
Also moved some of the declarations in giftosham.c to largearrays.c to
avoid the `too much global data' warning.  Include C source, author:
Christopher A.  Wichura


Turns any two-color low-res IFF picture into ANSI text that can be
displayed on any ANSI compatible terminal.  This is version 0.1,
includes source in assembly.  Author:  Carnivore/BeerMacht


ImageLab is a program which may be used to explore many common image
processing operation, from simple averaging to Fast Fourier Transforms
(FFT's).  ImageLab makes use of the Amiga's blitter to perform fast
operations where possible.  Binary only, author:  Gary Milliorn


Programs to create objects for use in Sculpt 4D.  Includes Brush_4D to
convert IFF brushes to objects in full color with HAM and EHB support
and wrap to various shapes (update version), Fractal_4d to create
fractal mountains with various coloring from brush, checkers or based
on altitude, and Spiral_4d to create a variety of objects based around
tubes and helixes.  Binary only.  Author:  Bruce Thomson


Demo version of an Intuition based Font shadow generator.  In seconds
you can convert your favorite fonts into color fonts with professional
video shadows built right in.  This demo version is missing the
characters 'w', 'x', 'y', and 'z'.  Binary only.  Author:  Stephen

CAM #472a&b Utilités éducation


Chemesthetics is a program that draws molecules using the calotte
model.  This means that atoms are drawn as bowls.  Using this model,
even extremely dangerous molecules like dioxine look quite nice.
Chemesthetics has a fully intuitionized user interface and pictures can
be saved as IFF graphics files.  Version 2.00, includes source.
Author:  Joerg Fenin / Metalworx


This is a program designed to play randomly chosen musical notes, as an
aid to developing the ability to recognize the pitch of any note by
ear.  The user is given the opportunity to guess the name of each note
until the correct one is chosen.  Correct choices are signaled by a
flashing green bar and a laughing sound, while in- corrcect choices
produce a flashing red bar and a screem of anguish!  Binary only,
author:  Frank A.  Baffoni


A program to scan a word list to locate which words can be made from
the letters given.  Allows matching of words by length and by giving
the letters known, ie.  m.t.h for the word MATCH.  Great for word games
and crosswords.  Results output to screen and a RAM:  based file.  The
word list is in ascii and so can be edited if desired.  New words can
be added and it could be used for different languages if required.
Supplied with over 24,200 words (mostly English spellings).  Version
1.0, includes source.  Author:  Gary Brittain


A link library containing many of the terminal independant standard
"curses" functions.  Designed primarily for those interested in porting
UNIX screen based programs to the Amiga.  Version 1.22, an update to
version 1.10.  Includes source and examples.  Author:  Simon John


This DEMO of MR.  WISk'AR-PLUS processes the WISC-R, WAIS-R and WPPSI.
It pprovides 55 Banatyne/Guilford component scores, grade expectations,
mental ages, significant deviations at +/-3, p.  ,.05 and p.< .01
levels, printed reports, word processor reports, a screen graph and
more!  Great for psychologists, educational phschologists and
professionals who test.

CAM #473a&b Desktop publishing (PageStream)


Group of Professional Clip art for PRODRAW, PPAGE or any other page
layout program for the Amiga which will support structured clip art.
CLIPS!  is shareware.


BalletEngraved, BEJAMINCAPS, BlackForest, ClassicaHeavy,
ClassicaItalic, ClassicaRoman, CartWright, Faustus, Flintstone,
HORSTCAPS, InkaBod, JUDAS, LEECAPS, LeftyCasual, Manzanita, Mazama
Plain, Medici, MiamiNights, Muriel, ParkHaven, PixieFont, Playbill,
Polo-SemiScript, Rhyolite Vertical, RichardMurray, RoostHeavy,
SaintFrancis, SansSerif, Sharktooth, Style, ToulouseLautrec,
WindsorDemi, ZaleskiCaps.

CAM #474a&b Langages


Combines parts of the "C" language with 68000 assembly, giving it the
"feel" of a higher level language.  Supports all 1.3 functions.  Uses
braces and "else" like "C".  Resulting code is optimized as much as
possible.  Takes source file you create and outputs a .asm file.
Includes example source and executable files.  Version 1.3, binary
only.  Author:  Joe Siebenmann


A freely redistributable programming package containing all the
programs required for developing in C.  Based on the Sozobon Ltd C
compiler, Charlie Gibb's assembler, the Software Distillery's linker,
and portions from other sources.  Steve has pulled everything together
and added some enhancements in the process.  This is version 1.2, an
update to version 1.1.  Changes include extra examples, many bug fixes,
further documentation and some improvements.  The environment is
supplied compressed and unpacks to two disks.  Partial source is
included.  Author:  Steve Hawtin, Charlie Gibbs, Sozobon Ltd, The
Software Distilary and many others.


BC-FORTRAN77 Version C is a part of an extensive development system.
Vers.C is intended to provide, in a simple way, a compiler for
programming courses.  To meet this intent, this software runs almost
identically on AMIGAs, ATARI STs and MS-DOS computers.  Author:  Andre


Dillon's Integrated C Enviroment.  A C frontend, pre- processor, C
compiler, assembler, linker, and support libraries.  Features include
ANSI compatibility, many code optimizations, and autoinit routines
(user routines called during startup before main is called).  This is
version 2.06.14, an update to version 2.02.  Shareware, binary only.
Author:  Matthew Dillon

CAM #475a&b Jeux


Demo version of a new strategy game written in GFA-BASIC.  German
version only.  Binary only.  Author:  Dirk Hasse


Conquest is a war game similiar in concept to the board game Risk.  You
are the lord of an entire world, destined to rule the galaxy.  Some
worlds are virgin fruits, ready for you to colonize.  Some worlds have
natives who do not wish to accept your rule, these you must conquer for
they will yield more valuable resources.  As you claim the galaxy you
will find, you are not the only one extending your dominion.  This is a
two-player game.  Be prepared to defend yourself and take what is
yours!  Author:  W.  Michael Bryant


An arcade/adventure game that mixes a unique blend of puzzle solving
and arcade adventure.  Your mind and your reflexes will both be tested
to their limits as you work your way towards your goal, recovering the
Rings of Zon.  Has 19 levels of action, save/restore your game on any
level, stereo digitized soundtracks and sound effects, over 100 objects
to discover and explore, up to 300 moving objects on the screen at
once, and more.  Volume 1, shareware, binary only.  Author:  George


A "Shoot-Em-Up" game done with SEUCK game constructor, featuring
digitized heads as enemies.  Binary only.  Author:  Neil Sorenson


SCombat is a game of strategic combat similar in style to some CRPGs
you may have played.  Up to 40 Monsters may battle up to 40 Players on
a playfield ranging in size from 5 X 5 to 40 X 20.  Monsters and
Players have attributes that determine their effectiveness and 11 types
of weapons are available.  Requires 310K of program and data space and
190K of chip ram screen memory.


The Simpson's Game, done with SEUCK.  Rumor has it that Matt Groening
has a copy of this one.  You are Bart on a skateboard.  Good Luck!!
Don't forget that clicking on the upper left during the title screen
will get you out of these SEUCK games!  Enjoy.

CAM #476 Télécommunication


A full featured VT52/VT100/VT102/VT220 terminal emulator.  The author
has taken great pains to support the full VT102 spec.  Supports ANSI
colors, screen capture, XPR external protocols, user selectable fonts,
ARexx, and more.  This is version 2.20c, an update to version 2.12a.
Binary only, shareware.  Author:  Eric Haberfellner


A shared reentrant Amiga runtime library featuring highly optimized
assembly language versions of the LhArc data compression /
decompression routines.  Compresses faster and more efficiently than
any other currently available implementation of the Lzhuf algorithm.
Two example appli- cations for data compression/decompression, an
interface to the Amiga Oberon Compiler, and documentation how to use
the library in your own programs are included.  This is version 1.8,
binary only.  Authors:  Holger P.  Krekel and Olaf 'Olsen' Barthel


VLT is both a VT100 emulator and a Tektronix (4014 plus subset of 4105)
emulator, currently in use at SLAC (Stanford Linear Accelerator
Center).  Although the VT100 part was originally based on Dave Wecker
et al.'s VT100, many enhancements were made.  Features include use of
ARP, an ARexx port, XMODEM 1K/CRC and Kermit protocols, support for
additional serial ports, external file transfer protocols (XPR), a
"chat" mode, and scrollback/review/history buffer.  It comes in two
versions, one with Tektronix emulation, and one without.  The Tektronix
emulation allows saving IFF files, PostScript files, and printing
bitmaps to the printer.  This is version 5.034, an update to version
4.846.  VLT 5.034 This release has a number of new features, both in
the VT100 part and in the Tektronix part.  The new features are
described in file VLT5p034.doc in the /docs directory.  Some
highlights:  The serial device handling has again been improved.
Higher speed operation, better error checking, new menu options, much
better Xoff recovery.  There are quite a few new script options, such
as the WINDOW command to set window size and position.  The Tektronix
emulation has finally acquired some commands, and VLT can save out and
read in files with script commands that describe the current graphics
display.  An ARexx program that translates such a script file to
Provector instructions is provided:  VLT2Provec.pvrx.  VLT now supports
Matt Dillon's Fifo pipes.  How these can be used is demonstrated in the
program FifoBBS.rexx in the rexx directory; it implements a small but
complete BBS system that uses VLT as the engine.  Other new features
include "local printing" from the host, smooth scrolling with settable
speed, a much improved file transfer status window, and you can now
select your favorite 8/11 point fonts from the menu.  VLT now also
recognizes ToolTypes in addition to command line options.  ALT-ed and
SHIFT-ALT-ed keypad and cursor keys are now programmable, as well as
the console-window string.  Of course, there are the usual numerous
other little changes and bug fixes.  Binary only.  Author:  Willy


A fast and efficient floppy disk archiving utility based on the data
compression / decompression algorithms used by lh.library.  Has an
Intuition and a Shell interface, fully supports Kickstart 2.0, is able
to add texts and notes to archived output files, knows 66 different
bootblock viruses, includes a number of compression parameters (such as
encryption of the output file) and a lot more.  Version 3.10, binary
only.  Author:  Olaf 'Olsen' Barthel

CAM #477 Utilités programmation


Converts binary files to assembler, basic, or C source code data
initialization statements.  It is useful to add graphics or sound
samples to programs as initialized data.  Version 1.0, includes source
in assembler.  Author:  Andreas Ropke


A program for creating and editing intuition gadgets.  Includes a
palette editor, generation of either C or assembly source, and binary
saving for later loading and editing.  Version 2.0, includes source.
Author:  Jan van den Baard


A program similar to MemWatch, which continually checks the low memory
vector table for random trashing.  Has been optimized and greatly
enhanced to support the 68010, 68020, 68030, etc.  microprocessors.
Unlike MemWatch, MemGuard does not run as task in a dummy loop but
rather as a low level interrupt routine which is capable of trapping
memory trashing even before exec might know of it, and even while task
switching is forbidden.  Version IV, an update to version IIIa, binary
only.  Author:  Ralf Thanner


A program to generate patches using a Pascal like language to describe
what needs to be patched.  This is version 1.0.  Includes source in
assembly.  Author:  Roger Fischlin


Programmers utility to assist in maintaining old versions of source
code.  SBackup maintains 2-99 old versions in any location desired.
Version 1.00e, binary only.  Author:  George Kerber


A utility for monitoring AmigaDOS calls.  In particular, it allows you
to see what libraries, devices, fonts, environment variables or startup
files a program is looking for.  Very useful when you're trying to
install a new application.  Version 1.2.  Version 1.2, 27th January
1991.  The "deadlock when you quit SnoopDos" bug reared its ugly head
again; it turns out that the V1.1 fix still left a very small window
where deadlock could occur if you quit during heavy file activity.
This time, I think it's really gone for good.  Version 1.1, 30th
October 1990.  Minor update.  Previously, SnoopDos would occasionally
deadlock if you tried to remove it during heavy file activity.  This
has been fixed.  Also, there was a small bug which appeared when
programs set their current directory to the boot device (NULL lock).
This has also been corrected.  Includes source in C.  Author:  Eddy


A tool to view and manipulate various AmigaDOS 1.2 and 1.3 system
structures.  Version 1.0, includes source.  Author:  Guido Burkard

CAM #478 Jeux


A nicly done Concentration Game with multiple difficulty levels.


A game similar to Shanghai or Mahjong.  The goal is to remove all parts
of the pile, the so called Dragon, step by step.  This dragon is
composed of 120 different game pieces.  You can always find four pieces
displaying the same picture or chinese symbols.  This is version II, an
update version.  Changes include some bug fixes, unlimited undo, saving
and loading of games, background music, title screen, etc.  Binary
only.  Author:  Dirk Hoffmann


A nice little screen hack which affects the mouse.  Saying any more
would spoil the fun.  Includes source.  Author:  Thomas Albers


A simple Quiz game.  Current quiz subjects include "Bible", "Indians",
"New England", "Physics", and "States".  Binary only.  Author:  J.
Dale Holt


A solitaire game.  Features include all possible moves shown with a
pulsing green box around the card, reshuffle, unlimited undo, and
tournament mode.  Binary only.  Author:  Stephen Orr, Gregory M.


The CanDo Senso was inspired by the PD program Senso-Pro.  Author:
Fried Fish trilon In this game, you cannot flip the pieces to fit them
together - y;ou can rearrange the patterns of the blocks to try to get
three adjacent blocks with the same pattern.  Challenging - reminds one
of Tetrix, yet quite different.  Author:  Todd M.  Lewis


A Workbench game based on an out-of-print board game.  The object is a
race in which each move you make restricts your opponent's choice of
countermoves.  Features a computer opponent of adjustable toughness.
Includes source.  Author:  Paul Kienitz.

CAM #479a&b Télécommunication


An implementation of uucp for the Amiga, including mail and news.  This
is Matt's version for the Amiga, based on William Loftus's Amiga UUCP
0.40 release with news code from his 0.60 release, and months of work
by Matt to make fixes and add enhancements.  This is version 1.08D, an
update to version 1.06D, Includes source.  Author:  Various, major
enhancements by Matt Dillon


BARN is a Usenet news-reader designed to replace "Anews", which comes
with AmigaUUCP 1.03D.  It is intended to behave quite a bit like "rn"
from the UNIX world.  Include C source, author:  Jeff Van Epps


Two version of Unzip, unzip_030 for 68020/030 machines and unzip or
others.  Source code is included.  Included compiled version of unzip
were done with the SAS/C 5.10a compiler.  Author:  Roger Uzun

CAM #480 Utilités programmation


Build-Screen is a window/screen server.  When invoked (its file name is
tbuildscreen), it runs as an independent program that will display
screens and/or windows with menus and/or gadgets and communicate the
results of user interaction by intertask communication;.  Both an aRexx
;and a Pipe;:  interface are supported.  With a pipe, all communication
goes from tbuildscreen to the external program via the pipe.  With an
arexx interface, communication can go both ways.  Tbuildscreen is
started with the name of a file that contains a text description of
screens, windows, menus, etc.  and optionally the name of a pipe:  to
use for communication.  The text file can be thought of as a small
program for building screens which is directly interpreted at run time
by Build-Screen (there is no compile step).  Some simple capabilities
for looping and variables are implemented as well as a macro
substitution capability.  An arexx program can issue each of these
through the arexx port ;(except for the loop and end loop statements).
Binary only, author:  Unknow


SmartFields is a replacement for Intuition string gadgets.  It allows
you to incorporate into your Amiga C programs the powerful editing
capabilities often found in mini- computers.  Includes full C source
and documentation.  Author:  Timm Martin.


A shared library containing 45 useful functions for all kinds of
programs.  There are functions for ports, sorting, gadgets, memory,
string, directory and file handling, etc.  Version 7.6, includes
source.  Author:  Jan van den Baard

CAM #481a&b: Livres


A complete C manual for the Amiga which describes how to open and work
with Screens, Windows, Graphics, Gadgets, Requesters, Alerts, Menus,
IDCMP, Sprites, VSprites, AmigaDOS, Low Level Graphics Routines, Hints
and Tips, etc.  The manual also explains how to use your C Compiler and
gives you important information about how the Amiga works and how your
programs should be designed.  The manual consists of 15 chapters
together with more than 100 fully executable examples with source code.
When unpacked, the manual and examples nearly fill up four standard
Amiga floppies.  An update to version 1.0.  Version 2.0.  Author:
Anders Bjerin


A design for artificial intelligence (AI) based upon linguistics.  The
included animation shows how one node on a syntax tree flushes out the
currently active concept in a mind contemplating a scene of the
external world through the eye.  Includes five documents describing the
theory behind the animation.  Author:  Arthur Murray

CAM #482a&b: Images 3d

17 images 3d :

Blender, city, F15, office, tapedeck, temp, Office, PoolBalls,
DrinkingBird, Frump, Pianoroom, Ring, RXBubb, sciam2, Tammy3, TammyFaye

CAM #483a&b: Musique Soundtracker modules

Soundtracker modules :

MOD.Austex CD1 menu, mod.beat, MOD.cream of the earth, mod.shadowfire,
mod.exceedingly.silly, MOD.KefrensVector, mod.pt, MOD.raa, mod.sahara,
MOD.soft synth, MOD.stylee, MOD.thorax, mod.xenophobe-title

CAM #484a&b: AmigaUUCP


A bug fix for UUCP 1.08 Includes a new getty and some bug fixes.
Version 1.13d Author:  Matt Dillon 1.13D FINAL RELEASE FOR WINTER 1990
(1.08 was supposed to be this)

-BATCHNEWS uses a different name for its file locking, it was locking
up UUXQT due to using the same lock name as UUXQT.

-Locking lib code changed to handle new config variable called
'LockDir', which allows you to specify a directory other than T:  that
locks are placed in.  This should be used to get around bugs in pre
kickstart.37.39 2.0 releases in the RAM:  drive that caused memory
loss.  If you are running a pre 37.39 2.0 kickstart you should set
LockDir to somewhere other than in your RAM:  drive.

-lock library fixed so testing a lock does not generate unnecessary
disk activity

-hardwired dirs in new util programs have been fixed to use config

-bug in Dnews NOT fixed -- clicking to a newsgroup doesn't necessarily
bring up the appropriate group on the screen.  Use 'N' and 'P' to get
around this problem.  1.12D

-BUG in UUXQT.  When an error occured during processing, UUXQT would
continue processing remaining queue files but NOT DELETE THEM!!  This
has been fixed.

-DNews feature added -- doesn't display groups with 0 articles in them
(togglable with 'A' keyboard command)

-POSTNEWS BUG FIXED.  If AutoBatch is disabled (i.e.  you run batchnews
via -b option to uucico or from dcron), outgoing news articles would
get the same message-id, causing all but one to be silently ignored by
your feed.

-UUCICO bug fixed, an expect string of "" was not handled properly.

-UUCICO bug fixed, a protocol message after an error was incorrect

-RNews now supports system aliases in the UULIB:Sys file of the form
primary:alias:alias:alias:<wildcarded_groups>.  Enhancement by Dave
Lowrey but I lost his uuencoded zoo file so just made the changes
myself.  (sorry Dave!)

-bug in sendmail for local mail, e.g.  you mail to 'mynode!myself'
where it just creates a local X.  file in spool.  Has been fixed.  Was
introduced in 1.10D

-UUCico now supports alternate send-expect strings

-Getty now supports additional options

-bug in lib/config.c fixed, but probably never effected operation

-bug in uuxqt to fixed, would process files but after an error would no
longer delete the queue files!  This causes double receptions, etc...

1.10D UPDATE TO 1.08

-pri mode uucico bug fixed (SetTaskPri() was given wrong args!)

-getty bug with -h0 and timeouts fixed

-getty REWRITTEN, SEE UUMAN:LockSerial and UUMAN:Getty for information
on overriding getty to run a terminal program (or whatever).  Note that
UUCico handles serial port locking itself and should NOT be run with
LockSerial.  Getty no longer accepts line-breaks to switch baud rates.

-uucico now performs serial port locking and bugs with uucico<->Getty
interaction have been fixed.

-MAJOR bugs in uucico fixed that could cause an infinite loops while
connected after a protocol failure.

-sendmail bug in the domain system fixed (MF entries with a path
instead of a single host)

-sendmail queue files now named after the destination machine and with
the same sequence number to make the directory look more user friendly.
Remote files are now renamed after the local machine as is proper (this
is the third update to the naming scheme)

-sendmail:  optimized logging for large aliases, sendmail no longer
opens/writes/closes the log file for each entry, but instead

-dnews improved -- added Nextgroup and Prevgroup keyboard commands, and
a few other fixes.

-Added -t (set packet timeout for retry) option


Here are a few directories of information related to UUCP and the
USENET.  The information is broken into the following directories:
Netiquette Guidelines and suggestions on posting news Lists Lists of
newsgroups and mailing lists as of Jan 91 Registering Contains
information on registering your "node" Protocol UUCP official protocol
standards (RFC's)


Arn" (AMIGA Reads News) is a program that allows you to read and write
a lot of news-articles and keeps track of what you already have read or
not.  It is designed for the USENET and follows the rules given by RFC
1036 (Standard for Interchange of USENET Messages).  It doesn't use the
mouse, because I think it is better to use the keyboard all the time
when the task is to read and write many words.  To switch always from
keyboard to mouse (e.g.  paging via mouse, writing a follow-up with the
keyboard) is not rational (IMHO).  Author:  Roland Bless

0.68 Arn now checks for "empty"/redundant header-lines, FollowUp-To:
line is only taken if it has another groupname than in Newsgroups:.
Reply-To:  is only used when specified in .arnrc

+ XRef-Lines are evaluated, so crosspostings are marked as read, if
  you read one of them.
+ New newsgroup-command 'L' added. Lists available newsgroups and
  their status.
+ Arn now detects ^L (FormFeeds) everywhere, instead of only in the
  first column.
+ "J"-command now marks article as read, but stays at the current
+ Now you can enter an article number when you listed the articles
  with =.
+ "Arn" can stop after the header (new command ^H).
+ Clear Screen Mode (pager command 'L') available to speed up
  displaying text.
+ If you use more than one bitplane, "Arn" messages are in another
  colour (no longer boldfaced).
+ New entry for .arnrc: PATHTYPE (No, User, Full).

- Fixed bug with GOTO-article command. Long range-numbers are now
- Fixed bug in matchroutine - caused in some situations endless
- Now the entries in GROUPLIST can be "endless" (earlier limited to
  256 Byte per line).
- Fixed little bug in followup-routine (thanks to A. Kirchwitz).
- No longer "No spooldir..." Error-Messages on stdout.
- Minor changes in source to save space, ^N prompts changed, new "Type
  a key to continue" prompt, no longer boldfaced subjects at =.

CAM #485: Télécommunication


general purpose TTY-type telecommunications program for the Amiga
Feature Overview:  Supports the XPR specification.  You may use any
file transfer protocol for which there exists an XPR library
implementation.  At the time of this writing there exists XPR libraries
for CompuServe QuickB, Zmodem, Xmodem, Kermit, and Ascii.

- Fully supports user selected fonts, including proportional fonts.
  ARexx interface
- Full featured Review Buffer
- Program will operate in a 1 or a 2 bit plane custom screen or in a
  workbench window. If run in a hi-res/interlaced environment, a
  @split" is provided (half screen)
- Capture Buffer for saving text to a file
- Chat Window for network conferencing.
- Color requester for loading and saving color choices
- Phone book limited only by available memory. Baud rate loaded from
  phone book entry.
- Real time clock
- A non-graphic Print Screen function
- Print feature for echoing incoming text to a printer

Author: Steve Ahlstrom and Don Curtis


LZ is by far the fastest .LZH archiver and extractor available for the
Amiga!  LZ is compatible with MS-DOS version 1.13c of Lharc and Amiga
Lharc 1.3.  Binary only, author:  Jonathan Forbes


VLT is both a VT100 emulator and a Tektronix (4014 plus subset of 4105)
emulator, currently in use at SLAC (Stanford Linear Accelerator
Center).  Although the VT100 part was originally based on Dave Wecker
et al.'s VT100, many enhancements were made.  Features include use of
ARP, an ARexx port, XMODEM 1K/CRC and Kermit protocols, support for
additional serial ports, external file transfer protocols (XPR), a
"chat" mode, and scrollback/review/history buffer.  It comes in two
versions, one with Tektronix emulation, and one without.  The Tektronix
emulation allows saving IFF files, PostScript files, and printing
bitmaps to the printer.  This is an update to version 5.034 Version
5.045 This is a bug-fix release with just the executable of VLT (or
VLTjr) and a new version of xprascii.library.Binary only.  Author:
Willy Langeveld


An Amiga shared library which provides ZModem file transfer capability
to any XPR-compatible communications program.  This is an update to
version 2.0.  Version 2.10, Includes source.  Author:  Rick Huebner

CAM #486: Jeux


AirAce2 is a game designed by Robert Grace of Kansas City, Missouri,
USA using Accolade's wonderful Shoot'Em Up Construction Kit.


This is a simple game You turn a card and select whether the following
card will be higher or lower than this one.  Get five correct and
recieve a random win between 10p and 50p.  Include C sources
Author:Simon J Raybould


Workbench window tiny tetris Author:  Joran Jessurun


Dice game Yacht-Z Triple Yacht-Z differs form normal Yacht in that all
scores in the 3rd column of your scorecard are worth 3 times as much as
the normal value, those in the 2nd are worth double.  Note that these
values are only show as doubled or tripled in the net score space, and
NOT in the the individual columns.  The 35 Bonus Points for having at
least the Average on the upper section is also doublable or triplable.
Author:  Stephan Iannce

CAM #487: Utilités divers


An Amiga version of the NeXT's "dock", but more versatile and not as
limited.  Provides you with a number of buttons on the WorkBench screen
that, when pressed, will launch other programs.  These buttons are
fully configurable to run any program you want.  Version 1.2.4, binary
only.  Author:  Gary Knight


ButtonAsk is a replacement for the AmigaDOS ASK command.  It takes a
prompt string from the command line, echos it to standard output, and
waits for either the left or right mouse button to be pressed.  The
program will then send a return code of either 5(WARN) or 0 to the
system which can be interpreted by using the IF command.  This program
is mainly used in scripts.  Include ASM sources, author:  Chris Simpson


Calibrate Battery Backed Up Clock for A2000 with clock does not keep
accurate time


CLIwindow allows you to manipulate the dimensions of a CLI window.  It
can be moved, enlarged, or shrunk.  This is version 1.00.  Includes
source in assembly.  Author:  Roger Fischlin


copy command with gauge bar display Authors:  Ben Williams, Barry


CpuBlit replaces the standard system BltBitMap routine with a version
that uses the 68030 where practical.  The 68030 can comfortably outrun
the blitter for simple tasks like scrolling, although the blitter still
wins out if the data has to be bit shifted as well (for example when
scrolling sideways).  Another benefit of using the CPU is that it isn't
constrained to operating on one bitplane at a time; it can do them all
simultaneously.  So, the infamous "flicker" effect when coloured text
is scrolling disappears.  This is particularly useful when you're
logged onto a bulletin board with colour ANSI menus.  Include C
sources, author:  Eddy Carroll


The program identifies and gives information about a variety of file
types.  These currently include GIF files and IFF files.  Include C
sources, authors:  Lloyd Eldred, Fred Homan


Journal is an AmigaShell command history manipulation program.  It can
save and load command histories from files or other AmigaShell's.
Author:  David Andrew Clayton


KeyMapEd allows you to modify the KeyMaps destributed by
Commodore-Amiga with AmigaDOS.  These KeyMaps may then be installed on
your system with the SetMap command.  Author:Tim Friest Changes to v1.2
since v1.1i Added support for using the ROM keymap so you can load it
in and edit it (you have to save it out as a file of course).  Fixed a
bug for normal keys with values greater than 0x7F (why is char a signed
byte????) Kludged a fix for my error messages.  Since I write to
Output() with DOS, if you start from Workbench, there is no output
defined so I GURUed...  I now start from workbench with IconX to insure
a an Output.  Hopefully I will unkludge this sometime in the future.


PowerSnap is a utility that allows you to use the mouse to mark
characters anywhere on the screen and paste them somewhere else, like
in the CLI or in a string gadget.  Author:  Nico François


Newer versions of the Amiga are fitted with the Fatter Agnus chip
which, amongst other things, allows you to specify whether to run your
machine at 50 or 60Hz.  On PAL machines with a good quality display,
this causes the screen to strech so that only the top 200 lines can be
seen on the screen, but the machine runs faster.  With a poorer quality
display, the screen flickers badly, but the increase in speed still
occurs.  As NTSC machines already run at 60Hz (I think!) no speed
increase can be obtained, but somebody somewhere might find a use for
the 50Hz mode.  Include ASM sources, author:  Chris Simpson


SwapSlowFast swaps the first two entries in the memory list provided
these are both fastmemory regions.  Author:  Unknown


"Whereis" is a utility which searches a file(name) on (hard)disk and
shows you the path to this file.  Include C sources, author:  Roland

CAM #488 Utilités Programmation


A recursive descent boolean expression parser and recursive descent
boolean expression parser & truth table generator.  Include C sources,
author:  Patrick Martin


A csh like shell derived from Matt Dillon's shell, version 5.0.  This
is an update to version 4.02a.  Changes include bug fixes, preservation
of file protection bits by cp, some new commands, and reformatted
documentation.  Version 5.0.  Includes source.  Author:  M.Dillon,
S.Drew, C.Borreo, C.Dieni


The C to ASM interface generator, useful for creating stub (link-time)
libraries (like amiga.lib).  Author:  Bruce Mackey


This package aims to facilitate the design and coding of Intuition Menu
structures.  It consists of two programs, the actual MakeMenu program,
which creates a C code file from a simple menu description file, and a
TestMenu program, which, when linked with the compiled output of
MakeMenu, enables you to view the menu without having to build a
complete application around it.  Include C source, author:  Hans Jansen


Modular event processing shell for Intuition, Include C source, author:
David N.  Junod


How to create an Amiga shareable library in SAS C


Port of Tool Command Language, a simple textual language intended
primarily for issuing commands to interactive programs such as text
editors, debuggers, illustrators, shells, etc.  It has a simple syntax
and is programmable so TCL users can write command procedures to
provide more powerful commands than those in the built in set.  Alpha 2
version, binary only.  Author:  Dr.  John Ousterhout, Amiga port by
Hackercorp Timer few functions to allow you to wait inside your C
programs.  Author:  Timm Martin


few functions to allow you to use the ZZ sleepy pointer used in SID.
Author:  Timm Martin

CAM #489: Utilités graphiques


This is a pre-release version of an iterated Fractal Construction Set
Author:  Garth Thornton


A program that will convert CompuServe GIF image files into IFF SHAM
and 24bit ILBMs.  It offers a number of extra options like dithering,
horizontal and vertical flip, as well as automatic border removal.
Requires KickStart version 2.0 or greater to run.  This is an update to
version 2.104.  Version 2.116.  Includes source.  Author:  Christopher


Draws iterated 'fractal' patterns at random, with colour cycling
animation.  Author:  Garth Thornton


An excellent PostScript interpreter for the Amiga which implements the
full Adobe language.  Supports type 1 and type 3 fonts, screen output,
file output, and printer output.  Requires Arp library V39+ and ConMan
V1.3+.  This is version 1.5, an update to version 1.4.  Includes source
in C.  Author:  Adrian Aylward V1.5 Type 1 font character rendering
improved (though slower).  Fix printer page size selection (inches).
Printer output now truncates to maximum dump size, to prevent scaling.
Bugs fixed:  path fill at top of clip path, free first vm segment,
rotate scale and translate with matrix operands, cached characters
within clip path, long clip paths, clippath not default clip path,
hollow clip paths, setband.


Demo version of an Intuition based Font shadow generator.  In seconds
you can convert your favorite fonts into color fonts with professional
video shadows built right in.  The only restriction for this demo is
that the final font height at SAVE times must be less than 40 pixels in
height.  Version 1.5, an update to version 1.0.  Binary only.  Author:
Stephen Lebans

CAM #490a&b Jeux


Nitendo Emulator with tetris game.  Binary only no documentation,
Author:  ?


Game based on a Trident submarine simulator.  You must use the weapons
at your disposal to liberate the earth's cities from alien occupation.
Lots of graphics and sound.Binary only.  Author:  Jason Bauer


Turn your Amiga into a bowl of friendly, frolicking, sea monkeys!
Binary only, author:  Ephraim Cohen


This is a graphics hack I wrote a few years ago and then forgot about.
It's basically a cute animation done on your workbench or cli screen,
double-buffered and with extra bitplanes.  The artwork was done by
Derek Grime of Beyond Graphics.  Most of the source code for this demo
was lost in a disk accident, so don't ask!


Another cute screen hack.  Version 2.52b, binary only, source available
from author.  Author:  Patrick Evans


Conquest is a war game similiar in concept to the board game Risk.  You
are the lord of an entire world, destined to rule the galaxy.  Some
worlds are virgin fruits, ready for you to colonize.  Some worlds have
natives who do not wish to accept your rule, these you must conquer for
they will yield more valuable resources.  As you claim the galaxy you
will find that you are not the only one extending your dominion.  This
is a two-player game.  Be prepared to defend yourself and take what is
yours!  This version of Conquest fixes a few minor bugs and adds a few
features that allow "Play by Mail", or rather, "Play by BIX".  Binary
only, author:  W.  Michael Bryant


MegaBall, the sequel to BALL (brickout game).  Has music, more bonus
blocks...etc...etc!  You liked BALL, you'll LOVE MEGABALL!  Binary
only, author:  Ed Mackey


A simple Breakout-style game for the Amiga.  Binary only, author:
Michael S.  Booth


SpaceWar is a two player game.  One player controls the Enterprise, the
other the Klingon ship.  Why the little triangle is always called the
Klingon, I do not know.  The object is to shoot the other player (no
kidding).  One point is scored when you kill the other player.  The
game ends when a player reaches fifty points.  1.11 Version 1.11 is
basically the same as 1.10, except that I have moved up to Manx 5.0a
and no doubt introduced all kinds of new bugs in the process.  This
release was delayed about three months because I was going to locate
and fix all those bugs, but I never got around to it.  So basically
this is 1.10 with some really minor changes and a bunch of new bugs.
1.10 Many many many changes from 1.0.  Since hardly anyone has ever
seen 1.0, I won't list them here.  Binary only.  Program by Jeff Petkau
Graphics by Brian Fehdrau

CAM #491 Utilités graphiques


Demo version of an expandable image format conversion utility.
Converts GIF, TIFF, PBMPLUS, Spectrum 512, MTV, QRT, SPC, DKBTrace and
Sun images into HAM and SHAM.  Images can be scaled, dithered, color
corrected, and cropped.  This demo version is limited to processing
images of 512 by 512 pixels or less.  Version 1.1, shareware, binary
only.  Author:  J.  Edward Hanway


A Mandelbrot Animation program that allows you to easily generate
series of lo-res/16-color pictures.  Features full mouse and/or
keyboard operation, zooms, auto-save, high (+cheat) speed, iconization,
preview, ease, etc.  The generated pictures all remember their
positions and settings so they can be reloaded.  This is version 1.2,
an update to version 1.1.  Binary only.  Author:  Ekke Verheul.


Mostra will view almost anything that can be shown on your Amiga
screen.  This update contains several improvements, though few new
features.  It no longer crashes when given too many bitplanes to read
the keyboard handling is improved, the priority handling has been
improved, a copper-list problem with SHAM has been fixed, and two
locking features have been added.  Author:  Sebastiano Vigna


OFF2TTDDD converts, as the name implies, three dimensional objects from
DEC's OFF format to the Textual Three Dimensional Data Description used
by Glenn Lewis' TTDDD program.  The TTDDD program may then be used to
translate OFF2TTDDD's output to the binary format that is used by
Impulse's Turbo Silver and Imagine raytracing and animation software.
Binary only, author:  Udo Schuermann


Converts a one bit plane 320x200 IFF picture to a file that displays
the picture on any ANSI compatible terminal.  Binary only, source
available from author.  Author:  Patrick Evans


An "object-oriented" paint program that allows you to create, modify,
load, and save hierarchical structured picture objects.  Version 1.12,
shareware, binary only.  Author:  Hans W.  Stremlau


A Mandelbrot generation program.  Uses the mouse to select regions
within borders of the Mandelbrot set to zoom up to magnifications of
10**19.  Includes math coprocessor support and options to save images
as an IFF file.  Shows example of assembly programming of extended
precision for the 68881.  Includes source.  Author:  David McKinstry


Here is THE best IFF viewer available for the Amiga!  This is SuperView
version 3.1 by David Grothe.  SuperView supports IFF ILBMs, anims,
BMHDs, SHAM, and SLOP.  It also recognizes the ANNOuncement and AUTHor
chunks.  Written entirely in assembly language, this program is pure
code (so it can be made RESIDENT), and is by far the smallest and
fastest of the IFF viewers.  Great for DCTV users too!  Give it a try.

CAM #492 Utilités divers


The keyboard menu replacement doohicky, Include c source, author:  E.
A.  Hutchins and L.  J.  Rittle


The original Cron for Unix ran as a background task working from a
table, and would start up tasks at a time set in the table.  That was
ported to the Amiga and improved by Rick Schaeffer.  Christian Balzer
has added features to Rick's version.  Version 4.2 will detach itself
from its shell, and will read the table into RAM:  and use it from


Whenever your Amiga flashes the "Please insert Volume xxxxx in any
drive" requester, you are only allowed to CANCEL or to RETRY.  When you
have AssignX running from the startup-sequence, that requester will
also have another choice - "Assign to:" and a requester from which you
can select or type in the correct assignment.  Author:  Steve Tibbett
NOTE:  AmigaDOS 2.0 only.


Browser does allow you to do, easily and conveniently, is to move,
copy, rename, and delete files and directories.  It will also let you
execute either Workbench or CLI programs, either directly by double-
clicking them or by selecting them from a menu.  By combining these you
can set up a complete operating environment that will, to a large
extent, replace both Workbench and the CLI.  Version 1.7 add show file
size long listing, window correction for 2.0 and bug fixes.  Binary
only, author:  Peter da Silva.


Improves floppy disk throughput by caching entire tracks of data.
Buffers disk reads and writes for maximum speed gain and has a user
setable number of buffers for each drive.  Version 1.0, binary only.
Author:  Terry Fisher


An object-oriented tool for assigning icon images to file classes.
Binary only, author:  Christian A.  Weber, AMIcom Research


This program allows an AmigaDOS script to display a menu, wait for the
user to make a selection either with the mouse or the keyboard, and
return the selection back to the script through an environment
variable.  It can also immediately execute any valid AmigaDOS command
based upon the menu selection.  The maximum size of the menu is based
on the screen resolution and font size, up to a maximum of 26
selections of a maximum of 80 characters each and an optional title
area of up to 4 lines.  Version 1.1, binary only.  Author:  James


An alternative to Intuition's method of menu selection via the
keyboard.  Uses one key to activate the menu for the currently active
window, the cursor keys to move through the menu as you choose, and the
return key to select the desired menu item or escape key to abort
selection.  Works with AmigaDOS 2.0 mouse accelerator and has option to
blank Intuition's pointer.  Version 1.03, includes assembly source.
Author:  Ken Lowther


Holds up a task until a given time and then releases it to run.
Version 1.0a, binary only, source available from author.  Author:
Patrick Evans


When you are running PIV, and the requester that says "Please insert
volume xxxx" comes up, you are presented with a different requester
instead.  This one says "Volume xxxx is not mounted.  You may:  Insert
the disk and retry, ASSIGN the volume to -------, MOUNT the device,
CANCEL the operation." Source included.  Author:  Ed Hanway


A directory utility with flexible configuration via Arexx.  Binary
only, Author:  Martin C.  Warnett


With ToolManager you can add your own programs to the tools menu of the
2.0 Workbench.  Requires Workbench 2.0.  Version 1.3, includes source.
New features since 1.2:  - Now supports different configuration files -
Format of the configuration file slightly changed - Tool definitions
can be changed at runtime - Now supports CLI & Workbench startup method
- Selected icons are passed as parameters to the tools - Now uses the
startup icon as program icon if started from Workbench - The position
of the icon can now be supplied in the configuration file - The program
icon can now be disabled - New menu entry "Show TM Window" - Every new
started ToolManager passes its startup parameters to the already
running ToolManager process Author:  Stefan Becker


With this program you can easily add tools to the TOOLS menu in
Workbench2.0.  It allows the passing of arguments, setting of stacks,
and other such necessities for these tools.  Binary only, Author:
Carolyn Shepner

CAM #493 Utilités Programmation


This is a rather extensive set of tools for programming MAST's
ColorBurst.  It includes documentation and source - in assembler - and
can be used in developing your own programs.


Enforcer uses the MMU to build a shroud of protection over anything
that is not legal memory.  Any empty holes in the address space are
marked as illegal.  Reads of the system ROMs are allowed, but not
writes.  With the exception of longword reads of location 4, the lowest
1K of memory is completely protected.  When an illegal access is
detected, the power LED will flash and a detailed message will be sent
out the serial port.  Binary only.  Author:  Bryce Nesbitt


FIFO:  is like PIPE:  but is based on fifo.library rather than its own
implementation.  Fifo.library is a general fifo library implementation
that supports named fifos, writing to a fifo from a hardware exception,
multiple readers on a fifo with each getting the same data stream,
efficient reading, and automatic or manual flow control.  Programs that
require non-blocking IO can access one side of a FIFO:  connection via
the fifo.library instead of the FIFO:  device.  Version 2, an update to
previous version.  Includes some source.  Author:  Matt Dillon


The ilbm reader/writer library 0.5 and examples.  Also can be used for
non-ILBM files.  100% compatible with original Electronic Arts code.
Binary only.  Author:  Jeff Glatt


A utility that can quickly convert C or assembly code into an Amiga
shared library.  Also makes all support files including C and assembly
include files, bmap files, Manx and Lattice pragmas, C glue stubs.  Can
also make a device.  Binary only.  Author:  Jeff Glatt


Ontrap and associated routines is a modification to the SAS/C
programming environment.  They add the ability for a process to handle
stray exception interrupts such as devide by zero, illegal instruction
and address error to name a few.  The programmer can define a function
to free RAM, close windows and screens before the program terminates.


A disk based shared library which provides programmers with easy access
to custom pointers and a consistent user selected busy pointer.
Includes source.  Author:  Luke Wood


Shared library that implements regular expression pattern matching.
Version 1.0, binary only.  Author:  Stephen Moehle


A standard amiga library that is an exact sub-set of the
iffparse.library.  The library is an EXACT sub-set in the sense that
you can rename it to be iffparse.library and put it in your LIBS:
directory and then let programs that normally requires the true
iffparse.library use this imposture ;-).  Include c sources, author:
Michael Jansson

CAM #494a&b SoundTracker modules

17 SoundTracker modules

blue-mood darkdance mandeldust mandelforce Munk-Jams sheiscoming
sunwind the last one underground InTheAir klisje_paa_klisje leave the
brain power Rocking1 short slappy studio sound

CAM #495a&b Utilités textes


This is a small, easy to use spelling checker for ASCII files It will
not work on word processor files that contain all kinds of binary
coding, but will work on most things done with an editor.


This is an update to an earlier program from Soft Logik that will
convert MacIntosh Adobe Type 1 and Type 3 fonts to work with the Amiga.
Several utilities are included here to solve various problems you might
have with the conversions.


A PostScript program which runs on PixelScript to edit other PostScript
programs.  Several examples and a detailed explanation are included.
Author:  John Starling


A word processor for the Amiga, with both German and English versions.
TextPlus enables you to write letters, books, programs etc.  in a very
easy and comfortable way.  This is version 2.2E, the same as previous
version.  However, this release includes the source Author:  Martin


A universal accented character converter for Amiga, IBM-PC, MacIntosh,
and C64 files written in most west european languages (Danish, Finnish,
French, German, Italian, Islandic, Norwegian, Spanish, Swedish, and
more.  Works with either ASCII or Word Perfect files.  Version 1.5,
includes source.  Author:  Michel Laliberte


AZspell is the spelling checker program.  AZspell has a special mode
that allows the automatic collection of mis-spelled/not found words in
a document.  Binary only, author:  Danny Hartley


Amiga port of ISpell (spelling checker) with Arexx.  Include C source,
Port by:  Loren J.  Rittle


CLI utility to display the individual character contents of any file.
Displays the ASCII and Hex values, count and percentage of total along
with actual character (if displayable).  Listing is displayed on a
console window or optionally written to an output file.  Possible uses
would be to scan files for binary characters, relative character
counts, matching numbers of special characters, determining LF/CR
configurations, etc.  Version 1.0, includes source.  Author:  Dan Fish,
console routine by Jim Cooper

CAM #496 Télécommunication


Ape V1.0 is a pre-release beta-version of a new (yet another) packing
(compression) program for the Amiga.  In contrast to other Amiga
compression programs, this program is bug free!  APE was designed to:
o Amiga Only, no shitty MS-DOS features o Be bug free (no undocumented
features either) o Have a good compression ratio o Befast o Easy to
install.  Binary only, author:  Jim Geuther


BackTalk 1.30 features XPR protocols, proportional fonts, ARexx
interface (110 ARexx commands), chat window, review buffer, non-graphic
screen print, very fast and a LOT more.  Copyrighted but freely
distributable.  Added in 1.20 Added ability to call ARexx scripts from
within BackTalk.  When BackTalk is run, if the port "REXX" is found, a
new menu named ARexx is added.  The only menuitem under ARexx is "Run
ARexx Script...".  When that menu item is selected a file requester is
presented that is defaulted to REXX:  and the file names defaulted to
#?.BT.  For BackTalk to automatically recognize ARexx scripts written
specifically to be run from within BackTalk, name your scripts with the
".BT" extension.  Added the ability to run ARexx scripts from an FKey.
In your macro definition, the backslash (\) is used as a delimiter.  If
you need to actually send a backslash in a macro preceed it with
another backslash (ie, \\).  The text inside the backslash delimited
string is the name of the ARexx script.  There is no need to enter the
complete path for the ARexx script nor the extension.  REXX:  is
assumed for the path and .BT is assumed for the extension.  Added the
ARexx commands ...  over 40, etc...  By Steve Ahlstrom and Don Curtis.


Matt Dillon's backup program is included in this archive, but the main
purpose was for the scripts that make Dillon's program easy to manage.
There are scripts for backing up and restoring easily, along with
scripts for using other features of Matt's program.


The dissidents telecommunication program.  Has built in phone directory
requester, autodial, various file transfer protocols, ascii send and
capture, full/half duplex, split window, color requester, macro keys,
selectable baud, CR/LF expansion, automatically configured per phone
entry.  Binary only.  Author:  Jeff Glat


An online message and file handling system.  Features include a message
base, private mail, file library, support for xmodem, ymodem, and
zmodem, fully buffered serial I/O routines for top speed, time limits,
and more.  Version V.31, binary only.  Author:  Nick Smith


Paint program via modem, function key controlled, requires atleast .5
megs of RAM, and a 2400 baud, or higher, modem capable of handling 8N1
data format (8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit).  A modem with a
Hayes compatible command set, such as the "GVC Super Modem 2400", or
"USR Courier HST" series, (a Hayes SmartModem 2400 goes without
saying), would be ideal but is not necessary.  Binary only, author:
Bradley Scott

CAM #497a&b Musique


This SMUS server has many advantages over other available music players
for use within other programs.  Some of the capabilities of this SMUS
player are:  o can have multiple songs loaded concurrently and maintain
a shared pool of samples o can operate simultaneously with floppy and
hard disk I/O, as well as concurrent window resizing, depth arranging,
etc, etc.  o can play one song while simultaneously loading another o
supports instrument changes within tracks o plays both the attack and
loop portions of the waveform o can play chords within tracks o well
behaved; communicates with audio through audio.device and allocates and
deallocates voices on the fly so other well-behaved audio programs can
run concurrently.  o uses a free CIA timer (Timer A on CIA B) as an
interval timer o can play IFF 8SVX single and multioctave sample files,
including those that have been compressed by Fibonacci delta
compression.  o server runs as two separate programs, so a game or
application consisting of several programs need only load the server
once, and music can play while new programs are loading as above o
player, based on simple testing with the Amiga performance monitor
program (PM), consumes very little CPU time, typically around one or
two percent.  o sample management routines permit flexible control of
what samples (instruments) are loaded and unloaded, and permit
minimizing disk load times by retaining in memory samples used in
multiple songs o server can load songs, instruments and voicebanks from
IFF CAT archive files, reducing clutter and, more importantly, reducing
load time by 50% (a tool to create and manipulate CAT archives is
included) o message-based server interface is also provided o server
code size is less than 30K bytes This SMUS server consists of two
programs and an interface library.  The two programs are the loader and
the player.  Include c source, author:  Karl Lehenbauer @ The Hacker's


Music ripper, The ripper can rip any module made with:  SoundTracker 15
instr., SoundTracker 31 instr., NoiseTracker 4 voices, FutureComposer
1.0-1.4, SidMon, BugMon, SoundMon The ripper can recognize and handle
35 crunchers correctly.  The ripper can scan non-standard DOS-disks for
crunchers/modules.  The ripper saves both instruments and modules.  The
ripper has an option for searching after text or other data.  The
ripper can view CHIP-mem as a bitplane (useful????) The ripper can also
do lots of other things..  Binary only, author:  VALHERU OF UNIT ONE


Wondersound is an additive harmonic instrument design tool with a
separate envelope design window and 16 relative harmonic strength and
phase angle controls.  Version 1.7, an update to version 1.6.  Binary
only.  Author:  Jeffrey Harrington


The complete distribution of MED 3.0 from Teijo Kinnunen of Finland.
It contains 110 (!) files of demo songs, sampled sounds, synthesized
sounds, and programmer's documentation.  Also included are the MED3.0
program itself, a stand-alone song player, MEDPlayer.  MED - music
editor V3.00 Copyright 1989 - 1991 by Teijo Kinnunen


REXXPLAYER allows the playing of MED songs in the background AREXX and
gives your applications the capability to synchronize these music type
files with your graphics to enhance your ability to have complex
transitions on sequence.  Author:  Robert S.  Wagoner

CAM #498a&b Domestique divers


A hard disk backup utility that does a file by file copy to standard
AmigaDOS floppy disks.  Includes an intuition interface and file
compression.  Version 5.02a, an update to version 3.4 This is probably
the last shareware distribution of MRBackUp, since he's gone commercial
with it.  Requires the ARP library.  Shareware, binary only.  Author:
Mark Rinfret


Source and executable for Simon J.  Reybould's port of sc, the public
domain Unix [tm] spreadsheet.  Sc is a very useful tool, with quite a
few nice features.  It isn't very Amigafied; there are no menus, for
example.  Also, the very latest version of sc on Usenet is 6.14.
Still, it gets the job done, which is what's important, no?


BTNtape is a "Better Than Nothing" SCSI tape device handler.  It
provides flat-file access to a SCSI tape drive from application
programs using simple DOS calls to Read() and Write().  It can also be
used with the Amiga TAR utility for disk backups.  It requires a
"SCSI-direct" compatible SCSI bus adapter.  This is version 2.0, update
to version 1.0.  It now supports many more tape drives, and includes
some new features.  Include c source, author:  Bob Rethemeyer


Prints labels for 3.5" disks, primarily for PD library disks.  Label
data files can be loaded into memory so labels for most PD disks are
available after a few mouse- clicks.  Features include three different
label sizes, default file, different label library functions, Amiga-
LibDisk contents read-in and easy handling.  This is version 2.7.2, an
update to version 2.3.5b.  Shareware, binary only.  Author:  Jan


The Household Inventory Manager provides a convenient method for
recording and keeping track of your valuable household property.
Binary only, author:  Hal Carter


HT is a complete Amiga hypertext system.  HT works with text files
which contain "links" to many other types of objects and media.  HT has
been designed on and for the Amiga, and therefore takes advantage of
the unique features the Amiga provides.  Binary only, author:  Dominic


A label generation program for Epson compatible printers.  Has both
English and German versions.  This is version 3.0, binary only,
shareware, source available from author.  Author:  Siegfried Rings

CAM #499 Utilité programmation


A program that turns an ARexx script into an executable which can be
run from WorkBench or the CLI.  Binary only.  Author:  Jeff Glatt


A toolkit with link time and shared libraries that allow easy access to
the GamePort device.  Includes examples and test programs.  Version
1.1, binary only.  Author:  Paris Bingham


A toolkit with link time and shared libraries that allow easy access to
the Input device.  Includes examples and test programs.  Version 1.1,
binary only.  Author:  Paris Bingham


A simple ARexx interface which can be easily patched into almost any
program.  Includes as an example the freedraw program.  Version 0.4.
Includes source.  Author:  Tomas Rokicki


An ARexx function library which allows ARexx scripts to open
windows/screens, add menus, add proportional, boolean, and string
gadgets, use requesters, load/save ILBM pictures, use a color
requester, print text in various colors, sizes, and styles, draw
colored lines and boxes, print text or graphics, etc.  Binary only.
Author:  Jeff Glatt


A shared library that can be used to easily add an ARexx implementation
to any program in a memory efficient manner.  Binary only.  Author:
Jeff Glatt


An ARexx library that allows you to call any function of almost any
Amiga library from an ARexx program.  Version 1.0, binary only.
Author:  Francois Rouaix

CAM #500 Utilités divers


A disk copy program with intuition user interface.  Version 2.0,
shareware, includes source in Modula II.  Author:  Andreas Gunser


Battmem is an editor for the battery backed RAM in the Amiga 3000.
Battmem requires AmigaDOS 2.0 and an Amiga 3000.  Currently there are
four items that can be changed, SCSI controller ID, Synchronous SCSI,
SCSI Timeout, and SCSI luns.  Version 1.1 Fixed Enforcer hit Calling
XCEXIT() instead of exit() saves a lot of space, since exit() pulls in
a bunch of cleanup stuff Using _main instead of DEFINE
@_main=@_tinymain, saves more space Added 'by Doug Keller' text Binary
only, author:  Doug Keller


This screen blanker does ONLY screen blanking, and is very tiny.  It
will blank your screen after a preset time of inactivity, saving your
screen phosphors during times when you are away from your computer.
Author:  Max Bithead


CHECKFRAG will check your disk and report to you how badly fragmented
it is.  It works on hard disks or floppies, and can use either the OFS
or the FFS system.


Disk Fragmentation reporting utility.  Displays disk fragmentation for
both floppy and hard disk devices.  Does not attempt to change any
data, just gives a report.  Version 2.02, shareware, binary only.
Author:  Custom Services


This program will search an AmigaDOS volume for a specified file/file
pattern.  Time saving for Hard Drive owners wanting to find a
file/program quickly.  Binary only, author:  Matthew Crowd


LandScape is a program to help design garden layouts!  Firstly, ground
objects (lawns/paths etc) are laid out, followed by a selection of
plants.  The program then draws an isometric '3D' projection from any
viewpoint of approximately what the garden would look like in real
life.  Metric measurements only (sorry Americans).  Version 1.0 Author:
Steve Goddard


NewPop is designed to solve a few problems at once.  First it provides
a simple way of starting another CLI at any time without having to load
workbench or exit whatever program you may be using.  Second it has a
builtin screen saver mode that automatically turns off the Amiga
display when there has been no input for a given period of time.
Include c source, author:  Loren J.  Rittle


This utility speeds up your windowing environment.  The OpenWindow
vector is patched.  When someone tries to open a window in the
workbench screen, the lower refreshbit in the nw_Flags field is
cleared.  This way, only NOCAREREFRESH windows will be opened,
resulting in faster window movements.  Windows opened in customscreens
are not affected.  Include Assembler source, author:  Raymond Hoving


NoDelete is especially intended to prevent the deletion of files by
programs you are running (Omega was the one that inspired the program)
without warning you.  If a delete is called for, NoDelete will put up a
requester telling you what is about to be deleted and allowing you to
agree or to cancel the deletion.


A utility program specifically targeted at hard drive users to
eliminate the frustration of launching programs on the Amiga.  It
eliminates the need to open Workbench windows and/or remember and type
in long pathnames to executables.  Version 1.0, binary only.  Author:
Greg Gorby


A stop watch application with the precision of one milli- second
(variable), which scans the joystick button.  Full multitasking
capability and intuition interfacing, ARexx port for parameter and
result handling, and supports all non-proportional WorkBench fonts.
Written in Modula 2 and assembly language.  Version 2.0, binary only.
Author:  Christian Danner


This is a shareware viewer I found on a local BBS.  It's supposed to
show animations, iffs, SHAMs, HAM-Es, and play 8SVX sound samples of
any length.  It also has hooks for a GIF viewer and MOVIE.


WorldTime is a clock with a difference.  It can show you the time in
any city in the world, with 84 cities built in.  Binary only, author:
Jonathan Potter

CAM #501 Jeux divers


A program that creates crossword puzzles.  Has a message data file to
allow easy translation into almost any human language, with English and
German currently supported.  This is version 3.3, includes source in
M2Amiga Modula-2.  Author:  Jurgen Weinelt


A fast life program featuring an intuition interface, four screen
sizes, 19 generations/second, and 153 patterns in text file format.
Version 1.0, binary only.  Author:  Ron Charlton


Mosaic is a game played with a set of 81 two-by-two tiles on a 24-by-24
playing area.  The objective of the game is to place your tiles such
that squares of the same pattern are connected as much as possible.
Version 1.0, includes source.  Author:  Kirk Johnson and Loren J.


A Projectile Motion plotter.  Plots the path of a projectile fired with
a variable initial velocity and angle.  Display can be scaled, and time
can be accelerated.  The program returns the distance traveled and the
time it took.  Version 1.01, includes source.  Author:  Chris Hopps


A small simple screen hack that pushes the screen around using the view
port, and simulates a floating motion.  Binary only, source available
from author.  Author:  Patrick Evans


The Gallows is a Hangman type game with 3,150 words available in a file
named GallowWords.  Binary only, author:  Joseph C.  Rattz


The object of this game is to get four of your chips in a row (across,
down, or diagonally) without letting your opponent get his chips in a
row first.  Binary only.  Author:  Jason Bauer


The object of this game is to find a word in a puzzle arrangement.
There are three different variations of the game.  Version 1.1,
includes source in BASIC.  Author:  Russell Mason

CAM #502a&b Langages


Dillon's Integrated C Enviroment.  A C frontend, pre- processor, C
compiler, assembler, linker, and support libraries.  Features include
ANSI compatibility, many code optimizations, and autoinit routines
(user routines called during startup before main is called).  This is
version 2.06.15 (2.06B), an update to version 2.06.14 on Shareware,
binary only.  Author:  Matthew Dillon


Version 1.15 has the following new features; please see below for

        -L (+file-label) option
        -u (+unified) option
        -a and -m options for diff3

Most output styles can represent incomplete input lines.  `Text' is
defined by ISO 8859.  diff3 exit status 0 means success, 1 means
overlaps, 2 means trouble.  This version of diff provides all the
features of BSD's diff.  It has these additional features:  An input
file may end in a non-newline character.  If so, its last line is
called an incomplete line and is distinguished on output from a full
line.  In the default, -c, and -u output styles, an incomplete output
line is followed by a diagnostic line that starts with \.  With -n, an
incomplete line is output without a trailing newline.  Other output
styles (-D, -e, -f) cannot represent an incomplete line, so they
pretend that there was a newline, and -e and -f also print an error
message.  For example, suppose F and G are one-byte files that contain
just ``f'' and ``g'', respectively.  etc.  written by Mike Haertel,
David Hayes, Richard Stallman and Len Tower.  Many bugs were fixed by
Paul Eggert.  The unified diff idea and format are from Wayne Davison.


LONGPI is a program to calculate pi to any length, limited only by your
computer's memory capacity.  The program is run at the CLI using syntax
longpi <#places>.  An output file called ram:pi.out is created to
collect the data, in addition to the CLI output on the screen.  The
program should work well with a mathcoproccesor.  Include C source,
author:  Murphy Chesney


a unix-like compiler driver for amiga lattice-c (that also filters out
stupid messages!).  Now works with SAS/C as well.  Include c source,
author:  Miles Bader Modified by:  Starbound Computing - David Lowrey,


PCQ Pascal is a simple Pascal compiler for the Amiga personal computer.
It is freely distributable, which means that I retain the copyright to
the compiler, the runtime library, the source of the compiler and
runtime library, as well as this documentation.  Version 1.2 (April 18,
1991) Fixed strlen and CreateTask() to work with 32-bit memory.
Re-wrote the expression paring and code generating routines
completely.The routines now use registers much more effectively, and
provide a good base for the separate peephl optimize.
AddafwTurboPascalfeatures:  you can now use type casts aywhere, eve in
address calculation.  Thu you can now write something like Record
Type(Pointer^).Field, which in version 1.1 was illegal.  Changed the
FOR statement significantly in order to make it more efficient,and mor
like Turbo.  It boils down to two differences:ORloops n lnger run a
minimum of once (e.g for i := 1 to 0 do ..  will execute zero
times),and the BY cause is gone.  Added short circuit evaluations,
automatic floating point conversions, Heap functions, Reset and
Rewrite.  You can now use any standard functions or operators in
constantexpression.  Changed the Read routines to comply with Standard
Pascal and Turbo,inthat any white space is skipped before reading
integers and reals.  It used to stop at EOLNs.  Author:  Patrick Quaid.

CAM #503a&b Fonts

21 Adobe type 1 fonts:

CarawayBoldCascadeScript KuenstlerScript_black KuenstlerScript_medium
KuenstlerScript_TwoBold MediciScript NuptialScript Albatros Andromeda
Ashley BODIDLYbold Diego1 Dragonwick Eire KonanurKaps LowerEastSide
Middleton Postscrypt ReynoldsCaps UpperEastSide UpperWestSide

10 Calamus converted for Pagestream fonts:

BurlingtonOblique Calligraphy_II CHANCERY CHICAGO FLASH Harlow Oakville
OLYMPIA SouvenirMedium Western


Topaz, PCfont and VTss Replacements Author:  Glenn Eddy

CAM #504a&b Applications


HT is a Hypertext program for the Amiga which allows you to have links
in a text based document to graphics, sound, animation, music, other
text, and even programs.  The real docs are included in the
Documentation directory, so look in there for more info on that sort of
thing.  Binary only, author:  Dominic Giampaolo


An excellent PostScript interpreter for the Amiga which implements the
full Adobe language.  Supports type 1 and type 3 fonts, screen output,
file output, and printer output.  Requires Arp library V39+ and ConMan
V1.3+.  This is version 1.6, an update to version 1.5.  You can use
POST with PPage to get faster printouts, or with programs such as
Excellence.  Changes include:

        Version defined as real number string in init.ps.
        Define ISOLatin1 encoding vector.
        New menu and error "kill".
        New error name string library entry.
        Pathbbox now meets level 2 spec.
        Allow Encoding length less than 256.
        Use .notdef for type 1 buildchar.
        Increase $error dictionary size; move $error to systemdict.
        Allow name operands to length operator.
        New operator cleardictstack.
        Change cvrs to correct spec.
        Bugs fixed: fast image positioning when ydir negative.

Author: Adrian Aylward


A word processor for the Amiga, with both German and English versions.
TextPlus enables you to write letters, books, programs etc.  in a very
easy and comfortable way.  This version 3.0E include:  V3.0E

 * multiple windows
 * footnotes
 * serial letters
 * ARexx-port with 120 commands
 * ANSI-compatible
 * files crunched by PowerPacker can be loaded
 * mapping of function keys
 * menu for external applications or macros
 * powerful block operations
 * arbitrarily defined command-sequences may be sent to the printer
   via par: or prt:
 * automatic saving in time intervals
 * auto-overscan
 * many bugs have been removed

Binary only, author: Martin Steppler

CAM #505a&b Programmation graphique


This package contains the most up-to-date versions of the C source
files from the book "Graphics Gems" (Editor Andrew S.  Glassner,
Academic Press, 1990 ISBM 0-12-286165-5, 833 pgs.).  All known bugs
have been fixed, formatting problems have been corrected, and
enchancements to some of the original Gems have been made.  You are
encouraged to submit bug fixes, skeleton programs, and the like to
Craig Kolb (kolb@yale.edu).  Andrew Glassner / Craig Kolb


GWIN or Graphics WINdow is an integrated collection of graphics
routines callable from C.  These routines make it easy to create
sophisticated graphics programs in the C environment.  One line calls
give you a custom screen (ten types available), menu items, requestors,
text, circles, polygons, etc.  GWIN is a two dimensional floating point
graphics system with conversion between world and screen coordinates.
GWIN includes built in clipping that may be turned off for speed.  Use
of color and XOR operations are greatly simplified.  Many examples of
the use of GWIN are included in an examples directory, including a
line/bar graph program, geographic mapping program, SPICE 2G.6 graphics
post processor, and others.  Extensive documentation is included.  This
is version 1.1, an update to version 1.0, recompiled to be compatible
with MANX Aztec C Release 5.  Author:  Howard C.  Anderson.


DKBTrace is a ray tracer written completely in C.  It is a
photo-realistic 3-D object rendering shader, suitable for realizing the
output of CAD programs or generally wasting LOTS of CPU time drawing
pretty pictures.  It features a command-line interface and reads plain
text input files in an easy to use and understand "structured" scene
description language.  It writes output files in several popular 24-bit
image formats, including DKB/QRT "Raw" and Truevision Targa-24 formats.
DKBTrace supports spheres, planes, triangles, smooth (Phong) triangles,
arbitrary quadric surfaces (spheres, ellipsoids, cones, cylinders,
planes, paraboloids, hyperboloids, etc.) and quartic surfaces (which
include tori, lemniscates, foliums, etc.) It also supports constructive
solid geometry and composite objects, so a nearly infinite variety of
object shapes can be produced from the several simpler geometric
primitives.  Lighting and shading models used are:  diffuse, ambient,
reflection, refraction and alpha (transmittance), and Phong specular
highlighting.  These combine with a rich set of procedural textures and
atmospheric effects (fog) to make realistic and interesting looking
scenes.  The object coloration textures available are:  checkers,
marble, wood, Bozo, granite, agate, spotted, gradients, and
image-mapping.  Image-mapping allows the use of IFF (32 color and HAM),
GIF (2-256 color), or 24-bit DKB/QRT "Raw" images.  Several surface
perturbing (or bump-mapping) textures such as waves, ripples, bumps,
dents, and wrinkles are available for use in combination with the
coloration textures to help make more natural-looking object textures.
version 2.11 include many new features and bug fix.  Include c source,
author:  David K.  Buck


This is Black Belt's hame.library and renderhame.library, two standard
Amigalibraries that allow you to access the HAME diplay modes.  Author:
Pete Patterson

CAM #506 Télécommunication


Shareware telecommunication program.  JR-Comm 1.02a fixes three bugs in
the initial 1.02 release.  The primary bug fix deals with the broken
Skypix mouse button.  The other major bug was the line delay in ASCII
send.  The third was a minor bug fix for a non-functional actual time
count in XMODEM downloads.  Binary only, author:  Jack Radigan


A communications program based on Comm version 1.34, by DJ James, with
lots of very nice enhancements.  Also includes several auxiliary
programs such as AddCall, CallInfo, GenList, PbConvert, and ReadMail.
This is version 1.92, an update to version 1.9.  NComm 1.92 offers a
lot of improvements over earlier versions.  Features XPR protocol
support, ANSI and VT100 emulations.  This is "Giftware".  Binary only.
Author:  DJ James, Daniel Bloch, Torkel Lodberg, et al.


The newest version of SerServer (Version 2.20).  A remote cli with with
chat, command parsing, command history, message system etc.  Binary
only, author:  Michael R.  Mossman

CAM #507 Jeux


Hi-res, interlaced version of the solitaire game Golf with animation of
card movement, sound, high score keeping, and other features.
Shareware.  Source code in C available with shareware fee.  Author:
Pat Clark


Hi-res interlaced solitaire game of Nestor features card-movement
animation, sound, high score keeping and more.  Shareware.  Source code
in C available with shareware fee.  Author:  Pat Clark


Hi-res interlaced "regular" game of solitaire with card-movement
animation, sound, high score keeping, and two variations:  one,
according to Hoyle, where you turn one card at a time and go thru the
deck only once; and two, where you turn three cards at a time, and go
through the deck as often as you wish.  Shareware.  Source code in C
available with shareware fee.  Author:  Pat Clark


This is version 1.20 of Spades card game.  It contains some strategy
revisions, as well as the ability to move the screen to the background
via a HIDE button in the titlebar.  Include c source, author:  Greg


The object of this game is to get four of your chips in a row (across,
down, or diagonally) without letting your opponent get his chips in a
row first.  Binary only.  Author:  Jason Bauer

CAM #508 Projets Hardware


14MHZ Accelerator hardware project for the Amiga.  Written by Livio
Plos of Italy.  No warranties.  And this will definately void yours.


This file contains documentation and updated software to run the
hardware expansion described in the February '91 issue of Amazing
Computing.  The card permits you to add up to four parallel ports and
four serial ports to your Amiga.  Here is the software to drive those
ports.  Author:  Dan Babcock


This is a hardware/software project to allow the Amiga to read an
infrared remote control via the parallel port.  Includes an ILBM of the
schematic for a simple interface to the A1000 parallel port, some
modifications are needed for other Amigas.  The source code and
executable for a reader program are included.  For further
functionality modifications to the source can be performed.  Author:
Ron Peterson


This file contains a handler (with source) for using a joystick port to
attach a lightpen to your Amiga.  It also has instructions for making
your lightpen, in case you cannot find one that is Amiga compatible.
Author:  Andreas Klingler


Iff Schematic of midi interface for A2000

CAM #509 Programmation


Llyod Zusman and Master Byte software's Arbitrary Precision Math
Library has been "ported" to the Amiga (I say ported in quotes because
I didn't do too much.) APL is a link time library with routines for
handling simple math functions (+ - / *) using number of arbitrary size
(say integers with hundreds of digits).  It is freely distributable as
long as the license is followed (Gnu-style non-restricting restricting)
Ported by:  Sam Pigg


Icon & c++ programs for the solution of systems of differential
equations.  Programs by Dennis J.  Darland for the generation of c++
programs to solve a specified system of differential equations using
long Taylor series.  Automatic plots may be obtained if you have Maple.
Author:  Dennis J.  Darland


A csh like shell derived from Matt Dillon's shell, version 5.0.  This
is an update to version 5.0 Changes include many bug fixes and, some
new features, Includes source for 5.10 Author:  M.Dillon, S.Drew,
C.Borreo, C.Dieni


A quick Amiga port of Phillip Karn's freely distrib.  DES encryption
utilities for Unix machines The original author Phil Karn, ported by
Sam Pigg with some small mods.


ENV-handler is an AmigaDOS handler that manages Environment variables
in memory.  A single file is maintained for permanent variable
retention.  Replace your ENV:  directory with an ENV:  device.  Binary
only, author:  Mike Ruble


This version of rexxarplib makes use of a lot of AmigaDOS 2.0 features
and has various bugs fixed and a few other enhancements.  Yet, it is
smaller than previous versions because it is now completely compiled
using SAS/C version 5.10a.  Binary only, author:  W.G.J.  Langeveld


Rexxextra.library is an ARexx external function library.  It's purpose
is to extend the string manipulation and mathematical capabilities of
ARexx by defining new functions.  Binary only, author:  Dale W.

CAM #510 Utilités


This is version 3.0 of Amiga Intuition Based Benchmarks (AIBB), a
benchmarking (system performance evaluation) utility for the Amiga.
AIBB has been revised and changed in MANY ways.  Support for
FPU-evaluated tests, and additional tests have been added, as well as a
general overhaul of the entire program.  Binary only, author:  LaMonte


A 2.0-only utility to create assignments when you get a "Please insert
volume" requester.  Also lets you cancel the request, forever.
Installs by dropping into your WBStartup drawer.  This is version 1.1,
includes source.  Binary only, author:  Steve Tibbett


This is a pointer blanker that is compatible with 2.0, and will cause
the pointer to blank out after a set number of seconds.  You can
control it through the ToolTypes.  Author:  Ken Lowther


An alternative to Intuition's method of menu selection via the
keyboard.  Uses one key to activate the menu for the currently active
window, the cursor keys to move through the menu as you choose, and the
return key to select the desired menu item or escape key to abort
selection.  Works with AmigaDOS 2.0 mouse accelerator and has option to
blank Intuition's pointer.  Changes in version 1.04

        - added ability to configure the numeric pad keys unique to the
          Amiga 2000 keyboard.
        - minor correction to ignore topedge specifications in menu
          definitions (as intuition does). includes assembly source.

Author: Ken Lowther


Mem-Handler is a handler that allows any area of system memory to be
accessed like a file.  As an added bonus MEM:  will act like NULL:  if
no address/length is specified.  All writes automatically succeed.
Binary only, author:  Michael Mournier


This is a small utility that will show you the priority of each region
of memory that you have available.  You can also change that priority
if you do not like it.  The most useful application for this program
(and the reason I wrote it) is to set the 'Fast Memory' on an A500 to a
lower priority than any 'expansion ram'.  The reason for doing this is
because 'Fast Memory' on the A500 is not fast at all.  As a matter of
fact, it is as slow as Chip Memory, but the custom chips can not access
it.  (The worst of both worlds!) Binary only, author:  Brent Johnson


With My Own Menu, you can set up programs to run, giving commands and
other parameters to the programs by means of a script.  Very powerful
menuing system.  Binary only, author:  Marco Lusini


This program is similar to (and based on) POPCLI.  It will blank your
screen after a preset time, or do it instantly if you move the mouse to
one particular zone.  It will also disable the blanking if you place
the mouse pointer in a different zone.  Of course, it will also get you
a new CLI if you touch the Left-Amiga-ESC keys.  NewPop v4.0 supports
the following features:

 * screen blanking with cute Q
 *X pattern display on blanked screen.
 * cli/command popper.
 * instant- and defeat-blanking via HOT KEYS and pointer position.
 * titlebar CPU usage (actually # of task switches/second) monitor.
 * titlebar SCSI I/O usage monitor.
 * titlebar memory (graphics and fast) monitor.
 * titlebar clock.
 * joystick movements are detected and counted as `input events'.
 * lock/password to restore from a blanking.
 * detects 2.0 and uses 2.0's System() call, if available.
 * quite robust, due to extensive beta testing, with respects to
   different OS's and computer models. [this was not true with v3.2]
 * fully configurable, in that:
  - you can turn off any feature you don't want.
  - you can set many parameters controlling how NewPop should act

control some aspect of NewPop.  Include c source, author:  Loren J.


PointerX - Spins the hands of any pointer that looks like the standard
2.0 Workbench Busy pointer.  PointerX only runs under Kickstart 2.0.
This means it will spin not just the WB pointer, but your programs too
- If you use the right pointer.  Include c source, author:  Steve


This program will initialize the GELS system, then leave.  You should
put it in your startup-sequence so that GELS is initialized at least
once after each boot.  The reason you want this is to speed up certain
graphics calls, which go slow unless GELS has been initialized at least
once.  (SetAPen(), WritePixel() is an example of this).  Binary only,
author:  Roger Uzun


Size-Independant Disk Copier, include assembler source, author:  Martin Rex


SPS-Tran is a transfer rate analysis program for the Amiga series of
computers, and allows the user to determine the maxiumum data transfer
rate for an AmigaDOS storage device, such as Hard Drives, Floppy
Drives, CD-ROMs, or Virtual Ram Drives.  Binary only, author:  Dave


SuperDuper is a disk copier/formatter that tries to be to diskWith
handling what Mostra is to IFF displaying:  a fast, compact,
system-friendly tool which couples speed, features, and some bells and
whistles to make your life easier.  SuperDuper, a disk is copied and
verified in about 99s.  Without verify 70 secs.  You can buffer a disk
in RAM in 36s, and then making a verified copy takes 67s, while a
non-verified copy takes 37s.  Binary only, author:  Sebastiano Vigna

CAM #511 Utilités diverses


Arq, is a little utility to improve the look and feel of system
requesters under AmigaOS 2.0.  Arq features a sound interface -- any
appearing requester now may be accompagnied by some user-definable
sound.  Binary only, authors:  Martin Laubach, Peter Wlcek and René


A 2.0-only utility to create assignments when you get a "Please insert
volume" requester.  Also lets you cancel the request, forever.
Installs by dropping into your WBStartup drawer.  This is version 1.2,
an update to version 1.0.  Includes source.  Author:  Steve Tibbett


An input handler to help left handed Amiga users.  It reverses the
function of the mouse buttons, so that the left button becomes the
right and vice versa.  Very small, uses only 168 bytes of memory.
Version 1.0, includes source in assembler.  Author:  Preben Nielsen


Workbench oriented install command.  Author:  David Kinder source asm
available from author.


'kd_freq.library' is a standard Amiga shared library.  Its main
function is to call up a fie requester from any program so that the
user can select a file.  New features in release 3.00:

 1. Sort by file name, date or size.
 2. Show/Hide files by their size, i.e. Size Wildcards.
 3. Extended Select across directories.
 4. String search. (looks for a string in text files)
 5. Buffered directories between calls.
 6. Delete Files.
 7. Amiga-Return decativates a string gadget.
 8. Totally rewrote the programmer's calls and interface. However,
    backward compatibility is 100%.
 9. Rearranged many gadgets to fit more in and to make them look
 10. FR_Bypass has changed a lot.
 11. Many, many bug fixes.

Binary only, author: Khalid Aldoseri


A small utility that opens a little window in which it shows the mouse
coordinates and the color at that position.  It can be moved from
screen to screen and is able to show coordinates even when you are
moving/resizing windows or moving Workbench icons.  Version 1.0,
includes source in assembler.  Author:  Preben Nielsen


A public screen manager for AmigaDOS 2.0.  Lets you open, manipulate,
and close public screens, set the global public screen bits, and
provides a good example of using GadTools and ReadArgs.  Version 1.1,
an update to version 1.0.  Includes source.  Author:  Steve Tibbett


A fully configurable icon recoloring tool that can swap or shift the
colors of selected icons and truncate the depth of the icon color map.
Binary only.  Author:  Michael Sinz


Ruler V5.00 is a small tool used in the measurement and constrainment
of text.  Originally conceived as a tool for insuring that filenames
didn't exceed the Amiga's 30-character limit, it is nevertheless useful
in any situation where the number of characters in a line needs to be
counted.  The original version of Ruler was written by Thad Floryan.
Chad Netzer later modified Ruler and released version 4.0.  My version
is an enhancement of 4.0; Ruler now supports variable font sizes (for
use under Kickstart 2.0), and can be placed on any screen.  Author:
Dave Schreiber


Snap is the perfect tool for the lazy typer.  Isn't it irritating when
you look at something on the screen and think:  "That is what I'm going
to type."?  What if you could just point at it and get the computer to
type it for you?  That's where Snap comes to the rescue.  Another thing
that irritates me is that I'm sitting in front of THE computer and
still I must have pen and paper available to scribble down something
from the screen that I know I will need later.  Snap provides a
solution to that problem also.  Just frame it and Snap creates a window
with a copy of the screen contents.  Perfect for snapping text from
later on.  This is another idea borrowed from the computer scientists
at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (you know, the ones who invented the
mouse, windows, icons and stuff like that).  version 1.61 include some
improvements and bugs fixe and 2.0 compatibility.  Include source,
author:  Mikael Karlsson


A program like TrackDisplay by Olaf Barthel.  It monitors and displays
the current track for each floppy disk connected to the Amiga.  Version
1.0, includes source in assembler.  Author:  Preben Nielsen

CAM #512a&b Fontes (Pagestream)

25 AdobeType1 fonts

Carta, Cheq, Mesquite, Rudelsberg SchwarzWald, Sydney, Bauhaus-Bold,
Bauhaus-Demi, Bauhaus-Heavy, Bauhaus-Light, Bauhaus-Medium,
Century-Bold, Century-BoldItalic, Century-Book, Century-BookItalic,
Century-Light, Century-LightItalic, Century-Ultra, Century-UltraItalic,
Cottonwood, Fette Fraktur, Ironwood, Juniper, Lino Text, Lino-Script.

10 PagestreamFonts

Architect, BABY TEETH, FREEHAND, Futura XBold, Kibo-Sans,
MegaStarSerif, Old English, REVUED, SEGMENT, Tyme Unsl Ital.

CAM #513 Jeux


A little workbench hack.  Try it out for a surprise!  binary only,
author:  Greg Jarman


A preliminary version of the Authors "Family Solitair" card game.  A
standard game of Solitair with options for multiple players, sound etc.
Binary only.  Author:  Errol Wallingford


An arcade game where each player controls a jet and must destroy the
opponents jet, which is accomplished when a jet has been hit 75 by
either missiles or air mines.  Binary only.  Author:  Jason Bauer

Husker Du

Very addictive block game, you have to pile diferrent color block in 8
columns.  binary only, author:  Stephen Ross


Strategic, "RISK" style game for up to four players.  Based in the
ancient times of Rome, Athens, Alexandria and Carthago.  Binary only,
shareware ($10), Manx-C source available from the author.  English
version 1.66E and German version 1.79D.  Update to version 1.50E.
Author:  Roland Richter


Interferon is a game, basically a variation on Tetris, but you must
match up colors to destroy the "bugs" on the screen.  It uses 16 colors
and has sounds.  Binary only, author:  Gary Milliorn


A strategy game for two players based on a board game called "Shogun".
Features include flexible mouse/joystick controls, undo and redo of up
to 500 preceding steps, fully intuitionized user interface.  Version
1.0, complete source code, precompiled include files and debugger files
included.  Author:  Tim Pietzcker


Very simple maze game, 12 levels.  Binary only, author:  Dave Browder


This is another Tetris Clone.  I wrote this program as an Artificial
Intelligence Project, and so naturally it plays itself.  It also lets
you play and will give you hints where you can move the current piece
or will actually move the piece there for you (if you like to cheat).
But really it would be good to sharpen your Tetris skills or to see
which of the moves that the computer suggests you would follow, and
which you wouldn't etc.  etc.  etc.  The program is task friendly (IE
it doesn't take too much CPU time) and it is adjusts to your
environment screen resolution.  It will use nice fonts if it sees that
you have them.  It uses the 3D look for the board and the pieces, and a
bunch of extra stuff that I hope ya'll will like.  Binary only, Author:
Aaron Hightower

CAM #514a&b Utilités de programmation


PPB is two things:

 1. PPB is a Full-Featured Paint Program.
 2. PPB is an Image Editor/GUI Design Tool.

The Features of PPB are:

 1. A palette of 2 to 64 colors.
 2. 8 resolutions: 4 NTSC, 4 PAL.
 3. Source code generators for Images, Gadgets, Windows, and Screens.
 4. 3 Language choices: Assembler, C, and Basic.
 5. C source code is ANSI compatable.
 6. C source code is configurable for Lattice 5.04/SAS 5.10, or  Other.
    Other includes most Publicly Distributable compilers  and the Manx
 7. 2 Bitmaps enabling either a spare type 'screen', or editing 2 pic
    files simultaneously.

Binary only, Author: T.C. DeVeau


'sregexp.library' is a run time library of routines for doing wildcard
pattern matching and wildcard path matching.  It accepts a slight
extension of the AmigaDOS wildcard syntax, including a not operator,
and character sets.  It has routines to test if a string matches a
wildcard expression, and for scanning through all matches to a
wildcarded AmigaDOS path.  There are two nifty features to the path
matching routines:  '.../' means recursively scan all subdirectories,
and may come anywhere in the path; and wildcards are allowed in the
volume node part of the path!  (DH?:  would match all your hard drive
partitions.) Include source, author:  Jon Spencer


A gadtools template editor.  It is able to generate nearly standalone C
source code.  The program will only run under OS 2.0, Kickstart 37.73
or higher.  This is version 1.00 Alpha.  Includes source.  Author:
Matt Dillon


Convert ILBM To Assembler Source.  CITAS allows one to easily put
graphics into his/her own programs.  CITAS takes a standard IFF ILBM
image file and converts it into either assembler or 'C' source code.
Designed for blitter image control, all of the necessary labels are
generated, along with color map information, mask generation, and other
options.  This is version 2.0, shareware, binary only.  Author:  Max


A program for creating and editing intuition gadgets.  Includes a
palette editor, generation of either C or assembly source, and binary
saving for later loading and editing.  Also comes with "PatchGE", a
program for converting the original format of GadgetED binaries to be
loadable by this and future versions.  Version 2.3, an update to
version 2.0, includes source.  Author:  Jan van den Baard


Here's the line and polygon drawing routines.  The best and the worst
are here....  Compilation by Richard Jones


SIND allows you to peek into the Amiga Operating System ("OS") and take
snapshots of the current status.  This is especially useful for
programmers, who must make certain that their programs free all of the
resources they utilize when the user exits.  You can also analyze what
a particular program is doing to the OS.  Binary only, Author:  Mike


A shared library containing 45 useful functions for all kinds of
programs.  There are functions for ports, sorting, gadgets, memory,
string, directory and file handling, etc.  Version 8.1, an update to
version 7.6, includes source.  Author:  Jan van den Baard

CAM #515 Télécommunication


A general purpose TTY-type telecommunications program for the Amiga
version 1.4 include many improvements.  Binary only, Authors:  Steve
Ahlstrom and Don Curtis


A program that encrypts and decrypts data (files).  It uses a
mathematical algorithm with password key protection.  Has both English
and German versions and documentation.  This is version 1.0, binary
only.  Author:  Thomas Schossow


Self Extracting Archive Creator, faster and bettter compression than
lharc but no no hierarchical support, Binary only, Author:  Mike


LZ is currently the fastest .LZH utility for the Amiga.  No other
available Amiga archiver even comes close to LZ's legendary performance
for either compressing or decompressing.  LZ 1.80 can achieve peak
compression speeds of up to three times those of LZ 0.91.  Binary only,
Author:  Jonathan Forbes


MiniTerm is a small terminal(7k) written entirely in C, and can be used
to base your own custom made terminals.  includes source.  Author:
Raja Vallee-Rai


Serial device for use with I/O Expansion Board project.  includes
source.  Author:  Mike Mossman


NiftyTerm is an h19/VT102/VT52 emulator for the Amiga.  It was
originally designed to be used with DNet, but it has been expanded so
that it may be used as a normal terminal emulator.  Niftyterm was
designed to be a good emulation of these terminals, as well as being
fairly small and fast.  Version 1.2, an update to version 1.0.  Binary
only, source available from authors.  Author:  Christopher Newman, Todd

CAM #516a&b Musique

15 soundtracker modules

1989-anumber, altego, calm moments, dumber bumber, flameg, freeguitar,
hispeed, hits-90, ENDLESS, made, minoan war, moongate,
not-just-any-trip, Stardust, werweru.

CAM #517a&b Utilités traitement de texte


A small program for checking the presence of a parallel printer from
within a script file.  Binary only.  Author:  Tom Kroener


This package contains a number of programs that are useful for
manipulating for fonts for DTP on the Amiga.  It is especially useful
in conjunction with Professional Page, but may be useful with other
packages too.  It can create bitmapped fonts from PostScript fonts
using my PostScript interpreter library "post.library".  It can create
metric files for use with PPage and either PostScript or Compugraphic
fonts.  It can create or change the encoding of a PPage Compugraphic
font.  It also makes it possible to use the PPage Article Editor, or
most other editors, with a different character set.  Programs contained
mkbmap V1.2 Creates Amiga bitmapped fonts from PostScript fonts
mkmetric V1.1 Creates PPage .metric files from Adobe .afm files mkatc
V1.0 Creates PPage Compugraphic font .atc encoding files remfont V1.0
Removes a bitmapped font from memory - so it can be changed.  Includes
source.  Author:  Adrian Aylward


The vFont Package is a font rendering system that will extend the Amiga
so that it will be able to utilize vectorized outline fonts.  binary
only.  Author:  Michael Jansson


A simple label printing utility.  Very powerful as the user can/must do
a lot of settings by himself.  Features include variable linefeeds (in
1/216 inch steps), a very exactly setting of the label length and
freely configurable printer codes.  Version 1.0, binary only.  Author:
Stefan Berendes.


A printing utility, designed for all those who slowly but surely become
frustrated with programmers who think that they can do a form feed
better than their printer can.  This one relies on the printer itself
to do the formatting, and on the program to send the settings.
Features include a full icon driven user interface, the ability to
convert tabs to any size, and the ability to save a number of standard
settings.  Version 1.10, includes source.  Author:  Marc Jackisch


A nice shareware editor with learn mode, a command language, menu
customization, hypertext, online help, a teach mode, split windows,
copy and paste, undo, features.  This is version 2.6e, an update to
version 2.6c.  Binary only.  Author:  Rick Stiles

CAM #518 Utilités graphiques


A program that renders multicolor pictures using an algorithm based on
electrostatic effects.  Renders in low-res and high-res, and in two
speed/quality modes.  Includes both PAL and NTSC versions of the
program.  English and German docs.  This is version 1.06, includes
source in PCQ, freeware.  Author:  Juergen Matern


This program convert anim file from/to dpaintIII, Animagic, Animation
Station & Director/Movie 2.0.  Arexx support, Binary only.  Author:
Ron Tarrant


Convert many amiga file format, IBM Dpaint and targa 16&32 pictures to
24 bits IFF with scaling capability etc.  version 2.2 include many bugs
fixes and new format support.  Binary only.  Author:  Pete Patterson


This demo is designed to show you how fantastic HAM fractal images are
with up to 256 colors and to demonstrate the motion sequencing
capabilities you can control with FractalPro 4.0.  You can make
Mandelbrot and Julia Sets and try some Up or Down image sequences.  You
can also do some zooming in on Mandelbrot and Julia Set images.  Once
you've seen how terrific these pictures are compared to other
Mandelbrot programs, it'll be hard to live with those simple 16 and 32
color displays!  And the image sequencing capabilities are the most
advanced of any fractal software on any computer.  This demo does
operate at FULL SPEED!  Author:  Daniel Wolf


ImConEd is a program to edit your Imagine.config file with.  I assure
you that if you don't know what an Imagine.config file is, this program
is NOT for you.  Sure, you can use a text editor to change the settings
in your Imagine.config file, but ImConEd is easier, and more fun.
Binary only.  Author:  Sheldon Arnst


Here's an update to the ANIM standard compressor which now supports
DCTV resolution images and ANIMs with varying colormaps.  Binary only.
Author:  Keith Doyle


Here are a few programs to help your work with the PBMplus convertor
toolkit.  - 24toPPM converts 24bit IFFs to PPM format (portable
pixmap).  - PPMto24 converts PPM to 24bit IFFs - PPMprev gives a quick
HAM preview of a PPM file stretched to the current screen size, even if
its only say a 2x2 pixel picture :-) All these executables are pure and
can be made resident.  Current limitations; The PPMto24 only writes
non-compressed pictures, so these might take up a fair amount of disk
space.  Only the binary (not the ASCII) PPM format is supported.  The
Amiga PBM utilities are compiled to producethis format by default, so
that's no real problem.  Binary only Author:  Albert-Jan Brouwer


This program (source included) is a quick and dirty picture viewer for
Dynamic HiRes images created with MACRO PAINT, the 4096 color high
resolution paint program from Lake Forest Logic.  Author:  Lake Forest


TIV is a very complete general purpose IFF viewer.  It combines an ILBM
picture viewer, ANIM Op5 animation player, and 8SVX sampled sound
player all in one hopefuy convenient program.  TIV can be run from CI
or from WorkBench, with many different options available in either
environment.  Binary only Author:  Thomas Krehbiel


View is a program that allows you to view all ANIM opcode 5 or 6
animations and all ILBM IFF format pictures.  You can also view RGB Raw
(Sculpt), or Pro RGB files.  This viewer program is freely
re-distributable.  This means that you may distribute it to anyone, or
anywhere that you so desire providing that this unaltered file, and the
original unmodified program are distributed together.  Binary only
Author:  Michael W.  Hartmann

CAM #519a&b Musique MIDI


An editor program for the Kawai K1-II synthesizer.  Includes a
bankloader for single-patches and multi-patches, a single- patch
editor, a multi-patch editor, and support for the effect-session and K1
controllers.  Version 4.8, binary only.  Author:  Andreas Jung


MED is a music editor that can be used to compose music for demos/games
etc.  It can be used as a stand-alone music program as well.  The
features include built-in sample editor, synthetic sound editor, MIDI
support (up to 16 tracks), and options to read/write NoiseTracker
modules.  Included are routines that allow programmers to easily
incorporate music made with MED in their programs.  This is version
3.10, an update to version 3.00.  Binary only.  Author:  Teijo Kinnunen


A small, useful utility for sending any MIDI data back and forth
between an Amiga and a MIDI instrument.  Helpful for learning about
MIDI, writing/debugging MIDI software, figuring out your instrument's
system-exclusive implementa- tion, and more.  Very versatile.  Version
1.0, includes source.  Author:  Daniel J.  Barrett


Here is CASIO, a primitive program to download 16-bit voices from the
Casio FZ-1 synthesizer to the Amiga computer.  includes source.
Author:  Karl Lehenbauer


ExperimentIV is a small module player for soundtracker/noisetracker
type modules.  It is system-friendly, and should work on any amiga,
play at the right speed on a PAL or NTSC amiga indifferently, and
multitask with communication programs.  Right now, it has been tested
on a 500, a 2000 and a 3000 without a hitch.  It also features a very
simple interface, and can be used from workbench.  includes source.
Author:  Marc Espie


This program includes source and executable for the program FZIFF, a
program for converting 16-bit samples downloaded from a Casio FZ-1
synthesizer to the IFF 8SVX sample format on the Amiga.  includes
source.  Author:Karl Lehenbauer


This program will read any MIDI event (on any channel) and display the
corresponding bar on the screen just like a Graphic Equalizer.  Binary
only.  Author:  Antonello Biancalana


A group of several different utility programs for those who run a Midi
system.  Update to version on disk 159.  Includes three new programs,
two of which are synthesizer editors, and compatibility with AmigaDOS
2.0.  Binary only.  Author:  Jack Deckard


Expand is a little program to use with the oktalyzer eight channel
music program.  When you were making a piece of music using 5 channels,
and wanted to add another melody or drumtrack, and all of your 5
channels were used up then you just had to leave something out.  But
now there's expand, just save your song, type Expand <song> <newsong>,
with the number of the channels you want to expand, and you can
continue, with more channels available.  Convert can be used to convert
soundtracker (32 channel versions!!!!) modules to oktalyzer modules.  I
couldn't figure out how eight-channel sounds were stored in oktalyzer,
so when you convert the module, you have to set the playmode right for
all the samples (playmode will be 4-channel for all of the converted
samples).  Binary only.  Author:  W.  Boumans


A music editor like MED with more features, system friendly but
no-multitask etc.  Binary only.  Author:  Amiga Freelancers


Sample Ripper, v1.0, allows you to take a 31 instrument
Noisetracker/Soundtracker module, or MED module saved into ST-NT format
and "separate" the sound samples from the module.  This is very useful
for someone who wants to write music in one of the mentioned programs
but has a limited sample library or worse yet, none.  Binary only.
Author:Rob Lizak Jr.


UR is a replacement sampler/player for the Universal Remote by Jamie
Mueller.  Binary only.  Author:  Greg Cunnigham


WaveMaker is intended to give beginning music and physics students a
"hands on" feel for how complex waves are made by adding a harmonic
series of sine waves.  A fundamental and up to seven harmonics are
available.  The resulting waveform can be displayed on the screen or
played on the audio device using the keyboard like a piano.  A game
mode is also provided.  Version 1.2, an update to version 1.1, with
several bugs fixed, more efficient code, and a new display option.
Includes source.  Author:  Thomas Meyer


ZSound enables you to play any SoundTracker (15 and 31 instruments) and
NoiseTracker music modules.  It can be used as a stand-alone module
player, or it can be used as part of a larger multimedia presentation.
It was designed to be flexible and polite.  It will not hog your
memory, and can be customized in many different ways to conform to your
needs and hardware.  Binary only.  Author:  Gregg M.  Giles

CAM #520 Jeux


shoot'em up game built using Accolade's Shoot'Em Up Construction Kit.
You are the pilot of a WWII U.S.  Navy P-38 Lightning.  This fighter
has been specially modified with more armour and weapons to assist you
on your dangerous mission against the Japanese Navy and Air Force.  You
have a squadron of 5 airplanes at your command, and another squadron
flown by another pilot is also available.  Your mission:  DESTROY the
Japanese armada!  Binary only.  Author:  John Wong/PinPoint Graphics


shoot'em up game built using Accolade's Shoot'Em Up Construction Kit.
Binary only.  Author:  Carmen Rizzolo


A fast Missile Command game written in assembly.  Features include
using a hires interlaced screen, time based events for correct
operation on any speed Amiga, multitasking friendly, and sound effects.
This is version 2, an update to the version 1, with bug fixes and
enhancements.  Binary only.  Author:  Max Bithead


A "TRON" like cycle race game for up to four players.  Version 13.76,
an update version, includes source in assembly.  Author:  Jorg Sixt

CAM #521 Utilités domestiques


An easy to use, intuitive, friendly checkbook program.  Allows you to
enter your checks in a very natural style, giving you a running balance
as you do so.  Options include reconciling your checkbook, starting new
registers with outstanding checks only, printing all, cleared,
outstanding, or selected entries, and more.  Version 2.0, shareware,
binary only, requires AmigaDOS 2.0.  Author:  Jeff Hoag


BizCalc est une version très améliorée de MortCalc, publié dans la
collection Fred Fish (disque n° 385).  Je lui ai donné un nouveau nom
parce que des utilisateurs croyaient que mon programme ne calcule que
des hypothèques, alors qu'il calcule tout genre de prêt, personnel ou
hypothécaire.  Voici donc BizCalc, le calculateur de prêts à tout
faire!  Binaire seulement, auteur:  Michel Laliberté


A program to calculate the Chi-Square statistic and p value from a data
file.  Include source in Basic, Author:  C.  Niederberger


An expression calculator that works with real and complex numbers, has
arbitrarily-named variables and user-defined functions, startup files
and more.  Version 1.0, includes source.  Author:  Martin Scott


An input handler to help Amiga users who have cats other pets (or
children) that mess with the Amiga as soon as it is left for a second.
It installs an input handler which lets you lock the keyboard and mouse
by pressing a few buttons.  Very small, uses only 190 bytes of memory.
Version 1.0, includes source in assembler.  Author:  Preben Nielsen F:
MachIII_v3.2 A "mouse accelerator" program that also includes hotkeys,
features of sun mouse, clicktofront, popcli, title bar clock with a bbs
online charge accumulator, Arexx support and much more.  Updates for
Workbench 2.0 have been added along with many fixes and new features.
This is version 3.1, an update to version 3.0.  Binary only.  Author:
Brian Moats and Polyglot software


A clock utility, which displays memory, date, time and online time (if
connected to another computer via modem) in the titlebar of the
WorkBench screen.  This is version 1.3, includes source.  Author:
Martin Steppler


This is a small utility YES, this is another mouse accellerator but
unlike most others this one is Proportional.  That is, this mouse acc.
goes farther as you go faster (or is that goes faster as you move
farther?).  From what I understand this is the way the Mac mouse is and
is more natural.  includes source in modula.  Author:  Robert Kozak


A program to calculate common statistics results from a data file.
Include source in Basic.  Author:


Stock Market Technical Analysis Program Binary only, author:  David A.

CAM #522 Utilités diverses


AvailMem is a free memory counter that displays the amount of free
memory, and the largest free memory block, in bytes (as opposed to
kilobytes.  includes source, author:  Dave Schreiber


ccd is an attempt to have the equivalent to M*-DOS ncd (Norton's cd).
This smart utility is most precious for hard disk users:  it allows to
cd to a directory without having to specify the whole path.  includes
source, author:  Cedric BEUST


CpuBlit makes your 68020/68030-equipped Amiga scroll text about twice
as fast as before.  includes source, author:  Eddy Carroll


A sector oriented disk monitor with lots of useful features like
disassembler, user-friendly ASCII- and hex editing facility, and
extensive search options.  Useful for salvaging data from damaged
disks, or for learning about the inner workings of AmigaDOS.  Supports
req.library, and external diassembler libraries.  Can be iconified to
conserve memory.  Comes bundled with German and English documentation
and a multilingual user interface.  On NTSC machines, DisKey will be
forced to interlace mode, although it will grateful open a
noninterlaced display whenever possible.  The version on this disk is
2.1, shareware, binary only.  Author:  Angela Schmid


This utility is based upon the Unix utility of the same name.  It
prints out the size of the contents of the given directory.  includes
source, author:  Dave Schreiber


Here's a new "NIL:" handler that does what the fake DOS NIL:  should.
It has a real message port and handles many packets (including
filelocks).  This handler even works with "Copy DH0:  NEWNIL:  ALL".
binary only.  Author:  Brian Gontowski


An input handler that allows you to manipulate windows and screens by
pressing keys on the keyboard.  It currently lets you perform 17
different functions.  Includes an interactive program to define
hotkeys.  Very small, uses only 1124 bytes of memory.  Version 1.0,
includes source in assembler.  Author:  Preben Nielsen


Removable media partition mounter for Kickstart 2.0 or higher.
SCSIMounter allows you to mount and unmount partitions without
rebooting the machine.  It sports a nice 2.0-style point-and-click user
interface that makes handling removable media a piece of cake.  Binary
only, Author:  Martin A.  Blatter


includes source, Author:  Anselm Hook

CAM #523a&b Utilités éducation


Automata is an extremely versatile, cellular automaton simulation.
Virtually every aspect of the simulation can be altered, saved, and
later recalled.  Also supplies many powerful editing functions (such as
patterns, rotations, reflections, etc) for creating and modifying cell
configurations.  Additional features include editable icons, an immense
variety of rules from which to choose, "music" which changes as the
cell configuration changes and methods to speed execution from 3 to 60
(or more) generations per second.  Binary only.  Author:  Jerry Mack


DeafLab is designed to act as a hand signing interface for the Deaf
community.  It allows a deaf person to understand in handsigns what
someone is saying who doesn't know the hand signs themselves.  You
would be surprised to know how many in the deaf community can read
signs perfectly, but have trouble with letters.  Binary only.  Author:
Gary A.  Creighton


A program which calculates the positions of the sun, moon, and planets
for any date and any place.  Includes source in HiSoft BASIC.  Author:
Yvon Alemany


MoleWt is a molecular weight calculator.  The program accepts a
chemical formula and returns the molecular weight.  This is version
1.01, binary only.  Author:  John Kennan


Spright is a sprite making utility.  Simple or attached sprites can be
saved to a file ready to be added to your program.  The colors used
with the sprite(s) will also be saved.  Version 1.2, binary only.
Author:  Todd Neumiller


A utility to allow corrections in pronunciation for programs that use
the Translate() function.  It allows you to extract the exception table
from the translator.library, use a text editor to edit the table, and
then restore it back into the library.  Version 1.0, includes source.
Author:  Richard Sheppard


A program for drawing representations of the Earth's surface.  This
version includes a completely rewritten user interface and some new
functions.  Version 2.25d, an update to version 2.0.  Includes source.
Authors:  Bryan Brown & Ulrich Denker


An interactive 3D solid modelling program for molecules.  Produces a
graphic, three dimensional representation of molecules, based on 3D
coordinates data from geometry optimization programs, X-ray
measurements, or any other source.  Can handle up to 500 atoms at a
time.  Requires 1Mb or more of memory.  Version 1.022, binary only.
Author:  Stefan Abrecht

CAM #524 Utilités 2.0


A commodity which activates the window under the mouse- pointer when
pressing any key.  Requires AmigaOS 2.0.  This is version 1.08.
Includes german version and source in C.  Author:  Stefan Sticht


Sends a window to back or brings it to front with defined actions.  For
example put a window in front by double- clicking in it and send it
back with the middle mouse button.  Any keyboard or mouse event can be
trapped.  Number of required actions can be changed (double-click vs
triple- click).  Implemented as a commodity.  Requires AmigaOS 2.0.
This is version 1.03.  Includes german version and source.  Author:
Stefan Stich


A commodity which centers the frontmost screen horizontally on hotkey.
Useful if you normally operate with overscan screens and an old program
opens a normal size screen.  Requires AmigaOS 2.0.  This is version
1.05.  Includes german version and source in C.  Author:  Stefan Sticht


A new palette tool to change the colors of the workbench or any other
public screen.  The feature of this tool is its font independance; it
uses the font of the screen on which it opens, instead of insisting on
topaz 8.  Looks really great if you use any other font than topaz on
your workbench screen.  This is version 1.03.  Includes german version.
Binary only.  Author:  Stefan Sticht


A utility for blanking the screen after a defined period of no action.
Shows a multicolor Amiga checkmark.  This is version 1.1, binary only,
requires AmigaDOS 2.0.  Author:  Markus Stoll


Yet another LeftyMouse, this one implemented as a commodity.  Swaps the
left and right mousebutton for lefties.  Requires AmigaOS 2.0.  This is
version 1.04.  Includes german version and source in C.  Author:
Stefan Sticht


Yet another mouse accelerator, this one implemented as a commodity.  If
you find the built-in accelerator too slow, try this one.  Requires
AmigaOS 2.0.  This is version 1.01.  Includes german version and source
in C.  Author:  Stefan Sticht


Blanks the mouse pointer after a defined timeout or if you press any
key.  Implemented as a commodity.  Requires AmigaOS 2.0.  This is
version 1.13.  Includes german version and source in C.  Author:
Stefan Sticht


An "open shell on hotkey" commodity (like PopCLI).  Requires AmigaOS
2.0.  This is version 1.05.  Includes german version and source in C.
Author:  Stefan Sticht


ShowMe is an ARexx script designed to be run under WorkBench 2.0.  It
will show you just about any kind of file just by you dropping it into
a window on the WorkBench.  This includes pictures, sounds,
executables, archives, animations, etc.  You name it.  The file doesn't
even need not have an icon to be dropped in the window.  Author:
Robert Kesterson


A screen blanker that draws beautiful splines.  No longer do you need a
screen blanker that's just a boring black.  This is a 2.0 (only)
Commodity, written by Sebastiano Vigna, based upon code from Tom
Rokicki's Mackie.  Binary only.  Authors:  Tom Rokicki & Sebastiano


Permet l'affichage du contenu des fenêtres pendant le déplacement,
comme le NEXT.  Cette distribution provient d'un BBS et ne contient pas
de documentation.  Fonctionne en 2.0 overscan seulement.  Binaire
seulement, auteur:  Christian A.  Weber


Activates and brings to front next or previous window with hotkeys.
Hotkeys can be changed.  Implemented as a commodity.  Requires AmigaOS
2.0.  This is version 1.05.  Includes german version and source in C.
Author:  Stefan Sticht

CAM #525a&b Animations "Eric Schwartz"


Another great, humorous, animation from Eric Schwartz.  This one was
obviously inspired by the Lemmings game.  Lasts a full two minutes and
ten seconds.  Requires at least 2 Mb of memory.  Author:  Eric Schwartz


Yet another animation from Eric Schwartz.  Eric wanted to see if he
could still do an animation that required less than 1 MB to run.
Released May 1991.  Author:  Eric Schwartz


A very well done animation by Eric Schwartz.  This is Eric's biggest
animation project to date.  The animation lasts nearly 4 minutes and
requires 3 MB of RAM to run.  Flip the Frog has all kinds of trouble
getting to the house of his girlfriend, Clarisse Cat.  This cartoon
animation follows the style of the short theatrical cartoons of earlier
days.  The animation unpacks to two floppies.  Shareware.  Author:
Eric Schwartz


Another AErotoon animation from Eric Schwartz

CAM #526 Utilités domestiques


A simple database program using an intuition interface.  Stores, sorts,
and searches for information.  Limited to 9 fields in each record.
Features include fast sorting, search in any field, and best of all,
it's really easy to use.  Binary only.  Author:  Robert Bromley


Directory Assistance.  Great new telephone directory program for the
Amiga.  Features 2.0 look.  Looks amazing!  Binary only, author:
Pierre Fortin and Patrick Lalonde


I-MAN, the Inventory-MANager, is an easy to use home inventory program.
The program is amigaized with many pull down menus, gadgets, and
buttons.  Keyboard equivalents have been added, where useful, and these
keyboard equivalents are mainly in the information entry screens.
Binary only, author:  Jim Bryan


Keyboard and mouse driven mortgage utility.  Although similar programs
exist, this one is unique in that it is designed to track 'Open'
mortgages that allow any size payment to be made at any time, as well
as providing a printed amortization table for fixed mortgages with
monthly, semi-monthly, bi-weekly and weekly payment schedules.  This is
version 1.4, an update to version 1.2 .  Binary only.  Author:  Robert


A calculator program that uses the NL 3D look (see NLDaemon).  It will
open on any screen at the touch of a function key.  Version 3.1.2,
includes source.  Author:  Davide Cervone


Demo version of an English to German (and vice versa) word translation
trainer.  Version 1.2, binary only.  Author:  David Wetzel


SQL dababase with arexx support.  Not all datatypes in standard,
Indexes, ORDER BY in SELECT query (All features associated with
multiple concurrent users, Views, Primary and foreign keys, Domains and
UNION, INTERSECT, etc) , are not yet implemented in alpha version
Binary only.  Author:  Kyle Saunders

CAM #527a&b Objets Imagine etc.


THe following is an object that was created using Imagine, the object
is modeled after the Moller 400 in the Jan issue of Popular Mechanics
This object is set up with color and all attributes that were from the
picture of the real thing.  Great looking in Scan Line mode Rendering

33 objets "Imagine" convertis du formats NFF

Apple BatWing F15e Frog Glasses Phone plant Robot Runway shuttle tire
Voyager wheel Balloon Callipers cobra crypt dragon expresso gothic H2O
hang jaws lamp1 lamp2 matchbox Mirror_Ball RoboHand Robot stpauls
temple watch x29


Article with GREAT tips for using Imagine from Impulse.

CAM #528 Jeux divers


This is something of a screen hack - and something of a game.  You use
it either way.  Author:  Api Rimpilainen & Nicole Graveley


A single player card game.  Version 1.1c, binary only.  Shareware.
Author:  Peter Wiseman


Hi-res interlaced Letter-dice spelling game.  Make as many words as you
can in three minutes.  1-12 players.  2.0 and A3000 compatible.  Sound
disabled for 512k machines.  For best appearance, requires Helvetica/18
and /15 to be installed in fonts:  directory.  High score maintenance.
Very little flicker.  Works very nicely with de-interlaced monitors.
Source code available with shareware fee.  Binary only.  Author:  Pat


Some have said that enigma is an interactive animation object, others
say it is a puzzle to solve, others say it is a toy like a Rubik's
cube.  One theory is that it is a programmable state machine for mad
advertising executives.  Until the details are discovered it is up to
do with it what you can.  Binary only.  Author:Martin C Kees


This is an automated wordsearch generator.  Words orientations can be
limited to any subset of the eight primary directions and the puzzle
can be rotated or flipped.  It has a spartan but functional user
interface highlighted by the req.library.  The system default font
under WB 2.0 is supported for the puzzle display window.  Version 1.0,
includes source in C.  Author:  Craig Lever


One player Yatzee game.  This program was written to take up little
memory and to multitask nicely.  Version 1.0, includes source in C.
Author:  Greg Pringle

CAM #529a&b Langages


This is v2.71 of Charlie Gibbs' 680x0 assembler, A68k.  The archive
contains the source files, documentation, and executable.  There is no
linker included, see Blink in EZAsm_v1.5, includes source in C.
Author:  Charlie Gibbs


BMake is a programming utility used to automate the process of
recompiling multiple interdependent source files into an output file,
called the goal.  The rules for making the goal are explicitly stated
in an input file called the Makefile, and implicitly determined from
builtin inference rules.  Normally, the Makefile for a goal is written
so that the only thing that needs to be done to recompile newly
modified source files is to run the Make program.  includes source in
C.  Author:  Ben Eng


A cross reference program for AmigaBASIC code.  Generates a list of the
BASIC code with lines sequentially numbered, plus a table showing all
variables and labels used in the code, and the line numbers where they
were used.  This is version 2.0, an update to version 1.0.  This is a
major revision, including a new intuition interface.  Includes source.
Author:  Dick Taylor


Dillon's Integrated C Enviroment.  A C frontend, pre- processor, C
compiler, assembler, linker, and support libraries.  Features include
ANSI compatibility, many code optimizations, and autoinit routines
(user routines called during startup before main is called).  This is
version 2.06.29, an update to version 2.06.15.  Includes bug fixes and
experimental dynamic object module loading support.  Shareware, binary
only.  Author:  Matthew Dillon


Combines parts of "C" with 68000 assembly language.  The resulting code
is optimized as much as possible.  Now bundled with A68k and Blink for
a complete programming environment.  New "c.lib" functions and more.
This is version 1.5, an update to version 1.31.  Includes example
source and executable files.  Binary only.  Author:  Joe Siebenmann


This little arexx program shows the offset of a function in its
library, or vice versa.  It can mix offsets and function names and show
all functions with a certain string in them.  It was inspired by a
little utility called lvo.  Author:  E.  Lundevall


SAS C 5.10a comes with a program called OMD, which is capable of
disassembling object files created by the SAS C compiler.  The only
drawback is that OMD prepares a "worthless" pretty listing of the
disassembly which is not suitable for use with an assembler.  The
process of converting the output of OMD to source code by hand is
tedious and prone to human error, especially if a large number of files
need to be converted.  This program will assist greatly in the
conversion process.  includes source in C.  Author:  Mike Schwartz


RexxView is a CLI utility that monitors the REXX port.  Information is
listed to a file describing each message received by REXX.  By Martin

CAM #530a&b Utilités diverses


AMenu is a complete reprogramed version of Darin Johnson's `MyMenu
v1.0' from `Fish Disk 225'.  Its purpose is to attach extra menus to
the workbench menus and execute commands when selected.  includes
source in C.  Author:  Anthony Thyssen


A floppy disk formatter for diskettes with hard errors.  Bad media
areas are mapped out so AmigaDOS will not use them.  Presently not
intuitionized, runs from CLI only.  Version 5/7/91, includes source.
Author:  David Varley


An input handler to help left handed Amiga users.  It reverses the
function of the mouse buttons, so that the left button becomes the
right and vice versa.  Very small, uses only 168 bytes of memory.  This
is version 1.1, an update to version 1.0 on disk 483.  Includes source
in assembler.  Author:  Preben Nielsen


COPYD:  "CopyDirectory" Updates or freshens a directory.  COMP:  "File
Creation Date Comparer" Determines precedence of two file's creation
dates.  Useful for scripts.  Binary only, author:  Mike Berro.


A palette adjusting program that can be brought up on just about any
screen, including HAM and EHB.  Version 1.1, includes source in
assembly.  Author:  Craig Lever


CSH provides a convenient AmigaDos alternative command interface.  All
its commands are internal and do not rely on c:  for any functionality.
Some major features include:  command line editing, simple history,
piping, aliases with arguments, variables & variable handling, file
name expansion via wild carding, conditionals, source files, file name
completion, MUCH MORE!  This program was first introduced by Matt
Dillon.  Later versions have come from Steve Drew, Carlo Borreo, and
now the last several from U.  Dominik Mueller.  They are all
replacements for the Amiga shell, with added features.  This one
contains several enhancements and LOTS of bug fixes.  includes source
in C.


Here is a simple no-nonsense 2.0 specific clock program.  This program
is nice in that:  It's really small < 4.8kB, It will automatically
position itself in the upper right-hand corner of the workbench window,
even using overscan, It correctly handles non-Topaz default screen
faults for people like me who use 11 point or greater fonts.  Binary
only, author:  Eric G.  Suchanek


FreeCopy is unlike most copiers in that it does not actually copy
disks.  It removes the protection so disks can easily be backed up with
almost any program, and in some cases be installed on your hard drive.
Version 1.4, binary only.  Author:  Greg Pringle


Here is a new version of HERMiT.  This time HERMiT will also open a CLI
on top of your Front Screen and will save your Front Window's Pointer
in a system-configuration file.  It will also provide C code for the
Front Window's as well as the Preferences' Pointer.  The old features
are of course course still here:  Saving of Front Screens, Cycling of
Front Screens and Saving of the Fonts of Front Screens.  Binary only,
author:  A.  G.  Kartsatos J InputLock_v1.1 An input handler to help
Amiga users who have cats other pets (or children) that mess with the
Amiga as soon as it is left for a second.  It installs an input handler
which lets you lock the keyboard and mouse by pressing a few buttons.
Very small, uses only 190 bytes of memory.  This is version 1.1, an
update to version 1.0.  Includes source in assembler.  Author:  Preben


Allows you to modify most of the parameters of any screen structure in
memory, including colors and viewmodes.  Use- ful for PAL programs
which open their screens low.  Has a companion program to automate
changes later on.  This is version 1.0, includes source.  Author:  Syd


A program, and number of companion utilities, that allow you to iconify
windows on any screen, including custom screens.  Iconified windows
become small icons on the bottom of the screen, and they can be opened
again by double- clicking them.  Also allows any screen to become a
shared, WorkBench-like screen, and gives you the ability to create new
screens specifically for this purpose.  Each window can have its own
custom icon.  There is a programmers interface to allow programs to
control their own icons.  Version 3.8, includes source.  Author:
Davide Cervone


This clock can show the time and date in 84 cities around the world,
all on the screen at once.  You make settings to indicate the correct
time where you are, and afterward, this clock can show you the correct
time just about anywhere in the world.  This version include c source
and some changes Author:  Jonathan Potter


Adds a "zoom" gadget to every window that can be resized.  Pressing
this gadget makes the window as large as possible or as small as
possible, or brings it back to its normal size.  Version 2.1.3, include
source.  Author:  Davide Cervone

CAM #531 Utilités traitement de textes


This is a system to replace lse with TTX.  It will automagically load
all error files into TTX and position to the first error in the first
file.  It will handle include files in different directories.  The
following functions are provided:  Next error, Previous error, Same
error again, First error, Last error, Display SAS error file, and Quit,
which writes all changed files and exits.  Author:  JL Moulton


This program will convert Type1 PS fonts to their uncompressed form so
that they can be downloaded to PS printers using a type3 font
downloading program.  Includes source.  Author:  M.  Zellers


This is the lastest version of Matt Dillons powerful text editor.  Very
powerful, features a complete AREXX interface.  Includes source.
Author:  Matt Dillons


FindDoc is a set of C programs and ARexx macros which allow you to
quickly locate any AutoDoc function entry or structure name.  You can
place the cursor on the name to be looked up, or alternatively have
string requester ask for the name of the entry, and it will open a
TurboText window containing the definition of that entry.  Author:
David Joiner


FontCacheX - a program that will cache the results of calls to the
diskfont.library's AvailFonts() call, meaning that any program that
shows you a list of fonts won't have to read it more than once (such as
running "Font" under 2.0), and usually all programs will share the same
resident cached font list.  binary only.  Author:  Steve Tibbett


Less is an Ascii text pager with the following features:

    -Compatible with WB 1.3 and 2.0 on any Amiga
    -Handles NTSC, PAL, overscan, etc. screens
    -Works with pipes (with a consenting shell or pipe: device)
    -Permits multiple file selection, CLI or Workbench
    -Forward & backward movement in a variety of ways
    -Powerful searches, using regular expression patterns
    -Handles alternative fonts -Handles international Ascii characters
    -Handles boldface, underline, etc. in ANSI or Unix nroff style
    -Customizable, using environment or command options

Less is still the only pager I know of on the Amiga that handles pipes
and multiple file selection.  To me, these two features are essential
in a pager.  If your shell supports pipes and expands wildcards (I use
Steve Koren's outstanding SKsh), you can write things like 'ls | less'
or 'less *.readme'.  This is a revision of a port (by Bob Leivian) of
version 73 of the "Less" pager from Unix.  Includes source.


LSETTX enables you to use TurboText as the editor that the SAS/C
compiler will talk to when it encounters an error during a compile.
Author:  Steve Tibbett


This will print a postscript file to a DeskJet printer.  It is Eric
Kennedy's revision of Adrian Aylward's POSTLJ.  It will allow you to
solve the infamous offset problem if you use PPage.  Just save the
postscript file to disk and use this to print it.  You need
POST.LIBRARY, some decent postscript fonts and, of course, plenty of
RAM:  Includes source.  Author:  Eric Kennedy


SelectDoc is an add-on utility (tool) for TurboText, which presents you
with a list of documents.  Using a GUI and scrolling list, you can
choose a document, which will be brought to the front of the screen and
made active.  SelectDoc will only run under version 2.0 or greater of
AmigaDOS.  binary only.  Author:  Stan Ziel


SuperSpell, the global, real-time spelling checker!  SuperSpell
installs an input handler, and runs invisibly in the background.
Anything you type into any window will have its spelling checked.  Only
words greater than 4 letters long are checked.  binary only.  Author:
Jonathan Potter


TapeCover prints out those little paper inserts for casette tape cases.
It lets you enter the name of the songs, and the title of each side.
It should work on any printer that can print in that semi-condensed
mode.  Version 1.0, includes source in C.  Author:  Greg Pringle


Programme Arexx qui permet de charger ou produire avec TurboText des
textes compressé avec PowerPacker.  Auteur:  David Dunn

CAM #532 Utilités diverses


ClockTick - A simple hack that makes any busy pointer that matches the
Kickstart 2.0 clock pointer and moves its hands.  It also notices the
busy pointer from 1.2 and 1.3 Kickstart/Workbench and will change it
into the 2.0 style clock.  ClockTick exits after it is installed.  It
does not add a task to the system.  72 bytes of chip ram used, 900 byte
of public.  includes source in asm, Author:  Michael Sinz


This program will optimize floppy disks, hard disks, and ram disks
(i.e.  RAD).  It is designed to provide for the safest optimization of
your disks It moves one disk block at a time to ensure this.  So it
will be slower than other optimizers which usually move whole tracks at
a time.  One Meg should take about six minutes to optimize on a hard
disk that uses a Supra WordSync.  binary only.  Author:  Tim


LateSCSIMount was written to mount my SyQuest drive if no cartridge was
in the drive when I rebooted, or if the system booted up before the
SyQuest cartridge spun up.  It works by scanning the SCSI units and
mounting any partitions found that aren't already mounted.  It mounts
them using the partition information stored in the RigidDiskBlock area
of the hard drive, so your controller must support Direct SCSI commands
as well as the RDB standard.  GVP, Microbotics, and Commodore all
support these, so it should work with these.  You will have to check
your hard drive's manual or technical assistance to see if these are
supported.  You will also have to know the name of your SCSI device (if
it is not "scsi.device".) binary only.  Author:  Sean Riddle


NLDaemon Implements a "New Look" in Amiga programs, by using 3D-like
gadgets.  Converts standard intuition window gadgets into 3D versions.
Version 1.4.3, includes source.  Author:  Davide Cervone


A small utility that allows you cut rectangular portions of any screen
and store them on disk as IFF ILBM files.  Also allows easy saving of
windows and entire screens to disk.  This is version 1.1, an update to
version 1.0.  Includes source in assembler.  Author:  Preben Nielsen


Système de pop-up menus détachables, Incluant un groupe d'utilitaire du
style desktop accessories (MAC), supporte des équivalents clavier
étendus à deux lettres, une interface fenêtre permet de créer ou
modifier ces DA's et vous permet beaucoup de flexibilité comme par ex:
définition de paramètres etc.  Les DA's s'attachent à tous les menus,
Le tout fonctionne en 1.3 et 2.0.  Binaire seulement, documentation en
français, auteur:  Pierre Baillargeon


An input handler that allows you to manipulate windows and screens by
pressing keys on the keyboard.  It currently lets you perform 25
different functions.  Features include mouse blanking, screen blanking,
mouse acceleration, "sun mouse", mouse/keyboard locking, and an
interactive program to define hotkeys and other settings.  This is
version 2.0, an update to version 1.0.  Includes source in assembler.
Author:  Preben Nielsen


Opens the OS 2.0 autorequester from script files.  Title, text, gadgets
and publicscreen of the requester can be changed by commandline
options.  This is version 1.00.  Includes source in C.  Author:  Stefan


SCRIPT:  is an AmigaDOS device handler that makes a script of another
device's I/O similar to the UNIX command script.  SCRIPT:  is much more
flexible, however, because it can script any AmigaDOS device (including
itself!) and direct the script file to any other AmigaDOS device
(except itself).  Binary only, author:  Richard Rogers


Two programs designed to make it easy to write shell scripts that must
be synchronized with the operation of another, in order to avoid disk
thrashing for example.  Includes source.  Author:  Davide Cervone


This patch updates Snap from version 1.61 to version 1.62.  Version
1.62 fixes a problem with the parsing of qualifiers.  Author:  Mikael


A program that allows you to use the title of a window to specify the
screen on which the window will appear.  This provides a method of
opening CON:  and RAW:  windows on screens other than the WorkBench,
for example.  Includes source.  Author:  Davide Cervone


ToolManager is a management utility for tools under the 2.0 Workbench.
You can add your own programs to the Tools menu or add a special
Application Icon to the Workbench.  The programs can be started by
selecting their entries in the Tools menu and any selected icon from
the Workbench will be the startup parameters for the program.  You can
also start a program by dropping an icon on the Application Icon or by
double-clicking the icon.  Last but not least you can start a program
with a keyboard short cut.

BEWARE:  This program makes heavely use of the new 2.0 functions, so
         its completely useless to all people who are still forced to
         use 1.3 :-)

New features since 1.3:

   - Keyboard short cuts for tools.
   - AppIcons for tools.
   - Menu item can be switched off.
   - Configuration file format completely changed (hopefully the last
   - CLI commandline parsing is now done by ReadArgs().
   - Status & edit window updated to new features.
   - Safety check before program shutdown added.
   - Menu item "Open TM Window" only appears, if the program icon is
   - WB startup method changed. Now supports project icons.
   - several internal changes.

CAM #533a&b Fonts Adobe Type 1 (Pagestream)

28 Fonts Adobe Type 1,

Poster, Caps & Fantasy.  Aarcover, ArchiText, CALIGULA, Carrick Caps,
Chili Pepper, Civitype, CracklingFire, CRILLEE, DAVYSRIBBONS,
FarquharsonFree, fleurons, GOUDYMEDIEVAL, GRAPHICLIGHT, GreenCap,
GRIFFIN DINGBATS, Heidelberg, HELENA, INKWELL, Kinigstein Kaps, Koch
Roman, Livia, Logger, Mazama Regular, ParisMetro, Rothman, Showboat,
Starburst, Tribeca, VarahCaps.

CAM #534 Utilités de programmation


A little utility to make it easy to update program-headers ran from the
CLI.  Requires AmigaDos 2.0.  This is Version 1.1r.  Source included.
Author:  Jan van den Baard


The Environment Variable handler is an AmigaDOS handler that manages
all variables in memory instead of in separate files on disk.  The way
that Commodre implemented environment variables requires you to create
a separate directory somewhere on your disk and create files with the
name of your variables.  I always thought that this was STUPID and a
waste of disk space.  So I (finally) wrote ENV-handler to store all
variables in a single file that you can specify in its MountList entry.
When you Mount ENV:  the handler will read this file (if it exists) and
set up its own variable list.  Each time a variable is updated, added,
renamed, or deleted the file will be updated so that variables will
become permanent until you delete them.  CHANGES:

V2.5 05/21/91 - MWR - Adde support for sub-directories.  cleaned up
some code to make a little faster.
V2.0 05/04/91 - MWR - Re-coded in assembler to reduce size and increase
speed.  fixed a bug found when creating or writing to variables.
V1.3 05/02/91 - MWR - Removed ' (temp)' tag on temporary variables.  I
decided it wasn't necessary.
V1.1 04/23/91 - MWR - Added support for temp variables.  Stomped on bug
found when using type.
V1.0  04/21/91 - MWR - New program. Binary only, Author: Mike Ruble


FIFO:  is like PIPE:  but is based on fifo.library rather than its own
implementation.  Fifo.library is a general fifo library implementation
that supports named fifos, writing to a fifo from a hardware exception,
multiple readers on a fifo with each getting the same data stream,
efficient reading, and automatic or manual flow control.  Programs that
require non-blocking IO can access one side of a FIFO:  connection via
the fifo.library instead of the FIFO:  device.  Version 3.1, an update
to version 2.  Includes some source.  Author:  Matt Dillon


HAM-E support libraries.  The arc contains examples in C and BASIC for
programmers; for users, these libraries are required to operate
programs such as SpectaColor for the HAM-E, Progressive Peripherals
"3-D Professional" ray tracer, and son on.  Author:  BlackBelt


These routines are extracted and updated from my "tool.library" which
is a shared library last released on FISH 475.  I stopped developing
this library because OS 2.0 has made it for 99% obsolete.  The only
routines usefull where the memory routines which are now in the
"nofrag.library".  The routines in the "nofrag.library" are NOT
compatible with the ones from the "tool.library".  Include source,
Author:  Jan van den Baard


General release of the SANA-II, Standard Amiga Network Architecture
(try 2), device driver specification.  Author:  Raymond S.  Brand


Lets you easily deal with the MANX 'CCOPTS' environment variable.  You
can store settings to disk.  Has a complete intuition interface.  This
is version 1.00, binary only.  Author:  Stephan Flother


'Sman' is a manual type aid for looking up documentation on a subject
It can search Amiga AutoDoc files, or scan DME.refs in particular, bu
can also search the doc files for any other program you have.  This is
version 1.1, which fixes a rather serious bug in the first release that
would cause it to overlook valid references.  Include source.  Author:
Jon Spencer


'sregexp.library' is a run time library of routines for doing wildcard
pattern matching and wildcard path matching.  It accepts a slight
extension of the AmigaDOS wildcard syntax, including a not operator,
and character sets.  Include source, Author:  Jon Spencer


Virtual Memory library V0.0 (The virtuosity is V0.0.  The code is v1.2)
by David Le Blanc Functions in this library are designed for efficient
use of a large number of memory allocation within or without memory

CAM #535a&b Animations

Amy Does Schwab

Here's a short looping animation starring Amy the Squirrel which
represents my small tribute to that Amiga animation pioneer, Leo "Bols
Ewhac" Schwab.  It was created with the Disney Animation Studio(major
parts of which were programmed by Leo), DeluxePaint 3, and Animation
Station.  In case nobody guessed, it is a 'slight' parody of Leo's
famous "Dream goes berserk" Videoscape anim.  I hope he likes it.
Author:  Eric 'Scawz Richter' Schwartz


A new Eric Schwartz Aerotoon animation.  This one is a bit different as
DeluxePaint, Scenery Generator, Sculpt 4D Jr., and the Art Department
were used along with MovieSetter to create this animation.  Eric is a
master in this form of humorous animation.


This is an incomplete pencil test of an animated scene with at cat,
soon to be combined with my Screaming Mouse animation as part of a
short piece done using Disney's Animation Studio software (short
meaning as much as I can squeeze onto one disk!).  Author:  Glenn ?


This is my first attempt at a Disney Animation Studio piece.  It's just
in pencil test stage right now & is only a short scene of a mouse doing
a wild "take" then exiting.  Author:  Glenn ?


Traditional character animation.  "be SILENT in library areas" from
Mexico, Author:  Alejandro Garza González


VideoScape animation.  Author:  Unknown.

CAM #536 Utilités diverses


AmiDock is an Amiga version of the NeXT's Dock facility.  It will open
up a small window on your WorkBench full of little IFF brushes.  Each
brush represents an application, like an ICON, but it's a brush.  Click
on the brush and your application will start.  This is version 1.3, an
update to version 1.2.4.  Shareware, binary only.  Author:  Gary Knight


DiskRepair is made for removing the most common errors quickly.  Only
those directories or files are repaired which are still present.
Binary only, Author:  P.Röhrich


FastDisk is a high-performance disk optimizing tool which decreases
access time for files and directories.  This is achieved by creating a
disk with an optimized sector layout, including linear directory
layout, .info and small file precedence and minimized track-boundary
crossing for data blocks.  Binary only, Author:  Torsten Stolpmann


The Imploder allows you to reduce the size of executable files while
having them retain their full functionality.  There are other
"crunchers" or "packers" available for the Amiga, but none are as
mindful of the complexities of your Amiga system as the Imploder
(IMHO).  In addition to this, its algorithms are more efficient, both
in terms of speed, and size reduction.  Binary only, Authors:
Albert-Jan Brouwer Peter Struijk Paul van der Valk & Erwin Zwart


A centralized Shell Command Interface with visible scrollable History
and mouse access.  Allows multiple shells to be controlled from a
single command/history window.  Commands can be re-executed with a
mouse click.  A group of commands for a project may be loaded into the
history from a file for easy access.  Compatible with both 1.3 and 2.0
AmigaDOS.  ShareWare, binary only.  Author:  Pete Goodeve.


Powerpacker patcher is a small tool that patches the DOS library so
that PowerPacker datafiles will start acting as if they were "normal"
files.  Sample use of PP would be to crunch all your .info files.  They
will still retain their functionality as long as PP is installed, and
WB will never know the difference.  Icons are useful, but take up a lot
of valuable disk space.  You may also use any text viewer or editor you
desire directly on Powerpacker files!  Version 1.0, shareware, includes
source.  Author:  Michael Berg


PPDecrunch allows you to decrunch PowerPacked data files to STDOUT.
What does that mean, you say?  Why not use the plain old Decrunch
program provided with PowerPacker?  Well, by sending output to STDOUT,
PPDecrunch can allow you to view PowerPacked files with SOME programs
that otherwise cannot decrunch PowerPacked files by themselves.  These
programs MUST be able to accept input from STDIN.  For example, LESS
and MORE are capable of doing this.  This comes in especially handy for
remote shells and BBS'es, as most text readers except MORE open their
own window, therefore they cannot display on the remote screen.
Include source, Author:  Darren Ewaniuk


QDCopy is a file copier geared to one floppy drive systems.  Itallows
you to copy multiple files at one time with a minimum of disk swaps.
Italso allows you to copy to multiple destination disks, so when one
destination disk is full QDCopy wi ask for a new one and continue on
with the copy.  QDCopy will dupicate the comment and protection bits
for files it copies.  Include source, Author:  Darren Ewaniuk


A program which reports interesting information about the configuration
of your machine, including some speed comparisons with other
configurations, versions of the OS software, etc.  Version 2.22, an
update to version 1.98 .  Binary only.  Author:  Nic Wilson


Allows reading the current directory by commanding VIEWDIR "".
Displays a listing of the specified directory with the total bytes at
the bottom and the description of the file types next to each file.
Also includes a "version string" to allow a DOS 2.0 VERSION command to
read.  This is version 2.1 an update version.  Assembler source
included.  Author:  Jim Butterfield

CAM #537a&b Clip Art & Borders (iff bitmap)

59 clips in 11 category:  Animals, Food, Music, Nature, Holiday, Misc,
Ornaments, People, Signs, Sports, Transportation.  7 borders Hi-res.

CAM #538 Utilités domestique


CDStore1.6!  Compact Disk Database/Record tracker.  3D Interface,
completely mouse driven.  Has many features including Print/Preview
with different print formats.  If you have a large library of CDs...
This will help keep track of what you have!  Enjoy!  binary only.
Author:  John Lullie


A bicycle gear ratio calculator.  Version 2.0, binary only.  Author:
Ed Bacon


PicBase:  An IFF Picture DataBase Program V0.36.  Fully functional
(such as it is) shareware.  Requires 2.0 or Arp.  Includes a sample
data file, although the sample images are not included.  Binary only,
author:  Mike Berro


A program that determines from a user modifiable data base, the
shortest and fastest routes between two cities.  Includes a coarse and
a detailed data set and a program, RoadScan, for examining the contents
of large RoadRoute data files.  This is version 1.7.  Includes source.
Author:  Jim Butterfield


VideoStore1.2!  Video/Movie Database-Tracker!  Has many features as
well as Print/Preview screen with different printing formats.  This
program is almost the same as "CDStore" but dedicated to storing
Movie/Video info.  binary only.  Author:  John Lullie


Beta version 0.91 of a 2.0 font editor (color fonts too).  Requires
2.04 of the OS.  Very capable and good looking font editor.  Binary
only.  Shareware by Patrick Clark

CAM #539a&b Soundtracker modules & player


Totally, 100% multitasking- and user-friendly Automatically
distinguishes between NoiseTracker and MED modules Supports MED 3.10
with Synthesized instruments and MIDI capability Can re-route a MED
MOD's MIDI into Bill Barton's midi.library.  Useful!  Intuition
interface looks like a REAL CD player (NOT like IntuiTracker) with
16-color panel, lots of buttons, and a full-featured LED display.
"Online" help feature describes any button in case you don't read DOCs.
Amazingly powerful and useful kd_freq.library file requesters!  Great
for scripts:  **** AREXX PORT **** with full set of commands.  Can be
controlled from CLI scripts even if you DON'T have ARexx!  Can Iconify
and/or "hide" to save memory and CPU time.  Also PAL/NTSC fix.  Option
to AUTOMATICALLY detect song loop and Stop or START FADING OUT.
Programmable:  Unlimited songs from unlimited directories and disks.
Works great under WB 1.3, and should work great under WB 2.0 also.  NOT
a clone of anything.  This program is UNIQUE!  And it's FREE!  WOW!!
binary only.  Author:  Ed Mackey

13 soundtracker modules:

blue3, cap'n'power, field-goal, FREUDIAN, Ingame, Jupellup, proces iii,
quantum, rsi-gsc, sleezy bar blues, storm.., tonalec, We'reTheDevils.

CAM #540 Jeux de table


A "connect-4" type game.  This is version 4.0, an update to version
3.8.  Shareware, binary only.  Author:  Adrian Millett


The standard game of dominos with 6-6 set.  The computer will provide
quite a challenge to any skilled player.  Version 1.0, includes source
in Basic.  Author:  Russell Mason


A historical strategy game, that in spite of its high complexity is
fast and easy to play.  Fully mouse controlled with a fine zoomable map
of the Roman empire (overscan and interlaced options).  The simulation
delivers many historical insights because of its accuracy (may be used
for educational purposes) and is a challenging and entertaining game
for two or more players (also interesting for solitary studies).
Version 1.0 (tryware).  Binary only.  Author:  Sven Hartrumpf


Possibly the strongest Reversi/Othello type game available.  Shareware,
binary only.  Author:  Adrian Millett


A shareware solitaire game, known widely as Klondike.  The rules can be
varied, and there are five different ways of working through the deck.
Also includes a palette requester to fine tune the colors to your
liking and a save-setup function that remembers how all the options are
set.  This is version 1.8, binary only.  Author:  Gaylan Wallis


Yet another solitaire game.  Nicely done with good graphics and sound.
Shareware.  Author:  Pat Clark


This little program turns your workbench into a fish tank!  binary
only.  Author:  Paul Leach

CAM #541a&b Langages


BM2Detach allows Benchmark Modula-2 programs to run in the background
(without using RUN).  The process is detached from the CLI, but the CLI
window remains open until the process exits.  BM2Detach replaces your
existing existing System.OBM at link time.  (I don't recommend
overwriting your original--there may be a time when you _don't_ want
your program to detach from the CLI.) complete source code, assembled
binaries, docs Author:  Avant-Garde Software and Leon Frenkel


A simple Modula-2 to Pascal translator.  You can write simple programs
on your Amiga using one of the available Modula-2 compilers, and then
use this translator to generate Pascal source for export to other
systems with Pascal compilers.  Version 1.0, includes source in
Modula-2.  Author:  Greg Mumm


Assembler 68000.  Binary only, Author:  LT liljetoft


A straight port of the OAKLISP system to the Amiga.  OAKLISP is a
Scheme-like LISP with an object-oriented base.  An R3RS Scheme
environment is included in the package.  Source is included.  Author:
Kevin Lang, Barak Pearlmutter, ported by Mike Meyer


An update to PCQ 1.2.  This is only a partial distribution and includes
just the compiler main pass, the documentation, and a ReadMe file.  You
need the distribution from disk 1.2 to use this material.  This update
is version 1.2b.  Author:  Patrick Quaid


A graphics oriented environment for design, training and test of neural
networks.  The enclosed version is public domain and supports only
three network models.  Not all options are available but this version
provides the most important features to allow users to decide if neural
networks are an appropriate solution for their problems.  Binary only.
Author:  Michael Kaiser

CAM #542 Utilités graphiques


ADAM allows DCTV owners to easily create animations from Imagine,
LightWave, and VistaPro.  It's a bounded CanDo deck that requires
IFFTODCTV, MAKEANIM, and any SHOW program of your choice.  Run in the
background and convert frames as they are completed.  Once last frame
is done, an animation is made via MakeAnim.  Binary only.  Author:
Daniel J.  McCoy


A program that renders multicolor pictures using an algorithm based on
electrostatic effects.  Renders in low-res, in high- res, and in two
speed/quality modes.  Includes both PAL and NTSC versions, English and
German docs.  This is version 1.15, an update to version 1.06 on disk
474.  Now supports saving pictures in IFF-ILBM format and animation
rendering via script files.  Freeware, includes source in PCQ.  Author:
Juergen Matern


This is "convert", a program that reads various image formats and
writes "vanilla" 24 bit IFF (no "CLUT" chunks or other esoterica).  It
can read ASDG's 24 bit IFF; std 24 bit IFF; many other IFF files;
Dynamic HiRes; SHAM; ARZ0; ARZ1; AHAM; Sculpt raw RGB; 1/2 bright; HAM;
Many Targa iamge types; HAM-E REG and HAME modes; RGB8; RGBN; more.  It
can scale images very well, also - this is support s/w for the HAM-E
system.  Version 2.7 Binary only, Author:  Pete Patterson


This program will convert Autodesk Animator .FLI animations to IFF
format.  The .FLI animations are made on IBM and clones.  Binary only,
Author:  John Bickers


This is Mirror Image's answer to Soft Logik's faulty and sometimes
unreliable Mac to IBM Type 1 converter.  Completey Intuition based with
batch conversion options and the ability to create files using POST's
full PostScript naming conventions.  Very fast!  No typing!  This is PD
software from Mirror Image:  no user fee required.  Binary only,
Author:  Gary Brusanowski


This program's only purpose is to convert 24-bit IFF (Deep ILBMs) into
one of several different formats.  Output formats supported currently
include:  16-color greyscale, 16- or 32-colors, HAM-E 256-color
greyscale, HAM-E 256-color register mode, HAM-E 262,144-color HAM mode.
Fast, easy to use, with animation support.  By Thomas Krehbiel


Demo version of a single bit-plane cel animation generator.  Uses an
onion-skin display to rough in an animation sequence.  Has a large
ARexx command set, multiple precision bezier curves and splines,
scalable and rotatable polygons, brush support with blitter logic,
turtle graphics and macro key definitions.  Requires req.library
(Fox/Dawson).  Non-saving demo version, binary only.  Author:  Martin
C.  Kees

CAM #543a&b Jeux d'arcade


Downhill Challenge is a arcade game where you control a skier who has
five chances to complete the course before being disquilified.  The
longer you stay up the faster you will ski and the more points you
accumulate.  Game is Freely Distributable.  Binary only, Author:  David


shootem up game using the Accolade's Shoot'Em Up Construction Kit.
Author:  Unknow


A fast action, highly addictive, arcade-type game from the UK.  Similar
to Robotron.  Great sounds!  Requires PAL mode to run properly (but
well worth that hassle!).  Non-multitask.


MegaBall version 2.0, including a few board files (3 bank of 50
levels).  This version is announcement of a levels editor.  These files
can be loaded by pressing ALT-L at the main title screen:  REMEMBER
this; it's not in the DOCs binary only.  Author:  Ed Mackey


A GREAT smooth scrolling action filled game from Austex, an Australian
group of programmers.  Save the moon Uropa from destruction from the
intelligent but greedy race of droids called Kapones.  Include source,
Author:  Colin Adams

CAM #544a&b Éducation


A cellular automata experimentation lab, based on the rules described
in the Computer Recreations column of the Scientific American, January
1990.  Version 1.3.  Source included.  Author:  Davide Cervone


A program that creates crossword puzzles.  Has a message data file to
allow easy translation into almost any human language, with English and
German currently supported.  This is version 4.1, an update to version
3.3.  Major new features are several new printer drivers including
"generic" and "LaTeX", and many minor improvements.  Includes source in
M2Amiga Modula-2.  Author:  Jurgen Weinelt


An emulation of an Hewlett-Packard pocket computer on your screen.
Version 1.00, includes source (SAS-C).  Author:  Maurizio Loreti

4D Navigator

Move around inside a four dimensional sphere.  Keyboard control of
direction and rotation in any direction.  Another program by Jerry
Hedden of PAUG.


Two pictures (Buttons.pic, Other.pic) that contain many different
images that can be cut out and used as image buttons in various
interactive authoring programs.  All in hires-interlace.  All embossed
style.  Two images of each button; one unselected (up), one selected
(down).  Includes arrows (three sizes), home, disks, stop, radio, help,
checkmark, sliders, more.


Chemesthetics is a program that draws molecules using the calotte
model.  This means that atoms are drawn as bowls.  Using this model,
even extremely dangerous molecules like dioxine look quite nice.
Chemesthetics has an Intuition user interface, can save pictures as IFF
files, and has many example files.  This is version 2.06, an update to
version 2.00.  Includes source in C.  Author:  Joerg Fenin / Metalworx


Simulation of an eight harness loom.  Supports 15 colors for warp and
weft threads.  Scalable display.  Patterns created can be printed in
draft format or saved as IFF files.  Version 1.00, binary only.
Author:  Martin C.  Kees


Rotate a four dimensional cube around on your screen, around any of the
4 axes.  By Jerry Hedden of PAUG, also author of MandelPAUG.  Source

CAM #545a&b Utilités de programmation


Bezier Curve Fitting Routine for XY data pairs


HitMe is a utility that, in conjunction with Enforcer, greatly eases
the search for offending code that caused Enforcer "hits".  This
software is copyrighted by SAS Institute


A small program for a makefile or an lmkfile, to update revision
numbers after each successful compile process.  This is version 1.03,
includes source in C.  Author:  Joerg Fenin / Metalworx


This is PowerVisor, a powerful machinelanguage level debugger for the
serious Amiga programmer.  Include source, AREXX support, 1.3/2.0 comp.
author:  Jorrit Tyberghein


A GNU Make subset.  Includes pattern rules, conditionals, "include",
function calls, etc.  This is Version 1.4, with source.  Author:  Ben


Converts an object file to a C source which can be inserted with
'#include' in your own programs.  Version 1.0, includes source.
Author:  Frank Enderle


A multi purpose tool for hacking around in your Amiga, repairing disks,
tracing/debugging programs and other useful things.  Includes
assembler, disassembler, absolute loader, raw disk access routines and
much more.  Contains PAL and NTSC version.  Can be made resident.
Version 1.8, includes source.  Author:  Michael Schroeder


ARexx host article (and executable) written by Eric Giguere to be
published in AmigaWorld Tech Journal but dropped at the last minute.
LOTS of good stuff here!


A shared library providing easy access to any serial device.  Allows
both synchronous and asynchronous access to the port.  With support
code for Lattice, Manx and Oberon.  Includes examples in both C and
Oberon (with source) and docs in ASCII, DVI, and PostScript.
Shareware.  Author:  Garry Glendown, Oberon-interface by Frank


SIMSMART is a general-purpose utility that prints the program source
code of almost any language, so that (for example) the keywords are
emboldened and underlined, and the comments are italicized.  These
features are adjustable by the user, to suit individual taste.  Tabbing
is also adjustable.  Output to printer, screen, or file.  Author:  D.
A.  Simon


An implementation of integer real fft computation source code.


Converts any text file to an executable.  The resulting program will
only have a minimum of bytes appended (94 bytes for hunk structure and
display-program).  The text file is not limited by the size.  Freeware,
with source in C.  Author:  Garry Glendown


A program that allows easy transfer of data between DOS, memory and
trackdisk.device.  DOS means the data contained within a file, memory
means the data contained anywhere within the memory map and
trackdisk.device means data stored on a disk not accessable with DOS
(eg.  bootblocks special loader disks etc.).  The transfer of data
between these three areas is not normally easy or convenient.  TrackDos
was written to overcome this.  This is version 1.08, an update to 1.04.
Binary only.  Author:  Nic Wilson

CAM #546a&b Images "Ray tracing"


Very nice Imagine rendering of a garden scene...called Exploded Garden.
Rendering by Stephen Menzies.


Room with MirrorWindows Image rendered with Imagine, light & shadow
example 320x512 HAM (PAL interlace) Author:  Juha Kallioinen


Image rendered with Imagine, brush 24 bits mapping example.  Author:
Mark Thompson


This is a picture of Semi-Tractor Imagine object.  Author:  Jim McInnis


Room with SpiralStaircase picture rendered with Imagine.  Author:  Alan


This is a fun picture of my almost completed space station object.
There is slightly more detail than what you see here:  you can actually
go "into" an airlock and see little features.  The actual interior is
not built, though, and I don't think I'm going to do it without a very
good reason.  The diamond stars were very simple objects, NOT generated
by Imagine's star density command.  Author:  Steve Worley


Ray trace bowling picture by Richard Nichol


This "alien" chessboard scene was created on an accellerated Amiga
computer and rendered in 2.75 hours in 352x470 HAM resolution using
12-bit color.  Author:  Udo Schuermann


This view of a room in a castle was created on an accellerated Amiga
computer and rendered in 5.5 hours in 352x470 HAM resolution using
12-bitcolor.  Author:  Udo Schuermann


HourGlass is my first publicly released rendering using Imagine from
Impulse.  All the objects in the scene were created by myself.
Rendering time for this Hi Res Ham picture was $:59:08 (h:mm:ss).
Author:  Michael W.  McCormick


This was rendered by Imagine v1.1.  Author:  John Zollinger


Here is a picture of the TARDIS object, It's 320x400 HAM.  Author:
Daryl Bartley


This is a rendering of Glenn Lewis' steam train object.  Took a couple
of hours to set up (mostly for the smoke).  It's a boring scene that I
set up just so I could see what the train looks like.  It's fun!  Steve


This is a picture of a triplane.  Author:  Steve Worley

CAM #547a&b Objets "Imagine"


This is a detail editor object of a human-shaped figure.  Author:  M.


Here's an electrical outlet and matching plug object for Imagine.
Author:  Carmen Rizzolo.


This is Mike Halvorson's Robot Cop object.


My rocket bank is from 1950's or so.  You can see one just like it in
the movie scrooged when Bill Murry visits himself as a child.  I left
the object unmerged and grouped so you can change it around.  If you
want to just select everything and join.  There are no moving parts so
it dosent matter.  Author:  Rob Borsari


Here is an object I had originally modeled with Modeler-3D for
VideoScape.  It was transferred to Imagine with Interchange and
enhanced with more parts and attributes.  Author:  Jim McInnis


This is my space station object.  Use it in good health.  You'll
probably need loads of RAM (well, maybe 2 Meg) to render it.  The
station is made of about 40 grouped objects, and totals about 300K.
Author:  Steve Worley


Misc Imagine objects.  Authors:  Steven Webb & Jessie Watson


Just some Legos that I made.  Author:  Steven Webb


8 dirigeable balloon, brush mapping and detailed gondola included.


This steam engine is a replica of the locomotive in use at Disneyland,
Anaheim, CA.  Author:  Glenn M.  Lewis

CAM #548a&b Objets et matériel didactique pour"Imagine"


Star Trek Enterprise object.


    This is a complete tutorial describing the use of the Forms Editor
    in Imagine.  It provides a general overview of the editor as well
    as descriptions of all of the menu options and some complete
    step-by-step examples.  by Steven Worley

   -Imagine_Compendium_vC edited by Sandy Antunes

   -Brushmap tutorial
    This is a complete tutorial describing how to map brush in Imagine.

   -Detail tutorial
    This is a complete tutorial describing the use of the Detail Editor
    in Imagine.

   -Texture tutorial
    This is a complete tutorial describing how to use texture in


Simpsons object.


Here is an object of the TARDIS from Dr.  Who.  Author:  Daryl T.


This is an Imagine object of a hypersonic transport.  Very curvy and
NASA prototype looking.  Author:  Steve Worley


Agfa fonts Turbo Silver objects.


4 24 bit repeatable brush map for Imagine 1.1.  grass, lattice,
sidewalk & Wave Author:  Steve Worley


The following objects were created using LightWave and converted using
a beta-test version of the new LightWave converter module for
InterChange.  They have been converted to TS 3.0 format and should work
with Imagine.  Let me know how well they converted.  One object, the
reels for the audio tape deck, would not even convert.  You are free to
redistribute the objects if you include this file with them.
audio.reel.to.reel, fan, fan.blades, gun, hubble.telescope,
magic.marker, movie.light, movie.light.stand, rocket synth.kybd,
toy.plane, toy.plane.prop, toy.train.car, toy.train.engine,
zenith.star.laser.  Author:  Mark Thompson.


SPACE SHIP, sword, etc objects from different authors.


This is the Imagine object of the triplane.  The propeller and wheels
and such are grouped objects, to animating them should be easy.
Author:  Steve Worley


This is the both famed & dreaded TRON TANK!  object.  Author:  Steven


Two TURBO SILVER/IMAGINE OBJECTS of a portion of a valley from the
VISTA DEM(digital elevation model) landscape of El Capitan in Yosemite
valley in Caifornia.

CAM #549a&b Langages


Amiga port of Sozobon, Limited's C Compiler, version 2.0.  Can
completely compile itself, supports 32 bit ints, and optimizer can
'registerize' variables.  Includes compiler, optimizer, tool for
creating interface code for Amiga system calls, startup code, C
library, include files, and library routines that work with Motorola
FFP format.  Uses assembler A68k, linker BLink, and provided run-time
shared C library CClib.library.  Includes source.  Author:  Sozobon,
Limited.  Amiga port, bug fixes and enhancements by Detlef Wuerkner


Modula-2 Preprocessor.  Author:  Dennis Brueni


CHIP8 is a programming language popularised by the RCA COSMAC VIP,
DREAM 6800, and ETI-660 hobby computers.  It is one step up from
machine code (actual hex codes), yet allows the creation of some very
simple, very small games.  Version 1.1, includes assembly source and
some demo games.  Author:  Paul Hayter


SML is an interpreter for Edinburgh Standard ML, a functional language
with higher order functions, polymorphic typing, abstract data types
and much more features.  _Short_ documentation included.  SML was
ported to Amiga by Fred Bayer runs on any Amiga from 500-3000 and needs
1MByte contiguous RAM.  Optimized version for 68020/030/881/882


Various interpreters from the book "Programming Languages, An
Interpreter-Based Approach", by Samuel N.  Kamin.  This distribution
includes lisp, apl, scheme, sasl, clu, prolog, and smalltalk
interpreters, automatically translated from Pascal to C using p2c.
Includes C and Pascal source.  Author:  Samuel Kamin

CAM #550a&b Télécommunication


BackTalk 1.46 features a complete XPR implementation, proportional
fonts, ARexx interface (113 ARexx commands), chat window, a "live" and
user sizable Review Buffer, non-graphic screen print, and a a LOT more!
Copyrighted but freely distributable.  By Steve Ahlstrom and Don


A terminal program for the AMIGA.  NComm V1.92 was released in a hurry
and had not been tested very well (the beta-testers deserve a large
flame :-) Many bugs were unfortunately still left in the code.  NComm
V1.921 fixes all the bugs that were reported.  Author:  Torkel Lodberg.


NiftyTerm is an h19/VT102/VT52 emulator for the Amiga.  It was
originally designed to be used with DNet, but it has been expanded so
that it may be used as a normal terminal emulator.  Niftyterm was
designed to be a good emulation of these terminals, as well as being
fairly small and fast.  Version 1.2, an update to version 1.0.  Binary
only, source available from authors.  Author:  Christopher Newman, Todd


A tiny, almost brain dead telecommunications program written for
AmigaOS release 2.x.  Can be made resident, supports cut & paste from
console window, written as a simple interface to the serial/parallel
device driver.  Version 1.0, includes source in `C'.  AmigaOS 2.x
required.  Author:  Olaf `Olsen' Barthel


A clock/timer window that sticks on the VLT screen (or on the WorkBench
if VLT is not running or opened on the WorkBench) to check connection
times (and costs).  Version 1.02, includes source (SAS-C); Author:
Maurizio Loreti


Extern Protocol XModem Library, This version path a small bug crept
into the code, which went undetected, until XPRXmodem was tested with
other versions of XModem.  Author:  Anthon Pang, Marc Boucher.


A program like Say or SpeechToy that allows your Amiga to communicate
in International Morse Code.  A lot of nice features for code practice
or with a simple hardware interface even useful as a keyboard program
for your transmitter.  Version 1.0, includes source in C.  Author:  Rob


New serial device, this version is very similar to V2.00.  It adds a
routine for controlling the RTS and DTR control lines directly.  The
method is compatible with that of ASDG's Dual Serial Board.  See the
source code for more information.  A couple of potential problems were
fixed as well.  Author:  Dan Babcock


A gift-ware telecommunications program written for AmigaOS release 2.x
(Kickstart 37.74 and Workbench 37.33 or higher required, Kickstart
37.175 and Workbench 37.52 recommended).  Features include total
configurability, full ARexx control, Xpr-transfer-support,
filetype-identification after download, cut & paste/point-and-click on
screen, auto up-and download, scrollable review buffer of unlimited
size, solid and fully-featured VT100/VT220/ANSI emulation, optional
fast atomic terminal emulation, hotkey support, powerful phonebook and
dialing functions, ability to save and print the contents of the screen
as IFF-ILBM or ASCII file, full overscan and screen resolution support
(new ECS screen modes included), asynchronous operation and a lot more.
Comes with six Xpr-transfer libraries (ascii, jmodem, kermit, quickb,
xmodem & zmodem) and documentation both in German and in English.  This
is version 1.8a and also includes the full `C' and assembly language
source code.  Author:  Olaf `Olsen' Barthel


XPR JMODEM File Transfer Protocol, Amiga Version 0.1 Based on original
implementation version 1.20 by Richard B.  Johnson for IBM PC
compatibles.  Amiga port made by Kenneth Osterberg, released into
public domain June 10, 1989.  XPR Amiga Library Version made by Markus
Pietz on Okt, 1990.

CAM #551 Utilités de télécommunication


This program was written to answer the phone for sysops while the
system is down for maintenance, etc.  It can give the users a message,
and can accept messages from them.  Very tiny - about 4K, and uses very
little chip memory.  Author:  Frank J.  Perricone


A utility that lists your ZOO, ARC and LZH Archives with automatic type
detection.  Includes german version and documentation.  Version 1.0,
binary only.  Author:  Oliver Graf, T.O.M.  Software


This program opens a window on the workbench and will de-archive
downloaded files into its own directory in ram:  Amigados 2.04 KS
37.175 is required.


Chops up files into smaller parts, in a variety of ways.  Include
source in Modula, Author:  Terry Brown


This is a fortune cookie database and two ARexx scripts that allow you
to display random fortune cookies.  One script listens in on BackTalk's
ports and will display a cookie when it sees the phrase "saycookie" Why
did the Lord give us so much quickness of movement unless it was to
avoid responsibility?


A program that will convert Arc and Zoo formatted archives to LHArc
format.  This will save precious disk space.  LHCon will do single
files or entire directories.  It also has the capability to preserve
the comment field of the file for BBS programs that require it and for
the individuals who label their programs in that manner.  Version 1.01.
Binary only.  Author:  Steve Robbins and Bill Huff


Program to display information about files in various types of
archives, such as arc, cpio, lharc, tar, zip, and zoo.  Version 1.01,
an update to version 1.0.  Includes source.  Author:  Kerry Cianos and
Geoffrey Faivre-Malloy


LZ is the fastest LZH archiver and extractor available for the Amiga!
It also produces smaller files than ANY other archiver.  LZ is
compatible with both the original Lharc and the new LHA.  LZ is
currently the only utility available for the Amiga which can archive or
extract in new, more efficient, LHA archive format.  By Jonathon
Forbes.  version 1.92 (fully functional)


Generates text from phone numbers.  Attempts to find all three and four
letter words encoded by any phone number.  Graphic keypad display with
sound.  Version 1.01, binary only.  Author:  Martin C.  Kees


This program will unpack the .ARJ files now being used on the MSDOS
machines.  It will not make such an archive, but will unpack them.
Author:Chris Timmerberg


This is an Amiga port of Allan G.  Weber's Unsit v1.5c for Unix.
Author:  Anthon Pang


Zipfile Extracter v4.1.  Author:  Samuel H.  Smith


A file archiver, much like "arc" in concept, but different in
implementation and user interface details.  Version 2.10, an update to
version 2.00.  New features include greatly improved compression,
preservation of full pathnames by default, and extended multi-screen
help.  Binary only.  Author:  Rahul Dhesi, Amiga port by Brian Waters


A floppy disk tracking and archiving utility, written by Olaf `Olsen'
Barthel of MXM.  This is a bug fix version.

CAM #552 Utilités diverses


A "Programmer's Workbench".  Allows you to easily and conveniently
move, copy, rename, and delete files & directories from a CLI
environment.  Also provides a method to execute either Workbench or CLI
programs by double-clicking them or by selecting them from a ParM like
Menu with lots of arguments.  A Browser 1.6 replacement, does
everything Browser 1.6 does and a lot more.  Version 1.0, includes
source in C.  Author:  Sylvain Rougier, Pierre Carrette


Program to disable DF0-DF3 to stop that empty drive clicking by putting
the trackdisk.device tasks in a removed state.  Can be run from CLI,
startup script or WB.  Command line options select drives and also
remove the File System tasks to reduce CPU load a little more.  Version
1.0, includes source.  Author:  Patrick F.  Misteli


A "DiskTest" utility for floppy disks, la Norton Utilities.  Version
1.12, includes source (SAS-C).  Author:  Maurizio Loreti


This program will search an AmigaDOS volume for a specified file, using
a filename pattern.  Useful for hard drive owners wanting to find a
file/program quickly.  AmigaDOS wildcards aren't supported, `*'
wildcards are.  Has an Intuition interface.  Version 1.5, binary only,
WB2.0 only.  Author:  Matt Crowd


A filing system handler which implements block-mapped filing devices
such as available under Un*x.  Read and write calls are mapped to
low-level system IO operations which allow to treat devices such as
df0:, dh0:, rad:, etc.  as big data files.  These `virtual' files can
be copied, read and written just like any standard AmigaDOS file.  It
is even possible to copy a whole disk with the CLI `Copy' command or to
archive disks with LhArc and the like.  Written as a supplement for the
Amiga `tar' program.  Version 1.3, includes source in `C'.  Author:
Olaf `Olsen' Barthel


Fast Optimizer is a new optimizer for AmigaDOS disks.  It can optimize
one disk in less than 2 min, 30 sec.  FO supports WorkBench or CLI
modes and allows you to use unformatted disks as the destination.  At
least 1 Mb memory required.  This is version v1.0.  Includes some
source in C.  Author:  Fabien Campagne.


A replacement for the Workbench 2.x `Format' command with many
additional features and a basic gadtools interface.  Can be made
resident and sports a number of additional command line options.  Also
included is a code fragment which will correctly initialize data media
of any size (floppy disks or hard disk partitions) which works both
under Kickstart 1.2/1.3 and 2.x.  Version 1.1, includes source in `C'
and assembly language.  AmigaOS 2.x required.  Author:  Olaf `Olsen'


A keyboard macro program, configurable via a text file, that also
supports hotkey program execution.  You can map up to eight functions
to each key, including keys such as cursor keys, the return key, etc.
Version 1.12 with a number bug fixes and enhancements, an update to
version 1.8.  Includes source in `C' and assembly language.  Author:
Olaf `Olsen' Barthel


Parameterable Menu.  ParM allows you to build menus to run whatever
program you have on a disk.  ParM can run programs either in WorkBench
or CLI mode.  This is an alternative to MyMenu which can run only when
workbench is loaded.  ParM can have it's own little window, can attach
menus to the CLI window you are running it from, or to the WB menus,
just like MyMenu.  This is version 3.00, an update to version 2.5r.
Includes source in C.  Author:  Sylvain Rougier, Pierre Carrette


A patch for system requesters and arp file requester.  Replace arp file
requester with the great req.library file requester.  Patches
AutoRequest() for requesters to appear under the mouse and more.
Version 1.4.  Includes source in C.  Authors:  Sylvain Rougier, Pierre

CAM #553 Utilités diverses


A program that makes creation of interactive command scripts a lot
easier.  It works as commands ASK, IF and SKIP together, only better.
You can have up to four options to skip to, and select them with a
mouse, as BatchMaster has an Intuition interface.  This is version
1.27.  Requires arp.library.  Binary only.  Author:  Janne Pelkonen


Besides the new graphics modes, one of the new features of the ECS
SuperDenise is the ability to blank one screen's border to black
instead of using color 0 (the background color) as usual.  On some
multiscan monitors using severe overscan the display looks much better
with a blanked border.  If a 2320 or a 3000's Video Display Enhancer is
used, blanking the border to black will also eliminate the silly
flickering line at the top of the screen.  BorderBlank will
alternatively activate and deactivate this option for all Intuition
screens.  You run it the first time, the border goes off, you run it a
second time and the border comes again and so on.  You get the idea.
Author:  Fabio Rossetti


A utility which combines a clock, mouse accelerator, screen blanker,
window manipulator, function keys, and macros into a single program,
written in assembly language for maximum efficiency.  Includes an ARexx
port.  Version 5.02, an update to version 4.07.  Binary only.  Author:
David Jenkins


This is a highly configurable, standalone titlebar-style
clock/calendar.  It works with any type/size font including
proportional and Intellifont.  "dcClock" works with any OS including
(especially) V2.0.  Features:  intelligent "invisible" window frame,
chirp alert, am/pm indicator, international date formats, CLI or
Workbench startup and much more.


A commodities screen blanker written for AmigaOS release 2.x.  When
running will blank the screen and start to draw real plane fractals
such as described in the September 1986 issue of Scientific American.
The resulting images may remind you of spiders' webs, lace or even the
Chladnian patterns formed by grains of sand strewn across a vibrating
surface.  Version 1.4, includes source in `C' and assembly language.
AmigaOS 2.x required.  Author:  Olaf `Olsen' Barthel


A tool which patches Workbench 2.x online to supply default icons for
about 45 different file types ranging from LhArc archives to object
code files.  Enhances the `Show All Files' option of Workbench which by
default only knows two types of file icons:  Tool and Project.  If
enabled scans all files in a directory which do not have an icon file
supplied and tries to determine their file types.  When done, tricks
Workbench into believing that there are proper icons for these files in
the directory.  Includes source in `C' and assembly language.  AmigaOS
2.x required.  Author:  Olaf `Olsen' Barthel


List Comments 1.02 - List directory by file comment (note).  Since no
other list or dir replacement lets you list a directory by file
comment, here it is.  This is not a replacement for LIST, rather a
special lister.  Simple matching (no wildcards).  1.3 and 2.0
compatable - Pure (residentable) *Version 1.02 fixes a bug when listing
a filename (matching all comments) in 1.3 (false read/write error
message).  Docs and source included By John Bianchi


This little commodity force software to get Compugraphics fonts when
they call the AvailFonts() function.  Tested with ProWrite 3.1 and
Excellence 2.0.  This is a 2.0 Commodity and REQUIRES 2.0


An enhanced Workbench 2.0 commodity, replacing "Blanker".  Can blank
screen and mouse pointer separately.  This is version 37.04.  Needs
Kickstart 37.xx.  Binary only.  Author:  Bernd Preusing


Yet another PowerPacker support utility.  This program will add a
little magic to your Amiga.  It allows you to crunch libraries,
devices, printer drivers, fonts, etc.  with PowerPacker while they will
still remain 100% functional.  It also allows you to crunch programs as
data files (so without a decrunch header) while you will still be abe
to run them.  Author:  Nico François


A screen capture program that works by scanning through memory,
allowing you to grab screens from programs that don't multitask, and
save them as IFF files.  Features include an Intuition interface,
multiple bitplanes, support of all Amiga display modes and resolutions,
CHIP and FAST memory, overscan, and both NTSC and PAL.  This is version
1.0, includes full C source.  Author:  Syd L.  Bolton


Sound - A DisplayBeep Daemon and Preferences Editor for AmigaDOS 2.0
Sound is a set of two programs that can replace the system's
DisplayBeep flash with an audible beep or sampled sound.  Copyright
1991 Sylvan Technical Arts.  May be freely redistributed.  All other
rights reserved.


A spline screen blanker commodity, derived from the spline code
extracted from Tom Rokicki's Mackie and encapsulated into a standard
AmigaDOS 2.0 commodity.  Release 2 is a bug fix.  Binary only.  Author:
Tom Rokicki, Sebastiano Vigna


ZKick is a Kickstart 2.0 kickfile loader, similar to KickIt by Bryce
Nesbitt, but with several advantages.  First of all, ZKick will work in
ANY Amiga with a 512K or larger ram board at ANY (*) memory location,
no matter which slot it's in.  Second, when ZKick loads Kickstart, it
survives a reboot!  When you hit CTRL-AMIGA-AMIGA, you are placed back
in Kickstart 2.0.  This feature can be disabled with the "-die" option.
Include source, Author:  Daniel Zenchelsky

CAM #554a&b Utilités domestiques


A do-it-all user friendly loan calculator that calculates weekly and
biweekly loans.  Can generate amortization tables to the screen, to the
printer, or to a file.  Uses menus, bottons, or keyboard commands, and
iconifies.  Has six decimal precision option and more.  This is version
1.2, an update to version 1.1.  Binary only.  Author:  Michel Laliberte


Checkbook Accountant is a checkbook recording, balancing, budgeting,
and analyzing program.  Intended to be used as a companion to a
checkbook register and not as a replacement, this program offers a
simple way of balancing check-books, tracking bank transactions, and
recording and analyzing budgeted transactions.  This is version 2.0, an
update to version 0.9.  Some of the new features include:  Sort, Move,
Duplicate, Program Prefs, Reoccurring Transaction Groups, Statistics,
and Search & Replace.  AmigaDOS 1.3 or Release 2 required.  Binary
only.  Author:  Jeffrey R.  Almasol


Productivity program with phone and address book, calculator,
budget/balance sheet, calendar utility, grocery list and credit card
database.  All in one program!  Note:  This is a mostly functional DEMO


AutoCentre to the rescue:  AutoCentre is a 2.0 only program that wedges
into the Intuition OpenScreen and OpenScreenTagList Library Vectors (in
a sensible manner) and attempts to centre any new screen as it is
opened by adjusting the leftedge parameter in the newscreen structure.
Author:  Colin Bell


A small program for checking the presence of a parallel printer from
within a script file.This version also includes two small tools to test
the state of some lines of the printer port, to make it easier to find
the source of printer problems.  Binary only.  Author:  Tom Kroener


An easy-to-use data base program which includes a phone dialer, speech
output, a simple screen editor for making and modifying the database
definitions, a screen print function, form letter printing, sorting,
searching, and two small sample databases.  Version 1.3, an update to
version 1.1.  Binary only, source available from author.  Author:  J.
Dale Holt


FoodProcessor!  Grocery List Construction/Application, with Recipe
Database.  Many Features with just about every grocery item you can
think of.  Add recipe portions right to the grocery list with a click,
coupon markers etc...  Sharware.  NOTE:  Functional, yet crippled DEMO


An ultra tiny Screen-Blanker/Mouse-Blanker/Mouse-Accelerator thingy.
Is about 700 bytes and doesn't have to be RUN.  Version 1.3, includes
assembly source.  Author:  Paul Hayter


Stock market charting program:  price-volume graphs, draw trend lines,
two moving averages, put-call ratio graphs, advance-decline lines,
import/export data from/to ASCII files, great user interface NOTE:  Not
fully 2.0 compatible


A RunBack style program which use parm.library.  Runs programs in WB
mode from any CLI.  Programs are fully detached.  The program you run
must support WB startup.  Includes source in C.  Authors:  Sylvain
Rougier, Pierre Carrette


Small but useful tool to interchange ASCII files between different
operating systems.  Converts foreign symbols and adapts linefeed codes.
Can also be used to expand tabs to multiple spaces or vice versa.  It
has builtin templates for interchange between the Amiga, MS-DOS and
UNIX.  Profiles can be used for common adaptions.  Version 1.10,
includes source in C.  Author:  Joerg Fenin / Metalworx


Yow is a program that will give you sayings of Zippy the Pinhead from
the CLI.  It also contains source code for the program.  An incomplete
file of yowlines is included.  Zippy was an underground comic book
character from the 1960s.

CAM #555a&b Utilitaires domestiques


Here are 24 more patterns for Workbench 2.0.  I have included the icons
so that you can simply double-click them from Workbench while deciding
which ones you want to use (or not use).  Some of these patterns look
good on an interlaced screen, while others look best on a
non-interlaced screen.  Most of the patterns only use 2 colors.
Designed by Chris Bailey.


Reminder program for your startup-sequence.  Badger will open a window
and display any important events that are 'due'.  Badger will not
bother you if there is nothing to report.  Events are entered via menu
and prompts.  This is version 2.05a, an update to version 2.01e.
Includes many new features such as event editing and automatic holiday
notification.  Shareware, binary only.  Author:  George Kerber


A small program which can calculate the number of days between two
dates.  Very useful, if for example, you want to know how many days you
have been alive.  This is version 1.0.  Includes source in assembler.
Author:  Preben Nielsen


Release 3.1 of a program for drawing representations of the Earth's
surface.  This release generates maps in any combination of 16 colors
with full user palette control, larger map files with national
boundaries, faster generation of box and globe views, an improved
online Help facility, provision for saving and printing displays, and
general tightening of the source code.  Accelerated version requiring a
68020 CPU and 68881 FPU also provided.  Full source code included.
Requires 1.2 megabytes of memory.  Update to version 2.25d.  Author:
Bryan Brown.


Prints a list of the fonts in the FONTS:  device to the printer.
Prints name, available sizes and some text using the specified font.
Includes source in Modula II.  Author:  Robert Brandner


Two collections of high-quality, consistently designed icons for the
Amiga Workbench.  The color collections will require an 8 color
Workbench (i.e.  Workbench 2.0).  The black and white collections are
useable on any normal 4 color Workbench.  One set of icons is based on
the icons supplied with the GEM windowing system, and the other set is
modeled after the icons on a Silicon Graphics Personal Iris.  A bonus
set of ray-traced icons is included.  Author:  Kenneth Jennings


Allows you to create fancy, full sized, colored labels for 3.5" floppy
disks.  Version 1.5, includes source.  Author:  Stefan G.  Boldorf


WBFed 0.93, a workbench font editor for 2.0.  Version .93 supports
color fonts.  Shareware by Patrick F.  Clark,

CAM #556a&b Jeux d'arcade


Shoot'em up construction kit game featuring Brian Mulroney.  Author:
Ray Larabie


Shoot'em up construction kit, futuristic road game.  Author:  Ray


Shoot'em up construction kit, you control a subatomic-atom-wielder and
blasts away anything that moves.  Very long game (40 minutes or more)
Author:  Ray Larabie


Another gag-program.  Be careful!  It may distroy graphics, but nothing
else!  Can be stopped by pressing the firebutton of a joystick in port
1.  Includes source in Modula II.  Author:  Robert Brandner


A Defender-type game (named, appropriately, Defender).  Very nicely
done, fast action arcade style game, one or two player option.  Written
in Blitz BASIC (don't let that fool you, this game is FAST) and the
source code is included.


- it's a maze containing 20 levels - there are five diamonds in each
- you should collect them all, before you may continue - believe me,
  it is not just picking up the diamonds

Include source in assembler, author:  Leo Puolamaa


Gravity Wars is a game in which two ships are shooting at each other,
choosing different firing angles, etc.  The missiles are affected by
the gravity of all the planets so the missiles don't ALWAYS go exactly
as you might think!  Not so easy as it sounds.


A game with the goal of moving an apple eating snake inside four walls
until an exit appears.  Includes source.  Author:  Stefan G.  Boldorf

CAM #557a&b Fonts pour Pagestream

29 Adobe Type 1 fonts for Pagestream.

AmbrosiaCap Andesite Ann-Stone Arctic2 Author BellBottom
BillsBigBullets BillsDingbats ChiTown DownWind Dubiel FrankTimes
GoodCityModern GoudyHundred JUMBLE JumbleItalic Koshgarian-Light
Martoonie Orleans PARISIAN Peignot-Light PsychedelicSmoke RansomNote
ReliefDeco Rudelsberg2 Shorai(japanese) TempoFont TGScript
Victorias-Secret Wedgie Wharmby

CAM #558a&b Fonts pour Pagestream


AdineKirnberg-Script font is a German Art Nouveau script font
containing a full alphabet and most punctuation.  It is a beuatiful,
rounded script with very striking caps and relatively small lower-case
characters.  It is modeled on a face called Romana.  In addition to the
full alphabetic characters, there are alternate drawings of certain
characters.  Author:  David Rakowski


White number in black circle.


DavysDingbats is an unusually wonderful font full of really cool
pictorial characters.  There are around 200 pictorial characters of
varying use in DavysDingbats.  Check the option keyboard for ballerina
dancers in various poses, and the option-shift keyboard for some really
wonderful Art Nouveau images.  Author:  David Rakowski


Type 1 font for use in documentation to represent buttons on the Mac
extended keyboard or the IBM PC.  Author:  David Rakowski


A typical calligraphic script font.


A futura style Type 1 font, Normal and Oblique.  Author:  Softlogik


Letters have a "hebrew rune" look.  Upper/lower case letters,


The ultimate in vanity, this font's author gave himself letters that
look like Old Eire set in uneven woodblocks.  Uppercase only.


Rounded modern uppercase letters.  The uppercase typeface is the
letters cut out/outlined into an elaborately designed block.  Lowercase
version are the black letters by themselves.


A musical notation Type 1 font.  Author:  Softlogik


Extra Bold Caps only poster type 1 fonts.  Author:  Softlogik


Extra Bold poster type 1 fonts.


This is NOT a very useful type one font (the letters are hard to figure
out).  Based on a seven segmented liquid crystal display.


LowerWestSide is a vibrating novelty face - good for headlines about
quakes.  Author:  David Rakowski


Upper/lower case font.  Forties-style hand lettering.


A script style Type 1 font.


A hinted typeface.  The typeface design has been inspired by a display
face named Publicity Gothic.  This face has an attractive rough-edged
look and is designed to be used as a display face at large sizes.  The
typeface was originally designed with upper-case characters only.  A
"reminder" character appears in the lower-case positions.  If you are
not careful this "reminder" character can be annoying if you are
imaging on-screen (these characters are removed and other improvements
are made in the real version that will be sent to you after you
register and send in your shareware fee).  The typeface is fully usable
in its present form and should provide you a fair opportunity for
evaluation.  The typeface has many kerning pairs installed making it
relatively problem-free when using it in display settings.


Halloween dingbat oriented Type 1 font


All caps Art Nouveau outline font.


Various old-style dingbats and symbols..  looks good with Adobe's Wood


A script style Type 1 font.


A three-dimensional style font.

CAM #559a&b Utilitaires Graphiques


2View is a ILBM picture viewer for use under Workbench 2.0.  It
supports all standard Amiga graphics modes, ARexx, and both the CLI and
Workbench.  A list of files to display can be used, or each filename
can be given individually.  Each picture that is displayed can be shown
for a specified amount of time, or until the user clicks on the left
mouse button.  Version 1.11, includes source.  Author:  Dave Schreiber


AKA is a video titling utility that allows you to use postscript fonts
as your text source.  Contained within are 2 programs, AKA1 and AKA2.
Both programs take a single bitplane image, rendered larger screen,
then reduce it.  Both programs take the two colors in the single
bitplane image and create a spread between them to the anti-aliased
image in.  By Patrick Sheffield


AmiGRASP is an Amiga version of the GRASP graphics programming language
for writing and playing .GL animation files on the IBM-PC.  This
version is said to support about 63% of the commands in the full IBM
version of the language.  Author:Ko Kian Beng of Maylasia


DCTV Automated Animation Maker for Imagine, Animation JourneyMan
andLightWave Cando stack by Daniel J.  McCoy


Dpatch replaces values within the code for Deluxe Paint 4.0 and 3.25.
These values control the screen sizes.  By editing a configuration file
you can run DPaint with any screen size.  Binary only, author:  Colin


A program that will convert CompuServe GIF image files into IFF SHAM
and 24bit ILBMs.  It offers a number of extra options like dithering,
horizontal and vertical flip, as well as automatic border removal.
Requires KickStart version 2.0 or greater to run.  This is version
2.137, an update to version 2.116.  Includes source.  Author:
Christopher Wichura


Color IFF to ANSI converter.  Binary only, author:  KAP of Deja Vu


This is a program to create Vista DEM's of Lyapunov space.  Please see
the article in September 1991's Scientific American Mathematical
Recreations for a detailed explaination of Lyapunov Space.  Source is
included as well as an example IFF HAM image.  Both 68030/68881 and
68000 executables are included.  Program placed in the Public Domain by
Virtual Reality Laboratories, Inc.


A Must for all you Lightwave 3D users.  This script renames up to 90
Lightwave 3D saved files to recognizable Framestores Saves wear and
tear on your machine and your head !


Tumble Axis Processor is a Sculpt utility with several functions,
including automatically aligning a path's tumble axes so that an object
following that path will always face the direction of travel, and
production of an easy to read data list containing the location of each
node and the orientation of each of its tumble axes.  This is a fully
functional version except that it will not function on paths with more
than 15 nodes.  Binary only.  Author:  Martin Koistinen


Demo version of a very fast GIF viewer, that is three to fifteen times
faster than similar programs.  Currently TurboGIF produces very high
resolution black and white images only.  Makes an excellent "GIF
previewer" to decide if a particular GIF is worth spending the time
converting with one of the other converters.  Shareware, version 1.0,
binary only.  Author:  Steve Borden


Another program for fractals.  Lots of features.  Uses an interesting
algorithm for extra speed.  Source includes modules for reading/writing
ILBM pictures, and for using the ARP filerequester in modula.  Version
4.0.  Author:  Robert Brandner


A freely redistributable painting program, much like the popular DPaint
program.  Version 35z, binary only.  Author:  Stefan G.  Boldorf


VERY nice program to generate Lyapunov Equation graphics to the Amiga.
I have used it with no problem (and a nice speedup) with my AdSpeed, am
unsure about other accel.'s.  Try this, it at least complements the
Julia & Mandy sets.


This program will convert 24 bit colour IFF to 8 bit (256 shade)
greyscale, viewable on all Amigas without any additional hardware.


A small utility that allows you cut rectangular portions of any screen
and store them on disk as IFF-ILBM files.  Also allows easy saving of
windows and entire screens to disk.  This is version 2.0, an update to
'PicSaver' version 1.0.  Includes source in assembler.  Author:  Preben


An anim player for normal IFF ANIM opt 5 (DPaint III,...) files or ANIM
files crunched with PowerPacker.  The decrunching is done automatically
as the file is read.  Features many command line options, palette
change during animation, full overscan PAL/NTSC support and yet it is
only 7K.  Compatible with AmigaDOS 2.0.  Some new 2.0 features (Asl
requester) supported.  Version 1.0a, an update to version 1.0.  Binary
only.  Author:  Nico François


A "show" program for normal IFF ILBM files or ILBM files crunched with
PowerPacker.  The decrunching is done automatically as the file is
read.  Version 1.2a, update to version 1.2, binary only.  Author:  Nico


An all purpose reader that displays text, pictures, sounds, and
animations, all of which may be uncompressed or compressed with a
companion compression program (not included).  Text can include
embedded static or animated illustrations and sounds.  Version 5.1,
freeware, binary only.  Author:  Chas A.  Wyndham

CAM #560 Jeux et Éducation


AmiGazer was written for the public domain by Richard Horne.  It uses a
base of 1573 stars, originally compiled by Richard Berry of ASTRONOMY
magazine.  The program uses input date, time, latitude, and look
direction to compute a view of the sky.  A view is possible for any
date, time of day, or latitude north or south.


A program to make animations of chemical reactions with the purpose of
recording it on a video tape.  It is a programming language, containing
expressions, nested loops, etc.  It can handle molecules with in total
up to 64 atoms, and lines between atoms.  Works correctly under PAL.
Version 0.8, examples and source (in DICE C) included.  Author:  Klaas
van Gend


Lore of Conquest is a war game similar in concept to the board game
Risk.  You are the lord of an entire world, destined to rule the
galaxy.  Some worlds are virgin fruits, ready for you to colonize.
Some worlds have natives who do not wish to accept your rule, these you
must conquer for they will yield more valuable resources.  As you claim
the galaxy you will find, you are not the only one extending your
dominion.  This is a two-player game, so be prepared to defend yourself
and take what is yours!  Version 1.5, an update to version 1.3.  Binary
only, shareware.  Author:  Michael Bryant


This program provides stereoscopic views of the Bravais lattices, which
can be rotated and positioned by the user in real time.  The frame rate
is between 10 and 30 frames per second, depending upon the options
selected and the Amiga being used.  It is primarly intended for
educators and students in physics, chemistry, and geology.  Red/Green
3D glasses are required.  By David M.  McKinstry


An expression calculator with many powerful features, in- cluding
user-defined functions and variables, many built-in functions, script
files, and special looping constructs.  Handles expressions involving
both real and complex numbers.  This is version 1.1, an update to
version 1.0.  Includes source.  Author:  Martin Scott


Version of the well known game.  Features an 'intelligent' computer
opponent.  Includes source in Modula II.  Author:  Robert Brandner


A real-time sidereal clock program for use by amateur astronomers.
Displays the Universal Time, Greenwich Sidereal Time, and Local
Sidereal Time for a given Time Zone and Geographical Longitude.  Uses
the Amiga system clock and date stamp for real-time operation.  Runs
from the WorkBench (1.3/2.0) and CLI window.


This funky typing tutor game built around PacMan-like maze game
features complete control over characters to practice, multiple mazes,
custom-tailored sounds, sprites, and some nudity.  Learn to type while
having fun!  Shareware.

CAM #561a&b Utilités Sons et MIDI


Demo version of an editor for Roland D-110.  Bulk dump is available.
Edited parameters are not submitted to Roland D-110.  Author:  Dieter


DSound is 8SVX sound sample player that plays samples directly off the
hard drive.  The sound sample is played as it is loaded, making it
possible to play sound samples of any length even under limited memory
conditions.  Version 0.91a, includes source.  Author:  Dave Schreiber


This program will convert midi format 1 files to midi format 0


Converts sound samples from a Roland S-220/S-10/MKS-100 to 8SVX IFF
8-bit samples.  This is version 1.4, an update to version 1.0.  New
features include volume-adjust and start-endpoint setting.  Includes
source in assembler.  Author:  Dieter Bruns


smus2mod converts a SMUS music file into a SoundTracker compatible
MODule.  The SMUS file's instruments are not converted, but their names
are used in the MODule.  Binary only, author:  Blaise Tarr


Translates DMCS (TM) SMUS files to standard MIDI files.  Include C
source, author:  Thomas E.  Janzen


AudioScope is a realtime audio spectrum analyzer for the Amiga.  Use
AudioScope to examine the frequency spectrum of any audio signal
received through the PerfectSound 3 audio digitizer.  Due to the heavy
computational load, an accelerated Amiga is recommended.  Binary only.
Author:  Richard Horne

Amiga Spectrogram

Computes a frequency analysis of any 8 bit audio data file and creates
a high resolution color display showing frequency content versus time.
Display color is continuously adjustable.  This type of display when
applied to the human voice has been called a voiceprint.  This
technique has also been used to analyze sounds of many kinds of animals
including birds, dolphins, whales, etc.  The audio data file can be
replayed at any desired rate, giving a simultaneous audio and visual
representation of the sample.  A selection of interesting audio samples
for analysis by Amiga Spectrogram is included.  Version 6.3, binary
only.  Author:  Richard Horne


SparcStation ulaw sound file to Amiga IFF 8SVX sound file Binary only,
author:  Jean-Francois Giorgi and Thierry Leconte


Voice Command Line Interface (VCLI) is an Amiga voice recognition
program that learns and recognizes a set of voice commands.  Each voice
command is associated with an Amiga CLI command that is executed when
an incoming voice command is recognized.  VCLI allows the execution of
any Amiga CLI command by voice.  Requires the Perfect Sound 3 audio
digitizer.  This is Version 2.0 of VCLI which offers improved
performance, improved operability, and improved graphics for voiceprint
display.  Binary only.  Author:  Richard Horne


An editor program for the Kawai K1-II synthesizer.  Includes a
bankloader for single-patches and multi-patches, a single- patch
editor, a multi-patch editor, and support for the effect-session and K1
controllers.  Version 5.1, an update to version 4.8.  Binary only.
Author:  Andreas Jung


Zounds!  is a Workbench-based sound player for users of the 2.0 OS.  I
haven't tried it under 1.3, but I imagine it'd load and do absolutely
nothing since Zounds!  uses 2.0's AppEvents.  Binary only, author:  Don

CAM #562 Utilitaires divers


Replaces the standard system requesters with nice animated requesters
which you can also attach different sounds to.  Works under AmigaDOS
1.3 or 2.0 to give all the normal system requesters a nice new look.
Version 1.66 an update to version 1.61, include programming instruction
and bugs fixe, binary only.  Author:  Martin Laubach, Peter Wlcek, and
Rene Hexel


A small, fast program used to erase a disk by setting all bits on the
disk to zero.  Version 0.69, includes source in assembly.  Author:
Otto Bernhart


Process files by dropping icons onto Workbench icon.  Customize
commands in icon's tooltypes to create print queues, etc.  WB2.x
Appicon application with C source and Icon utility.


A very small screen blanker, mouse accelerator, mouse blanker, hot key,
etc.  utility.  Version 1.06, binary only.  Author:  Bob Stouder


A small utility that shows the mouse coordinates and the color at that
position.  It can be moved from screen to screen (automatically
evacuates any closing screen).  Is able to show coordinates even when
you are moving/resizing windows or moving Workbench icons.  This is
version 1.1, an update to version 1.0.  Includes source in assembler.
Author:  Preben Nielsen


A script driven program for the installation of larger program
packages.  Executes CLI like script files in a simple language.
Version 1.0, includes source.  Author:  Stefan G.  Boldorf


A utility that allows you to use the mouse to mark characters anywhere
on the screen, and then paste them somewhere else, such as in another
CLI or in a string gadget.  Checks what font is used in the window you
snap from and will look for the position of the characters
automatically.  Recognizes all non proportional fonts of up to 24
pixels wide and of any height.  Works with AmigaDOS 2.0 in both shell
and WorkBench environments.  This is version 1.1, an update to version
1.0 .  Binary only.  Author:  Nico François


A "more" replacement program that reads normal ascii text files as well
as files crunched with PowerPacker.  The crunched files can result in
considerable disk space savings.  This is version 1.8, an update to
version 1.7.  Enhancements include a Workbench 2.0 3D look under 1.3
and support for the Asl requester under 2.0.  Binary only.  Author:
Nico François


A "print" program that will print normal ascii files or files crunched
with PowerPacker.  Several nice features such as page headers and
numbers, adjustable tab sizes, page info taken from preferences and
more.  Version 1.1a, update to version 1.1, binary only.  Author:  Nico


PubUtils is a group of 4 programs designed to create, close, and manage
public screens.  Since public screens are a feature of the Amiga
Operating system version 2.0 and greater, these programs will not work
with any operating system prior to 2.0.  Binary only.  Author:  Chris


An icon color remapping tool that swaps the colors black and white.
The program runs on 1.3, but when run on 2.0 it supports the AppIcon
feature.  It allows you to drag all icons you wish to remap on
RemapInfo's AppIcon to recolor them.  Version 1.0, binary only.
Author:  Nico François


2 batch tool for set and test the cli return code.  Include source in
assembler, author:Jim Butterfield


A simple utility for, hmm, whatever you feel like using it for.  I use
it for several things; showing random texts on my BBS and adding random
texts to archieves.  Use it for all your everyday random decisions.
Binary only, author:  KAP of Deja Vu


Don't you hate it when some programs freeze up or do something strange,
and then fail to respond to an exit command, or don't close the window
even though you hit the close-gadget?  You need not worry any longer!
This utility, to be invoked from the CLI, is useful for removing any
sort of program that, for some reason or another, cannot be stopped by
normal means.  Binary only, author:  Rudi Cilibrasi


This is yet another ANSI stripper.  It removes all ANSI control codes
from the specified file.  It also has a flag for stripping ctrl-chars.
The stripper is also residentable.  Binary only, author:  KAP of Deja


Version 2.40 of Nic Wilson's Freeware System Information Program Now
with lots of new features like autoconfig board recognition as well as
memory attributes, CIA test, disk info ans SCSI enquire for those SCSI
interfaces that support a SCSI command protocol.


A program like 'TrackDisplay' on disk 399 by Olaf Barthel.  It monitors
and displays the current track for each floppy disk connected to the
Amiga.  This is version 2.0, an update to version 1.0.  Includes source
in assembler.  Author:  Preben Nielsen


No system without a graphical user interface is complete without an
"Eyes" program.  Includes source.  Author:  Thomas Geib


WBLink corrects a deficiency in Workbench 2.0:  the inability to create
links to files and directories from Workbench.  WBLink puts an
'AppIcon' on the Workbench screen that makes a link to any file or
directory that is dropped on it.  For Workbench 2.0 or later.  Version
1.00, includes source.  Author:  Dave Schreiber


A short program which scrolls ASCII text files in a small window on
your Workbench screen.  Includes both English and German versions.
Version 1.0, includes source.  Author:  Mark Zeindlinger


A very tiny (13Kb) CLI shell modelled along the lines of CSH, with over
40 internal commands.  Some of its features include command line
editing, history buffer, aliases, function key aliases, reverse polish
calculator, multiple commands on one line, loops, If-Else-Endif
constructs etc.  This is version 1.30 and includes assembly source.
Author:  Paul Hayter

CAM #563 Utilités System 2.0


A commodity which activates the window under the mouse-pointer when
pressing any key.  Requires AmigaOS 2.0.  This is version 1.11 an
update to version 1.11.  Includes german version and source in C.
Author:  Stefan Sticht


A utility for AmigaDOS 2.0 that will automatically center any new
screens that are opened.  This is especially useful when you have an
overscanned WorkBench screen under 2.0 but find that a lot of
applications still open on a 640 wide screen that is aligned with the
left edge of the screen.  With this program, these screens will be
centered as they are opened.  Version 1.2, binary only.  Author:  Colin


This is a tool that patches the tree ROM Functions that open a screen
to use black instead of Color 0 as BORDERCOLOR of opened screen.  This
makes the toplineflicker of AMBER de-interlace chip (A3000, A2320)


A commodity which centers the frontmost screen horizontally on hotkey.
Useful if you normally operate with overscan screens and an old program
opens a normal size screen.  Requires AmigaOS 2.0.  This is version
1.07 an update to version 1.05.  Includes german version and source in
C.  Author:  Stefan Sticht


It is a program that changes the tooltype entry of an project icon on
the fly.  It opens a AppWin on the Workbench.  Simply drop the icon you
wish to change in it and the default tool of this icon is magicaly
changed to the specified one.  AUTHOR :  DELIRIUM PROGRAMING TEAM


Flanker is an AmigaDOS 2.0 "screen flipper / mouse blanker" commodity
program that will activate the "last active window" on the new front
screen.  This is an update to and a replacement for my 'Flip' commodity
also found in the library.  No changes were made to the screen
flipping, only mouse-blanking was added.  FreeWare -- by Keith Young


MakeLink is a replacement for the original 2.0 MakeLink command.
Author:  Stefan Becker


Yet another mouse accelerator, this one implemented as a commodity.  If
you find the built-in accelerator too slow, try this one.  Requires
AmigaOS 2.0.  This is version 1.07 an update to version 1.01.  Includes
german version and source in C.  Author:  Stefan Sticht


An "open shell on hotkey" commodity (like PopCLI).  Requires AmigaOS
2.0.  This is version 1.07 an update to version 1.05.  Includes german
version and source in C.  Author:Stefan Sticht


This small program's purpose is to make AmigaOS 2.0's notification
mechanism available to script files.  For example you have a network
environment which only allows to copy files from one Amiga to another.
With Notify you can write a script, which waits for a special file at a
special location.  If this file arrives at the special place, it gets
executed as a script file.  So you're able to execute commands on
another amiga just by copying a file.  Notify in a network environment
is just an example.  You may imagine different purposes for Notify.
Author:  Stefan Sticht


Workbench 2.0 utility to list public ports (Arexx ports) in system.
Workbench 2.x required simple C source included.  Written by Arnie
Cachelin, HyperActive InterMedia


QPrint is used for setting the FASTMODE bit in the Kick2.0
parallel.device.  Printing, especially graphics with fast printers like
the HP-Deskjet is much faster with this bit set.  Author:  Michael


Opens the OS 2.0 autorequester from script files.  Title, text, gadgets
and publicscreen of the requester can be changed by commandline
options.  This is version 1.03 an update to version 1.00.  Includes
source in C.  Author:  Stefan Sticht


This program installs a handler in the keyboard.device reset handler
list.  When you press CTRL-Amiga-Amiga, it opens a window and counts
down from 9 to 0 in ten seconds and then resets the machine.  This is
gives the machine extra time to do vital things like validating the
disks, if you have initiate the reset too early.  You can break the
countdown by closing the window.  Author:  Stefan Becker


An interactive, fully automated partition mounter especially suited for
removable media SCSI drives.  SCSIMounter automatically scans the Rigid
Disk Block of the drives and presents the user with a partition
selector which allows the individual selection of the partitions to
mount.  This is version 1.1, an update to version 0.9.

    1.10 - ReadArgs() CLI Interface added
    1.04 - Now works with beta kickstarts (V 36)
    Keyboard equivalents for everything (including Listview)
    Layout bug fixed No funtional changes.
    1.03 - Made more tolerant :-)
    1.02 - Fix for gvpscsi.device (GVP Series II) added.

Requires Kickstart 2.0. Binary only. Author: Martin A. Blatter


Sends a window to back or brings it to front with defined actions.  For
example put a window infront by double-clicking in it and send it back
with the middle mouse button.  Any keyboard or mouse event can be
trapped.  Number of required actions can be changed (double-click vs
triple- click).  Implemented as a commodity.  Requires AmigaOS 2.0.
This is version 1.09 an update to version 1.03.  Includes german
version and source.  Author:  Stefan Sticht


ToolManager is a full featured program to add programs (either
WorkBench or CLI) to the tools menu of the 2.x WorkBench.  Programs can
be added by dragging their icons onto the ToolManager "config" window
or the optional ToolManager icon or by editing the config file.
Requires Workbench 2.0.  This is version 1.5, an update to version 1.4.
Includes source.  Author:  Stefan Becker


A utility to patch AmigaOS 2.0 to bring back the little gauge in the
left border of disk windows, showing the ratio of available space on
the disk.  Version 1.2, an update to version 1.0.  Binary only.
Author:  Jean-Michel Forgeas


Activates and brings to front next or previous window with hotkeys.
Hotkeys can be changed.  Implemented as a commodity.  Requires AmigaOS
2.0.  This is version 1.07 an update to version 1.05.  Includes german
version and source in C.  Author:  Stefan Sticht

CAM #564a&b Utilités graphiques et sons


Three conversion programs to manipulate 24-bit images.  IFF24To8
converts 24-bit IFF images to 8-bit IFF images, Pro2BMP converts 24-bit
3D-Professional format images into 24-bit ".BMP" files that Microsoft
Windows can understand, and Pro2IFF converts 24-bit 3D-Professional
format images into the more useful 24-bit IFF format.  Includes source.
Author:  Dallas Hodgson


This is pretty much a direct compilation of Tom Lane's Free JPEG
Working Group's August distribution of JPEG source code.  Only a couple
of minor changes were made to the source to fix some areas that the
compiler choked on.  Author:  Tom Krehbiel


Play God over your own universe.  With AutomaLab you control the
microphysics of a discrete world of cellular automata.  This
two-dimensional land is an array of 192 by 180 cells displayed as
pixels on the Amiga screen.  Each cell can be alive or empty, with
evolution occurring in discrete time steps.  Empty cells are black,
newborn ones are yellow, older living ones are red, and cells that have
just died are magenta.  Author:  Michael Creutz


igensurf is a program to generate a TTDDD description of a functional
surface.  The TTDDD description can then be converted to Imagine object
files with the WriteTDDD utility written by Glenn Lewis.


This may be the last version of RGS ever, (it is 11 months old at
that!) RGS - the Realtime Graphical Synth program usues additive
synthesis to create an audio sample from its spectrogram while you draw
it!  Lots of old features remain from the previous upload, and some new
stuff besides Note:  works just swell under 2.0, fine under 1.2 and 1.3
also!  Read the copious docs!


Converts pictures from GIF and IFF format to IFF format.  Author:
Steven Reiz


A-Graph is an Amiga program to draw Bar, Line, Area and Pie charts, for
reports or presentations, in a user-friendly way.  " Author:  Dave


GIF images viewer by Lorenzo Musto


IFFBeep is a simple program that replaces the screen flash code of
DisplayBeep() with a program that will play any IFF 8SVX sound file
when a call is made to this function.  IFFBeep can also play different
sounds when a disk is inserted/removed from a drive.  Author:  Paul


MandelJourney calculates MandelBrot pictures (What a surprise :-) ..).
It does this in a fast and (IMHO) easy way which makes it fun to
explore the MandelBrot set.  MandelJourney has been created to make the
FPU performance visible in a easily understandable way.  With this
program, you're prepared for the MC68040 and check its speed (I'm still
WAITING for a close encounter of the fortieth kind :-(..).  by
Christian Schneider


RTAP is a very simple ANIM 5 player.  It should work with any animation
file, as long as it is a correct ANIM 5 FORM.  The main property of
RTAP is that it doesn't need the animation to be in ram.  The animation
will be loaded while playing it.  By Sebastiano Vigna


A program created for the purpose of subtitling Japanese animation
films and to create a standard Amiga subtitle format.  Is perfectly
suited for subtitling any foreign film.  Version 0.80, an update to
version 0.71 on disk.  Shareware, binary only.  Author:  Robert Jenks

CAM #565a&b Utilités domestiques


CDCat, the compact disc database, is written by John M.  Meyers.  CDCat
is a simple database with many features including :  999 entry
capability.  Eight datafields per entry Artist, Album, Year, Tracks,
Label, Catalog Number, Number of discs in set, Comment Search
capability by field with wildcard support.  Comprehensive sorting
function sorts the list TWICE by two user-chosen criteria.  Built in
view window allows user to see many entries at once.  View window also
supports non-proportional fonts of all [reasonable] sizes.  Output mode
to dump list of entries to file (or printer) User-definable formatting
for output and view window functions.  Preferences feature to change
settings, and save them.  Smaller than 27K.  (Can be compressed to
fewer than 15 kilobytes) Of course, CDCat is 2.0 compatible.


It is an exchange rate conversion program written by Ian Steuart.


FullView is a text viewer that offers fast, smooth-scrolling ANSI
compatible text displays.  Author:  Jonathan Potter


This is a collection of 4-color icons specifically created for


Another collection of 4-color icons for Workbench2.0.


LOOKER V1.5!  The LATEST!!  For WB2.0 Users.  File Search Utility with
Graphic User Interface!  Many More Features!  - Report Window now
w/Iconic Path View & File Info, Opens Shell into found files Path,
Sort, Save, Print, Copy, Move, Delete, Prefs Set-up, Zoom window,
Snapshot Window Positions and more!  Fast and Reliable.  ShareWare
version w/some options disabled.


This program allows you to convert Mac format Type 1 fonts into IBM
format for use in PageStream and POST (special naming options for
both).  Quick and easy to use interface; mouse driven.  Gang conversion
of an entire directory of fonts with a single click of the mouse.
Handles AFM files too.  This is version 1.1; fixes to path checking
problems and changes to POST naming conventions.


FoodProcessor!  Grocery List Construction/Application, with Recipe
Database.  Many Features with just about every grocery item you can
think of.  Add recipe portions right to the grocery list with a click,
coupon markers etc...  Sharware.  NOTE:  Functional, yet crippled DEMO


WorldTime is a clock with a difference.  It can show you the time in
any city in the world, with 84 cities displayed at once.  Author:
Jonathan Potter


76 beautiful 16 color icons for use with WB 2.0.  If you use WB 2.0
these icons can really spruce up your screen!  While specifically
designed for 16 color mode, they also work well in 4 or 8 color mode.


A small name, address and phone number filer that supports mail
merging, auto dialing (with a modem), searching and label printing.
Quite handy for keeping mailing lists.  This is version 1.0, binary
only.  Author:  Jeff Kelly


This program can manage your recipe database.  You can search the
database for recipes by name, by ingredient used, and by several other
means.  The search is very fast, and you have a number of options for
the search.  When you find the recipe you want, you can send it to the
screen or to the printer.  Very flexible, easy to use.  Author:  Bruce


The United Nations Evironmental Conference will be held shortly in
Brazil, South America.  The United States of Brazil consists of 22
states and one Federal District.  Each state has it's own distintive
flag, some of the very nicely designed.  This collection of hires pages
(four of them) presents the flags of Brazil.  Hope you enjoy them and
add them to your collection of flags I have provided over the years.
Steve Stringfellow


Here are six pages of flags of Europe.  These flags are up-to-date
(While changes are rapidly occuring within the Soviet Union, lack of an
outcome has made this not possible to include.) Each flag is drawn in
correct proportion as designated by the user country.  In each case, if
the government flag is different from the general usage flag.


A program every Amiga fan should have.  Puts the guru back in Kickstart
2.0.  A comeback you will not want to miss.  New features include
support for virtual and public screens, editing of phonemes and a full
gadtools interface.  Version 2.0, an update to version 1.0.  Requires
AmigaDOS 2.0.  Binary only.  Author:  Nico Francois

CAM #566a&b Fonts & Borders pour Pagestream

21 fonts Adobe Type 1:

BEFFLE, CAIRO, Comaro, EileensLittleZodiac, Faktos, Gallaudet,
HorstCaps_v2, Lilith-Light, Neuvarese-BoldItalic, Phonetic-Alphabet,
Teradata, Times-Italic-Lefty, Times-Mirro, ToneAndDebs,
UpperWestSide_v1.3, DavysNewOther, FoxTrotMedium, Line-Draw,
PigNoseTyp, SapirSans, SnowCaps

5 Pagestream fonts:


2 Hi-Res Iff pictures of borders motifs.

CAM #567a&b Langages et utilités de programmation


A GNU Make subset.  Includes pattern rules, conditionals, "include",
function calls, etc.  with source.  This is Version 1.5, update to
version 1.4.  Author:  Ben Eng


Dillon's Integrated C Enviroment.  A C frontend, preprocessor, C
compiler, assembler, linker, and support libraries.  Features include
ANSI compatibility, many code optimizations, and autoinit routines
(user routines called during startup before main is called).  This is
version 2.06.37, an update to version 2.06.21.  Includes bug fixes and
experimental dynamic object module loading support.  Shareware, binary
only.  Author:  Matthew Dillon


A compiler tool for the users of Charlie Gibbs' A68k assembler and The
Software Distillery's BLink.  EasyExpress does the same job better than
your batch file and is much easier to change for current use.  If you
use many object files, EasyExpress can make your life much easier.  You
can do almost everything via mouse and just watch how easily the
compilation of your program happens.  Binary only.  Author:  Juha


Replacement for the Amiga shell, similar to UN*X csh.  Main features
include over 100 built in commands, 70 functions, new system variables,
file name completion, freely programmable command line editing, file
classes, auto cd, lazy cd, intuition menus for the shell window,
automatic RX-ing, local variables, $( ), statement blocks, high speed,
plus much more.  This is version 5.16, an update to version 5.15.
Includes source.  Author:  U.  Dominik Mueller, C.  Borreo, S.  Drew,
M.  Dillon


A programming tool that allows you to program top down, by splitting
your program into many small, and understandable modules which ctangle
tangles into a compiler understandable file.  By apply cweave to the
program you can produce a pretty-printed listing for processing with
TeX.  This is version 2.0, includes source.  Author:  Donald Knuth,
Silvio Levy, port by Carsten Steger


Texas Instruments is working on a C++ class library called COOL which
uses templates a lot.  Unfortunately, there aren't many C++ compilers
available that can handle templates.  So the folks at TI decided to do
a C preprocessor that would allow the usage of templates.  This is the
TI COOL cpp.  I have ported this cpp to the Amiga!  So all you C++
programmers longing for templates can have them now!  I'll upload the
cpp to ab20 if there's interest.  The cpp is especially useful with
Comeau C++ 2.1, that does not come with a C preprocessor.  SAS/C's
preprocessor can not handle arbitrary C++ code, because it does some
syntactic checking while preprocessing.  Author:  Per Bojsen

CAM #568a&b Utilités de programmation


An ARexx external function library similar to RexxArpLib.  The
APIG.LIBRARY provides the ARexx programmer with access to most of the
resident Graphic, Intuition, and Layer library functions.  This library
allows one to create the underlying data structures that are used by
the Graphic/Intuition library functions.  These data structures are
then used with other library functions to create custom INTUITION
screens and windows.  Version:  1.1, binary only.  Author:  Ronnie E.


CompLib.lha contains my new general-purpose data compression library,
for use by other programs for fast, efficient compression and
decompression of ANYTHING.  So, programmers, try it out and tell me
what you think.  Author:  Bryan Ford


MemMan is a short assembly language module which allows your
application to be called whenever there is a memory shortage during an
AllocMem() call.  This allows your application to free up any memory it
can do without so another program can use the memory.  Resident
libraries and devices use a similarsystem to automatically unload them
if the system runs out of memory.  Author:  Bryan Ford


OwnDevUnit.library a shared library with a well defined set of
routines, making a terminal program aware of the extended locking
mechanisms required by programs such as Getty.  Term programs could be
started directly, instead of the user having to use LockSerial.  An
added benifit is that term programs that allow the user to switch the
serial device/unit on the fly would be able to proplerly handle
extended locking, instead of requiring the user to quit the term
program and re-run it with a new device/unit specification given to
LockSerial.  Author:  Christopher A.  Wichura


An ARexx external function library which provides keyed file access
using AVL trees.  With this library one can index data files for fast
search/retrieval of data records.  The record management functions
allow for variable length keys, variable length records, variable
number of fields per record, multiple indices on a single file,
duplicate or unique keys, passing of record data directly to/from ARexx
variables, etc.  This is version 1.1, binary only.  Author:  Ronnie E.


Aprogram for creating and editing intuition gadgets and menus.
Previously known as GadgetED.  Includes a palette editor, generation of
either C or assembly source, and binary saving for later loading and
editing.  This is version 3.0, includes source.  Author:  Jan van den


a new version of PowerVisor:  A lot of bugs are fixed A new feature to
check the maximum stack usage for a task or process PowerVisor uses
menus if you have AmigaDOS 2.0 (I use gadtools for the menus) You can
use any font for the screen, the menus and the stringgadget (I even
tried the new compugraphics fonts, PowerVisor looks BIG in LetterGothic
size 300 :-) :-) :-) The window system is enhanced Many little changes
to make life easier for people trying to figure out how PowerVisor
works :-) A big installation script to make installing PowerVisor easy
If reqtools.library (author Nico Francois) is available, PowerVisor
will use this library for requesters (At this moment reqtools library
is NOT distributed with PowerVisor but Nico is working on a version
ready to be distributed) In my opinion reqtools.library offers the best
requesters (file requesters, font requesters, palette requesters and
others) currently available on the Amiga Some other new features

CAM #569a&b Module de musiques et Lecteurs


This archive contains a small but heavily-commented ARexx script that
demonstrates how to open the ARP library file requester, get a
filename, and pass that name to my music playing program "EdPlayer".
This is useful if you're having problems with kd_freq.library or if you
just want to see a little example of ARexx using the ARP requester or
using EdPlayer.  Author:  Ed Mackey


EDPlayer by Ed Mackey is a MOD or MED music file player.  EdPlayer has
the ability to play multiple songs via arexx, cli or through the
program button on the Edplayer itself.  Edplayer mult- tasks and can be
used with any amiga system.  Version 1.1 an update to version 1.0.  Now
supports req.library!  Now supports powerpacker.library!  Now plays
ST16 modules for greater compatability with older mods.  ARexx
interface improved:  New commands.  No longer case-sensitive.
Iconified window supports bigger fonts and shows name of song.  Screen
placed properly for PAL/Overscan systems.  Several bug fixes.


Module Master is a Music Module player.  Plays SoundTracker 15 & 31
instrument Modules.  Plays NoiseTracker Modules.  PAL switch for
playing modules written on PAL machines.  Multi-Play Feature to play a
list of Modules.  User selectable Scopes Display.  User selectable
Spectrum Display.  User selectable Scroll Display.  User selectable
Info Display.  Built in Kalidoscope.  Edit, Save & Load Configurations.
Load & Save Play Lists (Scripts).


MultiPlayer is a program to play Amiga music modules, such as
Soundtracker and MED.  (This program has no relation to Multi_Player by
Thomas Landspurg which I just recently found out about.) Before you get
disgusted with Yet Another Module Player, I would encourage you to read
through this document, or at least take MultiPlayer for a spin.  You
will find that MultiPlayer has almost all the important features you've
seen on other players, plus many features you haven't seen before.
Works best with Kickstart 2.0, but still functional under 1.3.  Author:
Bryan Ford

Cant Get Enough, size:  110 850, date:  N/A, Format:  MOD, Duration:
N/A, Rating:  N/A, Author:  N/A.

Crapzwtitle, size:  180 000, date:  N/A, Format:  MOD, Duration:  N/A,
Rating:  N/A, Author:  N/A.

Enjoy the Silence [Depeche Mode], size:  171482, date:  29-Jun-92,
Format:  MOD, Duration:  3:30, Rating:  Very good, Author:  4-Mat.

Infra Beat, size:  103222, date:  08-Mar-92, Format:  MOD, Duration:
5:45, Rating:  Good, Author:  Maruku.

Live and direct, size:  321 416, date:  ??-???-91, Format:  MOD,
Duration:  N/A, Rating:  N/A, Author:  Sebastian Rice.

Nucontrol, size:  115 904, date:  N/A, Format:  MOD, Duration:  N/A,
Rating:  N/A, Author:  N/A.

Space Debris, size:  347582, date:  21-May-92, Format:  MOD, Duration:
5:00, Rating:  Superior, Author:  Captain.

SynthSong, size:  63 815, date:  N/A, Format:  MED, Duration:  N/A,
Rating:  N/A, Author:  N/A.

Tarkus06, size:  85 899, date:  N/A, Format:  MED, Duration:  N/A,
Rating:  N/A, Author:  N/A.

CAM #570 Utilités diverses


Amiga Real Time Monitor displays and controls system activity such as
tasks, windows, libraries, devices, resources, ports, residents,
interrupts, vectors, memory, mounts, assigns, locks, fonts, hardware
und res_cmds.  This is version 1.3, an update to version 1.2.
Sharware, binary only.  Author:  Dietmar Jansen and F.  J.  Mertens


ccd is an attempt to have the equivalent to M*-DOS ncd (Norton's cd).
This smart utility is most precious for hard disk users:  it allows to
cd to a directory without having to specify the whole path.  Author:
Cedric BEUST


This file will examine a crunched file and determine from its structure
the method used to crunch it.  It will not uncrunch the file.  It will
report link-virii if they are found, but will not remove them.  Author:
Bob Rye


This is an update of the explode.library, and it is therefore
recommended you (re)place it in your LIBS:  directory.  :-) The library
is necessary for library imploded programs to work correctly.  For
further information see the documents in the Imploder 4.0 archive.

LoadKickC0_v1.0 "LoadKickC0" is a new kickstart load program for the
RAM version of Kickstart 37.175 (OS 2.04).  It's designed for A500
computers with a internal 2.3 or 2.5 MB memory board (located at
$C00000) or an A2000a with 1 MB on the internal memory board.  Author:
Matthias Scheler


Another program like "more", "less", "pg", etc.  This one uses its own
screen to show the text using a slow scroll.  Includes built-in help,
commands to search for text, and commands to print the text.  Works
with PAL or NTSC, in normal or overscan modes.  Support 4 color text in
bold, italic, underlined, or inverse fonts.  Version 3.0, this is an
update to version 2.7.  Includes source in Oberon and assembly code.
Author:  Fridtjof Siebert


FEATURES OF NOERRORS V1.3 Hides physical errors from your disk
collection You can now use those 'Bad' disks 100% Machine Code for the
fastest speed & smallest code.  Totally written and updated regularly
in Australia Supports Hard Disks or Floppy Disks Easy Gadget driven
Intuition interface.  Author:  Nic Wilson


A 1.3/2.0 compatible input handler for people who can only press (or
cause to be pressed) one keyboard key at a time.  OneKey gathers
individually pressed qualifier keys (shift, alt, control, etc) and then
applies them to the next non-qualifier key that is pressed.  This is
version 36.11, includes source.  Author:  Carolyn Scheppner


This is PopUpMenu version 4.2.  All known bugs are removed


It is an '8-Way set associative' cache, with 8 sets, lines of 4 sectors
with prefetch, and 32 lines.  Author:  David Le Blanc


A very fast disk copier and formatter.  Can make up to four unverified
copies from a ram buffer in 36 seconds.  Verified copies from a ram
buffer take 67 seconds for one destination drive, plus 34 seconds for
each additional destination.  This is version 2.0 an update to version
1.0.  Binary only.  Author:  Sebastiano Vigna


The Dynamic Task Priority Manager by E.F.Pritchard.


This is a program is purpose to take a rather large file (in my case,
an executable) that is mostly similar to another (as is often the case
with program updates), and create a difference/update file which can be
run through Update again along with the original to create the new
version of the file.  Author:  Brian Fehdrau


WBSIZE - a small program (<2K) that I made that will change the
workbench screen to any resolution available with any number of colours
(such things as HBRITE bench...  HAM bench....  SUPER OVERSCAN bench...
etc are possible).


This is a similar utility to that found on WorkBench of OS 2.04.  Under
the WorkBench menu you will find "Execute Command <A>E." I didn't like
two things about this utility:  1.  The default size of the window was
too small.  2.  It would go away and I would have to go call it up
again.  Solution:  Wiat (Well It's About Time) 1.  It will open a
window 640 x 200 (big as Hi-Res-Non-Interlaced).  2.  If you specify
"-s" as an arg it will *stay up* and let you perform another command.
Written by, Paul Cardwell

CAM #571 Hardware


Here is my hack.  It uses the parallel port, my RKM Hardware guide says
enough nasty stuff about the timing of the joystick lines that I
decided to avoid it.  As for not using pin 13 of the BYTE hack, the
main reasons are that the DB-25 connector I had lying around already
had most of the leads connected, with pin 13 not among them.  Plus, I
already knew how to read pin 4 in software, but wasn't sure how to read
pin 13.  That's what you get for only a few hours of software hacking.
Author:  Alan Bland


This is hack for use the 1.44 drive just like any PC drive connected to
the amiga.  I have a 720K 3 1/2 PC drive working fine as an external
one on my A500, and all was necessary is a small latched circuitry.


This HACK will allow an Amiga 1000 or 500 to use it's 86-pin expansion
connector as an A2000 100-pin slot!!!!!  Author:  Joe Pellegrino


This is the ANSI _Draft_ spec for SCSI-2, obtained (second-hand) from
the SCSI BBS.  Reformatted from the original Wordstar files to Amiga
text files.  Contains everything you ever wanted to know about SCSI,
but were afraid to ask.  Caution:  do not rely on the page numbers in
the TOC, as things may have changed in my reformatting process.


A utility program for using a Siemens ST 400 SCSI flatbed scanner with
the Amiga.  Can be adapted to other scanners and serves as an example
of scsi-direct access to scsi devices.  Version 1.0, includes source in
C.  Author:  Frank-Christian Kruegel


A suite of programs to allow use of a Teac SCSI Floppy on the Amiga.
Included are programs to set the mode to 1,2 or 4 Meg [TSFMx], to
format to 1,2 or 4 Meg [TSFFx], a utility that does disk changes for
you [TSFADC], and a SCSI exerciser to explore the controllers on the
SCSI bus.  Source is available upon request.  Author:  Harvey Taylor

CAM #572 Jeux


BoulderBash is a strategy/animation game somewhat like Emerald Caves.
The game consists of a series of mazes or puzzles with animated
objects.  I wrote this program before I even knew what Emerald Caves
was, so it is NOT a clone.


This game is somewhat similar to Tetris, but with enough of a
difference to be well worth looking at, if you enjoy that sort of
thing.  It is very well done and is quite addictive (I can't get me
wife away from the computer amynore :).


Crazy Pipes 2.0 -- an excellent arcade style game in the tradition of
Pipe Dream and Mouskattack.  Good graphics, sound, multiple levels.
Shareware by Joe Ramsey.


Find the matching pieces.  Pieces falling downto floor, when moved over
free space.  This is a complete new idea of a Game.  Nothing common
with Tetris or Shanghai.  There is even an existing Version before
Gem'x was ever released, With a bit Sound, controlled by Mouse and
Keyboard.  Nice Graphics, completely written in Pascal.  (Kick-Pascal
1.0 and 2.03) Author:  Markus Illenseer


"Tough.BDS" is a MegaBall "board" made by Tillman Dickson


Shoot'em up construction kit game, Spidey Guy in the Stock Market Crash
of 1929 Object of game:  Dodge falling bodies, steal dresses, crush
cats, kill kids, bash birds, grab cash and climb tall buildings.
Author:  Ray Larabie

CAM #573a&b Émulation


A universal accented character converter for Amiga, IBM-PC, MacIntosh,
and C64 files written in most West European languages (Danish, Finnish,
French, German, Italian, Islandic, Norwegian, Spanish, Swedish, and
more.  Works with either ASCII or Word Perfect files.  This is a major
update to version 1.5 (where it was called Vortex).  New features
include a graphical user interface, simple file reader, and copy
option.  Binary only.  Author:  Michel Laliberte


This pair of programs, RamRead and RamSave, will allow you to
quick-load the Amax RAM disk from your Amiga (hard) drive before you
run Amax, or save the Amax RAM disk afterwards.  Author:  Clint


This is dvi converter (dvi= TeX's device independent output format).
DVI2XX is able to produce either device dependent code for the
HP-LaserJet+ or for the IBM3812 (model 1) depending on a preproscessor
switch at compile time.  The documentation concerning compile switches
is located in the source.


FastMax speeds up running the A-Max Macintosh emulator, version 1 or 2.
It reads the Macintosh ROMs into a file, then patches A-Max to read
from this file rather than from the ROM cartridge.  Written by John


MessyFileSystem - patched MSH FileSystem for use under AmigaDos 2.04
Author:  Andrew Chalmers


SayService allows the PC BridgeCard to utilize the Amiga's speech
synthesis capabilities.  AFTER running SayService on the Amiga side,
the PC will be able to speak using the SAY.EXE command.  SayService can
be started either by double clicking on the SayService icon from
workbench, or running SayService from a CLI or SHELL.  I have the
command "RUN >NIL:  SYS:PC/SERVICES/SayService" in my startup-sequence
and never worry about it after that.  I also recommend that you copy
SayService and it's icon into the Services directory in your PC drawer.
Author:  Wayde Police


This program emulates a Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48-kbyte z80-based
computer on any Amiga computer.  Author:  Peter McGavin


A program to convert Atari ST format relocatable executables to Amiga
format relocatable executables, for subsequent loading into the
ReSource disassembler and conversion to Amiga.  ST2Amiga should also
compile and run on an ST.  Version 1.1, includes C source.  Author:
David Campbell


The Supra Amax driver will allow Amax 2.6 or higher to work with your
Supra hard drive.  To do this you will need to dedicate one of your
partitions to Amax.  If you only have 1 partition, you will need to
backup your hard drive and reformat it for more than one partition, or
use a MAC hard drive.


In turbo2088you will find instructions on how you can run your A2088
bridgeboard at 9.54 MHz.  Mine is running fine for over 5 months now.
The main modification is the replacement of the 14.31818 MHz crystal by
a 28.63636 MHz oscillator.  To run at 7.15 MHz there are even no
modifications necessary!  The only requirement is that your bridgeboard
has the newer FE2010A chip not the FE2010.  With a NEC V20 Norton SI
reports 3.7 !!  Eddy Olk


A program to copy files from the Amiga side of a system equipped with a
PC/AT bridgeboard, to the PC side, using wildcards.  Copies directly
through the shared memory.  Supports CLI and WorkBench usage.  This is
version 2.22, an update to version 2.2.  With some final bug fixes,
this will be the last non-commercial release.  Shareware, binary only.
Author:  Peter Vorwerk


This is version 2 of The A64 Package (a C64 emulator).  It consists of
two disks.  Each lharc file should be unarced to a separate disk.  The
first should be labeled 'A64'.  The second 'A64 Docs & Utils'.  There
are lots of new features.  Read the docs for more info.  This package
compares to or surpasses the commercially available packages of the
same nature.  Many of the utilities require a hardware interface that
allows the Amiga to access C64 peripherals such as disk drives and
printers.  Note that this is shareware.  If you send in the shareware
donation you will be sent a hardware dongle that will allow you to
connect C64 peripherals to the Amiga Parallel port.  The hardware
interface available from QuesTronix.  This is version 2.0, an update to
version 1.0, and includes many new features.  Binary only.  Author:
Cliff Dugan, QuesTronix

CAM #574 Télécommunication


BackTalk 1.51, an Amiga communications program.  1.3 and 2.0
compatibility.  Features ARexx port (113 commands), proportional fonts,
chat window, "live" review buffer, XPR protocols, LOTS more.  By Steve
Ahlstrom and Don Curtis.


CommCost is a little program that caculates the size of you Modem
addiction by examing the log file from your communication program.
CommCost will also produce a Top Ten BBS list as well as an analysis of
the period that the log ran for.  AT the moment the programs that are
supported are :  JR-Comm NComm MAXsBBS


A file joiner with append capability.  Author:  KAP of Deja Vu


Script for convert old lh1 files to lh5(better compression).  Author:
Arthur Hagen


PhonePlus is an address database.  It's purpose is to provide a way of
managing addresses.  PhonePlus is fairly flexible to suit your own
purposes.  PhonePlus allows you to set your own defaults to load in at
start of program.  Supports modem, mailing lists, searches, etc.
Shareware by Rick Brown.


This is just a quick hack that allows sharing of the serial device so
that you can send commands to your modem if an application requires
certain settings but does not give you a terminal interface.  It was
done in less than 5 minutes and so i didn't go for code optimization or
speed.  So, no jokes about the size.  Spineless (Mike) from MARS BBS
( P.S.  Run this first, then run the other


SuperDial is a kind of a Wardialer which can be used to call
phonenumbers and detect what is at the other end.  Author:  Michael


This is the Version 2.0 of the xprymodem.library:  It includes the
following bug fixes:  the library is now really pure..  sometimes you
could not send files bigger than 256kB.  This resulted from the
wellknown bug useing 16-bit ints and then compiling some parts of the
code with 32-bit ints..)-:  The biggest file I sent with v2.00 was the
fido-nodelist (ca.  1mB) and everything smelled good.  Author:  Ueli

CAM #575 Utilités 2.0


A program to add infinite number of menus to the Tools menu on
Workbench V2.0.  Uses the correct Workbench library calls and allows
updating from CLI or from within the menu itself, meaning infinite
number of functions.  This is version 1.56, an update to version 1.54.
Binary only.  Author:  Nic Wilson


A program similar to XWindow's XLoad to display the load-factor on your
Amiga.  Requires KickStart 2.0.  This is version 1.1c, includes source.
Author:  Alexandru-Aurel Balmosan


New kind of pipe handler.  Let's call it `APipe-Handler' and its DOS
device name `APIPE:'.  The special thing about this handler is that it
interprets the name after the prefix `APIPE:' as a command line to be
executed.  If the `APIPE:<command line>' file is opened as MODE_OLDFILE
the standard output from the command will be available for reading; if
the file is opened as MODE_NEWFILE the command will get its standard
input from the data written to the file.  by Per Bojsen


DiskInfo is a tool which can be used to display information about any
Amiga storage media, including disks, hard disks and memory.
Eventually it will be worthy of completely replacing the Workbench
"Info" command.  It can be executed as an AmigaDOS command from the
Workbench or Shell.  by Gregg Giles


This program patches the intuition OpenScreen routine to change the
ViewMode of a new screen, eg.  to open a NTSC instead of a PAL screen
or to use Productivity instead of an interlaced display.  In fact, you
can change most parameters in the NewScreen structure.  This is version
1.5, includes source.  Author:  Michael Illgner


Here is a large set of icons of every type.  The drawer icons are
joined to make little cabinets of drawers.  Almost all are animated
icons that change the image when selected.  AUTHOR:  Michael Heinz


Format controller.  A graphical user interface for disk formatting.
Pops up on disk insertion or via hotkey.  This version 1.1.  Requires
OS 2.0.  Includes source.  Author:  Michael Balzer


Here's a bunch of Icons for WB 2.0 I have them under an interlaced 8
color bench.  by Chris Hurtt


MenuKey is a commodity that allows users to use either amiga key in
selecting menu items.  Written by Mark Thomas


MenuHelper is a release 2.0 commodity that allows easier keyboard
access to menus than what Intuition provides.  With MenuHelper, all you
need do is press the 'Activate' key combination and the menu for the
currently active window will appear.  Easy to use, configurable, neat
stuff!  By Ken Lowther


17 new 2.0 Workbench palettes.


Want some new 2.0 Workbench patterns?  It's got 27 new patterns to put
on the background of your workbench.


C and assembler source and executables for FASTROM040, a program which
moves your 2.0 Rom to fast ram; MMU, which displays the status of the
68040 MMU; ROMSPLIT, a program to take your kickstart disk file and
create EPROMS.  FastROM040 and MMU are 2.0 specific and have only been
tested with PP&S 040 cards for the A2000 and A3000 (Others at your own
risk!) By Greg Tibbs


A program that allows you to test the current settings of the RAMSEY
ram controller chip on an Amiga 3000 under Kickstart 1.3 or 2.0, and
change them if you wish.  Useful for hardware debugging to control
static column mode, burst mode, or change the refresh rate.  Version
1.50, update to version 1.02.  Binary only.  Author:  Nic Wilson


Allows you to run programs simply by selecting a menu item from the
tools menu of WorkBench 2.0.  Both shell and WorkBench programs are
supported, including arguments and tool types for both.  Version 1.0,
binary only.  Author:  Nico Francois


ToolsX lets you add items and hotkeys to the 2.0 Workbench Tools menu.
The items you add to the menu can also have a Commodities Hotkey
associated with them.  An easy-to-use GUi is provided for editing the
items on the Tools menu.  You also can specify a default directory and
stacksize for each item on the menu.


Sick of solid backrounds and tiny little patterns on your workbench?
Now under Workbench/Intuition 2.0, any image you can view on your Amiga
can become the backdrop for your Workbench window.  Wallpaper allows
you to place an iff image in the background of the Workbench window.
The image may contain up to 16 colors.  Pictures with more colors than
the current Workbench can display are accepted, but no attempt is made
to adjst the colors.  by Joe Rumsey


This is a nice little addition for OS 2.04 (2.0x) owners.  It's a
replacement for the execute command from the workbench menu.

CAM #576 Utilités diverses


A 'DMouse' type replacement that works with WorkBench 2.0 and fully
compatible with A3000 & accelerator boards.  Always retains the default
path and stack, and current directory.  Can automatically open
CLI/SHELL windows to 1 pixel less than the current screen size on
opening.  New functions include spline patterning on blanking, toggle
freeze mouse, more function keys, mouse activated screen shuffle, close
gadgets on Shell windows, and more as many users have requested.  This
is version 2.06, an update to version 1.99n.  Binary only.  Author:
Nic Wilson


Benchtime once run will change the workbench menu header so that
whenever the workbench menu is displayed the first menu header will be
the current time.  Benchtime sets itself a priority of -10 so that it
steals very little process time from other processes.  Benchtime can be
removed by pressing right ALT + left ALT + ESCape in that order.  Also
Benchtime is only 436 bytes long!!  Author:  Raymond Price


File searcher with hilite and type file recognizer Author:  Tarador


Program to disable DF0-DF3 to stop that empty drive clicking by putting
the trackdisk.device tasks in a removed state.  Can be run from CLI,
startup script or WB.  Command line options select drives and also
remove the File System tasks to reduce CPU load a little more.  This is
version 1.1, an update to version 1.0.  Include source.  Author:
Patrick F.  Misteli


Yes, this is yet another disk speed testing program, but with a few
differences.  It was designed to give the most accurate results of the
true disk performance in the system.  For this reason many of
DiskSpeed's results may look either lower or higher than current disk
performance tests.  by Michael Sinz


File-Chainer is to enable you to create an executable file out of a
desired number of executable files.  These executable files will be
executed in given order, when executing the resulting executable file.
"Hmm...  This is what i use scripts for" you could say, but listen:  Of
course the resulting executable file (in the folling text we wanna call
it the "file-chain") will NOT load the other files to execute them, but
it consists of them.  What?  Yeah, when you have loaded the file-chain,
you already have loaded with it all chained files.  By the way let's
have another approach to the subject (a more technical one).  The
file-chain consists of all hunks of the specified files that you wanted
to link; furthermore it includes an additional hunk that will (when
starting the file-chain) execute the other files in given order.  This
order is specified by giving the arguments in a specific order.


Adds window and screen switching functions to the functionkeys in
conjunction with the left Amiga key.  For example, use the left-Amiga +
F10 to get help and a remove requester.  Version 1.1, includes source.
Author:  Torsten Jurgeleit


Freeze is a small utility that allows you to freeze and activate any
task or process running on the Amiga.


This is version 3.01 of Khalid Aldoseri's file requester library.
Included a program that replaces the file requesters of asl.library and
arp.library by this one.  Also included a FileFind type program.


When you run this program it will let you pull down your menus by
pressing the HELP key, after which you can use them with the arrows and
by first letters as you would use the menus on the IBM.  Great for
those who hate moving their hands from the keyboard to get menu items
with the mouse.  Author:Brian Moats.


This program patches the loadseg routine to automatically recognize
files crunched with PowerPacker.  After running PPLoadSeg crunched
libraries and devices are still recognized by AmigaDOS.  You can even
crunch fonts and use them as normally.  Version 1.1, an update to
version 1.0.  Binary only.  Author:  Nico Francois


A "more" replacement program that reads normal ascii text files as well
as files crunched with PowerPacker.  The crunched files can result in
considerable disk space savings.  This is version 2.0, an update to
version 1.8.  Binary only.  Author:  Nico Francois


A "show" program for normal IFF ILBM files or ILBM files crunched with
PowerPacker.  The decrunching is done automatically as the file is
read.  Version 2.0, an update to version 1.2a, binary only.  Author:
Nico Francois


Recognizes 168 different guru numbers and translates them to "human
understandable form".  Can also print the result.  Version 2.1.b,
shareware, binary only.  Author:  Thomas Carstens


A program which reports interesting information about the configuration
of your machine, including some speed comparisons with other
configurations, versions of the OS software, etc.  This program has
been very popular with many users around the world and has been fully
updated to include many new functions as requested by users.  This is
version 2.51, an update to version 2.40.  Binary only.  Author:  Nic


WBStart is a package to emulate the Workbench startup procedure.
Emulating this method is easy, because you only have to load a program,
create a process for it and then send a WB startup message to it.  But
this startup message is a problem, because it contains memory and
directory locks owned by your process and it is only returned after the
WB process ends.  So you can't leave your program until ALL WB
processes you created have ended, or the replied messages will go into
nowhere land.  by Stefan Becker

CAM #577a&b Jeux


the first freely distributable bridge program for the Amiga.


Amiga version of the MacIntosh game called "Bombs".  This is version
1.2.  Requires OS 2.0.  Includes source.  Author:  Michael Balzer


The object of this game is to locate all the bombs in a field as
quickly as possible.  by Joe Rumsey


GridLock is a MODEM or NULL-MODEM two-player game.  The game is won
when you or your opponent is trapped, loses all health, or quits.  by
Scott Dhomas Trenn


LORDS OF CONQUEST (LOC) is a war game for two to four players.  Players
can create their own maps, although hopefully several maps will be
included in this release.  This ability to play different maps provides
almost infinite variation and helps make LOC a very addicting game.  by
Jeremy Jones


Imagine you are the captain of a ship and you have to clear the sea
from mines.  Instead of doing that in reality (only some people do
that), you can now play this game on your computer.  by Kopetzky


This is an arcade game for the Amiga where you, Peter, must traverse
through 20 levels to save your girlfriend Daphne who has been captured
by the evil Brutus.  Includes digitized sound and colorful graphics.
This new version also includes options which can be bought to enhance
gameplay, such as super speed, super jump, rocket pack, and more!  by
David W.  Meny


A program that designs a town-shaped maze like the town "Bard's Tale I"
uses.  Version 1.2, includes source.  Author:  Kent Paul Dolan

CAM #578a&b Soundtracker modules

Behind the Wheels [Depeche Mode], size:  108 888, date:  21-Dec-91,
Format:  MOD, Duration:  5:00, Rating:  good, Author:  JS.

Comet, size:  47 326, date:  ??-???-91, Format:  MOD, Duration:  N/A,
Rating:  N/A, Author:  Sebastian Rice.

ConcertInAir, size:  206 488, date:  N/A, Format:  MOD, Duration:  N/A,
Rating:  N/A, Author:  N/A.

Dance of Reed Pipes, size:  77 464, date:  12-Dec-91, Format:  MOD,
Duration:  N/A, Rating:  N/A, Author:  JS.

Dance of Swans, size:  78 630, date:  12-Dec-91, Format:  MOD,
Duration:  N/A, Rating:  N/A, Author:  JS.

Distort Knights, size:  83076, date:  22-Mar-92, Format:  MOD,
Duration:  2:40, Rating:  Mediocre, Author:  Sebastian Rice.

Electric Drug, size:  132972, date:  16-Jul-92, Format:  MOD, Duration:
3:30, Rating:  Mediocre, Author:  N/A.

Equinoxe Part V, size:  62376, date:  19-Dec-91, Format:  MOD,
Duration:  3:30, Rating:  Mediocre, Author:  JS.

Jompa, size:  86 746, date:  N/A, Format:  MOD, Duration:  N/A, Rating:
N/A, Author:  N/A.

Let's Play, size:  81086, date:  19-Dec-91, Format:  MOD, Duration:
4:20, Rating:  Boring, Author:  JS.

Listen, size:  129522, date:  18-Jan-92, Format:  MOD, Duration:  2:30,
Rating:  Very good, Author:  Bruno.

Lonely Archipelago, size:  106604, date:  19-Dec-91, Format:  MOD,
Duration:  3:50, Rating:  Mediocre, Author:  JS.

Lunar Lobster 2, size:  51 638, date:  ??-???-91, Format:  MOD,
Duration:  N/A, Rating:  N/A, Author:  Sebastian Rice.

Mental, size:  340 830, date:  N/A, Format:  MOD, Duration:  N/A,
Rating:  N/A, Author:  N/A.

Midnight Sun, size:  68692, date:  19-Dec-91, Format:  MOD, Duration:
1:50, Rating:  Average, Author:  JS.

Moon, size:  88 420, date:  N/A, Format:  MOD, Duration:  N/A, Rating:
N/A, Author:  N/A.

Space Journey, size:  105136, date:  29-Jun-92, Format:  MOD, Duration:
3:05, Rating:  Good, Author:  N/A.

Sulphur Sandwich, size:  62 554, date:  ??-???-91, Format:  MOD,
Duration:  N/A, Rating:  N/A, Author:  Sebastian Rice.

Themes from 007, size:  100 368, date:  12-Dec-91, Format:  MOD,
Duration:  N/A, Rating:  N/A, Author:  JS.

Tomb of terror, size:  69 634, date:  ??-???-91, Format:  MOD,
Duration:  N/A, Rating:  N/A, Author:  Sebastian Rice.

Voyager 3, size:  93 092, date:  ??-???-91, Format:  MOD, Duration:
N/A, Rating:  N/A, Author:  Sebastian Rice.

CAM #579a&b Utilités domestiques


A simple database program using an intuition interface.  Stores, sorts
and searches for information.  Limited to 9 fields in each record.
Features include fast sorting, search in any field, and best of all,
it's really easy to use.  This is version 5, an update to version 1,
and is much improved.  Binary only.  Author:  Robert Bromley


A program designed to provide a caloric and fat count for recipes which
do not provide this information.  It can also quickly give the calories
for a specific food or total the calories you consume throughout the
day.  Version 1.1, binary only.  Author:  Mike Richan


CH (Custom Help) is designed to provide an easily displayable help
window with information supplied and organized by the user.  This is
especially useful for those shareware and public domain programs (such
as CH) that provide all their documentation on disk.  By breaking down
a large file into pages you can have menus and sub-menu that allow you
easy access to the document.  Shareware by Bill Fritz


Prints disk labels (for 3.5" and 5.25" disks), primarily for FD library
disks, with the ability to create, handle, load and save label library
files so labels for most FD disks are available after a few mouse
clicks.  Features include different label sizes, intuition based
directory-read-in, label library functions and multiple print of any
label or FD disk serie.  Works fine with every printer connected to the
parallel port and AmigaOS 1.2/1.3/2.0.  This is version 3.4.3, an
update to version 3.1.2.  Both English and German versions.  Shareware,
binary only.  Author:  Jan Geissler


Extractor is a powerful utility that lets you perform operations that
are essential to using any network for data/file transfer.  When a
binary file is sent through a network it must first be processed into
ASCII format.  Since a binary file may contain unreadable characters, a
special process called UUencoding is done.  This process turns the
binary file into a file of readable (but gibberish) characters.
UUdecoding is the inverse process to return an encoded file back into
its original state.  Extractor does both UUencoding and UUdecoding.  In
addition, large files may be split into parts for tranfer along the
network.  Extractor will decode these multiple parts back into original
form for you.  In addition to the UU form of encoding/decodng,
Extractor will also do XXencoding/decoding.  XX is a special form that
is used to transfer files between certain Bitnet configurations.
Whereas a UUencoded file contains characters like @, * and !, XX
doesn't.  The only allowable characters are the 52 upper and lowercase
letters, and the plus and minus signs (+ -).


A program which lets you reassign the FONTS:  directory at the touch of
a few keys without having to use the CLI.  Version 1.02, includes
source.  Author:  Jan van den Baard


This is a disk catalogger utility.  It allows catalogging by either
disk or directory, allows searches by word, character, etc with case
sensitivity as an option.  In this Archive there are versions 2.3 and
3.3.  FindDisk3.3 is now has the "new look" and proper pen color under
WB1.x and WB2.x.  2.3 is completely CLI oriented, while 3.3 has an
intuition interface as well as CLI compatibility.  The data files are
compatible between both versions.  Author:  Ross MecGregor


A program that lets you "lock" the menu strip of a window at the touch
of a few keys, making it easier to browse the menu without accidentally
selecting anything.  Version 1.01, includes source.  Author:  Jan van
den Baard


A little calendar utility and a MClk-like MemoryClock in one program.
It works fine with KickStart 2.0.  Includes both English and German
versions.  This is version 1.10, includes source.  Author:  Markus


This program is very similar to MSH, but was written by a different
author.  You install an MS-DOS driver in the devs:  directory, mount
your drives as MS-DOS drives, and then read either AmigaDOS or MS-DOS
disks in the same drive.  Author:  Kjell H.  Didricksen


Seeker is basically a means of tracking down a file that you know you
have somewhere on that jumbled, disorganized hard drive (or floppy, or
whatever) of yours.  You can specify a where to search and what to
search for, and can perform several operations on the results.  Seeker
is currently written using CanDo v1.5.  By Don Lloyd


Yet another ALPHA release of SQLdb.  Handling of deleted rows has
changed, which speeds things up.  This caused .cdf file format change.
Hopefully it will be the last, but I can't guarantee it.  Just LOAD
TABLE table-name, and CLOSE TABLE table-name, and everyone should be
happy.  Many memory leaks fixed when there are error in the SQL
statement.  Documentation files have changed a little.  New filenames.
Please delete the old file.  Documentation sucks.  Tell me what you
would expect to see in an equivalent commercial product.  As little or
as great a detail as you care to go.


TEXTRA is a text editor with many features.  It has AREXX support, and
comes with a number of AREXX scripts.  It can wrap text at any
specified length, for instance, using an AREXX script.  It is
enforcer-free under 2.04.  Author:  Mike Haas

CAM #580a&b Utilités graphiques


A complete upgrade to V1.0.  If you liked AGraph, and even if you
didn't, have a look at this new version.  I've incorporated a lot of
ideas from users of V1


Algorithmic music generator.  Produces MIDI output via Bill Barton's
midi.library.  This is version 1.1.  Requires OS 2.0.  Includes source.
Author:  Michael Balzer


"Apfelkiste" is yet another mandelbrot program, but very fast and
simple to use.  It has special assembly routines for fixpoint
calculation.  Includes versions for 1.3 and 2.0, 68000 and 68030 each.
Full source (C/Assembler) included.  Author:  Michael Bvhnisch


DynaMate is a program that shows all sizes of Dynamic-Hires pictures.
Large ones can be scrolled with mouse.


To aid users who are having problems importing IFF files into PPage,
ASDG wrote this little utility to zap the DPI chunk in IFF ILBM files.
it simply changes "DPI " into "DPI1".  by The guys at ASDG.


A viewer for HDF (National Center for Supercomputing Applications data
format) image files.  Include c source.  Requires OS 2.04.  Also has
Ham-E mode.


Some utility programs for use with HDF files.  Includes:  hdfls hdfcomp
paltohdf r24hdf8


This is a quick and dirty program to decompress JPEG compressed images
into a DCTV display buffer.  It takes about one minute to decompress a
730 x 482 x 24 bit image to a full DCTV screen on an Amiga 3000 with
'jpeg2dctv', and about 40 seconds with 'jpeg2dctv.030'.  by Benjamin


These are AmigaDOS scripts to make AUGJPEG's PPMto24, 24toPPM, CJPEG,
DJPEG commands more efficient.  Uses the ram disk to make the tmp.ppm


Version 1 of MacroMaker a automated Arexx script writer for the Art
Department Pro Program.  MacroMaker opens a screen and the user selects
gadget that writes the arexx script to a window allowing the user to
see what is written.  This is a shareware version and if you send in
the shareware fee the author will send you a enhanced version with
features like Firecracker support, Color seperation...ect.


Megaview is a shareware GIF(tm) viewer for use with DCTV.  A GIF viewer
that was both fast and small.  Lots of future enhancements planned.
Shareware by Justin McCormick


A program that makes it possible to play MIDI keyboards connected to
the Amiga with a MIDI interface via mouse or computer keyboard.  It is
possible to control up to 16 notes independently with the computer
keyboard.  Requires Bill Barton's "midi.library", V2.0 or higher.  This
is version 1.0.  Binary only.  Author:  J|rgen Zimmermann


This is the Oct.  91 release of the JPEG conversion utilities.
Includes CJPEG, DJPEG, PPMto24, and 24toPPM to convert and rescale 24
bit artwork to a number of formats, including TIFF, GIF, and all
resolutions of the IFF standard.  Also does the reverse conversions.


TREXX, Video Toaster ARexx Script Writer.  Most of TRexx is pretty
straightforward:  You click on things and Toaster ARexx commands are
generated.  These commands are invisible but their English equivalent
is displayed in a list on left side of the screen.  This list is
scrollable and editable.  By Keith Williams


Converts pictures from GIF and IFF format to IFF format.  v1.23:  ppm
p5 input added, Unix makefile by Steven Reiz

CAM #581a&b Utilités de programmation


A collection of source code listings from the first eight issues of
Amiga Mail Volume II, published by the Commodore Amiga Technical
Support group (CATS), from Sept 1990 to Nov 1991.  Lots of very useful
examples.  Author:  Various


A utility to convert a raw data file (text, bitmapped image, etc.) into
an Amiga Hunk format object file that can be linked using Blink.  This
is version 1.0, includes C source.  Author:  Ray Burr


GenMake v1.03 is a handy utility that will create a single target
makefile from your existing C source.  This is _not_ another make
program, it is a "MakeMake"-type program


GetKeyMap contains a header file, c source code, and object modual
(compiled under SAS/C 5.10a).  This function is used to obtains the
current keymap into a structure supplied to the function.  You can then
modify the contents of that structure and use the new keymap in any way
that you wish.  I use it in the StringInfo structure of gadgets and set
the type parameters for the keys to KCF_NOP.  In this way I can mask
out all keys that I do not want entered in the gadget.


A shared library with support routines for using texts, borders,
gadgets, menus, and more.  Version 2.0, includes source to library and
test programs.  Author:  Torsten Jurgeleit


A Modula-2 interface to Bill Barton's v2.0 "midi.library".  This is
version 1.03.  Includes source in Modula-2.  Author:  J|rgen Zimmermann


MemMan is a short assembly language module which allows your
application to be called whenever there is a memory shortage during an
AllocMem() call.  This allows your application to free up any memory it
can do without so another program can use the memory.  Resident
libraries and devices use a similar system to automatically unload them
if the system runs out of memory.  by Bryan Ford


The MMU expert is the first in a series of MMU tools from RELOG.  MMUx
will from now on be upgraded step by step.  The basic features of the
current version are

    - find the translation (logical-to-physical) for an address
    - display attributes associated with the translation
    - display information concerning the translation table such as
      addresses of descriptors responsible for translation levels,
      indexes, masks, block sizes encountered
    - scan fake translation tables for own experimenting
    - notify errors in translation tables WRITTEN BY F.BÜRGEL


This thing moves the vector table and resets the VBR (68010 or up) and
it copies the system stack into fast memory.  I assume (on a 500 or .5
meg chip 2000) that the system stack is at $C7E800 already (use ShowMSS
to verify this.) Since $C00000 mem is slow fastmem, this does not lead
to any performance gain.  improved version of the improved version.


A shared library to make life easy for people who wish to write
programs that support PowerPacker.  Loading crunched files from C or
assembly is made fast, short and easy.  This is version 35.255, an
update to version 34.2.  Includes source.  Author:  Nico Francois


A Modula-2 interface to Colin Fox's and Bruce Dawson's "req.library"
v2.5.  This is version 1.01.  Includes source in Modula-2.  Author:
J|rgen Zimmermann


A standard Amiga shared runtime library which makes it a lot quicker
and easier to build standard requesters into your programs.  Designed
with CBM's style guidelines in mind, so that the resulting requesters
have the look and feel of AmigaDOS 2.0.  Version 1.0a, includes source.
Author:  Nico Francois


This distribution contains the SANA-II Network Device Driver
Specification, version of November 7, 1991, for final comment and
approval.  This means that no additional changes are expected and that
only compelling objections will keep this version of the spec from
becoming final on January 1, 1991.


InquirePage inquires for info about devices on the SCSI bus and prints
the info out.  You can also inquire data pages other then 0 (assuming
the device supports them).  Basically a cute hack.  By Matt Dillon


Example code by Christian E.  Hopps demostrating how to create a
skeleton class for building BOOPSI classes.


A program that grabs parts out of a display.  It is used to grab parts
from Intuition's structures, such as gadgets, menues, and screens.
Version 1.1, includes source.  Author:  Rick van Rein


"STReplay.Library" is a shared library which allows to load and play
Soundtracker-Modules even from high level languages like Basic or C
without any special effort.  v33.801 was modified by myself to accept
mods crunched with PowerPacker, and optionally play songs only once.
by Jonathan Potter

CAM #582a&b Education (programmation objet & math)


Nouvelle versio de CShell avec documentation en français Nouveautés
dans 5.17:

    - 'class' connaît les superclasses et les sous-classes
    - 'search -w' est maintenant deux fois plus rapide
    - les scripts de lancement typiques tournent maintenant 30% plus
    - sous 2.0, run et rback marchent maintenant mieux grâce à
      l'utilisation de l'appel à System()

Correction de bugs pour 5.17:

    - la version 5.16 introduisait quelques nouveaux bugs:
    - . pour le répertoire courant ne marchait pas toujours
    - 'local' sans arguments ne marchait pas
    - lancer des commandes rexx dans la _rxpath causait des plantages
    - les priorités de tâches négatives étaient affichées de façon
      erronée dans la barre de titre
    - ESC-TAB plantait quand la ligne de commande était plus longue
      que 256 caractères
    - ESC-c était inactive.


A collection of letters posted to comp.method by Ed Berard.  The topic
is various aspects of object oriented programming and design.  If there
were multiple postings on a single subject, they are combined into one
file with each posting separated by a row of equal signs (=).


PD pre-processor that accepts version 4 syntax (like NeXT and current
Stepstone Objective-C(TM) translators).  It runs currently on my Amiga
and AT&T UNIX.  This package is not complete.  I don't archive/activate
objects.  The class heirarceez (sic) support the reduced classes of
NeXT and the Collection phylum of stepstone.  by Brian Witt


A pioneering algebraic manipulation program which has been used in
particle physics and continuously developed since late 1963.  Not as
friendly as Mathematica or Maple, with no graphics or intuition
interface and not as much built in, but still a general purpose
algebraic manipulation language.  Written in machine language to run
fast and be memory efficient.  Capable of handling large problems.
Includes large and small workspace versions, tutorial examples, sample
programs, and a comprehensive manual.  Version 5-Oct-91, binary only.
Author:  Martinus J.  G.  Veltman and David N.  Williams

CAM #583a&b Fonts, clips, borders & drivers Pagestream


Full alphabet of extremely detailed pictorial drop caps in TIF format.
Too complex for conversion into a font.  Another goody from David


12 Ecapsuled Postscript borders with bitmapped (TIFF) headers


Each capital letter features a cat (sometimes joined by a mouse or
bird) in a distinctive pose.  A full alphabet--26 images in vector AI
(.EPS) format.


New import drivers for Pagestream:  dr2d gif ibmeps iffilbm illustrator
maceps macpaint pcx prodraw tiff.


type Full alphabet of leafy decorative dropcaps in EPS format.  Too
complex for conversion into a Type 1 font.  Another goody from David
Rakowski.  in vector AI (.EPS) format.  EPS graphics do not include
screen image.


Extremely elaborate, attractive border (rather Victorian in
appearance).  Ornate, attractive border with a light, open and rather
elegant look.  Portrait orientation:  rotate 90 degrees for landscape.
Image in .EPS format and Illustrator.  Includes TIFF preview to aid
page layout.  Artist:  Mike Savage.


Full alphabet of pictorial dropcaps in TIF format.  Pastoral maidens in
leafy bowers.  Too complex for conversion into a Type 1 font.  Another
goody from David Rakowski.


Full alphabet of pictorial dropcaps in TIF format.  After William
Morris.  White vine entangled letters on black background.  Too complex
for conversion into a Type 1 font.  Another goody from David Rakowski.


This EPS file uses the standard Pantone colors.  (Pantone is a
registered trademark of Pantone, Inc.) If you import this EPS file into
any program which picks up the color palette of imported graphics (such
as PageStream 2.x), you will then have the Pantone colors available for
use.  Just import, open Edit Color Palette, Save the palette as
Colorpal in the Drivers drawer, and then delete the EPS file from your


This PostScript font is used to create barcodes in Code-39 (not the
same as UPC, which you find on commercial products).  It has been used
with several different combinations of barcode readers and PostScript
printers.  Authors:  Rob Elliott & Ron Elliott


The return of Zirkle!  All characters composed solely of circles and
straight lines.


Included in this archive are two versions of GoodCityModern:  the first
one uses Adobe Standard Encoding, meaning that many of the odd
characters in the 'upper 128' of the ASCII sequence will appear in the
places that PC keyboarders expect them to be.  The second version uses
sequential encoding (as did the original upload of the PC version of
GoodCityModern).  Sequential encoding means that a lot more characters
will be available for typing from the PC keyboard, but they will not be
in the positions that PC keyboarders expect them to be.  (This has not
been tested on the AMIGA).  Author:  Andrew S.  Meit


Tabatha is a font derived from my five year old daughters hand writing.
It was created for use on T-shirts for a day care center.  It contains
upper and lower case along with most of the standard characters.
Author:  Philip Schilling


UpperWestSide, version 1.1, a hinted font, was made possible by two
recent issues of THE NEW YORKER.  This font is the font which is used
for the logo of the NEW YORKER agazine and which is also used for
headings throughout each issue.  It contains a full set of upper- and
lower-case characters, punctuation, and numbers.  And several
characters are filled with the image of the New Yorker's famous FOP.
(The @ character, for instance, prints this image).  I created this
font because nobody was marketing a version of it, anywhere.  I called
the font UpperWestSide instead of New Yorker because Image Club
Graphics already markets a PostScript font called New Yorker.  And they
are in Canada.  Also included are icons for movie ratings in the San
Francisco Examiner and Worcester Telegram, from worst to best;
monograms for "BW," my wife's initials; monograms for "DR," my
initials; little pictures of my wife and myself; and a printer ornament
found in a Maurice Sendak book.  Author:  Cynthia Lemiesz


The character set is monospaced, so that text captured from an actual
data session can be imported directly into a document with minimal
touch up.  It also includes the full IBM character set (above ASCII 32)
so that line and box drawing is possible, although you may have to play
around with PostScript character mapping to access the upper 128
characters.  Video Terminal Screen was designed for use as a text font
for technical documents such as software programming manuals.  Author:
E A Behl

CAM #584a&b Fontes Adobe Type 1


A suitable for bodytext Type 1 font.  Bold, Normal-italic, Normal.


A display Type 1 font.


A basic body text type 1 font.  Normal, Bold, Italic.


A bold calligraphic type 1 font.

Brush Script

A bold script type 1 font.


A script with large capitals and tiny lowercase letters type 1 font.


A body text type 1 font.  Black-semibold, Bold, Light-light,
Medium-medium, Normal, Ultrablack-heavy.

Eurostile Normal

A body text type 1 font.


A more "natural" handwriting style, a bit on the "messy" side type 1


Something I refer to as a "hybrid font".  It is difficult to tell
whether it is a serif or a sans serif.  Type 1 font.  Bold & Thin.


A stencil-like Type 1 font similar to Futuri-Black, but with looser


An Old Western style Type 1 font.  Cnd-normal, Ext-normal, Normal.

CAM #585a&b Fontes Adobe Type 1

Aachen Light

A heavy, bold type 1 font.


A bold script type 1 font.


A body text type 1 font.  Thin & Thin-italic.

Bauhaus Thin

A body text type 1 font.


A body text type 1 font.  Bold & Light.


A body text type 1 font.


An "outlined" type 1 font that has a chiseled sort of look.


A body text type 1 font.


A body text type 1 font.

CuneiFont Light

Like cuneiform clay tablet writing type 1 font.


DavysDingbats is an unusually wonderful font full of really cool
pictorial characters.  There are around 200 pictorial characters of
varying use in DavysDingbats.  Check the option keyboard for ballerina
dancers in various poses, and the option-shift keyboard for some really
wonderful Art Nouveau images.


A neat and tidy looking handwritign style type 1 font.


A CAPS only display type 1 font.


A body text type 1 font.


A display type 1 font.  Bold & Normal


A body text type 1 font.  Heavy-semibold & Light.

Garamond Medium Italic

A body text type 1 font.


Genoa is a Type 1 font set basically similar to the Venice font that
came with the Mac OS.  Since Genoa Italic is a display font, it is
generally not acceptable for body text.  This font includes both Roman
and Italic faces.


A body text Type 1 font.


A two-toned font that looks "snow-covered".  Great to use for winter


Strange symbol font of only the numbers from 34-128, or so.  A bit
scattered, not in any order that I could tell, and not sure of its use
or potential audience.


LoopDeLoop is a fun display font.  Its uppercase characters are based
on the font Bee Line.  They have a stroked effect simulating a
continuous line, looped to create each character.  The lowercase
characters are a solid variation on the shape of the uppercase.  This
set contains only about sixty characters.  There is minimal kerning.
Looks nice as an opening decorative capital.


A calligraphic font in a Germanic style with exaggerated
ascenders/descenders on non-ascending/descending characters.


Contains all the regular alphanumeric characters and an assortment of
special characters.  Hinted.  Over 100 kerning pairs may be defined.
Looks great in small or large sizes.


A nice fancy script similar to PARK HAVEN.

PostAntiqua Light

A basic italic calligraphic type 1 font.


Type 1 font similar to Capri.


Type 1 font similar to Architect.


Heavy, bold type 1 font.


A classic calligraphic script type 1 font.

CAM #586a&b Fontes Adobe Type 1


A Celtic style Type 1 font.


Looks like an old typewriter Type 1 font.


Animal Dingbats is a font of 104 animals.  It is compatible with
PostScript printers.  Each upper- and lower-case letter of the alphabet
is a different animal.  It was designed to keep my two year old
daughter entertained while I work on the computer.  All the animals
face to the right.  By pressing Option and the character at the same
time, the same animal appears facing left.  For example, upper-case A
is an alligator facing right and and Option-A is an alligator facing


Arabian style calligraphic type 1 font.


A nice calligraphic script type 1 font.


Old English style type 1 font.


A body text type 1 font.


A body text type 1 font.  Condensed, CondensedExtraBold,


A basic body text type 1 font.


Looks like a casual bit of "putty" type 1 font.


Very nice formal script type 1 font.


A body text type 1 font.  Light & Semibold-italic


Unusual display type 1 font.  Quite wide as the name implies.


Bold, block lettered, capitals only type 1 font.


An Old English style type 1 font.


Similar to Mistral, but smaller in size and missing letters.  Most
likely a demo version type 1 font.


A body text type 1 font.


A body text type 1 font.  Gothic-bold, Gothic-normal


Very plain, very basic, body text type 1 font.


A body text type 1 font.  Thin & Thin-italic.


A display type 1 font.


A body text type 1 font.


Exaggerates the pixels that would make each letter on a computer
screen.  Let's you pretend that your expensive laser printer is really
an old 9-pin dot matrix printer, type 1 font.


A "natural" handwriting type 1 font.


Fairly bold type 1 font.

CAM #587a&b Fontes Adobe Type 1


Display style, non-proportional, Type 1 font, Author:  ZSoft's SoftType


Display slanted style, non-proportional, Type 1 font, Author:  ZSoft's


Similar to Adobe's Tekton font.  Resembles scripting done by
architects.  It has a full set of letters, numbers, and punctuation,
and quite a few extra characters.  Author:  Hank Gillette


SemiBold-Italic style, Type 1 font, Author:  ZSoft's SoftType


Courrier style, non-proportional, Type 1 font, Author:  ZSoft's


Frutiger clone family, Type 1 font, Including:  Condesed, Extended,
Oblique, Condesed-Oblique, Extended-Oblique in both bold and normal
style.  Author:  ZSoft's SoftType


A high quality font, designed according to typographic principles.  It
is a beautiful display face and best of all, it is FREE.  Author:
Carlos Alexandre


Courrier style italic, non-proportional, Type 1 font, Author:  ZSoft's


A body text font.  Type 1 font, Author:  ZSoft's SoftType


A basic italic calligraphic font.


A body text, non-proportional, Type 1 font.  Including:  Normal,
Elite-Bold and Pica style.  Author:  ZSoft's SoftType


A body text Type 1 font.  Including:  Normal and Bold style.  Author:
ZSoft's SoftType


A Greek character Type 1 font.  Author:  ZSoft's SoftType


A body text Type 1 font.  Including:  Thin and Heavy style.  Author:
ZSoft's SoftType


Letters have shadows.  Type 1 font.  Author:  ZSoft's SoftType


A body text Type 1 font.  Including:  Black and Light style.  Author:
ZSoft's SoftType


A display Type 1 font.  Author:  ZSoft's SoftType


A body text Type 1 font.  Author:  ZSoft's SoftType

CAM #588a&b Fontes Adobe Type 1 & Clip(EPS, Illustrator)


Saw tooth style Type 1 font, Author:  ZSoft's SoftType


A body text font.  Source:  Publishers' Paradise BBS


Sport style, non-proportional, Type 1 font, Author:  ZSoft's SoftType


Old style, non-proportional, Type 1 font, Author:  ZSoft's SoftType


Presentation style, non-proportional, Type 1 font, Author:  ZSoft's


A nice, flowing script.  Type 1 font.


Futurist segmented style, Type 1 font.


Asia style, Type 1 font.


Similar to Flintstone, but a different size.  Type 1 font.


A "natural" handwriting style Type 1 font.


A condensed style Type 1 font.


An Extra bold style Type 1 font.


A Beatnik style Type 1 font.


Rounded style Type 1 font.


Sport style Type 1 font.


Stylized condensed Type 1 font.


Primitive style Type 1 font.


Futura condensed bold style Type 1 font.


Futura style Type 1 font.


Rounded style condensed Type 1 font.


Graphic style Type 1 font.


Calligraphic style Type 1 font.


Display style Type 1 font.


Display light style Type 1 font.


Old English style Type 1 font.


Display light slanted style Type 1 font.


Script style Type 1 font.


Inverted Time Type 1 font.


ToulouseLautrec style Type 1 font.


ToyBlock, non-proportional, Type 1 font.


Script normal italic style, Type 1 font, Author:  ZSoft's SoftType


Designed specifically for an application called "Professional
Composers", this combines the fonts SHPNFLT and Tempus in a serif font
with full upper/lower case, normal & italics, plus many music related
characters.  Author:  David Rakowski


Square style Type 1 font.  Author:  ZSoft's SoftType EPS_Clips


"Lock Your Car" icon (car and key in rounded-corner box), in .EPS
format with TIFF header to aid page placement.  Source:  Macintosh AI


"No Smoking" International Symbol icon (in rounded-corner box) in EPS
format with TIFF header to aid page placement.  Source:  Macintosh
Adobe Illustrator image




This is the Boy Scouts emblem that I drew with Illustrator 88 to use on
some certificates for contests held in the Old Baldy Council.


This is a Preferences printer driver for the DeskJet 500-C printer, and
a COLORPAL file which will cause the DJ to print in a large selection
of Pantone matched colors.  Also included are three documents which
will print out samples of all the included colors.


Rope border, in Adobe Illustrator format.

CAM #589a&b Clips Art (Adobe Illustrator & EPS)


Highly detailed vector drawing of a butterfly, in Adobe Illustrator
(.EPS) format.  Source:  Macintosh AI image


Highly detailed vector pic of a Nikon FE 2 35mm camera, in Adobe
Illustrator (.EPS) format.  Source:  Macintosh AI image


Detailed pic of a "Dagwood" sandwich, piled high with meat, cheese,
etc.  Image in .EPS, Adobe Illustrator Source:  DTP Exchange BBS


Fantasy Clipart in EPS Format From John McAdams This collection of
images has been assembled from a diverse variety of sources.  SWORD3,


Highly detailed vector pic of a fish, in Adobe Illustrator (.EPS)
format.  Source:  Macintosh AI image


Vector pic of a football running back in Adobe Illustrator (.EPS)
format.  Source:  Macintosh AI image


Highly detailed vector pic of two garlic bulbs, in Adobe Illustrator
(.EPS) format.  Source:  Macintosh AI image


A bunch of grapes, with grape leaf and stem, with subtle shadings
created by (simulated) radial fountain fills, in Adobe Illustrator
(.EPS) format.  Source:  Macintosh AI image


Silhouette of horse and rider, backlit, with shadow in foreground, in
AI (.EPS) format.  Source:  Macintosh AI image


Detailed pic of Abraham Lincoln, after a photograph, in Adobe
Illustrator (.EPS) format.  Source:  Macintosh AI image


Images with a classical emphasis include three conductor pics,
ensemble, appreciative audience, three musical notes pics, two keyboard
pics, treble clef, French Horn, two piano images, three trombone pics,
trumpet, violin, and collage of instruments.  20 images in vector .EPS
format.  Sources:  various public domain.  This is FREEWARE (c) 1991
from John McAdams.


Stylish, very contemporary silhouettes include mom with stroller, woman
tennis player, male tennis player, businessman with briefcase, male
golfer, and dad with daughter.  6 images in .EPS format require
PostScript printer and have TIFF preview headers.  Source:  Showker
Graphic Arts.  Public domain Macintosh images ported to the PC by John


CAD-like drawing of a Mazda RX-7 sports car, revealing interior detail.
Image in Adobe Illustrator and .EPS format, and includes TIFF preview
header.  Source:  Macintosh Illustrator image


Dramatic, evocative, slightly old-fashioned silhouettes.  Work related
images with a "household" emphasis.  Includes butcher, doctor, delivery
man, 3 chef pics, 3 butler pics, newsboy, farmer, handyman, cleaning
lady, mover, TV salesman, woman baking, man mowing lawn, much more.  30
images in vector .EPS format.  Source:  Public domain Macintosh images.


Dramatic, evocative, slightly old-fashioned silhouettes.  Family images
include car trip, shopping expedition, house icon (with mom, dad, son,
and dog), house cleaning (first floor to attic), mom serves dinner to
guests.  5 images in vector .EPS format.  Source:  Public domain
Macintosh images ported to PC, modified by John McAdams.


Dramatic, evocative, slightly old-fashioned silhouettes.  Billboards
(pics with large areas of white space onto which text can be
superimposed).  Includes man holding placard, woman holding placard,
crowd billboard, workmen with board, man in tux with sign, more.  7
images in vector .EPS format:  all have bitmapped headers to aid page
layout.  Source:  Public domain Macintosh images.


A miscellany of 30 vector images in .EPS format.  Includes Aladdin's
lamp, balloons, blue ribbon, burger, cancelled stamp, chess motif,
eagle, anatomical eye, George Washington, business jet, man on phone,
caduceus, several billboards, several headlines, much more.  Source:
copyrighted samples from Studio Advertising Art's Click & Clip


Elegant beach umbrellas still life, in vector .EPS format.  Source:
Macintosh AI image


Highly detailed, subtly shaded pic of the Volkswagon "beetle" in AI
(.EPS) format.  Source:  Macintosh AI image


Wedding bells (with ribbons and flowers), in Adobe Illustrator (.EPS)
format.  Source:  Macintosh AI image

CAM #590a&b Clips Art (EPS & Adobe Illustrator)


A collection of 18 diverse, very attractive pics in vector .EPS format,
including stylized runner, paint roller, spider web, man in moon,
Valentine Mime, cartoon rocket, cartoon airplane, vaudeville performer,
strawberries, 2 drafting pics, 2 excellent landscapes, more.  Shareware
($10) from Augusto K.  Meneses of Quezon City, The Philippines.


Nice black and white Adobe Illustrator EPS drawing of a baseball ball.


Based on the work of William Morris, these letters are in white on a
black background, and are entwined with vines, leaves, and flowers.  26
images in vector .EPS format, with TIFF preview headers, require a
PostScript printer.  Source:  Adobe Illustrator images cleaned up by
John McAdams.


Collection includes several images of business people plus three food
icons, two money pics, three cartoons, file cabinet, PC, much more.  26
images in EPS format with TIFF preview headers and Adobe Illustrator
format.  NOTE:  images must be moved and scaled to crop off obtrusive
copyright notice.  Source:  samples from Cliptures commercial


Two US Flag/Heart pics:  one shows a heart-shaped portion of Old Glory,
the other shows the entire flag attractively distorted into a heart
shape.  Both files are in .EPS format with TIFF headers to aid page
placement.  Source:  CDR file on Mark Schallow's IN-TOUCH GRAFX BBS,
extensively modified John McAdams.


A nice rendition of a hammer.  Useful for an award certificate like
`Hammer of the Month`.  EPSF.  Created with Illustrator 88.


A potpourri of 21 useful and attractive pics in .EPS format, including
symbols for recycling, "fragile," "flammable," and "don't drink and
drive." Plus bird and animal pics (loons, gulls, toucan, coyote, cat,
killer whale).  Attractive borders include balloon border, cat border,
and "Santa Fe border" (coyote howling at the moon).  More.  Shareware
(fee:  "a few dollars") from Kathryn Valentino of San Dimas, CA.


Two versions of the MasterCard and VISA logos.

 1) Illustrator b&w (editable in FreeHand too)
 2) B&W EPS.

Courtesy of NeoScribe International as sample of their quality work.


Seven pics include female artist, grandfather reads book to
granddaughter, three mother with infant pics, man ties necktie, and
businesswoman on phone.  Images in .EPS format include TIFF preview
headers, and require a Postscript printer.  Attractive color images
print very nicely in black and white.  Source:  sample images from
Micrografx clipart collection repackaged by John McAdams.


Pics include seascape (with pelican and sailboats in foreground),
lighthouse, mountains, tropical sunset, and sun setting on winter scene
(with bare trees and frozen pond).  5 images in .EPS format include
TIFF preview headers, and require a Postscript printer.  Attractive
color images print very nicely in black and white.  Source:  sample
images from Micrografx clipart collection repackaged by John McAdams.


Image includes legend "Dallas," man in cowboy hat, skyline, and Pegasus
figure.  Image in .EPS format includes TIFF preview header, and
requires a Postscript printer.  Attractive color image prints very
nicely in black and white.  Source:  sample from Micrografx clipart
collection repackaged by John McAdams.


Image includes legend "Los Angeles," palm trees, "Hollywood," star, and
young woman in bikini on roller skates!  Image in .EPS format includes
TIFF preview header and requires a Postscript printer.  Attractive
color image prints very nicely in black and white.  Source:  sample
from Micrografx clipart collection repackaged by John McAdams.


Pic includes legend "New York," Statue of Liberty, Empire State
Building, Chrysler Building, and Brooklyn Bridge.  Image in .EPS format
includes TIFF preview header and requires a Postscript printer.
Attractive color image prints very nicely in black and white.  Source:
sample from Micrografx clipart collection repackaged by John McAdams.


Pics include tropical fish, frog, rooster, tiger, toucan, and
Tyrannosaurus rex.  6 images in .EPS format include TIFF preview
headers and require a Postscript printer.  Attractive color images
print very nicely in black and white.  Source:  sample images from
Micrografx clipart collection repackaged by John McAdams.


Pics include skateboarder, woman at beach, bicyclist, diver, golfer,
baseball pitcher, windserfer, 3 skiing pics, surfer, more.  12 images
in .EPS format include TIFF preview headers and require a Postscript
printer.  Attractive color images print very nicely in black and white.
Source:  sample images from Micrografx clipart collection repackaged by
John McAdams.


One simple, elegant long-stemmed rose, in Adobe Illustrator (.EPS)
format.  Source:  Macintosh AI image

CAM #591a&b Musique


MED is an all-purpose music editor which can be used to make music for
programs (games, demos...), but works well as a stand-alone music
program, too.V3.2 is probably the LAST freely distributable release of
MED (excluding bug fix releases).


A music editor which was originally designed for making music for
programs (demos, games, etc), but works well as a stand-alone music
program as well.  OctaMED is the 8-channel version of MED.  This is
version 1.00b, released as a demo for the new version 2.0, which is a
commercial product.  Binary only.  Author:  Teijo Kinnunen and
AmigaNuts United


Osc is a real-time digital oscilloscope to be used with a mono 8-bit
sampler connected to the parallel port.  Binary only, author:  Joakim


PlayMACk is a program that converts Macintosh sound files to the Amiga
8SVX format.  This program was written in 'C'.  It differs from other
programs in that it not only converts raw MAC files but will also
convert those pesky compressed MAC files.  By Bruce Twambly


This is Version 3.0 of Voice Command Line Interface (VCLI).  VCLI uses
the Perfect Sound 3 audio digitizer and voice.library (also included)
to learn and recognize 48 spoken voice commands.  A matching CLI
command is executed upon recognition of each voice command.  VCLI
allows any CLI command to be executed by voice.

CAM #592a&b Télécommunication


Dial -- a smart but simple phone dialer program by Supervisor Software
© 1991 Dial uses a Hayes(TM) compatible modem to dial a phone number
given on the command line or in a phone catalog file.  It also
understands the phone numbers given in ASCII form (like 415 32-AMIGA
for Radical Eye Software).  Binary only.


LhArc and LHA compatible archiver for the Commodore-Amiga Computer.
LhA is faster, and also features the best compression performance.  LHA
is able to create SFX (self-extracting) archives from ordinary
LhA-archives.  Etc.  Binary only, shareware by Stefan Boberg


These four scripts can be used to display, save and restore the
settings in a Hayes compatable modem.  They have only been tested on
one such modem, so may not work for all.  However, they should serve as
useful starting points for your modem.  The four files are:

 Gets the modem setup info and displays it in english.
 Gets the modem setup info and displays it in AT commands.
 Gets the modem setup and saves it in binary format to stdout.
 Reads a binary save file from stdin and sets up the modem.


SUPER XPR Zmodem protocal.  The docs are in German.  I have used this
for about the last 2 months and it works.  Binary only, Author:  Ueli


A telecommunication program with some nice features, including an ARexx
Port, external process communications, XPR support, programmable
function keys, postscript downloading to laser printers, phone book,
programmable panel buttons, public screen support, etc.  Documentation
in English and in French.  Needs Workbench 2.0.  Version 1.1, binary
only (some examples in C).  Author:  Eric Gontier


A gift-ware telecommunications program written for AmigaOS release 2.x
(Kickstart 37.74 and Workbench 37.33 or higher required, Kickstart
37.175 and Workbench 37.52 recommended).  Features include total
configurability, full ARexx control, Xpr-transfer-support,
filetype-identification after download, cut & paste/point-and-click on
screen, auto up-and download, scrollable review buffer of unlimited
size, solid and fully-featured VT100/VT220/ANSI emulation, optional
fast atomic terminal emulation, hotkey support, powerful phonebook and
dialing functions, ability to save and print the contents of the screen
as IFF-ILBM or ASCII file, full overscan and screen resolution support
(new ECS screen modes included), asynchronous operation and a lot more.
Comes with six Xpr-transfer libraries (ascii, jmodem, kermit, quickb,
xmodem & zmodem) and documentation in German only, included version
1.8a doc in English.  Version 1.9c is a bug fix and also includes the
full `C' and assembly language source code.  Author:  Olaf `Olsen'


XPRZModem.library is an Amiga shared library (with full Lattice C
source code) which provides ZModem file transfer capability to any
XPR-compatible communications program.  2.50 version, 15 November 1991:
Added code to support 32 bit CRC (Circular Redundency Check).  CRC-32
adds a little more protection to the data being sent and received than
does CRC-16.  Source for the CRC-32 additions came from the Unix
version of RZ/SZ by Chuck Forsberg.  Added code to update_rate()
function in utils.c to avoid the Guru # 80000005 if you decide to
adjust the system clock during an upload or download from Daylight
Saving Time to Standard Time.  :-) Proto additions using libinit.o and
libent.o, and eliminating all of the assembler code was supplied by Jim
Cooper of SAS.  Jim also supplied the mysprintf() code to replace
sprintf().  This version of XprZmodem can be compiled with the SAS
version 5.10 C Compiler.  I do not know how well it might compile with
the Aztec compiler.


XTime (pron.  "Transtime") is a program I wrote while teaching myself
C.  XTime calculates the amount of time a file transfer will take.
This can be useful if you want to know how long a transfer will take
before you actually send a file (or before you receive it).  Include c
source, Author:  Kurt R.  Krueger and the Sirius Cybernetics Corp.


A floppy disk tracking and archiving utility, written by Olaf `Olsen'
Barthel of MXM.  This is a solid and polished rewrite of the original
`Zoom' 4.2 program.  Many (lots of!) bugs have been fixed and new
features added.  Unlike the previous release this revision has survived
intensive beta testing across the last few months.  The file format
`Zoom' outputs has changed substancially and can no longer be
decompressed by older `Zoom' releases.  Nevertheless, `Zoom' 5.3a will
still read and decompress older style archives.  Binary only.

CAM #593a&b Utilités Éducation


This program allows data stored in one or more files to be examined as
representations of electrical signals, either graphically or
numerically, in the same manner as with a logic analyzer.  Screendumps
of the display may be produced.  Compatible with NTSC and PAL machines.
Tested with Kickstart 1.2 and 1.3.  Version 1.00, binary only,
shareware.  Author:  Andrew Hackett


Chemesthetics is a program that draws molecules using the calotte
model.  This means that atoms are drawn as bowls.  Using this model,
even extremely dangerous molecules like dioxine look quite nice.
Chemesthetics has an Intuition user interface, can save pictures as IFF
files, and has many example files.  This is version 2.10, an update to
version 2.06.  Includes source in C.  Author:  Joerg Fenin / Metalworx


A program that plots data and algebraic functions in 2D.  The user
simply clicks on an option screen to select various options, such as
type of marker, log or linear axis, auto vs manual scaling, gridlines.
The macro language makes similar, repetitive plots easy to do.  Data
points can be transformed by an algebraic function prior to plotting.
A macro can be automatically executed upon startup-up.  Plots in any
resolution from 320x200 to 640x400.  Plots can be saved as macro
commands and IFF ILBM files.  Prints directly to Epson compatible
printers, or to any Preferences supported graphics printer via the PLT:
device.  This is version 2.16, which now includes a Legend command, and
is now freeware.  Fixes several bugs, including the optimizer for
DrawFunction.  Update to version 2.1.  Source available from the
author.  Author:  J.  Dale Holt


Another function plotter.  With lin/log plot and a complete KS 2.0
interface.  Needs Kickstart/Workbench 2.0 (V36 or higher).  Needs
mtool.library (supplied).  Shareware, source available from author.
Author:  Ruediger Dreier


Moontool is a V2.04 utility to display various statistics about the
moon.  Shown are such things as the moon's age, current phase, distance
etc.  This is a port of John Walker's UN*X program of the same name.
Author, Eric G.  Suchanek


A shared library for the Amiga.  Some math functions and a bit of
Intuition support.  This is V2.20, an update to tool.library V2.06.  A
special FPU version is included.  Freeware, binary only.  Author:
Ruediger Dreier


The program "Neuro" is a neural network simulator.  It learns patterns
and recognizes them, also if the input is incomplete!  It can for
example learn the pixel representation of some letters.  After the user
entered a part of a pattern the network will complete this pattern.
Used in the mode "Backpropagation" it finds internal representations
for patterns.  So the net is able to "discover" the binary code for
example, when it has to learn 8 patterns, but has only 3 Bits (hidden
units), to represent them internally (known as the Encoder-problem, see
the included example-file "Encoder") Binary only, author:  Berthold Ruf
and Ulrich Wisser.


A program to plot math functions.  This is V3.98, an update to version
3.71.  Needs mtool.library (supplied).  Freeware, binary only.  Author:
Ruediger Dreier

CAM #594a&b Utilités de programmation


Interesting screen hack that smoothly crossfades between screens.
Includes source.  Author:  Dallas J.  Hodgson


The DAUTOSTART program and associated utilities is a system designed to
allow completely modular booting for your Amiga.  Specifically, the
idea is for nothing in the SYS:  directory hierarchy to depend on
various programs installed on your system.  This includes getting rid
of absolute path specifications in your S:SHELL-STARTUP.  The basic
idea is to bundle the installation scripts along with the things being
installed and have the scripts (that set up assignments, path elements,
and run programs in the background on boot) automatically found by the
DAUTOSTART program.  Moving, modifying, deleting, or adding PD &
commercial software to your system becomes trivial and also allows you
to 'plug-and-play' without having to modify your S:USER-STARTUP.
Include c source, author:  Matt Dillon


This is version 2.0 of GWIN restructured as an AMIGA shared library.
GWIN or Graphics WINdow is an integrated collection of graphics
routines callable from C.  These routines make it easy to create
sophisticated graphics programs in the C environment.  One-line calls
give you a custom screen (ten types available), menu items, requestors,
text, circles, polygons, etc.  GWIN is a two-dimensional floating point
graphics system with conversion between world and screen coordinates.
GWIN includes built-in clipping that may be turned off for speed.  Use
of color and XOR operations are greatly simplified.  Many examples of
the use of GWIN are included in an examples directory.  Examples
include line/bar graph program, SPICE 2G.6 graphics post-processor, and
others.  Extensive documentation is included.  This is an update to
version 1.1.  Author:  Howard C.  Anderson.


Imake is used to generate Makefiles from a template, a set of cpp macro
functions, and a per-directory input file called an Imakefile.  This
allows machine dependencies (such has compiler options, alternate
command names, and special make rules) to be kept separate from the
descriptions of the various items to be built.  AmigaDOS port of imake
by Per Bojsen


The IOPack library of routines are a set of routines to be used by the
person first starting out programming in 68000 Assembly Language.  The
routines simplify input and output for this programmer.  This Amiga
version was written for the Amiga Assembler DevPac.  Other versions for
CAPE and ADAPT and maybe even A68k will follow shortly.  By Mark


VBar provides a complete example of how to create a Public Interface
Module for our image processing software.  Includes docs, source code
(in SAS C) and linkable object modules that provide progress bar and
message capabilities.  Source code is well commented and the docs are
quite clear.  Allows user to interactively specify region to affect -
nice example!  Author:  Black Belt.


This program allows you to design Amiga input windows with a click and
point interface.  The objects within the windows are for the most part
Gadtools gadgets.  For an example, run maker and open the 'test.data'
file using the Open option under the Project menu.  Include c source,
author:  John Champion


Freely distributable CLI tool.  Analyzes MMU translations and tables of
any complexity.  Binary only, author:  F.  Bürgel


Precognition is an interface builder program for Intuition that allows
you to create attractive, 3D-style interfaces like Workbench 2.0, but
under AmigaDos 1.3!  You use Precognition as if it were a structured
drawing or paint program, i.e.  simply drag the desired gadgets on to
the window, size and move them using the mouse.  When you're done,
Precognition writes the C code to generate that window.  Unlike other
Amiga interface-building programs, Precognition not only writes the
declarations for the gadgets, but also writes the code for opening and
closing the window, and the event loop itself.  (For any non-trivial
interface, the event loop is usually the hardest part to write.)
Precognition is also a set of programming utilities for use with
Intuition that make manipulating gadgets easier.  The code generated by
the Precognition Interface builder relies heavily on the Precognition
utilities.  FOR ADVANCED AMIGA PROGRAMMERS:  Unlike Intuition,
Precognition is not a separate process on the Amiga.  It is merely a
collection of functions which manipulate gadgets and windows.  i.e.
it's designed to extend Intuition, not replace it.  Binary only,
author:  Lee Willis


Newest (probably final) rev of new random number generator.  Now only
500 bytes and faster, more efficient.  Complete with Doc file.  Try it,
and if you're interested in Random Number generators, you definitely
need it.  Based on new method developed in 1990, 1991.  Binary only,
author:  Daniel Wolf


Hacks for 2.04 Shell.  Pipe, History, and Recorder.  These are three
hacks for use with 2.04.  Pipe provides command line piping (using the
queue-handler).  History allows load/save/list of shell history.  And
recorder saves shell I/O to a file of your choice.  These are not
Commodore supported; I was able to get permission to post them since
they didn't make it into 2.04.  I plan to fix reported bugs, though :-)
Binary only, author:  Andy Finkel


Monitors AmigaDOS function calls.  SnoopDos will tell you about all
attempts to load libraries, devices and fonts.  It will also tell you
if a program looks for a specific file (for example in S:) or a
specific disk volume or directory.  This can be very useful when you're
playing with new software which may require certain fonts or other
support files.  Version 1.4, 21 October 1991.

 Very minor update -- fixed the -z option so that it doesn't crash
 the system if you accidentally leave a space between the 'z' and
 the filename. Instead, it  works as you would expect.

Include c source, author: Eddy Carroll


The SPY system allows one to monitor the overall CPU usage and the CPU
times consumed by various tasks and processes running on the Amiga.

Spy 0.32 - a monitoring program which links itself into the task
switching vectors of Exec library and maintains its own structures for
task information storage

DSD 1.20 - a graphic display of CPU load with some numeric information
about Amiga uptime and CPU load

Report 1.25 - a CLI utility for listing all tasks and processes in the
system and showing their CPU usage information

Binary only, author:  Jukka Marin


Supervisor Software Benchmark program.  SSSpeed is designed to measure
the system performance under normal conditions.  That is, it uses the
default task priority and does not disable any interrupts.  All other
tasks and processes are allowed to run as usually.  Binary only,
author:  Jukka Marin


VectorLibrary is a library of 3d vector function, include examples in
Basic, C and assembler, German documentation only.  Author:  Alexander

CAM #595 Utilités diverses


AmigaToNTSC patches graphics.library so it will think you have an NTSC
Amiga.  AmigaToPAL will patch it to think you have a PAL Amiga.  Custom
screens will open in the mode selected.  Version 1.0, binary only.
Author:  Nico Francois


ASA veut dire Accessoire de Système Amiga.  Ce nom est dérivé des
accesoires de bureau du MacIntosh (de Apple Computer).  Il permet de
créer un menu semblable aux menus normaux, sauf qu'il peuvent avoir
autant de niveau de sous-menus que vous désirez et que les équivalents
claviers peuvent avoir deux lettres pour une plus grande plage de
choix.  Cette nouvelle version de ASA incorpore les capacités de
l'ancien ASA et de APA.  ASA Mover est le programme pour modifier
facilement le fichier décrivant le menu pour le programme ASA version
3.10 et plus (s:ASA.tools) et le programme APA (version supérieure à
1.00).  Ceci est une toute nouvelle version de ASA-Mover, et autant son
look que son mode de fonctionnement ont été profondément changés.
CutImage est un petit programme pour modifier les images des short-cuts
des menus et des accessoires de système Amiga.  Popper remplace les
menus normaux de l'Intuition par des menus popup qui apparaissent
directement sous le pointeur de la souris.  Binaire seulement, auteur:
Pierre Dak Baillargeon


A 'DMouse' type replacement that works with WorkBench 2.0 and fully
compatible with A3000 & accelerator boards.  Always retains the default
path and stack, and current directory.  Can automatically open
CLI/SHELL windows to 1 pixel less than the current screen size on
opening.  New functions include spline patterning on blanking, toggle
freeze mouse, more function keys, mouse activated screen shuffle, close
gadgets on Shell windows, and more as many users have requested.  This
is version 2.12, an update to version 2.06.  Binary only.  Author:  Nic


Black Hole is a little utility that acts as a "super-trashcan" and adds
an appicon to the Workbench "backdrop" window.  You can drag file or
drawer icons onto the Black Hole.  You will then be asked if you really
want to delete the items.  Clicking OK causes the item to disappear
forever.  Requires 2.0.  Binary only, author:  David Joiner


This little handler allows you to copy files to/from the clipboard
device.  For example, you may copy a file to CLIP:  and then paste it
into a text you are editing with your favourite text editor.  Or, you
may cut a block of text and type it in a CLI window or save it into a
file.  Binary only.  Author:  Jukka Marin


A small assembler utility to manipulate the various cache modes of the
68040, 68030 and 68020 processors.  The copy-back mode of the 68040 is
also supported.  The program can operate from the CLI with single or
multiple parameters or from Workbench via gadgets.  Is compatible with
Kickstart 1.3 or V2.04 and requires no external libraries or setpatch
commands for the 68040 processor.  Binary only.  Author:  Nic Wilson


DEKSID is a disk and file HEXADECIMAL editor.  It gets useful when you
want to edit things other than readable texts.  It might look
complicated for beginners, but it's simply because beginners usually
don't see the use of these.  DEKSID have a lot of function that none of
is competitor have, like the ability to compare file or device.  DEKSID
can edit a file like NewZap or a disk (hard disk, RAD:, floppy disk,
...) like diskX.  Shareware, Binary only.  Author:  Christian Warren


File-Chainer is to enable you to create an executable file out of a
desired number of executable files.  These executable files will be
executed in given order, when executing the resulting executable file.
Update of version 1.2.


 -bug fixed: doesn't request an argument-line when having specified
 too few files to link
 -confirmation requested if our destfile would overwrite an existing
 file with the same name
 -holding all filenames (of the files that are included in the
 file-chain) in a name hunk, for a File-Unchainer (if I should write
 it) can extract the files under their original names (excluding path)

Binary only, author: Bilbo the first.


With Iconify you can temporarily hide windows on the Workbench screen
either with a hotkey, or by doubleclicking in them.  Care has been
taking to only iconify windows which can handle it.  An iconified
window appears as an icon on the workbench screen.  Note:  2.0
required.  Binary only, author:  Ewout Walraven


This is a 2.0 utility that will create real icons from the "fake" icons
that WB 2.0 displays when there is no icons and you choose "Show all
files" by icon.  By Michael Sinz


This program magnifies a small area surrounding the pointer and
displays it in a separate window.  The magnification factor is
adjustable from 1 to 16.  Works in all supported display modes except
for HAM.  Binary only.  Author:  Michael Sinz


Sometimes, when devices do not want to dissapear, or when Assign's have
the same name as a device, or when you want to fake AmigaDOS (or
programs), you wish you had the tools for it.  Well here it is.  There
are three executables:  UnMount DEV/a ReMount DEV/a IsMount DEV/a The
first lets AmigaDOS forget about the given DEV.  The device stays in
memory, and programs with current Lock's on it won't notice the
'forget', but new references are impossible.  The second restores the
UnMounted device, so that new references can happen again.  The last
executable makes only sence in batch-files.  It will return an OK (0)
when the given device is mounted.  It will return a WARN (5) when the
devices was unmounted, and it will return ERROR (10) when the device is
a pseudo-device, and it will return FAIL (15) when the device was not
locatable.  So, make sure the FailAt limit is at least 16 if you do not
want your batchfile to be stopped.  Include c source, author:  Eize


A third-generation multi-purpose file sector editing utility, from the
author of FileZAP.  Displays and edits full 512-byte sectors via a 106
character wide internal font.  Includes a search feature to find
specific strings or hex digits, forwards or backwards.
User-customizable, with new printing feature added.  This is version
3.3, an update to version 3.18.  Now DOS 2.0 compatible.  Binary only.
Author:  Dallas J.  Hodgson


Notify is an implementation of file notification under Kick 1.3.  It
patches the Dos library so that any program can be launched when any
file pattern is matched.  Very flexible.  Reentrant.  safe patch.  With
sources.  Author:  Pierre Dak Baillargeon


Trash Compactor.  What is it?  Well, it goes through any directory
passed to it by the CLI and deletes all files that are older than a
specified number of days.  It traverses the sub-directories recursively
and deletes empty subdirs.  Include source in Pascal, author:  Stephan


A SCSI bit twiddler program that will set or clear the "Disable
Disconnection" bit in a Quantum drive's "Control Parameters Mode Page".
Disabling disconnection during data transfers can result in a large
performance boost on some systems.  Binary only.  Author:  Ben Fuller


Windex (= window escape) lets you cycle through all the windows and all
the screens via the keyboard and close any window owning a closebox
with the esc key.  Include c source.  Author:  Pierre Dak Baillargeon

CAM #596a&b Jeux


FA is a program for creating circular script files for Vista Pro from
one camera coodinate.  If you've ever wanted to do a simple turn about
a point in Vista Pro but had a hard time getting the points right for
the animation then this file is for you.  Binary only, author:  Larry


Hextris has the same gameplay as tetris, but the game pieces are based
on hexagons.  Therefore each piece has six rotations instead of four.
Which makes for a unique challenge.  Binary only.  An Amiga Port BY
Jeff W.  Teague


Intruder Alert is a fast paced arcade action shoot 'em up game with
awesome graphics and superb sound effects.  Shoot bad guys through 130
mental & reflex taxing levels of play.  This may vaguely resemble some
old arcade game (maybe) It requires 512K.  It runs on the A1000, A500,
A2000, & A3000, and has been tested in AmigaDOS 1.2, 1.3, and 2.04 --
In fact it was developed on the A3000 with 2.04 and an A1000 with 1.3,
so it has been thoroughly on those.  It is hard-disk installable and
will multi-task with other programs Binary only, authors:  Jay Stelly &
Dave Speyrer


A game of logic.  A number of landmines are buried in the playing field
and you need to work out where they are, avoid them, and clear the rest
of the field to get maximum points and advance to the next level.
Written in compiled AMOS, requires 1Mb of memory or more.  This is
version 1.0, shareware, binary only.  Full source available from
author.  Author:  Perry Rosenboom


The object of this game is to collect all of the chests on each level
and then go on to the next level.  You can climb ladders, swing across
open places with ropes, dig through certain kinds of flooring, and use
various other methods of getting about in the game.  The game is
shareware.  The included part is completely playable, but you must send
in the fee to get the level editor.  Author:  Joe Rumsey


Programs that generate very colorful Plasma Cloud Fractals.  Plasma
clouds are a special form of fractal which show very smooth color
gradations.  This is version X.x, an update to version 1.f.  Includes
source.  Author:  Roger Uzun


Simple and great rapid fire hardware hack.  Add a rapid fire mod to
your favorite joystick for less than $4.00!  Author:  Mark Spankus


RingWar is an arcade style game based upon old vector type technology.
RingWar is CharityWare.  Author:  ASDG's


Search is NOT an arcade game.  It is kinda a maze game, kinda a thought
game, kinda a trick game.  It is played on a 100X100 tile board that
you scroll around on.  Different tiles have different effects.  Great
graphics, fast response, works under 1.3 and 2.0.  Three sample levels
are included along with the level editor.  Shareware.  Author:  Alan


Spellmaster 2 a Spelling game for kids and adults of all ages.  this
file is SHAREWARE and all features work EXCEPT save words to disk.
Written in COMPILED AMOS.  this should run fine on ALL amigas.

CAM #597a&b Utilités domestiques


AGMSMakeFilm combines multiple IFF pictures and sound files into one
big uncompressed film file.  AGMSPlayFilm plays the film on a custom
screen with stereo sound and forwards / backwards!  / speed control.
Unlike ANIM5 cartoons, the uncompressed format lets you do animation
with camera moves, lighting changes and other "whole scene" effects
that would bog down ANIM5.  Dec.  23 1991 version.  Requires ARP
library.  Binary only, author:  Andy Thut


Cassette Cover Printer V1.1 is a program to make cassette labels.  It
produces either the usual ASCII-character-labels or a source-text that
can be fed to LaTeX.  Written in Maxon's Kick-Pascal, source included.
Author:  Jvrn Clausen


Godel Calc is a simple spreadsheet program that allows multiple sheets
to be open at once (up to 20).  Each sheet can have references to the
other sheets (which get automatically loaded if done correctly).
Binary only, author:  Jamie Mueller


This is a freely redistributable viewer for notebooks created with our
new NoteBook product.  Contains everything you need to view any
notebook of any length.  Author:  Black Belt.


Ptype - TYPE TO THE PRINTER Used with AMIGA, MSDOS, and UNIX to:

- Print a source program with line numbers and page headings
- Type a letter or a documentation file (any ASCII file)
- Convert files: tabs to spaces, convert CR-LF to LF.
- Print many copies such as postcards


- Allow wild cards in the file pathnames in both the directories
 and the file part of the pathname. All matching files are printed
 in alphabetical order.

Include c source, author: Bob Alston


SubStore V1.0!  This is a Magazine Subscription Database that allows
you to store reference information from your monthly magazines such as
Articles, Reviews and other items of interest.  Features include:
Slick 3D Interface, Search, Print, Queue Window w/Print, Mail Order
Info w/Names, Numbers & Notes, Attach User defined Brush/logos to be
displayed for each Magazine you're working with, and much more!
ShareWare.  Author:  John Lullie


View is a program that allows you to view all ANIM opcode 5 or 6
animations and all ILBM IFF format pictures.  This viewer program is
freely re-distributable.  This means that you may distribute it to
anyone, or anywhere that you so desire providing that this unaltered
file, and the original unmodified program are distributed together.
Updated from versions 3.0 to 3.2:

 1. AGAIN the method for positioning the display has been changed,
    to accomodate DCTV pictures. This 'should' be the final needed
 2. The menus have been removed when in the 'HELP' or 'ABOUT'
    screens. The menus are not affected anywhere else.
 3. Support for brushes has been added. A brush is any IFF picture
    that is SMALLER than the default resolution for its display mode.
 4. Support for ANIM brushes was added. Since ANIM brushes have an
    interleave of one, double buffering required copying the buffer
    every animation frame. This gets rid of flicker but may reduce
    the speed at which the brush plays. I tried the brushes I have,
    however, and could not detect any speed decrease. Thus I decided
    to double buffer the ANIM brush for flickerless playback.
 5. I Added an options menu. This menu currently holds only one item.
    "Pause on entry", when turned on (CHECKED) it will cause the
    animation to begin in paused mode. To start the animation playing,
    press the <SPACE> key.
 6. View 3.0 did not support non-looping animations correctly. The
    routines that were uses in versions 2.x had a bug. I changed the
    program so that these animations would work, but non-looping
    animations would not play without a small -hiccup- upon reaching
    the end of the animation. This version of the program now properly
    handles non-looping animations. It does this by detecting the
    non-looping animation and adding the loop frames magically
    transforming it into a looping animation.

Binary only, Authors: Michael W. Hartman & William J. Coldwell


Using a database of coordinates compiled by the CIA and made available
under the Freedom of Information Act, this program plots world maps in
cylindrical or spherical projections, with various degrees of
magnification.  This is version 2.2, an update to version 2.0, and now
includes the largest available data file, for detailed mapping of even
small sections of the globe.  Includes source.  Author:  The CIA, Bob
Dufford, Mike Groshart

CAM #598a&b Objets Imagine


This is a new and improved A3000 CPU Imagine Object created by Carmen
Rizzolo.  Also is included are two keyboards.  One keyboard has all the
keys grouped and the other has them joined.


These are the two pistols.  The objects are to a (very approximate)
scale of 1 Imagine unit = 1 mm.  The pepperbox is an early repeating
pistol with (usually) six muzzle-loading barrels turned by pulling the
(in this case) ring trigger.  Noted for its inaccuracy:  not much point
in a front sight, is there?  Caliber .36 inch (9mm).  The "Volcanic"
repeater was a Winchester predecessor.  Most Volcanic repeaters had
longer barrels than this one's 4 inches (100mm).  You might consider
dragging the muzzle, sight, and magazine tube out 2-4 inches
(50-100mm).  This object requires the "Wood" texture supplied with
Imagine.  Caliber .30 inch (7.62mm), low-powered since the primitive
caseless ammo had only as much black powder as could be stuffed into
the base of a hollow bullet.  Author:  Paul Weiser


This is an Imagine BOING 737 object


These are the two pistols.  The objects are to a (very approximate)
scale of 1 Imagine unit = 1 mm.  The LeMat is a remarkable and rare
revolver favored by Confederate general officers.  The barrel really IS
half octagonal and half round.  This is the "First Model," with nine
shots (!) of caliber .42 inch (10.6mm) in the conventional cylinder and
a .63 inch (16mm) shotgun barrel below.  Starr was third in Union
pistol procurement (behind Colt and Remington).  The model shown is the
1858 Army in caliber .44 inch (11mm).  This was a self-cocking weapon:
everything happens when the trigger is pulled, but it cannot be used
single-action by cocking the hammer.  Squeamish users may wish to
remove the tacks from the handgrip, a form of decoration allegedly
practiced by Jesse James (who owned a pistol of this model) in place of
cutting notches.  These objects require the Wood texture included with
Imagine.  The LeMat also uses Grid for checkering, and the Star uses
Camouflage for case-hardening on the hammer, trigger, and loading lever
assembly.  Author:  Paul Weiser


Imagine Objects by Dale Blaszczak


This is a mechanical pencil and is a group object, this object is ready
for tracing.


This is a group object, ready for tracing.


This object is ready for tracing.


This is a group object ready for tracing scale it as needed.


This is a group object ready for tracing.


This a parchment type scroll...  the parchment IFF brush is also
included.  Note:  the brush has allready beenmapped to this object.  In
the object brush requester just type in the path name to the

Background 'grids' :


This is the 3D steel grid (checkered) floor.


This is a six sided 3D grid that could be used for backgrounds.


Same as above but has beveled edges.


These are table and chair Imagine objects.  Also includes a 24-bit
wood-grain brush for wrapping.


A Imagine frog object sitting on a lily pad.


This is a rendering created with Imagine 2.0 with object file included.
Also included is the attributes to include a camo texture to the tank.
Pieces grouped for rotation.  Looks sharp!  Author:  Chinh Nguyen


This is a detailed head for use with Imagine.  Attributes are included
with the object.


This is an Imagine object of a human figure.


Some of the objects of John Porter.  They are fairly detailed objects
from the SF movies Star Wars & Aliens.


An imagine object, One of those spring loaded desk lamps, Modeled it
after the lamp on my desk.  It's fully manipulatable so have a blast!


These are the objects rendered in Phasers.hamin, the Star Fleet hand
weapons from the original STAR TREK TV show.  One of the "child" groups
in Phaser.group is PHASER1, which can be separated and used as an
independent weapon/object in its own right.  It requires the "Grid"
texture supplied with Imagine.  Objects are to a scale of 1 Imagine
unit = 1 mm, scaled from the STAR TREK STAR FLEET TECHNICAL MANUAL
(Ballantine, 1975/1986).  Author:  Paul Weiser


Object and brush for buildind a soda bottle in Imagine, HAM picture
rendering examdle included.  Author:  Tim Gilmore


Imagine object of a toy soldier.  Author:  Chinh Nguyen


This object was created by a program using Glenn Lewis' TTDDD shareware
package.  TTDDD makes it easy to make programs to create imagine
objects.  TTDDD stands for Textual Three D Data Description, which is
an ascii form of imagine's binary TDDD object format.  I made a short
program that generated a spiral path that followed the shape of a
sphere, kind of like an apple peel, and then extruded a shape along
that path.  Author:  Michael Gibson


This is my quick attempt at making an SR71 object.  It is not at all to
scale.  I just eyeballed it using a picture I have.  This was done
entirely in the Spacer view formes editor in Imagine 2.0.  Author:
Brian Ridout


Imagine objects converted from Sculpt.  This collection of five vector
objects was created by Joseph Contegiacomo of Polar Arts.  The objects
are all very detailed, very futuristic spacecraft.  They are in Sculpt
.SCENE format and can be loaded and rendered using one of the Byte By
Byte Sculpt programs such as Sculpt Animate 4D.  Or, by using
Interchange from Syndesis you can transform them to other formats such
as Turbo Silver or VideoScape.  The five objects are named
SatProbe.scene BD-5.scene Bomber.scene Fighter.scene Killer.scene Also
included Mech robot.

CAM #599a&b Objets Imagine Ligthwave et Sculpt


This is the 1701D by Lee Robert Willis converted in Imagine format.


Here's the Bell X-1 I made with Turbo Silver.  In it's current
incarnation, it is a group of two objects (Fuselage and tail) so it can
have two sets of attributes.  It's not perfect, it currently has no
brushes or even a cockpit window, but it is always slowly evolving, and
when I come up with a particularly good improvement, I will make it
available again.  [The Bell X-1 is the plane Yaeger broke the sound
barrier in, 1947.] Author:  Geoffrey Noles


This is an object of a sony camera (camcorder).  Objects for Imagine
and for Lightwave are both included.


This is an a realistic chessboard; it is the standard array of 8x8
black and off-white squares, with a glossy surface, surrounded by gold
trim and a beveled dark-grain wood border.  The wood border is even cut
into quarters, with the grain perpendicular at the sides!  (Special
thanks go to Mel Prince, who thought up the great wood modifications,
and who has encouraged me to keep tracing) NOTE:  This object requires
the Wood texture in the Im_Textures drawer.  It is actually a grouped
object consisting of five subobjects, useful for learning.


These are two objects I created for Imagine; it's a coffee cup and a
matching coaster.  Both utilize the new Phong edging ability if you
have Imagine 2.0.


This is a very simple model of the USS Enterprise, but accurate in it's
shape.  (made from blueprints!).  Author:  Steve Worley


This is an F18 constructed entirely of 3D faces and exported from the
DynaCADD Amiga version to Imagine Object format.  The original author
is unknown.


Objects for a ME-109 of the second world war!.


This archive contains several objects used to create an Mtv logo.


Well, here it is.  After MANY hours of tweeking, and perfecting, I have
FINAly finished my GREATEST accomplishment, the Enterprise from Star
Trek The Next Generation.  Author:  Bob McGee


Objects for a P-38 of the second world war!


3 model planes for Imagine.


This is a an Imagine Object exported from DynaCADD.


File is a pretty nice looking Imagine spider object.


Objects for a Spitfire of the second world war!


Synth keyboard object for Imagine.


A round wood end-table with Dark Glass Centerpiece created in Imagine
This was created for use with my Lamp object.  You'll need to edit the
object's attributes and enter your directory path for the Wood Texture
for this to render correctly.  Author:  Michael Sigalos


This resembles Darth Vaders tie fighter from the movie Star Wars.
Author:  Rob Borsari


Well, here it is.  After MANY hours of tweeking, and perfecting, I have
FINALY finished my SECOND greatest accomplishment, the Romulan Warbird
from Star Trek The Next Generation.  Author:  Bob McGee


An Imagine Object of a futuristic laser cannon.  This object is called
"Zenith Star Laser".  Object created by Mark Thompson.



BRODWAVEengraved is a 3D font for LightWave based on the font
BroadwayEngraved.  The sides, front and back are all independent
surfaces, as well as the engravures (the recessed panels and subsequent
sidewalls) so the characters may be uniquely recolored to suit your


These are two artist mannequins based upon the 16" models available in
most art supply stores.  They are Lightwave objects with parent
hierarchy centered on the sphere which corresponds to the abdomen.
This sphere is fused with the pelvis and hip spheres.  Author:  Jim


24 bits brush and object for chrome metallic and glass textures.
Author:  Steve Nevins



This is a model of a Bell Cobra gunship, modelled to scale with
Modeler-3D.  Except for the vulcan turret (done by my lame brother),
everything is pretty accurate.  Never got around to include the T.O.W.
missile pods though.  Converted and redone on Sculpt-Animate 4D.
Author:  Quang Ho

CAM #600a&b Fontes Adobe Type 1 (PageStream)


Type One fonts resembling the old bitmapped Athens font.  Author:  Hank


Athletic is a font I developed based on the full block athletic look,
used by most schools and colleges on athletic sportswear.  It contains
all the upper case letters with most of the standard symbols.  Author:
Philip Schilling


Beeswax is a chubby, fun font of all caps, numerals, and some
punctuation marks.  Great for informal, but attention-getting
headlines.  Author:  Thomas E.  Harvey


Type 1 format, was originally done for The Coca-Cola Company in
Atlanta, GA, from original slicks from their art department.  You will
find the match to the "Real Thing" superb.


Sport style type 1 font, caps only.  Author:  Creative Software Designs


A Type One set of a complete Cyrillic script.  This is a serifed font,
suitable for use as text, and comes in four harmonized weights
(regular, italic, bold, bolditalic.  Author:  ZSoft's SoftType


This font contains 27 characters:  the 26 capital letters and the
space.  Each character looks like a domino with letters carved out of
it, rather than numbers.  Author:  David Rakowski


Slightly tilted, slightly old Eire- appearing Caps letters.  Author:
Sam Wang


An ornate typeface.  Author:  Richard Mitchell


Neat cursive script.  Upper/lower case font.


Rounded letters with descenders.Type 1 version.  Author:  Sam Wang


Here is a font I've been mucking around with that is based on scans
from a 1930s painting manual.  It's more an experiment than anything
else, but it looks nice, I think, for short titles or display art used
18 points or larger.  Author:  Walter Kafton-Minkel


All caps font.  20-30's style letters..  very rounded.  Author:  Sam


The indecipherable letters of Klingon (you know, those Star Trek
protagonists/federation buddies).  Includes explanation and translation
file.  Type 1.  Author:  PsychoGlyph


Large font with oblique serif.  Author:  Publishers' Paradise


Uppwer/lower case letters of pretty decent looking hand-cursive style.
Author:  Sam Wang


Celtic style, type 1 font.  Author:  ZSoft's SoftType


Old style, type 1 font.  Author:  George Williams


Tall, thin script cursive with upper and lower case, numbers and
letters.  Author:  Sam Wang


MathMajor is a type 1 Postscript font.  It looks like a stroked font,
although it is actually filled characters.  The font is for making up
math formulas and contains math and greek symbols.  It also contains
the normal alphanumeric characters with the simple stroked appearance.


Medusa is based on the familiar Art Nouveau font Broklin.  It's a
display font that looks great at 12 points or larger.  Author:  Lorvad


General Dingbats Type 1 font.


Upper lower case type one font of combination Gaelic type font,thick
horizontal lines and thin vertical lines.  Author:  Sam Wang


Here's the font nobody's been waiting for, a monospaced font for the
rest of us.  There is nothing remarkable about this font; in fact, it's
so boring I named it Monotony.  Author:  Phil Noguchi


Nordic style.  Thin upper and lower case letters that go diagonal
everyway they can...

Ox Nard

OxNard is an outline shadow font with irregular sizing and erratic
baselines.  As a display font it works at 25 pts or larger.  Sizes
above 50 pts are preferable.  Caps only.  Not kerned.  Author:  Lorvad


Type 1 font like Papyrus.


Hebrew style type 1 font.  Author:  ZSoft's SoftType


A fairly complete Hebrew typeface.  "Fancy" characters.  Author:
Jonathan Brecher.


A fairly complete Hebrew typeface.  "Handwritten," cursive characters.
Author:  Jonathan Brecher.


A fairly complete Hebrew typeface.  Sans serif characters.  Author:
Jonathan Brecher.


Upper/lower case thick Old English style letters.  Author:  Sam Wang


Block venice heavy, bold font.

CAM #601a&b Fontes Adobe Type 1 & Clips Adobe Illustrator (PageStream)


Images by 3G Graphics Inc.  makers of high quality clip art in Adobe
Illustrator This archive contain a full disk of clip art as a demo of
quality of what can be obtained by 3G Graphics.


Letting that resembles old IBM type dot matrix printers.  Author:
Acute Systems


Old western style letters font.  Author:  Hank Gillette


This display font is a variation of the venerable Olde English.  Most
of the Olde English fonts I have seen have the points squared off.  In
EnglishTowne, the points are points.  This font works well with
invitations, banners, and menus (English, of course).  Author:  Richard
M.  Coda


Here's my Hebrew font that someone actually expressed some interest in.
Author:  B.J.  Kramer


Heidelberg is more truly a calligraphic style font than MacHumaine,
with its more severe strokes and sharper angles.  Author:  Steve


Looks like an old typewriter.


A very nice formal script.


An Old English style.


This is our version of an immensely popular display face you have
probably seen everywhere from the titling on MTV to ads for "Home
Alone" and so forth.  Author:  Impact!  Communications


Resembles the font known as "Broadway.


A body text font.


Upper/lower case informal stroke letters.  Pretty dry, but informal, no
less.  Author:  Pat Snyder


Upper/lower case informal stroke letters that look like they just got
out of the shower (dripping wet....).  Author:  Pat Snyder


This is a Tamil font, Author:  T.  Govindaraj


Contains several recycling symbols in various light/dark combinations.


RedLetter is a novelty font with limited uses.  It is intended to
replace Stalingrad.  RedLetter differs from Stalingrad in several ways.
It is in Type 1 format.  Some characters have been re-drawn, and not
all lower-case letters are simply reduced copies of upper-case letters.
Also I have improved spacing and kerning.  Author:  Robert Schenk


SaloonExt is a display typeface in a style of the 19th century.  It
does not have true lower-case letters; the upper-case letters are
simply repeated on the lower-case keys.  It is in Type 1 format.
Author:  Robert Schenk


Black letters coming out of a white block background.  Very close to
LeeCaps.  Author:  Jim Alley


An ornate font.


Musical notes and characters.  Author:  David Rakowski.


Block letters that resemble Chicago font meeting the Venice Font.


Slanted letters that slightly resemble brush strokes...  Author:  Jim


Looks like stenciled letters.


Strongman and Strongman Bold are based on two old engraving fonts
called Strongly 3 Line and Strongly 5 Line.  The significance of the
"Lines" is that the weight of the font was controlled by how many
"lines" were used to draw it - the more lines, the bolder the font.
Author:  Richard M.  Coda


A celtic language font.


Modern looking letters...  thin vertical lines connected to wider
looking horizontal letters.  Full upper, lower case.  Author:
Christopher Bird


Nice text and display font.


Flowers and vines shoot out from behind uppercase Classic (appear to
look like Times Roman) letters.  X and Y are missing in this drop caps
set, though.  Author:  David Rakowski.

CAM #602a&b Utilités Télécommunication


A graphic interface for the archive utilities Lharc, Arc, and Zoo.
LAZi will add, delete, extract, and update single or multiple files,
list test archives, allow you to read extracted readmes/docs or any
other ascii file, save a configuration file that holds the locations of
your work directories, archive utilities, and its position when
iconified.  At least 1Mb of RAM is recommended.  Author:  Mark W.


A very fast archiver that is compatible with MS-DOS LhArc V1.13 and LHA
V2.13, as well as the Amiga LhArc.  LhA is very memory efficient, has
been written with stability and reliability in mind, has carefully
optimized compression and decompression routines, is multitasking
reentrant and pure, handles multiple volume archives (registered
version only), and more.  Also includes LhASFX, which creates SFX
(self-extracting) archives from ordinary LhA archives.  Version 1.11,
(Jan 19 1992) include many new features and bugs fix.  shareware,
binary only.  Author:  Stefan Boberg


Necromancer V0.3 beta, an Amiga terminal program that supports XPR
protocols.  Runs under 1.3 or 2.0.  By William Coleman


NetKeys is a set of programs for use with Matt Dillon's DNET networking
software that allow the input from the keyboard and mouse of one Amiga
to be sent to second Amiga.  It is as if the keyboard and mouse was
attached to the other Amiga.  Binary only, author:  Joe Pearce


An ANSI editor that allows animations, and complete color control.  It
is used on many BBS's to create animated screens.  Includes a
configuration editor, font control, and variable playback speed.
Version 1.4, includes source.  Author:  Syd Bolton, Chris Timmerberg,
Colin Vernon


Due to poor sales of other Energion Publications products and other
financial problems, Energion Publications has gone out of business and
has shut down their support BBS.  I've taken back responsibility for
Proteus, and am now distributing it as freeware, rather than commercial
software.  The registration info and 90-day evaluation limit have been
removed, and the full non-protected version is now included in this
archive.  Author:  Rick Huebner


Removes all ANSI codes from a text file, so that only the bare text
remains.  It is useful for editing terminal program capture buffers.
Two versions are provided:  one for the command line (CLI) and one with
a full Intuition interface.  The Intuition version includes the ability
to selective strip certain ANSI codes, and generates a complete report.
This is version 1.0, and includes full source in C.  Author:  Syd


English version of documentation and source for Term version 1.9a


XXEncode and XXDecode are two programs that facilitate the sending of
binary files through network mailers.  These have the same basic
function as UUEncode and UUDecode, but are designed to eliminate the
problems associated with the characters UUEncode uses.  Binary only,
author:  Ernest Crvich

CAM #603a,b&c Langages


Version 1.40 of both, gcc and g++.  Ported by Markus M.  Wild


A library, that would emulate as much as possible of a **IX/BSD
environment on the Amiga, so that programs (usually programming tools)
written for **IX/BSD could be ported quick and easy to the Amiga.
Author:  Markus M.  Wild

CAM #604a&b Utilités domestiques


This program lets you set up a password in order to secure your Amiga
from unauthorized use.  Author:  D.  A.  Bridges


Included here are some "Amiga Release 2" presets that I created while I
was killing some time.  Some will look a bit odd in modes other than
HiRes-Interlace mode and default colors.  If your using Release 2.04,
you will be able to click on the icons change the presets without
having to use the Prefs tool.  Author:  David W.  Ferguson


EnvPrint is a handy tool for printing envelopes for letters.  Just type
in the addresses or load them from disk, and EnvPrint will organize the
printing job for you.  Version 1.20.  Shareware Binary only.  Author:
Stefan Zeiger


Searches up to 28 mounted devices for specific files using wildcard
matches.  Version 1.0, binary only.  Author:  Joe Rattz, Jr.


Address Book, Notepad,Inventory, Scheduler Cando program.  Shareware,
Binary only.  Author:  Lord Sutch Productions.


A simple label printing utility.  Very powerful as the user can/must do
a lot of settings by himself.  Features include variable linefeeds (in
1/216 inch steps) between 21 independant lines and freely configurable
printer codes.  Version 1.1.2, an update to version 1.0, binary only.
Author:  Stefan Berendes


SQL dababase with arexx support.  changes since last release on

 doc/sqldb_sqlref.doc deleted
 doc/sqldb_sqlrefman.doc updated
 added ORDER BY clause to SELECT
 more memory leaks fixed
 bug in NOT, MAYBE, MAYBE_I, MAYBE_A logical operators fixed
 bug in SELECT ... OUTPUT TO filename fixed
 bug in column formatting in GROUP BY fixed
 added DATE and TIME datatype
 bug in row selection in GROUP BY fixed
 bug in row deletion/insertion fixed
 bug in ARexx interface fixed

Binary only. Author: Kyle Saunders


A stop watch application with the precision of one millisecond
(variable), which scans the joystick button.  Full multitasking
capability and intuition interfacing, additional display screen for
genlock output, ARexx port for parameter/result handling and screen
manipulations.  Written in Modula 2 and assembly language.  This is
version 3.0S, an update to version 2.0.  Binary only.  Author:
Christian Danner


This is a Magazine Subscription Database that allows you to store
reference information from your monthly magazines such as Articles,
Reviews and other items of interest.  Features include:  Slick 3D
Interface, Search, Print, Queue Window w/Print, Mail Order Info
w/Names, Numbers & Notes, Attach User defined Brush/logos to be
displayed for each Magazine you're working with, and much more!
Version include many new feature and bug fix.  ShareWare.  Author:
John Lullie


A very flexible security program that can lock any or all of the
devices present in the system, making access to them impossible.  It
can also optionally lock the keyboard and the mouse.  Version 1.01.
Requires arp.library.  Binary only.  Author:  Jonathan Potter


Latest home inventory program makes recording valuables quicker and
easier.  Four categories included:  electronics, jewelry, computers,
collectibles.  All 3D buttons, mostly point & click interface.  A
must-have for insurance claims in the event of any loss natural or
unnatural!  Shareware demo version.  Author:  Linda Lullie


This script was originally developed for use with HT, a HyperText
program, and Textra, a Word Processor (both of which are available on
CAM's), but could easily be adapted to drive other editors by simply
substituting the Textra commands with the appropriate replacements.
Note that the editor should provide an Arexx port.  Author:  DAB


An extended "wc" (word count) program.  It has all features of the
SAS/C "wc" plus the ability to count the frequency of ASCII characters,
alphabetical characters and many other things in a text.  Version 1.10.
Freeware.  Sourcecode included.  Author:  Stefan Zeiger

CAM #605a&b Jeux divers


Amiga Bridge is an Amiga program that plays the game bridge.  It
supports a subset of the bidding system described by Eric Jannersten in
his books "Bridge från grunden" and "Systemet i ett nötskal" (I don't
know their english titles, if any).  As far as I know, this is the
first non-commercial bridge program available for the Amiga.  In my
opinion it compares well with the commercial ones :-) , especially when
the user interface is concerned.  Binary only, author:  Erik Bergersjö


A simple little two player game where circles fly into the playing area
from both sides of the screen.  When each player presses his
corresponding ALT key they fly to the top of the screen and stop moving
when they hit another circle or the border.  The object of the game is
to connect a specified number of circles of the same color.  Version
1.0, includes source.  Author:  Jason Lowe


A classic strategy game loosely based on World War I.  Designed for
several players but can be played by as few as 2.  The computer manages
the game, resolving orders and graphically displaying the current
status.  Also provides map design capabilities for game variants.
Version 2.0, shareware, binary only (source available from the author
with shareware payment).  Author:  Steve Douthat


A Master-Mind type game.  Version 1.36, binary only.  Author:
Pierre-Louis Mangeard


This is just a quick little game I threw together!  It will show the
complete alphabet at the bottom of the screen and some empty blocks
above that.  The empty blocks represent a word that you must guess at
its letters.  You do that by clicking on one of the LETTERS in the
alphabet blocks at the bottom, if you get a correct letter...  it will
show its position in what was the empty blocks.  If it is NOT in the
word..  you will be told.  You can click on the HINT block to get a
slight hint as to what the word might be.  Of course if you click in
the GIVE UP block...  you will be shown what the word was.  If you
click in the top BLOCK that has "F I N D M E !" on it...  you can take
a guess at the word.  Wrong guesses will show you what the word was and
will go onto the next word.  binary only.  Author:  Mike Dissinger


A new game from Peter Haendel.  Roll a ball through a labyrinth.


A simple game where numbers fly into the playing area from both sides
of the screen.  When you click the mouse button, they fly to the top of
the screen and stick there.  The score is determined by what numbers
the current number lands near, and the game ends when the same numbers
end up adjacent to each other.  Author:  Jason Lowe


The name implies it all, a break-out kind of game (with a twist).  It's
a multi-tasking action game.  I wrote this thingy more than 3 years ago
(back in 1988) but never put the finishing touches to it for a public
release.  Well, here it finally is.  Binary only, author:  Paul van der


Search is NOT an arcade game.  It is kinda a maze game, kinda a thought
game, kinda a trick game.  It is played on a 100X100 tile board that
you scroll around on.  Different tiles have different effects.  Great
graphics, fast response, works under 1.3 and 2.0.  Three sample levels
are included along with the level editor.  Shareware.  Version 2.0
include more level and Editor improvement.  Author:  Alan Farrell


"Spades" is a program written to play the card game Spades.  It may be
run from the CLI or the Workbench.  NOTE:  Spades now requires AmigaDOS
2.xx to run.  Include C source, author:  Greg Stelmack


A little hack where a worm follow in every screen, Include assembler
source, author:  Paul Trauth

CAM #606a&b Jeux d'arcades


Ricardo the bull is in big trouble!  While running through the streets
of Pamplona he make a quick turn into the plate glass store front of
Fernando's China Shop.  Fernando, however, is prepared for just such an
emergency with loads of bombs and traps.  Using your joystick, you can
guide Ricardo the bull to freedom by dodging Fernando's arsenal,
wrecking ALL of the china, and maintaining your health until you reach
the exit on floor six.  Binary only, author:  Joe Langraf


The object of COLORS is simply to form lines of four blocks or more of
the same colors.  Pieces which consist of three blocks are randomly
picked and then fall down in a T*tris-like style.  There are four
different colors with which you can form lines, so there are
technically 64 different pieces, but since they can be rotated, there
are (I think) only 34 different pieces.  The bigger the lines that you
form are, the more points you get.  Also, if you clear more than one
color at a time, your score is multiplied.  Binary only, author:  Keith


This is Offender, a shareware game based on William's Defender.
Offender will only run on an Amiga equipped with a 68020 (or better)
CPU and a 68881 (dito) FPU.  Features:

 Plays exactly like the original, including smartbombs and hyperspace
 Ultrafast and smooth animation (50 or 60 frames per second)
 Upto 200 moving objects at the same time with 50 FPS on an A3000/25
 Includes PAL and NTSC versions
 16 digitized sound effects
 Kickstart 2.0 compatible
 Multitasks nicely and frees all resources before returning to WB
 Harddrive-installable :-)
 Full version with high-quality digitized sounds available for only

Binary only, author: Fred Bayer


VIPER 1992 is a game created with Avantage/Accolade's "Shoot'em up
Construction Kit".  VIPER 1992 was originally released as VIPER, but
has undergone major changes, enough to warrant this new version.  The
graphics have been almost totally redone, with star clouds and
supernova's added, along with a huge amount of work done on the mother
ships, including surface detail, more structures, and lower deck levels
to give a them a "3d" look.  Author:  Steve Winkler

CAM #607 Utilités diverses


NOTE !  WorkBech 2.0 or later required !!!  What's new in V3.xx ?  You
can use AppIcons too !  Have you ever tried to drag an icon into the
IconEdit's window ?  IconEdit loads it automatically and you don't have
to give any names.  I liked that feature and wanted to see it in every
utility I had.  AppServer gives you the power of Application Windows.
It is an Application Window AND -Icon Server for WorkBench 2.0.
AppServer is a configurable front-end for utility programs.  An example
would be fine, I guess...  You want to show a picture.  You drag the
picture file icon into AppServer's window or icon and AppServer shows
the picture using your favorite Iff-Viewer.  You can as well make other
windows/icons which play samples, show documents and even delete files
!  Author:  Jarto Tarpio


ASwarm II is a screenblanker with high security, does not burn in the
graphic into the screen.  Is funny to watch.  Runs only under Release
2.0 of Workbench.  Source for Dice V2.06.36 or SAS-C 5.10a (or newer)
is included.


Cascade is a program I wrote to clean up the Workbench drawer windows.
When run, it will recursively search a given drive, and automatically
adjust the position of any Workbench drawer windows to fit snugly
inside its parent.  Cascade requires OS 2.0, V36 or greater.  If you
experience problems, try increasing your stack size, although I doubt
anyone will ever run into problems.  Author:  Chris Papademetrious


CFX is a VERY useful utility that will tell you just what file type a
particular file is.  It knows a very large number of filetypes and can
also do other useful stuff such as

 Extended Hunk Scan
 Integrity check of files
 Checksum Calculation of files
 Calculates the REAL file size of disk files
 VIRUS checking!!  Better than most dedicated virus finders
 Uses req.library!
 Registered Version Gives internal info on archives
 Registered version can uncrunch file and check for virii.
 Full recursive directory scan!!!


EW gives you "exploding" windows.  This means that when windows and
requesters are opened, they open in a more exciting manner than you're
used to seeing.  A rectangle grows from a very small size to the size
the final window or requester will be.  Windows and requesters that are
closed get kind of the reverse treatment; they shrink to nothing.  By
Ed Scherer


This Workbench tool puts up a small window.  When you click on it you
get a Popup Menu listing all open windows in the Workbench.  When
selected that window pops to the front.  This is very handy when you
have lots of windows open and want to quickly get to any given window.
JForth source code for the application and the Popup Menus provided.


A commodities screen blanker written for AmigaOS release 2.x.  When
running will blank the screen and start to draw real plane fractals
such as described in the September 1986 issue of Scientific American.
The resulting images may remind you of spiders' webs, lace or even the
Chladnian patterns formed by grains of sand strewn across a vibrating
surface.  This is version 1.8, an update to version 1.4, and includes
numerous bug fixes and enhancements (such as multicolor mode).
Includes source in `C' and assembly language.  Author:  Olaf `Olsen'


MFR is a file requester for Kick 2.0, that replaces ASL and REQ
library.  Features:

 MFR is completely controllable via keyboard, so you will never have
 to touch your mouse when selecting files (of course you can, if you
 really want to).
 MFR looks very nice, especially on high resolution screens.
 MFR will use any font you want in it's display. Proportional fonts
 like helvetica look really marvellous.
 MFR has the ability to quickly search your hard disk for any file,
 so you needn't remember each file's directory.
 MFR can display pictures, play sounds, view archives, etc. with the
 aid of some external programs.
 MFR has a sizing gadget.
 MFR takes advantage of new Kick 2.0 features like file notification.
 MFR is configurable through a wide range of keywords.
 MFR is simply magic

Author: Stefan Stuntz


a public screen manager for Release 2.04 by Chris Papademetrious


PointerX - Spins the hands of any pointer that looks like the standard
2.0 Workbench Busy pointer.  PointerX only runs under Kickstart 2.0.
Author:  Steve Tibbett


A new version of PopUpMenu!  What`s new ?  * Small bug removed.  *
Better workbench support.  Author:  Martin Adrian


Freely redistributable replacement for mathtrans.library,containing
faster versions of all 17 functions, with almost the same accuracy.
Trigonometric functions are 2 to 2.5 times as fast.  Logarithmic,
exponential and hyperbolic functions are about 3 times as fast.
Version 1.0, binary only.  Author:  Martin Combs


Sizer reports the size of selected disk objects (including
subdirectories).  It reports the number of bytes in all plain files and
the number of blocks occupied by files and directories.  It is intended
for the Workbench user who wants to know if there is room to drag-copy
one or more icons.  Author:  Fabbian G.  Dufoe, III


A very fast disk copier and formatter.  Can make up to four unverified
copies from a ram buffer in 36 seconds.  Verified copies from a ram
buffer take 67 seconds for one destination drive, plus 34 seconds for
each additional destination.  This is version 2.01, an update to
version 2.0.  Now includes a program to fine tune some fields in the
trackdisk device, and a "no click" type program.  Binary only.  Author:
Sebastiano Vigna


Intuition is quite a powerful windowing system.  However, if you try to
move a window with the mouse, only an outline box is is displayed
instead of the entire window.  TurboLayers tries its best to cure this
problem, making use of the Amiga's Blitter chip.

 02-Jul-91 V1.1  Some input.device deadlock problems removed
 18-Sep-91 V1.2  Refresh improved, general speedup

Author: Christian A. Weber


This is a nice little addition for OS 2.04 (2.0x) owners.  It's a
replacement for the execute command from the workbench menu.  Updated
in this version (1.20) :  Old version didn't check for Operating System
type, so this one does (finally!).  Now uses *only* OS 2.04 gadgets (3d
look).  Implementation of Check Boxes (used to toggle on/off stay up,
use max window size gadgets) ..and some bug fixes Author:  Paul


WindowTiler is a simple commodity for os2.0 users that allows you to
map certain Windows3.0/TurboC++ type window management to a key
combination.  NOTE:  if it does nothing make sure (using commodities
exchange) that you disable any commodities that conflict for the same
hotkeys.  by Doug Dyer


The ultimate calendar clock for your workbench !!!  Written by Stefan


ZodiacBlanker is a very interesting screen blanker.  It not only acts
as a screen blanker, it is educational as well.  When activated it
displays a scrolling display of the major star constellations and
identifies them.  Works under 2.0, not tested under 1.3.  By Brian
Moats, Polyglot Software

CAM #608a&b Utilités de programmation


A work environment for Aztec C.  You can compile, assemble, link,
print, etc.  your programs by clicking a gadget.  Typing in the Shell
is out.  Version 1.1, shareware, binary only.  Author:  Christian


Hi.  This was a project I did in about two weeks in '91.  It was never
finished, but it is successful in some things such as the menu
construction.  The reason for releasing this is so others have gadtools
example source, and perhaps someone might want to finish it?  I sortuv
ran out of steam...  and AIB sat in a drawer hidden away.  The source
code is real poor because this was just a learning experience and I
added things as I went along.  Really, the only thing yet to be done
(other than generating source) is to generate gadtools in the window.
I tried a purely gadtools driven interface for AIB which worked great
for windows and menus, but because gadtools are so rigid, it was hard
to think of a flexible enough interface.  Ill leave it to you.  Include
source, author:  Doug Dyer


A complete and powerful program for text formatting, much inspired by
the "nroff" utility on UNIX systems.  This is version 1.12.  Includes
source, and documentation in both English and French.  Author:  Denis


A run time reentrant library, developed with the purpose of making life
easier for application programmers.  It contains functions to format
and display text, accept keys/messages, strings, or numbers, and to
handle cursor and screen control, among other things.  Version 2.00,
includes source in asm.  Author:  Bjorn Reese


Combines parts of "C" with 68000 assembly language.  Produces highly
optimized code.  Supports all 2.0 functions and more.  Comes bundled
with A68k and Blink, for a complete programming environment.  This is
version 1.6.  Includes example source and executable files.  Binary
only.  Author:  Joe Siebenmann


FIFO:  is like PIPE:  but is based on fifo.library rather than its own
implementation.  Fifo.library is a general fifo library implementation
that supports named fifos, writing to a fifo from a hardware exception,
multiple readers on a fifo with each getting the same data stream,
efficient reading, and automatic or manual flow control.  Programs that
require non-blocking IO can access one side of a FIFO:  connection via
the fifo.library instead of the FIFO:  device.  Version 3.4, an update
to version 3.1.  Includes some source.  Author:  Matt Dillon


A console handler with command line editing and function key support.
GMC provides extended command line editing, function key assignment in
four levels, extended command line history, online help for functions
in the handler, and an iconify function.  Also includes an output
buffer (dump to printer and window), filename completer, script
function, undo function, prompt beeper, pathname in window title, close
gadget for KS 2.0, etc.  This is version 9.11, an update to version
9.8, with some new features and some bug fixes.  Shareware, binary
only.  Author:  Goetz Mueller


An expression calculator with many powerful features, including
user-defined functions and variables, many built-in functions, script
files, and special looping constructs.  Handles expressions involving
both real AND complex numbers.  This is version 1.1a, with a major
bug-fix and some small enhancements.  Source (in C and Yacc) is
included.  Should work on all Amigas.  Author:  Martin Scott


JM (Job Manager) is a tool which extends the AmigaDos multitasking
environment.  It can act in a passive, reporting mode:

* JM can monitor CPU use, and report the total CPU time and CPU% for
  each task in the system. This is actual CPU time, accurate to 1/60
  sec, not a guess based  on task switching counts.

* JM can monitor and report the invocation time of each task.
* JM can monitor and report the system load average, time since boot,
  used CPU time, idle CPU time, the # of tasks started and finished,
  and idle CPU  percentage.

It can also play an active roll:

* JM can allocate CPU cycles in any ratio to multiple CPU bound
  processes, something not before possible on the Amiga.
* JM can assign default priorities to tasks as they start.
* JM can log task activity to a disk file for later use.

Last but not least, JM has very little impact on the system itself -no
low priority "CPU muncher" tasks are started, unlike some CPU usage
monitor programs.  JM requires AmigaDos 2.04 or later.  68000/20 and
68030/40 versions are included.  Author:  Steve Koren


My Image Code Editor.  MICE generates source code from standard IFF
pictures.  Can generate either assembly or C source.  Version 1.2,
binary only.  Author:  Pierre-Louis Mangeard


This program is based on Xoper V2.2 by Werner Gunther It will only run
under Kickstart V37 and MUST have an 68020 or greater processor New
commands have been added, some routines have been rewritten and some
have been disabled.  I decided to change the name to MSIP to avoid any
confusion with Xoper V2.3 and any later versions that may arise.
Author:  Martin Ozolins


A standard Amiga shared runtime library which makes it a lot quicker
and easier to build standard requesters into your programs.  Designed
with CBM's style guidelines in mind, so that the resulting requesters
have the look and feel of AmigaDOS 2.0.  Version 1.0c, an update to
version 1.0a.  Includes source.  Author:  Nico Francois


Includes shadow.library, ppipc.library, and several example programs
including a class browser.  Also included is more than 160k of
Documentation!  SHADOW is a concurrent-object-oriented addition to
AmigaDOS.  Its principle design goal is to help standardize an
extensible environment paradigm.  It takes advantage of some of the
better AmigaDOS facilities (shared memory system, IPC ports, and fast
context switching) by internally managing much of the inter-task
communications, resource tracking, and resource allocation.  Package
includes many other nicities, like semaphored, non-recursive AVLTrees
(implemented in, ick, assembly), hashed lookup of string constants, and
other neat stuff.  Shadow requires 2.0 of AmigaDOS!  Author:  David C.


SPHINX is a replacement for/complement to the CON:  and NEWCON:
devices.  It is what I believe NEWCON should have been, although NEWCON
could not be like SPHINX and remain compatible with CON:.  Author:
Nicolas Dade


This is a little tool for all those, where haven't got an OS2.04 ROM.
It tests for OS2.x and OS1.x and starts the one or the other.  Author:
Andreas Bobak


A gadtools template editor that is able to generate standalone C source
code and does generate its own surface.  This is version 2.00 beta, an
update to 1.00.  Requires Amiga-DOS 2.0.  Includes source.  Author:
Matt Dillon, enhancements by Koessi

CAM #609a&b Utilités graphiques


AutoRay is a conversion program which will translate an AutoCad DXF
file (and maybe other DXF files) into a Sculpt 3D or 4D script file.
Author:  Mark D.  Turner


Creates colored, altitude mapped objects for Sculpt 4D.  Two IFF
brushes are used; one to supply the color for the object and a second
which, by its color intensity, gives an altitude for the object at that
point.  Objects are optimised so that large areas of one color and
height become a single larger set of faces.  Objects are output in
Sculpt '.scene' format.  Works with ordinary, HAM or Extra-Halfbrite
brushes.  Any palette colors can be omitted from conversion and all
palette colors can be of different textures.  Full Intuition interface.
Version 1.5, shareware, binary only.  Author:  Bruce Thomson


Electron World is a cellular machine.  It uses a ->field of 108 by 58
->cells, that is processed through many ->steps.  Author:  Stefan


IFFWizard shows all chunks of an IFF file together with a short
description and the chunk lenght.  It knows over 170 Chunk- and
Type-IDs and descends recursively into FORM-, LIST-, CAT- and
PROP-chunks.  This distribution also contains a companion file with a
list of all chunk- and type-IDs known by IFFWizard.  This is version
1.10.  Freeware.  Source in C included.  Author:  Stefan Zeiger


Yet another program to generate images from the Mandelbrot set,
different from most implementations in that it runs only under AmigaOS
2.x, requires an '020/'030/'040 CPU and a numerical coprocessor.  The
calculation routines were written in '881 assembly language for maximum
speed and precision.  Also included is a `movie mode' which allows
generation of long camera zooms to spots in the Mandelbrot set.  The
resulting animations can be saved in ANIM-opt-5 format, allowing to
replay them using `MandelSquare' or standard animation software.
Version 1.3, includes source in `C' and assembly language.  Author:
Olaf `Olsen' Barthe


TIV is a very complete general purpose IFF viewer.  It combines an ILBM
picture viewer, ANIM Op5 animation player, and 8SVX sampled sound
player all in one hopefuy convenient program.  TIV can be run from CI
or from WorkBench, with many different options available in either
environment.  Version 1.6c include New Features and Bug Fixes.  Binary
only Author:  Thomas Krehbiel


Creates 3D branching trees for Sculpt 4D complete with leaves.  Many
aspects of the shape and design of the trees are modifiable, including
color and detail level.  Objects are output in Sculpt '.scene' format.
Full Intuition interface.  This is version 1.5, shareware, binary only.
Author:  Bruce Thomson


A quite comfortable implementation of the cellular automation "Life".
Version 2.01.  Update to version 0.60 from Wizard-Works1.  Shareware
US$ 10.  Binary only.  Author:  Stefan Zeiger


VAPOR PAINT the 6-d paint/animation program is really hard to describe
in six lines!  Basically it records your drawing gestures and tweens
them into 24 bit frames, (or 8-bit for B&W) with motion blur...  Very
hard to use (sez me, the author) but YOU ASKED FOR IT!  Things can be
done in vapor paint that are impossible any other way.  Author:  J H H

CAM #610a,b&c Langages


A replacement for the standard Amiga shell.  Quite similar to its UNIX
equivalent, but not script compatible.  Has 100+ built in commands and
80+ built in functions, file name completion, file type recognition and
a very powerful scripting language.  NEW FEATURES - Blanks allowed in
redirection, e.g.  dir > tmpfile - Setenv can handle arbitrary long
files - All known bugs fixed Include source, german et française
documentation.  author:  U.  Dominik Mueller (plus many others)


This archive contains two independant parts, one consists of the
binaries for the GNU C compiler V2.0.  The other part consists of new
versions for my shared C library and the link level counterparts.
Author:  Markus Wild

CAM #611 Utilités MIDI


An algorithmic composition program that improvises music over a MIDI
interface connected to the serial port.  A MIDI interface and
synthesizer are needed.  The music is simple but can be pretty.  Now on
its own 8 color screen, with 20 voices and more scales, AlgoRhythms
saves its own output to standard MIDI files, and can play 330 notes/sec
on a 68000 at 7MHz.  Does not use Amiga audio.  Version 2.0, an update
to version 1.0.  Includes source and sample data files.  Author:
Thomas E.  Janzen


SysXloader provides a graphic interface for Bill Barton's RSX and TSX
routines.  It can be used to send and receive SYSEX data to MIDI
synthesizers.  Binary only, author:  Howard Wooten


Editor/Librarian for the Yamaha DX100, DX21, and DX27 synthesizers.
Provides voice editing and librarian features similar to the FB-01
Editor/Librarian.  Version 1.25.  Author:  James M.  Smith


Edit all parameters for FB-01 Voices and Configurations.  Has graphical
display of voice envelopes to improve the editing process.  The
librarian provides the means to organize and store a bank of voices or
configurations on disk.  Send customized banks to a Yamaha FB-01 or
receive banks from this instrument.  Print hardcopy of voice and
configuration banks.  Version 1.25.  Author:  James M.  Smith


A package of 8 tools that use midi.library so that they can use MIDI at
the same time and can easily be combined in a modular way.  Release 2
prerelease version, Binary only.  Author:  Bill Barton and Carl Loesch


Editor/Librarian for the Yamaha TX81Z and DX11 synthesizers.  Provides
voice and librarian features similar to the FB-01 Editor/Librarian.
Includes a Performance Editor and a Librarian.  Version 1.23.  Author:
James M.  Smith

CAM #612a&b Utilités programmation


A small CLI utility to convert C source between ANSI and Kernighan and
Ritchie function definition formats.  Also allows generation of
prototypes.  No Amiga extensions and should be portable.  Version 1.0,
includes C source.  Author:  Andrew Martin, SciTech Software


Bovs (pronounced "boffs") is an overlay system designed to replace the
standard overlay system supplied with SAS/C.  It acts as both overlay
supervisor and startup code.  It provides many powerful features that
the standard SAS/C startup code and overlay supervisor don't provide.
It is intended especially for large applications which need flexible
and efficient use of memory.  It is used in my Shareware music player,
MultiPlayer.  Include source in assembler, author:  Bryan Ford


DCconvert converts any binary file on the Amiga to a 68000 assembly
dump file.  Each line will contain 16 bytes worth of data (except at
the very end of the file), and will be as "compressed" as possible
(unless the user has specified otherwise on the command line).  This
means that DCconvert will make a file about 10-20% smaller than what
most other Binary->Assembly converters do, and the file is still easily
referenced (multiply the linenumber with 16 to get the byte offset).
Binary only, author:  Arthur Hagen


A library IAS.library that handles fixed point arithmetic, also
included are the source,include file (assembler), and semantics
document.  By C Eales


A shared library with support routines for using texts, menus, borders,
gadgets, requesters, and more, under AmigaDOS 1.3.  Includes a template
editor and source to library and test programs.  This is version 3.0,
an update to version 2.0.  Author:  Torsten Jurgeleit


A fast MC68000/10/20/30 conditional macro assembler for the Amiga.
Supports both the old and the new Motorola syntax for operands and
allows you to put standard parameters in an argument file.  NCode can
be used for any of the four CPU's and will check whether your code
matches the specified target CPU.  Version 1.2, binary only.  Author:
Edgar Visser


A package of general purpose picture loading and manipulation
functions, including IFF ILBM loading, ViewPort color control
(including fades and color cycling), and frames.  Will also load and
display SHAM images.  Version 1.3c, includes source.  Author:  Paul


This is an update to PV V1.10 beta.  Many bugs have been fixed and some
new features are added.  A powerful machine language level debugger for
the serious Amiga programmer.  Include source, AREXX support, 1.3/2.0
comp.  author:  Jorrit Tyberghein


A set of routines to form an additional layer between the programmer
and ARexx.  Rxil_shell sits on top of rxil and contains a few changes
and bug fixes to the rxil routines.  Using these routines, adding ARexx
support to a program becomes completely trivial.  Version 1.0, includes
C source.  Author:  Andrew Martin, SciTech Software


SHADOW is a concurrent-object-oriented addition to AmigaDOS.  Its
principle design goal is to help standardize an extensible environment
paradigm.  It takes advantage of some of the better AmigaDOS facilities
(shared memory system, IPC ports, and fast context switching) by
internally managing much of the inter-task communications, resource
tracking, and resource allocation.  Package includes many other
nicities, like semaphored, non-recursive AVLTrees (implemented in, ick,
assembly), hashed lookup of string constants, and other neat stuff.
V4.6 is an update to V4.3 which had problems with 68000 machines.  The
examples should no longer bomb under 1.3 as well -- although SHADOW
does require 2.0.  Author:  David C.  Navas


Shine is a multitasking sinus-wave generator.  If you need a nice sinus
curve for your demo/intro/game, shine is the right program for you!
Binary only, author:  Malone of Neutron Dance


English documentation for Vector library on CAM 594.

CAM #613a&b Utilités domestique


A4UP, an intutitionized program that allows you to use size A4 paper on
HP LaserJet and Deskjet series printers.  A4UP prints a text file to A4
paper in portrait mode using two columns of either 80 or 85 columns
wide and a maximum of 120 lines per physical page.  This is 4 pages of
text of 80 or 85 columns by 60 lines of logical page.  Binary only,
author:  G Chiu.


Collects and graphically displays information on auto mileage.
Features miles per gallon, cost per mile, miles driven, highs, lows,
averages, etc.  Includes a couple of sample data files.  This is
version 2.0, an update to version 1.0.  Binary only.  Author:  Joel


A simple database program using an intuition interface.  Stores, sorts
and searches for information.  Limited to 9 fields in each record.
Features include fast sorting, search in any field, and best of all,
it's really easy to use.  This is version 5.3, an update to version 5.
Changes include improved print-outs, and now supports mailing labels.
Binary only.  Author:  Robert Bromley


BookPrint is a printing utility which will print a file in two columns
on the front and back page of your paper, thus saving about 75% of
paper and making the file more easily to read (you can read it like a
book then).  Especially useful for printing large documentation of
PD-programs.  A printer capable of printing in 20cpi mode is needed.
Version 3.16, ShareWare, binary only Author:  Alexander Rawass


This is a collection of icons for the Workbench 2.0 environment.  Some
are designed for the "Interlace mode." Author:  David W.  Ferguson


A very tiny font, which is more of a gimmick than a useful font.
Perhaps the tiniest font available for the Amiga.  Author:  Sascha


This file contains replacement icons (or extras?) for most of the
standard tools, utilities, commodities, etc., in 2.0.  They are
16-color icons.  Author:  Matt Marulla


JBPHelp version 0.4 is an intellegent HELP key utility designed to work
with MOST Amiga programs.  Shareware, Binary only,author:  John


The LORAN Notebook (LNB) is a dedicated database for LORAN users.
Binary only, author:  Allen Maroney


This is a print spooler, meant to be run from the CLI or shell.  It has
many switches to control the appearance and format of the output, can
be made to page on a signal, can print headers or footers can use
condensed as well as regular type, and more.  Binary only, Author:
Dave Casler


The program PF (short for PRINTFILES) is an utility written to print
text files on an Hewlett-Packard DeskJet 500 printer connected to the
parallel port of an Amiga personal computer, selecting in the same time
the font and the printing style between the internal options of this
printer.  PF comes in two versions, PF1 and PF2, written for the SAS
C-Compiler v5.10:  the printing routines are the same.  But PF1 is
callable only from the CLI, and is structured to be easily modified for
different computers (e.g.  IBM (argh!) PC's); I did not try, but as I
avoided all the Intuition facilities and computer dependent statements,
it should compile and work with the only change of the output port name
(from PAR:  to e.g.  LPT1:  or maybe PRN:).  For maximum portability
PF1 writes to the printer fopening a file to PAR:  and fwriting there;
this can be not strictly kosher but works (on the Amiga).  PF2 instead
opens a device for output, and supports in addition CTRL-C handling and
a Workbench interface, built using the Requester Library from Colin Fox
and Bruce Dawson, that must be previuosly installed in order to run PF2
(from the Workbench; you can still run PF2 from the CLI without having
Req.Library installed).  Include c source, Author:  Maurizio Loreti


Convert Windows pfm files to afm files, Include c source, author:  Ken


This is a Postscript program that tests the speed of your printer in
doing a large number of things.  It is readable ASCII text, and could
serve as a good instruction tool for using PostScript, as well.
Author:  Jean-Serge Gagnon


Prints a sample of each font from the fonts:  directory.  Draws one
line of each font on a custom hires screen, which can be printed.  This
is version 1.4, an update to version 1.3 on.  Binary only.  Author:
Joel Swank


A utility to print laser printer labels.  Support 3x8, 2x8 and 2x7 A4
label sheets.  The program may easily be modified for other formats.
Also serves as a demonstration of using STSLib for gadgets and menus.
Version 1.1, includes C source.  Author:  Andrew Martin, SciTech


Here are some 2.04 preferences settings for WB screen palettes and
patterns.  The palettes are all 4 colors; add more if you use more
colors in your workbench screen.  All the color sets are a bit dimmer
than the presets in the "prefs" program.  I like to keep my monitor at
about half-contrast and full-intensity, and I find that the normal
preferences color sets are much too bright that way.  All these
palettes should work with the 2.04 3D look.  Author:  Steve Koren


A program which aids you in learning foreign words.  You enter the
words and their translations, and then the computer quizes you later.
Version 1.2, binary only.  Author:  Torgeir Dingsxyr, Pantheon


SplitP breaks a large on-disk manual file into 2 files, one with odd
pages, the other with even pages.  Print the odd first (1,3,5,...) then
flip the continous printer paper over and print pages 2,4,6...  cuts
paper use in half.  Great for those 100+ page on-disk manuals you
printout and waste the back of all that paper.  Author:  John Bianchi.
C source included.


TeleBase v1.02.  TeleBase will print out mailing labels, phonelists,
dial the phone, and keep track of it all!  Requires 2.0 and REQ.LIBRARY
(included).  This appears to be a nice, simple address/phonebook
database manager with dialing and printing features.  Binary only,
author:  Scott Rogerson


Seven fixed width fonts in two designs to get more characters on your
screen.  Made for usage on hires interlaced screens and A2024 modes.
Author:  Dirk W.  Reisig


VIF is a filter.  It takes an input text file and outputs another text
file.  During this operation VIF removes all useless characters.
(We'll se in a while what are useless chars).  This program has come
out from the need of archiving, in an organic way, a great number of
documents.  Before I wrote VIF, I had to use a text editor to do the
same job with a great amount of patience.  Include c source, author:
Pagani Massimiliano


Vi IMitation.  A clone of the UNIX text editor "vi".  Very useful for
editing programs and other plain ASCII text.  Based on Stevie (disk
256) with many enhancements such as multilevel undo, command line
history, improved command line editing, full vi compatibility (except Q
and zn commands), command typeahead display, command to display yank
buffers, unlimited line length, ability to edit binary files, file name
stack, support for Manx QuickFix, shows current file name in window
title, etc.  Internal storage structures have been redesigned for
optimal speed and memory usage.  Version 1.14, includes source.
Author:  Bram Moolenaar, et.  al.

CAM #614a,b&c Noisetracker Players & modules

Blues Brothers, size:  55 970, date:  30-May-92, Format:  MED,
Duration:  N/A, Rating:  N/A, Author:  N/A.


Music modules player, recognize many formats, Binary only, german doc
only, author:  H.Raaf

Crusade, size:  209254, date:  06-Mar-92, Format:  MOD, Duration:
2:20, Rating:  good, Author:  Uncle Tom.


DarkPlay is a module player.  It plays NoiseTracker (NT),ProTracker
(PT) modules and modules packed with PowerPacker.  You can use it from
CLI.  It has many specialites that other players don't have, for
example music equalizers.  Instead of playing music with usual Vertical
Blanking interrupt it uses CIA-interrupt, so it plays modules right in
NTSC-mode too.  Binary only, author:  Mikko Ruokojoki

DeeLited, size:  260414, date:  N/A, Format:  MOD, Duration:  N/A,
Rating:  N/A, Author:  Anchoret


DeliTracker is a new soundplayer, which supports several soundformats.
And here are some other things that make this programm interesting:
runs fine in multitasking, allocates the soundchannels, correct
playspeed in PAL/NTSC (uses timerinterrupts), supports PowerPacked
soundfiles, supports up to 48 external players, runs fine with 680x0
and Kick2.0, uses & requires req.library, Arexx support, has a
configfile, enforcer and mungwall proof, supports full CLI or Workbench
(ToolTypes) environment, easy to use & looks good, has Volume/Balance -
slider, resident cli startup, supports mulitselect, written 100% in
Assembler SoundTracker and NoiseTracker and CustomPlay are internal
players.  Additional Players are loaded from disk.  That means you can
very easy add/update players.  Currently available players:  Delta1.0,
Delta2.0, FC1.3, FC1.4, Fred, FTM, GMC, Hippel, JamCracker, MED,
MarkII, Mugician, Music-Ass, OKPlay, SidMon1.0, SoundFX_1.3, SoundMon,
StarTrekker4, TFMX_1.5, TFMX_Pro1, TFMX_Pro2, TME, Whittaker.  Binary
only, author:  Delirium


These are four Protrackers Modules I made with my Amiga:  Commercial
Funk, Another One Bites The Dust, FrenchQueen(a kind of remake of
French Kiss with samples from TeenageQueen'StripPoker), Queen'sDead.
Author:  Pignon

Get Down, size:  253172, date:  30-May-92, Format:  MOD, Duration:
3:00, Rating:  common, Author:  Anchoret

IdontCare, size:  71508, date:  N/A, Format:  MOD, Duration:  N/A,
Rating:  N/A, Author:  Legless


General-purpose multitasking player for music modules.  Supports over
20 popular module formats such as Protracker and MED.  Version 1.17
include new features and bug fixes.  Binary only, author:  Bryan Ford


This is 'NoiseCracker1.02' + doc !  With this nice Utility you can
convert NoisePacked Mods (Packed with TWINS/PHA NoisePacker...) to
'normal' NoiseTracker Mods (like the Enigma Tune).  Binary only,
author:  Taimak Of PROTON Limited


5 music modules by Reverb:  Altoflyt.mod, Floodworks_II.MED, Focus.mod,
Mod.bach, Mod.BloodyWanker.

CAM #615a&b Jeux divers


CATACOMB is a graphic adventure game set on a small island in the
middle of the land of EXOUSIA.  Your quest is to discover the secrets
and treasures of this underground maze while staying alive.  The rest
of the setting is presented in the introduction.  Binary only, author:
Peter Gage


Here is the latest version of Centip*d* by Glenn M.  Lewis.  Binary


A game for those who like to solve Cryptograms, (those coded sentences
that have to be decoded to be read).  Operate with keyboard or mouse.
Version 1.0, binary only, shareware.  Author:  Robert Bromley


A 3-dimensional version of "zeros and crosses" on a 4x4x4 board which
can be inspected from all sides.  It is possible to change the skill of
the computer game, take back moves, change sides and abandon.  Version
1.2.1, binary only.  Author:  Joachim Tuckmantel


CUBUS is a three-dimensional Tetris-like game with some nice features
and 10 different levels each containing other difficulties.  It should
work on any Amiga from A500/1.2 to A3000/2.0.  Binary only, author:
Fred Bayer & Oliver Siebert


A little tool that creates maps of dungeons (and eventually towns)
which can be used by a Dungeon Master (DM's) for use in a Dungeons &
Dragons (D&D) game.  These maps can be saved, edited, and printed.
This is version 1.0.  Binary only.  Author:  Bill Elliot


A simple game where you, the young adventurer, must try to escape the
king's Maths Adventure.  To do this you must pass through a series of
rooms.  In each room you are given a math problem to solve, after which
you can proceed to the next room if you answer correctly.  The problems
become more involved and more difficult in each room.  Includes source.
Author:  Jason Lowe


Reversi/Othello like game that features the option to shift complete
rows or columns of the playfield.  Play a human or computer opponent.
Version 1.0, shareware, binary only.  Author:  Michael Koepke and Rolf

CAM #616 Utilités diverses


ASwarm II is a screenblanker with high security, does not burn in the
graphic into the screen.  Is funny to watch.  Runs only under Release
2.0 of Workbench.  Source for Dice V2.06.36 or SAS-C 5.10a (or newer)
is included.  This is version 1.1 with new graphic features, a 100%
working Dice-Version and extended documentation.  Author:  Matthias


The sole purpose of this program is to allow you to move a window
without ever using the drag bar.  How?  Press on the configurable
qualifier, while holding it, press your left mouse button, and move the
mouse.  You'll see the window border appear, and you'll be able to drag
it.  DragIt only works on 2.0 operating system.  It supports the
commodities exchange standard.  Include c source, author:  Steve


Format controller.  A graphical user interface for disk formatting.
Pops up on disk insertion or via hotkey.  This version 1.2.  include
new features and bug fixes.Requires OS 2.0.  Includes source.  Author:
Michael Balzer


A small utility, which allows you to quickly and easily swap the colors
of your icons between the older 1.3 and the new 2.0-style.  Version
0.14, includes source.  Author:  Uwe Rvhm


Four programs to manage some aspects of icons using the Intuition
interface and allowing one operate on many icons at once by
shift-clicking.  FloatIcon 1.05 sets an icon so that the Workbench can
freely place an icon in a drawer window.  ReplaceTool 2.04 sets a new
default tool for project icons using the Workbench icons or a file
requester.  ReplaceImage 1.01 changes the image of icons to that of
another.  Swap-Colors 1.01 swaps colors 1 and 2 in icon images.  The
last two programs will be useful for converting to the "new look" of
Workbench 2.0.  Includes source in JForth Professional 2.0.  Author:
Richard Mazzarisi


A suite of Rexx programs that can be used to issue messages or run
commands automatically on certain days and/or at certain times of day.
Facilities are provided for the adding, editing and deleting of
messages, and for displaying the times and texts of pending messages.
A chime program is included to enable the time to be announced at
regular intervals.  Version 1.01.  Author:  Michael Tanzer


Security Control is a program designed to be used by computers with a
hard drive.  It allows multiple users to log on with an account name
and password, and keeps a daily log file of system activity.  If
anunauthorized user attempts to use the computer in the program will
log this as well.  It can be used by schools with open access to their
computers, or for individuals who have a need for security.  It
includes an account file editor, accessable only after entering a
correct password, as well as being able to delete old log files, as log
files are saved on a day to day basis.  Binary only, author:  Robert


With AmigaOS 2.0, you may use patterns as background for your
workbench.  These patterns are limited to 16×16 pixels, so really
interisting patterns are impossible.  Tapete allows you to use an
arbritrary sized image as wb pattern.  Include source in modula,
author:  Fridtjof Siebert


Helps you if you are searching for ToolType-keywords of a certain
application.  It patches the FindToolType() and the MatchToolValue()
functions of the icon.library and records all calls to these functions
along with the given arguments.  This allows you to discover all
keywords supported by an application as ToolTypes.  Version 0.9,
includes source.  Author:  Uwe Rvhm


WBLink adds the ability to create hard links from Workbench.  It puts
an 'AppIcon' on the Workbench screen that creates a link to any file or
directory that is dropped on it.  This is an upgrade from version 1.00;
changes include minor bug fixes and the ability to specify the position
of the AppIcon.  For Workbench 2.0 or later.  Version 1.10.  Includes


This is the latest version of the utility.  It now fairly duplicates
what is it like working under TurboC++ and Windows 3.0 with the ability
to arrange windows, explode them to front, click on ZOOM button and
they jump back.  There are 7 ways to arrange the windows.  (Tile,
Cascade, etc) There are double-click features that may be turned off:
dclick on titlebar to explode window to fill screen (and in front)
dclick elsewhere to bring window to front.  click on the windows ZOOM
gadget on exploded windows to have them jump back into their arranged
position.  there are key equivalents to the dclick features.  there is
a REFUSE tool type like that of WindowShuffle, in that you can specify
windows not to be arranged.  Binary only, author:  Doug Dyer

CAM #617a&b Telecomm


Compresses the specified files or standard input.  Each file is
replaced by a file with the extension .F, but only if the file got
smaller.  If no files are specified, the compression is applied to the
standard input and is written to standard output regardless of the
results.  Compressed files can be restored to their original form by
specifying the -d option, or by running melt (linked to freeze), on the
.F files or the standard input.  Include c source, author:


A communications program based on Comm version 1.34, by DJ James, with
lots of very nice enhancements.  Also includes several auxiliary
programs such as AddCall, CallInfo, GenList, PbConvert, and ReadMail.
This is version 2.0, an update to version 1.921.  NComm 2.0 offers a
lot of improvements ( 50k file description) over earlier versions.
Features XPR protocol support, ANSI and VT100/VT220 emulations.  This
is "ShareWare".  Binary only.  Author:  DJ James, Daniel Bloch, Torkel
Lodberg, et al


Niftyterm is an h19/VT102/VT52 emulator for the Amiga.  It was
originally designed to be used with DNet, but it has been expanded so
that it may also be used as a normal terminal emulator.  Niftyterm was
designed to be a good emulation of these terminals, as well as being
fairly small and fast.  It was not designed to be anything but a
terminal emulator.  As such, it provides no direct facility for file
transfer, nor are any planned for future versions.  Niftyterm opens its
window on the WorkBench.  It provides a full-featured Intuition
interface, as well as a system for storing preferences and a large list
of command-line options.  Copy/paste to/from the clipboard is
supported.  Niftyterm also remaps the cursor and keypad keys so that
they function as on the real terminals.  Version 1.3 include new
features and bug fixes.  Binary only, author:  Christopher J.  Newman
and Todd Williamson


A gimmick-free and very easy to use program for most compression
requirements.  Uses the latest LZH compression algorithms.  Can handle
single files, whole drawers, disks, or selected files or types of file
within drawers and disks.  In PACK mode it can consolidate files into
less space than whole-disk compression tools or archivers.  This is
version 2.1, an update to version 1.2.  Freeware, binary only.  Author:
Chas A.  Wyndham, LZH code by Barthel/Krekel


A screen clock intended for those whose day revolves around a series of
breaks; this one counts down the minutes to each break, and complains
if you're at the Amiga outside working hours!  All break times are
contained in a small text file (example given).  Times are expressed in
words rather than numbers.  Includes source.  Author:  Michael Warner


A Scuds vs.  Patriots missle game.  This Tele game is a combination of
the old Missle Command, Battleship, and Stratego games rolled into one.
Set up your strategy and launch missles at your enemy, while he
launches missles at you.  Version 0.8, binary only.  Author:  Howard


A gift-ware telecommunications program written for AmigaOS release 2.x
(Kickstart 37.74 and Workbench 37.33 or higher required, Kickstart
37.175 and Workbench 37.52 recommended).  Features include total
configurability, full ARexx control, Xpr-transfer-support,
filetype-identification after download, cut & paste/point-and-click on
screen, auto up-and download, scrollable review buffer of unlimited
size, solid and fully-featured VT100/VT220/ANSI emulation, optional
fast atomic terminal emulation, hotkey support, powerful phonebook and
dialing functions, ability to save and print the contents of the screen
as IFF-ILBM or ASCII file, full overscan and screen resolution support
(new ECS screen modes included), asynchronous operation and a lot more.
Comes with six Xpr-transfer libraries (ascii, jmodem, kermit, quickb,
xmodem & zmodem).  Version 2.0 include bug fixes and new features also
includes the full `C' and assembly language source code.  Author:  Olaf
`Olsen' Barthel


XPR Kermit is an implementation of the Kermit protocol in the form of
an eXternal PRotocol (XPR) library.  This means that, once one copies
the file xprkermit.library to one's LIBS:  directory, that all
communication programs which support external protocols have automatic
access to the features of XPR Kermit.  A partial list of such programs
is:  VLT (freeware), NComm, JRcomm, Term, and Handshake (shareware),
and A-Talk III (commercial).  The advantage of this scheme is that you
need not upgrade your terminal program to upgrade the file transfer
protocols it uses!  Also, because XPR's are implemented as Amiga shared
libraries, multiple copies of terminal programs can share the same copy
of the protocol code, reducing the amount of memory needed for
simultaneous transfers.  In version 1.111, I have fixed several bugs in
XPR Kermit 1.5, the previous release, and added a few new features.
The biggest new feature is that the library is now re-entrant, meaning
that multiple XPR Kermit transfers can happen at the same time.  The
biggest bug fixed was a buffer overflow problem that often prevented
XPR Kermit V1.5 from working at all on A3000 class machines.  Include c
source, author:  Marco Papa & Stephen R.  Walton


This is the Version 2.20 of the xprymodem.library, MUCH better
multi-tasking feeling in receive mode..  Binary only, Author:  Ueli


A floppy disk tracking and archiving utility, written by Olaf `Olsen'
Barthel of MXM.  This is a solid and polished rewrite of the original
`Zoom' 4.2 program.  Many (lots of!) bugs have been fixed and new
features added.  Unlike the previous release this revision has survived
intensive beta testing across the last few months.  The file format
`Zoom' outputs has changed substancially and can no longer be
decompressed by older `Zoom' releases.  Nevertheless, `Zoom' 5.4 will
still read and decompress older style archives.  Binary only.

CAM #618a&b Education diverse


Very nice interactive display of the the Periodic Table of Elements.
Includes general row and column information, plus a test mode where the
program asks specific questions about the selected element or
row/column.  This is version 2.3b, an update to version 2.3, with some
minor AmigaDOS 2.0 fixes, a new icon, and Swedish and German data
files.  Include tool for convert data file.  Binary only, shareware.
Author:  Paul Thomas Miller


A fast life program featuring an intuition interface, four screen
sizes, 35 generations per second on Amiga 3000/25, 19 generations per
second on Amiga 2000/500/1000, and 153 patterns in text file format.
Runs with Kickstart 1.3 and 2.0.  This is version 1.1, an update to
version 1.0.  Changes include better Intuition interface, easy
selection of calculation mode, speed control, task priority control,
and tooltypes support.  Binary only.  Author:  Ron Charlton


Game of Life - Duo.  A "Game of Life" extension.  This one uses TWO
strains of cells, allows free redefinition of the rules, and contains
the original game as a subset.  This is version 1.0, includes source in
C and assembly.  Author:  Andreas Neubacher


JAX4TH,is RESIDENT-able re-entrant proto-ANS Forth kernel for the
Amiga.  Include source, author:  Jack J.  Woehr


Mandelmania is a fast Mandelbrot Set and Julia Set calculation program.
The main features are:  Takes full advantage of Kickstart 2.0 (doesn't
run under Kick 1.3) Loading and saving using IFF format.  Picture
parameters are stored in a special chunck.  Entering new parameters
using either the keyboard or the mouse (two zoom modes).  Mandelbrot
and Juliasets are supported.  Two and threedimensional graphic output
is supported.  Most Amiga graphic modes are supported.  Even huge
autoscroll screen are possible.  The graphic output window can be sized
as you like.  Colormap can be changed by a comfortable colorrequester.
Built in colorcycling.  ARexx interface.  Creating animations
automatically via ARexx scriptfile.  Easy scrolling by pressing the
cursor keys


Mathplotter contains all the files for the software product called
Mark's MathPlotterV2.0.  Briefly, it is a toolbox of various function
plotting tools.  With it you can draw graphs of functions of one
variable in Cartesian or Polar coordinates, draw wire frame solids of
revolution (done in calculus classes) with either one or two curves,
draw graphs of functions of two variables with or without hidden
surface removal, and plot tables of values for functions of one and two
variables.  Originally designed for demonstrations in my college
lectures, it can be used by anyone with at least a background in
algebra or trigonometry.  Shareware, binary only, author:  Mark A.


Here is the copy of Mint (Maple Lint) from Waterloo Maple Software.
Binary only


It is a freely distribuitable demo for the Morse Code training program.
Binary only, author:  Ben Decker


This package contains all the functions necessary to generate a Neural
network which you can train and use in your programs.  The Neural
network has an input layer, two hidden layers, and an ouput layer.  The
network is feedforward and fully connected.  You may specify an size
for each layer at run-time.  This code is Public Domain and anyone can
use it in any type of program.

CAM #619a&b Objets Imagine, Videoscape


A Nice Appache Attack Helicopter in Imagine object format.


Castle contains the Imagine 'source' for an animation of the batguy
object created by Marvin Landis.


Just a simple cycle object of a dancing man created totally in IMAGINE
by Randy Connell.  Not a great object, but shows some of what the cycle
editor can do!


A 3-string Appalachian Mountain dulcimer in Imagine object format.
Author:  Marvin Landis


The Ferengi Marauder from Star Trek The Next Generation in Imagine
object format.  Author:  Bob McGee


This is a Ladybug Insect in Imagine Object Format.


A Lava Lamp object for use with Imagine.  Author:  Douglas Michael


A highly detailed Magic (?) Lamp in Imagine Object Format.


A excellent Imagine Object of a Micky Mouse Wrist Watch complete with A
fantastic looking dial face of Micky.  This object extracts to a size
of 867280.


A Nautilus Sea Shell in Imagine Object Format.


Les 142 polyèdres de Netlib convertis en format Videoscape texte, un
répertoire pour les solides et un pour NET (l'état aplat avant
origamisation >) ).


2 pumpkins imagine object.


A TLAM Cruise Missile in Imagine Object Format.


A highly detailed Traffic Light in Imagine Object Format.


This is the USS Reliant Federation Star ship from Star Trek the next
Generation.  Silver object.  Author:  Ken Schmitt


A nice WWII US Navy Wildcat Fighter Plane in Imagine Object Format.

CAM #620 Utilités diverses


addPath is somewhat like the standard Commodore Path command:  you can
add directories to the CLI/Shell's search path.  But AddPath has 3
additional features when compared with the CBM Path 1.2 (and still 2
extra compared with the 2.0 version):  AddPath does not add a directory
to the path if it already is in it.  All directories you specify after
the moption, or at the beginning of the list of directory names, are
added to the end of the path.  Each directory you specify after the
moption, or at the beginning of the list of directory names, is
prepended to the beginning of the path.  Additionally, you can specify
that you remove a directory from the path (also possible with the 2.0
Path command).  Any directories you give after the option are removed.
Include c source, author:  Olaf Seibert


Requirements:  Any Amiga with 2.0 operating system and a CLI/Shell.  If
you have slow-mem (at addresses C00000 upwards) in your Amiga, the
Commodore Avail-command just lists it as fast-mem.  So, I made
Anothervail just to tell how much slow-mem and true fast-mem the system
had.  The keywords (CHIP/S,FAST/S,TOTAL/S,FLUSH/S) are not available in
this program, use the original program when you need those.  Otherwise
quite compatible with the original.  Binary only, author:  Arthur Hagen


An "Amiga pipe" device.  If opened for read, it will run the file name
as an Amiga CLI command, with the output going to the opening process.
If opened for output, it will run the file name as an Amiga CLI
command, with output to the opened file sent to the command as input.
Author:  Per Bojsen


A software switch that makes it possible to use a trackball or mouse
plugged into the first mouseport, together with another trackball or
mouse in the second port, as if they were two input devices plugged
into the same first port.  Version 1.1, includes source.  Author:
Bernd Koesling


A commodity that maps the AmigaDOS 2.04 Shell's CUT and PASTE commands
to any keys.  By default, CloneCommandKeys will make LEFT-amiga-c act
as COPY, and LEFT-amiga-v will act as PASTE.  Alternately, you can
specify any key-mapping you like by using ToolTypes.  Requires AmigaDOS
2.04.  Version 1.0, includes source.  Author:  John Lindwall


Just another small thingy to put in your Amigas S:Startup-Sequence.
This one will patch the exec.library functions CopyMem and CopyMemQuick
to become faster (by a few pct.) than the regular ones.  These
functions are two of the cornerstone functions of the operating system,
so most programs should benefit from this patch.  Source included.
Author:  Arthur Hagen


DT, a floppy disk test program by Maurizio Loreti.  Tests the integrity
of the data on floppy disks, and reads the files to be sure they are
okay.  Version 1.17 include some improvements and bug fixes.  Includes
C sources, author:  Maurizio Loreti


A user friendly tool to edit your "environments".  You can change, add,
copy, rename and delete them with an intuition GUI, instead of using
DOS SetEnv/GetEnv.  Features include keyboard shortcuts, font-sensitive
windows, and shell command line support.  Version 2.08, binary only.
Author:  Stefan Otto


This program will make the end-of-line character anything the user
wants (well, except for the '0' and '1' characters...they have a
separate meaning...see the doc file).  When I say 'end-of-line', I
actually mean the character right BEFORE the linefeed char.  And in the
case of a file that already has carriage returns, adding your own
character will place it *before* the carriage return, where it should
be (in case you forget to add them in order).  Include c source,
author:  Ernest Crvich


fastVBR is designed to move the 68010 Exception Vector Table from low
memory to *true* FAST RAM.  The purpose of this is twofold.  First, for
68010/20/30/40 processors, which have the VBR register, moving the
Exception Vector Table to FAST RAM allows the Amiga to respond to
interrupts without being held off by AGNUS (as much).  Second, to add
the 1016 bytes of low memory back to the system for extra CHIP RAM.
Include assembler source, author:  Mark C.  Barnes


This is a patch GVP released that is suppose to fix the problems with
errors from the hard disk controller when doing high speed serial
transfers.  Binary only, author:  Robert Miranda & Ralph Babel


MFR is a file requester for Kick 2.0, that replaces ASL and REQ
library.  Features:

 MFR is completely controllable via keyboard, so you will never have
 to touch your mouse when selecting files (of course you can, if you
 really want to).
 MFR looks very nice, especially on high resolution screens.
 MFR will use any font you want in it's display. Proportional fonts
 like helvetica look really marvellous.
 MFR has the ability to quickly search your hard disk for any file, so
 you needn't remember each file's directory.
 MFR can display pictures, play sounds, view archives, etc. with the
 aid of some external programs.
 MFR has a sizing gadget.
 MFR takes advantage of new Kick 2.0 features like file notification.
 MFR is configurable through a wide range of keywords.
 MFR is simply magic

Version 1.1 is a bugs fix. Author: Stefan Stuntz


MinStack sets the stacksize of the current CLI or Shell to the
specified value, if the current value is smaller.  This is useful in
scripts, where you wish to make sure that the stacksize if set high
enough for a particular program.  Include c source, author:  Olaf


MountShare will allow you to re-use the loaded code from one device for
other devices that are applicable.  Using MountShare you specify a
"master" device whose handler will be re-used by other devices.  (The
word "device" in this document is used for an AmigaDOS device, not for
an Exec.device.) Include c source, author:  Olaf Seibert


This is version 2.01 of NoDelete.  It patches dos.library and generates
a requester for each attempt of the system to delete a file.  Patterns
can be given like *.tex or *.sav to intercept deletion of special files
matching that pattern.  The new version allows interactive run-time
pattern editing and many more useful functions.  A couple of minor bugs
were fixed in this release, too.  The most useful change is perhaps
that NoDelete now works fine with KickStart version >2.01, too.
Includec source, author:  HooverSoft


oSnap vous permet de sélectionner le texte de n'importe quelle fenêtre
et de l'insérer dans n'importe quel programme qui accepte des entrées
du clavier.  Tous les paramètres du clip et de l'insertion du texte
sont ajustables et peuvent être modifié grâce à une fenêtre de
configurations.  Ils peuvent être aussi sauvegardés dans un fichier
pour les conserver.  Deuxièmement, oSnap permet aussi de clipper
n'importe quel écran pour le sauvegarder dans un fichier IFF.
Finalement, oSnap permet d'occuper le port sériel pour faire semblant
que vous êtes toujours là...  Binaire seulement, auteur:  Pierre


A small utility that allows you cut rectangular portions of any screen
and store them on disk as IFF-ILBM files.  Also allows easy saving of
windows and entire screens to disk.  This is version 2.4, an update to
version 2.0.  Binary only.  Author:  Preben Nielsen


Patches AmigaDOS and makes decrunching of powerpacked files completely
transparent to any program attempting to read such files.  This means
that any program may work directly on powerpacked datafiles, without
any need to decrunch these first with PowerPacker.  A must for
Powerpacker fans.  This is version 1.4, an update to version 1.3.  Full
source is included.  Author:  Michael Berg


RDB allows you to see the first block of the RigdiDiskBlocks on any
hard drive that uses them for automounting.  It also allows you to save
a copy of them in a file, and to restore them should they become
corrupted, or if you are replacing a disk with another of the same
type.  Binary only, author:  Larry Phillips


ShellTimer is a multitasking-friendly shell-based stopwatch program.
It is useful when you need to measure the amount of time taken by an
operation.  With this simple shell command you can start a timer and
later stop it; the elapsed time will be displayed.  ShellTimer can be
useful to time compile/link operations, renderings, program executions,
script files, etc.  Since it is shell-based, the command can be invoked
from AmigaDOS scripts, from Arexx macros, from makefiles, or
interactively.  This program requires AmigaDOS 2.04.  Include c source,
author:  John Lindwall


This is the first release of a new SpeechToy program that allows you to
play with all the features of the narrator device under 2.0.  The
speech abilities of the Amiga are greatly enhanced under 2.0, and this
program will give you a means of seeing what has been added.  Binary
only, Author:  C.DEMIRIS


TP serves to statistically analyse cpu-usage of all tasks running on
your amiga.  TP needs 2.04.  Include modula source, author:  Fridtjof


This program is just a simple piece of C code that matches wildcard
strings.  Pass the function wildcardmatch() two strings; the first one
may contain as many wildcards as you like.  Wildcards are * which
matches 0 or more characters, and ?  which matches exactly one
character.  The function returns TRUE or FALSE to say if they match.
This is case-sensitive.  Include c source, author:  Frank J.  Perricone

CAM #621 Utilités d'émulation


A program to copy files from the Amiga side of a system equipped with a
PC/AT bridgeboard, to the PC side, using wildcards.  Copies directly
through the shared memory.  Supports CLI and WorkBench usage.  This is
an an update to version 2.2.  Now includes an AREXX port.  Shareware,
binary only.  Author:  Peter Vorwerk


Modula-2 Mac Header Stripper.  This program strips the first 128 bytes
of the input.  Binary only, Author:  Steve Plegge


An anti-flicker INIT for A-Max II.  This program reduces PAL/NTSC
interlace flicker by anti-aliasing the display.  Binary only, author:
Jouni Pekkanen


A little program that allows you to execute programs on a bridge-board
without opening a PC window.  Now includes an AREXX port.  Includes
source.  Author:  Peter Vorwerk


A patch for A-Max II Well, it is a little something I threw together to
patch a few things that really bugged me about A-Max II.  ProperMac
will dim the LED, speed up the key repeat rate, and will create a two
bitplane display so that A-Max will look like a real Macintosh.  It
should be noted that the new display will only be created if you select
an interlaced display of 640 x 400, or 512 x 342 at the A-Max
preferences screen.  Include source in ASM, author:  Chris Brenner


A complete Sinclair QL emulator, Binary only, include english & german
version author:  Rainer Kowallik


RunAMax - programed by Shachar Shemesh A program to easily start AMax
with right colors and with HD partitions mounted from WorkBench or CLI.
Includes source in assembler.


This program emulates a Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48-kbyte z80-based
computer on any Amiga computer.  Version 1.4 an update to version 1.0
on CAM 573 Author:  Peter McGavin


Twin Express 1.1 (Amiga) is a serial file transfer program.  Features
transfer speed of about 22,000 bytes/second, compatibility between
Amiga and IBM version (with translation of text files), DOS-like
commands, support for wildcards & subdirectories, on-line help, error
detection & correction, etc.  Shareware from Omnicode.


This is a beta-version of a Z80 emulator/cross developer that I am
currently writing.  It provides a complete emulator of a Z80 system, a
single pass assembler and a symbolic disassembler.  Author:  Phil Brown

CAM #622a&b Utilités domestiques


This is version 1.3 of A4UP - a utility which allows you to print 4
logical pages to a single physical page on a Laserjet or Deskjet
printer.  The utility downloads the appropriate font first.  It will
print on either European A4 paper or American sized 8.5 x 11.  Command
line interface or use it from Intuition.

- changed over to reqtools.library which offers a pattern select in
  the file requester, and as using the req.library extended file
  selection would intermittently guru on me ( of course it probably
  wasn't a req.library fault at all )
- tossed in an iconize function with the rmb
- running as a crunched file gurus at odd times, therefore released
  as a normal file.

Binary only, author: G Chiu


A freely redistributable help utility for the Amiga.  Allows you to
have permanent help on any subject you want.  Features include
automatic searching of the word on which you clicked, English and
French help files on all Intuition and Dos function calls, an
intelligent term request, ability to use original Commodore AutoDocs
files, an AREXX port, and more.  This is version 7.04, an update from
version 3.10.  Binary only.  Author:  Denis GOUNELLE


This is release version 4 of Amiga Intuition Based Benchmarks.  As this
version is a complete re-write of earlier efforts.  a benchmarking
(system performance evaluation) utility for the Amiga.  Support for
FPU-evaluated tests, and additional tests, as well as a general
overhaul of the entire program.  Binary only, author:  LaMonte Koop


An integration of the AnalytiCalc spreadsheet and the RIM-5 relational
database management system.  Integrates a spreadsheet with hundreds of
functions and 18000 by 18000 cell address space, with a complete disk
based DBMS, and functions permitting one to move relations or
selections of relations in either direction between spreadsheet and
database.  In this way, large relations can be stored on disk, yet
accessed as needed in the spreadsheet, from whence they can be computed
with or plotted.  The command language of RIM is fairly close to SQL
and documents for it are included.  Also supports GnuPlot to provide
flexible plotting.  A minimum of 2Mb of memory is recommended, of which
750K must be contiguous.  Include source, Author:  Glenn C.  Everhart
et.  al.


This program allows you to create a full budget system for home use.
Tracks checking, savings, and integrates it into a workable budget.
Report mode shows stats and charts about your account and budgets.
Uses gadgets and menus for input.  Many transaction types to enter,
edit, and modify.  Multiple budget types can be created and modified.
Full documentation is included.  Binary only, author:  Mike Huttinger


This is archive contains 122 two-colour brushes of various icons
suitable for you to use in Foundation, CanDo, or Hyperbook.  Many of
the images were taken from public-domain HyperCard stacks for the Mac.
These are 2 bit plane.  Very nice, professional looking work.  Ported
by Travis Capener.

CAM #623a,b&c Langages


An Ada compiler/interpreter.  Validated under version 1.7 of ACVC.
This is NOT a pure compiler.  The "compiled" code is executed via an
interpreter and does not run very quickly (about 850 drhystones on a
stock Amiga 1000).  Does not include the pragma interface for C (yet)
so you cannot get at Amiga library routines or add your own C
functions.  2 Meg disk space (executables can get rather large too).
1.5 Meg RAM minimum, 2 Meg recommended.  Runs under AmigaDos 1.3 (not
tested under 2.0).  Might be able to run this from a floppy system
(using PowerPacker or such) but I sure wouldn't recommend it.  Binary
only, Author:  New York University Amiga modifications by Michael D.


There's a BCPL* compiler bootstrap kit with an INTCODE interpreter in
C.  The kit is based on the INTCODE bootstrap technique explained in
the book BCPL:  The language and its implementation.  Remember, it's an
interpretive system for bootstrapping purposes, so expect a 10 to 20
times hit compared with native code.  *BCPL (Basic Combined Programming
Language) is a system programming language invented by Martin Richards.
It's a typeless language with only one data type, the machine word.
Some of its ideas have influenced C.  Amiga port by Stefan Haubenthal


Converts fd files and autodocs into inline functions for gcc.  This is
a preliminary "0.9" version.  Include source, author:  Wolfgang Baron


AmigaDOS libg++2.0 19 march revision for gcc2.0.


Version 3.1 of Stony Brook Prolog for the Amiga.  This update to
V2.2??.  It has been tested on an A3000 system running AmigaDos V2.04
and on an A500 running AmigaDos V1.3.  Any problems discovered are
probably mine.  Included in this release is all of the source files,
some prolog test programs and all of the executables for a running
version of prolog.  Ported by Vincent J.  Herried


A compiler for the DEX language.  DEX is a language similar in
structure to Modula2 and C, but different and simpler in concept.
Features include compact and fast executables, clear program structure,
integration of Exec/Dos/Gfx/Intuition library calls in the compiler,
inline assembly, register variables, commented assembly source output,
easy to manage development system, and more.  Version 1.1,
DonationWare.  Author:  Wouter van oortmerssen

CAM #624a,b&c Utilités programmation


ARexx Programmers Intuition Graphics library is an ARexx external
function library similar to RexxArpLib.  APIG.LIBRARY provides the
ARexx programmer with access to most of the resident Graphic,
Intuition, and Layer library functions.  Allows you to create custom
screens/windows, gadgets, requesters, intuitext, borders, etc.  This is
version 3.1, an update to version 1.1.  Binary only.  Author:  Ronnie
E.  Kelly


Aprile is a lightening fast editor that interfaces with MANX C and lets
you write, compile, debug, trace down errors, link, and run your
program all with a single simple key stroke.  It acts much like the
interface to TURBO C does.  Something like this should be included with
the compiler but instead you get the hard to use, slow, confusing
editor VI.  Aprile isn't a compiler, you NEED Manx C V3.6.  It might
work with version 5 but I don't have it so I couldn't tell you.  The
docs were written as a project for my Technical Writing Class so they
are thick on bullsh*t and thin on information just like the teacher
expects.  Everything you need to know is in there but a lot of things
you don't need to know are also.  Every thing is pretty self
explanatory but a few things like the editing commands you might want
to look up.  Include source, author:  John Tibbetts


This is yet another batch of commands to use to play with iff files.
Only this batch has a twist - you can dynamically insert, delete, and
resize chunks from the iff file, and search for chunks in either
direction.  Performance is decent, and just peering into and scanning
files is amazingly easy.  Author:  Robert Bryce


GadToolsBox is a program that will save you a gigantic amount of time
and anguish in creating a GadTools user interface for your programs.
This program is a followup of my other source generator "PowerSource".
It's main purpose is to let you create your user interface without
having to type in the necessary code and structures yourself.  This
version of GadToolsBox has the following features:  A complete
intuition/gadtools user interface.  Editing on many different screen
resolutions.  Editing/Generating source on/for big autoscrolling
screens.  All GadTools gadget kinds supported + a custom gadget.
GadTools menus supported.  Full control over the window flags and most
tags.  Editing IntuiTexts for the window.  Editing, loading and saving
of colors (ILBM).  Fully mouse and keyboard controled.  Generation of
complete routines in either C or Assembly.  Generation of "RAW"
Assembly source (No headers necessary).  Generation of "static" data.
Binary saving for later loading and editing.  The possibilty to save
powerpacker __CRUNCHED!__ binaries.  The ability to print a status
report.  Multiple windows.  User selectable font.  The editing of
"DRIPENS" (what gives OS 2.0 that special look).  The possibility to
change screen resolution while editing.  The possibility to edit
"BevelBoxes".  Editing in a user-definable grid.  The editing of
minimal window border offsets.  Easy gadget alignment.  The generation
of font-adaptable code (thanks Sebastiano..).  etc.  Binary only,
author:  Jan van den Baard


This is version 39.24 of Markus Wild's IxEmul.library.  It corrects a
couple problems present in 39.22, which was included in the archive
ixemlib9203.lha.  The most obvious problem resulted from a version
number mismatch between crt0.o and ixemul.library.  The requestor will
no longer appear.  This library also seems to work properly on 68000
machines.  The earlier library would not initialize on all machines.


JM (Job Manager) is a utility which extends the AmigaDos multitasking
environment by providing features such as:  allocation of CPU cycles in
any ratio to multiple CPU bound processes, default task priorities
based on task name, task logging, system uptime reports, task CPU use
and CPU % reports, task invocation times, and more.  JM has very little
impact on the system itself - no low priority "CPU muncher" tasks are
started, unlike some CPU usage monitor programs.  JM requires AmigaDos
2.04 or later.  68000/20 and 68030/40 versions are included, binary
only.  CLI only.  New features in 1.1 include:  bug fixes (removed
enforcer hits, etc), an ARexx port, better task name detection, and
more.  Author:  Steve Koren


This the BSD4.3 math library, I take it from nic.funet.fi.  I compiled
it with gcc 1.40.3, and it is not dependant of ixemul.library.  Ported
by Luc Chouinard


Text file describing the structure of the A3000 MMU translation table
and a simple assembler program to read MMU registers.  Author:
Laurence Vanhelsuwe


Source to the immensely popular Monopoly game Author:  Ed Musgrove


This is version 2 of the C++ Neural network code.  The only
modifications made were changing from <stdio.h> I/O to <iostream.h>
I/O.  This allows the code to be compiled under GCC2.  Also I removed
the dependency on the File class from libg++.  The code still has a
dependency on a String class but it can be removed by changing the
prototypes of the following three functions:  Neural_network (String&
filename, ...); read_weights (String& filename, ...); save_weights
(String& filename, ...);


A shared library which matches AmigaDOS patterns with strings and
converts strings into uppercase or lowercase, including umlauts.  The
library works with Kickstart V1.2 and higher and the pattern matching
routines are compatible with ARP and AmigaDOS 2.0 pattern matching.  An
ARexx function library is also available.  One of the external programs
included in this package is pgrep version 0.4, a small grep command,
that finds a string or an AmigaDOS pattern in one or several files, or
in stdin (default).  Version 5.0, freeware, binary only.  Author:
Angela Schmidt


A shared library to make life easy for people who wish to write
programs that support PowerPacker.  Loading crunched files from C or
assembly is made fast, short and easy.  This is release 1.4, an update
to the release 1.3.  Includes source.  Author:  Nico Francois


ARexx Record Management Functions library is an ARexx external function
library which provides keyed file access using AVL trees.  With this
library one can index data files for fast search/retrieval of data
records.  The record management functions allow for variable length
keys, variable length records, variable number of fields per record,
multiple indices on a single file, duplicate or unique keys, passing of
record data directly to/from ARexx variables, etc.  This is version
1.8, an update to version 0.5.  Binary only.  Author:  Ronnie E.  Kelly


Filter/Statistics program which analyzes standard 68000 assembly source
code and produces mnemonics statistics while also filtering out all
unrecognized lines.  Output files can be fed directly to a small
barchart display program "chart" (included).  Source to "chart",
SrcAnalyzer binary only.  Author:  Laurence Vanhelsuwe


VMem attempts to add virtual memory to the standard Amiga OS.  This
version requires a 68030 based Amiga.  Author:  Edward Hutchins

CAM #625 Hardware


A text file describing how to put 2Meg AGNUS into A2000 + 2M/1M
enhancements.  Author:  Pascal Janin


This HACK will allow an Amiga 1000 or 500 to use it's 86-pin expansion
connector as an A2000 100-pin slot!!!!!  Author:  Joe Pellegrino


Canon laser printer driver package, containing WB driver, extra
preferences program for additional options (landscape, copies, margins,
timeout, etc), PageStream drivers, FontShop program, automatic font
download, free definable papersizes, and full support for Workbench
2.0/2.1.  Version 1.01, fully functional demonstration version, binary
only.  Author:  Wolf Faust


Schematic for building a video digitizer ( work with popular software).


This is version 2 of the EPROMmer project (An Amiga based EPROM
programmer).  The main change is a new C based driver program with new
functions, and a new personality module for 62256 32Kx8 static RAM.
Original Project (included) was designed by Bob Blick.  Version 2
include c source, author:  Udi Finkelstein


Text file describing various hardware hack and fixes you can do to your
Amiga.  Author:  Gregory Miller


Schematic of connector for adapt Loop CT-1458 Multisync monitor.
Author:  Fred Farleigh


Schematic for building interface Mac floppy to Amiga.


Schematic for auto mouse/joystick switcher Author:  Mark Spankus


A utility program for using a Siemens ST 400 SCSI flatbed scanner with
the Amiga.  Can be adapted to other scanners and serves as an example
of scsi-direct access to scsi devices.  Version 2.0, an update to
version 1.0.  New features include image processing and vectorization
functions that can be used without any scanner.  Includes source in C.
Author:  Frank-Christian Kruegel


Schematic for Amiga disk drive track display.  Author:  Mark Spankus


Uforce PowerGlove code inferface, include source, author:  Ethan Dicks


Schematic for Amiga to analog RGB multisync monitor.  Author:  Mark

CAM #626a&b Utilités traitement de textes


A file scrambler.  If you need to protect data against unauthorized
access in a truly reliable fashion then this is just what you need!


A freely redistributable printing utility for the Amiga.  Features
include a full Intuition interface, preview function, page selection,
margins setup, line numbering, an AREXX port, a multi-columns mode, and
more.  Includes both French and English versions.  This is version
5.00, an update to version 2.62.  Binary only.  Author:  Denis GOUNELLE


GUISpell is a graphical front end to ISpell-3.1ljr (or later) [with
ARexx server mode/port added by yours truly] or to any spelling checker
that adheres to the standard ``Spell Checker ARexx Interface'' as first
described in ISpell documentation.  Include c source, author:  Loren J.


Essentially, this program will take any Professional Draw Clip file and
convert its contents into a Professional Draw font file.  It also
contains a kerning editor for creating kerning tables in fonts you
convert from clips, or for editing any kerning table from any existing
PDraw font.An obvious application for this program is to allow you to
design your own PDraw fonts.  Another less obvious application is to
take any clip files containing symbols or pictures and organize them
into PDraw fonts which take up less disk space and are easier to
manage.  You can also use the kerning editor to preview the symbols and
pictures without having to remember "okay, what did I call that little
squiggle with the line in it?" Binary only, author:  Gary Brusanowski,
Mirror Image Productions


Hypertext file reader.  Include c source, author:  U.  Dominik Mueller


An excellent PostScript interpreter for the Amiga which implements the
full Adobe language.  Supports type 1 and type 3 fonts, screen output,
file output, and printer output.  Requires Arp library V39+ and ConMan
V1.3+.  This is version 1.7, an update to version 1.6.  You can use
POST with PPage to get faster printouts, or with programs such as
Excellence.  Changes include:  Post no treats "*" as interactive.  New
specification for CONDEV option, should work with Workbench 2.0.
PostLJ new page size options and now works with DeskJet.  Type 1 font
rendering now interpolates between hints.  Bugs fixed:  Strings as
dictionary keys, type 1 fonts etc.  with white space after eexec, arcs
of zero radius, stroking lines of zero length, roll of zero items,
image and kshow procs with strange stack discipline, setflat values out
of range.


Serching expression utility.  Searches twice as fast on hard drives and
five times faster in ram than the best search programs currently
available.  Option to scan selective(wildcard) internal LZH and LHA
files.  Supports searching for multiple patterns simultaneously with
little speed degradation.  Option to output whole article when a match
is found.  Extensive wildcard support(*,?,[],[^],[-],+,|,&,..).
Optional inverted pattern matching.  Recursive directory scanning.
Support for \x??  and \?  in patterns and article separator.  Line
search highlights matching words with selectable color.  Binary only,
author:  Walter Rothe


TEXTRA is a user-friendly text editor that includes a complete AREXX
interface.  It allows multiple files to be open at the same time, each
in their own Workbench window.  Cut, copy & paste is provided between
files.  This editor is versatile and easy-to-use...  it has served as
the main text-editing/viewing utility for both professional programmers
and novices.  Version 1.12 include many new features.  Shareware,
author:  Mike Haas


TKEd is a very comfortable Intuition-based ASCII editor.  It can read
texts packed with PowerPacker, has user-definable menus, a comfortable
AREXX-interface with 79 commands, an interface to some errortools for
programmers, and macros.  TKEd is reentrant and can be made resident.
Version 1.00a, binary only.  Author:  Tom Kroener


A shareware editor.  Version 3.40, binary only.  Author:  Jurgen Klein


AddCR and RmCtrl are two text-formatting commands that carry out
operations I have required often in the past.  AddCR adds Ctrl+M type
carriage returns at every linefeed, and RmCtrl removes annoying control
characters and replaces tabs with actual spaces.  Binary only, author:
Mohawk Dave


A nice shareware editor with learn mode, a command language, menu
customization, hypertext, online help, a teach mode, split windows,
copy and paste, undo, features.  This is version 3.0a, an update to
version 2.6h.  Binary only.  Author:  Rick Stiles

CAM #627a&b Utilités diverses


DoIt is a 2.0 ONLY program that makes use of app-windows to make things
like showing pictures, playing anims, playing sounds, reading text,
playing music, adding icons, archiving files, editing icons, converting
older archives to new ones and more.  DoIt passes filenote flags, date
and time to an updated LHA archive from Zoo, arc, lzh or zip archives.
Needs archivers in c:  directory.  This shareware demo will show nag
screens during it's operation.  Binary only, author:  Roger Peyton


A program which can operate on requesters, screens, and windows owned
by another program, to close them, change their size, refresh gadgets,
move the window to the background, etc.  This is version 3.2, an update
to version 2.2.  Includes source in assembly.  Author:  Roger Fischlin


An icon editor which can create and modify icons up to 640x200 pixels
in size, up to 16 colors, edit all non-graphical icon parameters
including up to 40 tooltypes, generate C source code for icon and image
programming, import/export IFF images, recolor icons for DOS2.0, write
text into icon in any font and style, and much more.  Demo version of
IE 3.0, a major update to version 2.0.  Requires 1 Meg.  Source
available from Author.  Author:  Peter Kiem


Version 3.11 of Khalid's File Requester and FR_BYpass.  Fixed problems
with some programs that use ASL.  Binary only, author:  Khalid Aldoseri


A macro/hotkey program that also includes features of sun mouse,
clicktofront, popcli, clipboard viewer, title bar clock, and much more.
Each program or window may have its own hotkeys and other settings.
Requires 2.x.  This is version 4.0, an update to 3.1.  Binary only.
Author:  Brian Moats


MFR is a file requester for Kick 2.0, that replaces ASL and REQ
library.  Version 1.3 include many features and bugs fixes.  Binary
only, author:  Stephan Stuntz


Utility that uses selected icons as templates to create new icons for
files that don't have them.  It can also revise existing icons, giving
them new images, tooltypes, or positions.  It will operate on all icons
in a disk or drawer (the user decides whether it will operate
recursively or not) or the user can identify specific icons for
revision.  Unlike the pseudo icons shown by Workbench 2.0, MakeIcons
creates real icons, complete with tooltypes, stack size, and so forth.
Version 1.0, shareware, binary only.  Author:  Fabbian G.  Dufoe, III


MenuHelper is a release 2.0 commodity that allows easier keyboard
access to menus than what Intuition provides.  Intuition utilizes the
Right Amiga-Right Alt key combination along with a cursor key to move
the mouse pointer anywhere on the screen.  This is a simple yet
flexible approach, however, if you have ever tried to use it for menu
selection you probably found it to be very cumbersome.  Keyboard
shortcuts are usually provided to invoke menu selections, but unless
you use a particular program a lot its hard to remember all the key
combinations from one program to the next.  You then find yourself
reaching for the mouse to see what menu options are available.  Binary
only, author:  Ken Lowther


A very small screen blanker, mouse accelerator, mouse blanker, hot key,
etc.  utility.  Version 1.07 include some enhancements and bugs fixes,
binary only.  Author:  Bob Stouder


Bug fix version of a text snapping cut and paste utility.  Binary only,
author:  Pierre Baillargeon


Control your pulldown menus from the keyboard using the arrow keys or
"first letter matching".  Multiple selections made with Shift-Return.
Remembers and returns to previous menu items.  Completely configurable.
This is version 1.5.  Binary only.  Author:  Brian Moats


An icon color remapping tool that swaps the colors black and white.
The program runs on 1.3, but when run on 2.0 it supports the AppIcon
feature.  It allows you to drag all icons you wish to remap on
RemapInfo's AppIcon to recolor them.  Version 1.1, an update to version
1.0.  Binary only.  Author:  Nico Francois


ReqChange is a little OS 2.04 only program that patches the system
requesters to use the similar requesters in ReqTools.lirbary (since
these ones are much nicer).  It also patches the ARP requester (that
one looks awful under 2.04), and all requesters in req.library.  The
patches shold be completely transparant, so there should be no problems
with using it (as long as you are using ARP 39.1 and req.library V1 or
V2 at least)!  It is very flexible, allowing you to modify where the
requester should appear, which of the libraries to patch etc (i.e.  you
don't need to have ARP or REQ to run this program).  I've put down a
lot of effort to make this a 100% reliable program, and I think I'm
quite close to that (no promises!  :).  New things in 1.05:  o ASL
patches *much* safer.  o Many bugfixes.  o Improved ARP and REQ
filepatches a bit.  o Simplified AssignX builtin.  o 4 bytes smaller
executable!  :) Binary only, author:  Magnus Holmgren


A standard Amiga shared runtime library which makes it a lot quicker
and easier to build standard requesters into your programs.  Designed
with CBM's style guidelines in mind, so that the resulting requesters
have the look and feel of AmigaDOS 2.0.  Version 1.0d, an update to
version 1.0b.  Includes source.  Author:  Nico Francois


RoxBlanker II is a fancy screenblanker program.  It blanks the screen
by running animation files which were created with a program called
Roxanne.  It is based on the original RoxBlanker which was launched by
SleepyCron at idle time.  This version is a standalone version that
does not require SleepyCron.  But get SleepyCron anyway, because it's
way cool.Binary only.  Author:  Joe Hitchens


A program which reports interesting information about the configuration
of your machine, including some speed comparisons with other
configurations, versions of the OS software, etc.  This program has
been very popular with many users and has been fully updated to include
many new functions.  This is version 2.60, an update to version 2.56.
Binary only.  Author:  Nic Wilson


This program is intended as a handy utility to determine what is inside
your Amiga.  Binary only, author:  Paul Kolenbrander


WindowTiler is a simple commodity for os2.0 users that allows you to
map certain Windows3.0/TurboC++ type window management to a key
combination.  Version 1.3 include:  Fixed a bug:  seems htile and vtile
were..  ah..  switched.  Added REFUSESCREEN, NOHEIGHT, NOWIDTH,
STEPLEFT, STEPDOWN, SHOWTITLE tooltypes.  Binary only, author:  Doug

CAM #628a&b Images Ray trace


Just a nice little Ray Trace for are Club in Butt County.  ABUG stands
for Amiga Butt Users Group.  Author:  Randy R.  Wall


Here are the Independent JPEG Group jpeg compress and decompressor
(version 2).  cjpeg can read IFF ILBM files, including HAM and 24-bit
ILBM.  djpeg can directly produce IFF ILBM output, including 24-bit,
4-bit grayscale and HAM.  This port was done by Timo Rossi


A interesting Futuristic Robot Rendering titled "ANACHRONISM" in jpeg


Architectural ray trace picture, Author:  A.Price


GRECIAN URNS was raytraced with Turbo Silver using IFF brushes created
with the incredible JX-100 scanner.  What a difference it makes to have
photo-realistic brushes to map to the objects.  Author:  Richard Nichol


This is my version of the test scene used in MacWorld's Feb'92 article
on 3D rendering packages.  It was rendered entirely in LightWave with
brushmaps created/manipulated in ToasterPaint, ADPro, and DPaint.
Object modeling, texture assignment, and scene layout was completed in
one evening.  Final rendering with full shadowing and antialiasing took
12 hours on a 25MHz 68030 (LW2.0 will speed this up tremendously).
Author:  Mark Thompson


Me.109 plane object rendering.


This is a 24bit jpeg format Imagine Quickrendering of the Micky Mouse
Wrist Watch object also found in this library.  I just uploaded this to
show the power of the quickrender feature and to let you view this
object prior to downloading the rather large object file.


A JPEG picture of web rendering, author:  Andrew Denton


P38 plane object rendering.


A Lightwave Rendering of a Porche Showroom which took 46.5 hours using
a 50mhz system.


Spitfire plane object rendering.


This JPEG file was produced on the Video Toaster in LightWave 2.0.  It
is one frame from a 3800 frame annimation I'm currently producing.
Greg Heifner


4 images rendered by Steven Worley.  They were all done with Imagine
(1.0, 1.1, 2.0) on a 25Mhz A3000.  767OVERBOISE.JPEG, AMILUXO.JPEG,
rough_voyage.jpeg, threepointer.jpeg.


"Strike" is a raytrace by Steven Worley.  I wanted to recreate a
version of Steve Upstill's (of Pixar) classic bowling pin picture.  I
figured it would be kind of fun to set up a similar scene, and it
wouldn't be too difficult.  Indeed, the setup time for the picture
(including digitizing the pin logos and making the alitude maps) only
took three hours; there were no complex objects or anything to model.
Each frame was rendered at 768 by 482, and took about 2 hours each.
These were rendered on a 14M A3000, and the brushmaps took most of the


t1k.ham is a HAM rendering of a "mimetic-poly-alloy" creature as its
head is rising out of the floor.  It was created by Blaise Tarr using


JPEG rendering of a tyrell building, author:  Andrew Denton

CAM #629a&b Jeux divers


AHextris is an extremely addictive, yet simple game.  It is based on a
familiar theme but the blocks are made out of hexagons, making the game
more of a challenge.  This is one of those 'I'll just have one more go'
games.  To run AHextris you'll need OS_204 or higher and
reqtools.library.  Author:  Ives Aerts


This is a graphic version of UMoria 5.4 for the Amiga.  It has
bitmapped graphics for all objects and some extra goodies compared to
the original UMoria 5.4 to make it attractive to the graphic-oriented
Amiga public.  Other than this, it is supposed to be as close to the
original Umoria 5.4 as possible.  Binary distribution.  Version 1.0.


A freely distributable quiz program with 500 questions in this version.
English and German version included.  Version 1.0, binary only.
Author:  Udo Haisch


JEyes opens a sizable window on the Workbench screen containing a pair
of eyes which follow the cursor about the screen.  JEyes V2.x is a
Workbench 2.0 (V37+) only application.  Binary only, author:  John D.
Gerlach, Jr


This is an adventure game in the vein of the Ultima game series by Lord
British.  It was originally featured in the September, 1991, issue of
the Jumpdisk Amiga disk magazine.  In this game, you play the role of a
humble shepherd who is summon to a perilous task when your country's
king is bewitched.  You must set out in a dangerous land to find the
clues that will enable you to revive your king and save your land.
Colorful graphics, hordes of monsters to combat, helpful citizens to
converse with, and puzzles to solve are what lie ahead of you in
"Legend of Lothian." Author:  David W.  Meny


This adventure game can be played by one or two players.  Joystick
required.  The was written using the S.E.U.C.K.  program, and was drawn
and designed by Jennifer Diane Reitz.


This is a text-only adventure game.  Binary only, author:  Phil Brown


Another Boulderdash clone.  This one multi-tasks and accepts keyboard
or joystick inputs.  Loads of game levels.  This is version 1.0.
Includes source in assembly.  Author:  Laurence Vanhelsuwe


This is a S.E.U.C.K.  game where you manipulate your wolf character
thru Smurf forest, into Smurf Village, and to the final battle at Papa
Smurf's house.  Blast smurfs with yer 12 guage shotgun or just step on
'em.  Most smurfs just run around in terror, but some throw/shoot
things at ya.  Score values are on the startup screen.  Pick up Dollar
bills and gold bars along the way (Don't ask me how they got there..)
Just don't open any presents...  It's a bad Idea..  Watch out for
rolling boulders, too...  This game features the ubiquitous Dumb Stupid
Bonus Stage(TM).  Author Pat Carson

CAM #630a&b Fontes Adobe & Util. Pagestream


The enclosed ASTRO font contains the main glyphs that a person would
use within an Astrology chart, birthday sign banner, or related
document.  It is "NOT" in its final quality form, or designated size
relationship between numbers, angles and symbols.  Author:  Laser
Printing Solutions


The Bizarro font is a display caps-only font with bizarre (hence the
name) silhouetted characters in the shape of people, animals, sprites,
and various sorts of harlequins and demonlike creatures.  There is no
W.  The V isn't much to brag about, either.  The character outlines are
from an old 17th or 18th century source.  Author:  David Rakowski


Similar to Sinaloa - The kerning information has been corrected from a
previous version.  Upper & Lower Case.  Author:  George Ciesek


A bold, non-serif font similar to a press-type font called "Koloss."
Works best as a display face at 24-point or better, but could be used
as small as 15-point.  Author:  Thomas E.  Harvey


Upper/lower case tall serif type 1 font.


CracklingFire is a Type 1 PostScript font, It is an all-caps font, plus
period, comma, exclamation point and question mark.  It looks like Dom
Casual letters beginning to go up in flames.  Author:  David Rakowski


Dobkin-Script is an Art Nouveau era script font.  It contains a full
alphabetic set, numbers and punctuation.  It's pretty frilly, but still
readable -- the caps are not at frilly.  Author:  David Rakowski


The Dupuy font family comes in three weights:  Regular, Thin and Heavy.
It contains a full kerned alphabet, numbers and punctuation.  Upper-
and lower-case letters are identical.  The letters look rather like
cartoon lettering; it most closely resembles the lettering in comics
that originated in the '40's and '50's.  Author:  David Rakowski


Elizabeth-Ann is a serif display font with thinly etched white lines
drawn through the characters.  Author:  David Rakowski


This typeface is an all caps "WoodCut"-esque display font that reminded
me of Franz Kafka's stories, thus the title.  Author:  Ron Olson


Based on the font used in "New Yorker" magazine.  Upper case and small


Upper/lower case font of what look like Celtic/Irish letters.


The Harting font is a font with a full character set that mimics a
typewriter with a few crooked keys which also has a ribbon that is
running out of ink.  The characters are monospaced, as on a typewriter.
Author:  David Rakowski


The Harting II font is a font with a full character set that mimics a
typewriter which has a ribbon that is running out of ink.  (This
version straightens most of the more crooked letters of the original
version) The characters are monospace.  Author:  David Rakowski


Headhunter is a Type 1 PostScript font made of bones.  All alphabetic
characters and some punctuation can be found in the font.  There are no
numbers.  Author:  David Rakowski


The Holtzscue is a caps and numbers only font derived from a 19th
century Victorian source.  The tops of each character are white and the
bottom black, with some little stripes in between.  There is NO
punctuation.  Author:  David Rakowski


Classical outline letters, elegant open type 1 font.  Author:  AB Vista


The Lilith-Initials font enclosed is the companion to my shareware
font, Lilith-Light, which you can find in various locations.  The
Lilith-Initials font decorates the capital letters of the Lilith-Light
font with flowers and vines.  Only the uppercase alphabet appears in
this font.  Author:  David Rakowski


Nauert is a chiseled serif font from a mid-nineteenth century source.
It is a display font that, due to its detail inside each letter, looks
best above 48 points on a 300-dpi printer.  It is generously kerned and
contains a full character set, minus diacritics, minus brackets and
parentheses.  Author:  David Rakowski


This font is based on the work of Charles Rennie Mackintosh in Glasgow
at the turn of the century.  It is essentialy a headline font, and
looks ghastly below 24 points.  Upper case only is represented, but
lower case letters give upper case output.  Author:  Alan J.  Cairns


Script/scrawl of upper/lower case letters.


The Rechtman-Script font is a chiseled script font that looks pretty
darn good; a complete character, number, and punctuation set may be
found in the font.  Below sizes of 36 point, the "chiseled" features of
the font may disappear.  Author:  David Rakowski


The Shohl-Fold font (what a silly name).  The letters look like they
are on a continuous fanfold -- some facing left, some facing right.  To
get the visual effect of a continuous fanfold.  Author:  David Rakowski


A full alphabet, numbers and punctuation are represented.  The edges of
the letters of the alphabet look like they are exploding, hence the
name Shrapnel.  Author:  David Rakowski


Uppercase font and punctuation font based on the typeface used in Star
Trek computer consoles.  Author:  Ares Software Corp


Various train parts (engine, caboose, other cars, etc.) Type 1.
Author:  Uncle Dave's Oakstand Enterprises


TypeFinder will search thru a PageStream document file and find all
known fonts (up to a limit of twelve) and display them.  That way, you
don't have to tell PageStream's Font Manager about ALL the fonts in
your system at once, nor wait forever for it to update the list
everytime you want to switch type in your document.  You also won't
have to remember what type was used where, or waste space creating a
template for something trivial.  Include assembler source, author:
Mark W.  Smith


Uppercase looks goudy...  lowercase is a faust-type gothic knockoff.
Author:  David Rakowski


UltraCourier is an extra bold version of Courier.  Use it for headlines
and for extra emphasis in any document where Courier Bold just isn't
bold enough.  Author:  Andre Page

CAM #631a,b&c Utilités Télécommunication


Demonstration version of the AmigaFax software package.  Send and
receive faxes with your Amiga 500/1/2/3000.  Features background fax
operation, share one phone line for fax and data (eg UUCP/BBS/FAX), fax
spooling, aliases/mailing lists.  Converts between fax and text, IFF
ILBM, TeX .dvi files and command files, operates from shell or
WorkBench.  Requires compatible FaxModem.  Demo version limited to
single page transmit/receive.  Author:  David Varley, C-Born Software


IFFCHR is an Amiga graphics utility that will translate non-HAM IFF
screens into character graphics text files that approximate the same
shapes and colors as in the original screen.  IFFCHR is primarily
targeted for BBS users who want to participate in "ANSI artwork"
message bases.  Version 1.1.  Shareware.  By David Hopwood.


A very fast archiver that is compatible with MS-DOS LhArc V1.13 and LHA
V2.13, as well as the Amiga LhArc.  LhA is very memory efficient, has
been written with stability and reliability in mind, has carefully
optimized compression and decompression routines, is multitasking
reentrant and pure, handles multiple volume archives (registered
version only), and more.  Also includes LhASFX, which creates SFX
(self-extracting) archives from ordinary LhA archives.  Version 1.22,
an update to version 1.11, include many new features and bugs fix.
shareware, binary only.  Author:  Stefan Boberg


Lister is a program, will allow you to look into various archive
filetypes and see what files are inside the archive.  Lister will
display information on compressed and uncompressed size, compaction
factor, date and time, and filename.  A total summary will be printed
at the end.  Lister currently supports Arc, Cpio, LHA, Lharc, StuffIt,
Tar, Zip and Zoo archive formats.  Include source, author:  Kerry
Cianos ported by Geoffrey Faivre-Malloy.


Amiga ReadMail is a tool for use with any commsprogram which contains a
script language.  It was made by Torkel Lodberg, the author of NComm
V2.0.  Amiga ReadMail lets you read, answer and enter messages from any
bulletin board system offline.  Some file functions are also
implemented.  This means that you may even order uploads and downloads,
or take a look at the list of new files.  Most bulletin board
operations can be performed while being offline, saving you a lot of
time and money.  Many message handling functions are included, making
it easy to read only those messages that *you* are interested in.


A gift-ware telecommunications program written for AmigaOS release 2.x
(Kickstart 37.74 and Workbench 37.33 or higher required, Kickstart
37.175 and Workbench 37.52 recommended).  Features include total
configurability, full ARexx control, Xpr-transfer-support,
filetype-identification after download, cut & paste/point-and-click on
screen, auto up-and download, scrollable review buffer of unlimited
size, solid and fully-featured VT100/VT220/ANSI emulation, optional
fast atomic terminal emulation, hotkey support, powerful phonebook and
dialing functions, ability to save and print the contents of the screen
as IFF-ILBM or ASCII file, full overscan and screen resolution support
(new ECS screen modes included), asynchronous operation and a lot more.
Comes with six Xpr-transfer libraries (ascii, jmodem, kermit, quickb,
xmodem & zmodem).  Version 2.1 include bug fixes and new features also
includes the full `C' and assembly language source code.  Author:  Olaf
`Olsen' Barthel


VLT is both a VT100 emulator and a Tektronix (4014 plus subset of 4105)
emulator, currently in use at SLAC (Stanford Linear Accelerator
Center).  Although the VT100 part was originally based on Dave Wecker
et al.'s VT100, many enhancements were made.  Features include use of
ARP, an ARexx port, XMODEM 1K/CRC and Kermit protocols, support for
additional serial ports, external file transfer protocols (XPR), a
"chat" mode, and scrollback/review/history buffer.  It comes in two
versions, one with Tektronix emulation, and one without.  The Tektronix
emulation allows saving IFF files, PostScript files, and printing
bitmaps to the printer.  This is an update to version 5.045 Version
5.517 include new features and big-fix.  Binary only.  Author:  Willy


XPR Zmodem library version 2.52.  This is the laster release of this
library.  The '020 version contained within now works correctly.

CAM #632 Utiltés diverses


A small system patch and replacement for the standard CLI commands
'assign' and 'path'.  With AddAssign, you may assign a logical device
(like 'C:' to one OR MORE physical devices or directories).  AddAssign
is especially useful for programs which need a library or something
else in a specified path, but you don't want them to be there.  Version
1.04, shareware, includes source.  Author:  Alexander Rawass


A "Programmer's Workbench".  Allows you to easily and conveniently
move, copy, rename, and delete files & directories using the mouse.
Also provides a method to execute either Workbench or CLI programs by
double-clicking them or by selecting them from a ParM like Menu whith
lots of arguments.  Version 2.04, an update to version 1.0.  Binary
only.  Author:  Sylvain Rougier, Pierre Carrette


A XIcon style program.  It allows you to execute a script from WB and
is completly CLI compatible, because it is a CLI.  Can use a real
script file or take commands in its own TOOLTYPES.  Version 1.1, an
update to version 1.0.  Includes source in C.  Author:  Sylvain Rougier


I think everyone knows what a "window exploder" is.  If not, just try
it out!  Explodes and implodes windows in a fancy manner.  Catches all
window resize and move events (including zip events).  Works with all
OpenWindowTags.  Fully featured Commodity environment.  2.0 only.  By
Andreas Schildbach


Multifunctional commodity for OS 2.0.  Includes window-activator,
time-display in several modes and formats, alarm function,
KeyStroke-Clicker, time to environment, Window/Screen cycling,
LeftyMouse, ESC-Key can close Windows, Revision Control System,
telefone bill calculator, Screen-/Mouse-Blanker, Mapping of german
"Umlauts", PopUp Shell, AppIcon support, LeftyMouse, user definable
HotKeys.  Fully controllable via ARexx-Port.  All settings can be
customized and saved to disk.  This is version 1.63, requires OS 2.0.
Written in assembly for speed and efficiency.  Includes source.
Author:  Kai Iske


Another LoadLib program, but this version take unlimited number of
arguments in both CLI/WB and remove the quote (") so it can work in
BrowserII at any time.  Pure so you can put it in your resident list.
Version 1.0, includes source in C.  Author:  Sylvain Rougier


Parameterable Menu.  ParM allows you to build menus to run whatever
program you have on a disk.  ParM can run programs either in WorkBench
or CLI mode.  This is an alternative to MyMenu which can run only when
WorkBench is loaded.  ParM can have it's own little window, can attach
menus to the CLI window you are running it from, or to the WB menus,
just like MyMenu.  This is version 3.6, an update to version 3.00.
Includes source in C.  Author:  Sylvain Rougier, Pierre Carrette


TaskX is a program for manipulating task priorities.  At least, that's
how it started.  TaskX 3.0 still shows you a list of tasks running in
your system, and lets you change the priority of any of them, but it
will also let you easily send signals to them (some tasks will exit
when a Ctrl-C signal is sent to them for example), and lets you see
much more information than just the priority.  Author:  Steve Tibbett


WindX is a very simple 2.0-only commodity, which does this:  It
activates the last window that was activated on each screen as it is
popped to the front via Amiga-M.  Normally when you hit Amiga-M, the
frontmost screen is sent off behind the other screens, revealing the
next screen in the list - but Intuition doesn't change the active
window when you do this.  So, if you hit Amiga-M to bring your editor
to the front, the last program you were typing into is still active.
With WindX loaded, it will activate the editor window, in this case, as
soon as you hit the keystroke - providing it was the last active window
on that screen.  (WindX 1.1 is a simple update to 1.0, the only change
being it's task priority is now 2 instead of 0, so screen flipping
works even if a CPU hog is running at priority 0 or 1).  Author:  Steve

CAM #633 Utiltés diverses


AlarmingClock 2.2 is an alarm clock program that plays 8SVX files for
the alarm.  It has many startup options, a snooze button, can open on a
public screen, and can use the asl requester.  You need 2.0 to run
alarmingclock.  Author:  Brian G.  Neal


A keymap editor.  Supports editing of string, dead and modifiable keys,
as well as control of repeatable and capsable status of each key.  Runs
equally well under AmigaDOS 1.3 or 2.0.  If running under AmigaDOS 1.3,
requires "arp.library".  This is version 1.2.  Includes source in
assembly.  Author:  David Kinder


LacePointer is a program that will change all that.  Running
LacePointer will double the resolution of your mouse pointer.  So your
pointer will be displayed in Lores-Interlace!  Author:  Nico François


NickPrefs is an enhancement of IPrefs, the preferences manager of
Workbench 2.0.  From these very few words, you understand that you need
Kickstart 2.0 to use this program ;-) It has been tested under
Kickstart 2.04, that is the one burnt in the A500+' ROMs.  NickPrefs
manages three new preferences, which may be modified with the three
accompaning programs WBPicture, BusyPointer and Floppy.  WBPicture
allows you to display any IFF picture in the main Workbench window,
supplanting the original (and boring ;-)) WBPattern.  BusyPointer lets
you edit the clock pointer used by programs when they are busy.  You
may create an animated pointer, see later for details.  Floppy provides
the ability to mess with the public fields of trackdisk, that is the
TDPF_NOCLICK flag, step delay and the like.  BE CAREFUL when changing
the delays!  You should not touch them unless you really know what
you're doing!  Read on for more info.  Author:  Nicola Salmoria


A program to stop floppy drive clicking.  Features an intuition user
interface that allows you to turn clicking on and off on every drive
individually.  Requires AmigaDOS 2.0.  This is version 1.06, public
domain, includes source.  Author:  Kjell Cederfeldt


A freely redistributable print utility to replace the standard
workbench Printfiles command.  Supports Arexx, application icon, and
setting up a print list with unlimited number of entries.  Requires OS
2.04.  Includes two versions, V0.9e in English and V0.9d in German.
Includes source.  Author:  Karlheinz Klingbeil


Opens Public Screen with Close/Set Default Menu requirements:  AmigaOS
2.04 (v37) changes:  fixed process_name, cli usage template added,
fixed close default/shanghai bug added "low chip ram" to error
requester updated docs for easier reading


SPHINX is a replacement for/complement to the CON:  and NEWCON:
devices.  It is what I believe NEWCON should have been, although NEWCON
could not be like SPHINX and remain compatible with CON:.  Version 2.6x
include new features and bug fix.  Author:  Nicolas Dade


Switcher is a very nice utility for switching between screens.  It
brings up a window on the front screen with a list of the screens in
the system allowing you to pick a new screen to bring up to front.
(also does the same for windows).  Plus, IFF screen/window save,
cycling, special 'command' gadgets for launching programs, and more.
Release 1.10:  new features and many bug fixes.


This WB2.0 Commodity will allow you to access your programs via the
tools menu on the WB, custom icons on the WB, or via a dock (ala NEXT
style).  Source code in C is included.  Written by Stefan Becker.  This
program is very configurable and is highly recommended for anyone using


WBPrinter is a Workbench 2.0 utility that puts a printer icon onto the
Workbench screen.  Any files dropped on the icon will be printed.  This
is for Workbench 2.0 only.

CAM #634 Utiltés diverses


ASwarm is one of the best screen blankers for OS 2.0 in the public
domain.  It has two blanking states, one with an animation of "bees"
chasing after "wasps" to certain user-specified parameters, and if CPU
usage is high enough, a blacked-out state, in which nothing is
displayed, hence not only saving your screen from the certain doom of
having wasps and bees imprinted on it, but also conserving as much CPU
time as possible so that your application (whether it be your C
compiler, ray-tracer, or automatic dishwasher simulator) will get
finished sooner.  Both time-outs are user-configurable as well.  It has
hotkeys for both the configuration panel and the blanking mode, and
it's a commodity to boot.  Source code is included, as well as
makefiles for both SAS/C and DICE.


For all Hot-Rod Amigas...Set your data cache/burst inst.  cache/burst
via Intuition.  Shareware by Author:  Nic Wilson


A cron utility for AmigaDOS 2.0.  Uses the new, more flexible, AmigaDOS
2.0 technique for running programs.  Offers an extended set of options
that may be specified for any given event.  Version 1.3, includes
source.  Author:  Christopher Wichura


FixMenus is a utility to fix the menus of pre-2.0 programs which create
menus connected to a window on the Workbench 2.0 screen.  Prior to 2.0,
a programmer expected the menu font to be eight pixels high.  Because
of this, most menu structures were set for all items to be eight pixels
high.  The problem that arises now is that the menus of such programs
will be very difficult to read and use IF YOUR DEFAULT WORKBENCH SCREEN


Release 3.13 of my File Requester.  Replaces the FR's in arp, asl and
req libraries.  This version has several new features and bug fixes.
Khalid Aldoseri.


It's a known fact that Intuition lacks keyboard control.  The mouse
emulation is poor at best, and most gadgets, even under 2.0, don't have
keyboard equivalents.  KGB was designed to provide the ability to
browse through and activate windows, screens and gadgets (including the
system sizing, dragging, closing gadgets).  Author:  Pierre Baillargeon


On a Sun Workstation under the twm-Manager of XWindows.  It is possible
to have a virtual Screen much larger than the real Monitor-Screen like
the AMIGA OS 2.0 supports.  To manage the movement within your large
virtual screen you get a small window in the lower right of the real
screen which is a representative of the whole available virtual screen.
All windows on the virtual screen are drawn in it and you can move them
all by dragging their representatives.  The shown clipping can be
moved, too within this window.  I like this feature very much because
you can have a lot of different windows open without overlapping each
other.  So i decided to program such a utility for the AMIGA.  Author:
Jörg Wesemann


This program plays a user specified IFF 8SVX sampled sound file
whenever another program flashes a screen (calls DisplayBeep()).  It
can be used with 1.3 and 2.0.  With 2.0, NewBeep can invoke the asl
file requester.  Two sample sounds are included.  Loads of laughs!
Author:  Brian Neal


A utility to change the default tool for project icons.  Has a user
defined configuration file for flexibility.  Can change default tool
according to old default tool or filenames.  Supports the use of
appicon, so using NewDefTool is a simple matter of dragging and
dropping icons.  Requires AmigaDOS 2.0.  This is version 1.01, public
domain, includes source.  Author:  Kjell Cederfeldt


PM v37.5 - Copyright (c) 1992 by MKSoft Development (Requires 2.0) PM
is a tool that monitors the Amiga system's CPU usage using some hooks
that are available in 2.04 EXEC.  The program uses the high resolution
EClock timer to get real time values for the amount of time the
processor spends running tasks and the amount of time it spends between
tasks (in task switch and in sleep).  By Michael Sinz


This program is basically an intuition front-end for that library, and
allows you to crunch and decrunch DATA files.  "But I've already got
PowerPacker!", I hear you cry.  Well, if you only have the shareware
version <= 2.3b, you'll know that crunching can be a time-consuming
business.  Later (commercial) versions use speedup-buffers to
dramatically decrease the crunching time.  Newer versions of
powerpacker.library provide the facility to use these faster methods of
crunching, and that's where PPData comes in.  The program is only for
use with Kickstart 2.0 upwards.  Author:  Martin W.  Scott


A 592 byte CLI program for WB/KS 2.0+ that allows one to use the newer
ECS screen modes with programs that do not yet support them.  SetScr
intercepts pre-2.0 intuition OpenScreen calls and opens the new custom
screens in whatever mode is currently selected for the workbench screen
(e.g.  PRODUCTIVITY mode).  2.0-style requesters will have the standard
3D look on the opened screens.  PageStream2.2HL looks great in
PRODUCTIVITY mode.  The patch is removed if the program is run a 2nd
time.  Author:  Norman Iscove


A program to help prevent unauthorized access of your bootable hard
drive by requiring a password each time you reboot.  Has been tested
under both AmigaDOS 1.3 and 2.04.  This is version 1.0.1, shareware,
binary only.  Author:  Allan Baer


This program is a clock that shows which portion of the Earth's surface
is illuminated by the Sun.  It is designed to be usually iconic (a
window on the workbench screen), but can be opened for a larger display
with the time updated every second and both the local timezone and UTC
displayed.  Author:  Mark Waggoner


4 asm.  language programs:  WBShuffle:  Changes colors of current
window Shuffle:  Changes colors of all open windows, according to its
own settings.  UnShuffle:  Changes windows back to their old colors.
DeleteD:  Adds keyboard equivalents to the workbench 2.0 menus:

              Delete-          right-amiga-d  Delete
              Clean Up-        right-amiga-f  Fix up
              Update-          right-amiga-t  updaTe
              Show All Files-  right-amiga-v  eVerything
              Show Only Icons- right-amiga-w  Well??
              View By Icon-    right-amiga-g  Gosh...
              View By Name-    right-amiga-h  Handle
              View By Date-    right-amiga-j  January
              View By Size-    right-amiga-m  Monstrosity??

Author: Michael Texada


A workbench clock with many features and various languages.  Version
1.30, an update to version 1.20 (WizardWorks 2).  Freeware.  Binary
only.  Author:  Stefan Zeiger

CAM #635 Utiltés diverses


A 'PopCLI' type replacement that works with WorkBench 2.0 and fully
compatible with A3000 & accelerator boards.  Always retains the default
path and stack, and current directory.  Can automatically open
CLI/SHELL windows to 1 pixel less than the current screen size on
opening.  New functions include spline patterning on blanking, toggle
freeze mouse, more function keys, mouse activated screen shuffle, close
gadgets on Shell windows, and more as many users have requested.  This
is version 2.19, an update to version 2.17.  Binary only.  Author:  Nic


Bell is a small background program to add an audible error (or
attention) bell to the Amiga.  It can be configured to use any IFF 8SVX
digitized sound as the bell, with selectable volume and pitch values,
by a separate preferences module (BellPrefs).  Beep should work both
under WB 1.3 and 2.0, but BellPrefs works just under WB 2.0.  Author:
Bruno Costa


DiffTime is used to calculate the difference in time between two dates
given in the same format as that used by the date command.  If the
second parameter is not supplied, the current system time is assumed.
The time duration is provided in a fixed field output, containing the
years, days hours, minutes, and seconds of duration.  Author:  David


Explode is a background utility that shows a small "animation" whenever
a window is opened on any Amiga screen.  This "animation consists
symply of an outline moved along an arbitrary, user configurable path
that originates from the mouse pointer position (thus the name
explode).  This program differs from existing ones mainly because of
the user configurability and the inovative default animation.  This
program was written and designed under WB 1.3 - although it does work
under WB 2.0, some of the new features make it a little useless.
Author:  Bruno Costa


Some of the newer A3000's have high density floppy drives.  In the
37.175 version of kickstart, HD disks are not completely supported in
HD mode.  This program patches the system so that kickstart V37.175
owners are able to use 1.71 MB HD disks in the floppy drive.  Requires
Workbench 2.04.  This is version 1.00, binary only.  Author:
Peter-Iver Edert


Hold is a background utility primarily designed to hold down the right
mouse button for you.  This means that, to access a menu, you may just
*click* the right mouse button, browse through the items (withouth
having to hold any button), and when you are done, just *click* the
mouse button again.  Users of the original Commodore mouse, whose
switches where not very stable (specially after some use), will
appreciate this program.  This does not mean that users of better
quality mouses (like the A3000 one) will not benefit from the use of
this program.  Hold provides an additional utility:  window
auto-activation (SunMouse-like).  Author:  Bruno Costa


The Simple HyperText System (SHTS) is an easy way to create text files
containing hypertext links.  Author:  Damien Neil


The MemoryManager can be used to test programs under different
CHIP/FAST memory configurations.  Version 1.10, freeware, binary only.
Author:  Carsten Raufu


Small memory meter providing snapshot facility, so you can see what
memory a program uses, and whether it frees all its memory.  Based
entirely on a program called Memeter, but the version I had crashed
under 2.0, and so I wrote this.  This is 2.0 ONLY (sorry - use Memeter
under 1.3), and adapts to screen font set under preferences.  Author:
Martin W Scott


A minimal text display program for small text files.  It will open a
window of just the required size on the current screen.  Source
included.  Author:  Lorenzo Zago


RoxBlanker III is a fancy screenblanker program.  It blanks the screen
by running animation files which were created with a program called
Roxanne.  It is based on the original RoxBlanker which was launched by
SleepyCron at idle time.  This version is a standalone version that
does not require SleepyCron.  But get SleepyCron anyway, because it's
way cool.  Author:  Joe Hitchens


Removable media partition mounter for Kickstart 2.0 or higher.
SCSIMounter allows you to mount and unmount partitions without
rebooting the machine.  It sports a nice 2.0-style point-and-click user
interface that makes handling removable media a piece of cake.  2.02 -
Terrible bug fixed that caused SCSIMounter to fail on 68000 machines.
2.00 - SCSIMounter is a commodity now bi-lingual user interface 1.30 -
MASK tooltype added 1.20 - Minor changes to the CLI interface.  New
tool type 'NOUNMOUNT' 1.10 - ReadArgs() CLI Interface added Binary
only, Author:  Martin A.  Blatter


A system configuration display program with an Intuition interface.
Recognizes about 80 different product codes and about 40 manufacturer
ID's.  Displays information about all AutoConfig cards, all mounted
drives, vectors, processor types, and other useful information.  This
is version 2.0a, shareware, binary only.  Author:  Paul Kolenbrander


TextWeasel 1.0 is an intuition-based text formatting/filtering program
that has 19 common operations like CR and LF manipulations, line
numbering, left justification, statistics gathering, and control
character filtering.  TextWeasel will run with any version of
kickstart; it uses reqtools.library (included) for standard requesters.


Trap is designed to catch system exceptions and display a requester on
the frontmost screen, allowing you to either suspend or remove the
crashed process or reboot the system.  It displays the CPU registers,
allowing you to take a deeper look on what went wrong.  It can be
removed at any time and it doesn't override a private trap handler
attached to a task/process.  2.0 only.  By Abt and Kneer


WBLoc is a small screen hack that displays a "locator" on the Workbench
screen, made up by a crosshair and a sprite with the coordinates of the
active pixel.  It is meant to be used to measure pixel distances and
sizes of images in the WB screen.  Although it isn't the most useful
utility in the world, there are some interesting parts of the source
code worth looking at.  It works both under WB 1.3 and WB 2.0.  Author:
Bruno Costa

CAM #636 Utiltés domestiques


Some of you might remember a tiny, bugged little address-storage
program called 'Trademate'?  - Well, I decided not to update it anymore
because of it's bugs and messy source..  but I could stand the idea,
and the only other 'useable' program was 'Swappit'.  -- Well, what
could I do than start from scratch on a new program?  The result is ...
AdPerfect!!  Author:  Vidar Bang


A disk based "address book".  It is intended to be used as a personal
data base for the names, addresses, and phone numbers of all your
friends and business associates.  May be used to maintain a small
mailing list.  Includes a flexible print utility and import function.
Version 1.61, shareware, binary only.  Author:  Ray Lambert


Animals representation icons from an England public domain disk.


A text editor written for AmigaDOS 2.04 only, that takes advantage of
public screens and the system default font.  Features include folding,
shifting, and full clipboard support.  Version 1.0, binary only.
Author:  Doug Bakewell


An Application Generator for Superbase III.  Create the SBpro DML
program's menus without having to do the same work over and over.
Creates Superbase DML sources with menus, labels, opening of files,
queries, etc.  Many user-selectable options (inluding all SBpro SET
commands).  Menus can be previewed as Intuition menus or text-menus.
Sources and included sub-routines can be syntax checked, and exported
as ASCII or ".sbp"-file.  Version 1.0 interpeted language source and
executable.  Author:  Ivo Kroone


EnvPrint is a handy tool for printing envelopes for letters.  Just type
in the addresses or load them from disk, and EnvPrint will organize the
printing job for you.  Includes an ARexx port.  Version 1.50, an update
to version 1.20 (WizardWorks 2).  Shareware US$ 10.  Binary only.
Author:  Stefan Zeiger


Disk based printer spooler.  WB2.0 required


A selection of 8 color hires icons for your viewing pleasure.  Author:
Ernst Janesch


Some icons for graphics programs and data.


Mythological subjects representation icons from an England public
domain disk.


WreadFiles is a vocal text file reader program for use on the Commodore
Amiga.  The text is both printed to the screen and spoken.  Author:
M.L.  Barlow

CAM #637a&b Utiltés domestiques


AIBB is a utility primarily designed to assist in the evaluation of
system performance.  This version of AIBB includes a few fixes and
feature enhancements Author:  LaMonte Koop


A simple database program using an intuition interface.  Stores, sorts
and searches for information.  Limited to 9 fields in each record.
Features include fast sorting, search in any field, mailing label
support, and best of all, it's really easy to use.  This is version
5.32, which fixes some bugs which crept into version 5.3.  Binary only.
Author:  Robert Bromley


Comics is a database manager program to handle a comic book collection.
It can store the Title, Issue, Date, Author/Artists, Cover, Current,
Purchase, and Profit Prices, number of Copies, Notes, Publisher,
Condition, and Format for each issue.  It has a find mode, generates
reports, indexes by title and issue, and supports "updating" to use
last month's information to use in the current month's issue.  Also
supports inserting a series of comics with one command.  Was tested on
an Amiga 500 with 1MB ram running under Wbench 1.3.  Written with
Lattice C; includes the C source.  Author:  Chuck Jordan


A database for storing, searching and printing loran numbers.  Store
Lats/Lons, TDs, Waypoints, Depths, State, County, Comments, and Quick
Comments.  Search by any catagory, and numbers can be searched with a
margin of error.  Printouts as text only or as a graphic.  Select sites
on the plot screen by lassoing them.  Version 2.0 includes a lon/lat
scale on the plot screen, better zooming, and accurate land areas via
the World Database II (included) and/or user drawn.  You can now show
and edit land on your plots by drawing it in or by making a list of
lat/lon points.  A small sample database is included.  Version 2.0,
binary only.  Author:  Allen Maroney


The latest update for Music Mania.  Complete new look (WB 2 look).
This is for the casual and/or avid music collector.  Catalog your CD's,
LP's, Cassettes, 8 Tracks (yes 8 tracks), Reel To Reels, 78's, 45's,
etc.  Multiple print features.  Very comprehensive.  Needs 1 meg of
CHIP RAM.  Author:  Lord Sutch Productions.


A bowling league statistics generator.  Teams are ranked by win/loss
record & total pins.  Tracks team and individual statistics.  Absent
and 'blind' bowlers, floating and team subs easily entered.  ABC/WIBC
award lists, recap forms, simple newsletter article and other options
can be generated each week, if you want them.  A address list, phone
list, mailing labels and end-of-season report meeting ABC/WIBC
requirements may be generated any time.  Online help with search may be
edited by the user.  Runs from the Workbench or CLI.  One meg required.
Version 1.51, binary only.  Author:  Allen Maroney


A handy database which stays as a small window on your Workbench screen
and supports PowerPacked files, even crunching them itself.  It also
allows you to run programs from it.  This is version 1.2, binary only.
Author:  Simon Dick


The Wine Steward (version 1.1) by Mike Richan, Wine Steward allows you
to match hundreds of food types with 100+ wine types, quickly and
smoothly.  Everything is mouse driven, and complete instructions can be
found within the program.

CAM #638a&b Utiltés domestiques


Release 4.0 of a program for drawing representations of the Earth's
surface.  New features include using the full Micro World Data Bank
data files, user selection of the items to be included (e.g.,
coastlines, rivers, etc.) and the amount of detail in each map, and a
redraw function.  Corrects a problem with box and text selection
encountered under AmigaDos 2.04, but AmigaDos 2.04 is not required.
Requires 1.5 megabytes of memory and a hard disk with 1.6 megabytes of
free space.  Also includes version requiring a 68020 CPU and 68881 FPU.
This is an update to version 3.1.  Includes full source.


Very nice interactive display of the the Periodic Table of Elements.
Includes general row and column information, plus a test mode where the
program asks specific questions about the selected element or
row/column.  This is version 3.0, an update to version 2.3b.  Now is
completely Amiga-DOS 2.0 conformant.  Path and language information are
configurable from the icon, uses 2.0 proportional fonts, can be opened
on a public screen, and includes German and Swedish name files.
Shareware, binary only.  Author:  Paul Thomas Miller


Gourmet Guru v1.a from Itchycoo Productions (Formerly Lord Sutch Prod.)
Recipe, Bartender and Wine Inventory database with import/export
feature.  Full print and search functions.  Compatible with MS-DOS's
Meal-Master recipe program.  Needs 1 meg of CHIP RAM.


PerfMeter is the X's PerformanceMeter-style little meter, which shows
CPU usage, CPU load, chip, fast and public memory.  The items can be
selected from the Project menu.  In v1.2 there's current uptime, too.
Uptime is reseted every time you start Perfmeter so I think you better
add perfmeter command to your s:user-startup.  Author:  Juha Tuominen


An incredible stock/mutual fund/market indicators/ analysis program.
One of the best in a recent AmigaWorld comparative review.  And it's
just $25.00 shareware!  The manual alone is worth the price.  Whether
you are a serious investor or just play the market on paper, this is a
must have.  Great graphs, over 20 different measurement criteria, built
in automatic comm program for auto downloads of quotes.  Would be cheap
at 6 times the price!  Fully operational, not a demo.  2.0/1.3

CAM #639a&b Jeux


The Colossal Cave Adventure, by Donald Woods and Will Crowther.  This
program runs from the CLI or Workbench, and is virtually identical to
the original mainframe classic.  Version 1.00, binary only.  Author:
Donald Woods, Will Crowther; ported by Tony Belding


Celestial Caesars, a strategy game for up to nine players.  This simple
wargame pits you against any combination of human or computer
opponents.  The game uses an Intuition interface, and can be played by
file-mail.  Version 1.11, binary only.  Author:  Tony Belding


Drive your little thief buggy around the screen and try to pick up the
diamonds while avoiding all the nasties on the screen.  Freeware.
Binary only.  Author:  Harshy Wanigasekara


A screen hack that places a number of creatures called Eaters on the
screen.  These hungry Eaters live on white dots, consuming them and
leaving black droppings in their place.  When not near a white dot,
they move randomly.  Version 1.0, includes source.  Author:  Guido


Shoot em up contruction kit game


A kind of Adventure Construction Kit based on an easy-to-learn
interpreter language.  With it, you can create moderately complex
multiple choice adventures.  Some example adventures are included.
Version 1.6, includes source.  Author:  Guido Wegener


A game like the commercial game 'Pipe dream' (Pipe mania).  Needs a
joystick.  High scores are saved to disk.  This is version 2.0, an
update to version 1.0.  Includes source in assembly language.  Author:
Andri Wichmann


This is a PD shoot'em'up.  It pretends to be a clone of SWIV.


Snake is a very simple game.  A snake-like figure crawls over a surface
where some blocks are placed.  The snake is controlled by using the
joystick, and you must avoid all the blocks, except the single one in a
different color.  The colored block MUST be hit:  when you do so,
another colored block will appear and your score will be increased by
one.  You must also avoid to hit your own tail - the snake grows as
time passes to make things a little more fun.  If you hit yourself or a
wall or a block, the game is over - restart pressing fire.  To exit the
game, close the window.  This program works both under WB 1.3 and 2.0.
Author:  Bruno Costa

CAM #640a&b Utilités programmation


Here's a C-source for a 3d-program for the Amiga-computer.  ;) It has
just about all the features you could want:  integer math, light source
shaded polygon gfx, animation, joystick-routines, etc.  etc.  This
source should be VERY helpful to anybody, who's thinking of (or
actually is) developing 3d-programs.


Amiga Real Time Monitor displays and controls system activity such as
tasks, windows, libraries, devices, resources, ports, residents,
interrupts, vectors, memory, mounts, assigns, locks, fonts, hardware
and res_cmds.  This is version 1.6, an update to version 1.3c.
Shareware, binary only.  Author:  Dietmar Jansen and F.  J.  Mertens


Bovs (pronounced "boffs") is an overlay system designed to replace the
standard overlay system supplied with SAS/C.  It acts as both overlay
supervisor and startup code.  It offers a very flexible dynamic overlay
system instead of the standard rigid hierarchial system, using locking
and automatic flushing on low memory.  Startup code can auto-detach at
the application program's option, and automatically parses command-line
arguments under 1.3.  A separate version is included without overlay
support (just startup code).  Bovs is intended especially for large
applications which need flexible and efficient use of memory.  (It is
used in my Shareware music player, MultiPlayer.) Author:  Bryan Ford


Implements easy creation of source code revision headers, similar to
the log headers to be found at the top of the Amiga 'C' include files.
Is a rewritten version of the DoRevision program.  This version can be
used for assembler source files as well as C source files.  This is
version 1.0, includes source.  Author:  Torsten J|rgeleit


A little tool that makes it easy to keep the version string in your
source code up-to-date.  Version 1.0, includes source.  Author:  Jan
van den Baard


Detects/protects against illegal memory hits.  Compatible with all OS
versions & machines (requires a Memory Management Unit or 68030
processor).  The low 1K of memory and all areas that are not RAM are
protected from CPU reads or writes.  ROM is marked as read-only.
Version 2.8b, an update to version 2.6f.  Binary only.  Author:  Bryce


This library has been designed to allow easy notification if memory is
getting low.  Programs which desire this information have to ask for it
at initialization, and to "unsubscribe" at cleanup.  A safe way to do
this is to subscribe AFTER having allocated everything, and unsubscribe
BEFORE freeing the memory.  Authors:  Marc Schaefer & Michel Schinz


Converts standard font files into C code structures that can be
included directly in your program.  Probably most useful for people
writing programs that take over the machine and thus do not have access
to the standard fonts directory.  Includes source.  Author:  Andreas


To perform a script loop using local variables to contain loop values.
Author:  Andy Finkel


A shared library with support routines for Commodore's hardblock
standard, and a small tool which demonstrates use of the library.
Version 1.1, includes source.  Author:  Torsten J|rgeleit


This is the HotLinks Developers Kit we are making available to any and
all who are interested in adding hotlinks support to their applications
(present or future).  Author:  Soft-Logik Publishing


The iff.library is an easy to use Amiga library which gives you some
powerful routines to deal with IFF files, especially ILBM files
(pictures), ANIM files (animations) and 8SVX files (digitized sounds).
It was fully written in Assembler and is only 3.2 KBytes long.  The
decompression routines are the fastest I've ever written.  Author:
Christian A.  Weber.


A shared library with support routines for using texts, menus, borders,
gadgets, requesters, and more, under AmigaDOS 1.3.  Includes a template
editor and source to library and test programs.  This is version 4.0,
an update to version 3.0.  Author:  Torsten J|rgeleit


Job Manager is a utility which extends the AmigaDos multi-tasking
environment by providing features such as:  allocation of CPU cycles in
any ratio to multiple CPU bound processes, default task priorities
based on task name, task logging, system uptime reports, task CPU use
and CPU % reports, task invocation times, and more.  JM has very little
impact on the system itself.  Requires AmigaDOS 2.04 or later.
Includes 68000/20 and 68030/40 versions.  Version 1.1b, an update to
version 1.0.  New features include better task name detection, an ARexx
port, and a number of bug fixes.  Binary only.  Author:  Steve Koren


A tool for generating makefile automatically.  Author:  Anders Hybertz


This is a machine code monitor/debugger program for the Amiga.  The
first version was created over 3 years ago, and many of the features
and commands of the monitor were made similar to those of the monitors
available for the Commodore 64.  However, because the Amiga is a quite
different machine many new commands and features were needed.  Later
versions of the monitor add many more useful features, as expressions
and variables.  This version is quite close to an actual symbolic
debugger as it can read symbol table information from executable files
and display them in disassembly listings.  It also has a built-in
script language.  Author:  Timo Rossi


Munges memory and watches for illegal FreeMem's.  Especially useful in
combination with Enforcer.  Output can go to either the serial or
parallel port.  Includes a new MungList program that examines used
memory areas for MungWall tag info, and outputs a list of who owns the
various pieces of allocated memory, their sizes, etc.  Can even
identify the owner of the memory by task name.  Version 37.51, binary
only.  Author:  Commodore Amiga; submitted by Carolyn Scheppner


A library containing 6 routines for defragmenting memory.  This is
version 2.2.  Includes source.  Author:  Jan van den Baard


This document describes the NotePlayer standard.  The NotePlayer
standard is an application interface specification designed to be
compatible across all 680x0-based computers.  Its purpose is to allow
hardware-independent music players to be written which can be used in a
variety of environments, operating systems, and even on completely
different computers.  It also makes it easier to simply write music
players for the Amiga.  Author:  Bryan Ford


Skeleton Writer is a tool for generating C code for various Intuition
based applications.  You click the mouse and the code gets written.
Similar to PowerSource and GadToolsBox, but with slightly different
functionality.  Author:  Piotr Obminski

CAM #641a,b&c Fontes


Display style adobe type 1 font, Author:  Alextype


Display style outlined adobe type 1 font.


These are CompuGraphic fonts converted from freely distributable
PostScript fonts using the 'Font Manager' program that comes with
Professional Page 3.0.

CarrickCaps, A very ornate 'woodcut' font for fancy initial paragraph

GreenCaps, A 'two-tone' font

Judas, A 'Judas Priest album cover' type of font.


These are CompuGraphic fonts converted from freely distributable
PostScript fonts using the 'Font Manager' program that comes with
Professional Page 3.0.  DavysDingbats A various picture fonts


These are CompuGraphic fonts converted from freely distributable
PostScript fonts using the 'Font Manager' program that comes with
Professional Page 3.0.  DavysOtherDingbats A various picture fonts


These are CompuGraphic fonts converted from freely distributable
PostScript fonts using the 'Font Manager' program that comes with
Professional Page 3.0.  Architect, BlackChancery, Faustus, Luxembourg,


These are CompuGraphic fonts converted from freely distributable
PostScript fonts using the 'Font Manager' program that comes with
Professional Page 3.0.  Middleton, Muriel, ParkHaven, RichardMurray,


The font represents the sloppier side of my handwriting and is designed
for use at 24 points.  Author:  David Rakowski


The shareware typeface enclosed is an all-caps version of Diehl.Volk
Typographics' Edition Serif.  It is Type 1 format.


EileenCaps and EileenCaps-Black are two related DropCaps fonts drawn in
an elegant and complex Art Nouveau style.  Author:  David Rakowski


Full font of chalk-on-blackboard characters.  Author:  David Rakowski


Galleria Display is a font that will be readily recognizable by most.
It is used frequently in the design of logos.  It is a display face,
with a "modern" flair.


The Garton font is a semi-script serif display font with a full set of
characters, numbers, punctuation, a few ligatures, and a helping of
upper- and lower-case swash characters.  Author:  David Rakowski


Gessele-Script is an elegant script font from the Art Nouveau period.
Author:  David Rakowski


CreateFont:  From correctly installed CG_fonts, will create
Professional Draw fonts, PostScript download fonts or Amiga BitMap

Download:  Will permanently download a postscript printer font file to
your postscript printer.  It will remain downloaded until the printer
is powered off.

CG_Update:  Will update the the CGFonts directory after Type 1 fonts
have been converted to CGFonts and copied into the CGFonts directory.
Just double click on the icon and watch your hard drive light.  When
the drive light stops the update is complete (this is similar to
WorkBench's FixFonts).


GriffinDingbats contains about 155 picture characters and a rather
ornate Gothic drop caps font.  Author:  David Rakowski


Misc picture adobe type 1 characters, Author:  Gary L.  Ratay


The Lilith-Heavy font is a companion to the Lilith-Light and Lilith
Initials fonts.  Author:  David Rakowski


The McGarey Fractured font is a typewriter-like font with mild
contusions on the characters.  Author:  David Rakowski


MI-Clip2Font 1.1 Update.  Fixes a bug that scrambled character
ordering.  MI-Clip2Font converts any PDraw clip file into a PDraw font
file.  Full 224 character set supported.  Useful for organizing clips
into compact fonts.  Program includes an on-screen kerning table
editor.  A MUST for PDraw users.  Author:  Gary Brusanowski


NixonInChina is a font designed to look like display printing on many
Chinese restaurant menus.  It is based on a font called Chopstick.
Author:  David Rakowski


The RabbitEars font is a round, bold '40's type of advertising display
font whose letters slightly resemble Cooper Black.  Author:  David


The "Relief Pak" contained herein consists of three fonts drawn in
relief:  WhatARelief, ReliefInReverse, and RoundedRelief.  They were
drawn in response to a user's request for a "sans serif relief font."
WhatARelief and ReliefInReverse use the same letters shapes -- a
squarish sans serif relief alphabet.  ReliefInReverse prints a black
strip with white shadows, or the "negative" of WhatARelief.
RoundedRelief is a rounder, more condensed relief font.  Author:  David


Chineese style adobe type 1 font.  Author:  Peter S.  Bryant


TejaratchiCaps is a caps-only font of raised quasi-metallic letters.
Author:  David Rakowski


Tenderleaf Caps is a font of CAPS ONLY, plus ampersand, exclamation
point and question mark.  It is a display font of rough capital letters
with leaves growing out of them.  Author:  David Rakowski


contains about 155 picture characters and a rather ornate Gothic drop
caps font.  This version is broken up into smaller pieces which should
alleviate problems encountered in the huge full version.  Author:
David Rakowski


The Will-Harris font is patterned after the display font 'Skyline.' It
is a special-effect font wherein the characters look like views through
Venetian blinds of a city skyline.  Author:  David Rakowski

CAM #642a&b Télécommunication


Satellite tracker program with full intuition interface.


Huffman is a (not so) simple program to compress files, using the well
known huffman coding algorithm.  The compression ratios achieved by
this method are worse than those obtained by compress, arc, lharc, zoo,
zip and many others, but at least you have the source code ;-).
Huffman has been ported easily to MeSsy-DOS and UNIX, and can be used
as a simple way to compress files to be transferred between different
systems, over which you have control (to remove bugs or add features).
Huffman works perfectly under AmigaDOS 1.3, but under 2.0 you must
disable fast memory using NoFastMem (don't ask me why!), as is
necessary to run PKAZIP.  Note that this was tested in an Amiga 3000
under Kickstart v36.209, with burst mode and caches turned either on or
off.  Author:  Bruno Costa and Lucia Darsa


A graphic interface for the archive utilities Lharc, Arc, and Zoo.
LAZi will add, delete, extract, and update single or multiple files,
list and test archives, allow you to read extracted readmes/docs or any
other ascii file, save a configuration file that holds the locations of
your work directories, archive utilities, and its position when
iconified.  At least 1Mb of RAM is recommended.  Version 1.1, an update
to version 1.0.  Binary only.  Author:  Mark W.  Davis


An ANSI graphics editor that allows loading and editing of ANSI color
files, commonly used in BBS programs.  Features block moves, a line
drawing mode, colorize functions, full ANSI sequence support, and more.
Version 1.20, binary only.  Author:  Robert V.  Fahey


A package that provides an extended locking mechanism for a device/unit
pair that makes using programs like getty much easier.  Getty is a
program that sits on the serial port waiting for calls to come in.  By
using OwnDevUnit.library, a program can request that getty temporarily
release the serial port.  Version 2.1, an update to version 2.0.
Includes source.  Author:  Christopher Wichura


TeleBase will print out mailing labels, phonelists, dial the phone, and
keep track of it all!  Requires 2.0 and REQ.LIBRARY (included).  This
appears to be a nice, simple address/phonebook database manager with
dialing and printing features


A gift-ware telecommunications program written for AmigaOS release 2.x
(Kickstart 37.74 and Workbench 37.33 or higher required, Kickstart
37.175 and Workbench 37.52 recommended).  Features include total
configurability, full ARexx control, Xpr-transfer-support,
filetype-identification after download, cut & paste/point-and-click on
screen, auto up-and download, scrollable review buffer of unlimited
size, solid and fully-featured VT100/VT220/ANSI emulation, optional
fast atomic terminal emulation, hotkey support, powerful phonebook and
dialing functions, ability to save and print the contents of the screen
as IFF-ILBM or ASCII file, full overscan and screen resolution support
(new ECS screen modes included), asynchronous operation and a lot more.
Comes with six Xpr-transfer libraries (ascii, jmodem, kermit, quickb,
xmodem & zmodem).  Version 2.2b include bug fixes and new features also
includes the full `C' and assembly language source code.  Author:  Olaf
`Olsen' Barthel


This is an Amiga shared library for use with terminal programs such as
Term, VLT and Backtalk, which implement the XPR standard.  Its purpose
is to provide the improved facilities offered by the Compuserve B Plus
Protocol.  This first release implements the 'File Information'
Facility which enables file sizes and hence estimated download times to
be displayed during downloads.  NOTE:  This library does NOT implement
download resume.  As such, it offers little over the xprquickb library.

CAM #643a&b Utilités graphiques


2View is an ILBM picture viewer for use under Workbench 2.0.  It
supports all standard Amiga graphics modes, SHAM, MacroPaint-style
dynamic hires, color cycling, ARexx, and both the CLI and Workbench.  A
list of files to display can be given, or each filename can be
specified individually.  Each picture can be shown for a specified
period of time or until the user clicks the left mouse button.  Version
1.50, an upgrade to version 1.11.  Includes source.  Author:  Dave


AnimFader is a small utility to fade screens in and out.  Author:
Andreas Ackermann


AniMan combines Amiga animation, speech synthesis, and voice
recognition, to provide you with an animated talking head that will run
any Amiga program by voice command.  Ask for an Amiga program by name,
and AniMan will oblige.  If AniMan becomes impatient, you may be
insulted.  AniMan will also recite poetry if you ask nicely.  This is
Version 2.1 of AniMan, which requires only 512K chip memory and
supports both the Perfect Sound 3 or Sound Master (Sound Magic) audio
digitizers.  AniMan is like nothing you've ever seen before.  Binary
only.  Author:  Richard Horne


This is a viewer for filmstrips created with Imagemaster, Imagemaster
F/c, or Image Professional.  The archive contains one sample filmstrip
for the curious.  Filmstrips are a great way to show off the animation
uses of our image manipulation software.


A freely redistributable painting program, much like the popular DPaint
program.  Version 37eta, an update to version 35z.  Binary only.
Author:  Stefan G.  Boldorf and Bjorn-Eric Trost


A program to decompress JPEG compressed images into a DCTV display.
You will need a screen grab program since this does not have a save pic
feature yet.  You will also need the DCTV.library.


Mostra is a shareware IFF utility featuring real-time unpacking scroll,
dozens of options, "smart" analysis of any IFF file (FORMs, LISTs,...
also nested ILBM!), total control over display modes, simple slideshow
processing, pattern matching, SHAM, an external link to show Dynamic
Mode pictures, double buffering, fast decompression, color cycling,
TeXdocs, startup files for easy custom configurations and complete WB
support, through ToolTypes and Style icons!  This is version 1.06, an
update to version 1.04.  Binary only.  Author:  Sebastiano Vigna


A full 3D Animation program for producing animations in Anim5 format,
with emphasis on live characters rather than inanimate objects.  Can
also be used to produce animated illustrations for use in P-Reader
illustrated texts.  Version 2.1, freeware, binary only.  Author:  Chas
A Wyndham


A program for creating abstract art based on mathematical functions,
such as the Mandelbrot set, Julia sets, and related abstractions
(chaotic dynamical systems).  Features include fast fixed or floating
point arithmetic, many different functions, many computation options,
many coloring and rendering options, batch mode, focus, multi pass,
zoom in, zoom out, pan, and four dimensional navigation.  The produced
pictures can be thought of as cross sections or "slices" revealing the
insides of solid (if imaginary) objects.  Version 2.0, an update to
version 1.0.  Binary only.  Author:  Gary Teachout


SurfacePlot is a math tool for drawing 3-dimensional parameterized
surfaces.  Useful for visualizing the surfaces used in various
mathematics classes.  Allows you to use three separate functions for
the X, Y, and Z coordinates.  Includes rotation and zoom for changing
the viewpoint.  Version 2.0, binary only.  Author:  Ole Bak Jensen


Converts files to and from VideoScape 3D and PageRender 3D.  It
preserves and matches colors as closely as possible, and retains
surface detail polygons from VideoScape.  Good for Video Toaster owners
looking for the more mathematical 3D objects that PageRender generates
so well.  Other features include scaling, batch processing, and a
QuickRender module that lets you preview the 3D objects in wireframe.
This is version 1.0, binary only.  Author:  Syd Bolton

CAM #644a,b&c Langages


C++2LaTeX:  Produce prettyprinted LaTeX files from C++ or C sources
ported by Lars Magnus Nordeide


DICE-AREXX environment.  Author:  Matt Dillon


Source of GAS (gnu assembler).  Author:  Markus Wild


The GNU C compiler V2.1.  Author:  Markus Wild


These are some tools useful in a gcc programming environment.

Tool      Explanation                                     Origin
--------- ----------------------------------------------  -----------
ar        librarian                                       4.3bsd-reno
ranlib    maintains symbol index in a library             4.3bsd-reno
nm        display symbols in libraries/objects            4.3bsd-reno
size      display size of text/data/bss space in objects  4.3bsd-reno
tsort     topological sort                                4.3bsd-reno
hunk2gcc  convert hunk obj/libs into a.out objects        myself

Author: Markus Wild


This is an experimental library package for gcc (used with the GNU ld
linker) that allows you to automatically open/close shared Amiga
libraries, as long as the library base in question is referenced as an
external symbol.  Author:  Markus Wild

CAM #645a&b Jeux d'arcade


Here's a game created with "Shoot'em UP Construction Kit" called
"Amyhawk", you get to fire at Macs, Ataris, and other kinds of evil
creatures.  This is a fast'n'furious shoot'em up game with sound


Another "Shoot'em UP Cnstruction Kit" Tank game style.  Author:  Paul
Ciulla (you have to uncompress with Lharc (included)).


An arcade/strategy game in which you must navigate a high tech tank
through the Antarctic to rescue a scientist taken hostage by
terrorists.  Version 1.5, binary only.  Author:  Peter Gage (you have
to uncompress with Lharc (included)).


Another "Shoot'em UP Cnstruction Kit" game.  Battle your way thru a
country fighting to keep Sununu president.  The entire planet has gone
nuclear; energy plants, uranium storage buildings and waste dumps cover
the land.  etc.  Author:  Paul Ciulla


Text file describing how to have infinite live hack in "Shoot'em UP
Construction Kit" game.  Author:  Arthur Johnson Jr.


Another "Shoot'em UP Cnstruction Kit" game.  You are an American
fighter pilot during WWII sent to defend your carrier and destroy as
much of the Japanese Navy, Air Force, and Ground installations as you
can.  You'll be fighting in the South Pacific where the Japanese have a
strong hold on most of the islands.  Watch out for the convoys and get
those tankers!  Author:  Bob Van Allen


Vengance is a game created with the Shoot 'Em Up Construction Kit.  You
must fly deep into enemy territory, destroy as much of the land and
sea-based defense system as possible, and blow up the Nuclear Weapons
plant.  Author:  Steve Winkler

CAM #646a&b Utilités de Télécommunication


A full featured Amiga BBS program with all the necessary files to setup
your own BBS.  Citadel is a room structured message system with the
fundamental design goal of providing a congenial forum conducive to
interesting discussions.  Messages are stored and retrieved in
chronological order within each room.  Callers may travel freely
between the rooms, reading old messages and posting new ones.  Binary
only, source available from authors.  Author:  Jay Johnston, Hue JR.,
and Tony Preston


This is the evaluation version of LhA V1.32 - LhA V1.32e.  It fixes a
couple of bugs found in LhA V1.22e.  `Dangling lock' problem solved.
National & old file systems handled properly.  Fixed bug in delete
command.  Plus several other bugfixes and additions.  Binary only,
Author:  Stefan Boberg


This is a port of metamail version 2.3 to the Commodore Amiga.  The
current version has only been tested with Amiga OS 1.3, but there
should not be any problems with 2.0.  Ported programs:  ezview, mailto,
metamail, mmencode, richtext, splitmail.  Author:  Johan Widén


Here's the first non-beta version of Necromancer terminal program.
I've corrected all the known bugs and added a few more features.  This
terminal is designed for people who find most terminals have a few
dozen features they never use.  It has all the basics, up to 30 macros,
phonebook, review buffer, etc.  Uses XPR protocols (X-, Z-modem, and
Kermit are included).  It's not a memory hog either.  Bnary only,
Author:  William Coleman


Here are some utilities I wrote to enchance and support, remote AUX:
logins.  Including Zmodem transfers, editing files, and my enchanced
AUX:  handler.  When combined with Getty (from UUCP package by Matt
Dillon) and csh a nice aux:  enviroment is only a phone call away.
Files included:  Remote-Startup, guruhandler, sd_aux_handler,
mountlist.aux, aux.login, emacs, az, aux.newcli, auxshell-start.
Author:  Steve Drew


Citadel Space Empire is a multiplayer game for up to 25 players.  The
documentation shows how to set it up as a door for the Citadel BBS.
Version 2.6, binary only.  Author:  Tony Preston


XPRBPlus.library is an Amiga shared library for use with terminal
programs which support the XPR standard such as Term, VLT and Backtalk.
Its purpose is to provided the improved facilities of the B+ Protocol.
This version implements the 'File Information' facility which allows
file sizes and hence estimated download times to be displayed, together
with 'Download Resume' which allows partial file transfers to be.
Binary only.  Author:  Terence Finney

CAM #647 Jeux divers


3d Tic Tac toe game (5 levels).  Binary only, author:  Brian Grier


A simple little WorkBench game where the first one to get four happy
faces in a row wins.  Author:  Kay Gergs


A two player strategy game played on a seven by seven grid, modeled
after the arcade game called Ataxx.  The moves and rules are very
simple, but the strategy is complex.  Includes source in Modula-2.
Author:  Scott Biggs


BenchBall, a simple hack/toy by Greg Cunningham, BenchBall is a ball
that bounces around on your Workbench and bounces off your pointer.
There is no objective and no point to it.  Binary only.


Amiga Bridge is an Amiga program that plays the game bridge.  It
supports a subset of the bidding system described by Eric Jannersten in
his books "Bridge från grunden" and "Systemet i ett nötskal" (I don't
know their english titles, if any).  As far as I know, this is the
first non-commercial bridge program available for the Amiga.  In my
opinion it compares well with the commercial ones :-), especially when
the user interface is concerned.  I admit the documentation might be a
bit sparse, but who reads lengthy documentation files anyway?  Version
1.04:  Fixed some minor bugs.  Binary only, Author:  Erik Bergersjö


A puzzle where the object is to push boxes to designated locations.
Uses HAM mode and is written in JForth.  Relative difficulty for this
puzzle is easy, but it will take over a half hour for most people to
find the solution.  This is version 1.0, binary only.  Author:  David M


An Ishido type game.  Lots of features, like single player, two
players, tournament mode, highscore tables, sound, etc.  Includes
partial source in Modula-2.  Author:  Robert Brandner


A puzzle where the object is to push boxes to designated locations.
Uses HAM mode and is written in JForth.  Relative difficulty for this
puzzle is advanced, and it will take over two hours for most people to
find the solution.  This is version 2.0, binary only.  Author:  David M


Order is a tile game played on a 7X7 board.  Each tile can be one of 5
colors or can be blank.  The purpose of the game is to arrange the
tiles in a way to achieve the maximum order.  Bnary only, author:  Alan


A small game, for installation on the workbench.  Useful if you must
wait for the compiler or something else.  Binary only.  Author:  Robert


Nice star program, creates complex sring-art-like stars, 2 versions +
source code.  Author; Aaron Holmes.


A simple strategy game for one or two players.  Entertaining for just
about everyone over eight years old.  A variation of the connect the
dots to make a box game.  Binary only, author:  CLOCKWORK SOFTWARE


Tactix is a "take-away" game similar to NIM.  It was invented by Piet
Hein, a mathematician in Copenhagen, in the '40's.  Martin Gardner
described it in articles in Scientific American in the 50's, and in his
book, The Scientific American Book of Mathematical Puzzles and
Diversions, published by Simon and Schuster, New York, in 1959.  The
game starts with a 6x6 board filled with pieces.  Each player takes
away a group of contiguous pieces from a row or column.  The object is
to force your opponent, in this case, the computer, to take the last
piece.  Include source, author:  Russ Yost.

CAM #648a,b&c Utilités de Programmation


ARexx Interface Design Tool.  Binary only, author:  Michael Balzer


Auto - Commodore AutoDocs reader.  This program will be mainly of use
to developers, or people with the Commodore AutoDocs in their
possession.  Its simply a program which allows you to read autodocs.
It doesn't work with all, because Commodore hasn't written all the
autodocs the same way, but most (the important onces) work fine.
Binary only, author:  Robert Lang


Some tools for use in debugging applications.  When used with Enforcer
and Mungwall, they comprise an integrated set that gives the programmer
a powerful and flexible debugging aide.  Author:  Mark Porter


A shared library with support routines for Commodore's hardblock
standard, and a small tool which demonstrates use of the library.
Version 1.2, includes source.  Author:  Torsten J|rgeleit


A complete header file reference.  Definitions, structures, structure
members and offsets, flag values, library contents, function
definitions, registers, library offsets, etc.  The data from a set of
V1.3 Amiga and Lattice header files is packed into the included file
"headers.z" for immediate reference by Hextract.  Version V1.1,
freeware.  Includes part source.  Author:  Chas A.  Wyndham


A C source code formatter/indenter.  Especially useful for cleaning up
inconsistently indented code.  Version 1.3, an update to version 1.1.
Includes source.  Author:  Various, Amiga port by Carsten Steger


A shared library with support routines for using texts, menus, borders,
gadgets, requesters, and more, under AmigaDOS 1.3.  Includes a template
editor and source to library and test programs.  This is version 4.2,
an update to version 4.0.  Author:  Torsten J|rgeleit


Version 3 C source code for JPEG compression and decompression.  Fully
portable.  Includes Makefiles for popular compilers running on most
computer platforms - UNIX, DOS, VAX/VMS, Amiga.  Compatible with C++,
ANSI C, and standard K+R C.  Faster and better compression than V2.
Author:  Thomas G.  Lanes


MTRD.library - A shared library that enables tasks in the system to
share information and automatically update it.  Includes executable and
small demo.  Author:  Amit Fridman.


This is version 37.9 of new IFF code modules and examples for use with
the Release 2 iffparse.library.  This code release is again 1.3
compatible (the 37.8 release was not).  This code is intended to
replace the 1985 EA IFF code modules, providing significant
enhancements including support for arbitrary display modes and overscan
(2.0), clipboard load/save, centralized string handling (for ease of
localization), and simplified subroutines for displaying, saving, and
printing ILBMs.  And the 8SVX reader now plays!  Author:  Submitted by
Carolyn Scheppner


Release 1.5 of powerpacker.library written by Nico François,
Decrunching speed greatly improved!  Thanks to Alain Penders for his
great ideas to speed up decrunching.  Decrunching is almost twice as
fast.  Together with the 20% speedup achieved in release 1.4 of
powerpacker.library this means decrunching is double the speed it was
originally (version 1.3 and before)!  For the Imploder fans out there,
PowerPacker decrunches faster than Imploder now.  Also note that it is
now MUCH better to use the Library Header feature of PowerPacker 4.0a
as the resulting executable will decrunch twice as fast!  Bug fixed:
buffer overflow wasn't always detected correctly.  This could result in
files crunching incorrectly.  Luckily the chances of this happening
were very small, but it is fixed now anyway.  Small changes to autodoc
regarding generating encrypted files.  Bug fixed in Dice library,
ppCalcChecksum() was not included.


Reqtools.library is a standard Amiga shared, runtime library.  The
purpose of ReqTools is to make it a lot quicker and easier to build
standard requesters into your programs.  ReqTools is designed with
Commodore's style guidelines in mind, all requesters have the
look-and-feel of AmigaDOS Release 2.  RELEASE 1.0e (Library version
37.600 [1.3] - 37.726 [2.0]) Rearranged directories a bit.  All glue
code now in one directory.  Installation script now uses Commodore's
Installer utility.  Two Modula-2 interfaces to the library are now
included, one for M2Sprint and one for M2Amiga.  Some bugs in the Dice
C libs have been fixed (thanks to Magnus Holmgren).  Interface for
HiSoft's HighSpeed Pascal included.  Author:  Nico François


ResGrep is a program to convert Apple Macintosh resource forks to IFF.
In the program 'ResGrep' there are two functional units:  you can
decide which resource will be converted, and you can determine how to
convert the data.  Author:  Andre Florath


Main text of the final (v1.0) SANA-II Network Device Driver
Specification.  To actually develop a SANA-II device or software which
directly uses one, you will need additional information (available from
CATS).  Author:  Dale Larson, Greg Miller, Brian Jackson, Ken Dyke


A CLI utility to issue commands to a SCSI disk using a specific SCSI id
number.  Commands include inquiry, seek, start/stop motor, read
sector(s), read capacity, etc.  Freeware, includes source.  Author:
Gary Duncan

CAM #649a&b Utilités domestiques


Version 4.02.00 of AmiGantt project management software.  This version
gives the program a 2.0 look and feel, but still works under 1.3 or 2.0
It also fixes a number of fairly significant bugs that were around in
version 4.00.00 and 4.01.00.  SHAREWARE -- requires v.  39+ of ARP


Bon Appetit is a recipe database manager that automates recipe
collections and allows for far more flexibility than regular index
cards.  You can search for recipes by title, keyword, or ingredient.
You can import recipes in BonAppetit's own format or 3 popular MS-DOS
formats, so you can quickly build a recipe collection.  Includes
complete recipe utilities and 24 recipes to get you started.  Version
1.3.  New features include recipe browsing, mass export, less cryptic
error messages, and many bug fixes.  Shareware, binary only.  Author:
Boris Shor


BookStore is a neat book database that features just about everything
for storing and tracking your personal library!  Killer 3D User
Interface, Unlimited number of User-Defined Categories, Several
Printing options, A Detail Manager, User-Defined Preferences, Display
Entire Library and more....  ShareWare.  (Some options disabled).
binary only.  Author:  John Lullie


Programme de comptabilité en Français, Shareware, entièrement
fonctionnel.  Binaire seulement.  Auteur:  Aladin Karim


LeverEdge NAG is a program to remind you of events before you miss
them.  Events can be scheduled to occur once or repeat daily, weekly,
monthly or yearly.  You can be alerted of the event in a number of ways
from a screen flash to a message requester.  Version 92.05.02,
shareware, binary only.  Author:  Craig M.  Lever


A software package that allows you to create and display a disk-based
magazine.  The magazine produced is of a similar format to that of a
traditional paper magazine.  You can combine text and graphics on a
single page, branch to different sections by clicking on icons and play
sound and music.  Features a full intuition driven interface.  Version
1.30, an update to version 1.0, with many new features, bug fixes, and
an improved user interface.  Shareware, binary only.  Author:  Mark


MCMaster is another cassette tape cover printing utility which should
work together with any printer which supports pica and fine.  Other
features include a search function and a list function which allows you
to put all the song names in a list gadget to scroll around.  Version
1.1, freeware, includes source in C.  Author:  Michael Watzl

CAM #650 Utilités domestiques (texte)


Adobe Type Access Package allows users of Professional Page (Gold Disk,
inc.) and compatible applications to use typefaces available from Adobe
Systems or other vendors.  Includes AFM and screen font converters,
sample AFMs and screen fonts from the Macintosh, and a Macintosh/USA1
keymap.  Includes source in C for AFM converter and font unpacker.
Author:  Gordon Fecyk


Capit is a small program simply renames files in a supplied directory
so that their first letter is a capital, ie.  it Capitalises.  includes
source in C.  Author:  Robert Lang


Quik_Labels is Strictly For OS2.0.  Will maintain a small labelbase
(12) of 31/2 x 15/16 mailing labels.  Very direct and effective.  This
is version 1.1c a slight upgrade from v1.1a.  Added a Zoom Gad and
corrected some minor bugs.  binary only.  Author:  Capt.  Ed Brown


This file can be used with Post to create a .AFM file from a .PBF file.
Post psfonts:AFMs/FontName.AFM init.ps GetAFM.ps IFF t:dummy.iff You
must edit GetAFM.ps to use the correct font.  It is the name near the
end with a / in front instead of a %/.  Author:  Pipeline Associates,


A print spooler written specifically for AmigaDOS 2.0.  Has been
implemented as a commodity and written with the "User Interface Style
Guide" close at hand.  Features a complete font adaptable GUI
containing a lot of control gadgets and menus.  Version 1.0, includes
source.  Author:  Jan van den Baard


makes click sound when key pressed - needs AmigaDOS 2.x.  includes
source in C.  Author:  Martin W.  Scott


KME is another keymap editor, that you can use to edit the Amiga
keymaps used by the Setmap command.  Version 1.2, includes source in
Oberon.  Author:  Christian Stiens


Generates an Adobe Font Metric file (.AFM) from any PostScript font
thus allowing it to be used with PageStream or ProPage's Font Manager
when the AFM isn't supplied.  Requires either a serially driven
PostScript printer or the POST PostScript interpreter.  Author:  Mike


New Pagestream drivers:  DR2D version 2.1.6, IFF version 2.0.12,
Postscript version 2.2.11


PFBR is a Postscript Utility used to Rename Type1 Postscript Fonts to
their true Postscript names.  In every Type 1 font there is a FontName
define.  PFBR incorporates various sanity checks to make sure the font
is a Type 1 Postscript font.  binary only.  Author:  V.  Keith Warden


PSDump is a PostScript screen dump program.  It allows you to print any
Amiga screen at user selectable scale and position on a standard
(letter) sized sheet of paper, or save the PostScript to a simple EPS
file.  Simple here means that the EPS will only be displayed in
applications which read EPS files as a simple bounding box, since I
have not included the capability of saving a TIFF or PICT binary
representation of the image within the EPS file.  binary only.  Author:
Scott Anthony


TKEd is a very comfortable Intuition-based ASCII editor.  It can read
texts packed with PowerPacker, has user-definable menus, a comfortable
AREXX-interface with 102 commands, an interface to some errortools for
programmers, macros, undo, supports foldings, and many other features.
TKEd is reentrant and can be made resident.  It also checks itself for
link-viruses.  Version 1.05, an update to version 1.00a.  Binary only.
Author:  Tom Kroener


A text displayer with many controls and features including searches,
file requestors, jump to editor etc.  Version 2.0, an update to version
1.5.  Includes source.  Author:  Jan Van Den Baard

CAM #651 Utilités diverses


An AssignX clone, redesigned from the ground up, which fixes a couple
of potential bugs in the original program and is also able to cope with
an internationalized operating system.  Kickstart and Workbench 2.04 or
higher required.  Version 1.1, source in `C' is included.  Author:
Olaf `Olsen' Barthel


A Screenblanker with high security which does not burn in the graphic
into the screen when CPU is really busy.  It's funny to watch, runs
only under Amiga OS Release 2.04 or newer.  Includes source.
Author:Markus Illenseer


A file deletion utility for v2.04 and greater of the operating system.
When run, it puts an appicon on the Workbench screen.  Any file/drawer
icons that are dropped on it will be deleted.  Double clicking on the
appicon brings up an options window.  Version 1.1, includes source.
Author:  Alan Singfield


A hack in the spirit of "CpuBlit".  Replaces the BltClear() call in
graphics.library with an 68030 optimized processor routine.  Includes
source in assembly.  Author:  Oliver Wagner


Change drawer icons without loosing position/tooltypes.  binary only.
Author:  Nico François


A program, allowed the easy setting of the "Default Tool" field of
project icons, using the excellent "AppMenuItem" feature of Workbench
2, binary only.  Author:  Robert Lang.


Edit a filenote easier than with the standard filenote program.
Version 1.0, includes source.  Author:  D.  W.  Reisig


Yet another file find utility, different from other programs of this
kind in that it requires Kickstart and Workbench 2.04 (or higher) to
run, sports a font-sensitive user interface, includes Workbench
AppIcon/AppWindow support, filetype identification and other goodies.
Version 1.7, includes source in `C' and assembly language.  Author:
Olaf `Olsen' Barthel


This program fix 4 color icons showing garbage on 8 or 16 color
Workbench.  includes source.  Author:  Robert Lang


A commodities screen blanker written for Kickstart and Workbench 2.04
(or higher).  When running will blank the screen and start to draw real
plane fractals such as described in the September 1986 issue of
Scientific American.  The resulting images may remind you of spiders'
webs, lace or even the Chladnian patterns formed by grains of sand
strewn across a vibrating surface.  This is version 2.2, an update to
version 1.8, and includes numerous bug fixes and enhancements (such a
new fractal type and a font-sensitive user interface).  Includes source
in `C' and assembly language.  Author:  Olaf `Olsen' Barthel


A console handler with command line editing and function key support.
GMC provides extended command line editing, function key assignment in
four levels, extended command line history, online help for functions
in the handler, and an iconify function.  Also includes an output
buffer (dump to printer and window), filename completer, script
function, undo function, prompt beeper, pathname in window title, close
gadget for KS 2.0, etc.  This is version 9.13,an update to version
9.11, with some new features and some bug fixes.  Shareware, binary
only.  Author:  Goetz Mueller


IntuiCalc is a calculator similar to that on the Workbench-disk.
IntuiCalc knows the usual functions (i.e.  sinh).  Instead of most
other calculators, you have to enter the whole function (as a string)
first.  binary only.  Author:  Ruediger Dreier


Multifunctional commodity for OS 2.0.  Includes window-activator,
time-display in several modes and formats, alarm function,
KeyStroke-Clicker, time to environment, Window/Screen cycling,
LeftyMouse, ESC-Key can close Windows, Revision Control System,
telefone bill calculator, Screen/Mouse-Blanker, Mapping of german
"Umlauts", PopUp Shell, AppIcon support, LeftyMouse, user definable
HotKeys.  Fully controllable via ARexx-Port.  All settings can be
customized and saved to disk.  This is version 1.75, an update to
version 1.63, with many new features.  Requires OS 2.0.  Written in
assembly for speed and efficiency.  Includes source.  Author:  Kai Iske


MCopy expects a source directory, not a source file (or files).  It
then opens up an ASL file requester asking you which files you'd like
to copy to the destination directory.  After choosing any files you
wish copied.  binary only.  Author:Chris Papademetrious


MouseShift is a commodity for OS2.0 which allows to use the right mouse
button as a shift key when doing multiselection.  binary only.  Author:
Nicola Salmoria


This program will optimize hard disks, recoverable ram disks (rads),
and floppy disks, which use either the Fast File System (FFS) or the
Old File System (OFS).  The AmigaDOS 2.04 HARD LINKs for both files and
directories are also supported.  binary only.  Author:  Tim Stotelmeyer


Public screen tool which opens public screens which are freely
configurable (depth, size, font, etc) and have their own menu (palette,
quit, tools, etc).  Includes two little tools to modify the public
screen modes and the default public screen.  Version 1.2, freeware,
includes source in C and assembly.  Author:  Michael Watzl


A program that patches a replacement delete function into the DOS
library.  This program will simulate the Trashcan function provided by
Workbench.  Support programs provided to allow automatic purging of Kan
directory from startup sequence.  Compatible with 1.3, 2.0 and Amiga
3000.  Version 1.0, binary only.  Author:  James Butts

CAM #652a&b Utilités Éducation diverses


Bio makes it easy to plot and print your personal biorhythms.  binary
only.  Author:  Peter Heinrich


2 Educational program for children, MATCH_COLORS & MATCH_NUMBERS,
binary only.


Electron World is a cellular automation described in "Spektrum der
Wissenschaft" ("Scientific American") March 1990.  This is version
3.10, an update to version 2.01 (Wizard Works 2).  Shareware.  Binary
only.  Author:  Stefan Zeiger


A bicycle gear ratio calculator.  Version 2.2, an update to version
2.0.  Binary only.  Author:  Ed Bacon


Powerful scientific calculator, programmable.  This version contains a
major bug fix to the sqrt function, some minor (pvr-based) bug fixes to
the inverse trig functions, and many major enhancements.  Binary only.
Author:  Martin W.  Scott


KanaDrill, a quick and dirty "flash card" like program that displays
hiragana or katakana images on the screen as an aid for learning to
recognize these symbols.  It will work from Workbench or from the CLI.


The 2.0 release of SKsh, a shell for the Amiga which is similar to Unix
ksh.  Binary only.  Author:  Steve Koren


An intuition based program that records statistics to monitor atheletic
training progress.  Maintains a daily record of distance, time, heart
rate, weight and temperature.  Links a text file with the record for a
free form diary.  The AREXX commands provide the basis for generating
custom reports from the data base.  Sample script allows TLog to
automatically get to a scheduler to post reminders of upcoming events.
This is version 2.01, an update to version 1.0.  Shareware, binary
only.  Author:  Ed Bacon


Vortaro translates between English and Esperanto - words, but also a
German Esperanto Version.  That program should help newcommers in
Esperanto to learn that language.  Includes assembler source.
Author:Ulrich Habel


The Web System Data Collection and Management Program Suite.  Author:
Peter J.  Goodeve

CAM #653 Utilités diverses


A disk speed testing program specifically designed to give the most
accurate results of the true disk performance of the disk under test.
Automatically updates and maintains an ASCII database of disk results
for tested disks.  This is version 4.2, an update to version 4.1.
Includes source in C.  Author:  Michael Sinz


MFR is a replacement for all other file requesters.  Features include
complete keyboard control, nice outfit, proportional font support,
directory caching, file find mechanism, file class support, file
notification, many configuration options, history list, ...  Major
changes from 1.3b are:  Improved directory caching (up to 100
directories).  New gadget & list handling, should be much more
comfortablen now.  Filename completion.  New memory management.
History list.  Function key support.  Improved compatibility with asl
and reqtools.  Faster directory reading.  Many small bug fixes and
enhancements.  Binary only.  Author:  Stefan Stuntz


Very simple program.  Its purpose?  To kill the pointer in a window
that you specify.  Includes source in C


This is an interim release of PublicScreen.It contains mostly bug fixes
from previous versions.  Version 1.02.09 had a bug that if you had set
Default mode, and then used a menu item to start anything which used
shanghai mode, you could never reset the screen from default/shanghai
mode.  (Unless you used another program...) This is fixed in the
release.  Binary only.  Author:  Ed Berger


ReOrg is a disk optimizer, i.e.  a program that improves the physical
data layout on a floppy disk or harddisk, in order to speed up file and
directory accesses.  Binary only.  Author:  Holger Kruse


Rollback does is simply bring back the information that has scrolled
off the screen on a CLI session.  Binary only.  Author:  Andry Rachmat


ScreenSnap allows you to save and close screens of any application.  It
requires OS 2.04 and includes German documentation.  This is version
1.12, binary only.  Author:  Oliver Graf, T.O.M.  Software Wuppertal


SetAslDim is a very small and simple 2.04-only utility which lets you
set the position and dimensions that the ASL file requester will assume
as default.  It obtains this result by SetFunction()ing the
AllocAslRequ call of the asl.library.  Binary only.  Author:
Sebastiano Vigna


A program that allows you to encrypt and decrypt files by using a
password.  Uses complex routines to assure the security of your data.
Requires OS 2.0 to run.  Version 3.0, freeware, binary only.  Author:
Stephan Fuhrmann


Performance monitor for Memory, SCSI, CPU, & Disk, Screen & Mouse
Blanker & PopCli.  Binary only.  Author:  Trevor Andrews


Spy system allows monitoring of CPU times consumed by all tasks and
processes running on the Amiga.  This package also contains an utility
(DSD) to show the free CPU time in graphical and numerical form.
Binary only.  Author:  Jukka Marin


A cute little analog clock (2.x only) Binary only.  Author:  Martin W.


A tool to add icons to files and drawers which do not yet have icons
attached, to update the default tools and to reset the positions of
icons.  Very handy for installation scripts.  Requires Kickstart and
Workbench 2.04 (or higher).  Version 1.0, includes source in C.
Author:  Olaf `Olsen' Barthel


Wild is a program that expands any wildcards passed to it and then
executes the resulting command line, providing wildcard expansion
capabilities to programs that do not recognize wildcards.  (requires
2.0.).  includes source in C.  Author:  Bruno Costa


WindowTiler is a simple window management commodity for wb2.0 that
includes ways to arrange windows, bringing windows to front,
"exploding" windows to front.  There are various tooltypes (>20) to
help customize it to what you want.  Binary only.  Author:  Doug Dyer


xcale shows time and date statistics in a user friendly way using
NeXT's preference program's run time icon.  program should run without
problems under OS 1.3 or earlier, but graphics are remapped to look
good in OS 2.0.  Includes source in C.  Author:  Juha Tuominen

CAM #654a&b Jeux divers


This is a graphic version of UMoria 5.4 for the Amiga.  It has
bitmapped graphics for all objects and some extra goodies compared to
the original UMoria 5.4 Changes and addings to version 1.1:  Menus,
faster gameplay, bugfixes, extended graphics, SHIFT+num does a run and
CTRL+num does a tunnel (just like rogue-mode).  Runnable from
WorkBench.  etc etc..  Includes source.  Author:  Henrik Harmsen


This is a demo version of a shareware text/graphic adventure game.  It
is in the same style as the old Magnetic Scrolls/Level 9 games.  The
full version of the game comes on 3 disks and is available by
registering.  The demo version does not allow you to save your game
position.  binary only.  Author:  Colin Adams


One player Yatzee game.  This program was written to take up little
memory and to multitask nicely.  This is version 1.1, an update to
version 1.0.  Public domain, includes source in C.  Author:  Greg


ZMachine is a program which can interpret "Zork Implementation
Language" (ZIL) data files.  ZIL is the language used by the
interactive fiction series of games from Infocom, Inc.  (a subsidiary
of Activision/MediaGenic).  Interactive Fiction and Interactive This
program does not incorporate any code from Infocom software and is not
associated with or a product of Infocom, Inc.  All game names mentioned
in this document are trademarks of Infocom.  ZMachine can interpret
normal interactive fiction data files.  It is not compatible with
interactive fiction plus (games with graphics, i.e.  Beyond Zork, Zork

CAM #655a&b Soundtracker modules

1989, size:  177716, date:  23-Jun-92, Format:  MOD, Duration:  4:15,
Rating:  impressive, Author:  N/A.

B.T.AL-Title, size:  71242, date:  28-Jun-92, Format:  MOD, Duration:
4:30, Rating:  common, Author:  4-Mat.

Dragonsfunk, size:  192590, date:  20-May-92, Format:  MOD, Duration:
5:55, Rating:  common, Author:  Moby.

Duran_Duran, size:  253860, date:  N/A, Format:  MOD, Duration:  N/A,
Rating:  N/A, Author:  N/A.

Elysium, size:  13006, date:  20-May-92, Format:  MOD, Duration:  4:00,
Rating:  impressive, Author:  Jester.

Gummisnoppis, size:  144030, date:  N/A, Format:  MOD, Duration:  N/A,
Rating:  N/A, Author:  tip of dual crew.

Joyride, size:  156076, date:  07-May-90, Format:  MOD, Duration:
4:00, Rating:  impressive, Author:  Phenomena.

Knulla Kuk (=Substance), size:  160218, date:  21-May-92, Format:  MOD,
Duration:  8:00, Rating:  perfect, Author:  Moby.


A very powerful, user friendly and system friendly module player.  It
can handle nearly all useful module-formats (Noisetracker, MED,
Oktalyzer, etc.), can read powerpacked modules and comes along with its
own cruncher that uses the powerful lh.library written by
Krekel/Barthel.  Needs the powerpacker.library and the reqtools.library
to run, both included in the package.  Also includes some sample
modules.  This is version 2.7, an update to version 2.1, freeware,
binary only.  Author:  Stephan Fuhrmann

RSI, size:  47258, date:  N/A, Format:  MOD, Duration:  N/A, Rating:
N/A, Author:  N/A.

SowDrift, size:  75492, date:  ??-???-91, Format:  MOD, Duration:  N/A,
Rating:  N/A, Author:  Sebastian Rice.

Voyage of Reality, size:  34472, date:  24-Jun-9, Format:  MOD,
Duration:  1:55, Rating:  mediocre, Author:  4-Mat.

CAM #656a&b Images Ray Tracing (JPEG)


Here are the Independent JPEG Group jpeg compress and decompressor
(version 2), compiled for the Amiga with with SAS/C 5.10a.


Frequently asked question about JPEG (29 june 92)

20 Ray Tracing pictures (overscan hi-res 24 bits in JPEG format):
Desert-scene, Ferarri, Glliss, Heads, Lasher7, Ollie, Parfumbttls,
Planet, Robbie, Room, Room-2, SeaLife, Space2, Space3,
StephenMenzies_pics (brightside & Darkside), Summertime, Sunday-drive,
VehicleCity, WorkStation.



Encyclopedia of a largest collections of documents, examples, and
utilities in C for the Amiga.  It consists of six manuals, with more
than 40 chapters, 175 fully executable examples complete with source
code, and several utilities and other goodies.  The manuals describe
how to open and work with Screens, Windows, Graphics, Gadgets,
Requesters, Alerts, Menus, IDCMP, Sprites, VSprites, AmigaDOS, Low
Level Graphics Routines, etc.  They also explain how to use your C
Compiler and give you important information about how the Amiga works
and how your programs should be designed.  When unpacked, the manuals
and examples nearly fill up twelve standard Amiga floppies.  This is
version 3.0, an update to version 2.0.  Author:  Anders Bjerin

CAM #658 Utilités diverses


Amiga Intuition Based Benchmarks, Version series 4.x of AIBB is a
complete re-write from the original code used for the previous versions
1-3.  Being that this is the case, it is quite important that the
documentation be read thoroughly in order to completely understand all
aspects of the program performance.  This version contain many changes.
Author:  LaMonte Koop


A limited multiuser security system for your Amiga.  This is version
1.0, binary only.  Author:  Trevor Andrews


CPU-Control is a CPU-like utility for Kickstart/WB 2.0 including a GUI.
The main difference to other tools of this kind is, that CPU-Control
recognizes external changes of any of its parameters.  Because of this
special feature it needs some CPU-Time (not much), but in iconified
state it needs no processor time at all.  Additionally CPU-Control
allows moving VBR (VectorBaseRegister) to Fast-RAM, which significantly
speeds up all Traps/Interupts.  Many CLI Options have been included to
allow usage in scripts, so it's a good idea to put "CPU-Control vbr nw"
in your Startup-Sequence.  Author:  Martin Berndt


DUU is a du-like Workbench 2.0 public domain utility.  Applying it to a
drawer or disk displays the disk space occupied by files (this does not
yet account for filing system overhead), the number of files,
subdirectories and links within that directory and its subdirectories.
Include C source, Author:  Stefan Reisner


Magic File Requester is a replacement for other file requesters.
Features include complete keyboard control, nice outfit, proportional
font support, multiple directory caching, file find mechanism, file
class support, file notification, many configuration options, history
list, etc.  This is version 2.0e, shareware, binary only.  Author:
Stefan Stuntz


A little command to make 'M'ultiple assigns.  Allows you to remove all
assign and makedir statements from your startup-sequence.  For use with
KickStart 2.0 only.  Version 2.00, binary only.  Author:  Peter Stuer


Système de pop-up menus détachables, Incluant un groupe d'utilitaire du
style desktop accessories (MAC), supporte des équivalents clavier
étendus à deux lettres, une interface fenêtre permet de créer ou
modifier ces DA's et vous permet beaucoup de flexibilité comme par ex:
définition de paramètres etc.  Les DA's s'attachent à tous les menus,
Le tout fonctionne en 1.3 et 2.0.  Binaire seulement, documentation en
français, Version 5.3 contient beaucoup d'amélioration, auteur:  Pierre


New version of a text snapping cut and paste utility including some new
enhancements.  Binary only, author:  Pierre Baillargeon


This is version 2.0 of PowerSnap.  This version is implemented as a
commodity and is thus usable under OS 2.x only.  Allows you to snap
text out of any console window and share it with other applications.
Author:  Nico François.


StarBlank is a monitor blanking program.  Once run, it waits for a
period of user inactivity.  Once this time has occurred, StarBlank
kicks in and displays a moving star field.  This star field will be
shown until StarBlank detects user activity, such as a key press, mouse
move, or mouse click.  StarBlank will then restore the monitor to it's
previous state, and go back to sleep.  StarBlank will work under 1.3
and 2.0.  Author:  Brian G.  Neal


A program that patches a replacement delete function into the DOS
library.  This program will simulate the Trashcan function provided by
Workbench.  Support programs provided to allow automatic purging of Kan
directory from startup sequence.  Compatible with 1.3, 2.0 and Amiga
3000.  Version 1.0a, an update to version 1.0.  Binary only.  Author:
James Butts


With Upd you can register you favourite sounds in a configuration file
and well behaved programs will use the ones you like right now.  It
also has Arexx support - to be truely honest, that the ONLY way to use
it...  As of 1.01, there is also a fade option.  Author:  Jonas


A WB2.0 commodity for arranging windows.  Comes with many tool types to
help customize it.  Supports virtual screen users, tiling, cascading,
refusing windows & screens, exploding windows, etc.  This is version
2.1b, an update to version 1.2.1, with many enhancements and bug fixes.
Binary only.  Author:  Doug Dyer

CAM #659a&b Icônes


a complete set of 27 icons (representing the 26 letters of the
alphabet) .You also get an unlettered bonus icon which you can clone
and customize using your favorite icon maker.  Author:  Dwin Craig


Here are a variety of brushes for use with AmiDock or ToolManager.
I've also included a SyQuest symbol in both IFF (8 and 16 color) format
and as a "disk.info" file.  Author:  Wade Tweitmann


Some AmiDock brushes in hi-res 8 colors.


These brushes are for use as icons for Amidock.  This file includes
icons for Aladdin, Audition 4, DigiPaint, Digi View, Final Copy,
Imagine, JRComm, LharcA, Microfiche Filer, Pen Pal, Perfect Sound,
QuarterBack Tools, Textra, and SuperBase Personal.  Author:  Chinh


Here are some of the best icons from Amiga Users of Kent.


A couple of nice Teddy Bear icons.  Author:  Barb Hamilton


Next style icon from Mikael Karlsson.  Release II is a CAM distribution
version including brushes and non-alternate backfill tool icons.


Nouveaux icônes pour AmiDock, ToolManager, etc.  Auteur:  François


This archive contain 25 drawers icon.


Some 3d Embossed Icons.  Author:  Michael Heinz


Some WorkBench 1.3 icons with a WorkBench 2.0 3D look.  They also look
pretty good under 2.0 when simply run through one of the many icon
remapping tools available.  Author:  L.  Guzman


This opens an appwindow which allows you to replace or create icons for
WB 2.0X by the ever popular DRAG-n-DROP method.  Includes a directory
of default icons which can be customized to your applications using the
INFO function.


This archive contains a set of 3D icons that look super if you are
using a hi-res workbench.  Author:  John Lullie


M.  Marulla version of WB2.0 icons.


This is a set of replacement icons for the directories and executables
found on the WB1.3 distribution from Commodore-Amiga.  Replacements for
all the such icons on both the Workbench and Extras disk are included,
as well as hard drive and RAM drive icons.  Author:  R'ykandar Korra'ti


Based upon the Silicon Graphics Icon set, this is the complete Amiga
icon rework.  System, Tools, Graphics, etc.  Author:  Roger McVey


These icons are nearly exact duplicates of the 16-color icons designed
by Roger McVey, with a few additions for icons that he did not include,
and a few edits to some of the icons that I felt could be improved.
Author:  Eric Penn


22 NEXT style color icons for Workbench 2.0.


Workbench 2.04 Colored ICONS REVISION 1.  Author:  Wayne Pace


These ICONS done in 640x400-4 (16 colours).  Author:  Ted Davis

CAM #660a,b,c&d Langages


Here it is, a new distribution of gcc, version 2.2.2.  Author:  Markus
M.  Wild

CAM #661a,b&c Photos JPEG

Ces 3 disquettes contiennent 31 photos ayant pour thématique nature et
tourisme, ces images sont en format JPEG de qualité 35 selon l'échelle
TAD, de résolution 768x480x24bits.  L'outil VJPEG est présent à titre
d'afficheur, car cette version préliminaire ne donne pas un rendu de
bonne qualité, Pour une utilisation professionnelle de ces images vous
devez vous référer à des outils plus adéquats soit dans le domaine
public ou commercial.

automne.jpg, cammodores.jpg, cerf.jpg, chevaux.jpg, chevaux2.jpg,
Ferry.jpg, lapin.jpg, Nénuphars.jpg, pois.jpg, primerose.jpg,
burger.jpg, cactus.jpg, canard.jpg, canard2.jpg, canyon.jpg,
cardinal.jpg, dallas.jpg, fontaine.jpg, Nénuphar2.jpg, Pêche.jpg,
Renard.jpg, tramway.jpg, chouettes.jpg, corpuschristi.jpg, dinde.jpg,
espagna.jpg, fleursdecactus.jpg, foret.jpg, heron.jpg, pecheur.jpg,

CAM #662a&b Utilités Graphiques


IFF ILBM Pictures and ANIM files Displayer.  Better than Mostra!
Writtten by Trevor Andrews


This is a version of the Independant JPEG Group's JPEG conversion
software compiled for the Amiga.  This program works under both
AmigaDos 2.0 and 1.3 and can only be run from the CLI.  In order to do
the conversions to and from JPEG you need a lot of memory and hard disk
space in order to do the conversion as this software creates some
rather sizable temporary files.  Direct output of IFF files is not
included in the program but utilities included in this archive can
convert the output to IFF.  Direct output of GIF pictures is supported.
Both 68000 and 68020/30/40 versions off this program are within this


Lets you grab any screen, window, portions of a screen or a
mousepointer-image as an IFF-ILBM-file, which can be used by nearly any
paint program on the Amiga.  Gives you lots of useful options.
Implemented as a commodity.  Version 1.00.  Includes documentation in
german and english language.  Author:  Hartmut Stein / Bernstein Zirkel


Grinder 1A is a batch processor for multiple grpphics formats.  These
include PCX, TIFF, JPEG,GIF, All IFF, Targa, Atari Degas/Neochrome/Tiny
and more.  Grinder will give you a point and click interface to help
you make what might normally have been a long tiresome batch file or a
lot of CLI typing.  Author:  Len Platt


Demo version of an expandable image format conversion utility that
converts GIF, IFF, JPEG, Targa, BMP, TIFF, PBMPLUS, MTV, Spectrum 512,
QRT, and Sun images into IFF (normal, HAM, half-brite, and "sliced"
variations of each).  Images can be scaled, dithered, color corrected,
and cropped.  This demo version is limited to processing images of 512
by 512 pixels or less.  This is version 2.0.8, an update to version
1.1.  Shareware, binary only.  Author:  J.  Edward Hanway


A program to convert the different compression methods of IFF ILBM
files.  It supports the normal compression, a new compression method
that compresses column by column instead of row by row, and
uncompressed files.  Version 1.11, includes source.  Author:  Matthias


An Iterated Function System fractal generator.  This one focuses on the
"Collage Theorem".  It permits you to draw an approximate outline of
the planned fractal, then create the collage directly, jigsaw-puzzle
style, from actual reduced images of the outline that you can
manipulate and deform with the mouse.  The attractors of the resultant
IFS codes can be rendered in black and white or in grayscale, and saved
to IFF files.  Version 1.0, includes source in C.  Author:  Nathan


Rincewind's Graphics Editor, RGE is basically a map editing program for
games and demos.  It lets you edit maps comprised of 16x16 pixel blocks
of 1..5 bitplanes.  It can handle up to 256 or 65536 blocks at once
(memory permitting of course).  It also uses a variable map size
(default = 64x64).  You can import IFF piccies and chop them into
blocks.  The program supplies a full range of editing effects that can
be applied to blocks.  It interfaces with req.library for some nice
file requesters.


Show'T is an IFF file viewer (LORES, HIRES, Interlace, HAM, SHAM, and
ANIM5 animations) with a twist..it supports the better archivers (ARC,
ZOO, LHA & UNZIP) for extracting your IFF archives...AND, it has its
own Palatte with which you can modify the colors in you 'pics' while
still viewing the originals!  Along with support for the commom
archivers, it also supports 'viewing' PowerPacked IFF files.  You can
also 'archive' your IFF files from within Show't.  The archivers are
not included, you must provide then in your C:  directory.  You must
also supply POWERPACKER.LIBRARY in LIBS:.  By Paul Weterling of the


UNMOVIE is a program which takes a "movie" which was constructed using
"dilbm" and "pilbm" and turns it back into the sequence of standard IFF
frames from which the movie was originally created.  I wrote it because
a lot of the movies I created years ago were lost to me because "movie"
won't run under 2.0.  If "movie" can display an animation, "unmovie"
can take it apart.  Author:  Steven Den Beste

CAM #663 Utilités MIDI


A small WorkBench utility which allows you to use DX7 voice libraries
produced by both Smart-ED DX7 and Music-X.  Also contains a voice
library drawer with a total of 64 voices for you to try out.  This is
version 1.1, binary only.  Author:  William Adjei


The "mkwaved" program allows you to specify several waves as repeating
cycles.  The wave types are fairly simple ones like sawtooth, triangle,
and pulse (square).  The amplitudes associated with each resulting wave
are written to a text output file.  The "mkwaves" program reads files
created by "mkwaved" or by you with a text editor and produces a binary
raw sound file as output.  The file is suitable for use in music
programs which load raw sound files.  For example, MED (Music EDitor by
Teijo Kinnunen), Protracker, and other music composition programs will
load sound files of this type.  Also, any sound editing software should
be able to load these sounds.  If you want to use the sounds in
programs like Sonix or DMCS that do not load raw sounds, you will have
to convert the files to IFF format.  This usually involves adding an
IFF header to the file.  If you don't know how to do this (I don't),
many programs like Perfect Sound, AudioMaster, etc.  will save a sound
in IFF form.  Author:  Baird McIntosh


Converts standard MIDI files to text and back.  Seems very robust and
has become a standard tool for music composition for the UseNet MIDI
community.  Author:  Piet van Oostrum


The program displays midi data as well as indicated which midi function
was detected.  Author:  Michael Dosa


This archive contains version 0.6 of MidiToys.  New in this release is
MidiNoteToys, which shows Note On velocities via a bar-chart type of
display (for 5 octaves), as well as the source code in C for all three
toys.  The two toys in V 0.5 are included, but are unchanged.  Requires
Bill Bartons midi.library (included).  Author:  Tim Kreuzer


This is the MIDI Cycluphonics (mcf) package, by Jim Vaccaro and Rick
Hohensee.  In a word, it's a new twist on the old color organ.


PrintDump is a utility to allow you to print out Yamaha, 4 Operator, FM
Synthesis, keyboard Bulk Dump data.  This is much easier than keeping
track of your Voice data on the forms that were provided to you in your
users manual.  Used with a Voice editor and a SysEx program, you would
have a compete voice package that would allow you to keep permanent
records of the voices you create, edit or just want to examine.
Author:  Chuck Brand


This program performs a realtime frequency analysis with a sampler,
that is connected to the parallel port of your amiga.  Supported are
all PerfectSound-2 compatible samplers.  Author:  Christian Stiens


Stuffer is a general purpose MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital
Interface) message editor and transmitter.  Author:  Laurence


VcEd is a voice editor for the Yamaha DS55 4 Operator synthesizer.  I
wrote this, after trading my DX100 in for the new DS55, because I liked
the old DX way of programming, and was not capable of doing that on my
new DS55.  Author:  Charles A.  Brand


This archive contains Voice Command Line Interface (V4) and
voice.library (V4).  VCLI4 will allow you to use either the Perfect
Sound 3 or Sound Master audio digitizer to learn, recognize and execute
voice commands with your Amiga.  Detailed operating instructions are
contained within the program.  Author:  Richard Horne


YamEx, a Sytem Exclusive and Voice Librarian program for all Yamaha 4
Operator synthesizers.  Works with all 100 voice and 32 voice Yamaha By
Chuck Brand

CAM #664 Jeux


A small puzzle game for your Workbench screen, similar to the "Brain
game".  Played in a small window containing two 3 by 3 grids.  One grid
is already filled with numbers between one and four, and the other is
empty.  The goal is to form an image of the first grid by clicking on
squares in the empty grid.  Includes source.  Author:  Barry McConnell


A crossword puzzle game where the player is given the words but no
clues.  The object is to find a way to place all the words back into
the puzzle.  Options include 10, 20, or 30 word games with one or two
players.  Version 1.0a, binary only.  Author:  James Butts


A game played on a 10x10 board, where the goal is to set as many tiles
on the board as possible.  There are 100 different color combinations
for a single tile, and rules which control where tiles may be place.
Shareware, binary only.  Author:  Manfred Kopp


A shareware solitaire game of klondike solitaire.  The rules can be
varied, and there are five different ways of working through the deck.
Also includes an undo function that will un-move more than the last
move, a wrapup function for when a game is all but won, a palette
requester to fine tune the colors to your liking and a save-setup
function that remembers how all the options are set.  This is version
1.9, an update to version.  Shareware, binary only.  Author:  Gaylan


A screen hack of animated MTV logo.  Author:  Adam Dawes


A board game where each player gets to alternately set one of his
stones on the board until the last field is occupied.  The goal of the
game is to enclose as many stones of the opponent as possible.  Version
1.1, shareware, binary only.  Author:  Manfred Kopp


A 'Concentration' like board game.  It features excellent hires
graphics, funny sound effects and enormous fun for up to two players
regardless of age and education.  This shareware version is 100%
functional, but does inlcude a requester that pops up from time to time
to remind you of the shareware fee.  All options are available and the
complete set of stones is integrated.  Version 2.9, an update to
version 2.1.  Binary only.  Author:  Thomas Schwoeppe, Dirk Respondek


A small screen hack that makes a variable number funny men appear on
the WorkbenchScreen and CustomScreens.  They move depending on the
graphics shown and changing graphics will be noticed by them.  Includes
source.  Author:  Jan P.  Katz

CAM #665a&b Utilités de Programmation


This package is mainly aimed at people who wish to port screen based
UN*X applications to the Amiga.  I have written a brief documentation
file but I assume that such people have access to full curses
documentation.  Version 2.00 and above now support ANSI sequences to
allow curses applications to be executes through the serial port to a
terminal or over a modem to a terminal or terminal package such as
"Term20" or "jrcomm".  To enable this, simply set the environment
variable "cursestype" to "ansi" before running the program.  If this
variable is not set, curses will open a custom screen.  Author :  Simon
John Raybould


A C source code formatter/indenter.  Especially useful for cleaning up
inconsistently indented code.  Version 1.4, an update to version 1.1.
Includes source.  Author:  Various, Amiga port by Carsten Steger


A shared library with support routines for using texts, menus, borders,
gadgets, requesters, and more, under AmigaDOS 1.3.  Includes a template
editor and source to library and test programs.  This is version 4.5,
an update to version 4.0.  Author:  Torsten J|rgeleit


This is a very preliminary version of a new debugger for the Amiga that
I am currently working on.  This represents only a few days of work, so
as you can expect, it lacks the ultimate polish it will have, as well
as many features that it will have.  However, what is implemented is
stable - I've run the SAS 'C' compiler, LMK, and various other programs
through the debugger with no problems.  Author:  Mike Schwartz


New IFF code modules and examples for use with the Release 2
iffparse.library.  This code release is again 1.3 compatible (the 37.8
release was not).  This code is intended to replace the 1985 EA IFF
code modules, providing significant enhancements including support for
arbitrary display modes and overscan (2.0), clipboard load/save,
centralized string handling (for ease of localization), and simplified
subroutines for displaying, saving, and printing ILBMs.  And the 8SVX
reader now plays!  This is version 37.10, an update to version 37.9.
Author:  Carolyn Scheppner


reqtools.library is a standard Amiga shared, runtime library.  The
purpose of ReqTools is to make it a lot quicker and easier to build
standard requesters into your programs.  ReqTools is designed with
Commodore's style guidelines in mind, all requesters have the
look-and-feel of AmigaDOS Release 2.  Author:  Nico François

CAM #666a&b Utilités Domestiques


A new backup utility for the Amiga.  May be used both for hard disk
backup and for file archiving.  Has a full Intuition interface, can
save/load file selections, handles HD disks, etc.  Includes both French
and English versions.  This is version 1.31, shareware, binary only.
Author:  Denis GOUNELLE


Latest demo version of a popular genealogy database program.  A-Gene
now supports both PAL and NTSC systems.  This demo is complete but
limited to 200 persons/70 marriages, and does not have on-line help.
A-Gene includes a text-editor to add free-form reports to records and
allows you to show digitised pictures from within the program.  This
version also includes Ordinances for Church of Latter Day Saints users.
Pedigree charts and family group sheets, among other reports, can be
printed.  A-Gene needs 1Mb of ram.  This is version 4.18, an update to
version 3.10.  Binary only.  Author:  Mike Simpson


A freely redistributable printing utility for the Amiga.  Features
include a full Intuition interface, preview function, page selection,
margin setup, line numbering, an AREXX port, a multi-columns mode, 2.04
system release support and more.  Includes both French and English
versions.  This is version 1.30.  Binary only.  Author:  Denis GOUNELLE


A simple database program using an intuition interface.  Stores, sorts
and searches for information.  Limited to 9 fields in each record.
Features include fast sorting, search in any field, mailing label
support, and best of all, it's really easy to use.  This is version
5.5, an update to version 5.32.  Enhancements include a 270% increase
in storage capacity, range search, and add or delete a field.  Binary
only.  Author:  Robert Bromley


"Convert" is a powerful file conversion program.  It covers the
application domain of any ASCII file conversion tool between Amiga and
any other computer system.  In addition to that "Convert" is freely
configurable, so that it can be used for any conversion problem.
Author:  Rainer Koppler


Will question you with files produced by SpellCheck.  Smaller than
SpellCheck, looks better under AmigaDOS 2.0, and has some extra
features.  Version 1.0, binary only.  Author:  Preben Randhol


File/Directory searching utility with fullblown intuition interface.
Fancy 3D look with KS1.2, KS1.3 and KS2.x operating systems.  Ability
to search files according to creation time and/or date.  Archive flag
support, limited link support and a lot more.  Version 1.00.  Binary
only.  Author:  Markus Aalto.


FileCompare determines whether two files have identical contents.
Include asm source, athor:  Brian Rhodefer


A high speed printing utility for DeskJet printers.  Output is reduced
to about 1/4 of its original size.  The maximum processing speed is 4
pages/min.  Supports ANSI ESC codes (e.g.  Italics), single or double
sided printing, multiple copies, and free layout.  Two fonts are
available.  DeskJet RAM cartridge required.  Version 2.7, shareware,
binary only.  Author:  Dietmar Eilert


Interface between GnuEmacs and Ispell_v3.11jr.  Author:  Steve Koren


DR2D.import_v2.1.8 Updated import module for Pagestream2 version 2.1.8
(8/3/92) - fixed another bug relating to the poly-to-line conversion.
This one occured when the page was rotated.  version 2.1.7 (7/29/92) -
fixed a bug when loading DR2D files that have a CNAM chunk without
names for all the colors in the cmap.  If a color was used that did not
have a name, no name was generated for the color.
Iffilbm.import_v2.0.13 Improved IFF ILBM import modules for PageStream
2.0 or higher.  These are version 2.0.13.  NTSC (North American) users
should use IFFILBM_NTSC.import.  PAL (rest of the world) users should
use IFFILBM_PAL.import.  Author:  Soft-Logik Publishing


A PostScript font download utility, which also has the ability to
disassemble the contents of a Type-1 font.  Author:  Mike Todd


this is Scram v1.2 with executables and docs for both Amiga and MSDOS.
This is basically an encryption program for use with textfiles.  It
will read binary files but will not alter binary characters (bytes).
Scram v1.2 will scramble (encrypt) a text file with a user supplied
password which is also needed to de-scramble the textfile back to its
original readable form.  If you input an ASCII (text) file then the
scrambled output will also be an ASCII (text) file that can be sent by
e-mail.  The receiver can then read the file only if he/she has the
correct password.  This makes for very private E-mail.  The Amiga &
MSDOS versions are compatable, that is, the Amiga version can
de-scramble a file which was scrambled by the MSDOS version and vice
versa.  Author:  Jay Phillips


A program that allows you to encrypt and decrypt files by using a
password.  Uses complex routines to assure the security of your data.
Requires OS 2.0 to run.  Version 3.2, freeware, binary only.  Author:
Stephan Fuhrmann


A program which aids you in learning foreign words.  You enter the
words and their translations, and then the computer quizes you later.
Version 1.3, update to version 1.2.  Binary only.  Author:  Torgeir
Dingsxyr, Pantheon Softworks


A clock that uses sprites to display the time.  This allows the clock
to remain visible no matter what screen is being displayed and no
matter where you scroll on a Workbench 2.0 autoscrolling screen.
Version 2.1, includes source.  Author:  Mark Waggoner


The purpose of Strip is to get rid of the <BS> and the <CR> characters.
It delete all occurence of <BS> characters.  And gets rid of <CR>
charcters in a special way, ie.  if a <CR><LF> sequence is found it
deletes the <CR>.  But if only <CR> is found, it replaces it by <LF>.
Author:  Dennis Lai


Text Conditioner V1.0 written in C now is at least 1000 times faster
than the ARexx version.  Options to add or remove carriage returns
(modify Amiga and IBM text back and forth), remoce ANSII color codes,
or strip non-ASCII characters from files.  Author:  Frank S.  Hoy


TypeIFF is a small Type like utility for IFF files.  The usage is the
same as for Type.  The option h is not needed anymore.  If you want to
stop the output hit crtl-c.  Author:  Matija Milostnik


A softfont editor package for 24-pinwriters and DeskJet printers (any
model).  Editor supports Laser fonts, DeskJet fonts, Amiga fonts,
pinwriter fonts and IFF files.  Features include about 40 drawing
commands, special effects (e.g.  3D look), import/export of IFF images,
generation of width tables, and more.  Includes several tools for easy
download (e.g.  simulation of "soft" font cartridges).  Requires at
least 1Mb of memory.  Version 2.05, shareware, binary only.  Author:
Dietmar Eilert


View80 II s a fast and powerful ASCII Text-Reader.  Author:  Federico

CAM #667a&b Utilités de Télécommunication


AmiStation provides a way of not only protecting your machine from
casual users, but also gives your Amiga the look and feel of a hi-cost
workstation machine.  AmiStation is a security program that restricts
use, and can also track it.  Each "trusted" user is assigned a login
name and password.  At bootup they are presented with a login panel,
ala a NeXT workstation where they must enter their assigned username
and password.  The system then records the date and time of their
login, so if someone screws up your system you'll know who to blame.
Author:  Duane Fields


DMS userinterface The mayor change from v1.4 is that I now have written
an own filerequester which can handle files from different directories.
Author:  Mathias Axelsson


Graphical Rendition Interchange Protocol format specifications.
Author:  Michael Glew


ParaBIT Server Set -- Terminal software for a DNet BBS.  ParaBIT Take
Advantage of your modem's full-duplex transmission capability!  This
combination of Matt Dillon's DNet with the ParaBIT server software
allows you to basically upload, download and continue reading/writing
messages and using almost all other aspects of a properly-equipped BBS
(electronic Bulletin Board system); In other words, uploads and
downloads will progress simultaneously with each other and with your
ParaBIT terminal, currently allowing you up to three (upload, download
and terminal/menus/text) modes of simultaneous operation.  Uploads and
downloads operate over your modem at full speed..  Author:  Christopher


A gift-ware telecommunications program written for AmigaOS release 2.x
(Kickstart 37.175 and Workbench 37.67 or higher required).  Features
include total configurability, full ARexx control, Xpr-transfer
support, filetype-identification after download, cut &
paste/point-and-click on screen, auto upload and download, scrollable
review buffer of unlimited size, solid and fully-featured
VT100/VT220/ANSI emulation, optional fast atomic terminal emulation,
hotkey support, powerful phonebook and dialing functions, ability to
save and print the contents of the screen as IFF-ILBM or ASCII file,
full overscan and screen resolution support (new ECS screen modes
included), asynchronous operation and a lot more.  Comes with seven
Xpr-transfer libraries (ascii, jmodem, kermit, quickb, xmodem, ymodem &
zmodem) and documentation both in German and in English.  This is
version 2.3, an update to version 2.2a.  Includes full source in `C'
and assembly language.  Author:  Olaf `Olsen' Barthel


XEM Standard 2.0 (eXternal EMulation libraries)


XPK - The external compression library.  xpkmaster.library is the main
library.  It's the interface between programs and compression libs.
Using powerpacker.library, the masterlib can also decompress
powerpacker files.  iff.library has been adapted to XPK so programs
that use it will automatically decompress XPK files.  Several
compression libs, shell-based programs (for n/packing, query, LoadSeg),
WorkBench programs (AppIcon for un/packing, showIFF), XFH-handler
(decompressing file handler, that makes files on a partition appear as
if decompressed), and programming source code are included..  Author:
Urban Dominik Müller


eXternal PRotocol Driver.  A standalone driver utility for doing file
transfers with XPR libraries.  Has many features like carrier checking
and return code redirection (for "stupid" languages).  Includes source
in C.  Author:  Oliver Wagner

CAM #668a&b Images Ray trace (JPEG)

23 Imagine surrealistic pictures in JPEG format by Bill Graham
including jpegviever tool with no documentation:  BUTTERFLY.  CHAMBER,


Frequently asked question about JPEG, 8 September 1992


Feedbacks to Imagine Steve Worley book by Bill Graham.

CAM #669a&b Utilités domestiques


Amiga Intuition Based Benchmarks, Version series 4.x of AIBB is a
complete re-write from the original code used for the previous versions
1-3.  Being that this is the case, it is quite important that the
documentation be read thoroughly in order to completely understand all
aspects of the program performance.  This version contain many changes.
Author:  LaMonte Koop


CheckManager is a small utility to help manager your bills and
checkbook.  It is designed to take the place of your checkbook and
manage the payment of bills on time.  Binary only Author:  Jamie


A database for names, addresses, phone numbers, etc.  Has search and
print capabilities.  Version 1.01, binary only.  Author:  Ken Winfield


A program for drawing representations of the Earth's surface.  New
features include seven new types of map projections, user specifiable
point to be at the center of the maps, and box views that can now cross
the international date line.  Also includes accelerated version
requiring a 68020 CPU and 68881 FPU, and versions for PAL systems.
Requires 1.5 Mb of memory and a hard disk with 1.6 Mb of free space.
This is version 4.1, an update to version 4.0.  Includes full source.
Author:  Bryan Brown.


Grocery list planner this demo version is full functional in exception
of add function.  Binary only Author:  Jerry Baldwin


A database for all your VCR tapes.  Has built in search and print
capabilities.  Version 1.1, binary only.  Author:  Ken Winfield

CAM #670 Utilités Graphiques


2View is a IFF picture viewer, meant for use under Workbench 2.0, and
thus will only operate under version 2.0 or later of the operating
system.  2View supports all Amiga display resolutions (lores, hires,
interlaced, HAM, etc.), including Sliced-HAM (SHAM) and MacroPaint
images (support for non-MacroPaint dynamic hires images isn't included
yet; 2View isn't able to display them correctly).  Include C source,
Author:  Dave Schreiber


This is a simple port to the Amiga from the origional C source code by
Bill Kirby.  The only change I made was to include the m68881 header
for the 030_882 version at compile time.  There are two versions
included:  AmiCoil ( works with all Amigas ), AmiCoil_030_882 ( works
with 030_882 equipped Amigas ).  Also included are some IFF pics, one a
conversion of the GIF originally in this file (slightly distorted, I'm
afraid), for those with no GIF viewer, and the other I rendered with
POV 1.0 showing the coil at the default settings.  Include C source,
Author:  Gary Neff


Anim Buster is a utility for disassembling IFF ANIM files.  I've used
another utility for some time, but always found its interface very
awkward to use - one of those `use the mouse, then the keyboard, then
the mouse' nightmares.  I'd finally had enough of that and created
Buster with a couple of interface ideas in mind.  Binary only Author:
Bradley W.  Schenck


A simulation of screen-camera-backcoupling.  Generates a series of
backcoupled pictures out of a start picture.  You can change several
parameters, such as sharpness, rotation angle and signal translation.
Includes both German and English versions.  Version 1.0, binary only.
Author:  Michael Gentner


FastGIF est un viewer d'images au format GIF87, il a été écrit en C
pour l'interface et en assembleur pour le décompactage et la
visualisation.  (C'est à ma connaissance le viewer GIF le plus rapide
sur Amiga).  Binaire seulement, Auteur:  Christophe PASSUELLO


GIF_view is a program which allows you to view all GIF images as well
as to convert them into IFF format images.  Binary only Author:
Lorenzo Musto


Key Frame Animator with Skeletal Technique.  A collection of functions
to implement a two-dimensional object based animator designed to use
the skeletal technique of modeling objects and simple tweening to free
the animator from the labors of producing smooth transitions between
key drawings.  A crude demo program has been included utilizing the
routines.  Version 0.5, includes source.  Author:  Craig M.  Lever


Takes a standard PGM format graphics image and creates from it a PPM
image containing information to view black and white images in 151
shades of gray instead of the Amiga's standard 16.  It uses the
monochrome composite video output jack available on the Amiga 500 and
2000, so provided you have one of these computers and a monitor capable
of receiving its input through composite video, no modifications are
required to the Amiga.  The PBMPlus library of graphics manipulation
routines is required to make use of this program, as well as a standard
IFF viewer such as Mostra.  A sample test image is included.  This is
version 1.0, binary only.  Author:  Dan Charrois


A Batch Image Conversion System, Rend24 was originally written as an
excercise in converting 24-Bit IFF files into displayable resolutions.
At that time, I was working with the Toaster's Lightwave 3D often, and
without the benefit of a single-frame controller, it was somewhat
awkward getting a displayable animation out of Lightwave.  Lightwave is
capable of saving each frame it generates as a 24-Bit IFF file; hence,
an idea was born.  Binary only Author:  Thomas Krehbiel


This is a jpeg viewer for AMIGA, it use HAM and overscan, arp.library
is required.  I have only 512K of chip memory and so I couldn't see
very big pictures.  Thus bitmaps are on FAST memory (or CHIP if you
haven't FAST ...) and I copy them in CHIP when required (when user
scroll the picture).  Include C source


A picture format converter.Input formats supported include GIF (87a),
IFF (lores, hires, HAM, EHB, 24-bit, sliced, dynamic, etc), SRGR, Sun
rasterfile, PPM (P5 and P6), HL2, and MTV.  Output formats supported
include IFF, SRGR, and PPM.  Version 2.02beta.  Includes source.
Author:  Steven Reiz

CAM #671a&b Jeux divers


The Colossal Cave Adventure, by Donald Woods and Will Crowther.  This
program runs from the CLI or Workbench, and is virtually identical to
the original mainframe classic.  This is version 1.10, an update to
version 1.00.  Binary only.  Author:  Donald Woods, Will Crowther;
ported by Tony Belding


Amiga port of GnuChess with nice graphics (needs 2.0).  Includes
source.  Author:  Martin W.  Scott


An amiga version of klondike solitaire.  Provides multiple options
including six different decks, customizable game rules, game timer, the
ability to view a stack, and an undo feature.  Binary only.  Author:
David Meny and Albert Penello


Spider is a challenging double decked solitaire game.  Unlike most
solitaire games, skill is just as important as luck.  The menu help
option contains the complete game instructions.  Binary only.  Author:
Stan Burton


A historical strategy game, that in spite of its high complexity is
fast and easy to play.  Fully mouse controlled with a fine zoomable map
of the Roman empire (overscan and interlaced options).  The simulation
delivers many historical insights because of its accuracy (may be used
for educational purposes) and is a challenging and entertaining game
for two or more players (also interesting for solitary studies).
Version 1.1, an enhanced update to version 1.0.  Tryware, binary only.
Author:  Sven Hartrumpf


Amiga version of XEyes, a program which opens a window on the WorkBench
screen containing eyes, which follow the cursor about the screen.
Version 3.0, binary only.  Author:  John D.  Gerlach Jr.


A demo version of a Sokoban type game where your task is to push
Grullies (the only food of the Joey) to the stock, which is designated
with little rhombic symbols on the floor.  To complicate things there
are iceblocks and teleporters.  The demo version contains 5 levels
while the registered version contains 60 levels.  Shareware, binary
only.  Author:  Richard Ziegler, Roland Schreiner


Mechfight is a game similar to omega/hack and Moria in design.  However
it is set in the future.  It also comes equiped with a map editor to
enable you to design your own scenarios and maps.  It is a decent game.
Try acquiring an Amiga 9000 in this game.  Binary only.  Author:  Deva


This is the 3rd game whick imitates MS-Window's "Minesweeper" which is
based on X's "XMines" (or vice versa?).  The two others appeared on
Fish disk #541 (MineClearer, by Kopetzky Theodorich) and #707 (AMines,
by Manfred Huesmann).  Features:  OS2.0 only!  ("It's a feature, not a
bug!"), Adjusts to font-size (Developped using Thin611/11), Adjusts to
Non-/Interlace, No GAME-OVER on first try, MS-Windows-like look&feel,
C++-Source included!  Author:  Hubert Feyrer


An othello type game, but played on an octaganal board.  There are
hundreds of variations to the game, with resizable boards, different
corner shapes, and a play to lose mode.  Shareware, binary only.
Author:  PC Solutions


A funny strategy game.  Your goal is to connect everyone to the phone
system without running out of wire.  The country in which these people
live is full of high mountains, deep rivers, and highly frequented
roads, so connecting everyone up may not be easy.  Binary only.
Author:  Tobias Eckert

CAM #672 Utilités diverses


A multitasking floppy disk utility program.  Features include
multidrive disk copier, disk formatter, disk eraser, disk checker and
installer.  Version 2.1, binary only.  Author:  Malcolm Harvey


FindFile (otherwise known as "FF") is a file-location utility meant for
use under Workbench 2.04 or later.  It searches for a given filename or
pattern, and can (optionally) search subdirectories.  It does not have
a CLI interface (yet); although it can be run from the CLI, all
interaction will occur through the window that FindFile opens.  Include
source, Author:  Dave Schreiber


A program which takes 'fake' icons dropped on the Appicon and turns
them into 'real' icons.  The program also supports a Tools-menu entry
so 'fake' icons spread over several windows can be easily iconified.
Support for 38 file formats and the appropriate icons are included.
Requires Kickstart 2.0 or higher.  This is version 1.0, binary only.
Author:  Oystein Larsen, Ultima Thule Software


Personal Agent is a program meant to make it easy operating on files
via the Workbench's icons.  Using this program, you will be able to
easily look at graphics images, listen to music files, unpack archives
of different kinds, read on-line manuals and other documents and, in
general, perform many operations that would otherwise require using the
CLI.  By simply dragging a Workbench's icon and dropping it over
Personal Agent's icon, the program will automatically recognize the
file associated with the icon and perform the corresponding actions.
Binary only.  Author:  Vincenzo Gervasi


A utility that allows you to use the mouse to mark characters anywhere
on the screen, and then paste them somewhere else, such as in another
CLI or in a string gadget.  Checks what font is used in the window you
snap from and will look for the position of the characters
automatically.  Recognizes all non proportional fonts of up to 24
pixels wide and of any height.  Works with AmigaDOS 2.0 in both shell
and WorkBench environments.  This is version 2.0, an update to version
1.1.  Binary only.  Author:  Nico Francois


ScreenSelect was programmed for users which commonly have more than two
or three screens open at the same time.  It shows a list of screens and
user can then do double click selection to get wanted screen to front.
It is mainly designed to be used with public screens but it also works
with normal screens if wanted so.  Only requirement is KS2.04 (V37) or
greater.  It is implemented as a commodity and it also sports a
font-independent interface.  Binary only.  Author:  Markus Aalto


Silicon menus is another "pop up" or "tear off" type menu system for
all programs which use standard system menus.  Binary only.  Author:
Greg Cunningham


Sizer reports the size of selected disk objects (including
subdirectories).  It reports the number of bytes in all plain files and
the number of blocks occupied by files and directories.  It is intended
for the Workbench user who wants to know if there is room to drag-copy
one or more icons.  Includes source.  Author:  Fabbian G.  Dufoe, III


ToolsDaemon allows you to run programs simply by selecting a menu item
from the menu strip of Workbench 2.0.  Shell and Workbench programs are
supported, including arguments and tool types for both of these.  The
menu items can be arranged in several menus, with sub-items and
keyboard shortcuts.  Binary only.  Author:  Nico François


TrashIt is a Commodity to supplement the TrashCan and the Delete...
command from the Icon menu.  It has two basic functions, which you can
mix and match according to your desires.  Binary only.  Author:
Benbuck Nason


WBMenuTool is a utility for adding items to the Workbench 2.0 TOOLS
menu.  WBMenuTool requires version 37 libraries (Amiga 2.04) and will
not work with earlier versions of Amiga 2.0 or 1.3.  WBMenuTools
differs in that it uses no external parameter file -- all menu
information is carried in the .info file as ToolTypes.  Binary only.
Author:  James Page


WindowTool is a program that allows you to switch between windows, to
close them and to change their size by keyboard.  You can also open a
new Shell and stop the multitasking.  The program is a standard
Commodity and can be controled with the Exchangeprogram of the
Workbench.  Includes source.  Author:  Klaas Hermanns


A program to search files and directories on any Amiga device.  Uses
AmigaDOS 2.0 style interface.  Includes both German and English
versions.  Includes source in KICKPascal.  Author:  Stefan Plvchinger

CAM #673a&b Utilités de programmation


FarPrint consists of two major parts:  one harbour process open to
receive and distribute messages and requests and a set of 'C' functions
to be linked into any program wishing to communicate with the FarPrint
main process.  While the standard debug.lib functions may even be able
to get a message through when the Amiga has already gone home to its
masters (Guru!), FarPrint requires the standard program environment
(exec, dos, intuition & graphics) to be intact to display messages.
The interface routines use the functions of the exec.library only, so
they are safe to call even from low-level tasks.  This program is a
completely rewritten version of FarPrint v1.5 from Olaf Barthel.
Includes source.  Author:  Torsten Jürgeleit


GadToolsBox is a program that will save you a gigantic amount of time
and anguish in creating a GadTools user interface for your programs.
This program is a followup of my other source generator "PowerSource".
It's main purpose is to let you create your user interface without
having to type in the necessary code and structures yourself.This
version of GadToolsBox include many features.  Includes source.
Author:  Jan van den Baard


A shared library with support routines for Commodore's hardblock
standard, and a small tool which demonstrates use of the library.
Version 1.2, an update to version 1.1.  Includes source.  Author:
Torsten Jürgeleit


A complete header file reference.  Definitions, structures, structure
members and offsets, flag values, library contents, function
definitions, registers, library offsets, etc.  The data from a set of
V1.3 Amiga and Lattice header files is included and packed for
immediate reference by Hextract.  Version 1.2, an update to version
1.1.  Has greatly reduced search times.  Freeware, includes partial
source.  Author:  Chas A.  Wyndham


A utility to examine the hunk structure of executables, static
libraries, dynamic libraries or object files.  Supports all AmigaDOS
2.0 hunks.  For use with KickStart 2.0 only.  This is version 2.00,
binary only.  Author:  Peter Stuer


A modified GNU makeinfo.  This project started with the idea of
bringing to the Amiga community a set of tools which would have greatly
simplified the handling of on-line help as opposed to a printed manual.
Currently, the Amiga programmer has to keep two separate files which
have to be updated in parallel.  If also some hypertext feature is
desired, the document writer has to keep a third version of the file
(since AmigaGuide® is still not enough spread that one can assume the
user will have it somehow).  Includes source.  Author:  Reinhard
Spisser and Sebastiano Vigna


A compiler tool for users of the M2amiga programming environment.  MPE
does the same job better than your batch file.  You can do everything
with the mouse or the right amiga key.  With this Modula-2 Programming
Environment you can compile, link, and run your program.  When there is
an error, the editor is started automatically.  You can set all
switches for M2C, M2L and M2Make.  This is version 1.17, an update to
version 1.0.  Binary only.  Author:  Marcel Timmermans


Munges memory and watches for illegal FreeMem's.  Especially useful in
combination with Enforcer.  Output can go to either the serial or
parallel port.  Includes a new MungList program that examines used
memory areas for MungWall tag info, and outputs a list of who owns the
various pieces of allocated memory, their sizes, etc.  Can even
identify the owner of the memory by task name.  This is version 37.54,
an update to version 37.52.  Binary only.  Author:  Commodore Amiga;
submitted by Carolyn Scheppner


This file contains support material and information necessary when
creating a shared library for interfacing frame buffers, graphics
adapters etc.  custom display devices from Real 3D v.1.4.1.,
information of how to create the library and how to use Real 3D's
features which are related to custom display devices.  The latest beta
version of Real 3D v.1.4.1 is also included.  Although data saving
functions of the editor are removed, the version is sufficient for
testing the functionality of the interface library.  The program
version is the 'turbo' version, which requires 68020/30/40 and a math
coprocessor.  The file also contains a test scene 'TestScene' including
a simple test object and suitable basic rendering options for frame
buffer usage.  The drawer 'Source' contains an example implementation
of the interface library (for ACS Harlequin), written in SAS C.  This
example can be used freely.


Reporter is a program that works with Enforcer 2.8b, by Commodore, to
provide Enforcer's debugging output in a format you can deal with
without losing access to your serial port.  Reporter does this by
intercepting Enforcer's output, and sending it to Reporter's own
standard output.  Reporter only works with Enforcer 2.8b, size of 6400
bytes, and only runs under Kickstart 2.04 or greater.  Binary only.
Author:  Steve Tibbett


This is a shared library package to simplify the ARexx host
creation/management procedure.  Rexx-message parsing is also included
making it possible to control ARexx from programs such as AmigaBASIC
(can you imagine AmigaBASIC controlling AmigaTeX?).  This is version
37.1, an update to version 36.14.  This version has been updated for
use with Kickstart 2.0.  Includes source in `C' and assembly language.
Author:  Olaf `Olsen' Barthel


SConv converts Matt Dillions DAsm2.12 object files to S-RECORD format.
The first default format must be used for assembling.  Inspired by the
68HC11 assembler support but alas no S-RECORD.  Binary only.  Author:
John Baker


ShowLink lists all those hardlinks, created with the AmigaDos command
"makelink" and it shows on which file or directory they point at.
Includes source in Oberon.  Author:  Christoph Teuber


Spy system allows monitoring of CPU times consumed by all tasks and
processes running on the Amiga.  This package also contains an utility
(DSD) to show the free CPU time in graphical and numerical form.
Report command can be used to list any or all tasks and processes,
their priorities, start-up times, task pointers, task types, CPU times,
time since last dispatch, signal states, etc.  TOPCpu can be used to
show ten most CPU active tasks or processes and their relative CPU
usage in numeric and graphic formats.  CPUTime measures CPU and real
time used by a given CLI command (a bit like time in U*IX).  Timing
accuracy vastly improved since the last version.  Now exact timing is
also available under Kickstart 1.x using a hardware CIA timer.  Binary
only.  Author:  Jukka Marin


Sushi is a tool to intercept the raw serial output of Enforcer 2.8b,
Enforcer.megastack 26.f, Mungwall, and all tool and application
debugging output that uses kprintf.  This makes it possible to use
serial debugging on a single Amiga, without interfering with attached
serial hardware such as modems and serial printers.  Sushi also
provides optional signalling and buffer access to an external
display/watcher program.  Binary only.  Author:  Carolyn Scheppner


A bunch of source code for demos, tests, and experiments, that the
author wrote over a period of 8 years, mostly for recreation or for
general R&D for projects that never materialized.  Includes 3D
techniques, a maze generator, logarithms, basic utility functions, dos
functions, random numbers, and much more.  Includes source, mostly in
assembly code.  Author:  David Joiner


At periodic intervals, TasqWatch scans all the tasks currently loaded.
It then writes a report of what it found (including task name,
priority, and address) to a time-stamped file.  The file is overwritten
each time, so it does not grow without bound.  Binary only.  Author:
D.  Higgins


Implementation of the Virtual Coordinate Box (VCB) BOOPSI class.
Author:  Stefan Reisner


XSB is a defined standard for fancy screen blankers.  It allows the
easy implementation of blanking effects without worrying about the
blanker commodity itself.  Also, it allows sharing a screen blanking
effect with several different blankers supporting the XSB standard.  A
simple screen blanking commodity -- XSBCX -- is included in the
distribution package.  Author:  Oliver Wagner

CAM #674 Fontes Adobe Type 1


Display style bold adobe type 1 font.


Abbey style bold adobe type 1 font.  Author:  FontBank


Rounded outlined Caps only, adobe type 1 font.  Author:  FontBank


Computer rounded style adobe type 1 font.  Author:  FontBank


Star & wavy stripes style adobe type 1 font.  Author:  FontBank


Resembles the Broadway font with special white accent lines embedded in
the letters.  Author:  FontBank


Old script style adobe type 1 font.  Author:  FontBank


Multiline style caps only adobe type 1 font.  Author:  FontBank


Fantasy Calligraphic script style adobe type 1 font.  Author:  FontBank


Tick outlined style adobe type 1 font.  Author:  FontBank


Outlined 3d embossed style